V JOHN T. UCUiTKH, iidlior. TURKS OP SUBSCRIPTION Telephone No. 68. DAILY. Sent by mall, pr year Sent by mull. per. month Served by carrier, per week.. .. .00 .. .15 WEEKLY. Sent by mall per year, J2.00 In advance. Postage free to subscribers. All communication Intended for pub lication should be directed to the editor. Business communications of all kind and remittance must be addressed to The Astorlan. The Aetorton guarantee to Its sub scribens the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on ap plication to the business manager. The Weekly Astorlan, the second old est weekly In tlie state of Oregon, has next to the 1'ortland Oregonlan, tl:e largest weekly circulation In the state. Jno. T. Hand'.ey Co. are our Port land agents, and copies) of the Astorlan can be had every morning at their stand on First street THE ASTORIAN SUPPORTED, The foKawiing reference to the Asto iijain petition iwJth regard to the fall fishing controversy appeared edltortoOy In yesterday's Oregonlan: "Und'cmbtedry there ihau never been time .when the eu"jejt of fall fishing in th-3 CcymnWa river, with Its consequent scandal of falxely labeled cans comulnlng inferior fltU, aW.iaated no much attention as H -dues now. The At'tori&n, in its cur ' ront commercial edition, given a broadside of two paged of estrccts and Interview cMilng from leading trade pUbMcaittone and nearly at"; ll piJaolpai camneries on the river. T.ie Astorlin's fierce denuccla ' lion cf fall tUhlng Is approved and Justi fied by a great 'muiss of testimony, thouglh ' cannon engaged An full Ushlng find argu ments In Its flavor. That suah. arguments are foundv however, proves nooning, tie cauuio there Is not, reprehensible practice connected with 'tlhe salmon lndustiry limit ' Was not been furniisihcd many end specious arguments in its favor. "It is peitaaips uaJIeaa to discuss tills crueotlon as one of business Judgment, for IWs is pecuMuiriy t'he province of Mie .'trade ItstlT, and its Journals. Wlhetlher f.OI (toing and the bi andlng with dhinook iMibei of lto unlit to eat pays or not -U toa-rcely a 'matter of publ'lc cor.cern. . It only becomes a public question in view . of the demand for luiwa prohibiting Une . tisihlng. Concerning tiho fWh itsetf, testl- mony is very fuel in support of the asser tions 'Uhat ft Is "trash," "unfit to eait," "ndt fit for a dog (o eat," and generally lin Wne iwluli Une ascertained facts given by experts, that tine dhinook eulmon, at VMm time, owing to the approach and presence . of I'.ie pawHlng season, has so uteterlor u'ted as to be unfit for food, though It is sold to cheap trade princlpaUIy among , lihe negroes In the Soutih, So the -demMid Is springing up for the abolition of fall (killing in the Columbia, by law. The Eureka and Epicure. Company Is in favor of lalboIldMng ifail IMhlng entirely; B. A. Seaiborg suy Klhe fcitl fish shou'.d not be put up for haiman consumption ; the BoouhV manager Is In favor of either prohibiting ali fishing or compelling Its ' -product to be branded "fall fWh;" Mr. Kinney favors cicsing August 5; Mr. J. Seufart says tho "Mi shouM prohibit packing Chinook in Che fall months, etc. "It Is nut possible to believe that fall feuing, wiiia Its accompanyng scandats, will be permitted to go on longer without a dctcrTrtineJ effort to pronlbit it by law, and The next Icgiav.inure wl.l undoubtedly be asked to legislate concerning It. Tin re Is vry fiu ttia of defens) for the practice of packing fall salmon and label In It taCteCy. Perhaps a !w couCd be draa-n u to prohibit to taking of ft1tok and a'-taw tlhe otaer vr.ts to be itmlkxn At umy main, a Ht.;m more in aeor&inni, vta the rmionimenlatJocs of I'b r-ntted Stales Ikla oummlsalra seems toe wry JirJiwWi.. Jndg iaull'lng n't de- vkibea an tio dmmtvuut Jurlsdicton Hi toive tie -fIiit to stu) HImb war asnont lbs diffKwtt ijjiWiLiiims, and 4ire at tnntwn 10 the eclentinc vww iT amnion ivg aSiiiaa. 'This ils te limit more tunw ly tine cpa wurn. 1 prwlBCt ra'jaon M reams, and io tsiadu-.'t iiae arUOclst Wwnrlon of tSw flsx Tlhre is no tst- ur place to t((ia dha at b curtaaroent of roll muuxM." President CSwotand's first awakening about naiBlonal affatra mtm to vbe ffct .ait 1Si great danger to ti vi-ov-e and Dho treasury of the t'nfted 9ttu maa to be found tn aj surplus rcrwue. He fancied that this iwas the dawn vt tJie llgtit of an dntelleut wthose l.istre .was destined to be Imunortdl. He nnd this 'imve nAle oiwuy m-ttih tlie nurplus. They ftaive a dtfli"Umcy. The reaJ trouble if the UVMjury is ifhe oUd'fashaoned one, that it opeiniing imore money than It gehi. He w is fills default to be uppll.-d? It 'iittkii. toe from imore tariff or iure interral rawnire. The IcepiAUIeoins ora for mi ore ur!ff; U!je Oeimocrats are for more inter- n il Te;rtiue, tl tftat means, fir t, n cJhi'r dollar a tMrru! on beer; second. a stamp 'tax, more tu.x on sugar and to Laico, anr,l ttlve wenuo taxation of coffee and tea. Tio Vencxuelan boundary dlspmte is ".lkiy to be one of die motit prominently Ji!VUH'(i questions at Washington the coming winter. The ddmCnlstiutlon hs re i.oittd to ihave tultvn a firm ttund on the subject, Ibiit Hie kidlcxtlons .ire that I: IIhj maJe n more doflnUe proposal to ivat Britain tiun to request arbitration. T:ie fa?t U that lr. Cleve'.und and Ms advloei are a xxrt Wat rhe sub.fvient poCiey of IMS al.nliA'r.tlon tonwd Eng land is unpopular, anl ic?k to avert un fortunate coikjqueCi at the coming cOctlora by miking i itiow of activdy, and of a dceftre to enfoivs the Monroe Ooctrine and Jeulouily xu.ird AnKrlcan tmJitkona. If :retary 01my were to i.ue (i!s way, H Is piUuiila thU this B-oveHnnv-nt wou'J be dfr.'IdeJIy fl.tn Sn the neiii-.ljn dispute, and tficw Eng land i:'.iaC It Is In earne.it, Tie trouble (s .ut lr. Cleveland o-ts as a rcprtfjlve force, and prevents anything aitUfictory from bli.g done. If hls government "".rid rcilly take a d-xlded stand In the nixtler, it would be surprising, and due to live fact tWat Mr. Cleveland has rubor .KnatcJ his own wishes to iui anxiety to destroy tlie unlUvorab'.o imprtssion that Ws admlniowatlon's deallngi with foreign affairs Hob thus far created. The probaiblllty is that Bite pressnt etlr Is In tended for election purposes solely. 8WEBNY AND THIS JOOK. Were Hhere any Sweenys In Cork or KlnuuC In 1690? Tlkt must have been. ai.e &weeiys are A numerous and very decent oarCy in tihose parts, and If none of tihem fell ty John Churchill's hand It Is a wonder. Ocverve the mutations of tlma. In 1690 tire Duke of MairUborougt'v went to IreAind to conquer the aweeoys. Up and down the head of Klndale his mutikoteers slow t!re tfweenys, who died witli their pikes aind Their pitchforks In their bands as Sweenys ougtit to 3ie. T.ie old duke was gathered to his futheiv. The Swvenys took a neiiv hold of life and throne. The OhurcMIs withered in body and wealth. T'he 9veenyd populmtad the land. The Oburohlft died almMt without issue. The Sweenys croeeed Che sea to rule the new janxl. The ttiuivU;.'. came D.'ltiher, heiress hurtling. It iwas Unas that 225 years after John ChurdhlU drove the Sweenys round Ireland, Vhe ninth Duke of Marlborough met Mllttiael J. Sweeny in the City ot New York. Tiie CtrurOhlll blood is diluted. The Sweeny ib)ood runs In an unsullied course KbroufiTa ttie veins of lllchael J. The nlnili Duke of Majfborougia tola forgotten Ohiait ever tthie fc'Jt duke harried the Swee nys. MldhaeC J. Sweeny, the reincarnation of tlh'e eliailn Sweony of 1690, recalls It bitlterly. The Duke of Marlborough Is degenerated Into a blcye'.lst. The Sweeny ia devel-cped into a patrolman. So the blotter in the Gothaim police station shows till e Duke of Martborou&'lt locked up; cburge disorderly conduct. Complaining witness MMhuc J. Swoesny. What cou'J nrore beautifully MuatTite Che unenring Juutlce of time? Oh, dear, and venerated sTiides of the departed Sweenys, rise and sold down your beni so.is upon the devoted head ot Mlchuei J.! He deserevs a.l Iho blessings they can give Mlmi for tie has righted a wrong Uiut (has slunVberfd unavenged for twenty score of years. Good boy, Michael. Tn'o effect on the country of the recent oafralgn of educaitlon on the money ques tion iwas eignlfloant'ly demontftraeitd at the FVu-mors' National congress, lately 'held at Atlanta, Oa- Soon after the con gress aiiiombled a flghlt waj rprung on free silver, iw'hilcUt resulted In the complete dfeat of the 16 to 1 forces. By a vote ot 2ul 'to 104 tli'e congreeu reftuted to insert t!he words "ait a ratio of 19 to 1" in a resoliutilon asking congress to use both good and t'ilver on a parity, and calling for an international conference on the morve tory question. The resolution was one 'Wihicth had Just come from the com mittee on resolutions and wias reported favorably. It was offered by Mr. J. Q. Offut, a prominent delegate from InVlIana. In substance tit dopreeated tlhe present condition of finances in this country, and called upon tlhe president to call an Inter mttonil conference of a'.l nations willing to unite in (he equal u3 of boffli goid and silver. The freo silver deCegates wanted the paragraph changed so nu to read, willing to unite in toe equal use of tooth gold and silver alt a ratio not to exceed 16 to 1." Many delegated Jumped to tfliolr feet, and it 'was sojn evident that the congous wad oppjscl to the amendment. The question w.ia first put viva voce and and the naye Svad It evidently. A vote by sVates was then called for and resulted In tlhe rejetibkm of Bhe amendment by the above vote, Georgia's delegation was di vided. The states known n th ellver ii'ates favored the amendment, and the Bust, the North and tlhe South voted al mosii foi'.klly against It. The Hg'lvt was ma do squarely on Hive merits of the que, tlon, and 'the Issue was in no way cloud ed wil'.i parlia!menary technicalities. The victory of Hfhe sound money element In Che congireas was emphasized later In the jesslon, -when a resolution declaring oppo sition to Itlhe further laiuo of Itrtercet beiarlng treasury bonds or notes under any circumstances was lost. Twelve states hold elections on Noem- V 6-Ioam, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Mui-uacLueidtils, IMUsSlssJiipl, Now York, New Jtmsey, Netoraalca, Ohio, I'ennsylva nia, umd Vlrg'lrfla. EigSVt states elect leg islatures, mlliildh iseJeet United tSates een- ator: Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Mis sissippi, Ntftv York, Ohio, Utah, ,nd Vir ginia. Taeao "off year" clcctlors will toe watc-hij with iechil Intecvat as an ln- dx of Ihe drift of public sentilment on t.ie n-.'jr.ey qurtilon. T.M Pom-Intelligencer says If, as re ported, lha preIdcnt proposes to recom mend in his imewagie the rotlrament of grvenbuck he will probably find the greater pjrt of 'his argtummt in the spoerfiefi and reiwiits of JJhn Sherman. HIOCWGNITION OF CUBA. (New York Tri'june.) T.IO OdCJVtlon nf tMOflirnlBlnir tha bcCllg- ervrtcy of the Cuban revolutionists w vlU injuu.y soon nave to bo considered by uur KUYiTimwni. j-iie irenu of ev venta. lw;li In tht tovind and In the United states, is directly toward micli. a con tlnnvncy. Despite tho effirt of Spai n une iii$urreclion Is steadily cxteiullng Its Jim.i ami increuising its force. A regu larly oigmlied civil government, rcpub Moan in form, hua been set up and pro' ttalmed to the 'world, and wl.l forthwith undcr:l:e uha work naturally perlainlng ro n. fiy oay u may swnd a diplomatic agont to naatrtngton wHh a request fir be. tween Cuba and this country ore so dl rev't ana close tmat American in nte rests nuj. prrsent.y require tsome offielol action, one way or other, uoon the mtftinoi A r J 1 1 1 .Hh miMllAn . . i . i . is wing iwxmy oiscuasea Hlvroughout the uniiru oimitm, in rne press an on the platform, generally in a eplrit favorable able with III an TTirmn.IIVM iiuomi, tint AftA A M.) Iv'k nf dlttlMlInn a. n. r , - . - wk -nvn , VVI ft c dge rai amaiing statement tim been put for wara. ror emp:e, that intemsjtlonal rMlttlrrA blH 'i!MNW.',I .n maintain " , law i open nnr t and jii u.w nwv H.in a - - " m,, nrennkdntu tn NmumlflAn 1 .wn as to t'-fat, am Inland power, such as Swltser- uia. or Munrarv. or iiiiirir' n fui, cou.J never be recognised as belligerertt T.ie tact ts, of counne, tha there no . urn jitmi nt a hAi,AtfAi Th. ques- t Inn r f auwiftIno ni MritiilH.VHInv lujrj Clger- 1.1 r.v?..': man, as iresiaent Grant ly declared some twenty years ago : wise- be ujjsru. in era-y cane, in view ct the esse. Just now wo are hearing a great deal i ot vno .itonroe fooirHia" Monroe irm i the Bumor or irs doctrines) than one. and Tivjng wiem m another than that 4tVOn!v SriBOt'ia.tmi wl,h im nam cem- whton may perhaps bs recaHed -with some per tlnenos to ths present subject ot dlsput is. 11 was propounaed in referents to the THE DAILY ATQEtAN, revolt of the South American states against Spain, and iwas or is to the ef fect that ibelUgerency should be recog nized "t soon as the movement assumes suoh a steady ami consistent form an to nuke success probable." Has the Cuban revolution assumed cucili a form? And if so, is it desirable, for the sake of lAlmerlcaci inter es Is and the general welfare of humanity, that audh recognition cf.iloutVl be granted? Those, H seems to us, are the questions upon ttie answers to which this govern ment's action should depend. It ought not to be difficult to aecure convincing anciwera to them. When the South American states revolted this government. In order Ohixt it mlethit aot wlttt knowledge, took extraordinary pains to get accurate lnfonmiatilon of i.Sa niYisi-pAa .if lha vari ous conflicts. Cuba Is much ncaTer to us, geog'rapniicav.y, tihan the nearest of tihose states, und 'iCie means of acquiring and transmitting lnfnnnn.irlrkn nr. vi.tiv more dlredt ami efficient now than they were in 'Monroes time. There ought, therefore, to be io falr nf imKv.w , data, on .whioh itlhe govtrn nent may base Its oMon. So far as the desirability of recognition is oonce-rned, it my be teat no Lmimedlf' in:tpireril nf fhi wmnhu would trim be i.fi. Neither wou.U any jrjnh Interest be lrriaired or lmix-rlled. That the cause of the revolutionists wou.a 'De amea la practlca'r.y certain, ana uvax, iwe opine, would be for the iwel. Pare of tvumamity. Whatever be rhie decMnn nf h men't. It itlhoul'd be imiiilo nriih ih clrcumepectlon and thougilitfiilness. There nray in in Tneory a oistinctlon beween recognftion of btCCIgeremt rights and recognition of imdenamfani' In practical effect thero Is but litt'.e. Sued a step la, exc?ctlng only actual declaration of war agrilnst another power. rne graved a nat'ion can take In foreign affairs: and ones talcnn It mmuii ha . ca'j'.ed. We aCl remember, or should re member, the JujJctous remonstrances ot President Jackson against prernature recognftion of the "independence of Texas. Pecihapa Ms argiuiments In that case are not all applicable to Bhe present. They aro Hi icaui -worwny or rememhrance and review. It would be an lrmniMt'i n,i. fcrtune If this government should either grant or (Jeny recognition to the Cubans throuph impulse or on tlhe ground of in sufficient or inaecuroito information. There Is, however, no use In ignoring, or In attempting to conceal, the fact that tiro American people In general sympa thize with the Cubans; and believe from Bhe best information obtainable by them tlhait this government would be aimpty Justified in recogniainar thorn as ber.Kgor onts. It Is earnestCy to be hoped that that popular Judgment "will bo confirmed, and that this reoutoHo win .. tha it a. aCi naiblons to extend a fraitornaa hand to to une now republic in the Peirl. of the A'uiilies. GEN. HARRISON'S LITEft VItY WORK. To Write Articles for Women, cn "This Country of Ours." It ks announced ith'at ex-President Ben Janvin Hurrtaon is engaged in w riting a eoriC'3 of moguzlne irttcl9 tor the Lad'les' Home Journal, ln "wtoldh perlodloil thev wi'.C begin in .&hn December number.. The series will be called "This Country of Ou:o," and WiH consist of ten articles and probably imore. The papers ure being wrftten by General Harrison especially for women, to meet a growing widespread aesjre on 'Bfteir pairt to Intedllgently un dercisand tlhe iworkilngs of our government and Bhe wreialt nalt'lonali lutsitions. It wlCi be the aimi of the articles to explain in Bhe cCear and concise styCo for (which the exHprostdent 'is famous, Just .what tho United States govermmont 'means; the origin and rmanlng of the constitution: h'aw liaiws are enacted and enforced; 'What the powers of tlhe president and other officials are; 'what tlhe Judiciary system moans; Cicw our foreign relations are brjuglt about am'J, their mieanlngj how congress and tho senate leirlslate In fact a comr.ete explanation of the government told in a popiukv waiy. General Harrison writes t'he arttctas from the (standpoint of a citizen fwOio undwpstmds the subject They have no bearing on politics what ever. While dllreiatty intonded for women Bhe TlJlcCes wCTJ rtaltUTally have a much brooder e:ope and likewise Interest men, and eispectaiiy young mem Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. - The o'dest horse known tlishtly ex cetded 52 years. Tlie Croton aqueduct of NclV York la is mi'ics tong. ROYAL Baking Powder has been awarded highest honors at every world's fair where exhibited. T.ie I'.rong'est fortress In the '.vor'.'d is Gibraltar. The largest ocean is the Pacific 70,000, 000 square miles. A. G. Bartley, of Magic, Pa., writes: 1 feel It la a duty of mine to Inform you and the public that DefvYtfa Witch Ha zet Salve cured me of a very bad case of eczema. It also cured my boy of running sore on his leg. Chas. Rogers. Tlie Inngett tubular bridge Is tHie Brit annia, 901 feet. T.ie longvt't iwulC is in China over 1,200 mt.es. Acts at once, never falls. Ona Minute Cough Cure. A remedy for asthma, and that feveridh condition which accom panies a severe cold. The only harmless remedy that produces immediate results. Chas. Rogers. The grra'tcat collection of books Is the Nnltilor.uil Library of Paris. SHILOH'S CURE la Bold on a giar- ntee. It cures incipient consumption, t is the best Cough Cure. Only one ent a dose. 25 cents, 60 cts., and J.w. For Sale by J. W. Conn. Tl.e deepest epouttng well Is at Speren berg, In Prussia 1,191 feet. MARVELOUS RESULTS. From a letter written, by Rev. J. Gun derman, of Dlmondale, Mich., we are lerniltted to make this extract: "I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as the results were al most marvelous In the "use of my wife. While I was pastar of the Baptist church at Rives Junction she was brought down with pneumonia succeeding la srlppj. Terrible paroxysms of coughlig would last hours with little Interruption and it seemed as if she could not sur vive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery; it was quick in Its work and hlghty satisfacto.-y in r; sults." Tr.al bottles free at Charls Rogers' drug store. Regular size, 60c and H. The 'ongvt suspension bridge !s the Brooklyn, &.9S9 feet. PROVEN A BOON. Gentlemen: I hae always, recom mended Kransr's Headncna Capsules wherever I have had a chance. They have proven a veritable boon In my family against any and all kinds of headache. Toura truly. J. E. WALTER. Leavenworth, Kansas. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria, Oregon, sol asrent The most lengthy canal In the world b tlie Erie, 36514 miles. All th rten: medlsli-a drerused In this puper. together with the choic est perfumery, and toilet articles, etc.. tn be bourht at tne lowest prices af J. W. Conr.'- dm? ter. opposite Oc cldVnt Hotel. A. loria. ASTORIA, FRIDAY MQRNING, OCTOBER 2o, 1895. who cakes? MAa gooooooooa X22S Wiho cares what borders on Japan? Who wants the rile of three When the run Is saining in the fcky And birds sing In the tree? Who cares for height of mountain-top, Jutft wOven a kite can fly Above the Widest clouda that float? I'm sure that is not I! And ft 'ten men can dig a well. Now wWo would give a plnl To know how many days each one would take to dig it 'in? If Clilnese peopie upside down Must -walk what matter, pray? Or Clve on rats, or lie awakei AH nlaf.it, and sieep all day? If Jwmes ami J dim have three pounds fix Whatever tholt may be In cents and doii arj, I am sure, Is potWng nusvh to me! ! If any boy or girl alive Carta for such things as these, Let them come in and we'll go out, And thank you If you please! -Haniet F. DlodgeBt in St. Nicholas. It is a truth In medicine that the small est dose that performs a cure is the best. Dewltt's Little Early Risers ore the smallest pills, will perform a cure, and are the best. Chas. Rogers. The moet extensive fortress in the world is Fu.-trosd Monroe, In Virginia. KARL'S CbOVER ROOT will purify your blood, clear your complexion, reg ulate your Bowels, and make your heal clear as a bell. 25 cts., 50 cts., and ii.uu, Sold by J. W. Conn. The nearest approach to the south pole was oy xt oss, in isiz, 7 aegrees. There are many good reasons why you should use One Minute Cough Cure, There are no reasons why you should not. If in need of help. The only harmless remedy that produces Immediate results Chas. Rogers. Tire 'fonscst pCer bridge Is paid to be that of Victoria, at Montreal"., 0,141 feet. Say, why don't you try DeWitt's Little Early Risers? These little pills cure headache, Indigestion and constipation They're small, but do the work. Chas Rogers. ' Tlie iongeut imalcndatmilzed road in ihls country Is the National, CuO ml.es. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of all la leavening Strength. V. S. aovernment Report The longer: treKie bridge Is over Lake Ponchartriailn, New Orleans, 22 miles. St. Louis Cube-Democrat. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she had Children, she gave them Castorla. fir-" ' Easily. Ouiiy, rVir.m;:!ty Restored. f.A- r -t'.-.'-Uj ..And a'l the train Vi" ' 'C 'tn r'i t-ur'.f errors or spO.S.t v lt-1 t - ' revj'tt fiT, Y ,ntr.ii :. i.-kne. wrry, V X Ct-. V-i-l .''IH".:i,'!cu. ! uiiiclv'jiiio . c i'(. ;Mrt.ioa . . -iUii:ie. nivt .;.n. AuiD'di. cpvcp.ior.t .en. e'lvcucos. Uuok, i'.l iscaltd) free. & U ' t ' ' xl lunafi. u li J WANTED WANTKD House of 1 or 5 rooms, or unPurndslhed roams centruily located. In, quire Q. K. Weaverson, M. C. f.'roi-by'.. WANTED A ptano to rent. Apply at NOand & Thomson a otnee. Wanteu to rent A eentraiily houue of se-ven or eltiiit rooms. M., thl office. Jorcited Address WANTED A good girl for general housework at the residence southeast corner 15th t. and Franklin avenue. WANTED Agenw to represent the old National Life Insurance Co., of Montpeller. Vt. For further Informa' tlon, address G. M. Etolp, General Coast Manager, 82-84 Crocker Building, San Francisco, Cal. WANTED Man or lady to collect, do some office work, and manage agents. You will deal through your leading mer chants. Something new and very popu lar. We pay all expenses, rosltlon per manent. Send four references and ten cents for full particulars. John Finney Mgr., P. O. Box 181, St. Louis, Mo. FOK KENT. FOR RENT The CnUrnack tvovse. Hot and cold water, Uu.li, etc. 17.0J per mcnt'li. Inquiue at pos'.olllco of E. , C Lewis. FOR RENT Furnished room on ground floor In private ranwiy. in cxviniainge sk. FOR WALK FOR iftALE-iMondoy, October 2S:h. 1SII5, the following property will be sold at ue rcoklenoo of Mrs. FtMkes in Lpp?rtown Two honses and one mule Cwl'J work Bin- gle or doufbtie) one wood wagon and one buay. FOR SALE Corner tn McCiure'as Ad' ditton, lOOxluO fert, $800. 160 acres timber land, $1.00 per acre. Inquire at paswfllce of E. C. Lewi FOR SiALE Two horses and one mule (will work single or douWo) one wood watfon and one buggy. Inquire or Mi. Feokes, Uppertown. JAPANESE OOODS-Just out Just re ceivedJust what you want, at Wing Lee's, 643 Commercial street. TO LOAN. MONEY ADly to Astoria Abstract. Title and Trust Co. FOUND. FOUND Monday, September 30, a skiff, painted iead color, with about one fathom of chain. Owner can have same by ap plying at Astorlan office and paying charges. A parasol was left at Chas. Rogers' drug store someti.ne ago. Owner can recover same by calling at this office and paying for this advertisement. FOUND A pocket Look. Owner can call at Crow's photograph gallery, pay for this advertisement, prove ownership, and receive property. MISCELLANEOUS. 175-000 PER WEEK using and selling Dynamos for plating watches. Jewelry, and table ware. Plates geld, silver, nickel, etc, some aa new goods. Dif ferent alzes for agents, famine and shops. Easy operated: no experience; big profits. W. P. Harrison ft Co., C.'erk No. U Columbus. hlo. ttVNfy$Wlt&W S Heal Estate (Den, H WiS? sj.i hi L3:ty0 i S Baslnessfden f Wg3rJT I of AstoMa I triUrl rnn a case IT WILL NOT CUHEJJ Fl I I Anagreeable laxative and NERVE iTONTC. Bold by Drugglstsor sent by maU2po-6uo, aud $1.00 per paokage. Sample free. YT TTrt The Favorite TOOTH PflTTOIa litj llUfortheTeethandBreathc, For Sale by S. VI. Cn. DUANE STREET ASSESSMENT NO TICE. Notice is Wereby given Uhat the assess ment made by Ordinance No. 2j01, of the City of Astoria, confirming the Assess ment on Roll No. 3, for the Improvement of Ouane fStreett from tJhe Wret line ot 3&'jh street to Bhe east line of 37th street, in AVia'Ir's Asitorfa, ts now due and paya ble in United States Gold and Silver Coin, at the offlde of the City Treasurer, and If not paiid within five days from the final puWUcatlon of this notice, to-wlt: On or before Friday, November 15th, 1S93, the Common Council will order war rants iK&uttl for the collection of the (ame: Botty M. amd Lair-i J. Brenhami, Lot 7, H.ock 94, $100.00. M. P. Callteirtder, Lot i, Block 20, $198.73. Gust Holmes, Lot 6, Block 15, $198.73. Robert Johnson, Lot 4, Block 19, $198.73. Mary Adair Jordan, Lot 6, Block 94, $125.00. Blen Adair MendeOl, Lot 8 , Black 94, $125.00. Mary C. Ne-l3n, Lot 3, Blo;k 20, $198.73. Fmliivka Peterson, Lot 5, Block 15, $162.00. ScftocC District No. 1, Lot 1, Block 19, $198.73. Sdliool District No. 1, Lot 2, Block 19, $198.73. Sdhlotf District No. 1, Lot 3, Block 19, $198.73. Mrs. Lettle E. Starr, Lot 2, Block 20, $198.73. Kate Adair Wclchcr, Lot 3, Block 94, $150.00. Morrlu Wise, Lot 1, Block 20, $198.73. OhmiHtinu Young, Lot 7, Black 15, $198.73. OhriMtlna Young, Lot 8, Block 15, $168.73. By order of Ulie Common Counl". Attest: K. OSBURN, Auditor and Police Judge, City of Astoria. Astoria, Oregon, October 23d, 1R)5. FORTY-SECOND STREET ASSESS MENT NOTICE. Notice It) hereby given that the a:Bte8 ment maKle by Ordinance No. 2005, cf the City of Astoria, confirming the Assess ment on Roll No. 6, for the Improvement of 42d street 'from the souith Cine of A'lleyway through Blocks 5 and 6, to centor line of Bond street in Adair's Astoria, is now due and pay&bto in Unit ed States OoCd and Silver coin, at the office of the City Treasurer ond If not pafd 'within 6 diaym from the HnaC purJ caitlon of thits notice, to-wlt: on or be iftare Friday, Noverniber 15t'h, 1895, the Comimon CouincS will order 'warmnts Is sued for the collection of the same: 'Anglo-American Packing Co., Lot 3, Block 5, $70.07. A'njrlo-Aimerlean Packing Co., Lot 4, Bfiack 5, $160.00. Frieda Foard, south .half of Cot 2, Block 6, $:15.03. 'Prank Paitton (trustee) north naif of lt 2, Kwk U, $35.03. Frank PaWon (trustee) Lot 1, Block 6, $150.00. By order of the Common Council Attest: 1 K. OSBURN. Auditor and Police Judge, Orty of Astoria. Astoria, Oregon, October 23d, 1895. PROPOSALS FOR LUMMER. Notice is herelby given that pealed pro poaa.rs will be received by the coim.nlttee on stcrots anU paiihfiie ways of the city of Astoria, unf'I Wednets-lay, November 6th, 1895, at 2 o'clock p. m., for Bunplylng the City of Astoria with 100,000 feet (board moaisure) cf street plank, stringers, ttm bcra, side-walk tumher, etc. PrcpoailB tuafr. be vndorsl, bids for C-umiber and flCeM with the Auditor and PWPtoe Judge on or before the above dute, Htaitlng the price por thousand at mills or on dock, art! aiso price per thousand deCivcreti on stree-le, as required by the superintendent of streets. AU Qoimher must be good, sound fir, free from tup, slWakes, loose or rotten knots. Arc Unmoor to be f'irnLi'ie-1 In quiinti ittas and at times aa ordorc-J by the ttreen s.ipcrnitp-nuent. Bills wil'- he paiM montlhly (by warrants on the City Treasurer) for all lumber de Mvered the prevtious m'nthi The risHiit to reject any t.nd aCC bids 'hereby reserved. No contract wil! be entered into unless approved by the Common Council. ftv oivlor of the Committee on Streets and Public Ways. Attest: K. TJSBUR.V, Aiud;?tor amd Police Judge, Astoria, Orejron, October 23d, 1895. mVP.VU AVi:.l'E IMPROVRMIiNT NOTICE. Notice Is heimby given that tho Cmnnon Coimdil of the City ot Astorli, Oregon, .mtve d"termrnci to improve Irving Ave nue f:'oim the east line of 18th street to the cast Dlno af 24th street, mil In the city of ACo.tU as laid out and recorded by J. M. SCiiveiy, by removtnjr all brush, 'I U'i and wood, by gmaidlng and fiCKng to its full iwldlJh and ataitli;ihed grade, planking to tlhe iwiMth of 20 fee-t Ihrough ttie cernter twitti good fir plang 3 inches in thickness, touiiiing sld.waJks on both sides awo-eof ten ft In width with space of 2 feet next the curb for planting treeo. All :ihe i.nlpm'umen'ts to be made, strict ly in accordance with plans ond specifica tions and ontlnanVfB In relation thereto. Tlio Uuids ami pren s upon which the tipeoial assessment dha'C be levied to de fray the cotit and expense of suoh im provtimmt and district em'jraclng said '.'an'-lo anM prBinlts, be and the euims are deislifrnated as fallows, towlt: Commencing nit One northwest corner ot Lot i, in Rlcck 24, and running thonce Ea-teKy thrwij;lh tCie center line of said tbloi k and other bl3cks In the une tier to the r.orthiaa'st earner of Lot 4, in Block 29, and thenve south on the wet line of 21tih street to the northeast corner of Lot 8, Block 43. thence .w.'esterty throush Bhe center of said Block 4i, and other Hocks, ni tlie come tier to the south-west f orner of Lot S, BCock 51, rhenee northierly on tlhe weeit Cine of Blocks 51 and 24 to U'-.o place of beginning. Estimate's of the expenae of stKh lm provemortt and piams and diagrams of uch work or tmporvenent, and of the Ideality to be Improved, have been de posited by the city surveyor with the Aiidftor and FoTco Judge for public ex amlnation ami may be lo-qiected at the oftice of such ofnor. At the next regular n(lig of the Com mon Council following ttie final publica tion of this nottc. towit: On Wednes day, November tt'h, 1S9, at the hour of 7:30 p. m. at the City Hail the Common Council wr.r cor-si- any objections to such improvements being made, and if a uvcnvnss-ant.'e asUnt such improvtinent signed ty residents of ihe city of As- r!a owning more than one-half of the property In mid 5l"tiict ha'.C be flleU w?;h rl Audl'or and Police Juki;;-, sucj, improveaiPTit tfiall not be ordere.1. if at afl, exoejit by a vote of two-third of at -numbers of the Common Council. By order of the Common Conner. Attest: K. OSBL'RX, Aihlit-ir an-i Polce Judge. Astoria. Oregon. October 19th, 1SS8. 1 " " 1 " i . .ATsria r Call Into the Astorisn office snd get sample copies of our regu lar Commercial edition. It feans Money in Your Pocket. FREEMAN & HOLMES. Blacksmiths. Special attention paid to steamboat re pairing, flrst-class horseshoeing, eta LOGGING CflfdP 010RK A SPECIALTY XU7 Olney street, between Third end and Fourth. Astoria, Or. As Franklin says, good dress opens all doors, you should not lose sight of the fact that a perfect fitting suit is the main feature. Wanamaker & Brown are noted for fit, workmanship and superiority of Qualities. Their rep resentative vlBlts Astoria every three months. Office 64 Deknm Building, Portland, Or Reserve orders till you have seen the spring line of samplon They Lack Life There are twines sold to fishermen on the Columbia river that stand In the same ' relationship to Marshall's Twine as a wooden image does to the human being they lack strength life evenness and lasting qualities. Don't fool yourself Into the belief that other twines besides Marshall's will do "just ac well." They won't. They cannot. IS THERE? Is there a man with heart so cold, That from his family would withhold The comforts which they all could find In articles of FURNITURE of th right kind. And we would suggest at this season, nice Sideboard, Extension Table, or se of Dining Chairs. We have the larges and finest line ever shown In the city and at prices that cannot fall to pleas tho closest buyers. HEILBORN & SON. Dalgity Iron Works, General flachlnlst and Boiler Works. All kinds of Cannery, Ship, Steamboat and Engine Work of anv Description. Castings of all kinds made to order. Foot of Lafavette St., Astoila, Or. ASTORIA IRON WORKS Conromly St., foot of Jackson. Astoria. General Machinists and Boiler Makers lnj and Marine Engines, Boiler work, Steam boat and Cannery Work Specialty. Castings of All Descriptions Made to Ord-ji m Short Notice. fohn Vox. President anj SupertMi-i-i -i A. L. Fox Vice President 0. H. Prael.. Secretar Are You Going East? If so, drop a line to A C. Sheldon, general agent of the "Burlington Kou.'," 250 Washington St., Portland. He will mall you free of charpe, maps, time tables, and advise you aa to the through rates to any point, reserve sleeping car accommodations for you, and furnish you with through tlcketr via either the Northern, Union, South ern. Canadian Pacific, and Great North ern railroads at the very lowest rates obtainable. The Burlington Route Is generally lonceded to be the finest equipped rail road In the world for all classes of travel. Canadian Pacific RAILWAY. AMERICA'S flnaitnrr i Wnir- Pnnti Railway System. TO -IN- Palace Dining Room and Sleeping Cars. Luxurious Dining Cars. Elegant Day Coaches. ALSO - Observation Cars, allowing Unbroken Views of the Wonderful Mount ai Country. $5.00 and $10.00 fved on ll tlilets Eit. Tourist curs the bent on wheels. J-qulpmeutf of the rerjr finest -ALS0-Canadian Pacific DOHA Mill STEAMSHIP LINE -TO- China and Japan. China steamers leave Vancouver, B. C; Emprns al India Emprni of Japan Emprras a Clima Emcraas of India Empvaaa of Jaian Enprtaa of China Ant;, jth. A uh. iKh. Da. Mih, Nov, nth. Ut. otti. Auitrallaa atraaavr laavt Vaiwoa var, B. C , otn oa wvwry munim. For ticket ritM ind Infnrmttlnn .11 on or adJrtss JAS. FINLAYSON, Agent, W. F. Carson, Travelin; Pass. Art., Tacoma, vah. Gsp. Mel. Drown, Dist fass. A?t, Vancouver, a. H. A. SMITH DENTIST. , Uoumi i and 2. PjrthUn muIU...... over O. il Cooper's Jore. Ueioun'rhy'sicUa." KolrCtlc. DRl PltmCMN AND BURUEON. Odlce over Albert Dunbur's tor, cor. 9th and Co imerclal. Price.: Call.. s connLim-u, $10,110. Operation, at .hie. free; medicine furnished. W C. LOGAN, D. U- d.. 1K-NTAL PAULOi:: Muiiseil block, t.73 TWrd DR. EIUV JANSON. PHYSICIAN ANL bUUGhUA Ofllee over Olsen s drug ntoie. Uuurs. it to 12 a! m.; 2 to 6 and 7 to p. m. Sun days, 10 to 11. LIBERTY P. MULUNIX. M. D.. PHYSICIAN ANU BURUEON. Office, G84V4 Third Bt., Astorlu, Ore. Special attention given to all chroul diseases. Dlt. O. B. ESTEB, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Speciui atiuntlon to dlHine ot worn en and surgeiT. Office over Danzlger's store, Antorla Telephone 'c 62 JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHrsiClAN. BURGEON, AND AiJCOUCHEUR. Offlce, Rooms and , Pythian Building. Hours, 10 to lJ and to 6. Residence, 6S9, Cedar street DOCTOR ALFRED KINNEY, OFFICE AT HIS RESIDENCE May be found in his oillte until il o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until 1 p. m., and from 5 until 7:30 evenings . H. T. CROSBY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 40S Commercial Street. W. M. LaForce. S. B. Smith. LaFORCE & SMITH, ATTORNEYS-AT-YAW, 386 Commercial street. J g. A. BuWLBI, ATTORNEY AND COLKi-'i-Li rt AT LAV'. Office on Second Street. Astoria. Or. J. N. Dolph. Richard Nixon Chester V. Dolph. DOLPH, NIXON & DOLPH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Por-tiaoid, Oregon, 24, 25, 26, and 27, Hamilton Building. All legal and col lection business promptly attended to. Claims against the government a spe cialty. SOCIETY MEETINGS. TEMPLE LODGE NO. 7, A. F. aud A. M. Regular communications held on the ilrst and third Tuesday evening ot each month. W. G. HOWELL, W. il E. C. HOLDEN, Soratary. MISCELLANEOUS. REAL ESTATE, NOTARY PUBLIC. W. C. CAS9ELL, 178 Tenth street. WHEN IN PORTLAND l "all ou Handley & Haas, 160 First street, and get the Dally Astoran. VlBltoru neeo not mine their morning paper 'hni there. fKVFRAOES VTINES AND Bi-tAfsi'tli'a. - a- !'fu fundel wine Instead of er.f- oi te. fifty cents per gallon. Di-n t turRi-t peach and apricot brandy. A No Frrnt-f-Cognac and wine at Attn GUI"-! - MUSIC HAlib. ICUAT .Nii &Vm w.ll iip.:i their A: lliiilo il al at av.i Astor .--treet, Satuniiiy tli tcth. Tiny will it -to it keep uuinberlt-Ks gr.u 1 n uorn and cigurK besides havln-i (rood music nil the time. A. V. ALL, EN, DF-ALtU IN Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Trtiits Vegetables, Crodiery, Glass and Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies. Cor. Casj aud Squemo.Ui- Streets. Asf.rU, Ore DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP, Notice la hereoy given that the partner ship heretofore exlstlns between the un dersigned, under the firm name and style Oregon Tranr,poitntlon Compuny, id this day dissolved by mutual consem. All outstanding bills or accounts being pay ab.e to Cupt. Haul Schrader, and He as suming the payment of all debts due by said firm. Astoria, Or., May 13, W. PETER H. CRIM, PAUL SCHRADER. STEAMERS Telephone &. Bailey Gatzert. Columbia River and Puget Sound Nav igation CO. ; Two Daily I3oata to Portland "TelHpbono" Wvea Astoria at 1 n m daily (except 8nm!Rv. P JfTe,i rrtla,ul ' t1r,ily t 7 a. m., ex cept Surulav. .vBw'7 6",zert" Ivrs Astoria TnM. day, Wednesday, Tl.nreday, Friday and Saturday morning nt 6:45 a. m : Sunday evwiing at 7 p. m. ' oun,l8x Leaves Port mnd dnily at 8 p. m ex cejrt buuday. On Saturday at 11 C. W. STONE, A cent, Astoiia. V. a Scott. PresldentePhne Na 1L A. Beeley, Qen'l Art.. Portland. S. H. VVILLETT, PLUMBING, Om arid Steam Fitting, Hot Air, Steam and Water Heating.-.. IT Twelfth str-a-t A.torla, Or Horth Paeifie Breiaery JOHN KOFP.Prop Bohemian Lager Beer And XX PORTFP. Ieare order arlth J T r-.-i unnrrid. Bnloon ' tl " the W promptly attsnd Tto rJert wUl 1 ilSLV