THE DAILY, isTOEIAN, , ASTOEU, . SATURDAY 3IOENING, OCTOBER 19, 1898. for Infants and Children. MOTHERS, Do You Know that Paregoric, Bateman's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, many so-called Soothing Syrups, ud most remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine? Wo Ton Know that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic poisons? ' ;"; ' r fo Yon Know that In most countries druggists ore not permitted to sen narcotics .without labeling them poisons ? Ho Yon Know that you should not permit any medicine to be given your child unless yon or your physician know of what it is composed t o Tou Know that Castoria is a purely vegetable preparation, and that list of its ingredients is published with every bottle ? Ho Tow Know that Castoria is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Pitcher. . That it has been in use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria is now sold than of all other remedies for children combined ? .. , - . . . lo Yon Know that the Patent Office Department of the United States, and of other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word " Castoria" and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison offense? Io Yon Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection ' was because Castoria had been proven to be absolutely harmless T i.'. Io Yon Know that j$ average doses of Castoria are furnished for 35 centaur one cent a dose ? Io Yon Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may be kept well, and that yom may have unbroken rest? Well, tliese things are worth knowing. They are facts. The fac-slmlle . signature of Children wy for Pitcher's Castoria. FOR ' - i.- .. . i , TILbflmOOK;, NHHALEM COAST POINTS OTHER STEAHERS Harrison, AUGUSTA. Sailin dales, to ' 'aii'd from Tillamo.nk and Nehalem depend ':.:on the weather. For freight and passenger '" . ." ;.'"v . .. . 1 att's apply to .V V.' il 1. v i:X ELMO&c, SANBORN & CO., Agents. 0.. It & N. CO., After (Deals! :'i..i '. in Or fit any oil. r time " ' '"'Vheh yon wicli a good t " cipar nsk for the well- ' " ' known,' l;omp-rnudo, .. (., bnrd-maile, whitu Snlinr - , "La I3elle Astorio." .Ouneoded ly nil siuokcr.4 to-.'bt tl.e" best ciiir rnanufuciured..- . AV. K. SCHIEBE, . - -'.71 iNintl? Street., Astoria, Oregon. ' EVfRY REQUISITE FOR fipstr Class funerals i -AT POHU'S l'dertakipg Parlors, U'S l'derti v 1 SI street. , Rates K Emtalmlnt t Specialty VTllS luuWAUKEE." ; The only railroad lighting Its trains by ilecthcity. $ "-; , Tne only taikoad oslrrg the celebrated Mectnc berth, reading fcwnp. The coaclieB now runnirwt on The Mil waukee" are'Pilaces on Wheel. On -all lir through iins. the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Piul Railway runs the most perfectly equipred trains of Sleep ;r,e. Tarlor, arS CrS'S Cars and Coaches, For lowert rai49 any point In the Uai:eJ tu a Canada, apply to ticket vreiws, or address C. J. EDDY, General Agent, Portland, Oregon. 3 la on every wrapper. ALili Open por Special Gharter. Agens, Portland. "A TALENTED EDITOR." Gentlemen: I had occasion to use several boxes of Krause'a Headache Capsules while traveling to Chicago to attend the National Democratic con vention. They acted like a charm In preventing headaches and dizziness. Have had very little headache since my return, which Is remarkable. Yours. reBoectfuliv. JOHN U. SHAFFER. Ed. Renovo (Pa.) Record. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria, Or., sole agent. FOAflD & STOKES GO. DEALERS IN Picnic Canned Goods, Tents, Camp Stoves, Camp Cooking Utensils, Baskets, And the latest All-Woo! Sleeping Bags AVall prices. Just the thing for camp ers, prospectors, etc. Sure to keep warm at nights. Better than blankets. IMff 49 to ft Don-poUnnotif remedy tor uonorrbt. Gleet, Spermatorrhea, Whitea, unnatural dis charge, or aof Inflamma tion, irritation or nicr ti"?n of miieonf m?ra- 'lll.ldTt . i nr bphi in ouui w s mui . on. or 1 botllM. S2.71. CircnUr sect oa rtqscst. YOU AREA WOMAN And for tfr.Ul; very reason you mils suffer. Way Liiou-ld women suffer from wcilcnctu, pain's, bearing down &?iAuti:'oiM, rosH of appetite, energy, despouvlency, ixUi the thousand l'.U so eorrJ.nrjin ? It la all wrong. The Al m'i&'hity never Jntsnded it to be so. Woman was created for hjapplnen and Joy, nof Vj.r Ricknass and misery. If You Stop to Think You wr.l realize that thcoe la one great tti'Uis9 for ail these troublse, .wfoU'lf la eummfl up In the word weakness. You will also admit, It you stop to think, th'xt there is one great way ty whie'h It can all be Uiwlded or cured. That way Is toy Who use bf the only one great known reimedy for all such trouWeu, which is Wurner'a SUTo Cure. Ask any phy sician, little or female, or professional nurse, any scientific man or I woman of sfcinviing Hard research, any drug, gllat -who is worthy, and you wCl find 'Milalt thfa Is true. Why Ithen wtj worn cn suffer, when the b;nt of modern Bind scientific relief is at hand? Tide Table for October, 1895. BlOB W1TSO. LOW WATER. DATE. A. M. P.M. A.M. P.M. ft. h.m'l ft h.m I ft. h.m ft Tuesday. .. 1 1185 7 4 1146 72 5 88-OH 608 19 Wednesday 2 12 IK 7 7 8 07 0 9 6 85 1 6 Thursday. 8 02-2 72 124:179 64 1 0 702 10 Friday.... 4 0 57 7 3 1 08 8 1 7 00-1 8 7 81 06 Siiturdav.. 5 1 84 7 1 18:18 4 7 26 -16 8 01 08 8UNDAY . 6 211 70 2 0286 761 -19 88701 Monday. .. 7 2 51 6 7 2 8586 8-18-22 9 15 0 0 Tuesday .. 8 8 8(1 6 4 8 12 8 6 8 60 -2 8 10 01 0 1 Wedn'sd'y 9 4 20 6 0 8 27 8 8 9 67 81 1067 0 8 Thursday. .10 632 58 46280 1020 85 Friday 11 6 44 57 00076 OOti 03 1186 3 7 Saturday. .12 75860 71975 120 00 11888 SUNDAY. 13 9 01 6 4 88876 283 06 2 484 Monday. ...14 95370 95077 8 84 06 85824 Tueday..,15 10 87 7 7 1022 80 4S6 -0 6 4 60 1 4 Wedn'sd'y 16 11 20 8 1 1147 8 2 5 15 -0 7 6 40 0 5 Thursday .17 12 00 8 6 6 00 -0 8 6 2 01 Friday ....18 03H88 123891 642-1 1 71607 Saturday.. 19 1 28 8 0 1 18 9 2 7 41 16 8 02 1 0 MUNDAY. 20 218 77 20092 800 2J1 15010 Monday ..21 8 08 7 2 8 41 9 0 8 40 2 6 9 40 0 7 Tuesday . . 22 8 58 6 8 8 2ti 8 5 9 25 3 2 10 34 0 2 Wedn'sd'y 23 6 00 6 4 4 16 7 9 10 20 3 8 11308 Thursday .24 610 5 9 6 16 7 3 11 82 4 0 Friday. ... 25 7 20 5 9 6 21 6 7 0 35 0 ( 1 fc 4 2 Saturday. 26 8 25 6 3 7 St) 8 ol 1 40 1 2 2 25 8 8 8UNDAY 27 910,65 84f 6 3 2 40 1 6 8 2)132 Monday.. 28 9 52 6 8 9 IS 6 4 830 1 7 4lli5 Tuesday.. i 10 257 2 10 3816 6 4 12 1 1 4 5.12 0 Wedn'sd'yHO 10 57 7 B 1124 6 9 4 62 18 58i 16 Thursday. 81 II 27 17 B .. ... . 52H 2( 60qi9 ALONG THE WATER FRONT. On Sunday, October lith, when the new four-masted Ibarkentlne Addenda, crossed out 'from Coos liaiy for Coquliruboi draw ing IVj ifeet, itiiWie were 0 feet of water on the 'bar. TCie BritiEih ih.lp Ardmore, now on the Buy Ifr-om Lonylon for Vlcltorla, has been cfolauteired to re(plaje the Fiery Cross, wihlcih, 'while ibound on ihe sume voyage, put 'into tllon'tevtdteo dismasted. RdfeTence to Hlhe "Marine Journo'," of this paper In, smother coluann, and Just afliead of t!ie report of arrivaCIa at this port will' be rroited a heading, "Weather and ShEpplng by TeltgraciCi."' Frtt;n Point Reyes, eevenai times; daily, at government expense, reports aa to the wcUUicr are given 'to ltlhe pulbCIc. In addition, every vase! morth, or south bound Is reported. and II t'he captain 'ja ndt too lusy to set his elgnaUs, lUhe name of the vassl is trans lated 'and al50 reported. In tliat pai-tlau Mr epace Un Itlhis Issue, above referred to, iwlil' be ifound, "Barkent'ine south bound, Cumlber )aJen, no uijnallj." As the govern'memt Is wKing to repoi't ves sels passing Point Reyo3, free of charge, it sec'itilj li very emaiX return tha't cap tains tsifrouCd dllflpCay their :gnxs on pausing Uie potlint, a.nd, to the Commerslal News, it Is puwt urwlareitanillng that the local owners otf JOadtiwfse vetusels, siemn cr toij, lhaive nVt given positive orders to masters tV uhult eCteat. A notice from Polrit Reyco BmUJar to the one referred to, id, at present, quite as com'm:i, vnd pei'.topa even miore frequen't, than one giving tlhe maime of the vessel. The rem edy lies 'Wltlh lilip owners and ship muu- tei s. News. . . The V-tdioriU. CVlonlst of Wednebday t-iajj : In lie 'asJetUion of ICaptadn BendroJ't, at Ma horns over James Bay, Is a weuinheibaatan nami board wlh!ch recuLCs once more to mind the terr.tiCe eitoiimls 'fhklt tlxept the P.iclllc coUUt during tihe dos'ing week's of 169-1. It re-opens spacuuaiUIon, too, aa to hew the ill-atarred M'onitaeinrat and Keweenaw met their fate, and offers a new theory for the con sidenalt'ion of Uh'oe anxious for a so'u. tlon of ItUvls myiry of the stu. The nairtefooard j 'ferred to, and wthlt'n Captain Be.iJrodt brought to Vltcorla on SatumdUy last, Dears the naime "Kewee naiw," and ia beyond question one of the four dlstln'jt and original with vh'ieCi tlhe pilot housa of the Cost ear lier wub pt-uvlde.1. How long It has been in the pcHseseilon of Mr. P. Btack, ot NanaLmo, frx-ri wl.iom Capl.aln Bendrcdt received ft, is not known; the bvard ItadJf bears wltnesu, however, tliait it mlas a considerable time In the water. The gilding of I'lie raised letters luas aV most dlsapr-ert'I, together wltlh the greater p.l.!on of the ty-blue back ground, but u.ic lciitetj themsoives are In tart and ummJjfaJt'aMe rm ever. lua tward waa picked up at tfie en trance to the Houdton-Stcvart t'hanneC, on the opposite side to Rose Haibor, A'.icj 3 Its mate was discovered K,y Uhe Indians and cOi'onvn to CaptiJn Robert McKIeC, of Che eeuling tscnooner Maud S. This first found txaj"J still edonw the thief's ihouBe alt Rose 'harbor,' and (he finding of the second, with a large quantity of wreckage, unmistakably Uiat of the MontseiTa.t and Keweenaw, now ieavls to the presentation of still another Ufieory 'Uhat one or ttotih. of tbe "J-itarred sreamens met dcK ruction on the rocky, unpopulated amd eeCUom visited shores of one of l.itse desoilate Inlands. There is In fact a story current to this effect 'among tlhe Indians, and aa Captain Bend rod! says, whCe ft Is no more than a theory, ti is one tlrait Is capable ot proof or disproof, for the wreckage still Strews U-ie beajcb untojefjed for the most pact, and icfere Is no one to deny that Cairger porttorsf of Uve first steamer muy yet found kf marco. is uvide for them. Of course the hope of finding cume sur vivor of tMs doul.e disaster can no linger be entertained. Toe Iantsama)t and Kewee-mw were asoClaited in the coaC rarryJng trade and tfhey dive naiWraHy been linked together for Trior ittan one reason whenever Khe mystery of tihelr fate fci spoken of by em-golng men. The MontseiTjit left Na nalmo on Deceirribeor 6, loaded, according to Cajit. IWH'k'biw-n's curfrci.n, wllh every iMutrd of foul fcCie cou'.I carry; Ke weenWw ttcaimed mway frcjn. Oomox the foltiA-ling im&rnlng. She vu less IhfaviVy laVIen, for 4itr caiptLUn PrUnk Jtnklns, ,as more loraulJicuU iWan his brol'tor skip per, and !he Siavl tv ln so.i.ivor,Jiy beat udder dim. The llwo BttU'.Tiera iwme cogjth v in sight of Flattery on the ' afternoon of DocoirJSn r 7, and! were iat seen traveling In coDse tompany by the lookout at Ta tooUi Ic'.und, tCiey being at that time about ten nilks out, with lihe leading. When ijoat sls'h't of toAiard even ing Uhey were pruntfing 'had-on Into a corataintly incrclaslng southwest gale, the Kaweenaw Elfaggeriiig and shipping a suc cesyion of Jioaivy eieas. After weeks of watching both were given up as W?st, and We dheory found generali a'ceeptance Diiat tlh'ey Wad foundered and gone down at sea. . No due to the mystery waa deveDoped until tiho 28th of Felbmiiary in tlhls yeair, wtften the madiclne thest ot tlhe Monltsemat was picked up on the beadh Ito the souWWwest end of EtaEIn lo land. Dater on fhe c'aptaln of the Maud 8. found numerous fiouvenirs of tlhe (OEt vessels nldorning the huts of the Indiiui VtCage ait Rose Wartnor. This fatter fact, togeUh'er wjffli tfhe information given to Capt. Bendirodlt more recantiy, would seem to indicate that the" wrecks could not ihljive ocourred so far to the south as has been alS along supposed. Whether, Itowevar, the Keweenaw (was kt by stirtking skMne point of the Queen Ohartotte group whether or not tlhe Montserrat, or both, foundered and went down or utitftlher one had gono to the assistance of tlhe other and so was Cost with her, probably will ever reroaJn an unexpUinaibJe IrUgedy wteee secret Is locked up !n the deep PablfV BUCKLBN'8 ARNICA 8ALVBJ. The best salve In the world for Cuts. Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Con.s, and All Skin Erup tions, and. positively cures Plies, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Fnce. 25 cents per tox. for sale by Chas. Rogers. Odd Fellows' building;. A utedhiarged Tuikltfa soldir, boasting of the outrta&eu he Had committed tn Armenia recently in a. daife of Alexandria, waa Invited to St"p out by two Ar menian's prewnit and was neatly strangled by them. , THE IDEAL PANACEA. James L. Francis, alderman, Chicago, says: "I regard Dr. King's New Discov ery as an Weal paivacea for coughs, colds and lung complaints, having used It in my family for tlhe last (Ive years, to the exclusion of physician's prescriptions or other preparaulons." Rev. John Burgus, Keokuk, Iowa, writes: "I have been a minister of the Methodist Elpisciopal ohurch for1 BO years or more, and have never found any thing bo fceivficlal', or Ohait gave me such speedy relief as Dr. King's New Discov ery." Try this Ideal cough remedy now. Trial bottles free at Charles Rogers' drug store. The aye-nags w'a.'.kec weiajra away two inchica of tihioe leaitlher In a year. A pair of boots t'huft iwould 'Maslt a lifetime" would coiiiseque-nMy Wave to be provided witCi isoies from elgiht to nine inches thick. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of all ia leavening Strength. V. S. Government Report The fl.r'i lappeartairice of peanuitl In the markets was when & consignment of 10 tmgf) waa semt from Virginia to Ntw York In 1794. Over 2.000,000 bushels are now Bold annuaCCy In the United State market. There are many good reasons why you should use One Minute Cough Cure. There are no reasons why you should not, If In need of help. The only harmless remedy that produces Immediate results. Chas. Rogers. In BngOaud the gymnnuCiim. is unknown. The evewss of tine oOlm'aite makes out door excrctee. posslbto throughout tlhe year and a wanm bJoflded Englishman devctops hl3 museCe artd brawn iffrom w.iiklng, rawing 'and running In the open air. It's Just as easy to try One Minute Cough Cure as anything else. It's easier to cure a severe cough or cold with It. Let your next purchase for a cough be One Minute Cough Cure. Better medi cine; better results; better try it. Chas. Rogers. The xtommon houtw (lta is coverad iwlth hard, overtopping pfjites, somttihing after the p'an of fish SlaJea. Idath of these palates Is set with ta row of brldttey spikes. PROVEN A BOON. Gentlemen: I have always recom mended Krausc'B Headacne Capsules wherever I have had a chance. They ave proven a veritable boon in my mily against any and all kinds of oadache. Yours truly, J. F. WALTER. Leavenworth, Kansas. Tor sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria tregon, sole agent. All the paten: medlcSien idtertisert .i. this paper, together with the choic est perfumery, and toilet nrtlclcB, etc. an be bought at tne iowoat prices a1 T. W. Conn's drug store, opposite fx ildent Hotel. A. tori a A physician ded'arwi thoit peipte wlio use roekilng chairs the misfit become deuf the soonest, and tSwt rocking aiao tiurtt the eyes and makes pe.)i'.e near-slg'hted, A. O. Bart'.ey, of Magic, Pa., writes feel it Is a. duty of mine to Inform you and the public that DefWtt's Witch Ha zed flalve cured me of a very bad case of eczema. It also cured my boy of a running sore on his leg. Chas. Rogers. Green, Wile gmtuit authority on plscatortaH subjects, mentions Hive ftiSi trfikJh he saw In the royial taqiJiirlum of St. Peters burg wr.ilc! have been constantly on ex l-.ibitiion for unlore than 150 yeai'i. Tahiti, In the south seas, to now lighted by electric lamps. RUPTURE Instantly Relieved and Permanently CURED UIITUni IT Knife or Operation. Treatment Absolutely Painlocs CURE EFFECTED rrom I nreo to oix weeKs, WRITE FOR TERMS THE 0. E. MILLER CO. Orrxu : Booms 70G-07, Karquam Eaildtng, PORTLAND, OREGON. IT'S IANOEnOt:a GROUND That you ar standing on with a krough or u. ca.d, a,nu your Ulow impire. uui of Just thrtw conlltlons oo.tws Consump. t.on. Von cnir.4t U'j eoniKiiilng. In the fuitlcr naagvs of CbnUumptlon, and In uU the coinllitlonB that Itud to it, Dr. Pierce's Uou-ten Medical Discovery is a certain remedy. Thla scrofuious afftvt:on of the i'linps, like every other form of Scrofula, can be cured by It. In swere, Jlngrrlng conCis, a'.i Broncdi'la, Threat Lnd Lung Afftvtiona, and every d&wutw Uiat can be lvarfied tluougih the biVxxl, It Is the only medik-lno so eftectivo (hut, once used, M always In tavor. PamiililPt free. Ad- dresu World's DHienKary Mfulcat Ai?so cMton, Buffalo, N. Y. FOUKSTALLED. The black-lieaaded pirate, with a knife btilween i.Ji teeiih, tooardel the pjtssenger tinCp. "Throw up your Inlands!" he shouted. Tile iruswengtr hunslng over the rati smiCed feebly. "I itihtnk I did, not Jcru than an hour ago," Ihe ald, gasplngily. It is a truth In medicine that the small est dose that performs a cure Is the best. Dewitt's Little Early Risers are the smallest pills, will perform a cure, and are the best. Chas. Rogers. In the local option election at Fort Worth, Tex., the city went wet by 4,005 majority. "Scsts Who. Mae" Was by Burns. It wua written on u. dark day while the author waa on a Journey. The tunc is "Hey Tuttle TalMile," an old march that te said by tradition to have anlmiated Bruce's men ai. Bamnockburn, ttapt.'S nmvwn rnnT , nt r? 1 (n (1 mirlflpr. bvo fivcnnaH .nil clearness to the complcaui and cures Constipation. ?5 cts.. Eo cts , $1.00. rur oaie oy j. w. conn. Say, why don't you try DeWltt's Little Early Itlsers? These lltt'.o pills cure headache, Indigestion and constipation. They're small, but do the work. Chas. Rogers. ROYAL Baking Powder has been awarded highest honors at every world's fair where exhibited. WTOe (who twos travelling for tJho first time, Itlo conduetor)V'hat is the aneamilng of "V" and "R" on the sign-posts along the roiVd? Oomdiuctoi Ring and wCiWtle. WiIGIe Oaitter a pau) I can see how "VV" Standd ilor wrtng, but I'm blcsse.l If I can Bee blow "R" dan stand for whistle. Harper's 'Round Tiible. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. . your'child You note the difference in children. Some have nearly every ailment, .even with the best of care. Others far more exposed pass through unharmed. Weak children will have continuous colds in winter, poor digestion in summer. They are with out power to resist disease, they have no reserve strength. Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil, with hypo phosphites, is cod-liver oil partly digested and adapted to the weaker digestions of children. Scott It Bowxs , Chemists, New York. 50c. nd $1.00 MMtMtlSM0MlfSfti9 5 fU? ::JJiD)W s the new shortening, like all other 1 m intra tnnat mm riatiti usca 11 si o --o J vou wish the best results. Never, X in any recipe, use mora than 9 A If .! . f- , . -1 Z iwo-uiiras as muca iouoii:ua us yon used to use of lard. Never put Cottolcne in a hot pan. Put it- In tchen rnld nflrl heat it with the pan. Be careful net to bum Cottdlenc. To test it, add a drop ot iter: if hot enouch. it will Pop. ' Cottolcne, when rightly userj, delights everyone. Get the genuine, sold everywhere in tins, wth trade-marks "Cotto Une" arid steer's head in cotton Hani wreath on every tin. S Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBUNK COMPANY. St. latin), ( Cttaftvi Su rruutaw, rortlMO, llnm tfetmtmesfftettst Few Hen Would Ask fcr a Finer Dinner than those t serve. We're trying In every way to make them the most en joyable In town. All the "good things' of the season cooked by our excellent cook in the most delicious style. Perfect service. If you invite a friend to fhe Palace Restaurant the place is a sufficient guar antee that n will receive a good meat. The Palaee Restaurant Snap A Kodak at any man coming out of our store and you'll get a portrait of a man brimming orer with pleasant thought". Buch quality In th liquor we hsTetoofferaroeOoiighlo PLEASE AN MAN.; Con?e and Trg Them. HUGHES A CO. 111 mm, Wllndlo THE BEST Health' TOBACCO. I872 1895 . pislper Brothers, Sell ASTORIA, Lubricating OILS A Specialty. Ship Chandelery, Hardware, Iron & Steel, Coal, Groceries & Provisions, Flour & Mill Feed, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Loggers Supplies, Fairbank's Scales, Doors t& Windows, Agricultural Implements Wagons & Vehicles. E. flcNEIL, Receiver. o n u no Gives Choice of 0 Transcontinental Ti! Routes, Via Via Spokane Ogden, Denver and and St. Paul. Omaha or St. Paul. Pullman and Tourist Sleeper Free Resllnlng Chnlrs Car. Astoria to San Francisco. SOalte of CuWrornta, Friday, Oat. 11. Columbia, "Wednesday, Oct. 16. State of OaBirorii'la, Monday, Oct. 21. CohunWu, Saturday, Oil. 26. Stoto of CttHiltornla, Thursday, Oct. 31. Columbia, Tuosdwiy, Nov. 6. Astofia and Portlnd Steamers. The T. J. Potter will leave Astoria at 7 p. m. dally, except Sundays leave Port land at 7 a, m. daily, except Sunaay. Tho R. R. Thompson will leave Astoria at 6:45 a. m. daily, except Sunday; leave Portland at 8 p. m. dally, except Satur day. For rates and general information cull on or address C. F. OVEUIBAUUM, Commercial Agent, Astoria, Or. W U HUItLBUKT, Gnn. Pas. Agt. fortisna. or. Are You Going East? Po sure and see that your ticket reads via fHE NORTH-WESTERN line:. CHICAGO. ST. PAUIv, MINNEAPOLIS and """OMAHA" kAIIAVAYS. This Is the QUE AT SHORT LINE Between DULUTH, ST. PAUL. CHICAGO And all Points Eaet and South- . Their Magnificent Track Peerless Ves- Ubulea umms Trains and Motto: ALWAYS ON TIME " Have given this road a national reputa tlon. All classes of passengers carried .v.- .....itmijui trains without extra charge. Bhlp your, freight and travel over this famous line. All agent have ticket. W. H. MEAD. F. C. SAVAGE, Gen. Agent Trav. F. and P. Agt US Washington it. Portland. Or. Mrs. T. a Hawkins. Cbstttinooira, Tenn,. says, "Sailor's Vitalizer 'SAVED UT LIFE.' I consider It tne best rera fdy for a debilitated system I ever used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kid ntr tremble, It excells. Pi Ive 75 cts. For Sale by J. W. Conn. MIA Japanese Bazaar SINQ LXJNO, Prop. Ellntcf Goods Jist Received... An excellent stock of underwear, hos iery, caps, etc., at extremely low prices. 417 Bond Street, next door to Mouler's Fruit Btore. The Oasis of thf Colorado Desert A Hew Resort BELOW the level of the sea Absolutely Dry and Pure Tropical Climate Pronounced by Physicians the most Favorable in America for Sufferers from . . . ' Lung Diseases and Rheumatism ' Many Remarkable Cures The objections urged against Indlo In the past by the large numbers who otherwise would bave been glad to talc advantage of its beneficial climate, has been a lack of suitable accommoda tion. The Southern Paclflo Company, takes pleasure In announcing that sev eral Commodious and Comfortable Cottages have just been erected at India sta tion, that will be rented to applicants at reasonable rates. Tbey are fur nished with modern conveniences, sup plied with pure artesian water, and so situated as to gove occupants all the advantages to be derived from a more or less protracted residence In this de lightful climate. (From the San Francisco Argonaut.) "In the heart of the great desert ot the Colorado which the Southern Fa- cifio road traverses there Is an oasis called Indlo, which, In our opinion, li the sanitarium of the earth. We be lieve, from personal Investigation, that for certain Invalids, the'-e la no spot or thla planet so favorable." Q. T. Stewart, M. D writes: "The purity of the air, and the eternal sun shine, fill one with wonder and delight. Nature has accomplished so much that there remains but little for man to do.- As to its possibilities as a health resort, 'here Is the most per fect sunshine, with a temperature al ways pleasant, a perfectly dry soil for rain Is an unknown factor; pure oxygen, detire atmosphere and pure water. What more can be desired? It Is the place, above all others, for lung troubles, and a paradise for rheu matics. Considering the number of sufferers who have been cured, I bave no hesitancy In recommending this genial oasis as the haven of the afflict ed." INDIO Is 6i2 miles from . SAN FRANCISCO and 130 imles from LOS ANGELES Fare from Los Angeles J3.oo For further information Inquire of any Southern Paclflo Company agon', or address E. P. ROGERS, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt. 8. P. Co. . J. B. KIRKLAND, Dint. Pass. Agt Cor. Firs and Alder Sts Portland. Or. ). A FASTABEND, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, PILE DRIVER, HOUSE, BRIDGE END WHARF BUILI31IH. Addreu, box 180. Postoffice. ASTORIA, OR SEASIDE SflVJilllilt. A complete stock of lumber on hand In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rui tlo, celling, and all kinds of tlnlub; mouldings and shingles; also bracket work done to order. Terms reasonable ind prices at bedrock. All orders promptly tttended to. Ofllce and yii'l at mill. H. 1" I LOO AN, Prop'r RsMe. Oregon. NOTICE. Ths partnership heretofore existing be tween C J. Greenlund and Anton Urtx florists. Is hereby dissolved by mutual consent, and all debts of the said firm will be paid by C. J. Greenlund and C. O. Palmberg, and all outstanding accounts are due and payable to them. C. J. GttKRNLUNP, - '. - ANTON bltlX. your blood, clear your complexion, t?ik' ulatft vour Rnwpln. nnil muk. v,-,,,n . clear as a bell. 25 cts., 60 eta, and tl.00. SoM by J. W. Conn. INDORSED BY THE FRIis33. Gentlemen: Thla Is to certify that I have used Krause's Headauno Csrxiilc.i with satisfactory results. I bought a box which cost ins 53, and one ck: ; vic cured me of a dreadful sick hvninolio. My wife and mvself nave both u.u4 the medicines manufactured by t!i Norman Lirbty" Mf's Co., nnd wc commend them to tlni public as b-:v JJust what they are represented. Respectfully, W. J. HUTCT-Ti !.--!, Ed. Gazette, Pleasant liiH. :.. Twenty-five cents, for tale bv ( . k Rogers, Astoria. Or., sole f Captain Sweeney, U. a. A., fan T'i Cal., snys: "Htilloh's Cutarrh x , Is the first medicine I have - 1 that would ?r ma any got 1. j Cts. Bold by J. V, Coi.n.