iSTOKIA PUBLIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, 4 TODAY'S WEATHER. 4 Foncut for Oregon ni Wiihlnrton, tflf wsiUier. s. -sif- j Ths ASTORIAN hat ths largest LOCAL B 5 circulation! th larireit GF.NERAl circuit- . . Tj Hon, and tht largest TOTAL circulation of till piptrt publtthed Id Aiterls. EXCLUSIVE TELEGRAPHIC "PRESS REPORT VOL. XLIV. ASTORIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY MOENING, NOVEMBER 6, 1895. NO. 231. 255-. v I .jr'x'-Viiii.A.rA'A, Can Yon Tell Why? St. gp a . a Say 8 a man to me yesterday, me a suit that faked in olivine o T elsewhere and paying more than they can be bought for at regu lar prices," especially when he had bought suit3 of me that gave entire satisfaction, and he liked my "style of doing busi ness, strictly one price and throwing in nothing," while selling Men's or Boy's Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, Mackin toshes, Etc. 1. U OSGOOD, The One Price Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher. 506 and 508 COMMERCIAL STREET, ASTORIA, OR. IT IS OVERWHELMING Clean Republican Sweep Everywhere. MARYLAND, OUR MARYLAND New York, Ohio, Iowa and flassacbu- sett dive Phenomenal majorities niMiaslppl nourna the Wrack Alone. hSTOIfl PUBLIC IilBWl READING ROOM FREK TO ALL. Open every day from 3 o'clock to 6 :30 BDd 6:30 to 9:30 p. m. Subscription rates $3 per annum. South wet cor. Eleventh aud Dusne SU. They Lack Life There are twines sold to fishermen on the Columbia river that stand In the same relationship to Marshall' Twine as a wooden Image does to the human being- they lack strength life evenness and lasting qualities. Don' fool yourself into the belief that other twines besides Marshall's will do "Just as well." They won't They cannot School Books ! School Supplies! At Greatly Reduced Prices. Oregon -Books Pens A FULL LINE OF Slates Tablets Erasers Sponges Everything fleeessary for- School Use. Griffin & Reed. THREE LOTS. In a desirable location, 2 blockslrom Hth School. A BARGAIN. CHOICE LOTS iN HILLS' FIHST ADDITION. On the nev Fipe Line Boulevard Just the place for a cheap home. A Block IN ALDER13ROOK. STREET OAR LINE will be extended this, summer to within 5 minutes walk of this property Will fell at decided bantam. ACREAGE. In 5 or 10 sore trsots inside the mty limits also adjoiuing Flnvel. GEORGE HILL. --471 Bond St., Occident Block, HILL'S REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. Ladies' Grey Woolen Vests AT 75 Cents a Garment. These same garments sell everywhere for $1. $10 fIen's Overcoats $10 These same goods are marked out at all the stores as bargains for $11.50. $650 - Men's Suits - $6.50 A Pull Line of Shoes and Hats. Not "York. Nov. 6. New York state has teen cammed by tine Republican by plu ralities ranging from 48.000 to 55.000. com pared with. 24,484 for the bead of the ticket two yearn ago. Palmer (Rep.) for sec rotary of stalte. bus carried tho state above h Hartem. and based unon re turns from 1796 election districts out of a wrtal of 8.383, be carries more tin an one half of tine outside election dtatrlcta by prooaoiy 100,000 plurality. Kin (Dem.) has oarrted New fork and Kinira county by a plurality of 60,000, giving- the toad of une mapumioan .ticket a safe plurality of 50,000 In tin state ait large. The legis lature a-omaflns as before under the dl reoutm of the Republican's. The World today says editorially: "The roaltctanary result in this city yes terday was provoked by tlhe pig headed fo Howling of the president of the police board. But for the exasperating effect of Mr. Rooseveldt's uncalled for, unjust, bonvih. and oppressive execution of the Sunday excise law. Hie union of the aaii- Tammany forces iwould have won as east and rrlirmpfHatit a victory as they did last year. Tho predicted reaction tuts come. Tammany recovers In the first ejection atfitor tts trernerrclous overthrow. The re sult is . discouraging. It impeaches the capacity of the people for self-government." Boston, Nov. 6. The Question in Mas sachusetts from the first was one of majority, since the Democratic leaders WImt?'amm4 re-election of Gov. ernor UroemJ natch. Governor Greenhalgh i won as . large plurality on the state-tick' ana time entire republican ticket as en dorsed toy a plurality practlally the same as uiiat or ikm. line legislative depart ment of the government is oCso solidly Republican. In brief, the result is a clean sweep for the Republican party in the Hate, It Jilavng suffered In no way from tihe utosetf dafootlos-wwfecd by the A. f. a. morwmejrt. It also ooncosas tho election of a Re publican legislature which insures a Ro publican successor ito United States Sen ator Gibson, sard says that the entire Republican ticket to elected by a good majority There are enough, returns to indicate a tandaHtde In Maryland and to dhow that doe Democratic tkrke Is snowed under by majorities ranging from ,000 upwards. There seems to bo no room for any doubt rniait the RiepublK&ns nave elected thwlr entire staite nd city tlcksts and will have a, majority In the next legislature whldh will choose successor to United States Senator Gtbson. - -line city goes nepuoiican by a ma' Jority of from 6,000 to 8,000 and! both bnaindhes of the cKy council wUl uroba bly be Republican for the first time In many years. In fact, there Is not' a leg left tor tine Democratic party to stand upon, thouglh tSus baa long been consider ed one of the suura&t Democratic states In too. union. OHIO. Cincinnati, Nov. 6. One hundred and nlnetyflve precincts outside of Cincinnati give BuslhneU 29,314; Campbell, 20,557. The same precdnots In 1893 gave McKln.ey 2S,blll and Neal 21,227. Columbus, Nov. 5. Chairman Kurts claims Onto if or vBuabnell by 80,000. The Democrats claflm that Campbell will carry the state outslMe of Cincinnati. There are no Indtouttons ifrom there. The RepiibUcama claim the state by a large pluramty and Cincinnati by 5,000. At 8 o'clock dhtadnman Kurts. of the Republican commlotee, callms that the pluHamitiy Is equal to that for McKinley in 189S, but me letnoiaraiUc state commit' tie say that the Republican pturaUty will not be Waif that ox two years ago, al' though tlhey do not claim the election ot Campbell, or Si ntajonlty of the legislature. They say they (have twon la. victory If the Republican pliuraMy Is reduced . to Us normal sise of 80,000. Since 10 o'clock toniigOvt the Republican state conurittltee claims the plurality for BuahneUI will exceed tliiat of 80,000 for Mc Kinley in 1893.- Ttere srs some at bead- quaitra who say that the -returns will rihow , Rttpulbltcnxi plurt9lty ahnost equal to thlat of last year13T)00-thie high wa ter imairtc. At tlh DemocrWtiic headqonr- tens at 10 o'clock the announcement was made that Ohlio had gone Repuhllcan by a decisive majority. In the legislature as for Uhe admtnistraitlon man. Most of the returns give Ualoney doubls that of his opponent. While H cannot affect the re sult, since the Republican candidate ts polling hds fuN party vote, it Is of great Interest as ehowtng how the Nebraska Democrats stand on financial issues. Two yeans ago the relative strength of ths sti ver and gokt Democrats iwasj in the ratio of 25 to 1. ILLINOIS. . Chloago. Nov. 6. The Republicans havs cameo itne erections ty pluralities ot Blbout 30,000 on the enure ticket. Ball, Republican, ifor Judge of the superior count, intus oeKnitekt Morrison, Democrat, by 30,500. The Republicans have elected Ave of the trustees ot the 330,000,000 drain age canal. St. Louis, Nov. 8. Almost comrolete re turns from the 18Ui Illinois congressional dtotrtct show the election by a ohsulttv of 3,200 of the Republican candidate. This is a gain of 700 over over 1804. 'KANSAS. Kansas City Nov. 1 Returns from Kan. sua to rnddnlghft indicate that the Re publicans liave canned a majority of the county ticKets in thWr entirety, by plu ralities of from 200 to 800, and that David Martin, Republican, for chief Justice ot uie supreme ' court. 1s re-elected bv handsome majority. Topewa, nov. . Reports from the Stalte ire very meagre but the Republicans are saitusiwa that hef Justice David Martin, Is elected and that the Republicans have gainea many county omces. THAT COMBINE In jSpite of Senator Ct a tidier ' ' Agreement Reached. TRUNK LINES WILL ACT A3 ONc Opposed to Any Operations Clashing' With the Law, bat Must Have ' Protection for Themselves.' MASSACHUSETTS. Boribon. Nov. 6. Out of 203 district In Boston, GreenhaBi (Rep.) gets 14.108, omd vv'iMiwims uem.) i2,m. Trw sumo pre olnots last year gave Greenhalgh 13,886 and Russell 12,149. Th!d is a gain of 522 for Greenhalgh. The Times says Oreenhalim wins in Maeeochusetts by 60.000. Woman surnrage was overWhelmlnsrlv de feated in this stalte. UTAH. ifloJt Lake. Nov. 8. The Reoubllcana probably elect .the governor and the ma jority of the taglsUature, but the Dem ocrats wlB probably get the congireswnuin. une returns Indicant the adoption of the const ttiutton toy a Iwge majority. MICHIGAN. iTOiaoeih!l,i:Nov. 6. Returns no to mwnlglhrt lndlcoite thlat BenJanWn J. Hey et. Borne of 'the Demooratie ma nagers fay Vhbt tlhe result Is due to the same cause as In 1893 and 1894 opposition to Presl- Vie nit Cleveland's aidmlnttatrtitlon and the last congress. As both pairtlea had the same finamdlal pfank, the -silver qwstlon wia not am Issue In the campaign. The tart ft was the only national issue between the parties. The Ponullrtts east about Andrew Oarnerie Snends t2 l0A.OM nn Pitia. DdtroK, Nov. 6. Detroit has elected the entire Republican ticket and added two aManmen to the Republican majority In the common council. Mayor Pirarree 'to elected for a fourth termu MUNIFICENT DONATION. 40,000 votes; the FrofhlMMon party about 20.000, and Wre Bocialteta about 2,000. Net' 'wood, RepubOkun, has been elected stae ' hlar the third, fourthi or fifth parties, nor treasurer 'by about 150,000 hlurallty, a Re publican gam -over 1893, which was also an off year, of about 15,000. This state also elects seven Judges of the new superior count. ev-"V-ixnopiibllcans no mi. mrteu'V'xjted.:?rr?-il seven la In doubt' In tills city the Republican ttekat to elected by an overwhelming malorttv. wammwton, Nov. . esldent Clove, i "bioo (uem.) two. This Is a net Reoubli. lano aid not maKe his appearance at the oan gam or 887 over 1893. the A. P. A. affect the rcsflt. The con test was beJtmreen the Republicans and JJQinoanalta on the tariff and state issues. ' IOWA. ' uva monies, 'iMov. unwty-nve pre- cmcta m low give Dnave (Rep.f 36.68: iVVhlte House at all today, but remained ot his country home at Woodley. The election dlspaMhes of epeclal Interest were telephoned to Htm. THE BULLETINS. The ftdlowtlng buleltlns given in the or der In which they were received at the lAsMtrtan office last night will be read iwidh interest, as Showing the progress of the count and the predictions from va rious sources. burg. 'Fltteftuwv, Nov. 6. This w Pittfbunr's great day. The city not only received a gfft of a rnllllon dollar library, mudc hall and art gallery, from Andrew Car negie, but the anouncement was made that Mr. Carnegie would endow the art gallery with 11,000,000. and also oroDOsd 'thieereetton for the greater Frttsburg of free libraries at Duqueene, Carnegie and nomesreoo. The building presented to Pittsburg to Fifty precincts in Iowa give Drake 5503 ;1 J ay oat 8800,000, the Site having been pr- rnasea 'oy une cny. n nmnoh libraries are yet to be built In various parts of the dty, for iwfhMfo (Mr. Carnegie has st aside 1300,000. THIs with the endowime-vt of $1,800,000 to the art gallery, nuikcs the sum of 12,100,000 don sited to Pittsburg by Mr. Cbtmegle. NEW TORK. New York, Nov. 6. Voting is proceeding quietly in this cfty. Indications are that the vote i will be CJoee In the state. Tnere I much scratching. The WorM saiys Tammany has elected 11 out of 12 senators and 11 out of 26 as semblymen. For secretary of state, 305 trkJta out of 1392 in the city of Neiw York gUve Palmer (Rep.) 18,413; and King (Dem.) Babb 3383. Reports ifrom various parts of the state Indicate a very tight vote. The DemJocrot- le Stalte committee say: "We claim the Sdaite is very close and believe Babb will oe rated Ts. RwrmWksan gains over two years ago give uraxe, sKpubllcan, for governor, a piraiitv or ovee 80,00 If the prestn rate ts conitilnued. The present Indications are mat the PouHsts will make large gains al lover the state, making thnlr to tnll vote 50,000, the largest ever polled in tne state. 'BROKE ALL RECORDS. Denver, Nov. 5.-Harry Clark, of Den- ver, In a sanctioned trial at the Denver Wlhttel ClfUb track toodnv. brnVs all wnrWV. The ReipubJIcan vote iho,ws no recoros unpiaoed for both Classes A and special loss; the lassos to the I'opullnts neing almost umraranay wkJv the Demo crats. ODtumwa, Nov. 6.-Tl Detncwits con cede the election of Drake for governor by 40,000. At midnight tlhe Republicans claim, ihe dMte by 86.000. The ReonlbMcans havii election d-ls- !18 160 mc?tom legislature, election (ris-1 hairing the re-electicm of Aiiil oil. B, from three to five miles. His time was as follows: Three nujes, 7:18 1-5; four miles, :6J 1-5; five miles, 12:34 2-5. THE "WATER COMMISSION. Reguir aiorttWy Meeting INIgtht. Held Last OREGON TRADING CO, 6oo Commercial Street. hi the state election 27 dismUcts out of 3393 election districts outside of New York and Kings oounltyv give King 38,470, and Palmer 40.320. Six hundred and seventy districts out ot 3383 outside of New York and King's coun ty give King 67,889, and Palmer 90,199. Eleven thousand and twenty-five dis tricts out of 1392 in the city give Palmer 76.388 and Kdng 110,787 for secretary ot stare. The election of Amos J. Cummlngs, Donx, to congress from the lOtihi district conceded by the Republicans. Last year thki district went Republican by a small majority. V A morning paper has this bulletin pnS'ed at 7:20: "At Democratic headquarters in this city the cKy is claimed by 60,000 ma jority, wbme Tammany claims 1t by 40,000. At 6:04 o clock Commissioner Rooseveldt said at police headquartero: "I admit that the Democratic county ticket is successful." The Press rRep.) says: "The Tammany local ticket wl hve 20,000 majority. The Morning 'Advertiser estimu'ies the Repub lican majority in the state wW be 75,000. John C. Sheehon concedes New York state to the Republicans. A World . bulletin says that . bo h branches of the New York legislature will be heavily Republican. The Mail and Express says: "The Re publican state ticket will have 40,000 ma Joritqr." The World says the state Is RepublKun by 46,000 majority. For secretary of state, thirty of the New York dUsrrlcts comp ete, give Palmer (Rep.) 97,334, and King (Dem.) 138,948. MARYLAND. KENTUCKY. LoulsvUte, Nov. 6. Never b of ore has there been sudh Interest 1n an election. The vote Is heavy. The Republicans are hopeful. The Democrats concede nothing. There has been on ugly feeling all day between the A. P. A. -and Catholics In the "burth ward. A pltclied battle occurred 'ttiween the elements. Twenty shots were cxoWamged. Jacob BnHteht. an A. P. A. man, was seriously wounded. Tlwre is a dearth of news at the head quarters of the Democrats and Republi cans. Omctfaasman Hunter, chairman of "s e RepufeCtdan state oonvmrttee, was not fivonably trnpreswd with the returns from the interior. He raid a continua tion of these reports wouCd indicate the election of Hardin, Democrat. Lexington, Nov. 6.-The Evening Post I'uem.) says thtst the state Is In doubt. The returns to midnftght give Hardin (Dem.) (or governor, 1,222 plurality., Up bo a late hour the election Is in doubt, though) the returns favor the Dem' ocrails. NEW JERSEY. NOV York, Nov. 5. The Tribune says the RepubTlcans will dairy New Jersey by 20,000 majority. The New Ywk Press rays: "Griggs, the eRpubCOcan candidate for governor of New Jersey, has carried Essex county by 1,000. Trenton, N. J., Nov. 5. The content Is being fougftlt on party lines. The Repub licans claim the state by 10,000, and ths Democrats claim It by from 1.000 to (.000. At midnight both parties claim the state but returns ore favoral.e to the Republl. cans. The chairman of the Moyer county Democratic club concedes the staite to the Republicans by from 10.000 to 15,( The leglRlature 1s surely Republican. The official vote for governor of New Jersey Is: Grtgrs, (Rep.) 28,422; McGlll, 7,600; Getg-gs' plurality. 20,822. , ; MISSISSIPPI. Jackson, Miss, Nov. (.Ths campngn Wrenr ONI! KKCDS A BDrrra CDCCATTON. Maay yeans- rns ss4 mil eas spend bat one sr'twv years at school why sot tske s eoorss that ess be eemp)d In that timer The college Includes a short ENGLISH COUR83 be- i a BT78TNE8S and SHORTHAND couRHK. ror eataiogoss sasrass. Baltimore, Nov. 5. The heaviest vote ever polled In Maryland 1s being cast, ac companied by occasional acts of disorder. The Evening News pre rl Id that this cKy will give the Republican ticket 10 000 ma Jortty. Hurst (Dem.) Is more than holding own In the outside eoimtJes. lx precincts out of 19S In P.alllmor give Hurat 894; and Lowndes 1203. This ts a Reoublinwi tafei avw i ji ui The Demoorwtlc rtite committee on- t closed las on she ree silver cr ceeds the election of xwndea (Reo. tor- tton sgraitaslt the gold standard governor and Hooper (Rep) for wiarer . he swmtl-Ss a oompleu vlotory for ths The Sun fanWJDemecratlc) claims tils,' ""weSM. . Wis Dassocratle e-4srhy Lowndes fltep.) Has carried the -stats by lsasJssawisiso-o aVPO.4 from 6,000 to 8,600, and that the-entire ' J ' 1 . , RepuWican state and city ticket Is sleet- ' rjTERHABKA. ed- oe vhws (uem.) ae lsued an extra in Omaha, "Msv. . At 11 rsturnsy Oavt wWrth It cJahns that Lowndes (Rep.) hn bgun tecsssss as slowly from the state, carried the day by 15,000 and to elected T tewflrer fvr.m ot the returns is the gov, r nor. - dlfTerefiee betiween Mis vote for Mai oner. 114 YAKHZIX $r. - - HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. - NUTLATO, OIL Ttae HenaM (IndRpendentl eenc4M Oia h khnMsiwlin rMnurntlc candidate eleoMon of Lowndes and says that bis or the supreme court, sad Phelps, the majority ta the stats may reach ! silver Democrat, sbenrteg enormous gains The regular amount of routine business was trowUcted Vast night at the meeting ox the whiter commhwion. All the wa ter commlissloners iwere present; Engineer Adams was unable to attend. Minutes of the last meeting were read and ojpproved. The report of the clerk showed that the receipts ifrom water rents were tl. 411.80. with a large number of new consumers. The report of Superintendent Smith showed that many repaint had been made to the oM Unesi which are In a wornout oomllolon and that twenty new penmlta ware Issued iwltUx a gratifying toorease In new consumers. A communication was read, signed by seven Uppemown parties, to have the pipe line of the new iwater (works con tinued to ths corner of 38th and Duane Streets. The tntatter was referred to 'the conxnwtitee. Communication was real from C. W, Shlvely, and a bill attached, asking for the value of 40 new posts which hod been used to fill a mud hole, with the significant endorsement, "please pay." As the comrmleakm had not used the poS:s the matter was referred to the "parties wmo wad used them." 'Mir. Campbell, of Hhte Pacific Bridge Co., who are now doing the tunnel work, re ported that It was neceSasry to make 20 foot cut from Grand avenue to Irving avenue, on 16th street, and asked for ex tn compensation, offering to furnlsti the force account plus 10 per cent for tools and the super tai tendency. The matter wss referred to Messrs. Bowlby, Fisher and WrWht. A proposition by MVtrtr Smith, Scog- gin vnd Burke to make a walk of rolled crushed rock around the reservoir was refetvSd to the engineer to report at the neat meeting. " Tile clerk was authorised to A t a wsnwant for 8300 In favor of Messrs. Smithy Booggin and Burks on ths esti mates for October. . The contractors reported that the pow er house will be completed In two weeks ord ths flitctngis within ten daysi The dsdm of Perelll for $2,481 was re ferred to the engineer; Hnglnenr's ipoy ro3 for 91.410 and expense bin for 171.70 wsre ordered paid. The Oltiy pay roH for 1284.00 and sundry expense bills amounting to 8771.27 were allowed. A committee ef three eonMsting of 'Bo 1- by, 'Ehnons, ' and ths engineer' was ap pointed so proceed to Cedar Creek and re- port upon the art visibility of cutting a ditch smd securing data looking to in- croaslng tfoe mstsr supply. , Recent ad vies from New York says: Tttvs presidents ot ths trunk lines and Htuetr pnuncapal iwestern connections met today In the roomie of 'the Trunk Line Aissodiation to take flnaU action on .the new traffic agreement. The agreement as submt'Jted to the presidents at ths meet ing, on October 10 contains over twenty articles,.. many of which are divided Into several sections It provides thbt the Joint Traffic Asso ciation shull be organised, which elhaU have Jurisdiction over all competitive and passenger traffic, with certain speci fied -.exceptions, passing to, from, or tlhiroughi . the Western termini of the trunk lines. . Not less than nine directors shall con etiUilte tin board of management, which dlvall Include representatives of the Grand Trunk, Vanderbllt, LaolcawanR, Lehigh Valley, Erie, Pennsylvania, Baltlrore and OhOo, Oheaapoake and Ohio, and Wabash systems. Any system hereafter admitted 1s also to have the right of represeatutlon The boettl of management shall meet at the caUl of three presidents. The board hall co-operate with the Interstate com merce commission to secure stability and uniformity of rates. Power Is to be given the. board to examine under oath officers accused ef violation of the agreement. nTbe.corrvrw.niM are to deposit with the board wrtliln twenty days after the 'agree ment becomes effective the aggregate sum 6f KO.000 to defray the expenses of the axuociation, to be apportioned among them as the board may determine. Each company shall deposit monthly 1 per cent of )ta .grOss revenue from business sub ject to the agreement, but thls percentage shall be reduced If found exceeslve. . The agreement is not to become effective until it shall have been, approved by the boards of directors of the several com' panics,, and c entitled copies of the reeolu-' tlons gtvini; such sipproval are to be rued Wilth the asaociaitlon. ".' The .agreement 'Is to continue, for five, years, and is to be Signed by tlhe presidents of 'the companies and to have the seal of each company at tached. - The meeting lasted until 6 o'clock to night, when an adjournment was taken until November 19. The following state ment, was Issued after the session: ."The presidents of ths trunk lines and jtVMwn nflentlons were dully reptresent id t,';i, nwlettag. and received, consid ered,' and further amended the contract subnrritiwd to them by the committee on revision since the last meeting. By rea son thereof omd of additional suggestions received from counsel and others fur ther meetings of the presidents were deem ed desirable, to be held on dates to be announced hereafter. No dissent was expreeesd, and and the boards of directors of partlei to the agree ment have acted favorably upon It." Thwe art) eatoebsrablle5nddviaeiiaslr There appears to be a serious hutch In the final adoption of the inutfh-dlto kWPd Joint trtLfllc agirecment. The new scheme, which Itias been in process of formation since last June, and wihtdlv readily receiv ed ths formal approval of the directors of severe! railroad companies, tailed of ttatlflcatlon, chiefly, it Is said through fflor of thb -lnlterstats ooromerce law. The .more conservative men, Including PrewMenlt Roberts, of the Pennsylvania, ho,ve all along been averse to taking any steps that tnlghlt be construed ns clashing wiui me jaw. a meeting of the revision comrriltte will probably be held within a few days. done Marriage 'to nctsrly the extent of 82,000,000, tOw ineurtance men estimate, ondj the heamt of the retail business on Broad was was in ruins. The Manhattan Bank building iwas valued at about $1,000,000. iRESJULT OF THE STRIKE. St. Paul, Nov. 6. A SpeclaT from Devil's Lake, N. D., says: Since the strike "Mia ordered on the Great Northern no freight tnuUres have departed and but one has arrived. Passenger trains are not Inter fered wttii. HEAVY WEATHER. St Paul, Nov. 6 Specials report a heavy snow storm raging, from 6 to 10 Inches, m North Dakota today.. CLATSOP NOTES. . . The Sunday school to now under the supervision of Mr. Fulkerson. Miss DbJ West Is organist, and Harriet Waterhouse secretary., Mr. J. C, Adams is togging on one side of Culluby Lake. There is a scheme talked of and ser lously coruridored by Its Inceptors, to make a canal all the way from the k!p smon to O'HOnna- creek, near eeasU, twenty feot wide and deep enough so that the tide will ebb and flow througb It. It Is argued that the logs along Its banks, cedar and spruce, would much more than pay for It, besides giving an outlet to the logs of the Necsnnicum snd the 0' Harm a. There are obo many cedar and spruce togs near the lake by Mrs. Bryd'e and the streams tributary to It. Besides the logs. It would be the means of reclaiming all the marsh land, end launches could run from Astoria to Sea side. The cost of the canal has been cutlmoited all the way from fifteen to thirty thousand dollars. The debating society will start here agialln soon for its winter term, at which they Willi probably, discuss the chances of Cleveland's third term. How be made six million dollars by being U. 8. presi dent two terms; if Cuba ought to be ad. mltted and mode a state, etc., etc. The notice of the bridge meeting on the Lewis and Clarke river was not received In season for any one to attend. The road ' Is becoming quite passable. It will be a fine hecycle route In a. couple of years hence. . One cltlsen remarked that his neighbor could take a doten of eggs in a tetket on his arm. ' go to town over thlat road, sell his eggs, and saving bis fare, could have all he got for his eggs to buy supplies with. Italian prunes are said to be excellent for any one with weak digestive organs. Thiey seem to be a tonic, and rhey also correct acidity of the stomach. Tiuore aim Miver claim diggers this year. Mr. Fulkcinson Is an efllclervt teaclher of Uie public school,- and gives general siJttef action; still, the people can't forget Mr. Pirescott, of last, year. Many are praying for the time to coma wihen 1W raltiroad bridge will be finLlhed . ' so that they can go to town on the train, not so much for their personal con' vonlence, as to save handling the freight so much. One man was heard to say that he hoped they would have a clean place to put meat 'that was sent to mar ket when the train sua all the iway thiroueb to Astoria. Ons con teM if one ts a quarter of a mile away from the track, whether Dick Hhenman is firing, or not, on the train. Orainberry pickers were very numerous thils year, and tout few bwrrles were left, aMUourfh they were quite plentiful at ftnrt. The wild berries growing on Got- oip aire so mudh superior In flavor to the Eastern berries that people go to lots of trouble to get them. The berries are better, too, since the waiter twos lowered by true dltdh, besfcVs being more plentiful. it seems to co only necessary to keep the grass and weeds out ot the vines, and the calotte from tramping tfliem, to have good cranberry land here. A big rain coming at the critical time during tlhe bloewomlng period, ' Is apt to hurt the crop of berries. The apple crop suffers sometimes the same way here. ! , "B." It's In town. It's the best; Won't burn nor roughen ths Won't "yellow your cVrthMi" You will be agreeably surprised. Sorry you didn't know tt sooner. TotrSKra's (Joap Foam, rarri pttltagA. CASS DISMISSED. ' Eugene, Or., Nov. 6.-In the circuit court today H. P. Hayes was found gull ty of Incest, his complanion In crime be ing Mies euson Walker, his niece. 'The Jury reconxmnided Hayes to tlhe mercy of the court. Miss Walker, against whom the charges were entered, was released and Itlhe charges drsmteseld. .THE TEXAS R'EOATTA. Austin, Tex., Nov. S.-Tthe first race n the regatta today wow s naif mile- dnsh for 0. purse of $100. whtoh. wus finished with Teemer. Gaudaur and Rodgvs Ir the order named. Teelmer won by hall a length. Time, 1:22H The trial twtat between the English dou bles for position In the Anal against Tee mer and Rodgers, the Amertcanr crew (Mas won by Bubear and Barry by half length. Time, 19:34 1-4. The mile and a half straight siwixy be tween Mine Rose Moeen-tthieimv of St. Loulr and 'Uksj Til lie AShfley, of Hartford Conn, was won by Miss Mosenthelm, In I6:17!f. . . ' THE MARKETS. LlWrpocS, Nov. . Wheat, spot, quiet' demand poor; No. 1 red winter, 6s 3d o. 2 red spring and No. 1 hard Manito ba, stocks exhausted; 'No. 1 California, (s 4H1. Portland, Nov. 5. WBuiaJt Walls Wslla, WAP Volley, 61052., LOSS BY FIRE. Nev York, 'Nov. 6. A Are started to night In Keep's shirt factory, at Broad- tay and BCeeker streets which, extended to Orosby -street and Is enthrw'.ed to n(vn dona tdamfcure to ths extent ol $1,000,0000. It iwas compartlvely a new building of the Manhattan Savings Inetl. t union that was destroyed. Several fer- sons were Injured. --'. Lster-WitJhln three trours ths fire had .THEATRICAL NOTES. WtiUlt the 'PCiay Writers oridl Actors are Doing. William IA, Crane Is itlU playing " Senator." . MUton Nobles, the great author-actor, Is playing in (Portland. Lewis Morrison has a new play itfhCs ' soason dolled "The Privateer." Marie Jannen has a new musical come, dy, called' "The Merry Countesa." . Mumager Brady Is having great success wOtlh hts new play "Itble Cotton King." E. H. Eothern's new play, "Tlie PrOsooer of Zenda," 1s meeting with, great eucc sss in New York. Thomas Q. Soabrooke s playing in Le. nmdar Rtdhsrdson's new force comedy, "Baby Mine." It Is eaM that T:orrus Keeue's aotlng w shown to the best advantage in the dharaofer of G roster, In ' Richard III.". In the near future, Henry 3. Weeks and Terry McKeen will produce that fun- ket of farces, "Bos and Cox," at Rescue Club. Julia MerOdwe Taber and Robert Tafber. htarve the following pieces In their reper. toire this senson: "Rcmeo and Juliet:" As You Like It;" "Twelfth, Night." and "Henry IV." .Following are the piuys In Sir Hw trving's repertoire thls.esason: "King Airltlhiur," " "Don Quixote." "A Story of Waterloo," "The Corstfcan Brothers," "The Merchant of Venice," "Much Ado bout NbllMnir" "Becket." "The Lvons VUII," "Louis XI." "ChairCwi I." "Thm BBlls," "Nance OMfleM," Bind "Faust." Cocu county residents, says the Gold Beach Gaxette. must be xor flnandars. Wj-Ja a large number of sawmills run ning, several coal mines In coeration and Other industries circulating large sums of money, tihlit county should be nrosooroua and money p'.entlftil; yet ait the term of court there Just passed we notice that 8!wre were 'nineteen suits to foreclose nortgatjin and elgiht suits to recover noney. Peiraaps Kie residents thvre ore apt t'dholans, and are practicing the arirrdhtotlc djoorines by certain of thehr local' papens-t'hat ttie ri(h man Has no tighk to his riches, and the poor irwn shiould make him yield up soma ot his wealth. HlghesLof all ia Leavening Power.- Latest U. S. Gov't Report J -ao:.'o www..