The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, November 06, 1895, Image 4

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    ir ?sr I
f;oii'offihV lookout for
saving- 'some'; mopey 'm
your underclothing pOTchases
just oo ? Here is the place
to come for w hat you want
and be pretty sure not to pay
so much as you intended. Our
plan is to sell, not to carry
Local weather for twenty.four hour
ending at 6 p. m. yssterdsy, lurmmoa
by the United State! Department of Ag
riculture, weatner oureau.
Martmiun temperalMire, 61 degree
.Minimum tneraltiuine, 41 degree
ITnt-lnlUitlon. .22 inch.
Total precipitation from September 1st
1S95. ito date. 3.66 tndhes.
Deficiency of preclpltaHon from Sep-
terr-foer lot, 1866, to dote, 7.3S mcnes.
E. O. Cough Syrup will cure your cough.
For le at Estes-Craln Drug Store.
Meany la the leading tailor, and pays
the highest cash price tor tur sains.
The cooloat and beat glass of beer In
town can be bought at the Qanbrinus
saloon, 12th and Commercial streets.
Tbeas new perfume, just recelrad at
the tEstes-Crain Drug Store ore xne nnsst
In the dty.
Pure of wines, liquor and clgv
elegant free lunch all .the dally paper,
at the Oambrinui, 12th and Commercial.
Trade with Foard tftoke Co., deal
era la Groceries; Hardware, Crockery,
provision, Hour, fruit and vegetable
They will surely please you.
Hunger 1 very disagreeable sensa-
tlon. There is a'place In thla town wbere
you con satisfy tta demand with the
cleanest and beat So cent meal you ever
at. That place la Joe Terp'e.
. Just arrived at Copeland Thoraen',
a nice line of high grade footwar for
ladiea, all width from A to BE.- No
trouble to ahow goods, and satisfaction
guaranteed to every purchaser. Call and
examine them.
What bring people back to the Aeto
rla Wood Yard after they have sounded
the possibilities everywiier elaeT May
be It'll one thing, and May be It' another.
But the fact remain back they come.
And of course the Astoria Wood Yard la
proud of It.
Nothing o distressing a a hacking
cough. Nothing so foolish a to suffer
from It. Nothing so dangerous If 1
lowed to continue. One Minute Cough
Cure gives Immediate relief. Ghas. Rog
Lsales' Find Clack Casft
nn Olevee, with patent 1
fingertips, only . .
-f35C. A PAIRI
filbert DanbaKi
Have you seer? our5$c:
Cashmere Hose?.'v
k mmmmmmmmmmm
tagfr tuofW in course of construction on
Jjcrt 4, Block 19, Akdeaibrook, sold last Bt.
tnyuy.'-TO lAnorfw jaricKaon. . .
'Mijlr.', CKaiOoa HcLeart, he nominee for
Jiiia on tlhe Taimmany itick0t, Is the hus
band of Mr McLean, -wtho worked asainst
TauvKnaoy at tbe Satft Section.
u-Vaster-ay tJlie Olfftetenmi. market Wad
a targe wear tfn talc, twhl h went off rap
dly; particularly among Eastern people
wluh wlncm bew meat & 'a rarity.
i Sweeping In a Kick room hi nK annoy
ing. A good Bubtstttute la to wring a mop
dry from a pail of warm "water, with a
little ammonia, and iwlpe the dust off the
fi 'A board walk 'hua been constructed from
rtWe trert on the went of Mr. Max Young's
remaence, uppertown, eat on the alley
way tc a connection wifh Cadar street
fin AWiarihrook.
ii Hwvj Jar loads of canned roods wer wa
terway rollAl Into tlhe basement of Foard
& Stokeo' tore. TSito is one ot the larvt
lmgte fcOKltmnetvus if canned goodtt ever
orouirnt to ."Moria,
A moo coaeitJIng of the Republican, vet
er of Astoria it ibereby celled.. to meet
at Uhe court house 4a thl city, on Wed
nesday evening, November J, .189 8
o'clock p. m., for thi purpose o? eeleotlng.
a Bat of delegate to Uhe city convention,
W be held pureuaiit to the cal of the city
RepubUcan committee, w(Mi,ei4f lftfof
delegatus when ao elected fSiall constitute
Uhse ticket to be voted at (He Republican
primaries, to be ' held on Taugdfy, "Ine
Presfdeot McKMey1 "tuo:
j. u oaruson; -"v
iPrealdenlt a A. R-epubllcaa Club.
President Unlontown RepuUtcok 'Club.
President Clatsop La.gie "Club.
Puffed up a, cigar
'Dune iup ibrowntSw buxwWealt scake.:
Mr. MUNab, ot Ilwaco, I in the city.
Jno. Lewis, of John Dujts, I it OW Por
ker. ' v l04 !'
Try our flne bl'oater mackerel. Foard
Stokem "'
Contractor Campbell, of Portland, is alt
tlhe Occident.
H. 8. McOowan,
tawn yesterday.
SHILOH'S CURB, the great Cough
and Croup Cure, l in great demand
Pocket sli contain twenty-five dose
only SI cent. Children love It Sold
by J. W. Conn.
We have choice property In Van Du
son's. Ailderbrook, Adair', Shlvely's, Mo.
Clure's, Taylor's, New Astoria, Warren-
ton, and Astoria Addition to Warrenton
for sal. Also money to loan In sum of
1200 to 13,000 on good real estate security,
. Why Is Dr. Howard the leading dentist?
Beoau b asakes a uccea of crown and
and bridge work and extracts and All
teeth without pain.
;For the remarkably snail sum of U
cents on can procure an excellent chick
en dinner every Sunday at the popular
''Denver Kltdhen," eaat side ot fth street
between Astor and Bond. Mr. Richard
son, the proprietor, also assures the pub
lic that they can obtain at his place a
, wen-cooked, well served brcakfaat, din
ner or supper any day In the week for
the above mentioned price. Glvs him a
call and be convinced that tie speaks the
A twister In twisting
May twist him a. twist.
For In twisting twist
Three twists make a twist;
But if one of the twist . .
Untwists from the twist,
The twist untwisting
Untwists the twist.
That Is, when It' twisted with any
other twins than MARSHALL'S.
About t life assurance company is
just the Information you would re
quire about any other business or in
stitution in which you think of In
vesting: 1 What is its financial
strength? 2 Does it pay promptly?
3 What profits has it paid in the
past? 4 What are its prospects
for future profits? THE EQUITA
BLE can answer all these questions
in a manner most satisfactory to its
THE EQUITABLE has a surplut of
ot 4ollr, Ihut twlnt sot only the U.rt. bul
Mi itronfMl finasclal laMltwtioa l lt kins la
mt worm.
THE EQUITABLE pals i.M Jth cUlmi In
i in. Ol lh' nufci wart mii m hm
i-v i; rmnlt o deaili wt nctlvti. SE VEN1 Y
. I t'i ClNT. of all 4u'k cUlmt r liu pM
on Un vtry ity proof of 4'0 He iiv4.
of OMnobk, was in
M. M. Dee, of Portliaaid;' ltf' quartered
ut uve uociaent.
r;.- s;'i
Ctlias. fidhrnddt, of Corf,,tr7,'tWiaj5 In
the city yeaterday. . .......
Sole getVts of Uhe Coulter llap; Syrup.
Foard SVokea Co..
- ciJ -..rr.-.
Well porfui-.tlhe ltt)teu'iwJill!f 'ii1' Wxwlal
dedvBrry aOamp on It.
Henry C. Boyd, of San "Francisco, Is a
guest of rtjhe Oocrdeivt. . .
TJie turkey Is beginning 'wonder wlhy
they coll t Thankaglvlns.
JuM. Hlgley and wtfc"bf,,ioritfahd, are
guests ot Uhe Porker House.
r ,." ,
O. E. Heints, and E." P.' ' Saifiuel, of
Porthutd, are at 'the Occlppt,
Mita Lulu Rke iwoiit to'-Portlahd luist
night on a eihart vlrtt to. ?frlernda.
E. B. Kenr, of Ban A r ton 10, Tek., is in
tlhe city, quartered at tfie Parker.
Pate De Foleis Qrrvs, Andhowles" in oil,
Bloater Paste. Foard ft &tokes Co.
Mns. F. HI. Ovecfoeck iwent to' Portland
lorit nUMt on a. visit tk Iliw imotftwr.
Ous Bnundt and Hehrj''V!llunabf)i-g, of
KntynJUMi, ore visiting tn the city.
Jdhn Forwrauin,' of IDeipp ttiveVi " was
among. ALVioria' Vlsltora yeir.ervjiy.
Mr. R. B. May. antf'lrrW Birnlo, ot
PortSnnU, are visiting ifrlends In the city.
E. A. Seeley and L. Sdhmlay;' of Port
land, were vial Coos In Astoria yeaterday.
R. M. Oaalon anvl Prfd' ftprringsr mer-
dhnlnta of Grand Ifcuplda, ore at the Parker.
Every man who has fallen off a tricy
cle iwttll ogire tlliat hl is a 'hard, lhand
rworld. - ' '
nine Rev. W. 8. Hhont iwent to Portland
loot flight for day's vlclt in Che' Me.
J. O. Nf(-gtr and iwtfe, of Brook fttJU,
came down yeflterOiy on. af.ill!ort! t to
Mr. 'Himter, a ipcamnerr rvul wtate
nan of South Bend, WweMltitnott, l in
tlhe city. tiva'
It in no wonUier that a'vy6lihg'!'Tmin
rihou'td be conafctared veryi W?Tho bealta
tiLs bOMirtl bill. ...mttiw! .jfrir
! ...: . :,, -r.;
Lewis & Clarke Bridge Matter
Ntiwsi comas ifrom aorotu ifme water tihat
the next aunvmer bonnet .will ibe a emill,
flat affair, worn well back on Uhe tiead.
simitar to the extreme evening bonnet
occasionally eeen alt the theatre.
The peoipQe of tlrie Lewis and Clarke
are eniflhcUECaEitlc on tlhe question ot roads
land fcrtdges. Mr. W. J. Ingalls s.iya that
ii e. imore tmportant matter to the farm.
ers, really, Whan the railroad which was
ao tnucttt needied.
iMIsa Jeaale Jewdtt, who has beeen unidier
the irtat motion of Mm Oteem for the past
onree years, aenres to organize a Umtted
das of plamo puplCis. Her method of
teacmirrg iwKC be the sarnie as that em
pToyed by Mrs. Olson.
YeiteirUagr a hoat arii a cow load of sup-
piles were lalken to wie new railroad caimp
taibove Tongue Point. Contmetor Cory re
ports thait a good begimutng has been
mtante on Idhe wortc, and that they propose
to lueep up .wldhi tlhe gait.
Land Agent Gouslln, of the Agiorla-
Ooble railroad, was yesterday in attend.
tico on the county count amrnglng tax
imattecs on t'he railroad subsidy lands.
It to tuwemtood that a satisfactory ar
rangement was arrived at.
Inquiry 'aimcmg the Ibu9lnes men and
dttlzenis yfrltrday revealed the fact thai
one and all are In favor of the Incretute
tn the postal eervtee and Postmaster
WTHs says 'tlhalt ihe has mode a -citrons ap
peal 'to tlhe departrnlent on the lines inldl
da'teu In yedtorday's Astor lain.
Mir. J. O. Hamthorn's restdonce in Up-
pierttoiwn la being connected by pipe with
tlhe ex!hiauis)t of the electrrlc power house,
The entire residence will be heated by
team n -this imamier during the winter,
SuperrlnUenklent Newell is now figuring on
ejdtenvtfng HhCs eyatem cf 'heating to other
ihoubeo in the neigihbonhood. -
Lonklon mllltnory this year 4s remarka.
hly preoty, tlhhw refuting itihe popular eu
peiil6ion that BrltUCi milliners create
heavy Iheadlwear. An ercelleriit (hint for
an oval face, bult a trifle too BmaJl for a
pound face, is la feVt turned up at an
angle of 45 idegrrees, trimmed with double
ibows lof dhwkekl velvet and natural wings
s rit Jrny-" imG Bof'c'rf .'j' the
.' EQUIIAULE hvjU umotatf valui rator
trxa tha lua of the orraluna fit. ' EaSnwnani
polkka ahow a rtlurn of all prfjryaii, with l
fc . - lit hrlto aroii 6v. toar canCpf
1 Biinwii,
The turptm of a llf auuranct romuay la ht
.I'j'i fr tfh all 4ivlonia MUST bt ftli.
. . t ; t'i f ASLE ty "ian otllHau of dul.
- -4ra Mm Iwraal ayriHua of auv lilt uiuiuxa
A-.K, l'irt!3iiJ. (rjr.a. for ....
j ni past ran tirtaef a poMcy
at four ae.
T). K. Davies and A. O. McLVn. Of Ban
FraticCaseo, or nuking a f e'-days" 'tatay
In the city. A"IW
(A. ArJJiertrirk of NcthaSem. and John Me-
Lelltan. of Kinoppa, wer-1altorti" inf ihe
city yeaterday. . ' '
E. A. Smith, of Near Clty.l. in, town
on a siiort toSliiMs trip, tom-.iv n win
. '.!s-..'ll
WANTICD CWnvnsys artd fiuwi. of . mil
kinds to clean. Addres orders to Joseph
WYl. Al-hMrM AffWtA ' ' I '
- u -r
A man oiral iwoman alt Wase?k iMlun.
were manrtWd lust wet t. ttv, Jge of
I oiiq Y years restweuvny.
Herman Wlis'aew faulldmit Sa proirre s-
Ing Anely and the grumd operting. will take
place on TuxMday, the 19WV aU
Geo. W. (Freeman, wife MwtTmtr -and
Mm Minnie LoiMs, of Polrwl wer
gueata of the Occident yeaterday.
rint. . R. Purkor ka anVrlnr ifrom
an hittuck Of holla on tha fact.-' and hs
rot been able to sleep or eu f or aerU
1 1 ... i
Mr. Alex Metier and Mr. J. O. MfU
mVl srtfe stsrtal Iswt night fof)Kh KHst
wtwve they will apeavl wvmlaAfHln'lftfM
seeing. lf
The picture of the firs engine on tCie
ooble road tn the Jbaltrosid Excosbtge. ot
Carlson, and Lareen, is attraotog rtnuoi
attMttun. ' v. : r 1
. Mra. Olive Wiicox, of ttt. Louis, has Iik
ixrmru a device for opening ovena an
removing tlwdr contMit wOthbut orch
Ing the hanrlai or face. -'i
-i ;. V. .( , -
T. RUns' annual mernarlal itnrU wilt
be eM th-Wt- wunty In Docomber,
This trrvWAr maiaiAosV on very..led
t in Jfte Wt4 ,. 1
. : .- r' r ?
none. liVtftna Co. r aaatd t hrare
Wrtl t wer,-'tit-wWi' rprwrtslons
m-mtly. It awmi that hka txlnr ki
fcu 4ull- ifimg- W- ftartIjrfa;"WfTr tm i -t
TNa Aalorla Land knd Investment Co.
yMtrdajr aotd Lot 1 Block It. Aldertrook.
to Mr. Uanabvrt Lsrwson, suad Lot (, Bloc
I l, to Mra Georg Peansoa. A neat cot-
T5ne eintertualiniment given by the Polyan
ttnus Club In the Upper town school Mon
day fermtlngr dineiw- a targe crowd and
Was a mailt credtfdaible perfortniance. The
program condrated of music, tableaux, and
readings iby tlhe meiribeins of Uhe club
CNmntderaJtyie albillty was rn'anlfeiated by
the Olfferen't performers and ano.her en
Iwrtallnroenlt wUll be looked foriva.rd to
widti pleaeiure.
The (propemty ciwnerm on the west side
Of the way are aiulihlorlty for the state.
m'ent 'tlhlait they iwlll ibulld a plank road
from illie most terminus of the Younre
"bay uiaillroad ibrldfre to Seaside, 'Which will
rrtake a fine wive for all vehicles In the
summer outing seatm If 'the citizens will
bultit tine oridleo across Uhe tay. It was
BUggeated thalt an simangment mlglit he
imakJe with the naiHiroa'd company to use
th'elr cVrow.
Until further notice the yteamer Lur.
Mho will take the run of the R. R. Thomp
son on the Astoria-Portland route, Heav
ing 'Astoria from the O. R. and N. dock
at 6:46 a. m. dally, except Sunidiay, and
Port hi ml from Ah street dock at 8 p. rnri,
dally, except Saturday. The Lurline win
take freight and pasoenignrs both from
hier own wharf and the O, R. and N. In
th'ls city and Portland. Tickets issued
by thn O. R. nnd N. -Co. or Vancouver
Tranwportaitlon Co. are good on boats ot
either company.
Mr. D. R. Davks, of San Francls.x, the
WtJtci.n Union Telegraph Company's su
perintendent of construction and repairs,
is In the city land has been making ar-
raingerrteinllU to keep Whe line up between
Aiatttfla and Pontlartd. A number of line.
mD.i have been engaged to take care ot
that pant of the Sine whore WVe recent
troifble bias been exprlenced. Mr. Davla
says tlhnt nex)t yeair 'tliey will give A.tto
ria a flne line rwthUch cvnnot be hurt by
woodefhoppers and storms.
The DcOtce idtrpartiment reported the
idlaeovery alt tun early Ovour yesterday, ot
21 nuolC'S of rwUveait on a barge near a
wa'iklhousa iwCilJhl had evidently beeen
takein fiom one of the triainafcr bargM
loading la vf-Mel in tlie harTwr. two oin
oens watdhed it for a number of hours,
but lip to dayibreaik Uie owners or offend
ers Ihad noft mippoaiTiM. The suppo3ltlon
'Wi,t panMes ;hd stolen the wheat and
exfp?lua to ameak it into jnie ware!v;use
and geit the money k-r It.
PitmldV-m.; CurtSs Stated yetiteirdviy that
u:ia contract for tlhe buldlng of the
Vjiintt's Eluy Itunlvtge had been let to other
parties on practically tlhe same terms as
the conitradt iwlltlh Dickinson Co., .who
altiiliilJotiell the mwk two weeks ago. Aill
detaills will .be complpted this week and
corrairuotton wUl commence In the Im
mUilate ifu'ture. Thto to good news and
no douftJt ibefore .the time of the former
oorJonoft has expired the bridge will be
near completion.
Mtaivager Beglgs, of 'Uhe opera house, last
n'Utt fcecame so rtLsgiWtod with true sllffrrt
aippreClnltlon of the eflortas made to fur
nWi Tlriit-clusa am-usemenrts that ne de
cide to crew .the ihoutw, except to the few
companies ah-eavly contracted ainO Who
inwlut on playlmg here. He aays that he
haa anuide every effort to please the peopl.
hvrw and tlhe enteaVMlnrment laat niffht was
a good one. by a good company, but there
ua not enough itadoen In to pay -the x
pe.iufa of "the compUmy to Aatorla and
return to Portland. ThJa kind of. ex
perience aeveral rtnvB in aucoesslon Is
-v Minmit-urtnar and Mr. Beggs has
conclajdted that the mnee vmw iv u
to close up tlhe house aa aoon as pc-w.uiu.
The following transfer of real estate
were filed for record in one county rev.
er'a office yestetvlay:
Stake of Oregon to Alex. H. Losler.
aMt one-half of rweat on-hMt. of ,
section Si, townahip nonthi- ralf .
'' 1 wort, 160 ax-res erthool lands. a....- ,
It9UH! Cayer to J. v. pope. .o i,
1 'Block ' 130, MoClure- w..t
Real and Personal Estate Comptwyi
to Anna E. Keen, six in
" IIIOCIT tit fllBSW-nw awm. -..
Chaa. . Dow to J. Los CorvalUx
100 feet Bfock 4. wring rial
r Extension to Prospect Pork
M. J. Kinney Mijfgins,
land In aectioa H, to rump s,
rafiW 10 weat...
rrwruX Tartoo. rereree, to l. ti.
Montelth. Lot 10.-Btock si: Lot a,
'.Hoc "SI: Lot 10. Woe 63; Lot
J. and Srvmns lo-BVKk H
Question of Concurrent Jurisdiction
Taken Up-Text of the Petition
Given in Full.
AjrJjng Ule most Important matters tak
en up yesterday by the county court was
the question of a 'bridge acrofs the Lewis
and Clarke.
A commuttee of cttizene consisting of H
S. Lyman, W. J. Ingalls and William Lar
een presented a petition for the building
of a brldee over the Lewis and Clarke
river, and also for the twitting of a bridge
or maintaining a ferry acrora young's
rtyer. The comirndttee was appointed by
a meeting of citizens living tn that local
tty. held several days ago. After the
court had listened to the arguments In
favor of the bridges they decided that one
rfhoul d he ibirilt by the county over the
Lewis and Clarke. They ordered County
Clerk. Dunbar to advertise for bins which
email he subject to the approval of the
eecretary of war.
The Wda, plans arid specifications will
be received on Uhe first Monday In Jan
uary next;
In the hean time the members of the
court wKl cong.Uer the question of
steam fe .-ry across Young's Bay to con
nect with. Astoria, wMch It is thought
may possibly toe completed by spring.
The coiramifbtee of citizens of the Lewis
and Clarke appointed W. J, Inawlls a com.
mlttee of one to confer with the city
council torfigiht looking to the arrange
ment of a landing at or near Williams.
The question of the concurrent iurlsHlc-
tlon of Orwron in the Columbia rlwjr iWlffli
the state of Washington them came before
the court on a petition awing the court
to appeal to the United States supreme
court the cane recently decided by Judge
The pettt'Sm and this action of the C. R.
F. P. Union In regard to the matter are
given below:
Astoria, Or., Nov. 4th, 1&95.
To the Hon. County Court of Clatsop
Oervtlemen: At the latrt meeting of the
C. R. F. P.' Union, the resolution hereon
attached Iwas untunlmously paased and the
name la respectfully presented to you for
your conaideratlon ami sudh action a you
mad deem advisable.
Yours Respectfully,
Secretary C, R. F. P. Union.
Whereas, we believe that the question
wihifltlner the State of Oregon has concur
rent jurisdiction over the Columbia River
to tlhe shore of tha S'tate of Washington,
Is the most Important ltgal question af
fecting the interests of the citizens of
Clnltoop County and the decisions of dif
ferent courts upon the question have be;n
conflicting, and It Is apparent that ft.
would be an easy and comparatively in
expensive matter to h'ava the question
nrmlly and decisively eietUeiJ by having an
appeal to the Supreme Court of the Unit
ed fitaits taken from the recent decls'on
rendered by Judges Bellinger and Han.
ford, therefore be It
Resolved. That we re.Dectfully call the
atteritloi! of the county court of this coun
ty to the extreme Importance of having
such ah appeal taken and such a deter
mination of this question reached, and
earnestly urge the court to have prompt
and adequate action lakn to sustain the
right to the Jui-isdlctkm over eald river
which we believe Justly beiloni?s to this
state an.l Li necesary to preserve the
tulnion Industry upon wild river as well
as to prevent crimes upon the river by
tha prosecution of criminals' thereon.
C. K. F. Jr. UNIOM,
(Seal.) SOFUS JENflEX, Secy.
Astoria, Or., Nov. 4th, 1895.
add u clove of garlio alleal. one table'
spoonful of cAoppeid celery, two bay elavea
one eighth of imace, a bit of pa rainy, add
cuve-half tcaffpoonful of hatshen bouquet
strain this and pour over the Sal ml.
Attorney General IiHeanan hlas rernJeve
an official opinion on the question as to
rwilMiuher or not the cost Incurred by the
prosecution of offenders again the kite
game law should De pome Dy vn county
or state, construing uho language, "One
'half of all the money paid into the county
treasury .over and above the- amount
necessary to reimburse the county for
any expenise patd out of the treasury,'
etc. The opinion cites section 2,361,
HIM's code, which provides that coats
and diabunaconeinite In criminal actions are
paid by the county In which the action
la 'brought, and holds that section 38 of
the game law clearly recognizes the came
rule for the protection or game, lt?h and
wild fowl, and to provide for the ap'
polnitment of flflh and game warden, and
that the repealing clause a oca not in,
elude section 2,301, and therefore con
eludes rhlat costs must' be paid by the
County In whloh the action was instl
tiitekl, and not by the state. The at.
torney freroeral has advised Ftm Commis
sioner McGulre that, until annulled by
some tribunal having Jurisdiction, section
12 of the new Hiaiw Is In force. This will
materially afreet cold-storage nnms, as
that section makes it unlawful to have
In ponsaswlon dead or live birds, fish or
fowls, out of season. :
Notice Is hereby given that on Thurs
day, November 7th, 1895, In the City of
Aatorla, Clatsop County, Oregon, a prl
rmairy ejection wWl be held In the three
wards of eatd City, for the purpose of
ejecting twelve delagttis for the Flrwt
Ward, mine detefftiiiee for the Second
Ward, and elglht delegatea for the Third
Ward of tald city, to attend the Repub-
-tarn cMy convention to be held at the
city hall bundling In said city, on Satur
day, November fth, 1895, at thie hour of
2 o'clock p. -m. of said day, which tald
convertOon to hereby called to meet at the
time and place above mentioned, fin the
purpose of nominating tlhe following can
didates, to be voted for at the olty eCec
atdn to be held on Wednesday, December
UUh, 1886, to wit: Mayor, Auditor and
Police Judge, Treasurer, City At'tornty,
Cfty Surveyor, Superintendent of Streets,
Haifbor Master, one Police Commissioner,
and one Councilman from each ward.
The following Judifes are hereby ap
pointed, and tlhe following porting peaces
ideefJgnated for tald prlmnry election, to
First Word, Poling place No. 1 Brglne
Houss-Judges, J. A. Duffy, C. E. Bayjee,
and P. J. 'Meany.
Second Ward, Polling place Welch's
Hock-Judges, J. H. D. tlray, J. F. Kear
ney, and B. L. Ward.
Third Waird, Polling place, McOrror's
Ofllce Judges, O. F, Morton, Enoch 'Pe
terson, and C. E. Goddiurd.
Pools will be open from 1 o'clock p. m.
tlM 6 o clock p. m. of Bald Thurstday, NO'
velmber Ttlh, 1895.
Dy order of the Upubllcain CTty Com.
milttee. JAY TUTTLE,
To the Hon. County Court of Clatsop
County, Oregon :
afcrttlenven: We. the undersigned, citi
zens of said county, believing it to ba a
mutter of great Importance to the crrunty
to fc'.we determined llnalty and deflnally
the question v.-hetlicr the State of Oregon
h;vj full concurrent Jurisdiction ever the
Columbia River, rccipetfully request your
honornblo body to have an appeal -nken
to the supreme court from the lecls'on re
cently rendered upon the qti ration !n the
United States circuit caurt.
M. J. Kinney,
J. O. Hanthorn & Co.
Fkihermen's Pk'g. Co., a. A. Nelson, Mgr
C, R. F. P. Union, by Sofus Jensen, Sec.
dust. Holmes..
John H. Smith.
O. F. Morton.
Her.-nan Wise.
J. Strauns.
Martin Foard.
C. livens in.
Benjamin Yjud?
Si: a a R. Sm'(th.
Ji.:a. W. Weheh. '
C. Gramma
P. O. Potctrson,
T. Slverson.
E. Hauke.
By virtue of a decree of the circuit
court of the stato of Oregon, for Clatsop
county, made and entered on the 21.t
day of February, 1S93, In a suit wherein
the Nleholal Brother Co. was plalnt'ft
and E.lzaueth lounge, Alfred Funge,
Elizabeth Funge as guardian of Alfred
Funse and Elizabeth Funge as aJmlnls
trator of the estate of John Funge, de
ceased, were defendants; whereby it was
ordered that the undersigned referees
moke sale of the hereinafter described
reai estate: Now. therefore, we will
on the 9th day of November, 1863, at the
hour of 10 o'clock a. m., in front of the
court house door, In Astoria, of Fald coun
ty and state, offer for sale at public auc
tion to the highest and best bldiler, al.
of lot fourteen (14), in block sixty-live (65),
In the town, now city, of Astoria, as
laid out, platted and lecorded- by John
McClure, and extended by Cyrus Olney,
In Catsup county, Oregon, but saU lof
will not be sold for leas than $11,000.
The terms of ra'.e will be one-half cash
and the balance on one year's time, with
Interest at 8 per cent per annum.
J. H. V. G-RAY,
N. B. The above described property Is
known as the Tlghe hotel property and
consists of a three story house and appurtenances.
The regular quarterly examination ol
applicants for cert lflca,tes to teach
Catson county will to hell in McClure
(Oo'u't Street) school houa?, Aotorla, be
ginning at 1 o'clock p. m.. Wednesday
November 13, 1S95, and continue the rest
or the week. AX applicants will be pres
ent promptly and coiulnua through the
Examination of appC'Icants for state dl
plomas will be heM Saturday, November
id, 'oeginning at a. m.
School Superintendent, Clatsop Co,
November 19th,
Fisher's Hall!
Our Grand Opening Ball and
Cake Walk will take place at
Fisher's Hall on the 19th inst.
Grand March at o o'clock p. m.
1 "tMBvnrrvv'vv'rw'ftviriyfff
Cake Walk at 10 o'clock p. m.
Every customer buying $5.00 worth of
goods is entitled to a free ticket.- - -
For choice of any Suit
in our Store for
There Is nothing but bold, clear-cut
truth In the statement that to secure ner.
ftct fit, quality and style in your shoes
at me lowest reasonable prices you must
go to me nrm of John Hahn & Co., 47
commercial street.
T.i der-WTtmetit of the Women's Ex
rf.mngo will be resumed In the Library
room. The proceeds ffils winter will be
used for the purchase of books for the
'fbraiy. Those having articles for do.
nation, or sale on commlrjslon, may leave
tihom wltfi the Hbrartan after November
llOh. i
Royal Baking Powder will maka lighter,
ilweeter, more finely flavor! cake, uls-
cullt wuflts.
- no:
Onangea .
Ontmvtal. Cream.
Thin Boiled Ham. Omelet.
Potatoes a la 'Maltre d' Hotel.
EnglUft Toast. Coffee.
CrviiimleU Mai of Veil.
Tomato Pickle.
BukeU 'Potatoeis.
Orange Iiyer Cake. 'Mixed grapes.
Oyster Codotall.
Ollveu. Celery.
Baked Pork with Parsnips.
Cranberry Jelly.
Browned Sweet Potatoes
String Beans and Cucumber Salad.
French Dressing.
Chocolate Pudding.
Wafers, Ftnrtt. Cheese.
General and Nervous Debility.
weakness of Body a
Mind, Kirecta of llrrors
or lCxccses In Old or
Yoansr. Itnbust, Noblo
J'lanuorxt itestorori.
How to;e and
Strensthcn Weak, L'n
developod Portions of
Body, Absioliitely nn
falllngHonte Treuttr.ent.
Itenefltn In n tin v.
un lentlfv fmia AO StAtpR nn.l FMn.lirn
Countries. Send for De-criptive Book, ex
planation and proofs, mailed (scaled! free.
ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N. Y.
Acts as trustee for corporations and In
Transact a general banking business.
interest paid on time deposits.
J. q. A. UOWLQY . President
BRNJ. YOUNG Vice President
J. Q. A. Bowlby, C. H. Page, BenJ
Young, A. S. Reed, D. P. Thompson
w. 12. Dement, Gust Holmes.
Tha rvirbett-FI'wmvmons fight sws-
ouanbed to public ventLmentPittsburg
Commercial QaseWe.
Singe aod tvtpe a youn atabblt carefully';
cut Into coBVnlotwt paecerv place neatly
lu. se tnxmg.pait. sprinkle over it a ta
bl-fi;-aoif(il bt. chopped onfons, same ot
cthropped parsley aaid same of celery; meH
a taoleupoorrful of butter, add to It a
Siartf cup of stock, half teapoonful ot
kiQ.'ben bouquet and half at teaspoon fu)
of pepprr: pour this sver tre rabbit, corer
Iwhh another paat arrt btka-ln a moderate
erven for 3$ or 4) minutes; idiast with salt
and It la ready to serve. Elthjr brown
f-ra-a or a chrt max ij-3rvr.l ith it
A brown u ic mad Willi a table
spoonful of butter, iwhk'b as allowed to
tvvwn, then add two tablespoonfula of
flour and brown again; a-M one pint of
baf anock; snlr constantly until boiling.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
w i i t- k . it -i
Meat Perfect Made.
40 Years tie Standard.
L00k"0Uf " FOR-P A TIT
flfiE THEY PU$E?
Only the best grades sold by
Asphaltum Workj
Reservoir Lining. Street Paving, Side
walks, Flooring and Roofing.
Aaplia1ticCement.Irim-iel and So
lution for eont'iitt slid ir serving.
Plans and Specifications Prepared -
General Contractor and Dealer in Asphalts.
4) McKay Block, Telrphone 841, Portland.
crs, but men of ability. $300 to $500 a
month to hustlere. State and general
agts. Salary and commi-sion. Racine
Fire Engine Co., Raclno, Wis.
Local Representatives and Agents :
& Bell, Flavel Bull-In.-. Astoria, Or.
Messrs. Tee
The Resort
473 ConinioTr-;-:! -!rt'et. is the place
wbere the busaie-.-in ui hikI the laboriag
man go for wlml is called "13KST UN
111E tOASl,"ir a nice cool dnok of
the celebrated Oambrinns bei. 8and
wi-.'hes of every kind made to order, and
an eleuant free lum-li served every dav,
Uot UoFton naked Iseans served every
oilier afternoon, ion are welcome.
WANTED A ptano to rent. Apply at
Noiand & Thomson's ofllce.
Wanter to rent A centrally located
houe of ssven or eisttt rooms. Address
M., tlite office.
WANTEI Agents to represent the
old National Life Insurance Co.. ot
Uontpelier, Vu For further Informa
tion, address O. M. Stolp, General Coast
Manager, 82-84 Crocker Building, Ban
Francisco, Cat.
Grosbauer & Brach.
Grocers, : and : Butchers
Astoria and Upper Anuria . ,
Fin Teas and Ccfiecs, Ta!'l DHc ic ea. Doauratrc
and 1 ropical I ruita, V ecttariet, Mig-af
Cured Hams. Bacon. Ttc. ...
Choke-Fresh-and f Salt Mwts. v
; ,- ---.'
flSTORlfl -
WANTED Man or lady to collect, do
some office work, and manage agents.
Tou will deal through your leading mer
chants. Something new and very popu
lar. We pay all expenses. Position per
manent Send four references and tea
cents for full particulars. John Finns
Mgr., P. O. Box 484, St- Louia. Mo.
FOR RIOT-rrlroora on ground
floor In private family. 414 Exwbninge St.
FOR HAt,ft
JAPANESE! GOODS-Just out-Just rs
celved-Just what you want, at Wing
Lee s, 6U Commercial street.
SfONBT-Apply to Astoria Ah.r...
Tir.e and Trust Co.
-' ..-'-
r75.00O PETt WKEJC using a0d sellln- .
Dynamo, for plaUti!, watolie., jewelry. .
and table ware. Plates gold sllveri
nickel, etc. same-aa new foods.
ferent rt7As.for airents, families and
shops. K; sy operated -no euwrienMl
cr..N n 6Sbi mSr '
. S7S Comraerrlal Street
Manufacturers of every description of
T-ounges, Mattreesea, etc
factory, B. F. ALLEN,
Wall Paper, Artlra' Mswriaii. Paiat,
Oils. G-as. c JapaiwM Mattf g.
Rt ad Buboo Goods.
365 Commercial Street.
1 3