n Y"" " I. t. 4 1 1 ; ; Towels are pleasantly mtHow mi nop ..up water like a sponge; some are fcard and wiry and not much from the mop point of view either good in their way.- If you want a Towel soft as the moes in a marsh and always thiisty, here it is; big 24x54 inches) and ihe price bnt 23c. Fairly worth 35 cents. THE ARCADE. YESTERDAY'S WEATHEB. Local weather for twenty.fotir .1iwj at i o. m. yeairrw.7. iuniuw by th United Bute Department of Ag riculture, weather bureau. '.Maximum temparatur. B degree. Minimum tetnparatura, tt degrees. Precsrfttaitton, eon. Total precipitation fro a? September 1st iut riaita. gift inches. Deficiency of precipitation from Sep tember lKt, 1885, to date, i.w inooea. BUSINESS L0CAL8. Fraah candle vry Hour at th Bob bonnier. B. 0. CougH Syrup vUl cure your tough. For te at Estex;rain irua- Meany is the ldln Uitor. and pays the highest cam pne or ur saina. The coolest and beat it of beer In town can be bought at the Qambrlnus saloon, wtn an commercial aircma. wm raa CO. Merchant tailor, tx Commercial atreet. cheaper than yen can buy ready made. New tock com plete. ' ' Those new perfume, just received at the Estes-Cratn Drug Store are the finest in the city. - Purest of wines, liquors awl cla-w- clegant free luncl-u tne oaiiy paper t the Gambrinus,' ItU and Commercial. Parties wianing- to buy candies at wftoleaa-Ie will save money by caHUi on or writing to the Astoria Candy Factory. M Duane street Trade with Foard cJtokea Co., deal ers Ii Groceries, Hardware, i;rocery. provisions, flour. frulU and Vfgalabies. They will surely please yon. RnnM is a, Terr diaairreeaUe sensa tion. Tuer la a place in tnl town where nan aafv Ita aamano wim un cleanest and best ft? cent meal you ever ate. To place la Jo Trp . " jnt arrived at Copeland Thorssn's a nice line of Bign erade toot wear for ladles, all widths from A to BH. No imiihia ahaar roods, and satisfaction guaranteed to every purchaser. Call and- examine tnem. What bring people back to the Aatoj rla Wood Yard af ter they have sounded the possibilities everywhere else May be K's one thlr. and May be It's another, u... m tua ramlna back they com. And of cours th Astoria Wood Tard U proud or ., .-k. .. , . , w -, ' . - Nothing so distressing- aa a -aacsrln tough. . Nothing- so fool ton as to suffer from It . wormnf so aanvaruua lowed to continue. , pne - Mlnyt ' Couch Cur Kivea Immediate relief. Cha. Rof- era. ; . . ' ; ''.; ,. . " BHrLOirS CURB, th great Court anil Prnnn Car, la la areat demand Pocket sle contain twenty-flv dose) only IS cents. Children love tt. Bold by J. W. Conn. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH ' BOARD, A weli.furnlahed sul'.e of rooms, with ua of narlor. and. If desired, food table board, at reasonable rates. 98 Du- an street corner r Nintn. WORTHT OF NOTICK. Thera Is nothlnr but bold, clear-cut truth la th statement that t mcut per fect fit oualitr and atyl In your hoi at th lowest raaaonaJbl prtc-you must to to th firm of John Hafco Co., TI Oommerdai street. .i THE LEADINO DENTIST. , i Why 1 Dr. Howard the leading dentist? Because hf nrnke a aucceas of crown and and brtdg work and exttracta and Alia teeth wtUiout pain. A TWISTER. A twister in twisting May twist him twist. For in twisting a twist Three twists malt a twist; But W one of th twists Untwists from th twist Th twist untwlstlnc ' Untwist th twist. ' That la. when it's twisted with any other twins than MARSHALL'S. - TOLERABLE r-EGG. Who would be coutent with a tolerable egg? No one? It must be the best, or no one wants it. Why take life assurance iu a tolerable company? It costs no more to insure in the bet company I A life assurance policy shoul ha like ( rosar s wit or an egg-1- abre- siis pfcion .. . . . . . . . . - . - The Equitable u the Ber company, and issue the hest policy. ... Par raasoas why. s4 yar - U SAMUEL, se f.Al at. Pactiaaa. or. OLOVES! : GLOVES 1 GLOVES! , . w i - Lad lea Pie Black Cask " ' - mere Oleves, with tat . . ' flBier tip, ealy . . 35c. A PAIR 1 JUbert- Danbar : Have you seep our 60c i Cashmere Hose? - Immmmmmmmmmm'i AROUND TOWN. TM fogHscmetlhinc Bhfck. ' ' J. N. Orlffln la vlttlnT In Portland. H.rnun Wkia av it Is a ae of horse I and Imree, i TMtrta.v iu andt)hir dull day among Uhe merchaots. I ' - CorMiteoW Burkl M expected back jfrom PcetUand today. - Frank Stoked wa on Hhe shelf yterdny w at or ameur. . I TVorklni- in Mb dark-, steamboat tap- . . night. - H. B. Packer Is suffering rrota a n.igm attack of .rtheumatlS'n. VMtanUT't weather brought out largw nuasber Ot avwcofct Mr.' OSlvwr amfd daughter, of Portland, r vtaltln- for fw day In the city. (Rdbert WifkM and Addis Gallagher, of TwnSaod. .axe reffkrtered at tbe Opel- i- la Mmn'rwl thai th OWtsoD Mill is P busy that It cannot keep up witn i.m niUera. ' 'U'a cannot understand, why th Pad- 4V. rvMnuhiaiAh ca. van sell sweet potatoes ao clteap. ' ' ym.. "rvwinailA" . a ana about tn streets yesterday ctaiaed aeveftU acgrfarinc men cent on can procure an excellent chick . m tuw ' - an dinner every Sunday at the popular w ' . . . 1 i mi. TMm Bumav"!!! 'ana and two oound ftttime at v Pacific jCommtawlon CO.. IS omenwrtg .nforua eauug. I Among- the ' Tenhlonra paenger last lugs ware Mr. and Mrs. Willi- Rosen- burg, who tet tor tiDur-. ra. Tmim will ha driving on 14th ' street jrain tot a) fenr nays, and thts .much need ed thoroivhlfar jatored to in use oi the pucCIc, 'nimloia-r retoort but lltUe atckneas In Mm city and on of them sadd. yesterday Vhat Astoria was the neaiwutot town on the at. A iolc acock of Grapta, Bananaa, Cape Cod prrtbrTeC. Af4en, Pears, Q-nce. Torraacoes. unvuua, one., a., i A Btcs.,OOv ; Reaerved ieat for the "Priwat. Sc. ,Jdrl. Taal this TmornJn. at IrW:" if J n'".n.n,,' tha-fceV -Kove Stbre. Secure W 'Mew ion r your tlcketa early. Mr'M. B:'Ptonnp,-6f Portland, Is in the cliv 'and w drill' Rebekah. Lodge, Whlllte ta the dlty Mr. Philips it a rievt of 'Mrs. R. M. Stewart. -una autar al tlMa Paclflc Commission Co.'s ttia flmart crtlaknerr nutter in .uua city 1 not alone IS uuc wage, otn wo prioe i la very. tow. 'Ask about it. iWerk oh Herman Wle's new store was topped ysterday because the glaa and other matertaa for 'A front wr in the boat that "never cam. back.' Tha A. F. C. entertaJmnent. at' Flahtr's ThaaJtr tomorrow night. Two hour of I Don't miss tt- Tu'! b aorry If you, do. , The PorWand atMkner were late on 1 their down trio yestarday. It being con- neraiay aiwar mra pa at Wh- landing- places. Both boaita had large rrojgint ana pawfiigar bbh Anathe qut day waa in the police and luaflc courts yesterday, but on cae, that of a man charged with drunk- aneas, comma; before tb former, whil in 'Itus ajetfc court not a c waa heard. . - John Fsprtck, th man whoa queer action oaulsed ao much, talk In Upper Aatorla th past few days, was adjudcea Insana by the county eoart yerday. Sberlfl har took him to SaJm last even- . " ... man named Johnaan was taken to wtltal yeateKlay Buffer ng from epi- e flta He waa Oaken ill on Fisher's i hoepltal optic wharf when Chief Loughary waa notified nu iwi wn. witiwwww v"j w yi II. E. Ferwian and wife Intend soon leaving for PoftCand. Where they, will permanently raatld. Tth buKUtna' on A(- tor street in .wSirch they Wave "veU for the part few th Fox brothera. iMIas Jene Jwtt who ha beeen undlrr the Inatruotion of Mr. Olsen for the past three year, unatrea to organls a Umttd C.aa of piano pupil. Her method of teactiln; wKC be th Mum a tnot em ptoyavi-by Mr. Olsen. A flflSeatnan named Gabriat Karkonsh feU from Klnney'a dock yesterday and Karkonen tea waa asittouely lnfured. afbout IS feet and atruck on the beach. Hia left teg waa broken and It I thought tw t mternatfy Injured. Ma waa tnwne- dtatety taken to hospital. Mr. F. D. Hanm, ot Harm Broa. and door nuuiufacturana, of Central!, Is i. .w . hu iu . 1 -.'!. I n viif. wit iMm. iv JiMUiai la: m. MKa ..i.n.a. a Uk - tk. 1 fleM 4h a rlaw to removing th firm' p-.ant to this c4ty. which, be says wlU b don If proper 1tli;smnt ar offered. He xpraaea hhtvaelf a much pleased ,uh ah. h mi ih. rvw... y ii ii n..wLu, .i... 4 on lth Htrsat on of th teame attache to a acraper frCI over the bank near Foartl Stoka' ator. and on hora got ao Wr down th bank oa the tooa dart that be cook! not rver himealf. Wrta 'n aatsop county, ureaon. o - " mudh good sens th bora luy eta not b sold for lea tha I".000 ant; twtp arrived. A" cloth was ptecet "rt rma of sal wilt b on-haW around th boms' for teg by the man J baianc oa on year time, witn ami a ctialn atatfled; &:ao rop wasl tlnd o h rear of Che hanveaa. the other I end of whtoh- wrer Wtcbad to a four- tuors team ana in tew momeat the tiora waa bnaurt . to the tap of thai bank. j.- a U. AV M. -SOCIAL. Ltair OaJtrajrtat f Menmera and Then- Frtanda. I ... .o . . ' Th Odd rata btu. waa orowvM m - - - - ,.ft.fc .j. ... . J. O. U. A. M. aad aH of their frfenda Th oocasaow era a muetceJ and literary orlal wnton cteeaa Wlttr a oanoa. The exwetsea ware opened m ah earty .ftH wr am aranana- tnr the Blnaeua of Ma od of Ith raMar foOowed by aa ever- tur by th CKtmrj. Tb o&er enaa.v ti. from ftr twr" bara oa ttsa atgraa war aa fsOowa: pMaasaWBsaaaaSBassssJatsy b..iii Xfr' Chaa. Maiekrcyi music. Van Vflln Quartet joverture, Orcrmtra: ad- dreas, ts American wmt, jo. p. wxv ley music, Miamowin. wuhto; mi-a. Jt, CJTUSi Overcura, vv,iw wuiv "This Object or no uraar, i. i.jv tn$ ptrlotlc and ejllcKied Muwih aprsAus. ifir Ah. exarchM on th first part of h r-rogruim, t he Aoor wi cleared and alt took part in a juujr. . vm-vtmiwmma Ainna. Evwrylaody .waa , In JtWo best of anMtta ata) eaichi and aH succeeded , in bavtng a od time. ... ....... ROAD VESTING ON THE LEWIS AND m . . . a maatlnir will be treM alt Chaiwell1post- offlce on Friday. Nbvenvber 1, at 1 o'olock p ci. to consider the matter of getting- a ia aroaw ttu Lewis tuid Clarke river near OravdweU, and of connection across TouneT hay iwftlt Amort, ah iniercaiwa are InvlteO to D preawni. , ny CCWrtrttee on noiajaa, C. 8. DOW, Chair nan, W. J. INOALLS, tiec'y, BNOLtSH CA'PTTA'L FOR AMERICAN INVlWTM'BiiNl'3. tmnorULnt to Aroerteana seeking-. Eng. Bah Captlal for nerw enterprtaea. A But corttaJfarlng the nasnea a.nd addreasea ot o auoceeMfill promotere who have placed over 100,000,00 Storting- in Foreign In- AmnM wttMn vtm lam six vears. ana f - f.f fig. 000.000 for the seven months ot 186 Vrioy, 5. or i, payacie oy poena oraer to xno jlothkki hiv uuiwtt u- u , investors, 30, Cheapetde, London, E. C. Subscriber' wu t enutlea, oy ar- ramgement wiin rae aretrom w revmve LiBwr perorfi& or Wttom of lntroductoln to any ot these nisce?ul proavoters. . Tthm IK IS nm o a in ennr ratwii. Ma every nuui or firm whose nam ap- peara therein way we aepemiea upon. For pcacm- cae numwiog u mil ue found mvatueiie Bonds or Sharea of In- dusnHeA. Commercial ana Financial oon- cern, iorwrare nu, owe m i mium, PaJtent or punea. Director: SIR EDWARD C. R098, HON. WALTRR C. PBPY8, CAPT. ARTHUR STIFFE. Copyriah. 8ELBOT CLASSES. ' Coinroonttng Uonday evening, October SStrt, I fr?-.cma lemons In short hand snd panmanehlp at Bhe Tirn Hotel. Term K.00 per month for two leasons ofr week. In ahorthandx and 12.50 per month for two isasona par wa in pen. mahemlp. ' Bcmooi win Da neia Monony und Thunway eveninga. . MRS. P. F. WOODFORD. ' FOR TH08B WHO BAT I BHVMM For trie remaraaay amau sum oi u - . 1 . - n. A. W . "xenver imoatn, vm. wuo v& -lucx. between Aetor and Bond. Mr.' Rlcbard- eon, the proprietor, lso assures the pub- .iv. - V weii-cooKea, -wvn wtt-u - ner or supper any day In the week or the above mentioned price. Give him a call and be convinced that he speaks the truth. . j TIBE PftrVATE S1SCRETARY. Dh A. F.C boy wilt produce that fun- knaklneT itMu, "The Private Seeertary," at Flshcr'a Opera fyous Friday and Sat-ur-av:. niBhta.. T1 Is,th plax made fi- laouaby-Bol. Smith Russet and I full ot livtereatine; lituaon. . , neaerved aeata 60 cents; gaiiery. cant. i, . .. . .. BNTflRTAINMENT.. 'Moridiv vnlr-. NoVember ,4t"trVe Pbl- -mmm eiub ii aflve a'. UtMHart and nxualcal emtart-irvowot In tha old actoool STti -t-mrwa- Aattorila. The program will hovse SSLSZISS the dte. Monday evening, November I. C. R. V. P. UNION NOTICE. 'ReamOu- manithly TneetlrMC of th Cert urn ila. Hiivr iFlahennven'a protectlv Union will ba swld alt ithedr -ravdlrMf room Tuea- Ai -JStavemBMr D. 1SX. Uj:v. m. nwatl ot imxponiainoe w Mmbnra tai mod ajtawdfaur. are requastctt to be preaewt emd have their book or receipt Mons;. - - RBPUBLIOAN PRIMAJUES.' kmim. m haxriUv si van that on Thura- 'oWnnUor fth, 1896, In th City of inulPy jaton .willt b - held la the- three wai'Ju df dlty, for the purpose or ,.ijv da write for the F'tW Wa, Ari)Aim for th Second WtJlnl, and iglht Oeletfate lor vm iwra Woi . ettv.' to attend the Repute :rin city Convention to be heia at in cOty hall bulMlng- m said- city, on satur- wiwarf a-.hL l95. at th hour of , Oviock p. nr. of said day. which aid neaon !a hereby called to mt at the tRW rfaid abovo mentioned, for, the lri.,naea. ot flomlniatlnr the following an- dklat. to be voted for at the city Cec- ., .. A h,,t, m wlnesday. December U. lte v : " Miyor. Auditor and Jttlj. ' Treasurer, City Attorney, 0,Jum ,,Mrtntiendent of Streets, M.(lv ,L.,fa.. one poiic Convmlioner, tain .l A IM CouncHmln from each ward. The following judgv are hereby ap- d foltovinf peuanaj iJ,, prlrruy fiwJ-lon, to- v iih. itinin livtima am hereby ap- m--u twin r.iji. Mo.'' i Eralne Hounenidai' J. A. Duffy, J. . wyn ..... ! 1 Beooiid Ward. FCMing- pe tfwk-utyev f-H. D, .Of ay,, J. F. Kear n anrf 11 I . waffU. ' - . . . . . .' . t IfVanHI offlceJu; 0; F.. Morton. Enoch Pe- Thira wro, roinng pia-- .v" " " Ooddlird, Prw-fn iart',1 taa (Man from 1 0'ctOi p. TO. t M t o-ovok n. m. of aJd Thuradavy, wo- Vfnfoec :ihl 18M. ", . By (order of tw JWuWKn c-wy irattee. ' JAT Ty-nui, eearoiavry. NOTICE OF SALE. Hit virtua rt a decrs of th .circuit court of the state of Oregon, io r Cuop county, made ana anwreu h ," day of February. 16, in a suit, wherein the Nlcholal Brother . CO. W pin ml niiihtDi ninn. Alfred rwige, EUxabeth Funge a guarvnan ot Arrren Fung and Hllsabotb; Fumt aa adpiinl trator of th Ut of John Fung, de- wan, afandant: whereby It was . M . AMffM taut in unamwucu .c.v.w mak al of th hereinafter described ral estat: Now. therefore, we win n th th day of November. M36. .in a"" W cioc a. w court bous door. In Aatoria, oi sam cwuu- , ... . ft. . . ,ilM uw. I vy ana eiai. oijar ior a k" . I Hon la tha harheat and beat i)lddar, all lot fourteen 00. in block lxty-flv (). in lb town, now city, of Aatorla. a ! t piauea tow- McCtare, and extended oy V"'"'"'; s per cam 1 ..J HiJ?ii5lv , """.. . '.. I - : - . ... , . . ". V. n. a. -Vina aoov wmwrm.. i""!' kaowa aa th Tlgh hotel property nd consists of a three tory, boo and ap- pnrttnaace. . FINE BARGAINS IN WE AL BSTATB. .We have ehaiee aroDerty In Van Dw- n'a AMertirook. Adalra ehtvely. M ! i .. . wv-... x ft tiit w .n.iu I ten. and Aatort Addition t Warreato for ale.;AIotnetiy tft 6nTnuih (,T I saw to si,w on good real esia avcum?. R. I Bull at w I - air. Humphrey Ward Is aald to have I no rata. ttfjMsBsiBaaWMBMsjafJiasjBaSa (OotAtoued From First Pacre.) ateooirdlnaT to tha tarLS rctfoiw Ilea ot UK admlnlotratton. must b free of duty. ftllA mamim a ntv.vtn tti article I T-J5t detructlon tor whlkti Senators Drlce and Gorn.an war reaponalble. and in which. Senator Mnshie.Norih yanthlll road will avoid eev Murphy .weakly took part " , rf op9t a,, eave some dUv ' ' . rrm Mir amJnrl-rallAn mtnd. ale. beer. I , " . 2Z yZT ?J22 for seourtiig-revenue. With a tax w VoC!ar a barret on such malt liquors, the tovemneat secured 31,B,7.ia in rev. nae In.th ltocal year ending . June , 18M, and t,34,R01 in the ftocai year these far tho. most Important the government Influenced, by .this. Increase of revenue, Without tncreaaed coat, Becretary Carllele ,wll recoaiinend to congress that tune tax n oewr n lnoreasen irora uin? n dollars a barret. It cun be seen that that ?J.i -ntU-ons of revenue could yearly be ob tained. . ... . . e It is. IDi'e aOminUtra.Uon's policy to tax the paopkvmor than thirty irrtilon ooi Oajra a year more, annually, by douWtng the tax on beer, when foreigner could be compeued to provide the requlreo: revenue, W. placing, s, duty , on wool ana upon qukurtea, which, the new tariff U nowi jMuiWd uikila a.' -mtrM gsmAMln I 'toucHea HkOvUt. A duty on -wool would afford protection to trie wool-grower, and tiitua be of additional beneflt. it s claim ed that lifts Inoretissd tax on beer woutd not bo paid by the consumer ot mart w quors. ,but . ttiU it would be born eotely byHUe brawem.. Wat is, ' the preser,t propoa txrewilng: to tores t of the United State of snore than thirty million acCars annu- atty,..(wben thU money could be better obtained by taxing foreign commodates Imported toto thla country,- and at tne eaune .unie. anora proiecBran iiioiao.. rnOuttries, nhut o eorely need tt. In other jwords, not B-thsned with attacking tlMa 'manuflaoturtng industries of thie coun- try arougw TO now tanir oin, vnv wi- erotic party vroposaa to make an -ult upon anat.r tndiucitry, and that tne urew Ins;, on. as It at not . Woiwev'jr. that the brew. cms wouCd to cororjelled to pay the ddl ttonaf. tax' wniiry. To be sure, they mrouVl t OTrnmefJjMl Ho bear part of the In- creased twoaiuon, lut tney wouru unuvum- adly lnoreaaa prior io inoir cukwikh, and thus to th cxpenee of the dfal- era In fermented liquors. - To paruany rocornlDPnee illhomaelvea for the increases cast of ifermewted kquors, saloonkeepers, oind otfivers, iwlho aell them, would compea those who porclfaae of them by the g-.aes or iuh.botUo,'to pay for part of the addd- tlonsi coilt This vrouia do aom uy Irur jeiaj bear In a galea for a ntcKei', ana by cfclirtfm; a Bttle more for bottled beer. Thus the added taxation upon tna.i li quors wou'.d' iUm-..teJy be largely bcrne by the consumer. " '"reie objeeitlons Mo this am mn.TvtffM.tr and It must not be forgot1 ten that there would be lietn neer eoia of dmeottc minufacturo, because tot- eltfn brer wduld be cheaper. a a a Amide' from a formul dlscuaton of rou- Him n-.it tnra What had aceumiuaicea in tm kbsonce'of the president and his cabinet, dueling ihe u.TVrner, the atmet a time waa taken -ut with the venesue'.an-BTii- to bonindpy dispute. This hao reached a critical Condition by reason or vne oe- tArmr.aitlbn of the Brltlifii covernmen't to m. th. - RHrfcfiL aulana fronuer. . ai hrw i hvjch, Wltternces between the Venezuelan and the Brltlflal ou means, u Is tc:w thai la aggreseive acnon may Wd to a .claf n Hvcwem rne xwo. imm prtuem't' admlhlswaillon. The ueimocrtits have been armouncmg that Mr. Cleveland would majretann an agtrreasive ainiuae in tne maimer, aiiu ww w.'jn, v unir.i-.y deprive une veniuem'w i -wre . territory. This ehnuoatea intention to m-i force, the Monroe tcrine ha done very Wejl for campaign purposes, but if there ehouOd be trostlEltieis between tne uuineans and the Veneaueiana, tne aaminiairairon mvl lhave' o show its hanM ana euwr ao moiiMna- at ar.l as it did wnen tne British occupied Oorlfrto, or tsjee a strong rasHloi) and became alro:iy invoivea in Dm v.nitrowirv. There will probably be w . - mnaCml anil VrMKUm. no cjoi'i vrwnOTn " ' : la untU a.fter the November elections ever. In the roeantlma, the admlnistra- ikn and IJnocrta throuichou.t the cun- try W iacrOtr to favorably affect the eHeCtlone on their fide, proclaim iiraw in,,- ntL-iDoae to stand by tne Monroe dootrilne. no matter what the complica tion it InvoJvee. Tnoy anow whs -wm be a popular position to assume, ana win work It for ei that It is worm. ' ... . STATE NEWS. Interesting. Item CuUed From Oregon's ., , iieaoins; ewBiiv"0- Jceoplt. Vey, one of the sheep kings ot UmalilMa county, can neaoner renu nor write, but twa business ability. He has annuaeM a fortune, owns iout ihtibb oi Butter, creek, ..ana was paia iiang Sand. ' deorgfl H. Durham, of Port!and. master iiri nh.,w.vrv. waa In this city yesterday, aiy Salem, paper, for the purpose of oUterlnif for iUq a section of the Oregon Parttrk. iaKrOad' above MIK City, which is', imdw Juvfement obtained against some coritnaotoni lwuio oum in-j -"v &le .(was tKrt tbkW yesleMay. however. but "WJlS BWOUrneO to r-rriivn.-. niva Satem Post ' saya: The following ditlsen wer commttalonevl from Ihe sec retary Of We S onice yeweruay iu ' and seal lindVr the authority of Oregon a notarie ptubllc, o-wu: t-manea a. eott edftof ot the Medford MonHor; Wel- aitly. Wood. TllWmook county; H. T. Sr.Hn. Civtaon City: J. H. Hun, Ua- tiwe WaKow coutrty. "CoyoU at! watermelons,' tys the Eaet Oregenlan, "a JUot of whlch but ... ftanna..air . aware. r..'"" pereomi.-ar man on the Bailey Ditch Company's farm rmattlUa. out poison to the water- ' r .1... w. Dw9 melon ana tne cojtokw v . ijhm Aawm around that ranch. The iu fviia off the end of a melon. and -eat - out irva taure i-., ... .1. iiul.' Bv nuttlnsr polaon inside way into n neia aim ' VUJ una - ft MaTiaatWnta or T th. Fanning- ranch ne- and table war. Plate sold, .liver. iSSSmuS U Bhep peraist In lunching nickel, etc, earn as new goods. DU w .aw" ki. kihw. feren t s ie for agent, famille and SiSSi m U ."very a. j . . sw- aviiuul " The Porttend GJove Work filell articles of UncorporatftOn In th oflc of Mi secre-tatw- of atat noday. TO capital stock of ih comrmny i. I10.000. divided IniM ..r. nt 110a each: principal place ot jutitmas 1 Port:nd. and tha directors ar Joiha -Bacfcua, John Benken . and R.tia Backus. Th object of this cor- potutlon Is t engage In the manufacture and aale or grove ana unuiw luv- The Land OoM Mining Company . also fttd aroSCCaa f Incorporation today with a cUpKaC atock of tGO.OOO. dlvldai into dharaa ib 11. eaen: th object ot th cowfpany la to nag In gtild and llvr vritnlna:: th -principal piac ot busintas 'i-Bolt,-JtMkaon county, and the Incor eccijJrora ar C. 3. Hall. J. W. Odgers and A. X. Beifln.- Orant unty. aaya th Statesman, ha an now ivreaefatatlvea In tha atat itrrrUPT1" M th easrtrn harder of I ftirTtrlna- b&mm J. j5.'Oowb and ii. Tnar are' L6yl Miller and Fred i-Wil u).-c aevan year, for larceny of I c-jtiO: J. M. Xlr and Charles Khnbatl. ach va yeaaw for a aimolir crime; Jofhn Onata. w yaana larceny ot a dwelling: WXaasa OAtts. on yaar. Urreoy of a 1 I.... TthonMia Swift, one ysar, lAnffAMiiia rtiraanon. ... r Port- llvlUla I T Q - Oartd. a uaual, sent one in the perron or 1. . livlnff iwen ....mon of uerJury.: . . gf. omrtx wlU return in a few days ""rr ... .. 1.1. .mmtv . . The mroDmnt of prleoners a,t the penl - ..i(mn ,he Improvements .tut amlca n. difference of at least ' ... .. . . .a. .iMlnff , Bvang. m mie w wwaw ... US molmtaln. Seven men ere at work on " . t ,h. rlhejiwa committed fhls tw, tha North te iwa8 it followed over ffrenT" akln, the eradea T', ,'nd the road bed was . .nriiUon than on . . 9.. rnjinnrxi niwiind the hlllalde. , the road put It over ibecaiUse the ground was more dear. It . ris-ht In time of trails, but it rtB not to when we want aauy roai.o . rn t, kard efforts of O. W. . nn to contruct tno roaa wm loe noticed favorably by next summer's trav ker.. - Headl.gWt: Attamev General M.eman was in Mh i vMtmUiw end eave his opinion to the aecretairy of ataie re.axive io i vi ittB aueatlone which were so fully set .k - urn. nt ihiA fttA.tesman. f MUtlonal amMld. " Lmted bv the last two OegteCa- idteman thinks 'the failure ot . . orovlde by epeolal . . for lthelr ,ica.tion and rob- - " n . i mission doea not lrrterrero wira uneir nroDcr Duhlloatlon now and (submission to a vote. He says the secretary haa a per fect right to go ahead ana puo.ien mne -tat- f uinds expropriated for prlnUngr, and ameniJmenU oin be voted upon wiith 'Uh same vaildfty as though the leg- kCartnlne taken ithese clertdil atepa, ,;,M of toauina- iwar- amount of land payments as ... ,r are made to the etalte Attorney General Idleman l ot opinion that Mr. Kmca.ld Ivaa no alternia ttve; that he must teaue the war.-ante k' r.Hj.kvn of thie deeds, but he must fgg tjjen, upon the funda into icih, itihe money was paid, and that It is not for Wlm to consider whether thiere is -now money Jn ittiooe funds or not, or whether ! wamants will draw Interest, The Uaiw lis s Imply mandntory and must be obeyed. Secretary Kincald returned froim Eugene yicaterday but was not aeen by a reiporter of this- paper after those rmtnimtm -mxro mtmn)htc-i in him. He will ijnjjelly foCCaw them', however. Statesman, The Gemnan Emperor William lias tent portrait of himself to the eminent nalntr. Andreas Aoh'enbach. who has jlx,t celebralted his 80th blrrrtday nt Dua- geidorlf. Herr Achenbaoh has received a jargo nuirtber of congratuOatory betters and telegrama rom various academies of art and from his admirers. GRAND OPENING. -xiuie Aome Cigar Store U now open for U,usiera?s alt 508 Comemrclal 8ti-eet, where Mr. Clias. O.sen, manager, will be pleaaed to wait on his old Mends. A clear Ha vana clgsur for 10 cents. PROVEN A BOON. Gentlemen: I have always recom.' mended Kra'ise'g Headai-ne Capsules wherever I have had a chance. They have Droven a veritable boon in my family against any and all kinds of headache. Your truly, J. E. WALTER. Lavenwonn. mannas. For sale by Ohas. Roger, Astoria, Oregon. Bole agent WANTED. WANTED Potlon by competent iwom COok or housemaid In private fam' v Adulres M., thU office. WANTED House of 4 or 5 rooms, or fni rooms cerotrtaiUy located. In G Weaveravxn M. C. Crosby'. WANTED A piano to rent. Apply at Noand & Thomson's ofllce. Want or to rent A centrailly located houe of seven or elgiht rooms. M., tthia ofllce. Address i . . . . ft iv. WAtMXKlH-AeTenie to repreoeni. m old National Life Insurance Co., of Montpeller, Vt For further informa- tlon, address Q. M. Stolp. General Coast auni " " - i r rauuowj, vtu, WANTED Man or lady to collect, do aome office work, and manage agents. Tou will deal through your leading mer chants. Something new and very popu lar. We nav all expenses. Position per manent Send four references and ten cent for full particulars. John Finney Mgr., P. 0. Box 484, St. Louis, mo. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Furnished room on ground lloor in private family. 414 Exainge St. FOK MALfi. JAPANESE OOOD&-Just out Just re ceivedJust what you want, at Wing Lee's, 543 Commercial street. TO LOAN. MONEY-Apply to Astoria Abstract Title and Trust Co. FOUND. FOUND Monday. September 30, a sklfl, painted ;ead color, with about one fathom of chain. Owner can nave same oy ap o'.ylns at Astorian office and paying Charges. A parasol was left at Clws. Roger' drug1 store sometl.ne auo. Owner can recover same by calling at this office and paying- for this advertisement. FOUND A pocket Look. Owner can call at Crow s photograph gallery, pay for ihl. rlvtliuiinl. nrava ownernhin. and this advertisement, prove ownership, and receive property, MI9CE3LLANDOUS. $75,000 PER WEEK using and selling nvnimn tnr nlatlna- watchea lewelrv. shop. Easy operated: no exper.enc; I ilia, Viu" " a Clerk No, 14. Columbus, 0hio. Awarded Hliheit Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DU mm rnjrvin Most Perfect Made. 40 Year th SUndard. Sportsmep, . No shooting allowed on provided with a full line of Excelsior or Shells, loaded with Black or Schultz powder, BOUGHT FROV FOARD & STOKES CO. They are selling these shells afford to have my stock shot up QUNSET . 0 i iMiTPn L.I III I I ImUt SEASON OF1 I89S-1896. WILL KUiN Tuiiee a BETWEEN San Francisco AND New Orleans Over the Great C unset Leaving San Francisco Tuesdays and Saturdays From Tuesday, Nov. 5, 1895. Hi -mot om,rte. modern, elegantly equipped amd perfectly nrrunsed Vtetl to.ed Trani.ton'tii'einita: Train In America. New EqulpmlMilt, especially designed ror tiita eiervlce. Direct connection in New Orleans for all Eastern points. Quick time. WHAT! The Great Enquirer ONLY 50 CTS, A YEAR? YES! And any one sending two yearly subscribers at 50 cts. each, gets a Free Copy One Year. An 8-page paper and 9 long col umns to a page, makes tt the Largest In Size! Cheapest in Price I Always Most Reliable for Facts, Truth and Markets. THE BE5T Family Newspaper in United States for News, Intelligence, Fashions, Household, General Miscellaneous Reading Matter, Stories, etc. PAY TO AGENTS Double that of other papers. An excellent opportunity for those out of employment to make money. Try it Samples free. Address, - ENQUIRER COMPANY. CINCINNATI, O. fjoute Beuwel these ground unless you are Challenge so reasonably that I cannot with inferior one IUJN YUJNUii. Opera 4oase Jvlondtay f Tuesday November 4th and 5th. Lincoln J. Carter's Mammoth Scenic Production The Awful Tornido. The Great Rigging Scene. Six Tars Furling 1 loister Sail. The Coliiiioi ef Two Ocean Linen at Full Speed. The Mightj Opes Sea Scene, with Warei Ban ning Mountain! High. His letting Room of a Medi cal College. Chicago Har bor at Night, and many other Scenic Won ders. "To hold, as well as wfn success, K"PUPyUrP!!&OT!"ARTER. Prices, 50c, 75c, $100 Seats now on sale at the New York Novelty Stoie. kSTORIA PUBLIC LIBiY! READING ROOM FREE TO ALL. Open every flay from 3 o'clock to 5 :30 and 6:30 to 9:30 p. m. Subscription rates $3 per annum. Southwest cor. Eleventh aud Duane Sts. B. F. Wall Paper, Artists' Materials, Paints. Oils, Glass, etc. Japanese Mattl- gs. Rugs and Bamboo Goods, 365 Commercial Street. The Resort 473 Commercial street, is the place where the buBineacman and the luhoi iup man go for wlmt is called "BKHT ON THE COAST." or a nic cool drink ot the celebrated GambriniiH beer, sand wiches of every kind made to order, hnd aneleaant, free lunch served eveiy dBy. Hot Boston Baked BeauB served every other afternoon. You are welcome. Grosbauer & Brach. ROSS HIGGINS & CO. Grocers, : and : Butchers Astoria and Upper Astoria Fin Teas and Coffees, Table Dellcaces Domestic and Tropkal Fruits, Vegetables, Sugar Cured Haas, Bacon, Etc. Choice - Fresh and Salt Meats. Asphaltum Work , Reservoir Lining, Street Paving, Side walks, Flooring and Roofing. Asphsltlc Cament,Bnamel and Bo. lutlon for coating ana preserving. IRON and STEEL TANKS, BULKHEADS, GIRDERS, PIPES, etc. Plans and Specifications P--ri 1 THOB. IC. MU1H, General Contractor and Dealer In Asphalts. 4i McKay Block, Telephone 841, Portland, local Representatives and Agents : Messrs Te 8t Bell. Ravel Building, Astoria, Or. TJ4E RSTORIfl SflVlflGS BUNK Acts as trustee for corporations and In dividuals. Transact a general banking business. Interest paid on time deposits. J. Q. A. BOWLBT.. BEN J. YOUNG FRANK PATTON... President ....Vice President Cashier DIRECTORS. J. Q. A. Bowlby, C. H. Page. Ben J Young, A. S. Reed, D. P. Tbovipaon W. E. Dement. Oast Holmes. RSTORlfl - MATTRESS -FRCTORVw ITS Gmmerrl 8treet I alanuacturer of every d'crIptloa o Lourirea, Mattrtca. pfi RBPAIRINO IN ALL, ITS BRANCH 3 Tiao flights era THE Tornado week mmmi i