The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, November 06, 1895, Image 2

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JOHN T.'UOHTER. Editor. .
Telephone No. tt.
Bent tr mn, per year
Bent by naH, por month.
Served by carrier, per week.
.. .CO
.. M
Sent by mail per year, $2.00 in advance.
Postage free to subscribers.
A communication Intended for pub
lication should be directed to the editor.
BuslneM eommunlcaitlons ef all kind and
remittances mutt be addressed to The
The Aetorten guarantee to K sub
criberw the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising rates can be had on ap
portion to the business manager.
The Weekly Aotorlan, the second old
eet weekly in the shaits of Oregon, hat
next to the Portland Oregonlan, the
'jargeit weekly circulation In the state.
Jno. T. Handler Co. are our Port
land agent, and copies of the Aitorian
can be bad every morning at their stand
on Firtt atreet
Owing to Uhte overburdened condition of
tbe nreres last nUht and tbki morning it
fctue een estremely difficult for the A
itortan to sirrivw M the exact result, much
ijeea to make any Intelligent coounetrt on
their enwuitag. , The greatest aurp'riso of
(be eledtion is undoubtedly the) splendid
. stowing waxje y tine Republican and
tWe honest rnocrat hi arylaod, ' and
a a result Republican senator will be
elected to KMs iwk-tttfced Democratic
elate for the HrWt time In its history. ' Ohio
' hue once, '. wore ' MaeToffloently Vindicated
itm Republicanism by a majority of over
100,000, Senator Hill baa gone under ' In
New York rteite, wblc4v electee' a ngUIa
euro overwhelmingly Republican, though
ta the cty' the Tammany lash ha again
assorted Itself- successifiHly. 'Kentucky
elect (Republican governor by a. band
ome majority. Now . Jemey has given
tine Riepubticaas on of the biggest ma
jorities ever polled,' mm ltttle Nebraska
not only wUqv oMd.ln, th , Republican
column, but repudiate alt its free-silver
heresies in an wunlstakaMe manner.
. lawia come along .with a . thirty thousand
Republktta majority, and MaatahusM
. ebows gain even over so phenomenal
flgurej of it bat election.. Pennsylvania
WJjou wejl up 'to Khn old figures and elects
evury maai on (he Republican ticket, in
city, county and ettate. The city of De
troK baa been swept by a large Republi
can irtajorlty, while tlhe city of Baltimore
place tn (power a Reputtiean mayor and
a full board of 'Republican aldermen, for
tDie first Urn In seventy year. ' Taking
ttvs situation aiwrWw, .Hhe Republicans
have not only increased tbekr mfc)orttle,
but have In a surprising manner invaded
tronalhoMa for generation jHbootlfled to
Democracy, . The people are evidently
majolng sthort iwork of Cleveliandatm, Oor
munlsm, freetradelsm, and. all cava otlher
,1am (with whicfa the country, ho .been
curaed during the Cast Whree years, a
fast a tbey thave opportunity to got at
tlnero. . ,
It ptoaeea the San i'ranclaco Exjunincr
In tos issue of Saturday, that came to
hand yesterday,' to give about, a column
and a, half of Its tflltorial apace to on
attempt at ahowing that Blaine' man
agement of our foreign affair 'was not
.wore Intelligent; vigorous or patriotic
itihaq their nfemauaVnent by the
Cleveland regime. Thta article wua In
wresting a a novelty of the off-year of
politic, , The country tta been so ac
customed to biear Blaine denounced a a
told, bad ' Jingo, ' seeking a ' fight with
every nation on the globe, that there
wais aCl' the c&umce of , unique orlgjiallty
tn the Examiner's argument to prove
that, aitter all, ha was the only examplar
of the modern cuckoo,
i To maintain the new view of Blaine,
several Quotation were given from the
diplomatic conretupondvnc concerning the
controversy between Great Britain and
VeneaucOa. From the quotation given,
ft I evident that Mr. Blaine was not at
that time in favor of immediately de
claring war -with England wlfhoat first
proposing arbitration. From this the
Examiner eoncludrs (hat he wua nut a
vigorous aupporter of the Monroe doc
trine, and feels itself Justified In main
taining that he did not make this country
mora Influential in South American af
fair than It has been under Oresham
and Olney.
The Examiner, however, overlook the
(Clangs . that bit taken . place In the
conditions of the Veneiuels, controversy.
In BUlnV time ft had gone no further
on wither eld than diplomatic discussion.
At the psent time England ha com
mitted actual avtveiwion, and 1 reported
to be preparing for the ilmme&at estab
llrfhunent of her claim to the disputed
twttory by force. WTien the dtKusaion
wu under way Blaine could do no more
than recommend arbitration. Had Bng
land then, as now, e?ranrti sign of scorn
ing our Interference and entering upon
the annexation of Venesuelan territory,
dons any totemwit American doubt that
Blaine's reoonwier.datton .would have been
ion changed to the language of aa ulti
matum. Blaine's poilcy In regard to the relation
which exist between the United States
State anj all parts of both North and
SouHh America constitute one of the
mjiL ujiiiisjlcuou future of his state 1
cra'Ji. He Is not mare familiarly known
as the champion of protection at home'
tlan of Pan-Americunimi abroad. Un
der the pnetdency of Oarfleld one of the1
noted acta of his administration of the
state department was the effort to bring
about a peace congrww of all the Amrrl
oan State for the purpos of preparing
a -way or settlement of l International
question that might axles among them.
Oarfleld was killed and Blaine went out
of ofl!c bef or that pfan could be carried
out Under Harrison he succeed! In
geotlnj tosrther a Pan-AoMrtcan con
grs on a broader bast than the one
ugr.isrod in Gr9eld's time, and In that
conirrfH Mia foundation wae feM for the
bulMinx of a grrat Amuican policy. Be
fore ih iKW W?r!c2, tMWf
the master wbose genius, patrtotltm and
conjrag were needed to erect It In fit
proportion died, and elnce then w iiave
not even beard of Pan-AimertoaoJm, We
jav"sjard only of Clevelantdlam.
It i in vain that any argument or
eembiet arguseat U urge4 to deirend. tie
foreign policy of & (XtmtaxH admlnls
tratloo, but the affair becomes a down
right abwurdHy, even nvhen moat froth
and original, when the defender ventures
upon a comparison between the policy
of Green aum and Olney and that of James
O. Blaine. The blunders; weaknesses
and futilities of this administration will
oon be forgotten, but for all time to
own the people of this courttry, and
even of the European countries which he
so often combated, will remember that
great statesman, and, whenever our for
eign affairs are in the hand of Incom
petent or unpatriotic mien, there will r'.ot
tn the heart of the people the wish o
often uttered now, "Oh, for one hour
of Blaine."
The RepMbbldani of Astoria who are Just
ntanr the snibjexX of such fervent appeal to
keep politic out Wf the city government
will remember tlhlat whatever reason for
merly extern! for the unique movement
wHkit culminated in a citizens' ticket,
there is now no excuse tar Its contln-
uancfe The movement was) begun a a
protest agvutnat an alleged combination
tor barter and trtdo and the division of
the spoils among some of the leaders in
the Republican and Democratic parties.
Such utiholy alliance. If tt ever existed,
wua long ago broken up and eitectuatty
destroyed by the good and sincere men
of both parries, 'Everybody know V.iere
I now no corrupt ttairgiasn or uodenhaad'
Ing wutasiatlng betwweea lih controlling
element of the Republican and Deoro
orai tic orgamisatlon, nor Is there the
llghletJi oanger of any, but the move
aient thus lauidablyi commeaced tolas
been' kept alive tafter It legltlmBvte
purpase iwa aubserved, solely for the pur
pus of putting men In office who had no
political rigii thereto. A glance at the
party complexion of the present roster ot
amy employ! nd the county a well,
up to about a year and a. half ago ex
plain to an unprejudiced observer the
true inlwardneNS of the attempted perpet
uation of tine cltisens' 1 movement. The
Democratic iparty a notortouvly a party
of proscription. In o eotion of the
countory, except in some isolated and in-
telllgient porta on of, the North, where
this party ts dominant, can a Republican,
however good land 'well qualified a man be
may be, aispere ito any office, no matter
how humble tt is. On the other hand
thane tare few Republican cities In the
Union iwhen titto DemocuUlts have not
again amd agelln worked this) OH gag ot
"cKtsen' " tnovemvjnit for their profit la
the dteunttnltQan of offices. If there were
no Republicans tn Aetoria competent or
tuonest enough: to boOd the high relations
to a. Repuhtlcan city of mayor, aittorncy,
police Judge, abreet, police
oomni)eHioner, etc., there might be some
excuse, or, todteed, the boat of reasons foe
fllHng theee office with Democrats of the
mioat ordinary capability ' and qualifica
tion, But then are any number of Re-
publicans of Mrte hBghcwt atondlng a cltl-
sersi sod fausineas men hi tDi city of Asto
ria iwbx stand ready to accept the trust
and Ubschsrgpe tihle reBponatblllty of these
poelVtaotia (whenever tfhiedr party stgnlftes a
disposition to honor tJiem by catling upon
them to do. For these reasons tt Is
hoped there will be no' more talk of a
cki sons' tlciwlt' In, the ' coming city elee
Won inv) khore wil be none if every good
Republican fulfill his duty to the party
and to the community by attending the
'meet'mg at the count house this evening,
and aiding tn .the ctoction of delegates
to name the men worthy to conduct the
city' affair during tho next ensuing
term. . . , . . ' ..... . .
la another column will b found a call
for a awuu meeting of Republlcafi of this
Mty to be hcd at the court houso tonight.
This call, it twin be noticed, Is signed by
the presidents of the McKlntey Club, the
Cttttwp League Club, Uppertown Re
publican Club, and the Unlontown Uepiib.
llcan ClUb, th four organlsatlont of the
pVirty iwhos combined irtiberahlp roll
include sufaerfainilally all tho Republicans
of tAdtorta. ' The fusion, of these four
bodies on the eve of a primary ejection
sain haw MbXong the spirit of party
feeling among Hhteir mombens really Is,
arid haw little influence the Caw marplots,
wire pullers and wohemer poaseeat not'
iwluhtstlaindlng their self Important pro
tostaulons. Here la the real cftlsens' par-
ty:-a party of Republican aitlsens work
lng a one iman for the common good,
and enuncUiMng in city politics the doc
trines and belief ' thiat tveuvw mods the
tierm "iatu(bllcanitom" aynonyiniious with
good, cloui', and protfiWBlve government
In every corner of our land. The rctlon
ot tii dubs in determining on Joint and
ooitcauevl Wctton -wfll b halkA wtlh de
lleht by sill who deslr to see a united
'Rtpublk-um party restored to Its rightful
responsibility and control In the affair
and ttetstlny of Astoria. W expect to ee
at tanllit's meeting th greatest bar
mony and good feeling, and firmly be
ttove tWJt the result of tte dVllberatton
will produce a IhU of primary delegate,
Und vJluequentCy civic csvndblate, whose
eiJenllon wtU reflect honor on the Drtrty,
the cityi and the office to which they will
be elected! by overwhelming majorities on
th nut May of December.
It la amusing to notice huw the popular
UjVui of a 'ViUaana' " party bf dlapelh'd
wn uJdh an organisation la submitted
to .1e scrutiny of cold faot. A cltl
ien' movement, that Is to say a span
toneou burst of popular indignation
against rotten party government, 1 all
very well. But wfcen tlria rkhteoua
wrath become a perennial blossom, wh
hts honest indignation get to be a regu
lar, and tihronto trick, hedged In by all
the tenet of a political party, and sub
ject tj the very sam methods and de
sign Uve liotsje, to oM men who take the
trouble to think for themBuive, becomes a
fcule too apparent. The Citlsens' party
of Astuta Is owned and operated by a
hulf a fcsen men iwho tok this mean
ot trying to obtain public office, knowing
very sreil that If ths ran to their true
color a repi emntavtlve of i Demxratlc
pirty, now dead, their aspiration would
new be realised.
Skinner Did I wver tell you of the greet
-oor I had on one of the Httie lak Id
MalneT NVT Well, sir. in th course
of half an hour I xatusht fifty trout,
am of them twwrfty nchv rong, and
all of them over a foot. But. as tut
wrru.-d bars it, X lost vry on sf them
overboaiVl oomlng ashore. "Walton And
I con awear to 4ihe truth at nrtuiir HVinnor
ay, for I uw trtm when toe oome oohore
and thwre w&snX a singje fUh in the
twait Boston Transcript.
ApplieVJ to DJpWtJii'erti'byt Prof. Uitirlng.
The .new treaitmient of diphtheria by
means of antitoxin serum ha occupied
the attention, of the medilcuil world for
aibout a year ami a h&f. It has been
the kiadlng subject for dlscuealon at aso
Olaltions, alt conioreaHes, ait the May meet
ing of ilOie American Medical AamcUtlon,
and at tihe lute meeting of the British
Mi;cal Association.
All asree that it posyei:v:a both curative
and prapi:iylat1c actions, the degree of
access bCone being discussed. The suc
cess of th.B remeily In this particular
disease ha opened up new field for re
eairc!i In the same line in the treuit; nent
of other germicidal dlseosei. A review
of thw curuicive aoidon and the mode of
preparation of the smim will be tlmelv.
e peciany so as it Is claimed that tlhto
irranment na (already reduced the mor
tality of itthU dread disease to kos than
one-halir. .....
The cardinal principal upon which its
curative action depends Is contained In
the fact tinat the Mood possaawo in its
iKTma constituents a certain cermlcldai.
or tflseaue killing, action due to some
constituent not yet clearly defined. Th
constituent destroys micro-organisms, or
disease germs, that find their way, from
whatever source.' into the animal econ
omy. . The battle wage In every germi
cidal disease for a longer or shorter time,
till either the blood or the mlcro-organ-Isms
and . their DroJuct nrMtnmfn,'.
For Instance, In typhoid fever this battle
royes ror a. oays. if the blood is vic
torious in the struggle, thAs germicidal
or unease-itming constituent is onor.
TOOualy increased, and conseauemlv .
duces an immunity In tfc'at particular dl
ease until it ha disappeared from the
blood, wftich in different diseases varlM
greatly for instance, smallpox, after sue-
cesHrui vaccination for seven years or
more, or In diphtheria six or e'ght
mortahu. , In consideration of this fact
'3We queMCion arose, How can we produce
an artificial immunity In an animal
matoe a practical application thereof?
The action of antltoxtm, then, is phyeio-
loxicai ana natural. In that it is simply
transmitting it accumulated gervnlcidai
constituents from the animal In which It
mas oeen artificially generated to the
penson suffering from the disease, and
'the disease is cured by the serum con
talning this conrti'tuent acting upon and
destroying the disease organisms in the
system into which it has been introduced
Tine germicide or antitoxlne serum is
produced tn this way: A hca'thy ani
mal, Known to te susceptible to the dia
ease. Is selected, either a goat, a theep
or a horse. He Is treated with a lub
oubaneous injection of a culture media
containing diphtheria bacilli. This injec
tion, wtilch is called the primary, is in
on attenuated form, as the germs are
subjected to 85 degrees Cent, of heat for
five minutes, thus rendering them leto
Virulent. In three day he is again
treated to a stronger injection In a simi
lar way, and so on for several months,
until the animal is no longer affected
by the injections of the most virulent
oifltures, or until complete Immunity has
been produced.
Blood is now drown from the animal
under the strictest antiseptic precautions,
as the slightest coretlamltiatlon destroy
the efficacy of the germicide. The blood
is then allowed to separate Into serum
and clot; the serum is then drawn oft
under Dhe same strict precautions and
placed in tubes for use.
This serum contains the antitoxlne or
germicidal constituent already mentioned,
and pcesesseo the power of destroying
the diphtheria bacilli when introduced
into the circulation of a diphtheria pa
A epeclally constructed hypodermic
syringe is used; the eemun la injected
under the skin of the patient, and the
stTticteat antiseptic precautions are ob
served. The earlier in the disease the
remedy I used the more favarubCe is the
prognosis. . Healthy individuals who have
been exposed to the disease should also
resort to Uhe treatment, aa It Is claimed
tihiat temporary Immunity may be se
cured thereby.
We aire Undebted to Behrlng, professor
at hygiene at Halle, for this practical
eimfllcaitlon of the science of oacterl
ology. For the science of bacteriology
itself we are indebted to the great Pas
teur, who within the last few weeks has
been called to his Anal reward.
The foiowlng is urged upon the press
of the state by authority of Grand Com
mandr Wood, of Indian War Veterans
cf t'he NVnth. Pacific Coast, nn Insertion
.t wh&r.i is etarnesUy desired.
The gufend commander urges upon all
Indian 'war veterans to consider he re
aullDs of. what has been done by our. or
ganisation at so tltt'.e cost, and what
imllsjhlt 'have resulted had each and every
one iotned one of our camps or instituted
new coimps and paid his entail sum of to
cent to the grand ncvunpment with a
eonwclout'incss that he was but lolng
gvyod thing for himself and hi comrades.
We have secured to comrade places In
fctoe floOdltrs' Homes of Washington and
Oregon artd the registration by each state
at tlhw earns of each veteran in the nrcn
'Ives of the state, with the company and
rea-intent in which he served. In the
state of Oregon we have secured funds
from the county courts of Oregon at tne
eaSI of the camp commander, approved
by the camp committee, in the care of
sick and needy members or tne camp
and a goodly sum for .buriaJ expenses.
It Is foeftf tWit these benefits ampCy re
pay us for our financial expense, end
there remains additional the eijciai aa
vantages of the colmp.
We have also created an Interest In
ccufiWKr.ial circles which wt'l not cease
till each veteran hu0I receive Prom the
wnernC govemment a pension in recog
nition of his services to the country.
Money I required to pay printing bl'ls
poekage, roocrd and other books, all of
wCilviti are necessary to keep up the or-
gwnixtation and to keep our Interests be
fore congTfFS and the people.
The grand commander accordingly Ap
peal's to cuCh veteran not a member of a
camp to apply to the camp moat con
venient to him on November 16, 1895, for
membership, or In case member suf
ficient can be found wtwr a new camp
can be Instituted to correspond with the
grand adjutant In regard to the same,
who wf.l be gratified to give all needed
Information. Then Ct each new end
old member b wilting, glad to pay his
dms and a:t march on to victory.
By direction of the grand commander,
. Grand Adju'ant
Vancouver, Wash., October 2t, 1835.
It's Just as easy to try One Minute
Cough Cure as anything else. It' easier
to cur a severe cough or cold with it.
Let your next purchase for a cough be
On Minute Cough Cure. Better medi
cine; better results; better try It. Chaa.
"Some people," raid the ambitious man,
.nwaJto and And themselves famous."
Yes," replied the experienced politician.
"but good deal easier way Is to get
elected to the UhlteU States senate.
Then you con go to steep and find your
self famous." Washington Star.
Qentlemenr I bar always recom
mended Krause's Headncn Capsule
wherever I have had a chance. They
have proven a veritable boon In my
family against any ana an Kinds or
headach. Tour truly.
Leavenworth, Kansas.
For sale by Chaa. Roger. Astoria,
Oregon, sol ajrent
ritkit.ra harin to trtink that the
gcvernor wit ttv nsvrble heart is Just
Mvmt unnnlm-MMi tn this glorious country
of our.-Detroit Fre Press.
T.v near sky, the under sky,
The low sky that I love I
I He where fallen k-ave lie,
With leafy ky above; -.
And draw the colored leaves tilth,
And push the withered leave by,
And feel the woodland hcut upon me
brooding like a dove.
Th brUiht sky. the shifting aky,
The sky that autumn weaves,
I eee where scsirlet leaves fly,
The sky the wind bereaves;
I see the lingering leaves die, '.
I hear the dying leaves sigh.
And breathe the wood ana nreaca maae
sffcet by all her withered leaves.
Youth's Companion.
Some say It ts the ballot box,
Some say the home Is bemter;
But we are very sure that' tls
The pestsertpt to her letter.
New York Mercury.
Important to Americans seeking Eng
lish Oaptlai for new enterprises. A list
containing the naimes and address ot
360 suocesef i. promoters who have placed
over 100,000,000 Stcrtlng In Foreign In
vestments within the last six years, and
over 18,000,000 for the seven months of
1S96. Prlo, 5, or $25, payable by postal
order to tho London and Universal Bu
reau of Investors, 20, Cheapide, London,
E. C. Subecrtbers wll be entitled, by ar
rangement with the directors to receive
either personal! or lottora of introductotn
to any of these suxrassfiu promoters.
This list Is first cCass in every respect,
arid every man or Arm whose name ap
pears therein may be depended upon.
For placing the following it will be
found invaluable Bonds or Share of Industrial-.,
Commercial and Financial con
cern, Mortgage loans. Sale of Lands,
Patents or Mines.
Signorina Stella Pender is reported to
have made a brilliant debut in opera at
utnioggia, near Venice. She is the young-
eat daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. Pender
Cudllp, the latter being better knewn as
Annie Thomas, the novelist.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
General Gulterrez, governor of the State
of San Luis Potosi, Mexico, who ts now
In Aitlanta, Is one of the richest men
In 'Mexico, owning valuable farming
lands and mining concessions. He is
commander of the Mexican army.
Acts at once, never falls. One Minute
Cough Cure. A remedy for asthma, and
that feverish condition which accom
panies a severe cold. The only harmless
remedy that produces Immediate results.
Chas. Rogers.
The Eureka Fuel Economizer ts a eel
entitle! prepana,tion which augments the
intensity of coal and wood heat in the
proportion of 33 per cent.
If the direction printed on each pack
age is carefully observed, the Eureka
Coal Economizer will give to any trdlna
ry or middling coal the iime value as
thlat of superior quality.
The Eureka Fuel Heononlzer prevents
the shoots, the et rulers and the formation
of smoke. Which may spoil, In an apart
ment, so many vaiuajbte articles, such
as curtains, paintings, etc.
The Eureka burns any kind of gas
which might destroy the breat'hlaible air;
apartments and factories In vhlch it is
used aro consequent' more healthy and
comrortaioae. In less than five minutes,
one can obtain a very brisk Are which
will Host thirty hours without being stirr
ed up and without any addition ot fresh
coal. Hence an economy of coal, work
and money.
The Eureka Economizer produces a heat
more soft and more conecatrUted; when
a normal heat is wanted, the ventilation
must be partly stopped and, again, an
economy In fuel is to be relied upon.
We guarantee that our preparation pro
duces no Injurious effect on the health,
and does not affect In any way stoves.
ranges, grates, etc.
Lainge consumers can obtain the pro
duct, which we do not hesitate In term
ing, "marvelous," at much more reduced
Each packlRge bears, with very explicit
directions, our trade mark, representing
four hands crossed together above a
Hon with this motto: "In union there
Is strength." Any counterfeiter shall be
dealt according to law.
We receive too frequently applications
for samples, anl It Is with regret that
wo are compelled to refuse the sending
of the siime. Heretofore we have lib
ertaTJly given away samples in order to
popularise our product, but wo cannot
afford to support such heavy .xpenee any
longer. The moderate price of our pro'
dt."t is in the reach of anybody who
want to try it. It ts for the same reason
that we have decided to send It direct on
receipt of 25 cents.
To try is to be convinced that our pro
duct Is a triumph of science.
25 cents each package, sent free ot
liSo Broadway. New York, I). 5. A.
Say, why don't you try DeWltt's Little
Early Risers? These little pill cure
headache, Indigestion and constipation.
They re small, but do the work. Chas.
PUlsbury, the champion cheua player of
the world, Is on Invvteraite smoker. His
favorite tobacco takes the form of green
cigars, and during one game he will con
sume etlx or seven from his ouse.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
.General Duchesne, French commander
In Madagascar. attaibHdhed a pigeon post
to keep up communications betwosn the
main bodvof his troops and the forward
idetuAihiment sent against Antananarivo.
OrvPrlce's Cream Baking Powder
Contains aa Amstoais or Alam.
II. J. Noyes, of Richland City. Wis.,
has been appointed chief Instructor in
butter and cheese-making in the Ohio
State University, with the title of assist'
ant professor of dairying.
It is a truth In medicine that the small
est dose that performs a cure la the
best. Dewitt's Little Early Risers are
the smaliest pills, will perform a cure,
and are the best. Chas. Rogers.
Corbelt and Fitxslmmons have made
costly nuisances of themselves. But If
the curtain which drop on them Is never
to be raised again on prizefighting they
will have been of some use In th world,
and the good they have unwillingly done
may be remembered In partial offset to
the evil of their example. Cleveland
Plain (Dealer.
Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for
your troubles? If not, get a bottle now
and get relief. This medicine hss been
found to be peculiarly adtpted to th
relief and cure of all female complaints,
exerting a wonderful direct Influence In
giving strength and tone to th organs.
If you haw Loss of Appetite, Constipa
tion, Headache, Fainting Spelts, or are
N-rvous. Sleepless, ExcltaM, Melan
choly or troubled with tisy Ppeils, Elec
tric Bitter is the medicine you need.
Health and Strength ore guaranteed by
its use. Large bottles only 50 cents at
Chaa Rogers' drug store.
It ts a victory over the lower poa:ons
of men, a triumph of conscience. For
one the better element in hitman nature
has scored x knockout. Kansas City
A. G. Bartley, of Magic, Pa., writes: 1
feel It is a duty of mine to Inform you
and the public that DelWtt's Witch Ha
zel Salve cured me of a very bad case
of eczema. It also cured my boy of a
running sore on his leg. Chas. Rogers.
It Is better that Corbett and Fltzslm-
mons should batter each other Into sev
eral kinds of pulp than that the governor
should override the law In stopping
either a "irlovo contest" or a prizefight.
Nebraska Stiate Journal.
ROYAL Baking Powder
baa been awarded highest
honor at every world's fair
where exhibited.
It is reported that the Corbett-Fitz-
slmmons fight bus been declared off. If
so, this cpfsode may be saild to end
prizefighting in America. No state will
tolerate it. Minneapolis Tribune.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla,
When she became Hiss, she clung to Castorla,
When she had Children, she gave them Castorla.
-. mi rir
JV.. AA1
ansimwfthla Isxatlve and NERVE TONIC
Bold by Druggists or sent by mail. 50600
and $1.00 per paokage. Samples free,
fffl TTgS The Favorite I00TS KWIBS
IVU llUfortheTeetbandBraatateia,
Tor Sal by 3. W. Conn.
These tier CctHiiiisi are superior
to Bulsatn of Copaiba,
CuMis and Inj.jctiona. ffJD'j
They euro lu 40 hours tho . ,J
name diseases without any incon
KKASON OF- 1895'iHqC.
will kujn ,
Tmice a Week
San Francisco
New Orleans
Over the Great
C unset
Leaving San Francisco
Tuesdays and Saturdays
From Tuesday, Nov. 5, 1895.
The -mot compCete, modern, elegantly
equipped amd perfectly nriuned Vtstl-
buied Transcontinental Train in America.
New Equipment, espectly designed for
this Service.
Direct connections in New Orleans
for all Eastern points. Quick time.
Notice Is hereby aivea that N. Clinton
and Sons, contractors for the Improve
ment of Duane street, in OfcClure's Asto
ria, from east tine of 8iii tftreet to west
line of lStfh street, under the provisions of
Ordinance I960, on the 3ml day of Novem
ber, 1K96, filed in the office of the Auditor
and Polk's Judge of the Cty of AstcrU,
the certlffc.-n.te of the CMy Surveyor and
Super! ntendroi of StreeKa approved ty the
the on Streets and Public
After the expiration of the tine here
inafter specfliled, ft no objections to the
acceptance of such -work be filed and the
Common CouncS etiall deem such im
provement properly cornpieted, according
to the contract and pans nd speriflca
tkvna therefor, flhe same may be accepted.
injections to me acceptance of raid
Improvement or any part thereof, may tie
filed In the ofnVe of the Auditor and
Police Judge on or before Wednesday.
Nov. th. 1&6.
Auditor and Pviiice Judge.
Astoria, Or., Nov. 8nd. 189
4 Vt-JTray, 1
Heal Estate (Den,
Bankers .
Easiness lUIen
.. Of Astoria
S-Call Into the A5torln office
and get sample copies of our regu
lar Commercial edition.
It Means Money
in Your Pocket.
Special attention paid to steamboat re
pairing, flrst-clasa horseshoeing, eta
197 Olney atreet, between Third and
and Fourth, Astoria, Or.
Aa Franklin says, good dress opens
all doors, you should not lose sight of
the fact that a perfect fitting suit Is
the main feature. Wanamaker &
Brown are noted for fit, workmanship
and superiority of Qualities. Their rep
resentatlve visits Astoria every three
months. Office 64 Dekum Building,
Portland, Or Reserve orders till you
nave seen the sprint' line of sampU'w
Snap fl Iodak
at any man coming our ul
our store and you'll got a
portrait of a nun brinnnliiK
over wltti pleasant thoughts.
Such quality in tlH liquors
we have to offer aro enough to
Conge and Try Them
Is there a man with heart so cold,
That from his family would withhold
The comforts which they ail could find
In articles of FURNITURE of th
right kind.
And we would suggest at this season,
nice Sideboard, Extension Table, or se
of Dining Chalr9. We have the larges
and finest line ever shown In the city
and at prices that cannot fall to pleas
the closest buyers.
Few Hen Would Ask
for a Finer Dinner
than those we serve. We're trying in
every way to make them the most en
joyable In town. All the "good things'
ot the season cooked by our excellent
cook In the most delicious style. Perfect
If you Invite a friend to the Palace
Restaurant the place is a sufficient guar
antee tnat ne will receive a gooa meai,
The Palaee Restaurant
Conromly St., foot of Jackson, Astorli.
General Machinists and Boiler Makers
Land and Marin Engines. Boiler work, Steam
boat and Ginnery Work Specialty.
Castings of All Descriptions Made to Order on
anon riuiite. .
lohn Fox. 1'resident and Superlntendon
A, L. Fox Vice President
0. B. Prael Secretan
Are You Going East?
If so, drop a line to A C. Sheldon,
ieneral agent of the "Burlington
rlou;." 250 Washington Bt., Portland.
He will mall you free of charge, maps,
time tables, and advise you as to tne
through rates to any point, reserve
keeping car accommodations for you,
and furnish you with through tickets
via either the Northern, union, tsoutn-
ern. Canadian Pacific, and Great North
ern railroads at the very lowest rates
The Burlington Route Is generally
lonceded to be the finest equipped rail-
road In the world for all classes of
Canadian Pacific
Greatest -- Trac s-Co utinental
Railway System.
Palace Dining Room and Sleeping Cars
Luxurious Dining Cars.
Elegant Day Coaches.
Observation Cars, allowing Unbroken
Views of the Wonderful Mount
ain Country.
$5.00 and $10.00
Saved on all tit-ketn Kaat. Tourist ear the
b"t on wh.-els. Kquipmeuts of ihe very finest
Canadian t'aciflc
China and Japan.
China steamers leave Vancouver, B. C
Empress of India
Empress of Jjptn -Emiress
of China
Emr nss of India of Jatan
Empress of Qiiru
' Aug. 5i.
Aug afcth.
St-pC icih.
Oct 14th.
Nov. mh.
Dec, o'h.
Australian steamer leave Vancouver, B. C
ioib el every month.
For ticket rates and Information call
on or address
Astoria, Or.
V. F. Carsnn, Traveling Pass. At ,
Tacoint. Vah
Geo. McL. Brown, D!st Pass. At.,
- "i Vancouver, B. C-
German Physician. Eclectic.
Office over Albert Dunbar's store, cor.
9tn and Co nmerclal. Prices: Calls, 1;
confinement-, 110.00. Operations at sfflce
tree; medicines furnished.
W. C. LOO AN, D. D. 8.. :
Mansell Block. 67i Third street
Office over Olsen'i drug store. Hours, lu
to 12 a. m,: 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p. m. Bun-
days, 10 to 11.
Office, 6MW Third St., Astorut, Ore.
Special attention given to all cbronJ
Special attention to diseases of wom
en and Burgerr.
Office over Danzigers store. Astoria
Telephone i'o hi.
Office, Rooms 4 and 6, Pythian
Building. Hours, 10 to 12 and t to
6. Residence, 631, Cedar street
May be found in his office until it
o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until t
pi m., and from 5 until 7:30 evenings.
468 Commercial Street.
W. M. LaForce. S. B. Smith.
286 Commercial street.
Office on Second Street Aaiona. or.
J. N. Dolph. Richard Nlxun
Chester V. Dolph.
Portland, Oregon, Hi, 25, 26, and 27,
Hamilton Building. All legal and col
lection business prump:ly attended to.
Claims against the government a spe
A, M. Regular communications held
on the first and third Tuesday evening
of each month.
E. C. HOLDEN, Saaratary.
178 Tenth street.
Handley & Haas. 160 First street, nnd
get the Dally Astortan. Visitor? need
not miss their morning paper wim
fa ridel wine instead of coffee ur te...
Fifty cents per gallon. Don't Utrm
peach and apricot brandy. Also French
Cognac and wine at Alex Gilbert's
"Do unto others as you would have
others do unto you," Is sympathetically
ahown in the following linen, the pre
sumption being that sympathy Is txjrn,
or akin to pain or sorrow:
"Gentlemen: Please send Krauxe's
Headache Capsules as follows: Two
boxes to Flora Seay, Havanna. N. Dak.
Two boxes to Llllie Wilcox, Brookland,
N. Dak. 1 nave always been a great
sufferer from headache and your Cap
sules are the only tning that relieves
me." Youra very truly,
Havana, N. Dak.
For tale by Chaa Rogers, Astoria.
Or., Sole Agent
Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruits
Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and
Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies.
Cor. Cass aud Squemogue Streets. Astoria, Ort
Notice is hereoy given that the partner
ship heretofore existlnir between the un
dersigned, under the firm name and style
Oregon Transportation Company, is this
day dissolved by mutual consent. All
outstanding bills or accounts being pay.
able to Capt. Paul Bohrader, and he as
suming the payment of all debts due by
said firm.
Astoria, Or., May 13, 1805.
Telephone & Bailey Gatzert.
Columbia River and Puget Sound Nay
lgatlon Co.
ty' 't its
Two Daily Boats to Portland
"Telephone" leaves Astoria at 7 p. m
daily (except 8nmlay).
Leaves Portland rl;i r i
cept Sunday. ' "
"Bailey Gatzert" leaves Astoria Tues
day, Wednesday, Thnrsdav, Friday and
Saturday mnrnino nt R-ah i . u i
evening at 7 p. m. , ;
Leaves Portland dwly at p. m.. ex
cept Sunday. ld -Satnrdav niifhr i 1'
p. m. :--v.
' . STONE,
- " A sent, Astoria.
u. a'W,1'
B. A. Beeley. 0n'l .Agt. Portland."
s. it. vvLlett,
das and Steam Fitting,
Hot Air, Steam and
Water Heating.-.
17 Twelfth street Astoria. Or.
Horth Paeifle Bremery :
Bohemian Lager Beer
B.rZrJ,'ulJ,'.u V-!"on -t the
Hwnijwuv ur UOU1S Pn ,4 ! .1 .
-wuu. Ail ordaaa will
t promptiy attended to. IT