The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, November 07, 1895, Image 2

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    THE J)Jlt ABTtfef, ATQBU, litorW MOJftTNft NOVEMBEB 7, Itifc
Telephone No. 08.
.......- DAILY.
Sent by mall, per year
Sent by mail, per month '..
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. .
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Sent by mall per year, $2.00 In advance.
Postage free to subscriber!.
AH communications Intended for pub
lication should 1e directed to the editor.
Business communications of all kinds and
-remittances must toe addressed to The
, , . ( i ' ' ' ( . .
' 'The' Astorlam guarantees to Its- sub
'scrrbers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising rates can be had on ap
plication to the business manager.
The Weekly Astorlan, the second old
est weekly In the state of Oregon, has
next to the Portland Oregonlan, the
largest weekly circulation in the state.
Jno. T. Handy Co. are our Port
land agents, and copies of the Astorlan
can be had every morning at their stand
on First street.
The municipal and state campaigns Chat
closed yesterday are not lacking In ma
terial for tine JoKe books. Indeed flu Is
a ciwrertt of rare and racy humor rippling
tajrouslv 'ttbid ordinarily dry season in
pontics all round. Among (he comic op
era cfoirs of t& campaign hue been Da
vid B. Hill, of New York, though it I
to be presumed that 1's spontaneous well
of humor nan dried up within the last
foi'ty-eltfhlt hours. Mr. Hill started in on
llils camirakgn hy tiwanging 'tihe tuneful
lyre down In OMo. Tills was humorous
because tihe people of Ohio were the last
people on earoii to take any stock in
Tammany metlhods. Even the most hun
gry Ohllo epoilleman would scorn to get
at tihe public crtb through the devious
processes thoJt aire peculiar to tilts organ
izatlon of plunder. In New York the
Tammany tiger has pulled the tall leath
ern out of 'the state democracy rooster.
Mr. 'RooueveMt 'tinted to ape the tactics ot
Dr. BariciMinst, -wftih oil ot that reverend
gentleman's zeal, hut unfortunately none
of his common sense. The result is that
the striped animal which Tweed's hand
once caressed reigns supreme again In
Gotham. In Ohio candidate Caimpbsll
tried to persuade the wool growera that lit
was better to buy cheap tihoddy clothing
than to rwlwe dheep and sell the fleece
at good prices, as they used to do under
t'h'e poVfoiy of protootion. Well, tlhey list
ened to his lilt Me dlttiefl, am the dis
patches from day to day told us how hia
march 'through the state was a triumphal
Jirogrese. When the returns rolled In
yesterday 'tlhey proved conclusively that
the good people of Ohio laugh one way
and vote another. They ought to be
ashamed of themselves. 'Meanwhile Camp'
bell will recover from 'tilo shuck In time
to eat tils ChiiKmaa dinner. In Detroit
there were potatoes and fun by the buthol.
Mr. OoMwater, the Democratic candidate
for mayor, made a determine! effort to
out-Pingree Pingiree o far an promises
were concerned. IneteaiJ of three-cent
ra'l'.iiay fares and potato patches for tho
laboring man, the slogan of the Plngrees,
he promised thorn free car r'dos, and
poitKirfhiouse a;oialcs at lundheon counters
ttlxioluti'ly without charge. But for the
fourth time everything .went down before
tme potato patch banner, and Plngree on :e
more finds his cause triumphant. And
next we get Ho Poo ah Cleveland, sitting
as the dlapatcflves graphically tell us, In
the little hack parlor down at Woodley
with hita ear glued to . telephone receiver,
wafting for the imeiMawe that nevw came.
Edison ouglhit to have (been there with his
klnetosccpe for no other Instrument couW
do Justice to, or words palrrt, the panto
mime of exquisite grief he Imdulged In as
he heard the flgu.wi. Mississippi' glorious
rally mlglht have chwired. the poor man
up some, hut then tihe presumption Ik
limit he had fainted away long before the
oporuitor at the otiher end of the w!re
got down to the M's.
The Republican meeting lust night was
tire most Ihunmonloua party gathering Unit
luais taken place In this city for years,
and as the Astorlan predicted yesterday,
ICve de' ttuava rivalled in the
selection of a foody of convention dele
gates whoe natives alone are a suHlelent
guarantee of their Intentions, The list
is welt balance!, throughly represents ve,
and, beyond all, Is nmlnly composed ot
young, energet.V iaml brainy men. In
deed, 'the principal feature of lust night's
meeting wvus the .presunoe and active par
ticipation of the younger element of the
parly. Astoria sorely needs in the gov
ernance of Its attain both Republl.-ai ofti
cers, 'jaid Republican principles. 8ie Is
going to get them ai soon as the voters
have a chuuiee to act, and what Is be.ter
than viN she la going to got Ulwrn reju.
venated ud rfreithed new men, new
tnt'Jhods, and hoiuwt patriotic gover.munt.
The following refreshing example of
UrltkOi bluntnesi and candoc was fliw
pu'Jl'jlKvi (n itfhlts state by the Rosdbutg
iJu.nulr. u ti tfcvm tllve LxUon Finan
cial News, iid iwiiN be 'Interesting reading
tor Uhe K 1lvo shouted two or three
yur ago for Tour more years of Oo-vr-umd
got It and out of consideration
for wtoe xieltoujte fwtlngs wt ret ruin
from making any coram ent at tils time:
. file towering of the American tariff lias
been our uUvation, and it cannot be said
that we have shown much rec!prociy,
for, instead of taking the incnosed valu
or our Jtilprm-nta aerxrs rh Atlantic in
kind, we seem to have bought less Aimr
lean produv-. It ks needlesi to go be
yond our own board of liuite retu.-us to
find an explanation of a good deal of the
monetary troubles of the Tnitel Mutes.
. T.ib cftlieni' meeting at tfhc court house
this yvnr Is destined to prcve a very
tovernmsnt next time which M ill do some
thing better for Astoria than to depre
ciate tw warrants samerblrrg over ta per
ecnt in our own banks, :
T.ts primary must net be alloM t c
by 1e."ilt in eorseauenct ef It
ni"'"1 a-tton last nisJ. It
maA. bs rrneimCKL-fl fiat the dXeiatet
(wi:J ivon met l be ore they
u-e rjtralHW-l t tld a conrsrlon and
nominate camlklalK The ftest way to
p.-jvo the threerity of the expressions ot
Cjod will o freely uttered on all etdes
is to ratify the option of the mooting by
a gooi, round vote at the polls today.
' Two iweli-et'OibllsVied ; de.uulons are
brought Into congplouoiumc&i today. . The
rlriit to thlat the ove.rarmrtt of libs Unfted
Slates Is a popular government. - The sec
ond is that iltiw jfowrnment cf the Unltr-d
Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland is
a monaircbllu'l instead of popular govern
ment. Wl.iat (a meaut by a reponulbCe govern'
murA? To whom is ttve executive of the
United States irexponlble? Presumably
to Jno people of ne Unltel etatedj For
.Ai.iaii is ihe e.veout'lve of the United Sume
rejponsible? by oatl.i of those cuirsaiirt
uvg rt tor enforcement of the constitution
laujj I'aiAis kW 'UrrlttU' ', ar.d of the
iwlil of Uhe peop'.'e cltUuly exprestred in an
'intelligent and auuboni'ic manner.
Time president of Hie UnXeJ States may
not wtj.iout the concurrence and author
izat'lon of congti3i9 engage in any under
taking 'for mile enforcement of treaty ob
tlgaitiorui iwlhen the corwequences of his
uJus would 'involve the country in war,
Novarl'meless, this congress ihe president
is eoon to meet is one uninisiructed by
dn people on the dhlef question whuh the
executive must now undertake to eolve
namely, whether or not a foregn sover
elg'nty may with phyalcal force break
trtialty obllgaiDloru with another American
country, and, supporting fraud by arms,
acquire a bue portion of American to.i
for purposes hostile to the inteiests and
honor of the United States.
On the other 'tuanJ, the executive of the
goveunment of Great Britain, subject to
an unwritten const'ltU'Ulon, but more dl
redtly in touch with the popular will, car
ries out a well-known desire of the elec
torate of England at least, and; support
ing fraud by 'force, has already, In ithame-
ieBi defiance ot diplomatic usages and ot
trtuity obltgatlones, ttealuhily transported
troops into a territory title to Which Is
known to be In dispute, and the dLspute
subject, under numerous precedents and
by exprem agreement, to arbitration.
. There aire advantages in an unwritten
over a written constitution. Doubtltfs
the states forming 'the American Union
are safest under a written constitution.
Many dhaptero, however, in 'the motional
history emphiaslze the need of a speedy
attempt so to recant tbe federal compact
as to make tire executive really and prac
tlcally responsible to the people, that la
to say, to give to the president and his
advisers a congresa elected within a rta
sonabie period preceding Its actual its.
The congress wibWh (Presldonlt Cleveland
is to meet next 'December is for all use
ful Intents and purpose. a dead body.
Its functions should have ceased with the
election of its successor.
Umitir the feJeral 'comatlturtion as it now
ne-adj and works it can scarcely be laid
that there Is a responsible or populat
government in the United "States. In this
Juncture, as has been the case In the
past, the executive must take the nation'
ail mandate tram the popular will as con
veyevJ through the press ani public meet
ings. If, however, the congrew ttlll ex.
cluslvely potent 'under the coniStltution
aiwuld refuse to effectuate the popular
will as thus ifonmulutcd tlho excicutive will
be hetipless. Lord. SalWoury, on the con
trary. If ahe commons cihouM not do what
be beileveu the eJ:ct-iute dolre done, can
ajipeall from the legOsfature to the electors,
The British guvopn'ment, tlhereifore, more
truly in the working of its hlg'liest '.ti
c'hlnery is a popular and a rdrponsible
government than tihe govern(nnt of the
UnOtctf States. , .
Hanplly thire is reason to believe tliat
congircss next December, although not
elected to deal with the poramounit na
tional question of tho hour, will prove a
faiKhifui organ of the naMonal Judgment,
and will cordial and eunjltantlally tustaln
Prf8,Vfcnt Cleveland In maintaining the
dignity and enforcing the Just and na on-
able rigilits of tilne Uinlred Statt in whut-
ever point of thle hemisphere tlhesa rights
etia.l be 'found 'in peoiil. Nttwlthttanding
condtbutlonal imperfections, tho people of
tlhte United etwees oujht to b able to
effectuate their own will through the
oogan tthey have created for it's execution.
.u an evidence of how bnollctal the
"CltlzenW " a d mil ni s Wat Ion h!a3 beeen to
(he finances and credit of the city ot
Astoria it Is only necessary to refer to
Jlie fact tihat before that "movement"
took charge if affairs, city warrant's were
ivo. tin m cent at the local tanks. To
t.vy Ul-.e waime institutions are paying 74
and tu cents for these wirrant.j, and are
not overly anxious to handle them even
at tlhKs discount. m
KV'o.'n Hie number md class of business
men and 'Republicans wtoo thought It
worJ.i -v,W to attend thw meeting and
pairclolpate In tiio felectlon of pr,mary
oVle,'.nes last nlfjht, It does not appear
uhut tlie Demon atlc-Citlteins' movement
ii' jiir is Oestlned to prove a very
Break success.
Ons Wlao Has Been Tnere Descant on
Buckwheat Cakes and Honey.
(lliiitsburK Dlsplatch.) hiickwtivat cUJcti served up r.vot
and fuvah In the onoun'tUn regions are
made from flour which is pure and un
adulterated, and one cannot but enjoy
breaikfaut on tlhenv This is. Indeed.
puititCiur It mUUly, for In lh mountain
regkr are served wi'.h, maple mo
latues, and here we And the delicious
iv.oim gather from Wio bjckwht
fiAU but a miort time ogvi. It Is a treat
to be prvssent at thlu reunion of the buok
''heut cakes and tle sweetnesa giberd
by the busy bee. Who can ever forget
Vive nKttvcrEea of such a breakfast In
quidt mountain fanmhouse? To one un
accustomed to Imch a jepast ft Is reve
Icutlon, '.und ever afterwaivls 1j tie tottia
of tlj iomt rtson of other vlalntles. It
wcy.d he impossible to get more i weet
neris li.'to any one art tola as to And on a more enjoyable repast. The
old-fm C-.loned buckwCteat cakeir, as pre
portvl by th matrons of the mountain
fvct!or., hlwe no rival In thlr line, and
t.Vilr r!se and quality are as liberal as
tihw ta-hole-couledi mountain farmers.
Oo wCvere jrou .will In tiie mountain
rxton of rhs eoaitem - seetioni of our
cenbry and you will rind bucks-heat
cakes on Y bKl of tars during the win
ter aim hi The Article is ricfv In oil
ar?J ! and tait-produclng properties,
!d"'ide tfom tta arremblenef It '
n;mbly adopted to Its purpose. When
tlh ftVir Is prepared tt Is cewary 9
a ito-Hc'w for th pancake, and
Tun r wart c tt? dj-tng bog hrd
'r-,.'iuji.M?t the mountain region. Wth
P'k :'JJrury mortal a buckstieat rake
Is took! enoua,. if r mtily erve4 with
JJ.tvr, too t(;s mounttn farsrer wan:
cUiusaige and rich pork gravy with It.
The farmer who lives in a maple sugar
belt iwlH'l have maple sugar with his
cakes, arid every armor has his own
grove landmakeit his own sirup. 'Tis
'worth having been born to enjoy a few
days' sojourn In a. cozy mountain farm
house where ail is open thicspraallty and
'where Mend acl iKrm&ix are alike made
wiclcome. ' ,
He CaroSully ibeslgned All Its Decora
. tlons arid Appointments.
(Tei-niple BUr.)
At I'lmr-s Philip II. .would dl-couise
wttili Mora, about his own affalrj, taeslng
Atom qu'jttoiid contxtenlng the kingdom to
hits own death and burial.
Several Uays before he died he Instruct
ed the friar who had the key of the
royal vault to Cook secretly at his father's
ooflln, to measure It and to open it and
to ji how tihe late Emperor Charles
V. Wil.1 bexn laid, as he detlred to be laid
In tie fiame manner. He then Inquired
frcm Don Juan Rulz de Velasco for the
crucifix anil sorne caitdles of Our Lady
of Mon-a-ei r.t. iniirlch years previously
be Inlaid 'Shown to h'lm. TKie crucifix was
founvl 1n the box v. ith the candles and
tlhJe scourge Chuirles V. had used. The
crucifix mias new hung inside the bed
curtalr.3 ckse to tF'hllCp's head. As to
the candies, he Instructed Don Fernando
de Tolekio to give h'lm one with the cruci
fix Just before ho expired. His next
ourlous command was that his cotnn
shoutd be brought for him to see. The
wood of nlli4cUi UW wua made ban a
rattver mnorkable Wlatory.
The beams from which the planks were
cut had 'formed the keel of a great Portu
guese gUilleori, the Clnco Chlwat?, or Five
Wouroda of th'a Re'doc.nti:-.. Twenty yoars
bofcro the keel of tolls dtranded vessel
bad been left lying on the sands at Lis
bon and Phi'l'lp ordered thib piece of tim
ber 'to be brought to the Escortal, which
was effected with! much labor and a
very heavy outlay of money. FVom
this log Uhe ereiat cross was made that
crowns (the high altar In the Escoribl
and on thts is the crudflx of gilt bronze.
whilch! Is over seven feet long. The tree
from whiich tlMs log was cut 1b, tayj
Slg'uenia, called the 'tree of Paradlfe,
or, In its cwn habitat In the East Indies,
Angell. A large pleoe of tihUa timber was
Still lieft after tbe coflln was constructed,
and lay. In fiiguenza's time, at the en
t;ujnce to the builtdiing.
The coflln iwas lined' Inside, by P.ilir.i'p's
desire, iwlth, whirte satin and covered out
side with black cloth set in gold, having
a etvwa of criimeon sat'ln, all the nails
being gilt. He went carefully over the
various 'minutiae Of its appointment.
(Minneapolis Tribune.)
Tine dUscuasion at the Union League
Club Indicates that Minneapolis Repub
Jlcan 'sen timent is -well divided among the
vairtouu a?,pi.ani:a for the presldentiUI
nomlna'tCon. McKlnley, Reel, Harrli on
and Allison have ',rong friends and
nearly alt aire for C. K. Davis as first
ohOice, provided It viliall appear 'that he
has any reasonable dhow for the nomina
tion. The sentiment, however. Is that
the Minneapolis delegation eiall not be
tied up hard and fast to Dhvla, all our
dteleffirjlon In 1880 was to Wlndom, but
flhoul'd be agreed upon u second choice
and cast flue ToTUd vote of the state for
the second choice whenever It rhall ap
pear that the nomination of the "favorite
son" is 'Importable. Thli is good ieni-e
and good pot'ltlcs. As a general proposi
tion It wculd not ri-'PtUir that a man from
M'lnn!iota, however able and popular,
would stand much chance of tecuring the
presMlentiial nomlrta'tlon; neveri:hles,
'there ere astute polltlciaru among us
who bedleve that Benaltor Davis' prospects
are as good as anybody's, provided he Is
loyU'.y bilked by his own etate. If fo,
Mltreneupollis Reipubllcans would not feel
like throwing aiway the chance to secure
such an honor for our giant young com
monwealth. TUne Davits boom 13 all rl'ht,
nulbject to Wine llmi."tarfcns stated by ex
Mayor Emails, viz.: Tboit after an earn
est effort to nominate him has 'been made
tund failed, thien tihe vote of the ftate
'flhould be held together and thrown at
the rtgCit 'moment for the next bet man.
Comparison of the Tonnage Figures for
Hiw Great Ports.
(New York Tribune.) .
'Muiny wild statements Wave been made
concerning the icompi.rutlvo tonnage of
tlho ports of New York and Chicago. The
gireat flaw cf ia'ke tonnngi, espanla'.'ly
rolln, ttorougih the latter port has era
ibCdened Its partlaan3 iserlously to con
tend that Ohilcnsrd has the greater tlhlp
plni.T titikju. When the dicusion Is re
duced to co'd figure." it becomes laugh
able. Recent ficures, carefully compl'ed fcr a
Ohdcagb paiper, places the business of
that port at 10,600.000 tons annually. No
comtplote ftffiimes are kepit for New York,
but the buelnew or this port is .nitre
enough to sink Chicago's flgureu Into In
tiifrnlllcance. IVie foreign business alone. In the fiscal
year endrtng June 30, ISflfi, ninounted to
1.1.819,177 tons, carried In 8,8)7 vessels.
There Is a record of every pound of this
buulnofw, as ft is all entered or clean-cd
through the New York clearing house.
The cotist-ivlBv' business lor.e in the tame
parold tlh'roug'h the custom hoiwe amount
ed to 6,4M,lu4 tons,' carried In 5,243 ve-
tl. This makes a total of 20.23. 331
tons, of which accurate record Is kept.
The records, however, show .ortly a pmaU
percentage or the actual coast trade, as
not more itlhian a quarter of H goes
ttwouuh tCw cuttom house, rrom
PhKade.'iD'hta, New Haven, Bo ton, Port
land, etc., or bound for (hops ports, do
not enter or tfiear unless they carry oona-
ed goods. There la, therefore, no wny
of getting at the figures for this Immense
volumo of traffic. Add to th.a the great
tonnage of grain and, coal that comes by
canail and river, and the general river
and harbor fouMnes. and the volume of
unrecorded traffic assumes colos ul1 pro
portions. A recent estimate made at the
New York custom house placed mo ouai
nesa at Wore than 80.000,000 tons.
Of ithe vesxfs recewded as belonging to
tllte p of New York In tho yew ending
June 30, 1895, iil. with a tonnnge of 312 07a
torn, wvre engaged In the foreign trade,
and S,971, wfth a tonnage of SJd.iSl tons,'
In the drmutlc trade.
Tho Flower Fair or Chrjuant'ocmum
8how to be heC'l In AtCantB the tecond
week of November promises to bi the
greatest of the kind ever heCd In Ifco j
Sou'.' Toe principal ncrwts rro.n an
rmrtj of the United States livlll make x-
hllbica of tihe choice Mt chrysanthemums,
rotif, corrwiitkM', violets and orvdlciu. The
display ot pal mu, ferns lamd decorative
plants will be waperb. The Judges of
awards will be appointed by the national
ChrfclurtSiemum Society of America. The
goCd medoEs will be the finest ever oftVred
ox. any flower fuir, anU htwe been offered
bv Wis leading papers of tbe West and
Oentlemen: I have always recom
mended Krauae'i Headncns Capsule
wherever I have bad a chance. Tbey
have proven a veritable boon tn my
family against any ana il kinas or
headache. Tours truly.
Leavenworth. Kansas.
For Ml by Chas, Rogers, Astoria.
Oregon, sols asrenL
In -oho. voluminous bev.k whlc eonwl-
tiMe the udt of ttv city of Paris for
1394 are the fotkwtnc curious Items of
expenses: For winding up ths clocks
of ths cy rWl. francs; for scrutir
the sn.'austic tiles In ths rtty bill, l.Oflo
fiwju-. fvr furnwCilng blr.Cl and dealh
resrl Krrs, S00 frnc; for CYlKl-en rm
Ploved In extraoWng numbers from wheels
In efeti wtn cf miwlc pat toans, 400 francs;
for fareatofaet of clerks at fhsas draslngs.
300 fLancs; for gUfts to Janitors at the
munlclpail play house. 640 frames! for
food .to dogs, care cf revolvers and pur
chase of cartridges, 600 francs; for car
riage of human bones found In diggings,
7,200 franca; for commemorative plates,
2,000 finance ; for numbering houses, 10,710
francs; for feeding aquatic animals and
destroying noxious animals In public
promenade's, 44,200 ifrancs. Le Journal des
Important to Americans seeking Bng
IMii tNiptlai for new enterprises. A lis
containing The. names and addressee ot
360 successful promoters who have placed
over 100.000.000 Storting in Foreign in
vestments within the last six years, and
over 18.000.000 for the seven months of
1895. Prlc, f5, or 125, payable by postal
order to tho London and Universal Bu
reau of Investors, 20, Cheapslde, London,
E. C. Subscriber wll be entitled, by ar
rangement with the directors to receive
either personal or letters of introductoin
to any of these suieeaarm promoters.
This lis is flrat class in every respect,
and every man or firm whose name ap
pearu therein may be depended upon,
For placing the following It will be
found Invaluable Bonds or Shares of In-
diwtriiaC, Commercial and Financial con
cerns, Mortg-aga loans. Sale ot lianas,
Patents or Mines.
One cf the few good things to be said of
CleveJind Is that he fcau converted three
members of his cabinet to the sound
money cauee. St. Louis Globe-Democrat
It's Just as easy to try One Minute
Cough Cure as anything else. It's easier
to cure a severe cough or cold with It,
Let your next purchase for a cough be
One Minute Cough . Cure. Better medi
cine; better results; better try it. Chas
Jimmy TOmmy Grogan is talkin' ot
glttln' him a bicycle. M'lckle Him? He
ain't got de price fcr de wind wot goes
in de tires. Brooklyn Times.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
The ft. Louid girl wrote: "Don't phalc
to be char." Heir Kansas City beau re
plied: "I will be thar; there's no such
iwoid as phale." Buffalo Courier.
The Eureka Fuel Economizer Is a eel
entlfleaC preparation which augment the
Intensity of cool and wood heat In the
proportion of 33 per cent.
If the direction printed on each pack
age is carefully observed, the Eureka
Coal Economizer will give to any ordina
ry or middling coal the KUime value as
thlat of superior quality.
The Eureka Fuel Bcononlzer prevents
the shoots, the cinders and the formation
of smoke, Which may spoil, in an apart
ment, so many vad'u'jjlxe articles, such
as curtains, paintings, etc.
The Eureka burns any kind of gas
which might destroy the breathable air;
apurtments and factories In vhlch it is
used aro consequently more healthy and
comfortable. In less than five minutes,
one can obtain a very brisk fire which
will lost thirty hours without being stirr
ed up and without any addiitlon of fresh
coaJ. Hence an economy of coal, work
and money.
The Eureka Economizer produces a heat
more soft and more conecntrUted; when
a normal heat is wanted, the ventilation
must be partly stopped and, again, an
economy In fuel Is to be relied upon.
We guarantee that our preparation pro
duces no injurious effect on the health,
and does not affect In any way stoves,
ranges, grates, etc.
Lainge consumers can obtain the pro
duct, which we do not hesitate in term
ing "marvelous," at much more reduced
Each package bears, with very explicit
directions, our trade murk, representing
four hands crossed together above a
Hon with this motto: "In union there
is strength. " Any counterfeiter shad be
dealt accordling to law.
Wo receive too frequently applications
for samples, and it 1h with regret that
we aro compelled to refuse the sending
of the sjime. Heretofore we have lib
erolJly given away samples in order to
popularize our prodiM, but wo cannot
afford to support such heavy expense any
longer. The moderate price of our pro
duct Is in the reach of anybody who
wants to try it. It is for the same reason
that we have decided to send It direct on
receipt of 25 cents.
To tiry is to be convinced thUt our pro
duct is a triumph of science.
25 cents each package, sent free of
1180 Broadway. New York, U. S. A. (unnplylng for a place) And 1
filial! require iphe addreiss of your 'last
fervent. 'MiSstiress-iWhatever for? Serv-
an't-'Wli'y, o get your character, ot
cou. is?. London Judy.
Say, why don't you try DeWitt's Little
Early Risers? These little pills cure
headache, Indigestion and constipation.
They're small, but do the work. Chas.
ijii.vor I 'Kulnk I have la good Idea for
a detective Btory. His wife What la the
Idea? Autli-X'. I 'will have 'ilhe detective
trice n.-i umbrella to Its original owner.
Kui.-lem Life.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Kx-Gisve McCreary says Carlisle
will be nominated for the presidency,
B'liJi filiiws Cvow easy it Is for a Ken-
tuckian to talk through his "nightcap."
K'ar.sup City Journal.
It is a truth in medicine that the small
est dose that performs a cure is the
best. ' Dewltt's Little Early Risers are
the smallest pills, will perform a cure,
and are the best. Chas. Rogers.
If General Lamont has not lost all his
Influence In traction circles he must be-
gvn wt once to Oabwr with Mr. Whitney.
New Yotc Advertiser.
Try Rlectrlc Bitters as a remedy for
your troubles? If not, get a bottle now get relief. This medicine has been
found to be peculiarly adapted to the
relief and cure ot all female complaints,
exerting a wonderful direct Influence In
giving strength and tone to the organs.
If you have Loss at Appetite, Constipa
tion, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are
Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, Melan
choly or troubled with Dlszy Spells, Elec
tric Bitters la the medicine you need.
Health and Strength are guaranteed by
Its use. Large bottles only SO cents at
Chas. Rogeri' drug- store.
ONCB MORE la harmony
with tha wnrM. 9nnA
completely enred men are
whsuis oappy pnurn tor
hi. iniou
at and most tao
eessf ul ears for sex-
lost vigor known to
medical science. Aa
account of tbls won
drrfui dueowry, la
bonk fnrtn.wlih ref
erences ud proofs,
. . - - wiu on eut u sm-
iotios uiwn tsesieni rret. mil manly vigor
permaneoUy restored. Failure impost! bio.
I I'iT.. .V
Clifford Howard, In Wa-hing,'on Post.
On Haillowe'en we sealed our pllsht;
Upon the dark and witching night.
When lovers pray that Fate may T.ww
The form of coming weal or woe.
Amid tihe eerie candle-light.
For ever by some mystic rite
Have mortars gained a fleeting sight
Of .what the future hotlh to show,
On Hallowe'en.
But what care I for mj'a'brles trite
To tell me of the season's flight?
Tho present with Its rosy glow
Was all 3 cared to have or know,
For She had sealed my future bright
On Hallowe'en.
Acts at once, never fans. One Minute
Cough Cure. A remedy for asthma, and
that feverlshi condition which accom
panies a severe cold. The only harmless
remedy that produces Immediate results.
Chas. Rogers.
Joe Fifer has monkeyed with the buzz
saiw In Jock Tanner's wawmlll. It makes
no notoe and you can never tell it's go
ing until you feel it. St. Louis Republic.
Or. Price's Cream Baking; Powder
Contains no Ammonia) or Alum.
The Republican party has always had
to make good 'the deficits of the Demo-
muilln na.lru ihnNh In .A. a a,bIa amA no-
tlon. It will have to do so again.
uetroit journal.
A. G. Bartley, of Magic, Pa., writes: 1
feel It is a duty ot mine to inform you
and the public that DelWtt's Witch Ha
zel Salve cured me of a very bad case
of eczema. It also cured my boy of a
running sore on his leg. Chas. Rogers.
Probably the wbrst Jab yet made at
the Allison boom is the remark of the
Boston Globe that tihe Iowa statesman
would be a very tame sort of president
in contrast iwfJtlh Cleveland. Kansas City
ROYAL Baking Powder
has beta awarded highest
honors at every world's fair
where exhibited.
The Hon. Carl Schurz has coma out
from undtr the bed and again claim to
be 4n eomi.TO.nd of the German-American
vote. Atlanta Constitution.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla,
When she bad Children, she gavetbem Castorla,
Onscent adoss.
It is sold, on ft Kuuantes by all drug
gists. It cures Incipient Consumption,
aod if-ths best Cough ard Croup Outs.
For Sale by S. W. Cnnn.
These tiny Ctpsulis iifosuperlori
to Ualsam of Coiutibo,
Cubcbs and Injoctions, Uffflf
They cure iu 48 hours tho
some diseases without anylncon-l
Tuiiee a Week
San Francisco
New Orleans
Over the Great
unset Route
Leaving San Francisco
Tuesdays and Saturdays
From Tuesday, Nov.'5, 1895.
Uhe mot complete, modern, elegantly
eouinotd and MrfMttv v.i
boied TransconUnemal Train in America.
r.w tquipmWR. especliJly designed for
tbrs service.
Direct connections in New Orleans
for ail Eastern points. Quick time.
rswr rs is jtVi ;. -v
i t i m if j-t
Heal Estate (Deo,
Easiness IHeo
Of Astoria
VCall Into ths Astorlan office
and get sample copies of our regu
lar Commercial edition.
It Means JMoney
in Yout Pocket.
Special attention paid to steamboat re
pairing, nrst-ciass norsesaoelng, etc
187 Olney street, between Third and
and Fourth, Astoria, Or.
Aa Franklin says, good dress opens
all doors, you should not lose sight of
the fact that a perfect fitting suit is
the main feature. Wanamaker &
Brown are noted for fit, workmanship
and superiority of Qualities. Their rep
resentative visits Astoria every three
months. Office 64 Dekum Building,
Portland, Or Reserve orders till you
have seen the spring line of sample
Snap A Kodak
at any man coming out ol
our store and you'll get s
portrait of a man brimming
over witli pleasant thoughts.
8ucu quality In the liquors
we bave to offer are enough to
Conge and Try Them
Is there a man with heart so cold.
That from his family would withhold
The comforts which they all could find
In articles of FURNITURE of th
right kind.
And we would suggest at this season,
nice Sideboard, Ei tension Table, or se
of Dining Chairs. We have the Urges
and finest line ever shown In the city
and at prices that cannot fall to pleas
the closest buyers.
Few Hen Would Ask
for a Finer Dinner
than those we serve. We're trying tn
every way to make them the most en'
joyable In town. All the "good things'
of the. season cooked by our excellent
cook In tbe most delicious style. Perfect
If you Invite a friend to the Palace
Restaurant the place is a sufficient guar
antee fbat ne will receive a pro mem
The Palace Restaurant
CotKomly St, foot ol Jackson. Astoria.
General Machinists and Boiler Makers
Land and Marin Engines. Boiler work, Steam
boat and Cannery Work a Specialty.
Castings of All Descriptions Made to Order or,
Short Notice,
lohn Fox. President and Superintended
A. L. Fox Vice President
0. B. Prael , Secretar
Are You Going East?
If so, drop a line to A C. Sheldon,
general agent of the "Burlington
Rou'j." 250 Washington St., Portland.
He will mall you free of charge, maps,
time tables, and advise you as to trie
through rates to any point, reserve
sleeping car accommodations for you,
and furnish you with through tickets
via either the Northern, Union, South.
em. Canadian Pacific, and Great North
ern railroads at the very lowest rates
The Burlington Route Is generally
jonoeded to be the finest equipped rail
road In the world for all classes of
Canadian Pacific
Greatest - Trans-Contineiital
Railway System.
Palace Dining Room and Sleeping Cars.
Luxurious Dining Cars.
Elegant Day Coaches.
Observation ' Cars, allowing Unbroken
Views of the Wonderful Mount
ain Country.
: $5.00 and $10.00
Saved on all tickets East. Tourist cr the
best on whrels. Equipments ol the Very finest
throofhuut. '
Canadlan Pacific
China and Japan.
China steamers leave Vancouver, B. C:
Empress of ladii
Empress of Japan
Empress of China
Enrress of mitt
tapreusf Jaraa
Eapress of Chiaa
Aug. 5th.
Aug s6th.
Spt rth.
Oct. Mth.,
Nov.. trth.l :
DtC 9th. t !
Australia! steasarr leave Vaacoaver, B. C
istfe ef a vary aseatlu
For ticket 'rates and Information rail
on or address
Acrnria fir
W. F. Carann, Traveling Pass. Aet ,
Geo. McL. Brown, Dst Pass. Aet,
Vancouver, B. c
German Physician. KclrCtlo.
Office over Albert Dunbar's store, cor.
tin and Co -imerclal. Prices: Calls, $1;
confinements, J10.00. Operations at sfflce
free; medicines furnished.
W. C. LOGAN. D. L. 8..
Man sell Block. 671 Third street
Office over Olsen's drug store. Hours. 10
to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6 and 7 to 8 p. ua. Sun
days, 10 to U.
Office, 6Mi Third su, Astoria, Oro.
Special attention given to all cbronl
Da O. B. ESTE8,
Special attention to diseases ot "iu
en and surgery.
Office over Danzlger's store. Astoria
Telephone yo 51
Office, Booms and 6, Pythian
Building. Hours, 10 to 12 and t to
6. Residence, 3, Cedar street
May be found In his office until 11
o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until t
p. m., and from 6 until 7:30 evenings.
468 Commercial Street.
W. M. LaForce. S. B. Smith.
886 Commercial street
Office on Second Stitet. Astoria. Oi.
J. N. Dolph. Richard Nixoa
Chester V. Dolph.
Portland, Oregon, 24, 25, 26, and 27,
Hamilton Building. All legal and col-
Claims against the government a spe
A. M. Regular communications held
on the first and third Tuesday evening
of each month.
E. C. HOLDEN. Swatary.
178 Tenth street.
Handley & Haas, 160 First street and
get the Dally Astorlan. Vlsitore need
not miss their morning papei win it
WINES AND BKANDlfo,-;. .in
fandel wine Instead of coffee hi t...
r"ifty cents per gallon. Uon'i logei
peach and apricot brandy. Alsu Fremiti
Cognac and w'.ne at Alex Gilbert
"Do unto others as you would have
others do unto you," is sympathetically
shown In tbe following lines, the pre
sumption being that sympathy is t'-rn,
Or Akin to naln Or anrrnw!
"Gentlemen: Please send Kraune's
Headache Capsules as follows: Two
boxes to Flora Seay, Havanna. N. Dak.
Two boxes to LUlle Wilcox, Brookland,
N. Dak. 1 nave always been a great
sufferer from headache and your Cap
sules are the only tUng that relieves
me." Yours very truly,
Havana, N. Dak.
For sale by Chas. itogers, Astoria.
Or. Sole Agent
Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, F ruits
Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and
Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies.
Cor. Cass aud Squemoque Streets. Astoria, Ort
Notice is hereoy given that the partner
ship heretofore existing between the un
dersigned, under the firm name and style
Oregon Transportation Company, is this
day dissolved by mutual consent. All
outstanding bills or accounts being pay
able to Capt. Paul Schrader, and he as
suming the payment of all debts due by
said firm.
Astoria, Or., May 13. 1895.
Telephone & Bailey Gatzert
Columbia River and Puget Sound Nav
igation co.
Two Daily Boat to Portland
' Telephone" leaves Astoria at 7 p. m.
daily (except SnDrlav). v
oept 8nnd;v:'"auU UH"y ".
j.. w 7 u",zert ' 'ves Astoria Tnes
Idf' nrsday, Friday and
ein7.t 7 T m '' 8Dml,,y
leaves rortnind dnily at 8 p. m .
eept Sunday. On Salarday nigh' al ll
Airent, Aftoiia.
XT. B. Soott. VtJJ0 No-
E- A. Seeley, Qsn'l Agt. Portland.
0 and Steam FltOnj,
Hot Air, Steam and
Water Heating.-..
V Twelfth street Astnria. Or
Borth Paeifie Brecaery
Bohemian Lager Beer