THE,D!AILY ASTftRIAN, ASTOKIA, WEDNESDAY HOMING, OCTOBER h, 1895. What is Castoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infents and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotio substance. It Is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OIL It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by BUlllons of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cnres Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria is a czoellcnt medicine for chil dren. Mothers hart reputedly told me of its good effect upon their children." Da. O. C Osgood, , t Lowell, Mass. "Caiterla is the best remedy for children of which t am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real Interest of their children, and use Castoria instead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, msrphlne, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Da. J. P. Kjnchelob, Conway, Ark, The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New York CHy. FOR TILiLiAmOOK, NEHALEM GOAST POINTS 8 OTHER STEAHERS R. P. EhpORE, VL H- HARRISON, AUGUSTA. Sailin dates to and from Tillamook and Nehalem depend . on the weather. For freight and passenger rates apply to v'; ELMORE, SANBORN & CO., Agents. 0. K & N. CO., After (Deals! Or Rl any otlmr time when you iU b good cit-'sr ask for ihe well known, bome - made, liund-mBue, white !ulor eight "La Belle Astoria." Conceded by nil smokers to be tie best cigar manufacturer!. W. F. S CHI EBB, 71 flinty Street, Astoria, Oregon. EVERY REQUISITE FOR : first Class funerals : -AT POHli'S Undertaking Parlors, THIRD STREET. Rate Rruoniou Embalming Specialty "THE MILWAUKEE." The only railroad lighting its trains by electricity. , Toe only railroad using the celebrated ecric berth reading lamp. The coaches now running on "The Mil waukee" are Palaces on Wheels. On all Its through lines, the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway runs the most perfectly equipped trains of Sleep ; Q, Parlor, and Hiring Cars and Coaches. For lowest rates to any point in the United tSates and Canada, appty to ticket agents, or address C. J. EDDY, General Agent, Portland. Oregon. Castoria. " Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription knows, to me." H. A. Akchbk, M. D hi Bo. Oxford Bt., Brooklyn, N, Y. " Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon It," United Hospital and Dispensary, Boston, Haas. Allen C. Smith, Pnt. All Li Open por Special Gharter. Aeens, Portland. "A TALENTED EDITOR." Gentlemen: I had occasion to use several boxes of Krause's Headache Capsules! while traveling to Chicago to attend the National Democratic Con vention. They acted like a charm in, preventing headaches and dizziness. Have had very little headache since my return, which is remarkable. Youra. respectfully JOHN U. SHAFFER, Ed. Renovo (Pa.) Record. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria, Or., sole agent FOAflD & STOKES GO. DEALERS IN Picnic Canned Goods, Tents, Camp Stoves, Cooking Utensils, Baskets, And the latest Ill-Wool Sleeping Bags At all prices. Just the thing for camp ers, prospectors, etc Sure to keep warm at nights. Better than blankets. Bli S la a aon-BoiaonoM rcswdy for GonorrtKM, GlMt, Spermatorrhoea, Whlua, inliitl du I ehargea, or any Inflamma tion, imuuoB or Biwra Lion of noeoal Bkem- or ml ia alain wrapoer. 1 expreoi. pnia, it Ml t.r a bottlna. t2.75. icalaf on nqiiaat. i lalrl 1 J Oavaama a . a mi w amun. Tide Table f of October, 1895. Hion WATER. LOW WAT1B. DATE. P.M. h.ra ft.llh.m I ft ft. h.ra I ft Tuesday. .. 1 llS-'7 4i 0 2217 2'. 11 4 .7 21 4 881 -0 81 0 9 !5i Wednesday 2 Thursday. S 12 IK.7 7 12 4:17 9 IOS'8 1 1 :tt H 4 607 DM 7 0U 7 a Friday.... Saturday. . SUNDAY . Monday. ., Tuesday . . Wedn'Bd'y 0 07i7 a: 1 :;i 7 1, 211 70, 2olU7! S iM.d 4 t 21ij l i 5 2 S lil 6-1 IS 7 7 Mil) Oi 9 01 1)4; 7 u 10;i7,; 7, USO'8 li '6 8S s! -1 6 -2 2 2 ft! 8 ft 2 35'8 6 3128 6 8 2718 31 4 52 8 0j 7 ol 8 18 8 60,-2 I 57 Thursday. .lu 10 20 0 0l 120 frlday 11 Saturday. .la 000 719 8.1S 1150 HON DA V. 11 2 8:1 Muudny....M TueHduy...!.1 WodD'sd'y li) Thursday .17 Friday 884 lOWSOi 4i!-0ll 1147(8 615 r.oo -0 7 12 00,8 61 -0 8 12 88 91 6 42 7 21 -1 1 Saturday.. H 2 8 0, 1 18 9 2 21)0 9 2 2 41 9 01 818 6 ia BUN1MY. ml 218 8 08, noo, 6 I" 7 20 8 25 8 00 Monday ..21 8 401 2 6 8 2' 8 8! 4 0; 0 8! 12 16 17 le 18 20 Tuesday.. &' Wtxlu'sd'y Zi 9 25 4 IB 7 9 5 15 7 8 621 07 78066 8 468 0 4864 10 8816 6! 1124 6 9 10 20 Tiiurauay .zh Friday.... 8f 11 82 0 8S Saturday. !!t hL'NDA V 27 Monday . in Tuesday ..!! Wedn'ad'yKi 140 9 10 6 5 9 52 6 8 2 40 8 30 412 4 62 6 2!t 10 25,7 2 10 57 7 6 11 27(7 Tiinr!iny.i ALONG THE WATER FRONT. eteaimer Hunrtson leaves out Mils morning with a cargo of cannery Supplies for Khe Nehale.-n. The oteaimer Elder left out for San Framctoeo yesterday afternoon with a full cargo bt flour and other tnlsccftaneous stuff, from PortOand. The 'Boslyri Coall Company has received order from tho United States (rovern meti o 0jace 250 tonj of Its coal alboard tihe orultser Phillade'.phla, now at What com. The ooan vll tic taken there from Tacdma on "barges. Thia to, no doubt, the TesuDt of he tests made here !uet spning by itlhe government boats and Scout. ArJ United States vessels on Wie Sound formeiCy took Blue Caaiyon coal alt wlhaltcom. Tacoma News. The fottowmg laite freilght raitea on oainned' saltaon In carload itota from this river to a few of the pnlncitaal jobbing points may prove Interesting. Th niinl mum 4s 30,000 pounds, or 430 cases. New York, Chicago, St. Ixiuls, Bt. Faui, Omiafiia, Detroft, Cincinnati, CCevelond, Toledo, Piitfcstourg (Pa.), BuWalb, New Or Cleans, Houston, Galveston, Sain Antonio, Fort Worth and DalJias, Texas, 65 cents per 100 poundb; Boston, 75 cents; Phlla deCphta, 73 cenUK . A. C. Dan-son, of Arlington, Or., sends the AWtonian "tiha following- interesting Item: It miay be tnteiresfting to your flh ermen readers to know that last week Boane very larg sturgeon "were captured in the CoCluimMtt River at tlhls p:aoe by two fishermen from the lower river one taJcen yedtenlay iwetetied, When dressed, over 600 pounds. The average catch in tihe last six days 'has been two per day, and tihe emalCietst fish -weighed 145 pounds. This section of tihe Columbia river has never been fished before for slturgoon., The edhooner Ethol Zane, just arrived at Port Tawnsend from PeteropiuJovskl, Siberia brings interesting news of the fldhling Industry In Russia's desolata do main. Tine iwalter in the bay of Pet&ro- pauCovfekl fairly swarms wMv Ba'jmon and Warning In the suimimer, and two salmon canneries -will ibe hullt at that point next sealon. They come in from the open Bea and circle out agailn. Since tihe trans Siberian ruBroad is to be opened, It is proposed to oStabtish large fish canneries and ehlp itJhie product direct to 3t. Peters burg amd other pailts of Russia, The oaipbaltn of 'the Zar.e says he never saw a place (where saltnwn were so plentiful- Large slhipmente of Mie past summer's gra'ln crop and salimon pack are now tax ing tihe carrying- capacity of the steam ers pS'ylng on Puget sound, and between the Sound and San Framolsoo. The fetoaimer WuBla, WaCto, -wHiMi. -waa to have come to Tacoma yesterday to load 1,200 tons of grain for San "Francisco, got so imuch freight at down Sound points What slhe had no room for tihe Tacoma shipment. The Steamer City of Pueibla, thie test Steamer from the Sound to the GoMen Gate city, also carried a largeJ cargo from this port. The next steamer due here 'Will have enough grain await ing her to make a cargo by ItseCf. The Wallla WaCla will Bail tomorrow morning with 8,000 sacks of oats from Anacortes, 5,000 oases of samon from down Sound canneries and 15 oamloads of freight from Sound cfties. The salmon wla go to New York via the Isthnvus of Panama The steamer Utopia is bringing 30,000 cases of salmon from Friday Harbor, to be shipped to England by sailing ves sels. News. lAnotlhier eouvemlr of marine disaster has reoenltly been found, bringing to itrtlnd thie terrlbCie fate which befeil the Victoria tug Estel'le and her crew In February of Clafert year, says tihe Colonist. Seeling the account of the finding of the KeUeemtaiw's ncumebcard in yesterday s Colonist romlnde-l Captalln H. R. Foot, of t'he stenm schooner Mischief, of a SimKar reillc Iwhliyh he had seen last meek when compMtlnR a voyage around Vancouver tefand. He had taken the outside passage, and when reaching Campibe!ll river on the inside and home weird run he picked up two passengers, Dr. Currie and Mr. Morrlsv both of Na roartmo. These gentlemen had been camping In tihe vicinity of Campbell river, and -wlhlle there discovered the gilded board on which the Cost EstelCe'a name -was toiseribed. The two took passage on the MWchlef 'to Nanalmo where tliey disembarked, taking with them the fragment of wreckage. The lost tug's mysterious disappearance alfter leaving Namalmo with supplies for the northern logging c -mpa 1s ctill freSh in the Tniemory of Victorians, and thougti wreckage indtcating her faite has pre viously been found, the picking up oi her nameboard at about the earns time as that of the Keweenaw Is regardeTl as a peculiar coinci'lience. Tho Chip Manuel Llaguno arrived at this port May 16th with a fuK genera cargo from New York, says the Ban Fran' Cisco Commercial! News. She discharged, took In 500 tons of bailCaSt and sailed for Honolulu May 25th. Arrived at "Hono- '.oiliu June th and discharged bai'Iam. On June 30 She sailed for New York wltih a cargo n! 2.730 tors ?ar stowed under Her a'tohfs. Klie a- rived at New York October 10:Ci. 102 day from Hono. !(uJu, and 147 days from date of arrival here from New York. The mellal ShHps iToop na timio ti. starbuck and the HeCon Brciwer, from HonoCiuCu for New vork, iwlMcffi sailed respectlveJy on Ma; 2th, June 29th and June lfttfh, have not ifl vet been reported at destination.. The Starbuck left this port two days before tihe I.auno for Honolulu, and arrived alt Honolulu two days before her rival, each making tfre same passage down. She got away from tihe toCands five days aJead of tihe LCajruno, but tihe "wooden thlp has beaten her thoroughly on the trip home. It Is reported the sugar crop on the islands will be unusually targe ttris year, and a much larger pro- portiion tlhan ever before iwilt be shipped direct to the Atlantic coast, which will tend to steady freights here. If the crop of gram is elmaM or the Mst of tonnage large, and advance them If the conditions are favorahte for shipping. The American ililp PartfhK from Liy. erpoWl for Saa Francisco with a cargo of coal, has been burnt at sea-. Captain Career and eighteen of the ere ore miss ing, anH Wib chances are that they per tshed in mid-ocean. The second officer amU part of the crew reached Valparaiso an a pmaHs conartlon. They had bat thrf with One waves for days, and being snort or provmons and witer mr at mfcst ready to give up hn tfie const wa sighted. About tihe 27th of to morrtSi smoke was noticed making lu iway out or ttra natdhes. The veaset ros then about 400 miles off the south coast of ChEe, and the captain at once Ivea'led her for land. ErerytMnff was toalttened down, nnd the decks were kept conatuntOv fiooddd -with water. The at tempt to smother tine fire was useiess, and at noon, on the lBt Inst., it got be yond control. The wooUiwork was afire, and the crew had to abandon the ship, Captain Carter went In one boat, and with him went Mie majority or the crow, The livers went with second mate in the captain's gig. During the night the boats separuted, and finai'ly the mate, after battling with the waves for nearly .v foi'tnlgilit, reached Vwlparalso. Both boats were poo.-ly provisioned, and tihe chances are tliat If not picked up by a rLai elni t'iilp Capia.n Carter and h..s crew wffXi die of Elbarvatlon. The Parth'ia iwaa buDJt at Buth, Me., in 1891, and was ot 2,370 tons no: burden. She was 2G0 feet tocftves long, 44 feet 4 Inches broad and 19 feet 6 Inches "deep. She came to San Francisco on her maiden trip and took a load of wheat to Cork. Captain Carter wiaa on his way back with a lead ot coat .when the disaster occurred. ECONOMY IN FUEL. v T:w Eureka Fuel Econornizer la a scl- entlflcal preparation which augments the intensity of coal and wood heat in the pronorttan of 33 per cent. If the dUrectlon printed on each pack age Is carefully Obserwd, the Eureka Coal Economizer will give to any crdlna ry or middling, coal the -Jume value as thlat sf superior quawty. The Eureka Fuel Bcono.nlzer prevents the shoots, the cinders and the formation of smoke, which may spoil. In an apart ment, so many vaU'uaiW.e articles, such as curtains, paintings, etc. The Eureka burns any kind of gas wNich might destroy the breat'hlaible air; apartments and factories In n-hleh it is used are consequently more healthy and comfortable. In less, than five minutes, one can obtain a very brisk fire which Willi last thirty hours without being stirr ed up and without any addition of fresh coal. Hence an economy of. coal, work and money. The Eureka Economizer produces a heat more soft and more conecntiUted; when a normal heat is wanted, the ventilation must be partly Stopped and, again, an economy in fued is to be relied upon. We guarantee that our preparation pro duces no Injurious effect on the health, and does not affect lit any way stoves, ranges, grates, etc. Ijainge consumers cam obtain the pro duct, which we do not hesitate in term ing "irtarvclous," at much more reduced prices. Each Backlog beans, wlthi very explicit directions, our trade murk, representing four hands crossed together above a Won with this motto: "In union there is strength." Any oounterfefter shaCQ be dealt according to law. We receive too frequently applications for samples, and lit Is withi regret that we aro compelled to refuse the sending of the SA'me. Heretofore we have Mb enaTJly given away samples In order to popularize our product, but wo cannot afford to support such heavy expense any longer. The moderate price of our pro duct is in' the reach of anybody who wants to try It. It is for the same reason Chat we have decided to send it direct on receipt of 25 cents. To try is to be convinced th'at our pro duct fs a triumph of science. 25 cents each package, sent free of charge. AflERICAN EUREKA FBEL ECONOMIZER CO. 180 Broadway. New York, U. S. A. WHAT OUR GIRLS COST. Three Thousand Dollars a Year to Train Them. "Whore does the very young American girl pet her amazing sense of savoir falre7" asked a titled Englishman at Nejwport the other day. He had sat at dinner be&Me the youngest daughter of the house, oarjlwd 1n by her mother to take a suddenly vacated seat at a grand dliniraer party. The pretty miss had vol unteered to the amiaible British gentle' mam that She had never siat at a dinner parity before, and yet he observed her manners showed all tho quiet easa, the lively selif-possession and pretty dignity Wiiait would have dono credit to a duehees. "Alh, She attends a fashionable board Ung Bdhocti," exdolimed a Newport belle iwlho overheard t'he remark; "and a fash ionalble school 1n America gives a very dllfDerent sort of training from that girls get 4n Frondh convents andi under Eng lish governesses. At our schools the girls are not onCy taught tholr three R'e and some othier thllng's, but after that tlhoy are trained In the path they must wallk when Klhey are ready to become detbiiBanltea, It leasts the parents about 3,000 a year for every daughter sent to one of thiese temples of polite education: for, 'first of BtO, rhcy live while they study like UMie princesses. Their school flod&lnglj are divided into most ehnrirtlng suites, itlhey are reguCarCy. attonded by 'mainloures ainld halrdresscrs.and a teacher of ilhyuleal cu'lfire drUC them twice weekly In ihe canons ot grace and ease; anvi there are maids provided to assist at every tol'Xit mialds who speak several AmguagA. They dine In full toltet every night at the fashionable hour, are sent to an opera box twilce a week to hear li best music, and aro tausht only those accomplishments that aro Oho fads of the day. They are allowed to read eifdh novels as will give them a true in- slRht Info the society they are to enter, but wffl not hurt their young minds; the Mtilhetat olass daily papers are brougiht fresh to their breakfast tables every imorrtLng, and the parents are encour aged -to afford their daughters such lib eral aEiawainces as wKl enable the girts to give generously to charity. As schdol girls, then, they enjoy all the luxury, the sense of power their money and posi tion bring, and are taught to regard shy, awkwardness of manner as a greater fault than bad! speCOing." DernoresV Magazine. Sardou has attacked the hitherto spot lfs personal character of St. Just of Franidh revolution fame. The dramatist says St. Just, three years before the out break of the revolution, hadi spent six montlhis im tall. He had beaten his rrrthier, who refused him money, broken ttier cabinet, from which he stole tilver and Jewelry, and was arrested In a disorderly house, Where Hie was spend ing the proceeds. It's Just as easy to try One Minute Cough Cure as anything else. It's easier to cure a severe cough or cold with It, Let your next purchase for a cough be One Minute Cough Cure. Better medi cine; better results; better try it. Chas. Rogers. Thie meet intense cold yet produced artlftciaiHy exceeded 400 degrees bctow zero. The U. S. Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to all others. This hlsfcMft hrlflM 4m o fla-alAt fM Fiance, which passes over a gorge' 413 rest uecp. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria The greatest amount of specific heat is contained by water. The leact by bismuth. IT'S DANGEROUS OROUND That you are standing on with a cough or a cold, and your Mood Impire. Out of Just these conditions comes Consump tion. Tou must do something. In the earlier stages of Oortsumptkm, and in all the (xmdUkms that bsd to It, Dr. Pierce' GdiJen Medical Discovery is a certa'n remedy. This scrofulous affection of h aunes, Wke "very other form of Scrofula. can be cured by it. In severe, lingering conhs. all Bronchia, Throat and Lung AffecrVnis, and every dlseaa that can be rear tied through ths biood, it is the only mewHie wo enecuvs tnat, once used. dress World's Dispensary MedlcaC Apso- ctunron, uunaio, in. x. The targeal clock is mid to be In Buf foLo, N. Y. Its dial plate Is 25 feet In diameter. ELIJCTKIC BITTEI. Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any Beason, but psrhaps mors generally needed In the spring, when the laniruld exhausted feeling Is prevailing, when th! liver is torpid and sluggish and the need ot a tonic and alterative Is felt. A prompt use of this medicine hi often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act more surely .i counteracting ana Treeing the system DJttlo at Chas. Rogers' druar store. Tlie longest epon of telegraph wire crosses Ulna Xistnaih river, in India o-cr 6,000 feet. The heating properties of DeWitt's witch Hazel Salve are well known. It cures eczema, skin affections, and is Blm ply a perfect remedy for piles. Chas. Rogers. The greatest cape In the world IS Cape Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria The oldest known artMlnn wbIS mo sunk at Lillers, France, In the tweCftln cermiry. thinness The diseases of thinness are scrofula in children, consumption in crown people, poverty of blood in either. Thev thrive on leanness. Fat is the best means of overcoming them. Everybody knows cod-liver oil makes the healthiest fat. In Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil the taste is hidden. thf oil i rh'crpctprl . . - it-,-v- it is ready to make fat. When you ask for Scott's Emulsion and your druggist gives you a package In a salmon-colored wrapper with ths pict ure of the man and fish on it-you can trust that man I 50 cents and $1.00 Scott & Bowm, ChemUu, New York Taka a small quantity of Cnttolan and a little cream ; warm in a frying pan. Break t em In It and stir until alight! ooukod. Ban hot, Use not more than two-thirds as much Cottolene as you would butter and be sure that you do not overheat it before dropping in the eggs. This is always essential in cook ing with Cottolene. Oannlna Oottolena ia sold arerrwhen la Una with trado-marka "PollolW ana Ifm'l Aat 4n eotloti-plant wreath onarerr tin. Made onljr bjr THE N. K. FXIRBANK COMPANY, SI. Louli, Saw K.rl tmUm. ' Bjnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiniiiu Few Hen Would Ask for a Finer Dinner than those we serve. We're trying In every way to make them the most en joyable In town. All the "good things" ot the season cooked by our excellent cook in the most delicious ityle. Perfect service. If you invite a friend to the Palace Restaurant the place is a sufficient guar antee tnai ne win receive a gooa mem, The Palace Restaurant Snap R lodak at any man coming out ot our store and you'll get a portrait o( a man brimming over with pleasant thoughts. Such quality In the liquors we have to oiler arc enough to PLEASE ANY MAN.j Corne and Trg Them hughes & CO. Signature Is printed la BLUE diagonally acroaa the OUTSIDE wrappej of every . bottle of (the Original and Oeaulne) VorcterhIre SAUCE Am m further protection mgxlast Mil Imitation. AgaarU for the Halted Mats JOHN DUNCAN,5'0N5.fN.VV "3 1. vSP llJa. i.naliii-nin-;i Jjjr THE BEST TOBACCO. 1872 1895 pisrer , Brothers, Sell ASTORIA, Lubricating OILS A Specialty, Ship Chandelery, Hardware, Iron & Stoel, Coal, Groceries & Provisions, Flour & Mill Fee J, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Loggers Supplies', Fairbank's Scales, Doors & Windows, Agricultural Implements Wagons & Vehicles. . E. flcNEIL, Receiver. Gives Choice of T mo Transcontinental Routes, Via Ogden, Denver Via Spokane and St. Paul. and Omaha or St. Paul. Pullman and Tourist Sleeperai Free Reclining Chairs Car, Astoria to San Francisco. Seaite of CUlWomki, PnlJ'ay, Oct. 11. -Ooluirtbla, Wednesday, Oct. 16. State of OaMfbrnta, MtonUny, Oct. 21. ColumM'a, Saiturday, Odt. 20. Stiato of CoJlUfornia, Thureklay, Oct. 31. Oolumibto, Tuastllay, Nov, 6. Astoria and Portlnd Steamers. The T. J. Potter will leave Astoria at 7 p. m. dally, except Sunday; leave Port land at 7 a. ni. dally, except Sunday. The It. R. Thompson will leave Astoria at fl:4fi a. m. dally, except Sunday; leave Portland at 8 p. m. dolly, except Satur day. For rates and general information cull on or address C. F, OVEJIIBAUUH, Commercial Agent, Astoria, Or. W It. HURL.BUIIT, 0n. Pas. Agt. Portland. tr. Are You Going Eaat? Be sure and see that your ticket reads via HE NORTH-WESTER!) LINE. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS and OMAHA RAILWAYS. This li the GREAT SHORT LINE Between DULUTH, ST. PAUL, . CHICAGO And all Points East and South. ThUr Magnificent Track. Peerless Ves Ubuled Dining and Sleeping Car Trains and Motto: ALWAYS ON TIME " Have given this road a national reputa tlon. AH classee of passenger carried on the vestlbuled trains without extra .t,.ro.a Hhln vnur freight and travel over this famous line. All agents have ticket. H. MEAD, F. C. SAVaOH, Gen. Agent Trav. F. and P. Agt W Washington St. Portland. Or. Mm. T. 8. FmwVtn. ChattinoT.. Tenn,, says, "fahllor's Vitallzer "BAVKD MY LIFii I consider it tne best rent dy for a debilitated system I ever used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kid nejr trouble. It ex cell Pilvs 76 cts. For Sale by J. W. Conn. PIPE Ol m' Japanese Bazaar SING LUNG. Prop. njintcn Coeds Just Received An cxccllitit sto.-k of underwear, hos iery, cupa, fctc, it excrinely low prices. 417 Bond Street, next door to Monier'B Fruit Store, ndio The Oas:s of ti;f COLCfrtADO DESERT A Hew Health Pesorfc BELOW THE LEVEL OF THE SEA Absolutely . Dry and Pure Tropical Climate Pronounced by Physicians the most Favorable in America for Sufferers from ... Lung Diseases and Rheumatism fil any Remarkable Cures The Objections urroil turn In at Tnriln In the Dast bv thA lnrftA mimhnra whA otherwise would have been glad to tak advantage ot Its beneficial climate, has been a lack nf milin.hlo tlon. The Southern Paclflo Company, takes pleasure In announcing that sev eral Commodious and Comfortable Cottages have Just been erected at Indlo sta tion, that will be rented to applicants at reasonable rates. They are tur nlthed with modern conveniences, sup plied with pure artesian water, and so situated as to gove occupants all the advantages to be derived from a mora or less protracted residence In this de lightful climate. (From the San Francisco Argonaut.) "In the heart ot the great desert ot the Colorado whloh the Southern Fa cllio road traverses there Is an oasis called Indlo, which, In our opinion, li tho sanitarium ot. the earth. We be-' lleve, from personal Investigation, that for certain Invalids, thee Is no spot or this planet so favorable." a. T. Stewart, M. D., writes: "The purity of tho air, and the eternal sun shine, All one with wonder and delight. Nature has accomplished so much that there remains but little for man to do. As to its possibilities as s health resort, -here Is the most per. feet sunshine, with a temperature al ways pleasant, a perfectly dry soli for rain is an unknown factor: pure oxygen, densa atmosphere and pure water. What more can be desired? It Is the place, above ill others, for lung troubles, and a paradise for rheu matics. Considering the number ot sufferers who have been cured, I have no hesitancy in recommending this genial oasis as the haven of the afflict. ed." INDIO Ih 612 iniles-from SAN FRANCISCO and 130 niles from LOB ANCELES Fare from Los Angeles 3-co For further Information Inquire of any Southern Paclllo Company agon', or ad drees E. P. ROQEttS, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt. S. P. Co. J. B. KIRKIiAND, Dlst. Pass. Agt. Cor. Klr and Alder St Portland. Or. J. A FAST ABEND, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, PILE DfilVEfl, HOUSE, BRIDGE JlflD WHAHl' BUILDER. AdJrm, box 180, Postoflice. ASTORIA. OR SEASIDE SnWjHIIiIi. A complete stock of lumber on nun.1 In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus tic, celling, and all kinds of llilah; mouldings and s)ilngls; also bnclt work dons to order. Terms reasonable and prices at bedrock. All order promptly tttended to. Office and yai-l at mill. H. K U LOOAN, Prop'r Bedside. Oregon. NOTICE. The partnership heretofore existing be tween C. J. Greenland and Anton Brix florists. Is. hereby dissolved by mutual consent, and all debts of the said firm will be paid by C. J. Qreenlund and C. Q. Palmberg, and all outstanding accounts are due and payable to them. C. J. GRERNLUND, ANTON BRIX. . KARL'S Cl.OW.TL nOTVP t Blood Durlfler. elves rrxenn... clearnees to the complexion and cuies Constipation, ?5 cts.. So cts , $1.00. ror naie uy j. w. Conn. INDORSED BT THR PBJS38. have used Krause's Keadacne Capsules wuu snusiuciory results. 1 CouKht a bflT Whlph Ont I nU $.nii l-.rt cured me of a dreadful sick h'.idache. My wife and mvself nave both used ins iiitruiciuvs ninutaciarea Dy the Norman Llcbty Mfg Co., and wo re commend them to the publlo as being J Just what they are represented. Rp)ieotfuiiv, W; J. HUTCHISON'. Ed. Gazette, Pleasant Hill. Mo. Twenty-five cents, for sale by CtM. Kora, AMirl. Or.. -c"tj. Captain Bweenoy, U. S. A.. Sun DieFro Cal., says: "Bhlloh's Catarrh Rcniu lr Is the first medicine 1 have eve r f nr i that would in me any good. Price W cts. Bold by J. W. Conn.