THE DAILY ASTOHIAN, ASTOELL, SATURDAY SfOBNINO, OOTOBEE 1&, 1895. JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. TfcRMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. Telephone No. 60. - . v DAILY. Sent hy mall, per yejir Sent by mall, per month Served by carrier, per week. .J7.00 . .eo .. .15 WEEKLY. Sent by matt per year, 2.00 In advance. Postage free to subscribers. All communications Intended for pub lication Bhould be directed to the editor. ' Business communications of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to The .Astorlan."' M TheTABtorten guarantees to Its sub crrlbere' the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on ap p.lcatlon to the business manager. '"The Weekly Astorlan, the second old est weekly In the state of Oregon, has next to the Portland Oregonlan, the largest weekly clrcu:atlon In the state, Jno. T. Handy Co. are our Port' . land' agents, and copies of the Astorlan can be had every morning at their stand on First street. ' SACKVILLE'S LIA3T BLUNDER. TOo EngtllsCt paperU take Lord Sack vlile' 15,000 puniciKet account of the iway In MtUtt the Mill got him "bounced when lie wuu Brit Mi minister In Warii intriwn rtiirlnat CleiMl'.uvJ'g flrtit term mUt'li inilore seriooiuliy t'.Van Mie American . Journals do. Thult In it Burprising, . however, for tie 13 ona of their own dip toma'aj, Uh'sugli on the retired Cist for the uast seven or eCCilt yrjxt, r.n;e CewCand tint tilm Worn, land; tiie-y are more sud . dened than (Americana can be by Mils , personail amount of Jils ionlsbip'a stupid performances nvCrlCe reprj-iVaiUng' his na tion In toe capOU'l of ttie United BtaiUB. Amerlcaiiis lire amuse! when Lorl SaJekvCte iteffis hidw he spent ten days nvith General Shenman on the president's yacht In the Jujmw river uooauao he be- lleved that Julti dfte was In dtuigr from Irish conpslrator. rt is knwn on this elde of the A'tlUntlc WiUt rone pra'cnA Jokers got Tho ear Of tine KnirMi minister and made dim ibeUeve 'Uhait the Irfclh In vincible wore ufWr ti'ja soatp. Theee . reveiatloiis of 'his rtiipidlty do not etovute him In tho esttnutfon of the BrtUsh public. . ' Tho truth of the milter .was that Loixl SackvJJ.e was "taken In and done tor" on eeverol ocwauilons during liis UipDo xaMt stay 'over here. He tame to grief flnatty over tho CaClforntai Munihl.son let ter. He speaks of 'hte reply to that lut- ' tor, iWhlch cost him Wis lilfh and import ant Job, as Ibelng "lncarjitloim." It iwus iiiure UhlMn What. It nhlo-we-1 Uiult to was unfit for la. dlptomii'.tet for a great na tion or lie never iwouCd have answered It. Furllhenmore, t'We Detter was ii Sheer fraud on the 1'ace of It, m any sontublo mun wonflJ Clave eeen. , v The Rnltlisli premier, Itortl HuUAury, thouglht his minister to Washington tiud been more Itliam "Jneauitlo-js," for tie did not give Ihlini anMher dlpiomitlc "Job" after he JitiJ been sent o.ay fronn, tills country. That iwbli tlhe end of his dlp'o matic career. . He will not gut back Initio dlptonMCIc life Iby iwrltlng for tho edilllkm lion of tliie New Y-orll Wortd a detaKekl account of illiioWay tn w'liMi the IrlsJn gt the hetter of him. TiiU lis tiUoult tlie ftrJt time that a per son twtio Ihlaa ibeen bunkoed, as he was, Wan iluken eo:Ie Into Ms confidence to this extent. The prime lohject of this ouwbumt of whine on Lord SaiekvlUe's part appears to be h wlih. to Ih'ui't Mr. Uuyuiv, Uhe pregent American imilnlatej- In Ixndon, by making hint Kijlous to tlhe llrltia arli'i.oc racy, to 1voin he 1ns been toadying since he went to lOng'.and. Mr. lH.tyn.ixl hu douu lwt'h'lng, Ian IUr as In known, to protect or strengthen the Amer;ci.ui In luvsla over there. Ho ha's not been a robmt repK-scntiilllve of hU country. Ho v h'aa devoted hlni-t'lf to tho culUvvvlon iof 1 the Eng:lth mfliltdty, and It Is qulta prob able that Lord Suekvl.le, sewing h's nic ' cess, hi dt'tenmlned to lot tho urlsto ' crtalcy know whuit la bad man Mr. Bayurd vrtu hHClt III 1888, hn he consented to have him bounefl fur writing tho llur chlson letter. How far ft Is permlaWe In rdiT to do that to IA'ase private and confiden tial! converskiitfons to at nuiUor ubjut .Which Almerlcanjr and EngWiM.ncn w.'A not dimnn-eo. Tliey wltl bo'thi ay It Js In very Wd Uiste. Tney wl'.l Ik Inclined to think a person Wio would do tiuait might co.or converaatlons to cult his purple. It miy be thtft 'Mr. Bitynl will tuke thin molttcT to lnurt and aik to Ve ie oaMed, fearing tie iw1!.! icwe hl standing wftili the ndblllty. If o, IVealileJit Ove'.lend H consent, nid the IrWh iwil! ' not mourn. They Wave no gis-iat afflic tion or Sir. 'BayUirUi or Lord Sa kvllte. They got tlWe Wtter of the latter In AmeiHiu wind In England, nnd they would have no oojuctlon l(o adding l'uyard's sia..p wtiWut of his ?oriliilp. DBTROtTS BPBTTACULAH vTIVB. HXKCT. Dotrolt has not yet grown wntry of Mavoi Plnwree. AftJV livivin.r st.rvfd ihe city for six yurs as i: ch4 T executive, he hsji once 'mom acoeled to tho poputtax demand as voiced In a mass-meetlug at tended Iy 5,000 peple to become a c-ui didate for a foiTih Um. I'ndA- the ulitt eiwtlve slogan, "Plng.w. Pioire) and Po tatoes." tho vJMf, repivS3.itli M claosea and condition of mem, from the wealthy i,ftwrtn to the Mreat aiiaorers. r.vl.le.1 round Hil standarl. The remarkable domoniralo.i w a popular tribute to a roin of original Ideas. Tne ertthosLvi'm Of the great mw ng waa spontaneous ml unbjun It wa not worked w by a pa.rtlm committee. If-dt.leae.l la set party inax'lnery In motion. Plngrcs n?lt no tommltt.-e map out hi ciuiipa1gii. He is uie ole comnilltt.' afll trU c:iJfau-y Is , T-,re-l..ii of the popjlju" acclaim- to It n .t d:I!.cl to a-cjii:w 1 plwiicmenaC ho'.d iipm the peo .. 4. ...u .tl.Ir.j m-ore tttarx n j j. ti)nallty. His fame di not ,., I, is celebrated pi'io pa.'A-h ,,.i.-;:i thl ftu.-w f-tj so mtloni ,f rr iVI!"? the pwr peo-j ,n:li.y se f-j'.i pol ling wuif.i entitle tr, ringn o no JimaJI renown. .Mr. nngree i .iunu nic u,. iistaty:i.h potato patches. Tiie fruits of hid uJiniinlstlUtlua are noi mi nnucr ground. He secured a spbn'lld c'.ectric- Igilitlng plant 'for Detroit, was Instru mental: In having gas red'jc.-d to 60 cents per 1,000, and secured a 3-cent fare on the electric. titrect iiulltyaiyu. In Mitse daj-s .wfteir the li'htij of the people are so often betrayed by men in official power It to not strange that a man of the Plngree ssOawip should be the re cipient of ttUdhl m'arked honors. Popui:llls, sniH tlhe 3t. Louis Republic, oiv p'ol'lt'al bultTJa,WA it might have aideJ that In This country oufJajws are nariy extinct. ir.and s ki iBtisiidcmtliJ' possibility in albout 'Uhe a.m way one un. ipe ptuch is a xhoieri epidWrnBc. OKIG1.V OF MRS. OltUXDY. How tnamy who daily use tho naime of Mrs. Grundy have any idea of her origin? It Is gL-nwialr.y believe 1 thait Dl'.klns "wins nomdA'tnut respjikiJib'.e for h-jr, but n writer In the Dundee Advei'tWcr pcln'ta oult that this As an u'ttcr mlrJjake. The roai: creator of Mrs. Grundy waa Thoimus Morton, the di.talmiiit (barn 1701, died 1P38,) lae foljher cf the author of "Box and Cox," and dhe is referred to in his conveJy "Speed and Plow," which iwus ftrst performed In 179S. Mii-3. Grundy In not a churaicite'r in that play. She 1s merely a myAerious porsonae, whom Dame AVIifleld, the farmer's wife, con stantly auotcB. mudh In Uhe same way a Salrey ailluls to Mrs. Harris, PUZZLED BY A PA J'. ROT. Twenty-five Passengers Lok9 Their Tialn Because of Its Chatter. A parrot belonging to an opera com pany and whlvih figures in one of the acts of the shew, escape! from Its keeper at the Now York OntraC lUllroal e.atlon yeaterday whlCc the meinheos of the com pany were watllng for a train. As tho train pulled Into the station and theiro won a ruth for the gitcs, the parrot, from Ifto top of the big etock, sang out, "Hello! You have forgotten something." SovuruH pwple liiurrled back to their scatH to look for satehajs or par cel). As the pa.Bengers enine In from the traln-houae they were greeted with "Hel lo! Harry; Ihello! old boy!" AM the members of the company jodned In trying to catch the bird, but did not wucA'teU for a ion? time, during which the parrot kept up its chatter. At least twenty-five peop'.e m'fc'sod their train by coming "bock on Poll's romuirk ihot i?oine thlng hud been forgotten. SINNING AND HICPKNTING. The du jl rcutlnc of dally fife, It paMtei uiMin th' beat of ns; They find til' narroy pith too ituine And Jiiimj) it like the rest of us. Old Adam's taint that Mlrs th' blood Dm'ands a roai;ing hour of U9. We know It's wrong, but to deny Its plea's beyond th' power of us. So olT we flit wP huppy ln.MJ-tn To where th' lnplrln' spii'lts lie; We faugh and wing ami f.'waip old yarns AVI' a'er rnoroi.-iln gayety. Bmw BoMiy weaves a fearuome tnle O' mysteries all new to us, While Tommy's artful tongue unfolds Pull 'iinany a pleusln' vlenv to us. 'Twlxt plK' and btwl our joy ,ijeii.l.s But uul, O, aid's th' fall of us, AVhen, wandi-rln' hvme t br.-lik o' day Iti'Pi'..'ai'hil3 welcome of us. AVI' teuib und wl' ca leuturo keen The goad wlfo Ktlrs the soul In us TI11 iwo n!oiv'i) hoiioef ir:h to tivad No puMi Unit till. nt o' hullllLi-i. Fi'anlt Piunaifli. On avsunt Wf liooa- h'.'alth, ex-Sovrciary Endfeott hsin re.-':Kii.l ais a nunnber of the corporation of 'IHi-mi.M. The healing properties of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve are well known. It cures eexemu, skin affections, and is sim ply a perfect remedy for plies. Chas. Rogers. i:irni:n;i'".i.i.:n Imofomaki rs have les t so nmnh nwiipy during the ln-t two ruclng 8(a.niH ijh'ey have ilivld-jd to dis- coiitliiu puce hetting and to pay only for tlrst hc;"s,e. Cliildren Cry for Pitc'.or's Casloria A F;iheh siivant ihi.s discovered th.Ut many iiiiru';iii add ha'.th by deitiylng disiul mvlt'i-oUt. Thyme, lemon, mint, lavuiuur, eimnypm un.l fltur scents provdl viry invfiui:. The V. S. Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to all others. j'.ieiv is ono lining ta conducive to youfMuJ looks and tliuit Is iI.Mp. If a woirt.ui gitu 'inii;Ii i.eep, it dnesn't ninR nny riiTcin-e vvnivtlier file gi is tw.U .i-p iln tho nigtlit or In the Uay. THK PRESENT OKXEUATIOX. Lives at ti-legrutidrte sneel etuts too fast. retires too lute, does not rise betlmea, sm'okes and (Was, that we shwuild have to say It!) cliews too much totxweo. The consinuencM aro draieTSai. a cxiiierm alxsiMioe of that robust and manly vigor whMa "caaiMi-torlsed our anrratora, and a nianlT proneiH'ai to evu'iy deeav. Regular hours, a due allowance of time for nieiu'.n, the disuse of excessive mok- niff, and ai.tog"t'lwr of chewing toliucco, In connection with a courwo of Hos'tetter'e Stomoivh lfittcra, wild In nlno coses out of ten, effac const-quences of the abuses of the Jaiws of health Ind'knted above. A want of st omul na, dyspepsia, nprvousness. and bl'.'ioitxneea are among tliexa conse quences, and Liwy are bodily Ills to the rmnovkil of 'Which rlio lttlters Is speciaKy adopted, wor is rne miters leoa fitted to ovoivome and prevent fever and ague kidney and WaUT troubuvi and rheu ma I to aK'ments. It in oCsoia line aitpeitlier and promotw of convu-wsconc e. . A t II' a of I':-. n't'iiber of pOHtol canlh iksed in Uh flirted St Uo niiy be gleaned from ti'ie otMiaS aniunee nent that It takv Wl IWte of par a yxir to miike them. SIIILOirs CURE la sold on Bt-ar- ntee. It cures incipient consumption. t Is the beet Cough Car. Only ont i-nt a dose. 25 cents, BO cts., and 11.00. For Sale by J. AV. Coon. Tie d ptt plc ifvc nieux iivd In Lake MIA'Ii, i" t'.ioAi-U a d.pth of 810 feet, or about one-!v:h of a mlfo. The mean tl'pflt is Si"' fect, fn-lTtiiti of i4. Children Cry foir Pitcher's Castorls. NAGGING HABIT Simply Nervous Paine's Celery Nasalng Is a diiseaoe, aayis an eminent physician In the tuist Nbrthi Amcilcan Re-View. "It Is cJften," slays Dr. Edson, "tlhe result of a dteused coalition or of strains on ithe strcngith." It 'is 'the nervous men and women who irtailt rcue jICy Pall Into that unfortunate a3a.4, and 'anythihUr that does away with norvous iweUkneisS will cure the de pression, ili'ltaiUlH'liy and the nagging liablt tlhalt no oiTton 'atel'ompanles .i run-down nerVou's iconU.Ufon. Person's who lead an active life r.eed BO'm'elhilng ito Invigorate their nervn and to elve them (fresh, ruddy blood. It lis the rebn'JIIouB nerves overtaxed hy do- fncstlfl dintli-s, alJJCl to the con it ant liv ing In tlie vWalted ut)moiiphere of In- dworj thUt rtUacca tlhe nervous trergth of so In-Jany women. Prof. EWiwturd HlheJiM, M. I.L. D., firtuenteij to t&3 profession the ies.uUs of accurate 'Inve.lttlguiUons in the medical laboratory. Mis Iformulu for recruiting worn-out nervous tfelaiKis and building up the ne.r"c-cein'torji nvWon cxhlausted, Ithls reirJoirkUJte fbrmui'.ii now known tlhe world Acts at once, never falls. One Minute Cough Cure. A remedy for asthma, and that feverish, condition which accom panies a severe cold. The only harmless remedy that produces Immediate results. Chae. Rogers. Paving fortck Works have lately been e.y.IalcK'J.i'eJ: at CtoHkll1.! which! employ Coili'o cay. The ifso of lirtclc Is very com mon In Europe land Is gio.vlng in our AA'cutcro ytiatets. Drv Price's Cream Baking Powder Contains no Ammonia or Alum. A Ituu.siun' n1neriug and locomotive company, largely financed hy French tap- It.oOiis'l'.i, Ii Wing foun'Jsl In KHirk'ov and will start with a Mir government order for engines foa- the Bibeftun railroad. AVhen Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, When slie was a Child, slie cried for Castorla. When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla. AVhon she bad Children, she gave them Castorla. IffPfHrTi r,- PA Dtally, Quickly, Peimaneutly Reatored. 'Weakness, Ncrvousnaj Debility, and an me irmm of evils irom eariy irrur ; later ereesses, tne resuiu oi overwork, sleknew, worry, etc. r ult strongin, R--rL i j iiieiia and portloa W?-''i .'V'MI ''.M rl methods. It 'ilf I I V'' alo improveu JinmedU .rovoineut seen. lniix.sil.le. S.'-V.' lefBiviices.. niKia, xplaaatioii aud prooft midl-w (sealea) la Eli!EMF.niS,UC3..DuffaIo1N.Y. SAVE YOUR SHOES A A V E V E SHOE PRO- tector is warranted to make the sole wear as long as the remainder of any ordinary shoe, and Y Y 0 0 y to save from 20 to 60 II times its cost in repairs. y Causes the shoe to be r easy, elastic and sprincv. r S A true godsend to heavy y. people and heads of large l. ... r- . "i i Minnies, sent prepaid C for lO cents. Spnii chmn JJ for catalogue and testi- monials. Agents wanted. U Crockir fc Ames, 619 p Montgomery St., S. F. El FAT, APkuIBO FOrt r - SAVE YOUR SHOES NOT A VICE. WeaknessUse Compound, over &9 PUIine's celery compouiid, Jia bcocime tfaimillar to every medical prac tll'ioner and Iflimlly pCiyaicilan. "Drtuk Utown and nervous pMrtratlon come," uay tllfcse physicians, "unices the great nerve centers are prompKy fed upon proper nJtrJtllve mliterlal." Piiine's celery compound is tho one great nerve-fevler and nerve reator'a.tlve. By Rs means ail the functions of the body receive a freifi Bupp'y'of nerve food It encourages the body to minufiicture on abundant suppty of this Indlspenslble vital force, wiltfiout which there can be no health, strength nor haipplnesa in 1'lv living. From the lai;k of nerva force men and women are driven to despondency, mcUniftolla, Insanity and suicide. Tiw.usamls of WBten-j like th foClowing from Mrs. Llzssle Arnott, of Manls'flet'd, Ohio, are received by tho proprietors of Paine's celery compound every month In the year:1 "I have used two bottles of PaJno-a cel. cry compound for nervousness1, and have found greiait roflef from Its use. It Is truly a wonderful rcinely. I am better and ann usilug no more medicine now," IT MAY DO AS MUCH FOR YOU. Mr. Fred Miller, of IrVlng, IB., writes that he had a severe kidney trouble for many years, iwtltih severe pains In his back and also .rhait hie bladder was affected. He tried many so-called kid' ney cures, but wMhiout any good result, About a year ago he betfan the use of Electric Wtters and found relief at once. Electric Bitters is especially adapted to the cure of all kidney and liver troubles and ofiton gives almost InBtant relief. One trlb.1 will prove our statement. Price only We for large bottle. Alt Chas Rogers' drug store. The Resort 473 Commercial street, is the place where the busioessnian and the laboring man cn for what is called "BEST ON THE COAST," or a nice oool drink of the celebrated Qnmbrinus beer. Sand' wl'hori of every kind made to order, and nn eWrtnt free lunch served every day. Hot Boftou linked Beans served every 0'lior afternoon. You are welcome. Grosbau3r & Brach. ROSS HIGGINS & CO Grocers, : and : Butchers Astoria and Upper Astoria ln Teas nd Coffen. TMe Dellcsc'M. Donestt uia Tropical l-ruitsi vtccuDws, sugar Cured Hams, Bacon, Etc Choice Fresh and Salt - Meats hbTOlp PUBLIC LIBRARY REAPING ROOM Fit E It TO ALL. Open every day from 3 o'clock to 5 :30 end 0:3(1 to :3U p. m. Subscription rates $3 per annum. Southwest cor. Elevtnth and Dimm 5U. Signature Is printed la BLUB diagonally' across the' outside' wrapper. of botti of (th Original and (tenuis) Worctrhlr SAUCE i nrtber pntetloa 4lwt Mil tmllatloMM, .iiWiaatltaJMiiH. john dwcan-s'sonsw VST' BMW TP W &tw.;:-V BEST soots, ana -n. m ti S1X0 Bottle. Oioeiit doMb It Is sold on iraumnteo by all dm)r- UtM, It ourts Incipient Consumptloa For Bale by S. W. Conn. TflEflSTORIilSflVlIlGSBilM Acta as trustee for corporations and in dividuals. ;, . ' : Transact t general banking Business. Interest paid on time deposits. - J. Q. A. BOWLBT President BEJNJ. YOUNO .Vice President FRANK PATTOOT Cashier ' DIRECTORS. J. Q. A. Bowlby, C. H. Page, Benj Young, A. 6. Reed, D. P. Thomvson W. E. Dement, Oust Holmes. nsTOifl - . MATTRESS - FACTORY, 378 Commercial Street, Mamufaoturers of every description of lioungee, MaUressee, etc. REPAIRING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES MUSIC Hfum- KEATING & CO will open their Music Hall at 3o9 Astor street, Saturday the 10th. They will keep numberless gool liquors and cigars besides having good music all the time. Kopp'a Beer Hall. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. KENTUCKY WHISKEY Only handed over th bar. The largest giass of N. P. Beer. Half-and-half. jc. Free Lunch. Chas. Wirkkala, Proprietor. Cor. Conromly and Lafayette Sn. WANTED. WANTED House of 4 or 5 rooms, or uivPunilslhfcd rooms cenirtiilily Joauted. In quire G. E. Weaveraon, M. C. Crosby'?. WANTED A pi'ano to rent. Apply at Noiuid & Thomson's office. Wanter to rent A wn'traWy ilocated house of seven or elttlhlt rooms. Address M., tihto office. WANTED A good girl for general housework at the residence southeast corner 15th et. and Franklin avenue. WAMTn Tn im,nlov an encrcetlc la dy or gentleman to represent our Business In every county. Salary, $50.00 per month and a commission. Address with stamp, Chas. A. Robinson & Co., Saltna, Kans. WANTED Agent to represent the old National Life Insurance Co., of MontDeller. Vt. For further Informa tion, address G. M. Stolp, General Coast Manager, 82-84 crocKer uunaing, san Francisco. Cat. WANTED Man or lady to collect, do soma office work, and manage agents. You will deal through your leading mer chants. Something new and very popu lar. We nay all expenses. Position per manent. Send four references and ten cents for full particulars. John Finney Mgr., P. O. Box 484, St. Louis, Mo. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Hie OiAureioek ouse. Hot and cold waiterr, tmith, etc. $17.00 pw month. Inquire at pos'tolfiVc of E. C. Lewis. FOR BENT Furnished room on ground floor In private family. 414 Exeduamge St. FOR HALE. FOR SALE Corner in McCiure's-ie Ad dition, lOOxluO .fest, $800. 160 acres timber land, $4.00 iper acre. Inquire at postofflce of E. C Lew 1b. FOR SALE Two horse and one mule (will work single or doulrie) one wood wagon and one bug-jy. Inquire of Ml. Feakes, Uppertown. JAPANESE GOODS Just out Just re ceivedJust what you want, at Wing Lee's, 643 Commercial street. TO LOAN. MONEY Apply to Astoria Abstract, Title and Trust Co. FOUND. FOUNDMonday, September 30, a skirt, painted 'ead color, wtth about one fathom of chain. Owner can have same by ap plying at Astorlan - office and paying charges. A parasol was left at Rogers' drug store sometime ago. Owner can recover same by calling at this office and paying for this advertisement. FOUND A pocket Look. Owner can call at Crow's photograph gallery, pay for this advertisement, prove ownership, and receive property. MISCELLANEOUS. $75,000 PER WEEK using and selling uynamos for plating watches, jewelry, and table ware. Plates gold, silver, nickel, etc., same as new goods. Dif ferent sizes for agents, families and shops. Easy operated; no experience big profits. W. P. Harrison & Co., Clerk No. 14, Columbus, Ohio. EXTENDED SYMPATHY. "Do unto others as you would have otners do unto you," is sympathetically shown In the following lines, the pre sumption being that sympatny is b-Jrn. or akin to pain or sorrow: "Gentlemen: Please send Krause't Headache Capsules as follows: Two boxes to Flora Seay, Havanna. r. Dak. Two boxes to LlUle Wilcox, urookiana, N. Dak. I nave always been a great sufferer from headache and your Cap sules are the only thing that relieves me," Yours very truly, FLORA SEAY, Havana, N. Dak. For sale by Chas. Kogers, Astoria Or, Sole Agent A GOOD WORD. Mr. X J. KelL Sharnsburg, Pa. Dear Sir' I am tjlad to say a good word for Krause's Headache Capsules. After suffering for over thre years wtth aedte neuralgia and Us consequent Insomnia (rvhlch seemed tn haffle the efforts of some of our best physician?) you supfrested this remedy which rave me almost instant relief. Words fil to express the praise I should like to bestow on Krause's Headache Capsules Gratefully Yours, MRS. E. R. HOLMES. ' ' . Montnse. Pn I Keal Estate (Den, j; Backers 0 V ' ."J Business (Wen j OfflstoMa ' . L Generally. U R POINTER! BLCCull Into the Astorlan oliice and get sample copies of our icgu lar Commercial edition. j It ffleans JVIoney J in Your Pocket. K FREEMAN & HOLMES. Blacksmiths. Special attention paid to steamboat re pairing, first-class horseshoeing, etc LOGGING CiHttP lUORK A SPECIALTY 197 Oljjey street, between Third and and Fourth, Astoria, Or. As Franklin says, good dress opens all doors, you should not lose sight of the fact that a perfect fitting suit is the main feature. Wanamaker & Brown are noted for At, workmanship and superiority of qualities. Their rep resentative visits Astoria every three months. Office 64 Dekum Building, Portland,' Or. Reserve orders till you have seen- the spring line of samplfn. They Lack Life There are twines sold to fishermen on the Columbia river that stand In the same relationship to Marshall's Twine as a wooden image does to the human being they lack strength life evenness and lasting qualities. Don't fool yourself Into the belief that other twines besides Marshall's will do "Just as well." They won't. They cannot. S THERE? Is there a man with heart so cold, That from his family wouia wunnoia Tha nnmfnrla vuhn.h thpV fill COUld find In articles of FURNITURE of th rigtot kind. A ni4 nra nrrtll lil onp-p-psf nt this season. nice Sideboard, Extension Table, or se of Dining Chairs. We have the larges and finest line- ever shown In the city and at prices that cannot fall to pleas tha closest buyers. HE1LBORN & SON. Dalgity Iron Works, General riachlnlst and Boiler Works. All Kinds or tannery, aii'P; LC""";"dl and Engine Work of anv Description. Castings of all kinds made to order. Foot of Lafavette St.. Astoria, Ur. ASTORIA IRON WORKS Conromly St., foot of Jackson. Astoria. General Machinists and Boiler Makers land and Marine Engines. Doller work, Sk.ihi boat and Cannery Work a Special'.)'. Castings of All Descriptions Made 'o OJer . Short Notice, fohn Pox. President und Si.inriK-.".: L. Fox Vice I'restdi-n. 5. B. F'racl Secret r Are You Going East? If so, drop a line to A C. Sheldon, guneral agent of the "Burlington Rou" 250 Washington Bt, Portland. He will mall you free of charge, maps, time tables, and advise you as to the through rates to any polrii. reserve sleeping car accommodations for you, and furnish you with ihrough tickets ahhnr tha Morihprn. Union. South ern. Canadian Pacific, and Great North ern railroads at the very lowest rates obtainable. The Burlington Route is generally .jonceded to be the finest equipped rail road In the world for all classes of travel. Canadian Pacific RAILWAY. AMERICA'S Greatest -f fes-Miita! Railway System. TO Palace Dining Room and Sleeping Cars. Luxurious Dining Cars. Elegant Day Coaches. ALSO - Observation Cars, allowing Unbroken Views of the Wonderful Mount . ' ;;i:i Country. $5.00 and $10.00 Saved on all ti 'kcts F.nsi. Tourist c- r thf b.'l on wh-fls. I qiilpuicuts of the very flues? throughi ut. , -AIO- Cnnadian Huclfio ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP UK -TO- - China and Japan. China steamers leave Vancouver, B. C. Empress of India . Empress of Jiraa Empress of China Emrress of India t-mpiess of Jacjn Empress of Olma Aujr. 5II1. Auj 26th. Sept, 16th. Oct. 14th, Nov. sith. Dtc, th. Australian steaacr leave Vancouver, B. C Otta o( every month. For ticket rates and Information call on or aJJrtss - JAS. FINLAYSON, Aeent, Astoria, Or. W. F. Cars m. Traveling Pass. Agt., "1 acoma, vai-h. Geo. McLVBnrA-ti, Dist. f'ass. A.ct., ' Vancouver, B. C. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ET i SMITH DEKTIST. '- ' Rooms I and 2, PythUn rmiMiii over C. H Cooper's store. "cieTmaTi Physician. " Ecl?ctp. DR. B ARTEL, PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON. Ofllce over Albert Dunbur's store, cor. 9th and Commercial. Prices: "Calls, $1; connnemcnta, $10.00. Operations at efTice free; medicines furnished. W. C. LOGAN, D. V. 3., DENTAL PARLORS. Mansell Block, 573 Third Street. DR. EILIV JANSON, PHY3IC1AN AND SURGEON. Office over Olsen's drug store, il'ours, 10 to 12 a. m.: 2 to 6 and 7 to 8 p. m.; Sun days, 10 to 11. '- 1 " " ' LIBERTY P.'rfuLLINlX, 11. D., PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Office, 6S4W Third St., Astoria, Ore. Special attention given to all chronl dlBeaaea. DR. O. B. ESTE8, PHYSICIJ AND BURGEON, Special atttntlon to diseases of wom en and surgery. . ' Office over Danzlger's store, Astoria. Telephone No. 62. JAY TUTTLB, U. D. -. i PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, "AND ACCOUCHEUR. Office, Rooms and 6, Pythian Building. Hours-, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Residence, 639, Cedar street- DOCTOR ALFRED KINNEY, OFFICE AT HIS RESIDENCB. May be found In his office until It o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until p. m., and from 6 until 7:30 evenings. H. T. CROSBY, ' ' AlTORNEY-AT-LAW. . f " r ' " ' ' 4C8 ComimerciaJ Street. ,. W. M. LaForce. LaFORCE & SMITH, S. B. Smith. ATTORNEYS-AT-YAW, 38S Commercial street. J. Q. A. BOWLBY, , ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office on Second SUiet. Astoria, Or. J. N. Dolph. Richard Nixon " Chester V. Dolph. DOLPH. NIXON & DOLf H, ; ATTORNEYS AT LAW. . : -. Portland, Oregon, 24, 25, 26, and27, Hamilton Building. AH legal and col lection business promptly attended to. Claims against the government a spe cialty. SOCIETY MEETINGS. TEMPLE LODGE NO. 7, A. F. and A. M. Regular communications held on the first and third TueBday evening of each month. - . W. G. HOWELL, W. M. E. C. HOLDEN. Sotary. MISCELLANEOUS. ART OF SINGING.- . ' ,. ' MRS. H. T. CROSBY, . (Pupil of Anton Tiarill and other mas ters) will give lesions in MUSIC AND VOICE CULTURE. In the school of tha great- masters of the Ijjillan method of training the voice. Apply at 468 Commercial street. REAL ESTATE, NOTARY PUBLIC. W. C. CASSELL, 178 Tenth street. WHEN IN. PORTLAND Call on Handley & Haas, 160 First street, and get the Dally Astonan. Visitor? need not miss their morning peper .'iiie there. EVT.RABS WINES AND BRANDIES. '.Is V.m mi del wine liistoud of coffee or t .-.. -!';;. '.'tus per gallon. Don'l i'or;;-."i n-aoh and uprlcot brandy. AIho French "ot:niip and -wine Ati Alex Gilbert's. A. V. ALLEN, - DEALER IN 1 Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, f ruits Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies. ; Cor. Cus a-jj SqaiiMiou Strctts. ' Astoria. Ore DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. ' Notlre Is hercoy Riven that the partner ship heretofore existing between the Un jersljriid. under the llrm namA and style Oroifoii Tran.iioi'tation Comixiny, is this day dissolved by mutual cqnsenu.i..-All outsslanclliijf bills or accuu.-its being pay able to Oupt. ImuI Selirader, and He as auni!i)!: the payment of .all doW;due,!by said firm. " "J 4 :.-'' -' ') ' AMorla, Or., May 13, 18:5. PETER )i. CHIM,. PAUL SCHHADER.- steam'ers Telephone & Bailey Gatzert. . - .-- .. . . ,-v " w ., f Columbia River and Puet Sound Nav ' . : igatlon Co,1 - j ' : -. . .- t w I . v Two Dally Boata to Portland "Telephone" leaves A Btoria at 7 p'.tn. daily (except Sunday). Leaves Portland daily at 7 .'m., ex cept Sunday. "Bailey Uutssert" Ifows.Astori Tues day. Wedr,H.lii.v, T'-nry-av, Fridny snd :iturdr.y mornfni; nt 0:45 k. m ; Knnday : vi'iiiny ut 7 p, m. .Lonves Tortliind "d-ii'y rd 8 p. r.i., ex-"ei-t Suniliiy. ()u .Satniday iiieb 'at 11 p. ni. -. . ' C.-W. STONE, As;pnt, Astoria. Telephone No. 1L TJ. B. Soott, President. - E. A. Seeley. Gen'l AbU Portland. S. H. WILLdTTj I PLUMBING, (las and 5 team Fitting, Hot Air, Steam and Water Heating.-.-. ... 178 Twelfth street. ..Ajtorta. Or. Her th Paeifie Breiciepy ' i; JOHN KOPP, Prop " Bohemian Lner Beer - And XX -PORTEP. Leare order with J. L. Car!aon,iche Siuinysile Saloon or Louia Bertm&, at the CoamopolHan Saloen. All nrrj m be promptly attended to.i.,i.V