The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, November 02, 1895, Image 1

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-.-I .. 1 4
A Ths ASTORIAN has th largest LOCAL fr
J circulation! tha largest GF.NERAL clrcula-
1 Hon, and the largest TOTAL circulation of t
t all papen published In Astoria. ji
TJ Fortcaii fw Oregon and Washington,
d rtlfl, wjrmer, loutherty gain an coast
Save Time and Money
By saving time you will save
. 1 money, and by saving money
Vr - vnil Will HdVft fimo nnrl iha wo-ir
to save both is to buy of me
yourMen's and Boys'Cloth
ing, Furnishing Goods,
Hats, Gaps, Boots, Shoes,
Trunks, Valises, Umbrel
las, Mackintoshes,, etc.,
which are bought direct of the
manufacturer and sold for cash
ZrV U P on a low margi to a'l alike.
I i It sZW ' -r J A "T !'
1st my store will close at 7 p. m.,
except Saturday and holiday evenings.
Durrant's Fate Was Decided by
the Jury.
Others Clap Their Hands With Joy
Will Now be Tried for the Mur
der of Minnie Williams.
The One Price Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher.
Take your choice of the three properties. Hiey are all delight
fully Iooated, and the rich and poor alike can find choke lots In
any one of them on which to build a home. We have numerous
other pieces of property all of which are bargains.
School Books
At Greatly Reduced Prices,
' . j
Oregon Books Slates
Pencils ' - Tablets
Pens Erasers
'' . . Everything Jeeessary for School Use.
Griffin & Reed.
New -York, Jnov. 1. Bradjftreet's tomor
row will isay: '; - " s
The volume of business lhaa 'been small
due In part Ho druiugttit, ; although wide
spread ralnts during tlhe Jjitter part ot
the week Mvt gone far! to break the
Jry speU. I
No marked changes aer reported ifrom
the Pacific Coast. At Ban Francisco, tine
improvement Un prices la Mown In a few
lines, notably iwhieat. . At Seattle the vol
M of buelnesa ladt monilh was larger
than In September. The ttUkle at Ta
coma Is quiet, tout Import during OetO'
bfir were vaOued alt nearly JaOO.OOO. Port
Hand advices are that large shipments
are being (made to China, ftfexieo and Oa1
worn 1 a, win-j.'e aai:e at me Kast are
TieiaVler and itti prices (higher.
' 1
Naw Trk, Nov. 1. Business failure's
throuelhiout Hie United State number 29D
tihla 'week and tlhow a considerable in
onease over tost . iweek ai3 well as the
ame week a year ago, whi?n tlhe totals
were 29 and 253, toils weeks gains being
gnenauiy "distributed.
In a desirable location, 2 blocks from High School.
San Fitaincieco, Nov. 1. Theodore Dur
rant, asulstaivt eupenlnitondeait of the
Bmamiol Baptist Churdh Sunday eohool,
was today convicted of tlhe murder of
BCuirclhe Laimnmt tor w'hlcflj he hau 1jeen
on Mai since July 22di (last. The jury was
out 20 minutes and anrtved at a verdict
on - Che firat ballot. As there was no
recomamndatlloa of money, tlhle punliTiment
was fixed at deaBh.
The eoone In the court room wlhen the
vartHct was announced wlU never be for
BOUtcm 'by ifhose wtho wene present. Judge
Murpihy nnlshed Ihla dhoirjre alt 3:30 end
t)h Jury at once retired. WBiJle the Jury
wan out Mrs. Durrant and the prisoner
talked and Caugilied together als It tan ac
quilttoil were a foregone conclusion. They
were Joined by tiaVf a dozen Srlends anj
tlhe convemsiaitlon was ibecontlng animated
Khtm Vt became wttitoptired aJbout that t'Jie
Jua-y tad agreed upon a verdlot. In an
'tai'int a Ihush fe:i upon tlhe little circle
tlhiat 'had galfhieredi arounM tlhe prisoner.
'Dunnamt's ice, alv.ays pwte, nsiumed a
ei:nasi;ty Itoue, und his mother was speech
rjesH. Then the Ttiembers of tho Jury filed
in and took fhelr eeats. Olerk Morris
asked tlhe usual quejflon Ha to whether
tlhe Jury ihad agreed upon a verdict. Fore
man Wanrem Dutton arose and replied In
tlhle afflnmialtrtve.
"We, the Jury," said he, "find the de.
feoidaint, Wlltam Henry Theodore Cur
rant, BuHlty of murder In the first de
eree.'' Aa ItJhe a?l iforoman, pale and trem
M's, read the words that fixed Dur.
rant's luite, a low, rumbling noise Hflke the
roar of a m rose from Uh- rear of the
court roam. The next moment men wero
clheerlng wildly, while nx)m,i wept hys
terically in excitement. T.he biiUlff raipped
loudly for order, but the tumult continued
for fieveral minutes befora anvthlng Mke
quldt could foe brought out of the die-order.
Judge MuJTy said that sentence 'would
be pause next Friday, upon whloh day
he wouM also 82t a day for the trim of
T)urrant on the charge of murdferine
Winnie 'Williams. During the tumult that
roijiowed tho announcament of the ver
dict, Dunrant and his mother were lest
sight of except by those who tat near
tiiwim. As the last words of the verdicl
were uttered Durrant made a spasmodic
effort to arise to his feet, but before he
w ' imnurur, wun a -nwi sipn, Major MoNelU, receiver and general
IX ' u , V ,arms arouna manugw of tlhe O. R. and N. Co.. visited
Lr nt. ner,fl13 Hl i ABtcmla. yesterday aa the guest of Major
rL hJ JT1 Durrant , pt, United States engineer, who has
for'get htsown poMt on and for a mlnuiA .,i. . ., ... . .:.
tiA with it.ia , . - - J iioi Mi ILI ip UW'U IU .UJUill'V.a IU1V
' - iw mua ttivuim ner necK
trying to sootine roer. It was some time
a little better feoUns', retail distribution
is ifalrly enoouTagtng, and the closing ot
many worka is Qeos fllgUlficainit at this
season thian It iHlglht e at another. It
is believed tlho waiting and uncertainty
may naituralCy continue for some weeks.
Wheat (tuas tlecttned 1 8-4 and corn i l-2c
In eplte of many adverse reports (rut
winter fvflioalt. .
Of the Appointment of. 'R. M. Galloway
as Keceilver.'
Nelw York, Nov. 1. In vlcjw of the pub'
'llsh'ed tDatoment '(that oert-aln. interests
of ithe Nontihera Pacific hive approved
itlhe appoinemont of R. M. Galloway as
reoclver, She statement ta positively made
tlhlait the cotmmiUee of second and third
mortgage ponds do not anprove of Gal'
loway's oippointment und will not. They
wCU oppose amy additional ireeclvers, and
do not tihlink Uhat tlhe NewvYork receiver
is necessary, and beilieve that a solution
of tlhe prdbletn is for the appointment of
one receiver each, by tlhe Judges of the
Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Circuits.
0. R. & N. llecciver a Visitor in
"Astoria Yesterday.
Says His Company is Friendly to the
Columbia River, Which Means
beforeMrs. Durant couCd eaive Jhe roivrt.
room. Durrant's father was not In the
court room when tlhe verdrtc was return
ed, and he first learned that his son had
befen convicted when the cheer went up
nuiiii vuw nvwQ m me 'Duiiuing. Dur
tug data for IhCu depar'tment.
Major McNeill is one of tlhe active rail
road men of the West, tihorougi.i.y wraipp
eU uip In the Interest of tlhe corporation
of nUiidh he now has charge and the or
'iginator of a plan for its reorganization,
wLilUcih many flnancienj think will' he car
ried out. There has been much nawepaper
On the new Pipe Line Boulevard Jtm tha place for a cheap borne.
. STREET OAR LINE will be extended this summer to within 5 minutes
walk of this property Will sell at decided barxniD. ,4 - , ,";
, In 5 or 10 aore tracts inside the oity limit', also adjoining Flavel. " '
"' GEORGE HILL,. 471 BondSt., Occident Block,
Ladies' Grey Woolen Vests
.75 Cents a Garment.,
These same garments sell every where for $
Hen's Overcoats
rant recovered his old time connaosure an -. j .i
noon .hA hi. vl. . I "u vu.uaMC.nurr. V"'-'
to ireltUrn to the eouinty Jal.
Wflh Ihis overcoat eiting carelessfy over
his arm, he wailloed leimirely out of Ithe
room, 'twlrtlnff his slight mustache with
apparently as little concern as If he were
merely a spectator 'instead of the princ
ipal Klgiure In an exciting scene. Aulde
Orom the epectntoni. Mrs. Noble, Blanche'
Damont's aunt, and Maud Liaimont, the
viead rWo ster, were apparently the
'iiajpjjiest persons In the room. When-
file veroTCT was anouncsd, Maud Lmmont
6inang nam her seat, olapped her hands
and then cried of sheer excitement. Mrs.
Noble mixed her smiles with teani antt
ehook Ihamds wttlh ninmber of rrienUs
who crowded around to congratulate her
The dine wTjl be appealed to the su
preme court and It is expected nearfy a
year will e'apse before a decision wlfl be
Mils Cnrrte Cunlngham, Jhe reporter
mlho testified' In the Duirant trtal that
Dwmuit had tcM her he-taw Blanche
Lamont murdered In tie berfry of the
nmnanuei ctvurch, and who said that Dur-
urd to tlhe attitude of. the O. R. and N.
towairUB tlhle traffic on the Columbia river,
and the Interests of the punt of Astoria,
iwlien It bUuil have acauirci rati connec
tion with the other portions of the state
and with tranecontilnental railways.
an Aortan representative latlt even
ing, Jurft before leaving for Portland,
Major AfcNelU stated that beyondi the
fact that the O. 'R. and N. receivership
wou'M tLwUy be wound up, the could say
Wttte at the present thne in regard to
fie future dtaitus of that company. He
nvuli ttniost emfiSiatic in his statements
concerning the attitude of tlhe O. R. and
N. towardrt the Astoria railroad project,
anld Astoria's sh'lppling Interest; that (hat
company was the best friend the Colum
bia river ever had or ever would have.
He saiid:
"When you cay the Columbia river, that
means Atltoria. Our friendliness to your !
advancement is thoroughly evidenced toy
tlhe fact that at one time we had fully
.'. jcfctoi to build the railroad to Astoria
c uiutOvtu. ' The financial orfisis came and
. These same goods are marked out at all the stores as
bargains for $11.50.
rant elhon-ed her an envelope containing f coue w1?" ln Che ttTi9 0t a Tecelver
a f Mtement to be ooenJ ter rZ ! e-.'WM utterly powenles to do any-
iconytatied, has made public her s'de ot
thff ston-. i-'8 says tnat when i-he vl--Itetf
Durraht at the Jail h9 tctfl her a
itifinMirtoaMe tale, iwtth an Idea taiat sho
was Wo he a'wttiiess for the d j.'uwr.. lie
fafd tlhaH he had been sworn Jp secrjey
by the murderers,' bmt he .felt that If
Miss Cunningham first gave an Inkling of
C1iat ie story wu, he would be, re-Jem-ed
from his oath. Miss Cunnln'iym
agreed to this and Durrant told her the
following rtory:
"WhKe I was flr'ng the sun 1umers ot
EnHamiw: cflruKh, I iv-ard a noise. I fol
ILiwiiJ the sound to tlhe b fry and ascer
tained that Uvanehe Lamonf vm
d-ered on the second landing.' I encDunter-
t'h'lng in tlhe 'line of new construction. As
you know we freely gave the rlgCrt ot
way throuRh our property for the Ham
nunid railroad and we aro- In most i.iar
nionlous relations with thit gentleman,
noria win gt her railroad and she will
find that as the O. R. and N. Compvny
has ever ennloavored in the past' to buHd
up trafilo upon the Columbia on broad
P'anea reyanKcss of petJty controversies,
DadllonaC difference's or competition of
other lines, tlhe will otllt be at the front
for the best initftiwifcs of. aTJ concerned!
and the welfare of Astoria's comne.Me.
We have kibored hard, and continuously
to Improve the service on the Columbia
and at a loss are today giving double
dully service -(between Astoria amdi Port'
That is the Question Which
Will Soon be Decided.
All Extraneous Testimony Ruled
Out Defense Now Has the Advantage.
' PhilitleCphla, Nov. 1. Tomorrow night
tihe world will probably 'know wtoethi or
not Holmes wilt bang. . When the trial
'began last Monday everybody anticipated
a siege of at least two weeks, but yes
terday lifts case took a sudden turn and
today owdltlhor, which wiM help to push
It lo & Hwlft ooticCuslon.
The tecWlon of Judge Arnold that no
testimony would be admitted other than
that bearing tilrectty on the muiUer ot
Prtczel hail tlhe effect of keeping out a
group of gruesome exhibits and silencing
about 20 witnesses brought here from
CamuIJa, NiAv England and the West. It
prevented the olfeiring in evidence of the
mou'ideredi bones of the boy, Howard
Pltezet; the stove In which he was burn
ed; and tlliie trunk wSvlc'h (smothered out
the lives of the girls, Alice and Nellie.
District Attorney Graham fought as bard
as he knew how to get this evidence in,
but the law was agwinist h'lm and tho Ue
remsa moored Its first victory.
When he found hUmseCf bested, he sold
he would close Ms case this ntornlnir.
and he kept ihis word. He did not even
exhllblt the skull of Pltexet.
Oon'ttatied 111 Health and a Broken En
gagement the Cause.
Bprlngifteild, Mo., Nov. 1. Miss Lacy
Phelps oammlilted suicide this afl'.ernoon
by taking prussic acid. She was a daugh
ter of Col. John E. Phiellpu and a grand
dlJiugthiter of Governor John S. Phelps.
Continued 111 health Is given as th
cause. Thle fact that sthie had been en
gaged to a leading society man and mer-
cthaatt and that It hlad been broken off.
it is biMioved by mnny, to h-ave had soxne-
thUnt?; to do wllth It. Her aunt Is Mrs. J.
B. Montgomery, of Portland; Or,
Preaching by Ithe podtor, Rev. R. LUdell,
at 7:30 p. m. Subject, "The Halting Be.
tween Popular Opinion anld Duty; Who
are they ond why do they do itT" All
the to vera of home anld civic purity are
specially Invited.
Ait he Baptist Ovurch Subject of the
moraine; senmonM ChrWtlany as an In'
vestment," Xn the evening, "Jonathan,
the Faithful Young (Man, or No. 16 of 'the
Lesotvs from the lives of Representative
'Mien." Sunday school meets at 12:16 and
the B. Y. P. U. will meet at 6:90 p. m,
In union meeting alt the M. E. church
There wl be baptism In connection with
this evening service, at the Baptlut
dhurdh. Any desiring to unite 'with cold
chiurch should present themselves at the
11 o o.ock service.
The regular quarterly exui-nlnaitlon ot
appVrcanits for certificates to teach, ln
Clatsop county will be held ln McClure's
(Cout't Street) school house, Astoria, be-
ginning at 1 o'clock p. to., Wednesday,
November 13, 1896, and continue the rest
of the week. Ait applicants will be pres
ent promptly ankl continue through the
Examination of appendants' for stats dl
plomiis wtt ba he.M Saturday, November
16, beginning at 9 a. m.
School Superlrttertdent, CSattsop Co,
The following transfers of real estate
were filed for record In the county record'
er's office yesterday:
Peter (Xscn Vanf.e to Mai M. Jun
'tlJ'ja, Lot 16, in ithie subdivision
of Lots 1, 2. 7. and S. Block 66.
Adair's Astoria 10
h. (J. Thompson and wife to J. w.
Wlslhart, Lota t and 4, Block 14,
Lots 1, , and (, Block 15, Lots 6,
. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and IK, Block;
22, Lot 1, Blo-k 23, Warrenton adw
anion; auso Lots 8, 6. 7, 3, S, 10,
11, 12. BCock 22, Laurel Park ad
Klltlon; also Lntts , 7, t, 23, 24,
Block 15, Lots 5, 6. 7, at) 8. block
17. Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 18, 19, 20, and'
21, BCock 20, Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, Block 13, In 6em Rockl
Harry Watklns and srtfe to Glonra
O. Oravea Lots 8 and 4, Block 1,
SunnystJe addition 200
The Famous M1dKawelgHt Passes Away
at hu Home Yeiatorday.
Special to the Astorian.
Portland, Nov. l.-Jack Dempsey. prob
ably the gireaitetiit mld-llajrelgihit prize flglrit-
er 'rho 'world Was ever seen, died today
of consumip'tion, alt tlhle 'home of his on the East side. He has
been sinking for imany months and In
faot he alttiUbuted his own sudlen coCOapse
to ithe punlshiment he recilved when tie
iwas defeated by Robert Fttaslmimotis.
Javk Dempsey was born in Iretamdl 83
years ago. He leaves a wife and two
children. , . '
London, Nov. 1. Hops Pacific Coast
Llvenpoct. Nov. 1. Wheat SdoL Oufll:
derrtamd, poor; No. 2 ml winter, 6s iyfi;
No. 2 red spring, stocks exhausted; No. 1
r.iiiU Manltoibai sahus; No, 1 California.
6s 6VJJ.
Ntlw Yoi-k, Nov. 1. Hops, quldt.
Porrtlaml, Nov. l.Wlhet Active, firm:
Warnta IWalla, 49013; Valley, 51052c per
ibufcihel. .
Chilcago. No.v l.-Wheat, Cach, 68 1-4
cents; December, 69.
OWehalls, Wn Nov. 1. Four barns be
longing to John Hutchinson, of Bolsfort,
were burned yesterday. One hundred and
fifty tonu of hay, eleven head of stock
and a law amount of farm tocOi were
burned. Lotu, $7,000.
WacJhlngton, Nov. 1. Accompanied by
Seordlary Oltiey, Mr. Kurino, the Japan
ese irrtlnleter, caf.'led upon Preldent Cleve
land at tlhe White House today by ap
polrntiment, and presented to him an auto-
gircupih letter from the Emperor of Japan
expressing In grateful and sincere terms
ihis appreciation of tlhe good omefc ex
ercised by the United States government
ts luring about restoration of peace bs-
tlween. Jiiinari and China, and for the pro
tection accorded Jauanese residents) In
A Tragedy in Far Off Alaska
Alleg-ed Witchcraft Which an In
dian Doctor Failed tojCure Was
the fame of the Deed.
Port Towuisend, Nov. 1. The steamship
Al-KI from Bitkia, Alaska, today brinirs
the news of ithe arrest of a Klaiwock In
uian wCio, twipecting Oils sister of witch
craft, kHled her. Three years ago an
Indian doctor (fettling to effedt a cure no
tified the trtUbe Uhalt one of the women
watt imbued with wtltdhcivuflc and was ex
ercising an evil Influence over the pa
tient. The tribe ordained her brother as
executioner, but he rwfuaed until r.e iwos
malde drunk.
His father-ln-taw put gun into his
hands and made him (Moot the woman.
The officers were urtabe to arrest the
'murdorer as he was ehCeCIJed by the In
dians who approved 'the murder, , Finally
by stroltegy Ihe was cauglht.
$6 50 - Men's Suits
A Full Line of Shoes and Hats.
eXl the murderer, anil
iieveal what I had diwovered and rushed 3wnd' and 'wlhen ttn8 pliroa,l ' completed
w Qf f-r'down ""o " GeOTve King I had we w" not 'ound wanting."
iP'ZJ an arpotntment with King and I fearea "vmiU y think, Major, of the re
be rrtlijlhlt go searching tho church for me por'tfl current, that Mr. Hill, of U1I9 Great
1 '"-s mucin atstrewed over what I had i,"J"- optw-'u io uis Astoria, rau
seen and I feJt nauseated, but I did not ' road ProJwt n1 'U1 Inclined to cH
end King for bromo seltser'beciiiNn 1 ' vert a11 lhe trafe he can to Puget found
wanitea meoicine. 1 sent him out of the
church ln order to give the guilty men
a chance to escape."
Miss Cuningham says tliat Durrant told
her that the murderers exerdssd an un
acountable Influence over him and swore
10 spirit n:s motther sway If he told
600 Commercial Street.
and use his Influence to kill the line of
isteaiwrs between the Columbra river
and the Orient?"
"I am satisfied there nothing in It.
Mr. HiK Is working most harmoniously
with the O. R. and N-, which is most an Oregon railroad, in the
Marten llairiand, the hlffh authority an
kltcilion economy, recommends Royal Bate
ing Powder above all others.
1 JrllFg?s hirkmKt ,A
P ; j lip VZJ variaB LiMrtJ ix
what he had seen. He said thalt he had trrt of Oregon's development icnd for
given V statement to his attornays but tha. 't 01 rrrtn' foremost
fhiey had dettrted not to use it I and aH the thn8- We " alw working
1 ' very o'oje'.y wVlfi the Oregon Stort Line
THP titbv numo'-n a"ld Vnlon Pacific. I know lira Mr. Hill
THE JURY DISAORESD. it mOBt friend to our line and to Ore
gon. He Is one of the backers of the
Breakfast. -Breakfast
Food. Cream.
Hamburg tSoak. 1
. QulK'ed Potatoes. Cucumbers.
GMtM, Coffee.
- - Luoou. -
Cold RVjaMt Beef.
Tomato ScaHops.
BakfJ Applej. Whipped Cream.
Cuke. Cocoa. . ,
' Potato Soup.
Olives. .- Celery.
Breaded Veal Chops. Tomato Sauce.
Browned Sweet Potatoes. Marrow Squadh.
Lettuce and Oirton Baod.
Peach Bavarian Cream.
Wafers. Cheese. Coffee.
T 1 A-Twiy ' Or-. Vnv 1 i """' e is one ot trie Backers of the, M.' E. OhuPch-
Wr, T 1 ? 01 1" Oriental tine of .teanens cper- 1 PreacWm? at 11 a.
C-i MJy rroTim'R?" "SS?- rt ot Ms Columbia Jwt cTre morni,
j"' uiurninsT. Bin: nino mt i ... t, ,
tall .t trA " v : 7' 11 nl,rt via BswKne mdia in lineat
or Real Life
E. Church Oa,9S meeting at 10: to
m. and 7:30 p. m. sub
mg sermon, "Samuel, or
Koilgloti." Evening, The
Coim ot Tvint Anneal." Sunday schOM
T 1 ' . inwinro. t wave no reason to sexeve ; meem ait 12:15. Eowortli Icarus meets
' ' In the case of A it.w tJT6 " ' t'1a ''nnl2atlon of th's company at 6:30 ted by Mary ljwe3l. Subject, "The
hrW mln w-w Z I " -ta" affair" 1 Convelop or Bool." -
fiyremoVb , charged with, untaw-J atijor McNWs satMneots mut be j Hw'h LutSrreran Ohurdb-Serrlces
, . . . . taien as conclusive evidence that As'o- next Sunday a 10:30 In Swedish; Sunday
DUN'S Itwrsror ' -v. iwcm wrirm n.i s i -1701 at iz:j p. m. tvenmg aemce at
rj, T ?rB rTBEDA A BTT8TNE8 IDCCATION. Many ytmng men anJ
iiis ? 'Tens hot ens er two years tt school why not taks a eourss that can
mittTii ta ,B t,",T Th emr neru1s short ENGLISH COURSB bt
' cf4iMm8 aas SHORTHANT COURSE. For catalogues address.
Now Tors, Nov. l.-R. a. Dun ' Col's
" ee)cy Review of Trade tomorrow sVH
T:e r!i recovery In coUoo and the
He w sterOtrtg exchange to a point at
wOiicfh the last exports of goal were nude
have not Increased confidence. There is
lbs bands of that company upon the torn- 1 :,. Stifiler. "Ivuthr am a MVm. Oh1-
timion 01 me uoo.e raxroaki.
It's In town. I's thsbest;
Won't burn nur roughen the skin;
Won't "yellow your clothes."
. You wis b agreeably surprised.
Sorry you didn't know ft sooner. '
Tomson's Boap Foam, larga packages.
I t1n and a Prearner.
There will be services in the rresby
, ' Tlan church tomorrow as foi'ows: In
, r - morning at 11 o'clock we tull out
j rt v fj.vr quarterly communion service. Ail
I nwir-irn of the ohurcb are especlalCy
requested to bs present. Sobbsieh school
! st il;U p. m. Y. P. 8. C. E. at JO p. ra.
Prograim of Exercises an Several of the
Rooms Yesterday.
The regular Friday exercises of the
Cedar Street public school were held yea-
'tcrday afternoon.. Tha, following are
among tlhe programs rendered:
"Miss Dickinson's Rootim Greeting song,
by scftool; recitation, When the Chickens
Go to Rest," EXa Ekatrom; reeltaitlon
"Lulu's. CompTatrnit," Jcale Hlbbs; recita
tion, "Sunshine," Arthur Van Dusen
song, "Weaver John," wdhool; reeltaitlon,
"IJlUIe Boy for Salle," Hilda Torkelson
recitation, "Dolls' Show," Nor Wilson
recitation, "A Choice," Mabel Doeneka
vocaO duet, "Cucko," (Louise Gray and
Mynt'le Olssn; recitation, "Chl.Jren's Bri
gade," Olaf Carlson, Lorens Johnson
reol'aitlon, "The Boy that Told fh Truth,"
wmitaen CowglH; song, "Weaving, What s
Joy," cicMcol; recitation, "Tlie Farm Boy's
Oymnawtkrs, era's of boys; song, "Out
of Dhe Window."
MIbj Cwaly's RoomRieciltatron, Raymon
JoltnL-ion; reading, Nextde Sorensen; re-
dilation, WKNe 'Bnrth: song, Laura Mc
Oarm; recitation, Anna Bayard; redta
tton, Minnie Lighter; song, by society.
It wmi to Mrs. Oioar Wlldi, now travel
ing in fiwHzerlanl, that Browning In
dited tihe famous dedication, "A Poet to
a 'Poem," and not long Defers Ms death
Oliver Wended Holmes, whi) was great
friend of hers, in thanking her for a
photograph of hersetf and her pretty
child, wrote playfully: "Pronlas me
that you wlM never show this picture to
any man under 70."
Vim. De Rute, Who has had an ad
venturous career as Marls Bonaparte
Wyse, thle 'Princess of ."Mens, ond line.
Ratazzl, Is mixed up In a mysterious
Jewel robbery that occurred Cately In
Paris. Her JeweCry was given to a man
for repairs, and soon aftsr ths colics
oommlcttary of ths quarter received an
anonymous note accusing the Jeweler
of ubstKutlag false gems for the real
ln the objects confided to him. His
stock was seised and ths statement
fount! to be true. But no sooner did
tftus man surrender himself and acknowl
edge what ha had dona than )tme. De
Rute ran away from Paris.
The bicycle girt In bloom am made her
first appearance in Lebanon, Ky., a week
ago last Sunday.
The Private Secretary Scores a
Decided Jiit.
Once More the A. P. C. Shows the
Public What It Can Do on
the Stage. ,
The Astoria Football COub is an organi
sation fSiat somehow never makes a fail
ure of a public entertainimeit. It's tire
BantaiOlon of the "Private Secrclary" Cast
rtlghlt In Fisher'se Theatre, to a very large
house, was no exception to the rule, a. o
tihe performance waa most excelOerltCy
staged and acted. Indeed, very few pro
fessional companies could have done bet.
tor, end fiiom beginning to end the audi
ence Iwuls kept In roars of laughter, as
one comical tiituntion crowded fast on
Mr. Henry J. Weeks, as Robert Spauld
ing, the Private Secretary, mado his first
bow to an (Astoria audience, and from Ms
Initial) entrance he rhowed himself a ster
ling and a flnfciheid actor. His make-up
was somellhCng worth going a Nng way
to see anld too much pral.10 cannot be
accortted him for Ms fine and well su.
talned portrayal of one of the moat diffi
cult characters In modern comedy. 'Mr.
A. V. TCS OIS Old Til.'lf wryi.lo mJn. h
ttver and just Onome Dram India, was
immense, and much of , the success ot
the tlhow was brought about by hCs ef
forts. Hlfcs by play kept everybody amus
ed end h&s doublo somersault, tmir tih.
house by Btonm. Terry McKean made an
Meal tailor, both in his drunken nml irtf,.
ber moods, and Ihe iDia.vpi.1 Bh
hunting, bra-cctfeotlng Qlbson for aU
tthiere was in it, working very hard- ami
with resuOts that spoke for themselves.
linese tnree-uutwon, Spauldlng and Cat
tenmole, were a Whole host In themselvea
iambi NkiMr nuH li . .
u., an jKwnura vy everyDOdy
Ml una VWUIl.
Messrs, -Rr'R-, Carnithttr. tLVM r lllnu
es Douglass Calttonmole and Horry Mars
tond, pfiaywd their parts very well indetvl,
and thouRlh. tho attempt was only their
seconid one In public,; they ware quite at
home and Impressed everybody favorably.
Mr. John Grover, as Mr. ManSland Senior,
Mr. Pelper as the bailiff, and Duncan Mo
Lean, In his Impersonation of the atlffest
of ."Hlnglfclh" butlers, rendered able as- Hiiiu rounciea ore tneu respective
parts ln a way that left nothing to be de
Blrea The ladles were all good, and they were
liberally kind deservedly applauded
throughout. Mrs. Patterson as Muss Ash
ford, the gay governess, with leanings
toward eplnttuailllam, looked hw part thcr
ougWy and In hwr tong and difficult scenes
acquitted Iherseif excellently. Hor Inter
view with tlhe Private, Secretary was up
roaroutty funny amd elicited sohrlekJ of
towslUteir from verybaifly present. Mrs.
WMI Warren ats Ml3s Wobster and K
PoMy iMcKeanaa Edith (Manisland, render,
ek) vaTuahle asultance. lnnlcnl
went ithroulglh) 'theh- pprforman'ce 'like old
and experienced actresses, while Mrs.
Weeks as the Housekeeper, kept Douglass
Cuttermole's apartments In good order
and playej her modest part in a very
becoming mann er.
ADtogeUhier the Private Secreta.i-y wca an
unqualified and a splonjid -Buceciis, and
tlhe A. F. C. is to bo heartily congratulat
ed. Tlie mme play will be repeaited to.
night, and already a large number of re
served seats have been taken. After the
performance this evening thero wil be
dancing In Ithe rooms above the theatre,
the one ticket admitting people to both
ithe 'Piri volte fiscretuiry and the dance.
Mosars. Hansen, Carruthers, Gib -on,
Rlaifflwrn, Tee, Haiwen. and Young are re
quested to be at Fisher's Theatre at
noon, 'sharp, today.
Notice Is hereby given that on Thurs
day, November 7th, 1896, In tho City of
Aistorla, Clatsop County, Oregon, a pri
mary ejection wWl be heCd In tha three
wards of sBAd dity, for the purpose of
ejecting twe&ve deCagiitjs for the Firut
Ward, nine defeguicou for the Second
Wljird, and eight delegates for ths Third
Ward of said city, to attend the Repub
'txnm ctty convention to bs held at the
city hall building in said city, on Satur
day, November ih, 1895, at ths hour of
1 o'clock p. m. of said day, which raid
convenitlon lb hereby called to most at the
time and place above mentioned, for the
nutiptwe of nomln&tlng the fol'.owlng can.
dklates, to be voted for at the oltv ro
illn to bs ha on Wednesday, Deceimber
11th, 1866, to wit: Miyor, Auditor and
Police Judge, Treasurer, City Attorney,
CTty Surveyor, Superintendent of Streets,
Hailbor Master, one Piollce Commlsniloner.
and ons CounjUmm from each ward. '
The following Juiles are hereby ao-
Dolnted, and the following rxlnr
dwrtgnated for tuld prlmvry tilection, to-
First Ward. Poling nlace No. 1 TOno-in
Houm-JurigeA J. A. Duffv. C!. H. n..v.
and P. J, iMeany.
becoiu Ward. Polllnar oW tvvi.a'.
niockudgwa J. II. D. Urav. J. F. Kor.
ney, and B. L. Ward.
Third Wssrd. Pollina: tilara. nrvs
Offlce-Judges, O. F. Morton. Knorti Pe
terson, and C. E. Ooddlir,!.
PooCs win be open from 1 o'clo k p. m
tlS 6 o'clock p. m. of u.kl Thursday, No-
"ilW I'Llir. JTSfD.
By onder of the Henuhllcjin CWv r-m.
tnlrtee. jAv titto.v
A frthe.-man out In Sexttle harbor trol
Ing ifor ra'moft lust week honked .m .
sack containing 100 flve-tael tins of pre-
kxcu viu:n, wnicn n4 wvlJently been
put overboard by some s-muinrlnr mr.
tls'-fy buoyed and conveniently anchored.
nsnerman realized 8150 on, his
Higheit of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Vr U'rM T il 1
)rc xj
. . 1 1 , Hi -t 1 ,.;
W V. -
Ar f,l""""',','TJ' "fX"