.-Ki a .&5. If! 4 Ii' i .... 1 1 ' " i '-.. v ... ""' 1 1 ' ' ' o-.. ,, 1 1 for Infants 1 jTTTi, oiwrntlim U mmlo f "W'r yrmtt . ? " f anqnertionahly the tort ts,s world has ev.r known. It 1. Walw ChUdrom llk ft. It Sir then, a It. It wlU .aye tHoly lrrsa , la H Bf ethers aa-rd romathins; widen. I. abaolntely CastoHs dtroy. Worta, Cartorla allay. FororUluaos . Cartoria prevent. Tomitlng Soar Card. ' ( J Caitoria oar Plarracea and Wind Colla. , f ' " x. Caatorla mUwm Too thing Tronbles. ' Cartoria our Constipation and lTaraleney. CatorIa eo trails, tha'egoet. of carboalo acid gas or yrftonon. air, Ca'a not contain morphine, oplnnt, or other narcotic property. Castor a.rtmlUte. the food, regelate, its .tomaefc. and newels, tiring fcaalUiy and natural Jeep. - . '. . Cat.rla 1. t mp In oao-sbo Pottle, only. It i. not sold la bulk. . . - -Pont allow anyono to II yon anything ol.o oa the plea or promiso that It fa "Jat a. good" and "wffl anwer oTory pnrpw,"'; ' r S that yoa get OA-S-T-O-R-I-A . The faonadlo algnatnro of Children Cry for FOR TILih NKHALKM COAST OTHER STEAHER R. P. EIipORE,! M- H- HARRISON, . - AUGUSTA.- i Sailing dates to and from Tillamook and Nefialenr depend on the weather. For freight apd passenger ., , . , rates ELMORE, SANBORN & CO., Agents. O. U. ft N. CO., After (Deals I ' ' ' Or at any other timo when yon wibh a good cigar ask for the well known. home-mHde, band-made, vbite labor , oiaar . Ji -'..La Belle Aatoria." Conoeded by all tmoktrs '' ',;''-' to be tbe bent cigar manufactured. W. F. SCHIEBE, 71 tJintt? Street, Aitorl., Oregoii. EVERY REQUISITE FOR : first Class Funerals :. 'v AT ;- P0H1'S 0ndertki9g Parlors, THIRD STREET. Ru Rmmmsw. Eabalainc SpccUlty "THE MILWAUKEE." Tbe only railroad Ughtlng Itt tralna by . Toe only raOroad otlng tne cekbrated ' jMotnc berth reading lamp. . The eoacfaea now ruonlng on 'The Mil waukee" are Palacea on Wheel., Oa all 1U through lln , the Chicago, lRlwaofc an! St. Paul Railway ran. th moat perfectly equipped train, of Bleep ing. Parlor, and Dlnang Care and Coacnea For. lowest rate to any po:nt In the United tSte nd Canada, apply to ticket urent., or addreeo C. X EDDT, Oeoeral Agent, i - ' Portlaod, Oregon. and Children. of Ca.toria'wHh tha .trwn of ws o sneak of it without gotbig. remedy tor Infant, and Chlldsasv A safe and practically perfect as ja TV ' J in on Pitcher's Castorla. ;0. 17 I; -VY'lviJ ! 1 , ) ;.U1 Open J por Special Charter.-.; apply to Aceaa, Portland. MA TALENTED EDITOR."- Gentlemen: I had occasion ' to- ww several boxes of Krause'a , Headache Capsule while traveling to "Chicago to attend the National Democratic Con vention. They acted like a charm In preventing headaches and dizziness. Have had . very little headache-since my return, which is remarkable. Tours, resoectfuiiv JOHN U. SHAFFER. - ' i "Ed. Renovo (Pa.) Record. ' For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria, Or., sole agent. FOARD & STOPS GO. DEALERS IN - v- Picnic Canned Coods, m i Tents, Camp Stoves, ; ' Camp Cooking Utensils, , Baskets, ; . ,. And the latest ; , .-. -:: . All-Wool Sleeping Bags At all prices. Just the thing for camp ers, prospectors, etc Sure to keep warn at nights. Better than blankets. r ;, ;. B! l la a' MlnM Kmadr for ttomorrboja, WhltM. ...ataral aiZ I ehargaa, or any laflamma- uoa, imuuoa or .Jcora tloa of .ii.ii wb- IruffyiMiCtirrilCaL hrawa. Noa-MtrUeat. I sasnunj AfliOOK; POINTS 1 1 a M "jt.w.. 1 I! Tide , Table for November, 1895. ' .A .JjT i BIOS WAT.a. LOW WATta. DATE. A. U. I-!:."- h.m ft h.m ft h.m ft. lib. m I ft Friday.... Our. 0 41 124 I1M82 6 00 2 2; 6 282 5 6 80 04 8aturaay. . 18 V 8 8 7 m o o 7 4!ti-08 20U6 SUNDAY -. 8 12M8 7 6 C 71 Momtay. .. 4 20G 24h H3A 1WJ88I 7 88 2 0 Tuesday . , 6 2W88 2 6118 6 8 0218 1 9 01 -05 -OS Wedo'ad'v 8 4:l8 8 9 50 Thursday m Friday 8 Baturdar. . bUNDAY. 44 4 488 648 705 8S 7 8 7 4 9 80 8 6J 10 401 On in! 10 85! 11 61 eiu 7 17 0I 7 I 0 45 2 Hi i i5 muuuay....ii Turaday.,.1'2 Wedu'ad'y J3 Thurnday ,H 8 21 70 7 8 7 22 28 8, 184 ie g2 10 41 1140 3 48ll 7' IH 07 10 ' U 23 7 7 4 4l'l 6 25 rnuay 8 2712 811) .09 HntimlAr . . SUNDAY. 17 Mou.UiV .. IN 0 83 1K3 12 a'i a B I2'2 6 TOl 748 8'3 18 12 46 1 6 6" 2 8 -14 1 81 08 rs-9! 7 88 3 1 11 08 Tuuadav .. VM 8 2518 41 Wedu'ad'y ful 3AI 8 00 )4 8 50i7 7 4 4271 6 42i4 9 15:8 19 01 is inurauay .i Friday.... tt 4 40 6X0 10 123 81 10 51 U 18 3 9 11 40 1 1 Saturday. l) in 12 88 87 83 hl)DY 241 7 0S 7 60 6 60,60 0 80 188 2 40 8 82 Monday . 8(0 908 68U 121 29 24 17 Tuesday ..S6 8 84 9 0 218 8 OH. 856 W'edn'ail'sn' 9l8i76 8KH79 1008 1 41HJ Thursday. N 1103 68 60 too II 04 41 10 35 81J 11 10 8 5 In ft; 4 8U 518 ISTf calurdy..ilO 615 SHIPPING DAYBY DAY IHarlne JBatters, Here, There and , EveryoiheFe. J t A: Large) Number of Peopla Visit .the YachtFalcon Will Leave Out To day With Lumber Cargo. The Elmore did not go out yesterday She may leave for Tillamook toctiy. Thtre Was a heavy awoU on outside I'm mouth of tlho Oliver a', day yeatetdUy. The Falcon wilt leave out today for Ban Francisco tvlMv 320,000 feat of lumber. The Signal bad 300 tons of coal for Atitorta lihile time, and. 200 tons for Port land. ...H..H. mlW-w. rfM The Kartc MoWe Cay paastod up at 2 p. l. in tow of tihe mmai Hay ward on Thursday. , The B5scort came up and reponted the har rooiRth with a heavy eta. running yestetMuiy. The British bark Andhencalrna, wheat laden for Liverpool, came down' the river yenterday warning. 1 ' The ocihooner J. B. Leeds yesUordoy. a'fter dtacharglnff her iba'Jast alt Hustler', dock, left up tine river for Portland. The O. R. and N. elteamer A&oun was exrpected In Victoria yeosterdav andl will eiaive for Astoria probably Monday. The fournnasteid efrtp Anvhencalrn cam own the rtveri at 13 m. yeeateniUy. Bhe is iQramng 21 Teet'tandi loaae ready for The "Cojored Man's Rooof ait Orav'a hock discovered -numerous . leaks during rue naite rain, rumpling tins f eaitihers "ot tOie dhlckens. 1 TSue Relief 'cruaaed : around outultla ThiuiwJay mlt S fog and rougih bar caused hw.to Teturn to har- toir. She coaQed up during the aJternoon. The R. P. Elmore attempted to pass out yestomay tnomUng, but the bar being roiwn ana repoms of Ne Tillamook bar being very 'uniravoriblei she returned to port. - , It kJ rumored on .ordotv -ood n.iiitihwLtv that Mr. Ma mm hae'eeriouti Intention. pof Chairterting a tug from tlbe Sound, thus Bwurmg a DowJpoeJt for the rtver service. one caBcaoes1 would nrove a avw1 hoAFfor the purpose. "Why," aaiced the nw boarder, "wliv do-you say there-to-a, resemblance' te. tween riding hlcyble and eaJlir.ir ' a boat?" "Because." eu.M'. the Oherfiii rdlot,', "toecaiise'- you lose' the wind .when you get -on Hhe wrong fax?k." The sealing schooner Louis Olsen. which was sent here by the Rudh on SeotnmW 23d, Is dtm lying in Scow Ibsur. Her watch. man, JaJke Miaen, remarka "miwe more dollars."- but how about Ma'nmv k iner care goes- to 'the government. Frequenters of the waiter froivt vMtor. day afternoon remarked the ihu,v- Khim and remarkable beam of the schooner J. u. one is dtosbanglng ballast at Flnlayson's dock. ; Thlis ac-horiu- 200,000 feet of lurrrber. 24.000 r nihiwh deck loakJ. ' . .--..i i, , A new lSlnch' sun tested hv mid n.a w department at the distance of 4.000 yards sent a protJCowelghtag l.ioo p ,unds inrougn a anee, of I steel nftej inched thick and ttwe-V feet Into tlu n-h yawX. It Is aafe to aav tha.t uuwhiH., wJS get hurt 4n whe next ifreait sea light. f , H c. wv -' .. . ,-ivie qsrion hasbeen asked, "Wdat Is the ,ninlnff;of the ' nanw; Lucero, the wameaqf Falr'new yachtr'It ts'rup 'posed to toe itlhe name of one of tha hra olvielonsof ihe andent Roman people, two of . Iwtoigh were' caltied Banera and Tltiam obody.aboara seems to know. F' t J,. V '; , .... The BrltlBh ship MareohlBil Cuchet is In quaraoWtie. Bhe arrived from Jaoan lat Sunday nighlt, and, as, cholera.''hss bien nani,iinre, vr, cwuJnrew decided to TroW and fumigate her. It Is Dectei that she will be released tomorrow, but just wmai good .furnlgafng will do Is a enywery, is Captain Rtad Was ashore ana. oitvlng at'uml town resterlav. Per haps Dr. OhuLi.ners Is going to fumigate Bhe cargo of coal.-Oironicle. There b now on -the Bt:k at (h anma'. ship yard this frames of what -will be pie most powerfut ocean tng afloat. 6he wf.ll be. ISO feet long and is'-for the PhMa. delpaua si Reading Railroad Compa-iy, to be used In lowing coal barges between rTwaaeiphla and Boston. 'The -new tug IUK I wui pe aue to handle three big barges unaer a .most any sort or wea'.h'r con ditions. . Tbe, Bitftld.1 aw Moresby. . Cantsln Comber, has arrived at Queanrt own from Ban Franotoco after an eventful voyage. Oaptain Comber reports, that In '.atltude (7.67 south and between' tongltadf 114 and 112.20 west, Hhe Moresby passed Iceberg. from ten to twelve mCles round and Mill feet tolgfh. In addition. In latitude ,5140 south and longitude 62.47 westj rtaeJasilp traversed a flef.d of ice forty miles long n.ast to wear,. and extending as tot north as It was possible t ) NotwrthntamUmr the Inclement weather a large number of oeonia. vtotted the a-aav oMne yacht Lucero again yeateriaay and crttlolaed her appearance. Mr. Troyer, of Uhe Can Factory, aeslsted br two of h engineers of the Temet tried to flml out what was the matter wtm the engines but they tuvs not yet bean att to dis cover tthe exact cauee of 4tut mihia Mr. Troyer belle vi I'hnt the dynamo con nections and the -currwit that generates uie spariDs igruuog rm taaoUna are f ectlvs, wfatls til. engineers nave as opto. Will carry coal only for hes ownse. btit4t,e moas or eaow ho "wee Ion tfrat 'tihe . vol vos are out of laoe. , lv wHl ako till Jiooday ait wtaot ; to erriv. tut atiw remodythe real ocreaos, ana even when they' are overcome it 18 dbubP.fui f Mr. Fair wiW allow the Lucero Ho make the trip down to Ban Francisco If the iwea'LOier 1. at all stormy. , A'drolral Ktrkfend, 4as been Te (wiled 'from t(he European station by Sec re fa ry Hcctoert, ha. hi a strange career. - Many years, wOVen a lilsntenajit on 'Hha Brazil sMIon, ihe married n South American tedy, amvl tor twenty years or nore ted life of oeC (-expatriation. All hro'ufch tCve war Ihe remained on the BxiizlC tftu'tlon, never once nsklnr for an S3lgnmentl In he fighting equadrc-ns. Por a long wihf.e the commanded the little Wasp tn 'Paraguaonan waters, and will be remembered as a central figure, In tliit -famous oquatoKia In whi!?!i Minister WajiWbonne and Porter .Q.Hllaj were In vclved wt.th tihe' Usurper 'Lopez. 'Kirk CuMd I. a naiUve of North Carolina, but upon hhi recall the wll undoubtedly retire' and agaiin itake up hi. rcaldenco In Montevldio. Tlie SeaOtte iPost-InteSlgwnc sayii 'Several steamers bad silgtit dlfDcuitles in itlhe fog of Tueaduy. nlgrn and yeter day morning, and on the State of Wash' ttvgton, Mary F. Perley, Greyhound and F&lrtiaven lit was reported that such thick, weaiiiher tbad mot been experienced trri year. . .The Mary F. Perley ran onto titie beach at Mukti'tieo, with, Captain Oil Parker, who has the reputation , of being one of the beet navigators on the-Sound, at the wheel, tout floated off cafe'.y yea- temay. Trie state or waa.nngion was reported to tvave hod a similar expert. enee at Halt tscand, and alio did not reach hiere till 6 a. m. t yesterday fcrd miru-ieid a KruVp on account of it. . The FaJnhaven diU not arrive till mid-night, several hours late. . The yucdit Josephine, at EvereU, was imore daimaged by the coUtslon with the Greyihound than was at flnst trupposed. Her side was ntove In lightly aadthe damage ny amount to $00 or more. : - ., .! , IN SliLF-DEFKNSa ...... You ought to kop your .flesh up. - D0s ease will follow,, it -you let go below a heaOtlhy standard. ; No mater how this comes, what you noed Ha Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical .Discovery. That 1. the greatest- neh-tullder known to medlcul eclence, far surparaing filthy cod Hvw 11 and all its nasty compound.. It's suited to the most dejlcate stomach.. It makes, the morbidity thin plump and rosy, wtlh lueailtlri and . strength. . ., 'Send for a free pamphlet, or remit 10 cents (aHampa) and get book of 168 pages wltih testimonials, addressee and portra'lta. Addrc World's Dispensary 'iiMicaj aesoctaitlon, 66 Main street. Buf. fado, N. Y.. ..... ... . Rupturv? or brfiadh permojrsirtly cuied iK'tthout the knife. - Address, for pam phlet and reference World's DUpetmry Meuicui AJSOCtatlon, BufTflllo, N. Y.. Pi:f'.6ury, the champion chess player of the world, is an Inveterate emoker of green cigars, and during one gime he wr.l consume six or seven. It's Just as easy to try One Minute Cough Cure as anything else.- It's easier to cure a severe cough or cold with It; Let your next purchase for a cough be One Minute Cough Cure. 1 Better medi cine;-hetter results; better, try it. Chas. Rogers. . Edward Johnson, of Mlddtotown, Conn., two weeks ago cast his seventy-third consecultfve Democratic vote for town olJlcla'ls. He to 94 yeora old. The U, S. Gov't4 Reports '.. show Royal Baking Powder superior to alt others, ' Serum treatment his been applied to syphilitic paiWenta In the Moscow mili tary hospital by Dr. Vlevorowskl, with very satteflactory resulih?. A. Q. BarKey, of Magic, Pa., writes: 1. feel It Is a duty of mine to Inform you - LSf Si lei Salve cured me of a very bad case of 'eczema. ' It also cured my boy of a running sore on his leg.- Chas. Rogers. ENGLISH CAPITAL FOR AMERICAN INVESTMENTS. ' Important to Americans seeking Eng lish Capfuii for new etiterprtoes. A Uat corttiairflng the nairnea and addreesrs ot i860 successful promoters who have placed Over ' f 100.000,000 Storting In : Foreign In- -yeeimnenite wlthm the last six years, and over 18,000,000 for the seven months of 185 ' Pries, 5, or $25, payable by postal order to tho London and Universal Bu reau of Investors, 20, Cheopside,- London. E. C. Subecrtbere wil be entitled, by ar rangement with the directors to receive eltlrKf personal: or letttor of introductoln o any of these escassfid promoters. . TMS ttaft Is first' flCase in every respect, and' every man or firm whose name ap pears" therein -may be depended ' upon. For ' pCaclng t the following It will be found invahiabie Bonds or Shares of In dustTtlail, Connmefclal and Financial con cerns, Mortgage loans, Salo of. Lands, Patents or Minos'. ' ' " ' ' Dtreiitor:-' ' 1 SIR EDWARD Cl ROSS, ' ; HON. WALTER 'C.' PEPYS, CAPT. ARTHUR 'STIFFE. ' " '' ''"" "'', Copyright. KARL'S C1XJVER HOOT will pUrlf your blood, clear your complexion, reg ulate your Bowels, and make your head ciear as a Den. zo CIS., W CU., and 11.00, Sod. by J, W. Conn. , . . , , A woman in Tekonsha, Mich.V is rejoicing-over her trlumpi over: t&e to Mcco habit 'after seh had beeen a con- nrmeu tmoker for more than 60 yeara. The hearing properties of DeWlit's Witch Hasel Salve are well known. It cures eczema, skin affection., and is .Im ply perfect remedy for piles. Chas Rogers. . v Nearly ,10,009 'fon: of tea-lacking hut about a dozen- tons-wotvs lindcd In Ta coma, 'Wah.,' Yrotia . Tbkohama and Etianghal of one' day of last week. ". ''.. .. OrvPrlce'a Cream Baking Powder ' '' Contain no Ammonia or Alum. ' A profltiable hint for this nordy-affllcted city may be taken from the' town of Phoenix, 'Ariz., where the' citizens have Just organized an Antl-Nolee League. 1. .i -j- ; . It is a truth In medicine, that the small est dose that performs a cure Is the best. Dewitt's UMIe Early Risers are cne sma.iest puis, will perform a cure, and are the best. Chas.' Rogers. ' ' Tobacco irtatltltles prove that two-lhlrds or tne grown male oooY.aLIon ,of .. the .i v ... . " - Say, why don't you try DewTtfe Little -any Ktoensr These little pill, cure haadaehs.t indfeescion, and cso.ilp.tlon. They're. smalL but do. the .work,. Chas. Rogers. ' .V;,':s- . , , An authorlty-.on eat. says that blue eyed cats .re always deaf, and i'hat pure white ones ; are aflllctel ln-the same m.'naft-;- 3 " " " M "i . ! tl Children Cry ifor Pitcher's Cactsrlc. . The entomologists say-that the gnat's proboscis I. a combination of seven nedlos"and lances, besides" cupping npparatus. ) ? , ' j i 1 . , 1 - -CVB VOU HEADACHE. ; As a" remedy for all form "of headacht Eleotrte. Hooters ha rirowd to bs the very pest. It tffeors,a pennadsnt eur and the ni-at dreaded h<ual (ek luauV aches yield to .ts Influence. Ws org aa who r affllrtsd to proenrs a boul and giro this remedy a fair trial. In oasesot habVual. -constipation Electric tuners ciuva ty g.vingy the .needed ton. u ine nowe.s, ana raw caeea long resist me use. of this medldn.. Try i.t once. large Domes only noty cetvt. at Chas. nogers arug stor, The Gtrman t'nrvperor will drink no cof ree Dtit Mexican, and a large cupply is " htm every , year -from a Qcrman coiony. , , . . All 'lit patent medlsl'ie. advertised tn this paper, together with the choic est perfumery, and toilet u.tluiua. ei. (.-in be bought at tne lowest prices al J. W. Conn' drug store, opposite Oc cident ootei, Astoria Fjrty-nlno hundred fathoms (29,400 teeij wuunout bottom being found u the oeepest mounding made. The British sur veying hlp Penguin found this depth In the Pacific ocean in latitude 29 degrees 4U,m'lnutea south, longitude 176 degrees 10 minutes west, northwest . of New Zea land and the Kermadec islands. The wire broke before touching bottom. The deepest wounding . befwa , this was 4,655 fathoms, near Japan, . BUCKLBN'S ARNICA 8A.LVTC. - The best salve In the world t.tt fiit Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum; Fever Bores. Tetter. Chanced ' Hands. Chilblains. Con.s, and All Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perrect sarwaction, or money refunded. Price. 25 cents per tax. For ss'.e by (Jhaa. Rogers. Odd Fellows' building. Tho division of time Into months and weeks is so-old that' Its origin cunnot possibly be-ascertiuned'. There are many good reasons why vou should- use One Minute Cough Cure. There are no reasons why you should not, n in need of help. The only harmless remedy that produces Immediate result.. Chas. Rogers. A splendid tolack eagle, measuring 8 feet from tip to tip of Its wing, was shot hear -Manistee, Mfcft., last week. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of all In leavening Strength V. 8. OovsnuMat Report A man 1n . DIddeford, Me., who is 66 yturs old. Is having' troubulous times Just now In cutting a wisdom tooth. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria A citizen of the worDd, dlfaatlnded with .the present condtlon of things, has Juut opened his eyes to the light ot life," Is the announcement under births in a German newspaper, . . your You note the difference in children. Some have nearlv every ailment, even with the best of care. Others far more exposed pass through unharmed. -Weak children will have continuous colds in winter, poor digestion in summer. They are with out power to resist disease, they . ' have ' no , reserve strengthScott'S Emulsion of cod-liver oil, with Jiypo- phosphites, is cod-liver oil partly digested and adapted to the weaker digestions of children.' .' , : ; Scott & EowwilK!p!?tiJl4W York 50c, and $1.00 lilil Signature printed la BLUB diagonally . across tho OUTSIDB wrapped very bottle of Original Oeauliie) Worceaterahlre 'As a turther protection mgtiatl ' x . . mil ImiUtloMt, , , - rAtsats for' Ilia Ifaltsd Mates, ' JOHN DUNCAN'3 SONS, N." Y- Few Hen Would Ask , fbr;a Finer Dinner than those we serve. We're . trying. In every way to. make them tn. most en joyable In'town; All the . "good" thing" of ths season cooked Dy our -; excellent cook-4n the most delicious style. Perfect service. ' . If you fnvlte a friend to the Palace Restaurant the place Is a sufficient guar antee tnat ns win .receive a good meal, i I.' u M .- '' .f ' I I , 1, " The Palaee ; Restatttant Snap A 'Kodak'; j;. ; ; " at any ma-i coining out of ' . our .tore and you'll get a ' " portrait of man bri aiming ntpt wild plxawnl thoughts. .' Such quality in tji llqann , ; . , we havetoonraniraoHghto - ' ' , PLEASE ANV MAN,' Corqe and Try Them. : .' '' HUGHES ft CO. . ? KEATINfl. t CO will open IheU j Muilo Hall at M Aator itreet, ' Saturday the ICtli. Tlisy wilt WWW '- keep numhirlei. goot liquor, sod cigars b ealdc. having good, muiie all th time. 1' ' -. : 4 A GOOD WORP. .-. . Mr. J.l J. KelL, Sharpsburg, Fa. ( , Dear f )lr'-I am glad to say a ooJ word for Krause's lieadache Capsules. After .uttering for :over ttTss yaars with ac tits neuralgia, aad its consequent Insuma ia, r-vhloh seemed tn baffle the efforts of some of our best, physicians) ou suggested this remedy which gave n almost-Instant relief, woras isu t" l prwi the pral- I should like to h iifl w on Krause's llpadacba.fapsules. - Gratefully Ttonrs. ; MRS., EL 6V HOLMES. . j$ i Montrose, Pa, , IT - & : Ay TOE PIPE TOBACCO. I871 J.,.. , 1805 pisfyer ; Brothers, Sell ASTORIA, Lubricating OILS . A Specialty. Ship Chandelery, Hardware, Iron & Steel, . Coal, Groceriea & Provisions, Flour & Mill Feed, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Loggers Supplies, Fairbanks Scales, Doors & Windows, Agricultural I in pit men ts Wagons & Vehicles. E. flcNEIL, Receiver. Gives Crioioe , of' T mo Transeontinental Routes, Via Ogdeu ,Denver Via Spokane and St. Paul. . and Omaha or St. Paul. Pullman and Tourist Sleeper Free Roollnlng Chalra Car. Astoria to San Francisco. Braite. of CaWfornla, Pniduy, Oct. 11. Columbia, Wednesday, Oct, 16. State of OuHilforniia, Monday, Oct. 21. Columbia, Saturday, Odt. 26. State of Oailiifornia, Thursday, Oct. 31. ..Columbia, Tuesday, Nov. 5. Astoria and Portlnd Steamers. The T. J. Pntfr.r will leave Astoria at 1 p. m. dally, except Sunday; leave Port land at 7 a. m. dally, except Sunday. The R. It. Thompion will leave Astoria at 6:45 a. m. dally, except Sunday; leave Portland at 8 p. m. dally, except Satur day. For rates, and general Information call on or aaaresa r. v. ovuuuiAuu-jti. Commercial Agent Astoria, Or. W. H. HURLBURT, . Qen. raa. Agt.. roruaaa. trr, Are Yon Going East? Bs aura and sea that your ticket reads via THE NORTH-WESTERN I LINE. CHICAGO, s ST. PAUIv, ;;MINNBAPOLIS OMAHA RAILWAYS. , Tola la ths GREAT SHORT LINE Between DU ivUTH, ST. PAUL, CHICAGO And all Points East and South. Their Magnificent Track. Peerless Ves- ; tlbuled Lnning ana pieeyiu w Trains and Motto: - ALWAYS ON TIME " t .kia rnat a national renuta- dri. "- - , Uon. All classes of passengers carried on tna vestiouiea uauw wnuuu uu. charge. Ship your freight and travel over this famous Una. . All agents have tickets. ,. . Oen. Agent. Trav. ana r. . ItS 1VHUDIIVD lb, x ui uouu, vr. Vn T fl. FiawKlns. Oiattanoora. Tenn s-ys. "Shllors Vltallzer -SAVFfD MY LIFE. ' I consider it the best rena. rdy for a debilitated .yiiu I evm twed." , For Oyspenota, Liver or Kid ney trouble, H excslia Pilve 75 eta. . For Bala by 3. W. Cons. forirt-Ti Tit ... BINQ LUNG. Prop. miate? Goods Jest ecelv An excellent sto:k of Underwear, hos iery, capo, etc., at extremely low prices. 417 Bond Street, next door to Moiilrr'. Fruit Store. - - - ,. The Oasis of thf Colorado Desert A Hew esort BELOW THE LEVEL OF THE SEA Absolutely Dry and Pure Tropical Climate Pronounced by Physicians the most Favorable in America or Sufferers from ... Lung Diseases and Rheumatism Many Remarkable Cures TllO ohlArttftn 1irtrAi4 o0 In mt Tnr1lr In the Daat bv tha lRrirn otherwise would have been glad to tak advantage or its Denenclul climate, has beei a lack of suitable accommoda tion. The Southern Pacific Company, takes pleasure in announcing that era! Commodious and Comfortable Cottages have Just been erected at Indio sta tion, that will be rented to applicants at reasonable rates. Ttey are fur- nlthed with modern conveniences, sup plied with pure arteslaa water, and so situated as to gove occupants all the advantages to be derived from a more or less protracted residence In this de lightful climate. (From the San Francisco Argonaut.) "In the heart of the great desert of the Colorado whioh the Southern Fa cltio road traverses there is an oasis called- Indio, which, la our opinion, If the sanitarium of the earth. Ws be lieve, from, personal Investigation, thai tor certain invalids, the-e is no spot or uils planet so favorable." G. T. Stewart, M. I)., writes: "The purity of the air, and the eternal sun shine. All one with wonder and delight. Nature has accomplished so much that there remains but little for man to do. As to its possibilities as a health resort, 'here Is the most per fect sunshine, with a temperature al ways pleasant, a perfectly dry soil for rain is an unknown factor; pure oxygen, denes atmosphere and pure water. What more can be desired T It is the place, above all others, tor lung troubles, and a paradise for rheu matics. Considering the number of sufferers who have been cured, I have no hesitancy in recommending this genial oasis aa the haven of tbe afflict ed." INDIO Ts 612 miles from SAN FRANCISCO and 130 miles from LOS ANGELES Fare from Los Angeles ,3.00 For further Information inquire of any Southern Paclflo Company agen', or address E. P. ROGERS, 4 Asst Gen. Fass. Agt. S. F. Co. J. B. KIRK LAND, Dlst. Pass. Agt Cor. First nd Alder 8ts, Portland, Or. J. A FASTABENDi GENERAL CONTRACTOR, PILE DRIVER, HOUSE, BRIDGE AND WHARF BUILDER. Addreta. box 180, Potloffic. - ASTORIA, OR SEASIDE SflWr-IILIt. A complete stock of lumber on hand In tha rough or dressed. Flooring, rus tle, celling, and all kinds of finish; mouldings and shingles; also bracket work done to order. Terms reasonable and prices at bedrock. All orders promptly attended to. Office and yard at mill. H. T. L. LOGAN. ProD'r. Heaalde. Oregon. NOTICE. Ths Dartnershln hprtnrr l.tin. k twaen C 3. nrAnli,n,i mnA A r i florists, is hereby dissolved by mutual cunneni, ana au aenta or the said firm will be paid by C. J. Greenlund and C. Q. Palmberg. and all Autatamiinv oA..,., are due and payable to them. U. J. GREENLUND, ' ' ANTON BRIX. KARL'S CTflWTi TfOriT . Blood purifier, gives tresnness and clearness to the comDle.tioi and cues Constipation, ?5 cts So cts . $1.00. or eaie oy j. w. Conn. INDORSED BT THE PRE3S. Gentlemen Thla In a , v bave used Krause'a Kmirfai.na r.nnii.. with satisfactory results. 1 tout;l:t a box which cost ins J53. and rme capsfle cured me of a dreadful sick li?adache. y wire ana mvseir nave both used the ' medicines manufactured by the Norman Llcbty Mfr Co,, and we re commend them tn ih mihlln so k..i.... jjutt what they are represented. X3ptTVlIUIIV, ' W. J. HUTCHISON. Ed. Gazette. Pleasant Hill. Ala Twentv-five centA. fnp sui. k t Rogers, Astoria. Or., sole agents. Captain bweenav. II. R A c. r.. Col., Mya: ' 011110:1 Catarrn Jttemerj? la the firet meaiine 1 have enr f . - : that would a.-, m anw r. t r- cts. Bold by J. W. Coim. Indio 1