The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, October 31, 1895, Image 3

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    THE, DAILY AflTGRIANa JXSOAj. .THUBSMYl! ,$)TCpER ,,81, ..l2!f.
for Infants and Children.
TglM" yn' oheerratloa of Castorla with the yttmip rf
ttUHom of persons, permit ns to .peak 0f u without gaesaUg.
It js unquestionably the test remedy for Infant an Cnlldrsa
tas world has ww known. It is harmless. ChUdrea lUf It. It
gives thom liealta. It wUI save their llras. I it Mothers have
romethlng whioh in absolutely eats and praot.oally perfect a
child's medicine.
Castorla destroy Worms.
Castorla allay Fevorialuieaa.
Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Card.''
Castorla cures Diarrhosa and Wind Colla. '
Castorla relieves Teething Troubles. '
CastorU enrol Constipation and Flataleaey.
CastorU nentrallsas the effect, of cartonlo aold r or ydwuw. irf
Castqrja doe, not contain morphine, oplnm, or other narcotic property.
Caste aestadlates the food, regulate, the .tomach and towel.,
gMng healthy and natural Jeep.
Ca.torlaU pot np In ono-Ao bottles only. It 1. act soM fat hulk.
!!!nTon to mH yon anything else on the plea or premUo
that It U J.t a. good" and "will answer orory pnrpo..."
Eeo that yon get PA - S - T - O -
The fae-rimlle
algaatnro of
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
R. P. EliVI0f?E,1
Sailing 'dates to and from Tillamook ' and Nehalem depend
on the weather. For freight and passenger
rates apply to
O. K N. CO.,
After (Deals!
Or Bt any other time
when you wish a good
cigar ask for the well
known, home made,
band made, wbite labor
"La Belle Astoria."
Conceded by all smokers
to be tbe best "cigar
. 71 ffintl? Street,
Astoria, Oregon.
: First Class Funerals :
POHb'S Undertaking Parlors,
Rti Re.neaoM. Embalming ( Specialty
.The only railroad lighting its trains by
Toe (ooly railroad using the celebrated
vdeotr berth reading lamp.
The coaches now running on "Tbe Mil
WBUKee" art Palace, on Wheels.
qu all it. through lines, tbe Chicago,
jftiwaultee and St Paul Railway runs the
mc-at perfectly (quipped train, of Sleep
ing Parlor, and Dining Cars and Coaches.
px k
Totted H
pgr kwi ranee to any poux in -me
tea mate, ana Canada, apply to ticket
or address C. J. EDDY.
General Agent,
Portiacid, Oregoa.
R - I - A.
is oa every
Open por
Special Charter.
Axens, Portland.
Gentlemen: I had occasion to use
several boxes of Krause's Headache
CapBule while traveling to Chicago to
attend the National Democratic Con
vention. They acted like a charm In
preventing headache, and dizziness.
Have bad 'very little headache since
my return, which la remarkable.
, ' Tours, respectfully
- JOHN . TJ. . SHATTER. ' ,A
Ed. Renovo (Pa.) Record.
For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria,
Or., solo agent -
Picnic Canned Goods,
Camp Stoves, .
Camp Cooking Utensils,
v Baskets,
And the latest
All-Wool Sleeping Bags
At all prices. Just the thing for camp
ers, prospectors, etc. Sure to keep warm
at nights. Better than blankets.
Glaet, fle.raeterrkata,
" ui i. !, . ' mi mr
I chArgM, or tor inflanBU.
' Una. lrritiL,m
tli.iwla .i.nalM, Uom of Bic.ll Moai'
fHtEMSt&lfteitCa. Somatrtoieat.
Snaaaun.0 T 1 """
l. lii. 2 4 or ant la able Vafr'
07 aioreaa, orppaaa. io,
tl.aa. or tbottlM. 3.7i.
rv CitcaiM aeut ea reteoat.
Tide Table for October, 1895.
A.U. if S7. I A.M. f.M.
Uju I it.ljh.m ft 'h.nijt. I ft
11 ilr. 7 J 1 11,7 25 88 -0 H 8 0hT6
131X77 (07 08 6V16
02J72 UW79 fM 10 7 02 1 0
0 67 7 3 1 08 8 1 7 00-1 8 7 81 08
1H4 71I l')H-( 7 20 -16 8 01 OS
2 117 0 2 ft! 8 f 7 61 -19 8 87 0 1
2 6187 28688 (1 18-2 2 015 00
88164 8)286 860-26 1001 01
42U6I. 827 88 0 67 81 1067 08
632 6 8 4 62 8 0 10 20 8 6
6 44 57 60U76 OOi 0 5 UM37
76860 71976 1 20 06 1 1888
9 01 64 88876 2 S3 06 2 48 84
86370 0 60 7 7 8 84 0 6 8 68 2 4
10 87 7 7 102280 46-06 4 6014
U2081 1147 82 6 15-07 64006
12 00 8 6 6 00 -0 8 6 28ul
0 88 8 8 12 88 9 1 6 42-1 1 7 16 0 7
1 28 8 0 1 18 9 2 7 21 16 02 1 0
18 7 7 2 00 92 B00 2.1 86 l 10
8 08 7 2 41 9 0 8 40 2 6 9 40 0 7
86868 82086 -926 82 1084 02
60064 4 16 79 10 20 88 U8208
6 10 6 9 615 7 8 1182 4 0
72059 621 67 086 08 10242
82608 7 86 6 6 1 40 1 2 2 2588
9 1666 846 8 2 40 1 6 8 2882
96268 94864 8 80 17 4 10 25
1025 72 10 38 6 6 4 12 1 8 4 56 2Q
10 67 7 6 1124:6 9 4 62 1 8 682 16
112770....I. . 6 2 2 0 6 06 0 9
Monday. ,. 7
Tueaday .. 8
Thursday. .10
Friday 11
Saturday. .12
Monday. ...14
Wedo ad'y It),
Thuniday .17
Friday ....Id
Saturday.. in
Monday .. 21
Tuesday . . Si
Wedn'sd'y 2:1
Thuraday .24
Friday.... ts
taturday. Iii
Monday.. Sn
Turaday . .2
Th lira ilay. ill
JHarfne JBntters', Here, There and
The Potler and Oatzert Come To
gether a Few Miles this Side
of Kalama.
Ait 1:30 yesterday morning the steam
er Potter going up from thte city, and
'Una Gtutserlt coming down from Portland,
coClldea elt a point on the Oregon side of
ma river twee mllea this side of Ka
lama. PKtt Atten was ut the wheel of
the O. R. and N. boat at the time, and
Pilot Johnson was in charge of the Out
sort, Captains Ciung and Sullivan being
off I'watctti. There wui a thick fog end
very luckily both steamers were going
dead stow, sounding their wlhlstUs every
moment. The fog and echoes of the hDle
near by entirety deceived eadh pilot as to
the Vocation In which lihn other eteaimer's
whittle was being blown, and without a
moment's warning they came together.
The Sharp bow of itlh Potter tore a big
hole In the Gatzert'e forward gangway on
tne port side just iml3ing her water line
by about three indlwa The passengers
on both eteamars were roused by the
shock ot Ithe collision and for some
minutes there was considerable excite-
ment. As soon as the steamers r.arted.
tt was seen that the Gatsert was in no
danger of sinking, and thlat aTiie would be
awe to etetam ibaclc Into Kalama without
aBlstwnoe. This she did, discharging her
TPeigjit ana pasengers alt that port and
proceeding on up the river to Portland
where he was tnrmedlaitcCy dockevl and
a pretiminajy examination wtaa made to
ejscertaln the extent of her injuries. It
wx oe ineariy two weeks before she will
oe reauy to go on her regular run a train
nd unt that time the Sajwh Dixon will
take her siace. The Telephone brought
draw! her oaesengers vesterdav iftanun
Thie Pouter's injuries are very slight. Her
jwcKstari was woken ore an-d her ouutirle
emaisnea from the mrafor Una ,m
ThtaUBli thiere will doubtless be an Inves-
raganon, tne o means of tootjh ihnnra inv.
that neither ptot was to blame ttnd lhat
the deceiving weather conditions
alone responsible for the accident. .
The plMt schooner Loval tjirpH m
6 a. im and in eJ probahilltv tMi-ned on
on the ebb tide.
The British shlD Phllomane Jivft nn -tn.
river yesfterday morning for Portland In
tow of the Harvest Quean.
Tlhle Wtearrrer Mainzanlta leave'
her Puget Sound supply cruise this morn
ing. She will be gone two weeks. -
The tug Rettaf andhoi-ed at 'the Wirtit.
dhlp during Tuesday nlghit In ordtr to
pick vp a ip, hut owing to. the heavy
mjbt mer enoris provea lutile.
Dr. J. A. Fuuton,,the stalls health offi
cer, wEO not. vCsBt or Inspect inoomlns
Teasels after ( o'clock p.,m., this rule
not obtaining In Sam , l'lanoufco or other.
ports, the hour being between S a. tn.
and t p. in.
The steamt-h'iD Bandorille left out for
San iPnamotseo and way ports at 11 a. m.
yesterday. The oapraln had grave doutota
to the edvlaabllt'.y of attei-noting the
trip upon dlsoovering the placards posted
around one water front Minounolng a
Toroiaido, but uoin Oaotain SchrOfiter's
Bplamevtion, his fears were removed.
The British ship Phllnmene. wihOch ar
rived: at Aorta on Saturday, the 26th,
kdUen with coal from Newcastle. Aus
tralia, ufJthDugh her draught was but 21.2
feet Wft, was detained here until yester
day awaiting the full moon tides to reach
her destMatiDir, Portland, which pCace she
may get to by Saturday noon, making a
imi to or detention before discharging.
Estimating her expenses at 280 per day,
a tow average for wages of Crew and
insurance, her enforced detention has
cost her at least 15G0. With orooer raH-
road faculties to Astoria, her port of
discharge, she would now nearly be ready
for her return cargo. It Is po:elbl the
same delay may be necessitated on tur
return from POtitttwd, as the chip Demon
Hill was nine days on her way from that
City to Astoria, and was then obt'ged to
ngcuter 200 tons by mean a of barge to As
tortat in orMer to properly co-npCi:e Ooad
mg. Jaimcs and Alexander Br-wn's coal dr-
cutur, dated Newvuot. N. 8. AV., Sep
tember 27, 195, contains the following: total quantity of coal exported for
eign since our Cast report is 68,966 in 31
vctiaels. .. Its distribution was as foUows:
Seven for Ban Francisco, 18,634 tons; six
for Valparaiso, 10,318; two for San Diego,
,443; two for . Calcutta, 5.180: two for
Par ima, 1,916; one for Oarrlzal, 1.790
one for Iquique, 1,101; one for Torton
tiiio, i,im: one for Tajcahuano. 1.814; one
for Chanarai, 2,960; one for Oailao, 1,490;
one for Manilo, 1,(73; one for Ifongkong,
450; one for Honolulu, 991; one for Guaya
quil, 972; one for Eureka, 603; one for
Bombay, 2.635. There are 27 vessels In
port for loading, aggregating 40,727 tons
register. Estimated tonnage to arrive
during this and next month, 82.830 tons
register, to load principally for west
coast of South America and California.
Rates of freight We quote approximate:
Hongkong. 7s (d; Manila, lCs; Singapore
(steam). 8s; Mauritius. 14s: San Fran
cisco, 12s; San Diego, lis; Honolulu, 14s;
Valparaiso, f. o.. 14s: IfaxaXlan. 16s:
uuayqull, 16s. Coal avices are: Best
screeneVl, 7s (d; small, 4; ccke. U per
ion. aii prices c.o.O. at Xewaastle.
J. W. Harrison's lat San Franlun
coal circular contains tie folCowlng:
During the week there were eight ar
rivals rrom tne coast collle.-ies with
18,119 ton, and 7.323 tons from foreign
sources. There Is sothing special to note
during the week, busineea In this tine
being particularly quiet. The pra-nects
of early rains are inducing some house
keepers to see tHat their fuel bins are be
ing replenished, although It Is t'eneraHy
believed that there will be no advance
of value during the winter months. The
market Is well aupplled wUin alt' grades
for stenm and domestic uses; in fact
the want of yard room caused some re
cent arrtvels of foreign coal to be dis
posed of at a material loss to the Im
porter. Recent cabled advices fiport a
very strong freight market for coal car
riers from England and Australia. Cunv
beKauV coait has been advanced 82.60 per
ton this week: harmony again prevails
among tne tiavtvmare snappers. The
owners of the Coral Hollow colliery are
Showing considerable courage, expending
a 'jarge amount to create en avenue to
market for rheir output. If what they
claim ror vnnvt coat snouia De readied.
they will become a tformldaMe competitor
to the Coo Bay and tJeattle giades, but
it is very aublous rwhether they can
profttlabfly market ttietlr products at. the
prices they have IntlmJated. The coal
firm of "M-essrs. MaodonOugb & Co. have
been succeeded by lone Central Coal Com
pany on tin even more extensive scale. .
"Everything possible was done yester
day," says Monday's Colonist, "but with
out success towards freeing the Quadra
from the rocks at Fulford reef. The
coinbined efforts of the steamers R. P
Rlthot, Lorne aad Vancouver failed to
remove the vessel when the tide was at
Its highest stage, and this fact is suf
ficient to show that the vessel Is stuck
hard and fast. No change whatever has
taken place In the Quadra's position,
At extreme low tide the lies, It is said
with her bow showing four feet out ot
the water, with about twenty feet ot
her forward keel resting easily . on the
rocks ana her stern ailoat In deep water.
In the efforts to release her from the
rocks the Lorne pulled astern, while the
Rttihet and Vancouver succeeded pretty
wen m routing tne . vesse on her, keel.
The strain on the vessel can be Imagined
when H -is stated that the Lome's big
6-inch rope : hawser ' snapped' while . she
was pulling astern. ' After rugging for
nearly en hour the frulHessness of the
attempt was realized, and as the tide was
beeinn-ing to render the effort still more
difficult, It was decided to abandon fur-
Oner operations until today at about
noon. In the meanwhile scows wilt be
placed on either elds of the Quadra, to
wnian otuuna running unaer one bow of
the steamer will be sjooached and other
pjfffuraietons made. 'Alt 7 o'clock this
morning the Lorne will return to the
disabled steamer, land Ut will, - It is
UhougOK, Stay - by her until she reaches
Esqiuima&t. Though; the Quadra's steet
plates are very thin they are said to be
uninjured, and the hope Is that no south
wester or northeaster win arise to do
them Injury, for if- they come the
Quadra's position will be dangerous In
the extreme. Oaipbain Gaudln, agent ot
marine and fWherleis, remained by the
Efh'lp pretty much aC'l of yesterday: but
besides . tltte presence of officials and
teamboa'tnven there were many who
went out from the city. How the ship
met wmi toe imraiap mas been disbursed
by the knowing and the unknowing, but
itea'mboa'tmen who have occasion to pass
'line pnace almost cmuy speak of the den-
gars Of the CocaJlty and of the similarity
of FuDton reef to ttaalt of Trial Island,
when encountered In a ttrtck fog such as
prevaEed on Frkiay Jaiet. The speed of
'flhe steamer at the time when he struck
is probably the only part of the disaster
wlhllch seems to be criticised, for It Is
stated In umaiutthorltaitlve quarters that
Pie was going between a ten and twelve
knot speed."
The San Francisco Call of Monday
pays: "The British Ship Aberfoyle ar
rived in port lust niglut after one of the
moat remarkable voyages on record. The
Alborfoyle walled from l'Vederlckstad,
Norway, for Australia January 25 last.
Captain George Robertson was In com
mand, but as ft was impossible to secure
men w In certificates he was obliged to
venture out, wtlth only one licensed officer.
Tills was Percy Norton, who -was shipped
as first mate. For a few days all went
iwiell, but soon the crew became unruly,
and 'at one time it looked as though there
would ibe- a mutiny. -Captain Robertson
was drunk and on the first mate devolved
all the responsibility. He -mastered the
men and came to an understanding with
thorn. The sailors got the best of the
bargain, but he could- do nothing. . He
was between the devil and the deep sea.
There was a drunken captain In the
cabin and a mutinous orew -forward.
When the ship whs a fortnight out a
hurricane came up., and all hands were
called to take In sail. Before this coutd
be done many of them were -blown 'away
and everything movable i on the deck
was washed away., The storm contin
ued and Norton was on deck night and
day, wEVlle the skipper drank whisky by
tlha tumblerful and oursed: everybody
from the poopdeck. On the 'evening or
the ntlhi of Februar the hurricane raged
again, and while attempting to help one1
of the men who was holding on to a
stanchion Mate Norton -was swept away
and drowned. The crew . was simply
paralyzed by the disaster,
rter, and when they
it was- too late Ho
came to their senses
attempt to save Norton. - Left' without
an officer IHhe men kept on the course
luid down for them, and when Captain
Robertson oaime on deck partially sober
they got him to take an observation,
The toes of the .mate sobered the skip
per ana ine attemptea to jix up nistog.
n wanxeo rne crew to swear to ic ana
they refused 'From February to Way
Ihe never touched liquor, but then ' the
craving became too great and he. broke
but again. On this occasion there was
some excuse for him, as he -tlmd been
constantly on the rack for nearly
months. He hod to keep all the watches
and been ready to answer at call at a mo.
merit's notice. On. May 2, while drunk,
he atsstaulibed the orew and drove' them.
Into the forecastle at - the; point- of a
pistol.- An hour later-the men; rallied,
and catching .the .captain-ureawares -dis
armed and Docked,-him tip in-hat cabin.
The unfortunate man drank and .drank
until he was crazy end then took 'a: doze
of carbolic acid. When 4fhe boatswain
went to awaken him the next morning
3 discovered the dead body, The 'Aben
;oyle was thus left -without a navigator,
and all the men knew was that they were
somewhere off the coast of Australia.
They would keep the ship on her course
all day and alt night would lake In HH
On May 16, when they thought they were
600 oiKvs off shore, they discovered that
Kiey were within a short- distance 'ot
th' coast. The Australian ctoafater Tag-
lla'ferro noticed .their vstgnaCs. of distress
ana sent the second officer on board! to
aisolst them. The thip was taken to
Melbourne, where her ' cargo i was .dla
oharged. From there ehe was taken is
Newcastle, N. S. W., where ehe loaded
coal for San Froncbco. The Aberfoyle
was built at Dumbarton In 1861, and be
fore this unfortunate voyage was on of
the . luckiest Ships in the Cowper line,
She to 258 feet 8 inches long, 38 feet 1
inch broad and 22 feet 7 Inches dmn.
Captain WaMo.ce, vho Is In comand, took
emange of her in Newcast'e. He brings
m vessel into port in spcemHd,cond1ti0n,
ama in spue ot tne jong run of seventy,
live days has beaten the East -African
wbWi started before him, Into port."-
It's lust as easy to trv One Mlnnto
Cough Cure as anything else. It's easier
10 cure a severe cough or cold with 'it
Let your next purchase for a cough be
One Minute Cough Cure, Better medi
cine; better results; better try It. Chas.
The big flgJhlt to
wasn't puClod off.
probably off, but it
The U. S. Gov't Reports
thow Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others.
Brie in doing all ha oun In Ohio to
(toque Republican- opposition.
As a remedy for all forms of headache
Electric Bitters has proved to-be. the
very beat. , It ffects a permanent cur
and the moat dreaded habitual sick head
aches yield to ts influence. Ws urg
aU who are afflicted to procure a bottle
and gi ve this remedy a fair tral. In
cases of habit uat constipation - Electric
Bitters cur.a by g-vlng the needed tone
to tbe boweiar, and few cases long resist
ne use of this medicine. Trv (t nmr-
Large bottles only flflty cents at Cbas.
tvogenr orug store., . ,
'Horbeitt epenoer never accepts a college
dtigrea nor. any other honorary trade
mark from 'amy' society. He wtvDts to
stanU iwholly on lii own merits or "be
Torgocten, . . . v
" ' ' ' '
KARL'S CfcOYER BOOT will' purify
your blood, clear your comDlexlon. reo-
ulate your Bowels, and make your head
wear as a pen. 26 cta 60 cts., and J1.0O.
Sold by J. TC. Conn. .
Otto, the Insane king of Bavaria, has
just cettioraited hts 46t!h birthday that is,
it was odlebnated throughout his country
y a rckigious service, since his acces
sion to the tlhrone the mad aoveiv-'m
never leu ttve castle of Fuersienrled,
vim. is lurrounaed by high wallB.
All tbe puien: medlcliea 4di.'ertiKRii
ui thlB paper, together with the choic
est perfumery, and toilet, articles. etc
can be bought at tne lowest prices at
J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Oc
cident Hotel. Astoria.
It is hard to realize 'that Cartv'n mo
born a cernury ago. He seems more of
contemporary than many men born a
quarter or a century later.- Neverthe.
o the centenary of his birth WI1I be
celebrated in Edinburgh December 4.
Tbe best salve In the world for' Cuta
Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Bores. Tetter. Charmed Hand.
Chilblains, Con.s. and All Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Plies, or no
pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price, 25 cents per box. For ssla bv
Cbas. Rogers. Odd Fellows' building.
On the occasion of her 90th. birthday.
which occurs next months Mrs. Keeley,
a OLe-tlme popular English actress, will
appear att the? Lyceum,. -London, - In
Betsy Baker," for her benefit.
There are many good reasons why you
should use One Minute - Cough Cure.
There are no reasons why you should not,
ti in need of help. The only harmless
remedy that produces Immediate results.
Chas. Rogers.
The pope has granted the French au
thor Buyer D'Agen permission to write
hta biography, and for this purpose has
given ihtm access to the family archives
of the Counts Peed, in. Carpineto.
ROYAL Baking Powder..
Highest ot all la leavening
Strength. V. S. aovsrasMBt Report
A. Q. Hartley, of Magic. Pa., writes: 1
feet It Is a -duty of mine to Inform you
and the public that DelWtt's Witch Ha-'
zel flalve oured me of a very bad case
of eczema. It also cured my boy of a
running sore on his leg. Chas. Rogers. -
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Oastona
It is a curious fact that nbt one ot the
major-generals or the bnlgadier-generaCs
now on the active list will succeed Gen.
eralf Mllea mlhlaultl- he live to the age of
retirement, which occurs In 1903.. Gen
eral Brooke, who - approaches nearest.
arriving ait the retiring age In 1902.
In some conditions the
gain from the use of Scott's
Emulsion ' of cpd-liver oi
is rapid. . For this . reason
we put up a 5oc size, which
is enough' for an ordinary
cough or cold or useful as a
trial for babies and children.
In. other conditions gain
must be' slow, sometimes
almost irriperceptible.liealth
can't bSf built up' in a day.
For tbi .Scott's Emulsion be taken as , nourish-;
ment, food -rather than
medicine, .food Iprepaied for
tired and .weak . digestioiis.'
n . '. . ' ; . , .
owttoi bowni, i.namuu. new. lorn,- 50c. and f 1.00
Kopp's Beer .. Hall.
: - CholcrWlnes, Liquors and Clg'ars'y
. ' , - . , '. '.' ,
' Only bandad pyar tha tar, Tbt largest glut,
Of N. P. Bear, Half-and-half, jc. " -
'' Fret lunch.' " ' '.
-. VI.-'. '
, Chat. Wirkkala; Proprietor.
,Cor. Conronly and LafaysnS Sta, . .
Few Hen Would?Ask ;
fOra Finer Kin rier
. -. . ,.' -,.;.! - ' ... 1
than thpse .we serve. , We're trying In
every way to make them the most en
joyable In town. All the "good things"
of the season cooked by-, our .! excellent
cook in the, most delicious style. Perfect
service; -. .
If you invite a Mend to .the ' Palace
Restaurant the place Is a' suflicleht guar-
suios uw no win receive a good meat,
The Palace estaMa ;
at any man cowing out of
our .store mid 1 yola'll get
portrait ot a man brlmmlnK '
over with pleasant tlioiiglitK,' J.
Such quality In ihn liquors a)
' we have to ofTer are enough to -
Com? ahd Try Them
. - HUGHES & CO.
"Do nnto others as you wouId have
otners do unto you," is sympaineticauy
shown In tbe fcllowlng line,' the pre
sumption being that sympathy la born,
or akin to bain or .sorrow? -
"Oentlamen: Please -send Krause's
Headache Capsules as fellows: 'two
hova to Flora Sea v.- Havanna, Dak.
Two boxes to'Lillie Wilcox, Brook and.
N. Dak. I nave .always been a great
sufferer from beadaohs and' your Cap
sules are the only, thing that relieves
ma" Yours very truly,
Havana, N. Dak.
For sale by Chaa'riogers, Astoria.
Or,. Bole Agent. - ..- . ; ' -v
Mr. J. J. KelJ. Bharpsburg,, Pa. -Dear
6ir'-I am glad to. say a good
word for Krause's Headache Capsuiea
After suffering, for over jtbre sears
with aedta neuralgia and Its onsequnt
Insomnia (which seemed to .baffle U
efforts of some ot our best- physicians)
you suggested this remedy wmon gaye
me almost instant relief. Words fall
to express the praise I should like to
bestow on Krause Headacc tapsuiea
' GratefiiliK-Yours, .
Montrose,- .
' 1895
" oils
A Specialty.,
;.. , Fisher
. '
Sell ' ' Astoria.
Ship" Chandelery,
Hardware ; -''-;;
Iron & Steel, -Coal,
Groceries & Provisions,
Flour A'MiirFeed," " '
Paints, Oils, Tarnishes;
Loggers Supplies,
Fairbank'sfc'cales, .') .
Doors & Windo W8,
I Agricultural I in pit me'nts
Wagons & Vehicles."
E. tlcNEIL; Receiver. r''
Givea Choice
Via -Spokane,
, 'and
St. Paul.
. and '
Omaha or :
St. Paul.
Pullman " and Tourist Sleepers
Free Keolinlng Chtilrs Car,
Astoria to San Francisco.
acaite of CaWBornta, FWday, Oat. 11.
Columbia, Wednesday, Oct. 18. - - '
State of OaMfOrnia, MOnduy, 'Oct. 21.
Columbia, Saturday, Odt. 26.
Bbate of OallilPoTTtto, Thursday,' Oct. 81,
Columbia, Tuesday, Nov. B.
, Astoria and Portlnd Steamers.
The T. J. Potter will leave Astoria at
7 p. m. dally, except f3undiy leave Port
land at 7 a. m, dally, except Sunday, ,'
The R. R. Thompson will leave Astoria
at 6:46 a. m, dally, except Sunday; leave
Portland at t p. m.-dally, except Batur-
. For rates and general information call
on -or-address "
. if c. P. OVEaRBAUGH,-('.-Commercial
Agent, Astoria, Or.
den. Pas. Agt, Portland. Or.
Are -Yau : Going East?
Be sure and see that your ticket
reads via
Chicago :;
isx. paul;v,
This Is tne i
' j '"' - Between '
' ST." PAUL ,
' V. rV'.r:''-' CHICAGO
And Tall Points' East - and
South. .
Their- Magnificent Track, Peerless' Ves-
tlbuled Dining ana Bleeping cur
Trains and Motto: ' ' ' !
Have given this road a national reputa
tion. All classes of passengers carried
on the vestibuled trains without extra
sharse Ship your 'freight and travel-
over this famous line. All agents have
VT. H. MEAD,-- : F. CSAVaOB,'
Gen. Agent. Tray. F. and P. Agt
M' Washington at. Portland, Or. .
Mrs. T. S. hawklna - .Chattanoora.
TennM says, "Shllor's Vltalizer 'SAVID
MT LIFE. I consider It tne best rem
edy for a debilitated system I e-ver
sed." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kid
iC7 tronbie. It excalla. Pilve 7a eta,
ror em by J. w. two,
: .A'VAj.'
Japanese E:izc
-' KINQ LUNQ. rrop.
dlntep 'Goods Jtst ?eceiysd
An excellent stock of underwear, hos
iery, caps, etc., at extramely low prim.
'417 Bond Street next donr in Mnolnr'a
Fruit Store.
The Oasis of tkf
Colorado desert
Dry and Pure Tropical
Pronounced by Physicians the
m6st Favorable in America
for Sufferers from . . .
T r: a
j-uijg juiscascs ana
Many Remarkable Cures
' : "t . : . . " '
The . otxlectlona
In the past by the large numbers who
otherwise would have been glad to tak
advantage of Its beneficial climate, has
been a laok of suitable accommoda
tion. The Southern PaoWo Company,
takes pleasure In announcing that
eral - . .- r
-Commodious and ;
it Comfortable Cottages
have Just been erected at Indie sta
tion, ihat Will be rented to amllcnnf
at reasonable rates.' ' Tfcey are fur-
nuned with modern conveniences, sup
piled with pure artesian water, and
situated as to gove occupants all the
advantages to be derived from a more
or less. protracted residence in this de
lightful climate.
(From the San Francisco Argonaut.)
"In the heart- of the irreat desert nf
mi. viuiiuu wiuuu in. Boutnern i-a.
clfio road traverses there Is an oasis
coiled Jndio, whloh, in our opinion, U
me sanitarium; or the earth. We be
lieve, from personal investigation, that
tor certain mvauus, ine-e is no spot or.
this planet so favorable."
O. T. Stewart, M. D., writes! "The
purity of the air, and the eternal sun
shine, fill one with wonder ami rtollo-ht
Nature has accomplished so
much that there remains but little tor
man to do. As to Its possibilities as a
health resort, -'here Is the most per
feot sunshine, with a temrjer&ture at.
ways pleasant, a perfectly, dry soil
for rain Is an unknown factor: cure
, uchpo uuwojNiera sou pure
water, wnat . more can be desired T
It Is the place, above an others, for
lung troubles, and a paradise for rheu.
maties. Considering the number et
sunerers wno nave been cured, I have
uu uesiuuioy in recommeiKUug this
genial oasis as tha haven nt th affllnt.
a." ...,... - ,, ...
Is 612 miles from
and; 130 miles from -
Fare from Los Angeles
For further Information Inquire ot
any Southern Poclflo Company agent,
or address
Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt. S. P. Co.
" - J. b. KIRK LAND,
' Dint Pass. Agt "
Cor. First ma Aldef StaL. Portlana. Or.
Addrcii, box 180, Pojtofflca.
A complete stock of lumber on hand
hi the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus
tle, ceiling, and all kinds of finish;
mouldings and shingles: also bracket
work done to order. Terms reasonable
and prices at - bedrock. All orders
promptly attended to. Office and yard
at mill. H. T. 1 LOGAN. Prop'r
Seaside, Oregon. -
' r : NOTICE, - :
The partnership heretofore existing be
tween C. J. Qreenlund and Anton Brig
florists, Is hereby dissolved by mutual
consent, and all debts of th. said firm
will be paid by C. J. Qreenlund and C. O.
Palmberg, and all outstanding accounts
are due and payable to them..
KARL'S CLOVurR. nruvr ... .
Blood purifier. ik. I
clearness to the complexion and cures
Constipation, ti cts.. So cts. lT.00.
For Sale by J. W. Conn. ; n.:.
' Gentlemen; Thl ! tn .1... .
. ---- w 1 ' ' J lilt I 4
nave used Krause's Headaune t'spsules
wnu aaiusiactory results. 1 bought a
box which cost ins 53. ami mi. ,.nu
cured me of a dreadful sick headache.
y wire ana mvseir nave both used '
the medicines manufactured by the
Norman LJnbtr Mrc Co.. and w.
commend thera to the public as being
Dust what tbey are represented.
Ed. Gazette, Pleasant Hill. Mo.
Twenty-five cents, for sale hv rha
Rogers, Astoria. Or., sole agents.
Captain Bweeney. TJ. B. A Pun
Ca'n says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remi
is tM first medicine I have ever touij
tRt w?r:!4 3 tr.a tr.v
eta. Bold by J. W. Coun.