The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, November 05, 1895, Image 2

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JOHN T. LIU! ITER, tldltor.
Telephone No. J.
Bent by mall, per yaw
Bent by mull, per month....,
Served by carrier, per week
Sent by mail per year, $2.00 In advance.
Pontage free to aubscrlbere.
AX communication Intended for pub
lication should te directed to the editor.
RuinM communication! of all kinds and
remittances must be addressed to The
The' Astorten guarantees to lti sub
scribers' the largest circulation or any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising rates can be had on ap
plication to the business manafor.
. The Weekly Astorlan, the second old
est weekly In ttie state of Oregon, has
nt to the Portland Oregonlan, the
largest weekly circulation In the state.
Jno. T. Hand'.ey Co. are our Port
land Barents, and copies of the Astorlan
can be had every morning at their stand
on First street.
If -we are to have party politics in muni
cipal etcottons, 'then Jet us have It wish
the fullest possible Individual liberty of
choice and Independence iwlthln the party
tinea. The Mpr-lmery" system of selecting
delegates to refcecint tbe party at con
veni'JkMis wait doubtless designed to pre
vent Jobbery and unfair manipulation of
the conventions in the interest of certain
candidates, or the (selection of delegates
fuvomfcle to them. Like many other
plausible theories In politics or political
economics, it. Is a theory tSiat will not
pan out' on practical or experimental
deirtonetiraUon. The very .abuses which
the primary was)lntendel to correct are In
creased and -made iworso by Its operation.
It Is not necessary to particularize about
this, She rank and file of the party have
again and again tiad occasion to com
plain of the advantage taken by unscru
pulous politicians and bosses to foist upon
the voter, under the coercion of party
fealty, Improper and unpopular candi
date) at both city and county elections.
The old New England town meeting
to the nearest approach to an actually
popular and republican form of govern
.mcnt that has been Invented. In ttiese
meetings every dclien has his vote and
, oin have tils voice If be so desires. Every
thing Is done openVy and above board, and
while there are politics In these meetings,
and muEit be, unleas all organization and
syettem are abandoned, nd the partici
pants uegraoea inio a tienvoraiisea ana
confused mob without leaders or definite
petioles, yet every man feels wiheo he en
ters such a meeting 'that (he is the equal
of any man there. He has a ritfOvt to be
heard upon'wny proposed aotlon, and can
express) openly and for ttie benefit of all
present (h assent or diuent to any meas
ure or candidate, with tils reasons there
for. In this way the senMmonts of the
party can he taken In advancs of the
Irrevocable action of the meeting or con-;
ventlon, and the policies or complexion 1
of he ticket armnged to emit the largest
possible number. No man can say he
was not consulted, and, If he voluntarily
participates in the meeting, he Is In honor
bound to stand by its results on the prin
ciple of majority representation. With
a primary, (however, where there are a
Urge number of delegates to be selected,
the ordinary party man, engnctwd as he
Is In the affairs of his private business,
has (had no tlms or opportunity to die
cum or hear discussed the merits of pros
pective candidates. He Is obliged to go
to the polls and vote wlitlhout the benefit
of previous deliberation. Thus a large
number of scattering and useless votes
are deposited, and when the voter awakes
next morning, he finds Ulsat a list of dele
gates have been selected In 'which he
has no representation, but whose success
has been secured by the slickest kind ot
political manpulatlon and dark-lantern
system, ot whldh (he had no inkling, and
which ha and Wis fellow In Dheir dlt-or-ganlsed
condition could not have defeated,
even If they had received warning In time
to attempt It.
These tings wUl be formed and have
their existence In every party, and their
nefarious methods are principally directed
to obtaining control of the convention
primaries knowing full well that after
their out and dried plans have been ex
ecuted In the convention, the party lavh
will be sufficiently effectual to prevent
any considerable bolting at Wis election.
The thing to do is to reduce the machin
ations of these itirtdasters to the smallest
unlnlmun by requiring them to carry on
heh" operation In the full llgMt of publle
scrutiny at a mass meeting. Another ad'
vantage In the tnuas meeting plan of se
tectlng delegates Is that It give every
gjod party man a chance to warn these
bosses that -lie will not consider hlmselt
bound at the poll tf their unfair and
unscrupulous methods ara carried to th
last extremity, and neither Is he to bound,
provided timely and unequivocal notice
of his objections be given.
Tlie primary system has, of course, be'
com Ingrafted a a part of Oregon's
election maJlainery, and cannot be dis
regarded without jeopardising the legal
s:tua of any party ticket proposed for
election, but there I nothing In the law
to prevent any political organisation from
meeting In advance of the primary, for
the purpose of selecting a list ot delegates
(arM Instructing them for particular can
dlda'tes at In conventi-Mi, too. if thought
proper), and then ratifying ulie selection
so madu at the primaries when Ihey come
off. Oood reason exists for b. J'evlnj thut
this plan could be tried to advantage ok
the coming detegate primary, to be held
In "fy'M city next Thursday, and it Is pug
glutei that the prett-rt of the MVKin-
ley and League Club call a joint and in.
formal session of these bodies, at the
court house, Wednesday evening, and that
a! ether Republic ins qwtlifled to vote at
the December elections be Invited to he
prcuent and participate in the selection ot
delegate to be voted for at Thursday's
prlrrmry. . -
W-j Crave btn inked who. In th As-I
uv4ui oviiiwu, i 'y elected governor j
of JEfwIesCppI today. Though generally to (forecejMtlng anything so un
curtain aa t"io resu'.'t ef an ejection, we
be.'ieve the next governor of M sa'sjlppl
win be a Democrat.
Tie wcrf c5!p iiar btfn decreased a
hurfir'ed .million rounds and tiie price ot
the clip haa 'been lc mred from 7 to Z7',j
cento. StfC wrm papers assure uii the
UuiiifT irefonn la an vxctllcnt thins few
tWjs InlduUlry. 'It i one of the few artl
cfien. In tsft, Wie onCy prominent one
whJldh has had t'iie alleged benefit of a
ful 'Democratic 'tariff. Wool was placed
on the free lifft. TOer la not a cent ot
djty ltJt on It. It Is under a strictly
Deinmouiuitlc tariff. . Nearly all the oltier
arUdTee fhialt aire from time to time cited
In (Ore newpapors 'have some portion ot
oho o'jJt prarteoiitve duty loft standing to
their benefit. It s'.iou'.d be borne In mind
that the Wtaon bill Is not a Democratic
tariff. It is simply an emasculated Re
publican tariff. It was a botched Repub
Uaan tariff iwhen K came from the house.
In thie senate Mr. Gorman and his asso
ciate added over 600 amendments, most
of which were protective amendment,
for MarCyland turn many factories to pro
tect. In tWs way the Democratic party
Is now defending duties which, are two-
third at fciaet Republican, only they are
unevenly distributed, favoring certain
sectional Industrie. But in the case of
wool the Democratic party had the coup
age of Its convictions and took off the
iwihoCe duty, since it was targeSy a North'
era product. The wool clip under the
McKlnCey law (amounted to 364,000,000
pound. This year it we reduced to
264,000,000. At the aime time the price
wu reduced from T to 1714 cents, depend'
Ing -upon the grade of wool.
Thds Is an Important day not only tor
the Eastern Mates, but for the wh jle
country, and the results of the elections
to be tiwid wl'.hln the next twenty-four
hour will be looked fonward to with
great lntoreet. Tne following .ates elect
.egletatures, which, in turn, elect United
dtialte senators:
The following states hold full elections:
Compete arrangements have been made
by the Astorlan for receiving returns
from all these state as soon as they are
made known. - The results wl.l be bul
letined In front of the office on our an
nouncement board, pCaclng the people
of 'this ctty In possession of the news
wlthiln five minutes of the time It to
known in the CocaUtle 'where the eCC'
tlons are being head.
The San Francisco Examiner poke
triiJJ fun at Republicans for speaking at
one time of the Gorman tariff as a better
protective tauiiff than the Wliaon bill,
and ait another as a free trade measure.
Yet the Gorman tan-lff Is Just what the
Republican describe it to be. It pro
tect one American Industry and falls to
protect another. So far a wool is con
cerned, it Li as mucth a free trade meas
ure as If It did not protect the Iron and
steel Industry. The Gorman tariff can
be tulid to have no natural or consistent
polilcy. It is neither protective In the
propor acm-e of the word, nor 1 It a "for
revenue on'.y" tariff. If it were pro
tective It wouOd retain duties on wool:
tf it were a revenue tariff It would etill
piuce duties on wool a a means of ob
taining revenue. The Gorman tariff was
the result of a party conaldaratlon of ex
pediency. Wooi was put on the free
list 'beovuuae there was no wool organisa
tion stirong enougiii to save It, Tiie mamu
fuotures of wool were retained In the
dutiable list because It rona not consid
ered expedient to leave them unprotected.
That was about the general style ot
trtake-up In the "Gorman tariff."
A more efficient system, coupled with
Ohe fact that a body the Oregon pilot
r better posted In their business than
Uhnir rival on the Washington side ot
the river, U the true reason why our
own men have scored some signal vic
tories lateCy, The competition tthouid be
welcomed by H ishlpplng men, as it ha
hUd the effect of stirring up the bar serv
ice very thoroughly.
W oaah er conditions and the financial
oondltton alike make this the most cheer
ful approach to winter that Astoria has
ever experienced.
Wattis the matter with our railroad
contractors anyway.
And tK. the road question won't keep
(Jersey City Evening Journal.)
Th tnnptrtrtienvlent of the great Yellow
stone NkitkKwt park complains. In his
annual report to tiha United States gov
ei'nniont, iwhUoh controls this remarkable
tract, In wttVWlv are cvi many nutural won
der, (hat the iHimber of th visitor to
th park ts convparativel)' umal, and
Jhat iwt.tiln the iu three year there has
been a lamentable decrease of the num.
txr of wltOtors. He say that while 4,000
touwikst vtolted the park In 1890, the yearly
Influx of lavi'taeer tvaa aftic then stead
ily decerned; that lt year th number
of victor was hut i tea mnA , ,
cfo ef July of th present year only
'-J perwons una vtslted th wonderful
park reservation, which coinprlws more
'?hut 1.000.000 acres, and In which many
extraordinary and marve'.oua natural at
tiracicitoiM are to be seen, some of them
not to be found elsewhere In the world.
PuipnrlntendMit Anderson attributes
' fa.'t".rg off of visitor to the YeKow
stone park to Dh Ignorance of the tourist
population of our country. He assume
Mfnt 1f tihey knew what was to be seen
liiu.-e t'.iy wouM not neglecl It and flock
to finnan In atk-h milHtihU.
Irjcf hied to think that Superintendent An
ilwi on Is entatakMi n
c:t?s of td Indifference of th people
lo I'M YeTcaione Dark aiiran. r.
Is not Ignoranv? of hat th park con
talna -o muodi a It I a Mvk of denire to
v'p't 1t wJTe the Dlvsmt mm-,
- --- NMiHiuota
Hi vMtor are itubjncted to o many
a'woomforts and extortions If they tto
V it.
T'oe io W'ad th brief but pertinent
ef? tolMra of V.'.ie way In .whloh ih Yol
.' park is ronaaJ. contained la
tiw Cetrer In em Journal a few day since,
tVom, our partner and business manager,
iwh'j hair just Vuilted It, will not be al a
kos to apprehend why-mora people tlo
n;it gjr.tlht.ira. The of transporta
tion within riia park are of the most
i.'u.'33 and expensive tort; the few hotels
aire 'moiKipolles, badly managed, Wtih
poor acccmmidatlons, at hlgli rates, and
b-jJ.i tranrjcititlon and conveniences for
a dl'ay at tihe paTk are hamporekl by tui
noyljng rcutrldflona an'd conditions. Visit
ors artd tourtttla are generally glad to get
away 'from (tho park territory as soon as
'fflvey have eon some of its natural won
ders. Tire vJalt, Instead of being made
attirij;ive and agreeabte, ta mraUe dlfnVult,
fatiguing, uncomfortable and expensive.
A "radical change In the adnvlnlatration
of the Yellowstone park to wihat I op
parenttOy traeded, 1f visiting Is to be made
popular and gonertU.
Two French) officer were standing at
Fort Vlctrhie, on the edge of the Sahara
desert. ,
"I'X waer fifty napoleons," said one ot
them, "that no European ever goes from
were to Foilt Sit. Denis aTonte and reaches
there alive!"-
"Done!" eaid a quiet voice behind bin.
The speakor lookt.l around with a start,
ankl eanv that a new pemeonage had sud
denly come upon thle Boon e--a smal l, thin,
stvatijhy FrenchinVcn tin civilian drests.
"You muat not think of It," my dear
sir," cried the young lieutenant, who had
offered Ithe wager.
"Perhaps It may not turn out to be such
terrlb'.e (business after V' said the little
man. "I'm going rttir&lghlt to the colonel
and aJk (Ms permleslon to make the at
teimpit, and I have neat the least doubt
that I d!ll get it."
And he did get it, sure enough, though
It iwas not without a oevere twinge of
comeelemee that Co".l Lagiunge gave Ms
RaiAi as he was, however, the bold ad
venturer had a method hi his madness,
for the Aral thing he did wais to asmirne
an Arab dress, knowing' that however
uscf.ess Budh a (disguise mlgAit prove at
close quarters, yet (If thiey saiw from a
distance a solitary man In native garb
they might not think It worth while to
ride after him, as they would certainly
do 'after a European.
When the hour for tairtlng came, not
merely the odd cottonet, but every other
officer who wais not actually on duty,
crowded to tihfe gate off he little fortress
to iwirtnees the departure of their adven
turous guest.
"Can I carry any message for you to
Font St. Denis, Colonel 7" asked the tatter,
turning to Col. Lagrange as coolly a
If he were only setting out for a picnic
Instead of running a risk in which the
dhances were 90 to 1 of his being kiKed.
"Weil, alnce you win go," rejoined the
veteran, teugtolng in spite of himself,
"you might give this paper to the com
mandant, and I only hope youll survive
to deliver It."
Thiere Is no mare grim or dreary ispecta-
f.e upon the face of the earth, except
pecC'Jaips the kiTAlred waste of central!
AjHla, than the mighty desnrti that
f.retehea almost unbroken from the palm
groves of Egypt to the waves of the At
AK at once, In 'the very midst of the
hot, ibrojwy glare whitoh make e'.J earth
and sky eem on fire together, the
create of a long line or graceful palms
are seen standing Hike sentinels along the
edge of a 'dear, stID, shining lake. But
It 1 only Uhlat fatal, murage of the desert
whlidh modka the weary eye of the lost
(wanderer, only to aUld ai keener agony to
the bitterness of his despair.
To itlhe Wave Frenchman, however, thlle
vOslonairy splendor and 'thlls weird, ever-
la.tlng deacCatlon were alike hackneyed
spectacles, and forward he went without
even troubling Dijmseilt to look at them.
Ten .mile of the twenty had already
been accomplished, (then twelve, fourteen,
fifteen. iHe had now adMeived three'
fouhtlhla of his perilous journey, and at
length, imounting the crest of one of the
ClJtig, wavellke sand ri'dge. he descried
far in tlhie distance (the low, white waJCs
of Fort St. Demls, iwlth It gay tricolor
flair of France waving Jauntily over It,
Cut &t the same moment he caught sight
of oomeith'lnv eise wlhtcfo was by no means
so saitMtajcitory-a distant group of white
iiraintften and glittering spear points and
Arab horses coming straight down upon
The fnt was that the French had so
often employed nal Ivo , m'sengers that
every man, even if he Cooked like an Arab,
wa now an object of suspicion to those
(dtesert witures.
And 'Wihan they n eared our hero and caw
that he quietly continued on bis way
without taking any notice of them what
ever, they began to think that they must
be iwrong In sniapeotlng him, naturaflly
supposing that his showing wo little fear
of them was a proof that he could have
no reason to be afraid.
As the six if.ll horsemen dlosPd around
him, bn&nd!lh!nr their guns and spears,
but ptlll In doubt whether to attack him
or not, the dlj?u!evd Frenchman (drew
hlmncilf up defiantly. Indulged In a series
of these excited giestlculnltilons whicrv are
cihairoctarlftttc of Arohaimmedn pligrlms
and then called out to than fiercely 4n
'Begone, transirreai.'iora of the (law! A
true 'beOlever hath no fe'lowstvlp with the
sinners who violate the racred commands
of the prophet!"
'What 'mean you?" asked the nearest
horaeman In a tone of aimaiement, Which
iwas ecTtaln?w not without reaioon.
'What caia you thds!" retorted the ac
cuser with stern empMasls. And quick s
thwight he (drew from (benemth the Arab s
'WiMte mantle an undeniable pork sau
A yell of nwlngOed horror and Indi'gnaition
burtit from his camrutdes as the "unclean
flev-h" oame to MgWt, and their holy anger
(broke forth anew (when the reproving
stranger produced a sinaCil flask of wine
from the poudh of another of the band
This was more Ithan flesh and blood
cou'd bear. One of the sealous Mo-dems
dea'.t a heavy lutow upon the wretch who
(truia UvfleU the precepts ' of the holy
Koran, whereupon 'the fierce Arab leveled
h'4 iin end chbt hllm detox on Ihe spot,
bulng himself tttntttiairttily tfhot deaden turn
by 'the sluln man s brother.
MeainrwhiUe '(Pile isujuposed ausage eater.
"bvlni? coatwefy revllei by two of Wis
ccimraHes, drew his fiword and mortaJy
wounded both. The next momonthe went
down before the sixth man's stroke, but
in flailing he avenged himself with a pltftol
shot, and a ocoutlng party from St. Denis,
drawn to the spot by the firing, found
alt the six iAiabs tttead or dying, and the
myetfrkniij Itrareter looking on with the
qulot saltlractoln of one watching the
suoeeva of a gteat ecienlulno experiment.
"Ami who aire you? asked the officer
In command, wonriertngily when the itran-
ger hlad told his story.
I am a conjurer by trade, and my
name is Robert Houdln." And that name
explatnod evorvtliing. Exchange.
It's just as easy to try One Minute
Cough Cure as anything else. It's easier
to cure a severe cough or cold with It.
Let your next purchase for a cough be
One Minute Cough Cure. Better medi
cine; better results; better try It. Chas.
Mkn Pearl Jons, of Cleveland. O.. was
recently elected president of the National
AssoolaiHon of Colored Stwncrrupfter ot
the United States, by 1,200 typewriter
attending th meeting. Her father was
supreme frrand chancellor of th Colored
Knights of Pythta.
Acts at once, never falls. On Ulnut
Cough Cure. A remedy for asthma, and
that feverish condition which accom-
panlea a severe cold. The only harmless
remedy that produce Immediate results.
a. Rogers.
Mr t.i-Ma. K 1) B 11a WUuinln
is ths first woman to enter th Consru-
rlttonat ministry.
Children Cry for
Fitcher'8 Ccstorla. .
Mr. OU'Vitone Is tiU th champion
portal caid arAvr. consuming over 4.WN
cards per year.
A CitWe weed grew at the foot of a rose,
And they both breathed the soft sum
mer air.
But the little weed' sighed as It looked
- ' at tjb rose, -
For the rose way so tall emd fair. -At
eunsel the little weed tremblingly
'And told of its love to the rose,
But the rcse did not hear, for the Can
En age of weeds
'I a language a weed only know.
When the CiMtie weed wept, waihed tbe
faDr Tose's feet.
And the rose was refrethedi for the
Thie tijnga of the morning bird opened
her heart,
And she listed her head to the light.
Then taler dhto grew, and her green
leave spread wide,
Till they ehnit out the sunlight and clr;
So ithe little weed died at the foot of the
And the rose never knew It was there.
Atlanta Constitution.
The Eureka Fuel Economizer Is a eel'
entlfloat preparation which augment the
Intensity of coal and wood heat In the
proportion f 36 per cent.
It the direction printed on each pack
age is carefully observed, the Eureka
Coai Economizer wilt give to any ordina
ry or middling coal the Jaime value as
that of superior quality.
The Eureka Fuel Econo mizer prevents
the shoots, the cinden and the formation
of smoke, which may spoil, In an apart'
ment, so many vaiHiaubCe articles, such
as curtains, paintings, etc.
The ' Eureka burn any kind of gas
wrttch, might destroy the breutblslble air
apartments svnd factories in vhlch It Is
used are consequents more healthy and
comirortahse. In less than five minutes,
on can obtain a very brisk fir which
will last thirty hours without being sttrr
ed up and without any addition ot fresh
coal. Hence an economy of coal, work
and money. -
The Sureha Economizer produces a beat
more soft and mors coneeat rated; when
a normal heat to wanted, the ventilation
must be partly stopped and, again, an
economy in fuel 1 to be relied upon.
- We guarantee that our preparation pro
duce no injurious effect on the health,
and does not affect in any way stoves,
ranges, fraltea, etc.
Lang consumers can obtain the pro
duct, which we do not hesttat in term
ing "mwvolotzs," at much more reduced
price. -
Each pacldace beans, with very explicit
directions, our trade mark, representing
four hands crossed together above
Hon with this motto: "In union there
Is strength." Any counterfeiter shall be
dealt according to law.
We receive too frequently applications
for samples, and it 1 with nret that
we aro compelled to refuse the sending
of the aime. Heretofore we have Hb
enaCOy given away samples In order to
popularize our product, but wo cannot
afford to support such heavy ;xpnse any
longer. The moderate price of our pro
duct Is In the reach of anybody who
want to try It. It to for the same reason
that w have decided to send It direct on
receipt of 23 cents.
To (try Is to be convinced that our pro
duot Is a triumph of science.
5 cent each package, sent free of
1180 Broadway. New York, U. 5. A.
A Ycokshlre woman saya that the
author of "Jan Eyre" pronounced Eyre
to ir.iyim wKSi "air," and not with "Ire.
Tiie New York Morning Advertiser says
that Robert Livingston Cutting, who mar
ried Minnie Betieman, the actre-s, and
iwea disinherited by his father's wtl, Cias
effected a reconciliation with his family,
The young man and his wife are travelling
In Europe with his mother, and It I said
that (Minnie fkHlg'man Cutting has prom
ised to (cave the stage and that Mrs.
Cuitltlng will leave most of her fortune to
her son.
ROYAL Baking Powder
has been awarded highest
honors at every world's air
where exhibited.
The Washilnston Times says that when
Monsigmor Oapel was In Washington a
few yearns ago, the Oaly who w(aa enter-
tainting him at dinner asked her distin
guished guest what had Impressed him
must n thils country. "Tiie extraordi
nary precocity of your children, ma
dame," was the reply, and upon being
aisked the reason he told the fdUowing
experience) "When in Baltimore a few
days since I went ont with the arch-
'tditiop to cnll upon Mrs. W. During
our visit her beautiful little boy of four
year iran Into the drawing room, end,
afier presenting him to me, Mrs. W. said:
'Carrol, go and nay good morning to the
achblshbp.' Fancy my amazement when
the child turned, and, iwhh an lnvracriba-
tie ulr of bonhomie, said, with a friendly
nod: 'How ame you, Arch7 Truly,
Amcrtcan chiMren are remainkable."'
A. Q. Bartley, of Magic.sPa., writes: 1
feel it Is a duty ot mine to Inform you
and the public that DelWtt's Witch Ha
set Salve cured me of a very bad
of eczema. It also cured my boy ot a
running sore on his leg. Chas. Rogers.
"How Ih tCie wortd lid you ever come
bo give your town such a name as 'Or
asked the inquisitive traveler. "Tell you,
friend." said the early'er, oa he
peefed another silver from the dry goods
box In front of the grocery. We al
lowed we would have a name that no
torakeman corfVln't holier wrong ef he
' Say, why don't you try DeWltt's Little
Early Risers? These little pills cure
headache. Indigestion and constipation.
They're small, but do the work. Chas
"Mir. Jones, attention, ptatse! Why do
we tay that In the rpectru.-n blue is
higher than red?" 'It lent; or, at Ceaet,
I've always pdayedi blue chips for Sweet
eners.' Oh, I beg pardon, Prof. Smith !
I I don't know."
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria
"Fcttow can have too mu nerve,
don't you know?" "How's that?" "1
sent that new suit to my tailor to have
pressed, and you know hadn't paid s
cent on first cost." "vroeit aw lie dor'
"He kept the clothes."
DtvPtice's Cream Bakln? Powder
Contains a Ammonia or Alum.
Summers This dog aippeans to have
been trained all right, except that he
does' nit understand me when I tell him to
He idoti. Dog Fancier You don t iwant
to say "Lie down." You got to say
Lay down." You cot to talk plain En
glish to chat dog.
It Is a truth In medicine that the small
est dos that performs a cure Is the
best Dewitt's Little Early Risers are
the smallest pills, will perform a cure,
and are th best. - Chas. Rogers.
Dr. LeaM fhfctlp, a seHvist, warns
women aalnst wearing their hair short.
He says men become baM because they
cut xhesr hair.
Try Electric Bitter as a remedy tor
your trouble? If not, get a bottle now
acd get retlsf. This medietas has be
found to b peculiarly aeUptsd to the
rtllef and cur of all femal complaints,
exerting a wonderful direct Influence In
riving strength and ton to th organs.
If you bar Lom of Appetite, Constipa
tion, HeadactMk Jain tins 8plls, or are
Nervous. Bleep:, Excltabl. aUlan-
choly or troubled' with Dlazy Spells, Elec
trie Bitters Is th medlcm you need.
Health and Strength are guaranteed by
its use. Larav bottles only (0 cents at
Chas. Rogers' drug store.
Important to Americans seeking Ens;.
Uoh Captial for new enterprises. A tkst
containing the names and address ot
360 successful promoters who have placed
over 100,000,000 Storting in Foreign In.
vestments within the last six years, and
over 18,000,000 for the seven months of
1S96. Frio:, 5, or $25, payable by postal
order to tho London and Universal Bu
reau of Investors, 20, Cheapside, London,
E. C. Subscribers wil be entitled, by ar
ramgement with the directors to receive
either personal: or letteru of lntroductoln
to any of these successful promoters.
This llt Is first class in every respect,
and every man or Arm whose nam ap
pear therein may be depended upon.
For ptacing the following it will be
found Invaluable Bonds or Share of In
duetifeH. Commercial and Financial con
cem, Mortgage loans, Sale of Lands,
Patents or Mbies.
'A prominent lumberman! of Marlon
county wlho was in Salem yesterday, says
an exchange, called a Statesman' re
porter's attention to the incorrect en eas
of the census co far as the amount of
lumber tut (during the preceding year,
The number of feet Is put down as 2,456,-
300, and the gentleman claimed thtat his
mlil atone had manufactured over 3,000,
000 fedt during the time specified. He
thought thiait It was most unjust to com
pel the taxpayer to pay for suoh census
work a that
When Baby wu sick, we gare her Castoria. -When
she was a CMd, she cried f or Castoria,
When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria,
It la sold on a sruuantea bv all drnr.
gists. It cures Incipient Consumption
nd, itb best Cough apd Croup Our
For Sal by S. W. Ctinn.
SEASON OP 18q5-i8q6.
Tmiee a Week
San Francisco
AND . .
New Orleans
Over the Great
Leaving San Francisco
Tuesdays and Saturdays
From Tuesday, Nov. 5, 1895.
The -mot eompCete, modern, elegantly
equtr-ped and perfectly arranged Vest!-
buied Transcontinental Train In America.
New Equipment, especiikly designed for
this service.
Direct connections in New Orleans
for all Eastern points. Quick time.
Nof Ice Is hereby given that N. Clinton
and Sons, contractors for- the Improve
ment of Duone street. In tMbClur s Asto
ria, from east Cine of Sth street to west
Une of 12th street, under th provision of
Ordinance ISO), on the 2nd day of Novem
ber. 1896, filed in the office of the Auditor
and Police Judge of the Cty of As tor U,
the certtnVwte of the OKy Surveyor and
SupertntmsJent of Skreeta approved by the
the Committee on Streets and Public
Alfter the expiration of the time here
inafter apecBfledj, If no objection to the
acceptance of such work be filed and the
Common Council shall deem such Im
provement prnerly completed, according
to the contract and plans and speciflca
tion therefor, the same may be aovepted.
injections to ine acceptance of raid
Improvement or any part thereof, may be
filed In the office of the Auditor and
Pottc Judge on or before Wednesday.
Nov. th. IS.
AucUtor and Police Judge.
Astoria, Or.. Nov. ted. 1S95.
Heal Estate (Deo,
Easiness lYIen
Of Astoria
-Call Into th Astorlan office
and get sample copies of our rcgu
lar Commercial edition.
It Mms Money
in Your Pocket.
Special attention paid to steamboat re
pairing-, first-class horseshoeing, eta
U7 Olney street, between Third and ,
lad Fourth, Astoria, Or.
As Franklin says, good dress open I
an doors, you should not lose sight o
the fact that a perfect fitting suit 1 a
the main - feature. Wanamaker
Brown are noted for fit, workmansh) ip
ana superiority of qualities. Their re' p-
resentatlve visits Astoria every thr te
months. Office 64 Defcum Bulldlo g,
Portland, Or Reserve orders till y u
have seen the spring line of samples
Snap R jodak
at any man coming out !
our store and you'll get a
portrait ot a man brimming
over with pleasant thoughts.
Such quality iu tha liquors e
we have to offer are enough (o
Corpe and Try Ther n
Is there a man with heart so cold, f
That from his family would wlthh old
The comfort whloh they all could 1 bid
In article of FURNITURE ot th
right kind.
And we would suggest at this seaso n,
nice Sideboard, Extension Table, or se
of Dining Chairs. We have the lar ges
and finest line ever shown in the city
and at prices that cannot fall to pi eas
tha closest buyers.
Few Hen Would Ask j
for a Finer Dinner
than those we serve. We're trying- in
every way to make them ths most j en
joyable In town. All the "good thl figs'
of the Beason cooked by our exce llent
cook In the most delicious style. Pe rfect
- If you Invite a friend to the P alace
Restaurant the place Is a sufficient guar
antee that he will receive a good m eal.
The Palace Restaarat it
Conronly St.fqot of Jtcksun, Astoria,
General Machinists and Boiler M akers
Land and Marine Engines. Boiler work, 'team
boat and Cannery Work a Specialty, j
Castings of All Descriptions Made to C rdr or
anon nonce. i
lohn Fox. President and Superinl widen
A. L. Fox Vice Pr wident
0. B. Prael Sec retar:
Are You Going East?
If so, drop a line to A. C. Sh eldon,
general aarent of the "Burlington
RoVti." 250 Washington st, Poitland.
He will mall you free of charge, maps,
time tables, and advise you as t o tne
through rates to any point, rc eerve
sleeping car accommodations for you,
and furnish you with through t Icketa
via either the Northern, Union, I louth
ern. Canadian Pacific, and Great I forth
ern railroads at the very lowest rates
The Burlington Route Is gel terally
conceded to be the finest equlppe d rail
road In the world for all clacae of
Canadian Pacific
Greatest -f- TraDS-Conlinentai
Railway System.
- . -i . ... , i
Palace Dining Room and Sleeping Cars.
Luxurious Dining Cars.
Elegant Day Coaches. '
-also - ;
Observation Cars, allowing Unbroken
Views of the Wonderful Alount
. sin Country.
$5.00 and $10.00
fared on all tickets Esst. Tourist ears the
BUlt An whcffll lftn!nm.ntfl f thm V - ft .
Canadian Pacific
China and Japan.
China steamers leave Vancouver, B. C
Empress of India
Empress of Japaa
Empress of China
Eai-iss of ld:a
Fmpressof Ji an
Empnss ot
Aug. 5Hl
Aug a6th.
Spt. i6th.
tKrt. Mth,
Aastrallaa ateemer leave Vancaatver, B. C
ota of every sn.
For ticket rates xnA tifnrmnrinn rll
on sr address
JAS. riiNLAYNJM, Aeent,
A ctnri fit-
W. F. Carson, Travelin Pass. Art ,
I:..,,.,,-. U-'K
Geo. McL. Brown, Dist Pass. Art.,
'j Vancouver, B. C
,i rww-M w
German Physician. EcUctlo,
Office over Albert Dunbar's store, cor.
Sth and CO nmerclal. Prices: Calls, HI
confinements, J10.00. Operations at efflc
free; medicines furnished.
W. n. LOQAN, D D. a,
AUnueU Block, 671 Third street
Office over Olsen's drug store. Hours. i
to 12 a, m.; 2 to 6 and 7 to 8 p. tu. Sun
days, 10 to It
Office, btVi Third sl, Astoria, Ore.
Special attention given to all cbroni
Special attention to diseases of wom
en and surgery.
Office over Danzlger's store, Astoria.
Telephone ?'p 52.
Office, Rooms t and t, Pythian
Building. Hours, 10 to 13 and t to
6. Residence, 639, Cedar street
May be found In his office until l
o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until 1
p. m., and from 6 until 7:30 evenings.
468 Commercial Street.
W. M. LaForce. 8. B. Smith.
886 Commercial street.
Otflce on Second Stmet Aaioiia. Or.
J. N. Dolpb. Richard Nixon
Chester V. Dolph.
Portland, Oregon, 24, 25, 26, and 27,
Hamilton Building. All legal and col
lection business promptly attended to.
Claims against the government a spe
A. M. Regular communications held
on the first and third Tuesday evening
of each month.
E. C. HOLDEN. Soaratary.
178 Tenth street.
Handley St, Haas, 150 First street, und
get the Dally Astonan. Visitor? need
not miss their morning paper
there. WINES AND UUAiS-Dli..-X ,n
fandel wine Instead of coffee ,i t .:.
Fifty cents per gallon. Don't tur-,'.-!
peach and apricot brunuy. Also r'lvmm
Cognao and wine at Ales OilW-rl t
"Do unto others as you would have
others do unto you," Is sympathetically
shown in the following lines, the pre
sumption being that sympalny la born,
or akin to pain or sorrow:
"Gentlemen: Please sena Krause'i?
Headache Capsules as follows: Two
boxes to Flora Seay, Havanna. N. DaU.
Two boxes to Llllle Wilcox, Brookland,
N. Dak. 1 nave alwayB been a great
sufferer from headache and your Cap
sules are the only thing that relieves
me." Youra very truly,
Havana, N. Dak.
For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria.
Or, Sole Agent
Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, fruits
Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and
Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies.
Cor. Cass sud Squemoque Streets. Astoria. Ors
Notice is hereoy given that the partner
shin herAtofnrA ATiotlntf hatm..n k
-r wncci, uic un
dersigned, under the firm name and style
Oregon Transportation Company, is this
day dissolved by mutual consent. All
, . " ui ai.wiiiiia veiiiK pay
able to Capt. Paul Sohrader, and he as-
""""s wo paymem 01 an aews due by
said firm.
Astoria, Or., May 13, 1895.
Telephone & Bailey Gatzert.
Columbia River and Puget Sound Nav
igation co.
Two Daily Boats to Portland
''Telephone" leaves Astoria at 7 p. m
daily (except Sumiav). P
.v...,aJl imirniiBV, t rudvanrl
Saturday morDjne Bt 6 :45 a. m. ; Sondav
eremng at 7 p. m. ' ODna8V
Leaves Portlnnrl dRi'lv 1 8 n m -cept
Sunday. On Satnrday niKul
Airent, Astoiia.
V. R Soott Presidenet!ePhne N'
A. Seeley. Qen'! Ayt Portlwi
Water HeatlnE.-
17 Twelfth street. Aat. or .
North Paeiiie Bremery
ICllIM Vnn
BohemLin Lrier B
8um-ide P,io the
tha ni,. . "uij BcKr-ty.
ke promMlr ateoodto ert