ASTORIA PUBLIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. .'nV'l , f'' A A A AAA A 1 J Tha ASTORIAN has ths largest LOCAL J) J! circulation! tht largest GF.rlERALclrcula- R 4 aiul th. !rt TOTAL circulation tf . TODAY'8 WEATHER. f tfl Forecast for Oregon and Washington, j M fair weather. fl ill paptn published In Aitorla. 2 eW EXCLUSIVE TELEGRAPHIC PRESS REPORT. ASTORIA, OREGON, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 7, 1895. NO. 252. VOL. XL1T. - m i l ii hi ns r.ui i r i . ir i 7 . rr v kVTn in : j i i i i . ii ii Can You i'.i:..'' M ;' , A i n r- . II 1 1. L. OSGOOD, Tha One Price Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher. 506 aud &08 COMMERCIAL STREET, ASTORIA, OR. hSTORUl PUBhlC LIBRARY! READING ROOM FREE TO ALL. ' Open every day from 3 o'clock to 5 :30 and 6:30 to 950 p. m. Subscription rates $3 per annum. Southwest cor. Eleventh aud Duane Sta. School Books! School Supplies) N . At Greatly Reduced Prices. a ' ' ' f A FULL LINE OF OreorT13rjeks , Slates Pencils Tablets Pens . Erasers Sponges Evejythlng fleeessary for School Use. Griffin & Reed. THREE LOTS. In a desirable location, 2 blocks from High. School. A BARGAIN. CHOICE LOTS IN HILLS FIRS'L-ADDITION. On the new Pipe Line Boulevard1 Just the place for a cheap home. A. Block IN ALDER BROOK. . STREET OAR LINE will he extended this summer to within 5 minuU-s walk of this property Will sell at decided baritwD. ACREAGE. In 5 or 10 acre tracts inside the oity limit', also adjoining Flavel. GEORGE HILL,.--471 Bond St., Occident Block, HILL'S REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. Ladies' Grey -AT 75 Cents a TTiese same garments sell $10 lien's Overcoats These same goods, are marked out at all the stores as bargains for $11.50. . $6 50 - Men's Suits " $6.50 A Full Line of Shoes and Hats. OREGON TRADING CO. 600 Commercial Street. ' "'.' 1 Lm.rim.qia A BTTar S5r Pi 11 . - . ' : t r-, . ? If: F ATl if rti'. mmT ONB NUEDS A BUHTJF8 EUUCATION.. Many rsnng men and mun ran spend but sue or two years at Hw-why not take a course that ess t emnpleied In that timet The eolles Includes a short ENGLISH COUR8B bs sldas a Bf 81 NESS and SHORTHAND COURSE. For eaUlogoes sddress. 114 TAHHUX St. - - HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. - - mTLUtto. Tell Why? O M a a h in n .r f .l A t I OiiYo a man w uw jjrotGiuoy, i -i : .,: li. wnen snowing me u suit -lutii he said he "was faked in buying elsewhere and paying more than they can be bought for at regu lar prices," especially when he had bought suits of me that gave entire satisfaction, and he liked my "style of doing busi ness, strictly one price and throw;ng in nothing," while selling Men's or Boy's Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, Mackin toshes, Etc. They Lack Life There are twines sold to fishermen on the Columbia river that stand In the same relationship to Marshall' Twine as a wooden Image does to the human being they lack strength life evenness and lasting qualities. Don't fool yourself Into the belief that other twines besides Marshall's will do "Just at well." They won't. They cannot Woolen Vests Garment. everywhere for $1. $10 H H M Republican Rally Last Night a Grand Success. ALL WAS HARMONY The List of Delegates Is a Splendid Selection of Some of the Party's Best Material. The Republican Citizen of Astoria got together test night In the court house and talked over the altuV-tm. Incidental ly tlhey held a kive fcat and did a whole lot of solid business.' ' Everybody wvaa there, t'.iat Is to say, every Republican who could get there, and as Astoria has more Republicans to day than the ever had before, toe hall was filled. The meeting was the result of the crII signed by the presidents of all the Republican Clubs for the purpose if considering llho nomination of deU gates to be voted for by the. party today. All the organisations were Well represented, and most of the prominent business men of the city were present. Mr. John Halvn was unanimously elected oh&trman of the meeting, and he lost no time In getting down to business. The Republican party of Astoria, he said, condtltuted ebout ifbur-fllTtihs of tine cltl sens, and their property certainly exceed ed four-dftlna of the total valuation. Thla being tlhe case lie was anxious to know wOvy the Republicans', banded solldCy to gether, and working for the ultimate good of the city, iweren't ttoree-flftha more of a Cltlxena' aarty Bhan any lltttle clique of Derri(x;ratlCJttl ciaitter4ng noli- selves y jiuut name.. As nobody attempt ed to salve this simple arithmetical prob lem, tlhe. ctialnomn went on to' remark that after taking four-fifths from flve flfths,' wlhat was left wasn't worth the trouble of counting anyhow,9a sentiment of whTcflie .meeting prseeMed tb show ks hearty approval by several rounds of applause. Mr. Hiahn ttien esp'ialned the object; of tlhe meettng lhue Selection of delegates to nominate a good clean, (honest Republican ticket for Khe -coming muni cipal campalgm. tie expressed tlhe hope tlhat wtiytW'aVai,4neettng aaw fit to take Wyilltt;'Bj. .."msaaiyotla and had no doubt ttiat, wera- thla course adopted, the choice would fall on men In every way worthy of tlhe trust. The residents of the three wards were then segregated to enable them to make a vflioilce of their own candidates, and the deliberations dMnt tost longer than hUlf an hour. A large number of gentle men were nominated tn all tlhe wards, but owing to the excellent metlrod em ployed U took a very tlhort time to arrive at the result. The following delegates were selected to compose tlhe ticket to be voted on today: e FIRST WARD. WILLIAM H. HOBSON. W. CLINTON. H. B. . PBRG-USOX. , HARRY WHDRITY.. A. C. PISHE3R. ALBERT DUNBAR. P. J. MEANT. H. P. PRAEL. wr.r. TRnr,L.iNGER. TH03. LINVILLE. P. J. GOODMAN. J. W. HARE. SECOND WARD. G. W. LOUNSBEilRY. THAD. TRULLINGER. - B. L. WARD. -MARTIN FOARD. P. It. PARKER. P. W. NEWELL. C. EVENSON, G. .O. MOEN, P. A. STOKES. THIRD WARD. w. f. McGregor. , O. F. MORTON. W. H. BARKER, LAWRENCE HANSEN. ENOCH PETERSON. . J. O. HANTHORN. W. T. SCHOFIELO. . ' .' A. T. BRAKKE. Judse Gray, immediately after the an nouncement of tlhe result, moved that every ReputCictain present ratify tlhe nom inations by rising to his feet. Hon. C. -W. Fulton, in seconding the motion, said: "I would like to add to this resolution tlhe injunction that every Republican present get out and work for tlhe election of these delegates who have been nominated here tonight ' and eh3 for tihefnen wfhom jhey will noximate for city offices next mont&v . This Is a time for Republicans to hand together tl e glad. We have every hlng .to encouniga us, and nothing to discourage u. ' An over the land ths vo!c of tlhe pecp'.e is going up, and 14 is saying, that . It wvunts .our party to the- fore- aga)a in city, tuate and national affaiiw,-. Ths poo f of tlhe Cnltevj' States avrs -not -after this change wltbdat reason; : They, see nweartty for p-jiflnif 'Republican e. I zona and Repitb'.irart prmoiples on guird once more and keeping them Dhere. There la no question biat that our next pros? Jcnt la rolng to be a rock-ribbed Repub'lcan, and don't you forget 1t." (Loud applause.) "I want to see the Republicans of As- torUi and Clatsop county get together. I want to eee them drop all peOty fac tional dlfTerenicefl, md beyond oil, I want to see tlhe young mm of our party come forward tend infuse new- life into our local party Interests. Clatsop ts beyond all question a Republican county . Astoria Is an ove-rwUneX-nlngly Republican city. Thtrt Is no reason why every office tlhat exists here fihoulld not be filled by .Republicans. And iwliry not? If our party principles are wor.ia fltvtlns lor, are wortlta upholding, tihen tihone principles re Wortih puttJig into practical effect. Taere we people who pretend to hoM otp their bands against party politics in dtiy government. Those peop.e have a wrong conception ot 'tlhtngs. Pure party politics, urged on and camrted to the .front by men iwlth a fired and determined policy of honest govern ment, Is something tlhat this city and every city staaids in need of today. The Dime toaa come iwhen we ahoimd Biwaken to the knowledge that our combined strengtlh can canry us to piny victory. 'W have a desire to 'win. No comibination, no trick ery, or fates rcproseutatlon can stand against ,ut Leit us cariry Republican principles to the front; let us drop petty dkpntes, and Jet eA'ery' cltlaen here to night wiuhout a, dissenting voice get out wnd work not for : the succeia of his broaher, or his friend, or (his relation, but of iMs party. We are going to do It, too. We are grtng to ratify the nominations of the convention, no matter who gets there. Let our main thought he to allow Republican fem to gdt th'are, and let our representatives be ftt aird worthy to bear Wie tiamner to victory. We are going to do this at bhe coming election, and we are going to give Astoria the best gov ernment she ever had." (Cheers.) The motion wua curried .by .acclamation without a dissenting voice, and the meet ing then adjourned. n Which Started the Ball to Roll ing Yesterday. S. L. Boyle & Co. Effect Important Transfers of Real Estate. Which Bear on Future Business. ' That matters have taken a turn In As. toria for tlhe betiter, and decidedly on the lines of a sharp advance in values of real estate, resultant from a rapidly increased graiwlb in basinets and popula tion is evidence! by the several large real estate deats made yesterday. R. L. Boyle A Co., .the active real es tate agents of AetorKi, Ule yesterday evening, closed tlhe papers In three large transactllons which will have a consid erable bearing on ths immediate future of this city.. The first .Wainsadtion was the sale to J. O. HanUhorn of Lots 5 anil 10, In Block 68, Just across tlhe street from Herman Wise's store on Bond street. The con sideration paid was $19,000.-. In conversa tion, iwJUh (Mr. IHanbhorn last night he conn:'.ned 'tlhe Statement of the purchase made by him and In answer to the quea Won as to What he intended to do with tlhe property, he stated that it was more Ohan likely tlfrait hy rprlng time brick and motitar would laxgeCy be In evidence op that block. In fact it to seife to say that a handsome Mck block will soon he under conntruotlon In the center of the city. D. K. Wairrem purchased Lot 10, In Block tS'h, on Commercial street near Cooper's score for (7,000. A cplendld buiXUi.g will ibe commenced at once by Tr. Wlainren, which When completed will bi occupied by Ross, Higglns & Co., the eiJienprlsing grocers. This Is one of the most progressive houses In the city In .act on the const and It goes without iymg Bhat when they open their new touKdilng it will be second to none. Lot 4, in Block 11, now ..occupied by Chas. Wirkkala as a saloon, was told to August Erlckson, the Portland saloon .nan. Within thirty days Mr. Ericsson will begin tlhe erection of a first class 22x96 foot three-story business block on this well known corner. The ground Hoot will be occupied by himself ss a concert halt and refined resort. It .will be known as the Hajbtoram Concert Hall, and wUl fax on the corner of Astor and 7th Dtreets. The floor of the main Stall will be marble tile and the entilre building will be nnUhed m hard wood, finely carved. Mr .EflJckson rays .(Ihat no money win be spared to make this one of the finest palaoes hi the Northwest and when com. pleted will cost about $14,000. The upper floor will be finished as a ball to be used by tihe various societies as an assembly room. Mr. Erlckeon's architect was here a day or two ago and Is now draiwlng the plans for Km building. The construction will be done by Astoria mechanics arid all luofter and material, so far as possible, will be purcCx&td in Astoria. It will lake about three tsonthaV to complete the biaOllng. ' . - - X ' WEDDING IN HIGH iIFE.' - i ; - - r Special ts tte Astaiaa. , Kctt Tor.' No. fc-The Duke of Jfsrl- borsugb anfl ilisa Cemuelo VanlcvMit ' e umtttfl tassy at-M. Thomas (Una e ; Tfs m town, fs tht best; "awmiT son m swutrhea the skin; Won't "ytMm your cio0eak" You wll be asreeably surprised, - Sorry you didn't know It sooner. Tomson'i Coap Foam; larss psrkagea. Is Complete and Col. Bradley Urged for the Presidency. UTAH IS 8AFE THROUGHOUT Altfreld Says "It is Bad Form for a Corpse to Talk Back While a Wake is in Progress." Loulavllle, Nov, (.The Republican claims and Democratic oorcessions show tonight that not only has Kentucky elect ed the full Republican state ticket, but that tlhe complexion of tihe kg stature in sures a Republican successor to Senator Blackburn. State. Auditor Norman, the Democratic caimpalgn chairman, In a statement to thw Commercial, said that BJadklburn'a defeat was assured. , "The Republicans with 'the help of the Populists, will control the legislature," he said, "and Bluckburn la sure to be de feated. Kentucky is now a Republican elate. The people wanted a change and .Dhey took it, the Republicans being aided by tlhe iPopullsts and the A. P. A. No Democrat could have carried Kentucky at this election, not even Carlisle.' Colonel W. O. Bradley, iwho yesterday Carried Kentucky for the Republicans in tlhe gubernatorial election, will bo the choice of h'is state for the presidency, isind his friends claim thuit he will have tlhe Support ot 'tlhe Southern Republicans, It at significant that the friends of Gov. eraor Morton, as well as the political ohaoaplotis of Governor McKlnley, have a teen In constant correspondence with 'the lrterads of, Colonel Bradley, and have urged them to push his claims tor the second place on the ticket. Colonel Brad' ley has heretofore refused to discuss the malftar, but tonight, 9t Is announced by Walter Forster, eecretiary of Colonel Bradley's campaign committee, and man aging editor of the Commercial, the Re. publican organ of the state, that Colonel Bradley's claims for national recognition iwlH be urged at the national convention. The friends of Governor Morton are urging thie Bradley people to support a New York man on tlhe ground that the geographical posldlons of New York and Kentucky would render Governor Mor ton's nomination for president almost de cisively In favor of Bradley's nomination for vice-president. On the other hand the McKlnley men aire arguing that McKlnley and Bradley would make the strongest ticket that could be put up because ot the personal mugncitUm of the men and the prestige (hey enjoy of having won many gallant victories. UTAH. Salt Lake, Nov. 6. The Republicans have elected the state ticket and carried the legM'aiture by a safe majority. The Re publican tato central .committee has re ceived ireiturns from 163 precincts, covering portions of 23 counties and the most popu lous parts of the 'territory,, giving Allen, (Rop.) for congress, 16,363; Roberts (Dim ) 15,712, .being a majority of 661, which It I claimed will be Increased to 1,000. Wells' (Rep.) , nwrjorlty for governor will be con. lderably larger. The eledtton returns from 215 precincts out of 320 give, Wells (Rep.) for governor, a plurality of 2482, and Allen (Rep.) for congress, a plurality of 1072. The Re publicans have elected ten senators, the Democrats five, and 'three In doubt. The Republicans elect twenty-nine represen taotvea; the Democrats swen, with nine In doubt. ' ILLINOIS. Governor Aitge'.d Spettiks His Mind on the Result. Springfield, 111., Nov. 6.-II is ths belief of Governor Altgcld that tihe great Re publican landslide of yesterday was brought about dhlefly by the national ad. ministration and gold bug twins' of ths Democratic . party in Wall street. The Democratic .conventions in many tCatea, he cays, 'were packed by poatimutfters and Ohe menlals ot the administration who forced the adoption of Cleveland's poKcy on the money question. The governor was aeked what he thought about the re sults of yestertlay. "Oh," he answered, with a broad amlle. "It Is not our place to ta k. We have Just been laid out, and you knew that Hi polite eoclety it Is regarded as bad form fur a corpse to indulge In much talk while tWe wake is In progress. NEW YORK. New York, Nov. 6. The total unofficial vote for secretary of state Is: King, (Dom,) M6.590; Palmer (Rep.) M2.520. Palmer's plurality, ,53S. NEBRASKA. Omaha, Nov. C The returns ahow the election of Norval (Rep.) by safe plu rality. The vote of the administration, or sound money wing, of the Democratic party. Is four-fifth of the entire vote of the rlnte, probably 23,000, and Is a very surprising feature f the alet'ton. . -'ir Kvr dement erf, the Democratic Pr".y Is urging that she entirt machinery of the federail trovernmeat In the state as yard In securing votes for .Miwjncr.' . sound money candldute. Mahoutji's pir onsl popularity comrlbiRed largely to bis success. The great flgTC In the party was fevr tha 'avowed purpose of establishing the rela tive strength of the two factions with a view of sending a delegation to the next national convention. TO THE COURTS. Brooklyn, 'Nov. 6. It now looks as it the mayoralty contest would be trans ferrekl to the courts. Grout refuses to Concede the election of W ureter, and reg. ufar campaign Democratic committee has retained counsel to look after Grout's Interests. KANSAS. Topeka, Nov. . The latest returns re ceived today from all parts of Kansas dhow large gains for the Republicans. Many counties that have been Populist for four yews elected all the Republican candidates. Judge Martin will be over whelmingly elected chief justice of the supreme court. CLEVELAND'S VIEWS. Expresses Regret at Campbell's Defeat In Ohio. Chicago, Nov. 6. A Dally News Wash ington special says: President Cleveland Is charging none of the results of yesterday's election to 'hls'admlnlstratiion. On the contrary he Is taking a quiet smile over certain features of the returns. Senator Gorman declares that President Cleveland's personal fol lowers contributed to ths success of Lowndes. The administration Democrats appear to be willing to assume the re- responsibility as another achievement for rePonm. There seeims to be no doubt that they expected and desired the defeat of tlhe Gorman ticket. The president and every member of his cabinet took deep In terest In tlhs cause of Campbell, of Ohio, and express regret alt his defeat.. The helpless condition presented by the Ken tucky Democracy is remarked as a re buke to 'the free silver Democrats. Will Remain Open This Season 1 Longer Than Usual. The Exceptional Fine Weather Wil, Affwd Shippers a Continuance ' of Cheap Freijrht Bates. , ' It will be Interesting to shippers to note the following from an Eastern pa per fh regard to take navigation which will affect transcontinental freight. Lake navigation iwlll continue until De cember, A couple of weeks ago it iwas re portM that lake navigation would close about the mlJJlle of the present month, but business is so heavy and weather prospects so favorable tlhat lake lines havo deoUed to extend 'tlhs close until December 1, or iheiulflber. In fact, it would not be a great surprise to ces some lines pay the heavy premiums on ma rine Insurance after the season policies expire, since the demand of traffic Is so great and general rate so high.' Such i Stanly stream of vesacC pass through tihe government toctc at thto "Soo" that a channel Is likely to be kept open till an, unuuua ly late date. Yesterday the f re.tht traffic officials of th Great Northern distributed the following circular anent dhiis subject, iwhidh implies that the last steamer from DuruTh, as on other lines, will leave about November 30. We are advlsexl that . the Northern S-ceamtJliip Company will discontinue re. oelvlng call and lake thlpments at New York arid Pttiladelpihila at close of business on Saturday, November 16, 1895. Rail and lake Shipments at Bat son and New England joints at close of business on Qalburday, November 9. , , Rail and lake (jhipmertts at 'Pittsburg, Cincinnati and Mahonlng ValOey points at close of business on Saturday,, Novem ber. 16f It la how expected tlhat the last sailings from Buffalo will be on Saturday, Novem ber 23, and from Cleveland November 25. All freight must be In Buffalo wnd ready for delivery to steameMlps of company not later than Friday, Novamber 22, and In Cleveland Saturday, November 23. RESULTS OF THE FIGHT. Stabbed at an Election Droll In Ntiw York. New York, Nov. I -John B. McGoldrlcfc, clerk of ths supreme court and secretary of Tairnmamy Hall, i lying in a dangerous d.'aite at his home,, ths result of la stab wound received in an election wrangle yesterday. Although the affair Is said to have occurred at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, no report was made of H and the first Intimation of It was hid when Will hum DowJing, bartender, was ar raigned in Vhe Jefferson market police court today charged wltta having slabbed M'XJoldrlck. The patrolman who fad Dowllng In charge would Say Httle about the case and even tried to belittle It to the mttglstrats. , Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Repcrt ' " V 'I .! l - It V A fcs - . t v r'M. Explosion of Boilers in Detroit Causes Many Deaths. EVENING JOURNAL BUILDING Scene of the Slaughter Many Peo ple MIssinjc Who are Supposed to be Among the Victims. Detroit, Nov.. 6, A gaping rent nearly 40 feet wide from the top to the bottom of a Ave story business block) a doxen dead bodies recovered; a score of persons Injured, and more Chan that number .min ing, with a certainty Uttat many more bod ies are beneath the ruins, such are tha resul ts of an explosion iwlhlcih startled the efty today and totally wrecked about a third of the building at the corner of Lamed and Shelby streets, occupied by the Evening Journal and several other 'tenants. , At 9 o'clock this morning the whole neighborhood was terrified by a fearful ' Hhock caused by the explosion of ths boilers In the basement of the Journal bulhllng. Plate glads windows acroffs the street and some of these farther awy were (ihattered by the concussion and several persons were cut by failing glass. At the claims Instant the five floors and roof of that section of the building col lapsed and fell to the basement, carrying with It at least fifty persons who had not tlhe slightest warning of their dan ger. A ctoud of duet which blinded the eyes of 'the amazed spectators of the her- rcr was quickly succeeded by ths smoke of the fire i which started in the ruins. The' work of reacue was rushed to the utmost all day and tonight but little prog ress has been made as the work Is ne cessarily slow. Ths dead thus far taken from t)h ruins at: Lizzie Tapley, Henry Walsh, John J. ntmiiM niotfvnovk XT J&miIa flvnrer f-m W Willie Hawes, James Bis Wm. DtMilap, Henry Larlvere; CarriQ ' Bauer; an un known boy's remains Were' found In ths ruins, the features unrecogniealble, sup posed to be John Bowman. A number ot the Injured wlH die. , Some thirty tenants and employes In the building are still missing and there can be no doubt that most of tthet are under the debris, dead. RATES REDUCED. Fighting the Steamdhilp Companies on ths ' souna, Tacoma, Nov. fc The Southern Pacific today announces a reduction in paiseenger rates from Tacom to San Francisco from 122.75 to $15 second-class, amid from $31.25 to $1S first-class, tickets to Include sleeping car berths. Tickets are good only on suchi dates corresponding with ths sailing dates of the Pacific Coast Steam ship Company's steamer. MARKET REPORTS. Liverpool, Nov. 6. WfteW-Spot, steady; demand, poor; No. 1 red winter, fs 814d; No. S red spring, and No. 1 hard Manito ba, stocks exhumated; No. 1 California, is d. London, Nov. Hops-Pacific Coast, ti 16s. Portl'andi Nov. 6.-Wheat-Valley, 61c; Walla Waila, 46c. New York, Nov. 6.-Hops, quiet. SEATTLE BEATEN. Seattle, Nov. 6.-The Reliance football team, of Oakland, defeated the team of the Seattle Athletic Club today by score of 28 to 0. The local club was badly nandlcapped 'through lack of practice, but nevertheless' put up a gams that sur prised! Its admirers. CASHIER ARRESTED. Tacoma, Nov. $. Cashier W. F. Peters, of the foiikxl Columbia National Bank, was arrested this afternoon on a warrant sworn out by Bank Examiner Charles deary. 'It dhUrges hlro with making a false entry In the Individual deposit ledger on October J, thereby crediting the city treasurer with a special deposit of $10,000, when in fact, no such deposit was trade. It is alleged that his object was to deceive tlhe comptroller of the currency sal to the bank's condition. GETS ONE YEAR. Eugene, Or., Nov. . In the circuit court tftxlay, H. P. Hhyes, the FU4 Creek tchooi teacher, was sentenced to one year. In the penitentiary for Incest comunittrd up. on his niece. LOUISVILLE RACES. Louisville, Nov. . Today Otto Zclgler took sjway Johnson's only remaining track resordi of note the paiced, standing fjai.-t, one mile. Time, 1:50 2-6; previous record, 1:62 M. Willis T. CartJy beat Titus' record ot 20:54 4-8 for standing paced ten miles; time, 20:13. , ' 3 M r-i rv v ""5 - ! h lH. 4' - V! . ti C $AmH4wt L.