The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, November 05, 1895, Image 1

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A. . , :
3 ThaASTORIANhai the largoit LOCAL
J circulation! tht largest GF.NERAltlfctili- 1
tlon, and tht largest TOTAL circulation of
tall paport published In Astoria. fr
y V1 V V vv-w-vr
48 forecast for Oregon, Waihlngton and
j nortnem luano, tair weamn souinern 10a-
ho, mow, F
NO. 250.
WE 11 UN M
Can You
vr w ...... t
The One Price Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher.
Open every day from 3 o'clock to 5 :30
nnd 6:30 to 9:30 p. m.
Subscription rates $3 per annum.
Southwest cor. Eleventh aud Duane Sts.
School Books!
At Greatly Reduced Prices,
. iff ..
.n;r , a full
Oregon Books
Everything Necessary for School Use.
In a desirable location, 2 b
On the nev Yip Line BoulovarJ-vJust the place for a cheap borne.
STREET OAR LINE will he extended tii HUtnmer to within 6 minutes
walk of this property Will pell at decided barijnin.
In 5 or 10 aore tracts inside the nt.y
GEORGE HILlv.--471 Bold St., Occident Block,
.111111 1 II III I fliiPVJiytM9tllUiJtA91MMUA3AWUKkJU'JII'iJKKBEK
Ladies' Grey Woolen Vests
75 Cents a
' These eame garments sell
flen's Overeiats
These same goods are marked but at all the stores as
bargains for $11.50. .
6 50 - - Men's Suits - " 6.50
A Full Line of Shoes ind Hats.
6oo Commercial Street.'
trrrmr ojte NEDa a Bxmnra a edocatioM Many yoong mm an4
tromea can spend bet one er two years at school why soltuke a ewnn ht eaa
ke eompleted In that ttitle? The college Includes a short TQl.IBH COTTRHB bs
Idts a BUSINESS and SHORTHAND COURSE- For eattognss sddrass.
Tell Why?
Says a man to me yesterday,
when showing me a suit that
he said he "was faked in buying
eleiewhere and paying more than
they can be bought for at regu
lar prices," especially when he
had bought suits of me that
gave entire satisfaction, and he
liked my "style of doing busi
ness, strictly one price and
throwing in nothing," while
selling Men's or Boy's
Clothing, Furnishing
Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots,
Shoes, Trunks, Valises,
Umbrellas, Mackin
toshes, Etc.
They Lack Life
There are twines Bold to fishermen
on the Columbia river that stand In
the same relationship to Marshall'!
Tvrlne as a wooden image does to the
human being they lack strength life
ovenness and lasting qualities. Don't
fool yourself into the belief that other
twines besides Marshall's will do "just
aa well." They won't. They cannot
line of
&! Reed.
ocks from Hiqh School.
limitiilso adjoining Flavel.'
everywhere for $1.
bridal Life
School Supplies !
Utah in a Fever of Excite
Kentucky and Ohio Heard From
Omaha the Center of the Ne
braska Fight.
Salt Hake, Nov. I On the eve of the
political battle nil partitas are lined up
ready to oast a Urge vote. A snow
Btxrm which baa rased all dtuy may In
torfera with, voting; In ttie country djs
ttrkfts. Impartial observation leads to
tlhe conclusion that the Republican ticket
will be eCeobed by a safe majority, al-
tihlouglh where are many issues of doubt.
fflul effect.
P. H. Lannan, manager of tfhe Tribune,
(Republican), says: "The Republican state
ticket mill be elected by from 2,000 to 4.000
nVajontty; the legtoliature will be over'
w(hieunlingly Republioan and the constitu
tion .will be adopted by. a. majority ot
General Young, manager of the HeOald,
(Democratic), Bttys: "The ctmrdh quee-
tlon, being novel, may upset all calcula-
tJonB. The Indications point to a very
clotse vote, we will not win or lose by
more than la thousand votes. Roberts,
the Democratic nominee for congress, will
be elected. "
Omaha. Nov. 4. All voter tbrougihout
Nebraska Tiave 'Bhelr eyee on Omaha to-
mg'ht and the city la restless. The cam
pailpn tan centered around Omalha almost
exclusively. AU concede ttiat the Retub
llean candfdaites for ohtlef Jusitloe and re
gents will be elected. Since 'these ore the
only state officiate little attention is paid
to 'one ouier parte ot tne election.
In Omaiha the battle lhas been ihotter 1n
Uict ,tban,iany previous ooniteat, accord
ing' to the'' testimony of locall politicians.
Kairly In the fall the city was startled
by the discovery that the cJty treasurer
and IiI'jb deputy were eOiort $30,000. They
were removed alt once. Other Irregular!
ties 'were discovered In the city deoart-
imen'tB and a committee of one hundred of
OmitfWn moat JKNmrtBartt buslneaa men
met and Issued a call for ail citizens
flavoring reform to organize a citizens'
league. This waa done and a ticket com
posed of business men of various affilia
tions named. It wiaa endorsed by the
democrats and PopulWtu. The Republi
cans, were controlled by the A. P. A.'s,
The batti1vAsinven Ctveae two forces.
Jersey City, Nov. 4. Now Jersey will
tomorrow vote far a governor to succeed
George Werts, line present Democratic
inumbent; seven members of the state
house and a full 'house of assemblymen.
The DerrtooralHc oamdldate for governor
Is Alexander MeGUl, present chancellor
of state. H'la opponent Is Jotm W. Griggs.
The election to claimed by both parties
by between 2,000 and 6,000. Voting will
probably be Wght iBhrougflNnit the state,
except In isolated counties, where local
fights as to assembly tickets .have added
Interest to the campaign.
Lwuisville, Nov. 4. One of he hottest
oaimpialgns known in this state for m&nj
yeuirs ihas closed and if the weathr is
fair Kentucky will tomorrow poll the
fargosit vote ever given.
The flgKt, thoueb there are four tickets
in the field, is beltweeein the Republicans
lairrd the Democrats for state ottlcers, be
ginning with the governor and running
dawn to the district railroad commlFS'on
er. The finish is betweeen Hardin, Dem
ocrat, and Bnadly, Republican, for flnst
bonor for the office of governor. Har
din's partknanB and managers claim be
iwlill come to thUs city wltlh 15,000 majority,
Uhe friends of Bradley claim that tie will
win by ndt lew than 10,000. Both, claim
tbat thto city wdll be In their favor, but
the dhancca are that the backers of Har
din will be disappointed) If (bey are in
earnest In their claim.
All dtHes In the Mtate will elect munici
pal ofnerw. In luls city there are three
Tickets, Republican, Democratic and CI:.
Zens'. The A. P. A. vote, said to be about
14,000, will be cast for the Republicans.
The A. P. A. 'a (have taken thus slhoot be
cause the Democratic platform denounces
the organizaitlqa.
New York, Nov. 4. The forecast for Mi's
dilate tomorrow Is for c&ear wea.tlher in
the eastern part uf the state and (tiw
eis in the iweetern. All parties expect to
poll their full strenglb In am off year.
An important detail of The election world
was the d'stf .button today of the Jefrt. In
istallments for the rrymaea of the Watdh
ens and olhieir netrjsary uues to iwifiiclh
true money will be put tomorrow.
Olnctnmatl, Nov. 4. On the eve of ejec
tion the bctbring here ts on the extent and
reduction of the Democratic plurality m
Kentucky and of the Rep lib! loan p0urllty
in Ohio, rather than on the results in
either state.
In Ohio tho Republicans have had phe
nomenal pluralities and claim now a bet
ter organization than ever. They had
an early state convention, but claim that
the RgsressiveneBS and popularity of ex
Gov. Campbell will get out a full Dem
ocratic vote and show a close contest.
While both parti e have paid special at
tention to the legislature, which selects
a successor to Senator Brlce, it U con
eedl that the Republicans have the ad
vtamtage In the apperttonment, which
stands till after the census of 1990.
Chicago, Nov. 4. No cpeclal Interest
corltero n the election In Mlaaiuaett,
PenrwylvHirltt, Iowa and Kansas, it being
conceded that the Ropubllcars will carry
e'J. these states.
ifcMlnovflle, Or., Nov. 4. At the chy
CctJon todmjr V.'mi. MrtThrlsman was
elected mayor: Thomas H. Rogers, re
corder; C. II. Nal, marainJ.
Boston, Nov. 4. The tflspar&cs In the
morning papers from Constantinople state
that the American miisslonairies in Bltlls,
Eastern Turkey, are In Imminent dinger,
the trtlBsIonories referred to are those of
the American board. They are: Royal
M. Cole,. Mna, Oole, lilttleton, N. H.
Charlotte and Marian Fly, Cheektowga,
XT V . T?Atr n.w. P. IT.nnimv. TTn.ftfnr1
Corm.';' Mrs. Knapp. Eamre, Mass.; MUss
Grace Knapp, born in Bitlls, home in
this country, AuburniAUe, Mas9., and
'Mn. Aonzo Knapp, Huberfltown, vt.
Interttailttonal (Races Today ait Austin.
Austin, Tex., Nov. 4. There was an ex
'tra lairge attenidaince at the opening of the
inrternaOonal regatta today. The first
race was trial beats, three miles with
three turns over a three-quarter mile
course, participated m by Englishmen
only. The en-tries were Bubew, Barry,
Halrvea and WlngaJte. iiiroear won by
Ave boat lengthB. Haitnes, se-.-ond, Barry
tMird. Bubaar and Haines will , row In
the final agailnet two Americans for the
champfensrlp of the- world. The two
Americana wall be selected tomorrw.
The time of the rao was 21:48.
The second race, one and one-half miles
wlth turn, for the aimateur championship
of Texas, Won by Ed. Fogg), of Austin,
his only contestant being J. Martin, of
Galveston. Time, 11:47.
The 'third race was a trial heat, double
sculls, Drat crew n to row in the flnal
against England's best crew for the
championship ot the world and a purse ot
$1,000, there miles with turn. Peterson ana
Hanlon; GauiJaur Brothers, and Teemer
and Rodgers started. Teemer and Rodg-
ers won; Gaudaur Brothers cecond; time,
17:47. This lowers the world's record
for double sculls.
Anhtand, Or., Nov. 4. Gen. J. M. Mc-
CaJl, one of the prominent citizens of
Ashland, and well known over the state,
died here Kvlg morning atfter a lingering
illness, aged nearly 72 years.
Gen. McCaU was an Oregon ploneeer,
coming to this eactoin In 1852 and engag-
ling In mining, milling, and mercantile
busilnesa successvely, until a few years
ego, wihen he wtthldrenv from active bust-
He served during the rebellion Un the
Oregon volunteer cavalry and rose to be
a captain. In 1883 he was arp Dinted brig
adier of the Oregon militia.
The pine needle Industry is In a state
of smtu quo. There seems to be a hitch
among the stockholders at San Fran
Cisco. Matt era are liable to be adjusted.
(however, and the Work go on, after some
Htue dW'ay.-Gazette.
Northern Pacific Complications
Being Straightened.
John II. Egan the Compromise Ulaii
He Has an Enviable Record
Throughout the U.S.
Many A&Drliains will remember Mr. John
M. Eagan, the St.' Paul railroad manager
who wias here in the city a few months
ago and who was appointed by the court
In Portland receiver of the Oregon Short
Line, but whbse appointment was not
conflrmed by the court In Utah, Mr.
Eagan Is well known througlhout tho
United States as one of the abtast rail
road managers in the country. He Is now
lllcery to become one of the receivers ot
the Northern Pacific. In speaking of the
matter the Chlloago Tribune says:
With the view of keeping the expenses
of managing the affairs of the Northern
Pacific railway within reasonable limits
the reorganization committee, It Is said,
favors the appointment of not more than
thiree receivers for the entire system.
and John M. Eagan may be one of them.
Several of the members of tho reorganiza
tion committee and their attorneys, are
now on their wiay here for the purpose ot
reconciling the differences between the va
rious courts in the West, and to get them
to unite upon three receivers in the In
terots of the holders of the bonds secured
by the second and third consolidated
Messrs. Burleigh and Galloway, who
ave been appointed receivers by the
United States courts of Washington and
Itfa.tK, are satisfactory to the bondholders
and will no doubt be retained. A new
nan has lately been suggested as a most
suitable man for receiver, one who would
gve satisfaction to all concem.jd, and be
better qualified to unite with the other
bww receivers In the manigvmcnt of the
property tman any one else who has thus
far been suggested or named. It is John
M. Eagan, formerly president and general
manager of the Gbfcarro Great Wet era
railway. Mr. Eagan has be.n connected
with the management of railroads in the
Northwest for many years and is conald
ered one of the best and a hi ant railroad
managers In the country. He is a man ot
high standing and undoubted honesty and
integrity. .
About nine months ago Mr. Eagan was
appointed receiver for Wre Oregon Short
Lane and Utah Northern, but as the bond
holders of that road failed to fulfil the
conditions imposed by the United States
court of Utah that road reverted back to
the Union Pacific and Mr. Eagan was not
given a chance to qualify. Mr. Eagan's
appointment as one of the receivers ot
the Northern Pacific would prove a hnooy
solution of existing complications, and he
wouM in every way be qualified to take
active charge of and conduct the opera
tlon of the road.
The Warship Katahdln Better than Ex
Washington, Nor. 4. Indications are
Viet the ram KamaTidln will not be re
jected, notrvlthstandtng tier failure to c
complUih all that was required of tier in
tbe matter of speed. . As the vensel, which
is oibenwlse perfect, made several humlrKl
horse power more than sfhs was originally
designed for, it Is bow quits apparent
thtat the dllflculty lies in the peculiar mod
el of the ship, which the Bath Iron Works
did not design or alter in any . way.
It is believed that Secretary Terbert will
arrange for the acceptance of the vessel.
It's In town, f's the twst;
Won't burn ovf roughen the skin;
Won't "yellow your clothes."
You wll be agreeably surprised.
Sorry you didn't know ft sooner.
Tomson's Boap Foam, targs packages.
TWO Banks ClOSO D00r8 at N6W
Farmer Kills His Wife and Then
Fires the Building: -Warrant of
Arrest Issued.
New Whatcom, Wash., Nov. 4. The Bel
lingiham Bay National Bank closed Its
doors today by order of the' directors,
being unable to meet the county treas
urer's demand for tho county's deposit.
Tho cadhler reports liabilities approxi
mating $106,000, of which $77,000 1s duo de
positors. The assets are $187,000. The bank
dosed in July, 1893, but was re-opened in
Januury, 18M.
A report has reached here of the burn
ing of a house belonging to a young far
mer Darned Spehntiian, ait Ten ton, between
Evenson and Lynden, this county, last
week and tho death, of Mrs. Spelsman
In the flames, rt is reported that a ptlstot
shot 'wua heard in the (house before the
The couiomep returned this evening from
the scene of the tragedy. An Inquest
was held and a verdict rendered that Mrs.
Ida Spetemnn hiad been murdered by her
husband, Fred J. Bpelsmian, who then
set fire ito the dwelling and fledi The
couple were married six yeurs ago, buT
separated and were recently reunited. A
warrant has been Issued for Spelsman's
Bennett NUtlonal Also Goes to tho Wall.
Now Whatcom, Nov. 4. The suspension
of the Belltngham National bank precip
itated a run on the Bennett National
Bairtk, which continued to the close of
banking hours. This evening the direct
ors held a meeting land decided not to
open In the morning, and also to ask
the comipltnoller.of the currency to place
the bank 'In the hands of the examiner
temporarily. The directors coy that with
in thirty days sufficient essats can be
reaOlzed upon to. settle with all creditors.
September 28 the total reaourCes of the
bank were JOT.Ifil and the liabilities- to
dtiposltora $117,849. The - deposits this
morning amounted to $93,001), and the With-
draiwiails today were' $23,000. There kt now
due ifrom other banks $20,000..
Eleven-eYar-Old Girl Outraged In Omaha.
OmahBi Nov. 4. Tho murder and rape
of little Ida aGskella an 11-year-old child
Vast night, was positively traced; to
George Morgan, a teamster. He lives
near where the body was found and iwas
the last man seen With her. Hiis clothes
were covered with blood when arrested.
So great Was the feeling again at the
prisoner that he was hurriedly removed to
the penliteMtliiairy at noon. Later a com
mittee appointed by 'those favoring lynch
ing, went through, the Jail to satisfy the
mob that the murderer was not there.
Tonlelht a crowd of sevemal hundred peo
ple surrounded the Jail. They were orderly
and drawn more by curiosity than by any
disposition to do violence.
The Catdh of Whales Short this Season,
San Fraiuclsco, Nov. 4. Five nvro of the
whaling fleet arrived from the North to
day. Taiey were the sltielaimenj Norwall
and Ore a, the brig HidaCgo, and the barks
Ariee Krtowlos and Lydla.
The oaiMh of the Arctic fleet amounts In
all to Efl whales, the smallest known In
'many years. Tlie eyelid bone frtwn the
catch will be about 40,000 pounds, which
meams tWat whalebone will be high this
year. Bone now sells for $2.75 per pound,
and It Is estimated 'that the price will be
advanced 'to $5 .before the sale begins.
Font Tawnsend, Nov. 4. News was re-
celved from Cook's Indet that two miners
Frank Leman and a man named Dyer,
tre missing. They left Cook's Inlet last
April for. Capper river, taking three
months' provisions. It Is thought they
have been drowned or killed by IndUans.
Liverpool, 'Nov. 4. Wheat spot, eeay;
dentamd, poor; No, 2 red winter, 5s 4Vid;
No. 2 red spring, and No. 1 hard Malnto-
ba, etocks exhausted: No. 1 California,
as Btyd.
London, Nov. 4. Hops Pacific Coart, C
Portland, Or., Nov. 4. Wheat, Valley,
52c; Walla Walla, 49?V4.
BrookCyn, Nov. 4. Thils afternoon the
seven city gas companies consolidated
their InterewlHL They (Wave a total cap
ital of $13,000 J00. Tho name of the new
corporation will be the Brooklyn Union
ran Co., and the proposed capital Is $30,
000,000. STATE NEWS.
Interesting Items Culled From Oregon's
Leading Newspapers.
Bandon Is to have a brewery.
The Jury tn the case of the three
Brownings, on trial for kilting a man in
a d'spute over a mining claim, rendered
a verdict of not guCty. The case wii'.
cost n county over $1,000. Grant's Pats
The C. B., R E. R. R. A N. Co. are
placing te.Vwraph plies between March
field and Myrtle Point, preparatory to
erecting a line for their own special use.
Th potes are already set past Coqjllle.
and the wire will be placed on them In
"Frsmcfs Aiwmona," sys the Courier,
k and killed his brother-in-law. Jay
Huglhr Carter, mK out hunting in the
"rtnimalrs nar Bybee springs last Frl
'vr afternoon. Aimmono ernr4d a, 4r
. d purwued it for some dtmance, and
( . n teeing the brutb move and Carter's
gun barrel, iwlrich. he took to be the
horns, he shot again. Tha bullet struck
Carter In the back of the neck, ringed
dlowmwiaird and Instantly killed him. Help
.was summoned and the body carried
down to his brother's, Ransom Carter's.
Coroner Browers was sent for and the
inquest held Sunday morning. '"
Tuesday evening of this week, at about
7 o'cSodc, a meteor was seen to fall,
Striking in the ocean some distance be
low town, as near as could be judged
by observers. The falling mass was of
considerable size, illuminating, the
heavens in fts descent. -The light was
thought by many to be from a vessel
using a searchlight outside the harbor.
The foKowmg notice "to the residents
of-Curry and other neighboring friends"
Is pubCtshed in the last issue of the Gold
Beach Gazette: "Mr. and Mrs. Hume
extend a general Invitation to all to at
tend a free bail iwhlch will be given in
the "warehouse at Wedderburn on Thurs
day evening, October 31st, in celebration
of the 50th anniversary of R. . D. Hume's
birthday. '
"Come friends! Corns foes!
Share our Joys as well as woes."
The CorvaKls Times says: Joe Bryan's
Philomath fruit dryer went up In smoke
last Saturday night. The buaze hap
pened late In the evening, and was, In Its
details, a duplicate of the destruction by
Are of the Hart lees dryers. The trays
had been Oiled with apples to be dried,
and the fire was burning brlghtty In the
furnace. Mr. Bryan opened the door to
the dryer to took In, and was met with
a gust of ftaime and smoke. He saw
enough In the one glimpse, however, It
Is said, to discern that the arch to the
furnace had faClen in. The fire had too
great a start to save anything beyond
some of the itrays of fruit, and the drysr
was burned to the ground. The loss is
partlaXy covered by an Insurance ot
$500. The dryer was built -this summer
at cost of $700..
' The county court yeatenjiy convened
In regular setsulon and will probably con
tinue during the week. Among other mat
tons the license fee of peddlers in the
county, outside of cities was changed as
follows: , . ..
J.' Per Year.
PeddQani on foot $ 60
Peddler With one horse 120
Peddler with two Mouses 180
The former license fee Was $10 per year
for all kinds of peddlers.
Oarl A. Westerlund, a native of ''Russia,
Victor Peterson, a native of Sweden, and
W, Herman Alliens, a native of Germany,
were admitted to cltlseoelhlp.
Snggestions Made at an Infor
mal Meeting.
Iwelve Hours Time Can be Sayed
Daily Hall Boat Should be Ar
' ranged by the Government.
, One Of the visitors 1A Astoria, for the
past V ew days has been Mr. B. P. Michel
son, who represents the San Francisco
Examiner, and niho Heft last night for
Vtctota, B. C. ;
Yesterday aftarnoon, in conversation
with Postmaster Wise and several mar.
chants, Mr, Mldhclson suggested thialt by
proper efforts, it might bs possible to get
better mall service between Astoria ana
Ban Francisco. One suggestion led to
another, but it seemed to be the concen.
sua of opinion that Astoria needed and
ouRiht to have better mall service.
The San Francisco mall arrives In Port
land about 8 o'clock In the morning, and
of necessity lays over there all day, as
all Of the boats leave for Astoria at
o'clock, and of course Astortams do not
receive their 'Frisco mail until the fot
lowing morning, being brought down by
the nlghlt boats. Notw for the past two
or thiree weeks, on account of (heavy
freight tranic, the day bouts have been
leaving Portland quite lute In the morn.
Ing, sometimes not until 9 o'clock, and
yet they have arrived in Astoria by
o'clock is the afternoon. Nine-tenths ot
the commercial travel 1s on the nlgbi
boats, and It Is suggested that the morn
ing boats out of Portland might Just a?
'ie)!l muke their leaving time, euy a'
(:30, and not only accommodate the trav
eling public as well, but in meat case
better, as 7 o'clock, particularly in the
winter, is a very early hour to start on
Journey. If this arrangement was mode
the San Francisco mall wouia oe receiveo
In. Astoria the same day on which K it
received in Portland and In time for It
to be answered by the returning ot
of the same night. Thto means a rtuvlng
of 13 hours on mall each way betweer
Astoria and San Francisco, and wouk!
enable an Astoria merchant to-Avnlts s
Mtter to San Francisco and receive a re
ply 24 hours sooner than under the pres
ent service. '
tt Is to be hoped that 'Postmaster Wise
wltt take this matter up with the depart
ment with a vlow to bettering the ser
vice and also It rwas urged that he mukt
an effort to secure a mull service sever
days in the week. Astoria Is on the ew
of a great smorovement and growth lit
population and business, and her business
fa bftreody of sufnolent magnitude to en
title her to a dally mall.. All who dfa
oussed the matter were unanimous on this
point, and it was thought that by proper
action on the part ot the office hers.
supported by the people in the right way,
tthat - the . department at Wiashlngton,
could not refuse to grant these two most
important changes in the mall service.
Tie Albany Democrat says: "It Doesn't
Oaks a very big spyglaw to ses that the
'Wbortmg creditors of the Oregon Pacific
will not get much out of that $100,000. A
cent on a doXar will be surprising. It
there are any preferences It ought to b
In favor of One emrpCoyes."
, Higheit of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
I !n
An Important Meeting Was
Held Last Night. '
Memorials to be Drafted and Sent to
Congress on Nicaragua Canal
and Coast Fortifications.
A very Interesting meeting of the Cham
ber ot Oommerca was had last night of
wihUdh the following Is a synopsis)
OommimlcaiUone read
From the East' PortJajvd Mill and Fix
ture Co., stating a desire of moving their
plant, capable of profitably employing a
force of fifty men, to Astoria, providing
that Its citizens are willing to give a
raauonaible amount of assistance. Referr
ed to commlttoe on manufactures.
From Harm Brothers, of Centralia,
Waslhimgton, asking for $500 subsidy to re
move their medii and door factory and
to erect suitable buildings in this city,
they having already secured a favorable
site. Referred to eame committee.
' Letter from L. B. Seeley, to Mayor Kin
ney, and referred by him to the chamber,
In reference to extending an Invitation
to the Oregon Press Association to hold
Its next annual meeting In Astoria, Was
read and referred to President Wlngate
with power to act.
The president and secretary were em
powered to draft and forward meborlala
to our representatives In congress, urt
lng favorable action on the Nicaragua,
canal; also to use their best efforts to
secure a government dry dock.
, Messrs. Fulton, Smith Gray, Elmore
and VanDusen were appointed ai special
committee to draft me-tiortal to congress
for the construction of coast fortifications
at the mouth of the Columbia river; also
a circular letter to other commercial bod
ies on the Pacific Norithweat asking their
favorable co-operation.
, The subject of a revenue cutter to be
stationed In the Columbia river rwaw dis
cussed and the secretary Instructed to
oomimunlcialte with the secretary of the
treasury in reference to the same.
President Win gate stated he had been
requested to bring before the chamber the
much dtscuseed question of fall fishing.
On moUon, Messns."Klnaey, TailrtL and
Elmore mere appointed a committee to
Investigate the awttor and report at Ois
next regular meeting., ,
Adjourned. -,
Shadows .Which Show the Direction of
. Capital . ..'
i """ 1 1 1 " ;; -
Yesterday a letter wtia rectlved from
an Omaha main by the Astoria Land and
Investment Co., making Inqutdes regard
ing Astoria as a location for a flouring
mill. The genlUcman stated that he owns
a large flouring mill tn central Nebraska,
and Hhiat If he could gelt a site In Astoria
free, he would move his plant here. The
Asotria Land and Investment Company
has wasted no time in replying, as last
night's mall carried an offer of one-half
block on the channel in Alderbrook, for
the mill. Th! slams company Is also
In con-refipondVmce with Sioux Falls parties
regarding a flouring mill, having mads
ahem an Offer of a site in Alderbrook
some .time ago.
The 'following transfers of real estate
were filed for record In the county record
er's office yesterday:
Herbert Stewart to Geo. "W. Pay
gender, Lot 23, Block 3, Seal Rock
Beach $
Jadhiel Meyers and wife to Herbert
Stewart, Lots 22, 23, 24, 26, 26, 27, 28
Block S, and Los 4, 20 27, 28, Block
6; Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 17,
Block 8; Lots 8, 7, I, 17, 18, Block)
10; Lots 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 4, S3,
Block 9; north one-half of lots 26 .
and 27, Block 9; north one-half of
lot 1, Block 11; south one-half of
LOts 26 and 27, Block 9; and south
one-half of Lot 1, Block 11; Seal
, Rock Beach
August C. Kinney and wife to Jose
phine E. Walker, 4 acres In Sec
tion 23, township I north, range
9 west
John Stephenson to John Hendrlck
son, Lots 7, 8, and 9, section 6,
towntfh'kp I north, range 7 west....
mie Kanaga and husband to R.
. M. London, north One-half nolht
wewt quarter section 25, township
8 north, range 9 west -.
lira. A. Millard to J. K. Wsather
forJ, Lots 6 and 10, Kbck ft, iota
. 5 and 10. Block 58, Lot 10, Block
S6& McClure's Astoria
--Ths following ''1st of letters was ad
vertised In the Astoria nostofflcs October
tth, 1896.
Anderson, Andrew LJchnson. O. A.
Baker, G. L. Johnson. Frank.
Oils, Miss May Lombli. J.
Harvey, Mr. L. Manning. Wm.
Halsteud, A. C. McCall. Mrs. Rayi
Nlckkuld, Andrew
Enlckson. OTgU NKsson, UUs Bentja
Muller, Karl Ward, Mn Kats
When calling for any of the above fet
ters, please say "advertised."
TT.M Eugene Guard says: "A tramo
appXed ait ths residence of Rev. 'Mr.
Alley Cast evening ifOr something to eat.
Mini. A3y Informed bis trampiiblp that
ie iwoum rewiarn mm with a good supper
If he ttwuld wath his hands and face.
After some hesitancy be complied and -
jraa Hberalty fed. When he left he stole
the 4m of soap. This is the first time
a tamp stole any of this cleansing r-
a-a C '
I 'i'