The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, October 17, 1895, Image 2

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JOHN T. UOUTiCK. Kdltor.
Telephone No. 86. .
n t.v ma.lL oer yojr fW
Sent by mull, per month
av tv oirrlnr. Der week
Sent by mall per year, $2.00 In advance
Rentage free to subscribers.
AR communications Intended for pub
lication should be directed to the editor.
Business communlcatlons of all kinds and
remittances mint toe addressed to TUB
Astorlan.: '
, Th Atorln guarantees to Its sub
scriber the largest circulation of . any
' 1 newspaper published -on. the Columbia
river. ' ' i , . 1 .
Advertising rates can be had on op
plication to the business manager.
1 Weakiv Astorlan. the second old'
est weekly In Bis state of Oregon, has
next to the, Portland Oregonlan, tl:e
largest 'weekly1 circulation In the state,
Jno. T. Handley Co. are our Port
land agents, and copies of the Astorlan
can be had every morning at their stand
on First street.
The manufacturers of printing paper In
the United States are about to organize
a huge trust to embrace ei the leading
estabClshdvents of the country, capitalized
at double or treble their actual cost or
value, apparently for the purpose of es-
ta&'fcftlng a nwnopoly tihttt may arbi
trarily fix the price of printing paper.
Looking to the ut';imate Interests of the
country and ' newspapers ' espe;laHy, the
creation of this trust iw& surely result
In good. The trutlt' wCH faH to occom Its aim, and the pubtfc generally
wli rtup subrtan-tlat advantages after
the ftnst floor speeutUibore efouXl have
pockeHed their profits and irtmy others
had bUve lost a large amount of money.
The manufacture of printing piper Is
such prime necessity ttwit It cannot be
controlled by any monopoly trust, and
those who attempt It may succeed for a
season onty to suffer disaster In the end.
One - of the inevitable reaults of the
newspaper trust must be tine placing of
(rttriUng- paper on ittie flee list by con
gress. " It should have been done long
ago, and it mrEt certainly be adKunpMsJied
whenever the printing paper monopoly
gets fairly under way. It la now de
monstrated that good printing paper can
be made in this country by any. edtab
Krfiment that Is properly equipped for its
production, at from 1.60 to 2 cents per
pound; and with a boundf.ess supply of
raw mUterloCs und conotoat Improvement
in machinery, the tendency wilt be to
diminish the price rather than Increase It.
The flcCd. I too wide nut to tempt mill
ion of new capital Into the creation of
new mills wfth the very beat advantages
of location, equipment, etc., and the end
win surely be cheaper printing paper
thlaa ever before. The printing paper
monopoly trust win .therefore, tureom
pCtah good without Intending it, and the
more arbitrarily tt'iNaCl attempt to gather
Its profits the sooner it w'.li be over
thrown. ' The newspapers of the country
have nothing to fear fro.n the organiza
tion of this new monopoly.
TCve proposition Vhkt wnv public man
shall be a candidate for office Is ulwuys
very simple. ' He Is ambitious, as he has
a rlghlt Ho be; hi friends support hem, as
they tiave a rlglut to do. If he chooses
to accept aha consequenoeU of defuut, It
hi no one' sorrow whea he is defeated
axcept tola own and his friends' sorrow.
It 4i win M has been his own worthy
ambtiion (and that of tita friend) wiikh
taut caused it. It tit not only One prlvl-
lege, my. It is the duty, of every Ameri
can citlien, If not to aspire to office, at
letuSt to accept It. It to wrong for a can'
didaiM to toe frightened out of an honor.
abjs ambition for nation or election
by tflwealts, inul'mldatlon or chicanery. It
Is Wins ctLndlUolte's flxta; liie has a right to
trait It.
An unDc!coJiiitHU.y sK-mage thing i that
ceuii&Jn party organs, some Dunocrallc,
some Republican and mo Independent,
so caXed, ' shou&l Uhlnk It Incumbent
upon tlhemst-tvo to ltoeiuro pu'bilc men
uow and then, especially upon occasions
when Wiea publ'lo man oug:..: of all
times to be permitted to act for tcm
soAts. It ts no pjirt of the mission of
the dftty newapaper, as we conceive, to
preaoh or to lecture. X dolly Journal
la Influential In proportion as It Is able
to point out whit Is beat and What Is
worst, or what W good or what Is bad for
ft reader's to suppoit or to awtd. It to
supposed to hotll ttie mirror up to na
ture, to hold It up to human nature, to
be more oxact; and tt must do thai hon
estly and falrfy. Whether a public man
agiees with It or not, -whether tie aspires
to nfflcs or not wOen this party organ,
wt-.efber Uemociatlc, Republican or In
dependent, thinks tMat he tCiouU not,
mak no difference.
It Is the candidate's affair and h must
More riots against Christian mission
aries In China or reported, yet mlrslon
arles continue to Invade the barbarous
country to mUke the Nopelesa atumpt
to do some rood there. The day surely
cannot be distant when the churches will
learn that energy to worse than useless
unless It be -wisely directed. As .ong
as onCy one-third of the population of the
United States ts Christianised the mis
sionaries have large enough field for
work at borne.
It Is really dlstrcMlng thto wjy the
liver fknUtic.t seem never to be able to
open their mouttis wrehout putting tkelr
feat Into them. ' The latest accident of
the kind reported is In Olilo. Up to
this week Senator Brice Hid been able
by a loud cracklns; of Hie party whip to
keep the free-silver, ' cheip-iuney ele
ment of the Ohio Dcmocricy In subjec
tion, but now thy tiave kicked cter the
tiritce sad teimed . ulrcufer setting forth
tfhe "ti'.iSmM' of sliver In ttis mcst ap
proved I'opullle style. It Is a compo-j
cite pro J jc lfou, oa'Ja up In about equal I
parts of t'hs raving of Stewart, the
mWinf.y -s"09 of Harvey and Ae waSs
and pities the farmers and abuses the
Republican, and winds up wluh an ap
peal to she voters to elect Campbeln
governor a J a friend of rillver and defeat
Brkre for re-eCectlon to the senate on
the opposite ground. And right Jiere
comes the distressing part of the ttory
Just they got tfhls clrcullar poliftoed
Into' ealtisfaotory tfliape and given It to
the ereaa a letter from Campbell M pub-
tlwhod, sbbwlng VtM 'the ntands cheek by
jowJ with the 'gold bug" and sound
money advocates) WU t'he woes of the
sXvor men never cease?
The report that Siraft Bemlurt lias
grown so fletCiy that she has begun to
pint Is probably a to make
Americans b.-tleve that when she comes
to the United States Uhey will be able to
see tiler.
Barney parnato, the new mining klrg,
la said to be the ugliest man In London
Handsome Is as bandaome does, l.owevcr,'
and Barney is doing his Mlonrs hand
'Even now Corbett and Fltzsimmons ure
in fine condition and good for a contest
of a column and a half or two columns a
day each.
If Durrani once sang In a I'liVaifore
troupe, as charged, wWat Is the need of
going through the formality of a trial?
If iwe understand tltTe gaime, Mr. HB
Hals executed a gambit upon Mr, W'Wtney
by moving Mr. Morrt-on tn front of Mr.
Cleveland. Detroit TWbune.
TWe Demnocr'altlc ptiatfjrlm Is as silent
as the Democratic preee upon the prize
flgWlin question, land every tihijus'Utrut
mam can telQ why. Boa:on Journal.
Tlhe ProMblMoTvUIB of Chealor ccunty
nominated Elijah Pemnypacker fcr sur
veyor Cast week, and line next day U!s-
covetied that he fraud been deud for elii'ht
montlha. PhdludeCiphUa Tirana.
Joe 'Hlickbum Oooleeil at the rrortriit
of Adlal Stevenson tlhe other day and
asked it how it stood. The portrait had
nothllng to say. It nvUs probably not a
speaiMng likeness. Atlanta Constitution.
Buck Hmrlcktoon brtlevej that A'.tgeCU
ls 26,000 votes strongieir than Hula party.
If h!at bo true, and AfttgeUd M tlhe fru
bernlaltor'Ilal camtldaite In 'US, the Repub
licans wl.l have leasy salllnir. Joltet Re-
The Pdil?ad.i:iph!:ia Press ttirjonloallv re.
fern o the goverrtmemt under the Clove'
land regime as "a KWvern.mcnt of a syn-
ouoaite, ay a eymmcate, and for ai nrn
dlcatc." ahe eurcnem of thils iairljryhlraBe
ts in tne bae'ls of truth Whldh underlies
It, Los Tli,ies.
Pofeiimaoter Gencrdl WHsan, who mUde
very comipCete succeaj, with tlhe dfd of
this !preBlde7it, ef wsmip'AMng nothlni?,
winen t a mnroer of conrai. wta,nts to
try It agwlin. 'Mr. Wll'aj.n . will find his
record as a rta'tesman very Tniuch In his.,
way If he makes the attempt. Pittsburg
Cotrinwrv-jWiD Gazette.
Th excise quesltl'on ovei'StilidowM ttt
others at the coming election. In iMs
dlty tihto mWorlty In favor of greater liib-
eramy in the Sunday cCosIng I'a'w Is
so grtlilt that nel'Bher etie frlendu nor the
roe of Tarrfmiany iwou'd try to elect a
ticket compofiod of men flavoring a maln
teiutnce of the present llirw. Mew York
Over In Australia When One Sees the
Tn speaking of the experience of Dr.
LewakowHkL of Australia. In meetlmr
J. J. 'Him, the railroad president, of St,
Haul, a reporter In et, 'Paul very graph
ically eays:
Ttallroad preaRlents 1n Amerlcai are not
tike those in Australia, They assume to
be made of flesh and blood, and nothing
finer. They wear no purple and employ
no body guard. In Australia it Is dif
ferent. Dr. Lewakowskl, the Australian
panllaimentarian spen about two
hours wlMi 'President Hill, of the Great
Northern, in his olllce the other . day,
tanking over tfhe Immigrant situation.
Mr. Hill was in his ehlrt sleeves, for
the afternoon was very hot, and during
the conversation he tat on tho corner of
a table near an open window.. The doc
tor had met several1 officials, and was
not aware that the keen-looking, Impres-sIve-ta.Mng
man before ihlm wna the
president of a great .'transcontinental
railroad. After he left (he remarked' to
Land OommlsBlomrr Habcock that thai
"official" was very bright and Intelli
gent. "What official?" inquired Mr. Babcock.
"Why, that mian I-ve been talking lo
so 'long that man with the shaggy hair
and sharp eyes, Mr. . What did1 you
nay his name was? I really forget."
"Why, that's James J. Hill, t'he presi
dent," exclaimed Mr. Babcock, with a
"What!" exclaimed the doctor, with an
other gas). "Hill, t'he president, the groat
railroad man!"
"The same."
, "Impomfblet No card ffhlrt sleeve-lm-posslble!"
"Thats the man."
"Well, well, wpfl! In Australia! a presi
dent of a road, 100 mtles long acts like a
little king. 'If you want to ace him you
must give notice a day in avtvanoe. Then
when you come to the outside office yo
are Inspected by a sort of guarU. Unless
you are dreosed Just so you must go
home. If you are dressed properly yuu
go Into another office, and then lots ot
other offices, following your card, being
slowly pa8ed from one functionary to
another. In many hours you may reach
t'he president's office, and, on entering,
you must bow greatly, and then bow
again, before you eay anything. So that
was President Hill. Wei, well, well!"
The Orientalist and one-time famous
traveler, D. Guiseppe Sapeto, died the
other day In Oenoai He became known
years ago through his travels In Asia
and Africa.
Mrs. Nellie Grant Sartorls will spend
the winter In AVashnlgton City. Her
aa-ugnter. Miss Rose Mary, has entered
the Georgetown convent school, and her
eon may attend Georgetown university
Krupp, the cannon king, has set aside mark as a fund for th benefit
or his emi.oes. In addition to this he
irave on Sedan day 100 marks to each
of the 1.820 veterans of the war of 1S70
working for him.
One of the few cities In the United
Plates which employ a spjolal instructor
in geography In the puUie schools In
San Francisco. The Instructor, who fcas
had great success, Is Ml Hattte II
tuetr.r. snt nas collection ot more
than S.000 stereOptlcon slides, which the
uses in her lectures.
Great regret Is felt la Sweden at the
death of Professor Bven L. Loven. the
famous zoologist, which occurred In
Stockholm recently. The professor was
8 years old and worked to the very last.
He wrote a number rf books on serologi
cal subjects. He wts an officer of the
Prussian order "Pour le Merlte."
Edgar Scott and Mrs. Thomas A. Scott
and fanlly sailed from Box Uorbor a tow
days no on stetmer Sagamore for New
York and Philadelphia. Edgar Scott has
purchased eleven acre of land In Bar
Harbor, the most costly on the Island,
adjoining the Marko nlace. near the
shore. He will build a house on if sext
yar. , . . . j .... ... .
General Janvs Longstrs.'t,' sayi the
Philadelphia Inquirer. Lee's chie of
staff, "who practically directed thj move
ments of the Confederal army during
the three days' llnht at Gettysburg. Is
M.ecU J -rriv.i jn Philadelphia today
fc-tt 8cid of Cliicka-
mauga. where fL'nlan and Confederate
heroes have placed the kiss of peace upon
the past. Longstreet Is now far advanced
In years, and feeble, and It Is not unlikely
that this will be his last visit to the
North. He comes lb this city to see
the LIpplncotts about the publication of
a book which' he ha written concern
Ing the rebellion. The great publishing
firm wished to give blm a public dinner,
but this Is forbldl'!!i by his physician.
The Union League, sizing up in Its usual
broad ty!e ths dlgnlflcanje of the visit
and the high character of the man, want
ed to tender him a reception, but it is
feared that such a function would overtax
Ills physical -powers. ' It Is likely, how
ever, tiian he- may bo ' given .1 quletef
reception in the home of the J'-n and
Pencil. club. Whatever Is done will bs In
response to the .1 soldier's wishes.''
The following anecdote is, we fear, too
good to be true, but It Is going about
tewn on respectable authority, cays the
.Princess.,. Some. ..time , ago a tourlat
stepped- into a postal ttilegraph office
In one , of our country districts, and go.
u( ud :to' Ise counter wrote an address
on a letu-r: I'e was about to leave, when
he. tfmtrlrt s'lght c? a lady in charge, and
lifting his hat, botJ politely to her. But
the I'akly h'ad lofty Ideas of her official
position, and thus addressed the depart
ing gentleman: "I moot say, It'e a pretty
piece of Impertinence to coma to this
office simply to scrlbbte an address." The
Intruder courteously responded, saying
that he bad hoped such a thing might
be permitted 1n extraordinary clrcunv
stances, but that If no person was to be
admitted' for such a purpose, he was quite
prepared! to eend a telegram. He then
proceeded to fill up a form, and handed
it over to the lady, filled up in the fol
lowing manner: "The lady clerk at this
office wantonly Ignore every rule of civil
ity." The lady was struck dumb when
she read the message, which was ad-dressed-
to' the secretary of the genera
postomce, and bore a well known name.
The gentJeman observed her extreme con.
fusion, and, relenting, said: "I don't
think I'll trouble you to tend the tele
gram,- un.'eM you particularly wish; but
I will express the hope that you will be
a Jltt'e more careful 1n your language
In the future." The lady clerk did not
fall to learn the Hesson thus taught her
as to her deportment In the discharge
or airty.
OrvPrlce's Cream Baking: Powder
Contains no Ammonia or Alum.
'Ti.-ei-St wlj( kxm be unlade once more
the eUlvrtlng point of French steameru for
New York. Nearly a day wllli be saved
thereby In the voyage.
At 'Delphi a tfou'iUh Greek hymn has
been' discovered Iby tire French. It Is In
honor of Dlonyslus, belongs to the fourth
century before Chlrlilt, being thus earlier
tha'n the other hymns, and has no musical
notation. It contains much historical In
formation. A railroad 'across Arabia from lamella
on the Suez Canal, to tWa head of the
Persian Gulif, following an near.y as pos
sible ths thirteenth degree of Catitude,
for neanly a thousam'd miles, is now under
conrideiilatlon. TWa engineering difficul
ties are net serious.
Garibaldi's coloslja'l equestrian ttatue, !
erected on Mount Janlcuium at Rome on !
September 20, was cast by a new mtethod, I
hv iwih''h tha IvhlnTa nnuM lirau An.laViA '
In 'four month's, Iniltead of the twenty
required by , the old systtm of casting.
Twenity-flve tons of bronze wore used for
the statue.
In dredging the harbor ot Swinemunde,
on th'o bland of Usedom, a church bell
weighing 500 pounds was fished out whole,
with the broken half of uno'ther ball.
From the Insonfpitlona they are believed
to have bejn sicleti during the Thirty
Yeaers' War and to have been sunk with
the vessel that bore them.
Great Improvements have been recently
made at 'thV3 mouth of ithe mlver Vistula.
The old branch Into the Dalltlc has been
stralghltened and shortened from ten miles
to four and a ihuGf, and the channel!
em-ij bv Aliikllng a dike on the last bank
six miles further werft. The Denzlg
branch U shut off by a lock. The changes
make 'tlhe river more aoeeaalblfe and at the
same- 'time will prevent destruction by
floods.' The work cost 5,000,000.
Lr Oi'ande Tr'apoe, the parent of all
Trapplrt mona.lterl'e's, waa lately thrown
open to women for tho tlrat time In its
hlstry on the occasion of the consecra
tion Of Its new church by the Bishop of
Soez. Befoi"e that only thrve women had
erased Its thlrcshcCd, Jaimes IPs queen,
Mary of Mtaijena, accompainylng her hu--
band In 1UI6, and Queen Amelia' and the
Duchess di3 Nomourw. wh were with
Louis Philippe when he visited 'the con
vent in 1B47.
Th healing pronertles of DcWitt's 1
V'ltch ilarel S:flvo are well known. It .
cures eczema, skin affections, and Is slm-
ply a perfect remedy for plies. Chas. i
On a tombstone In Lamlaff Center, N.
II., la the following: "Widow Suaanna
Brownson, was born August 21, 1699, and !
died June 12, 1802. aged 108 years." Tho!
remarkable part Ot this record Is that
Mrs. Urownwon lived In the seventeenth, !
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
SHILOH'S CURB la sold on a gfar
ntee. It cures incipient consumption,
t is the best Cough Cure. Only one
ent n dose. 25 cents, 60 cts., and $1.00.
For Sale by J. W. Conn.
P. T. Sherman, youngest son of the
late (Sen. William T. Sherman, has po
litical um'bttlon. Mo has announced him
self a a candidate for one of the New
York assembly districts and has secured
the support of Clen, Wagner B way ne.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
A daughter of Gen. Custer, lira. Mar
garet Custer Calhoun, has been Invited
by the board of women managers to read
a pjper on "H'.ue and Gray day," Sep
tember 21, at the Atlanta exposition.
Acts at once, never falls. One Minute
Cough i-nre, a remedy for asthma, ana
that feverish condition which accom
panies a severe co'.VI. The only harmless
remedy that produces Immediate results.
Chas. Rogers.
Mrs. Wentworth. a Philadelphia wldc.v,
surprised her friends In decorating her
bicycle with crepe when he went riding
VI few days after the death of her hus
Gentlemen: I have always recom
mended KraWs Headatne Capsules
wherever I have hud a chance. They
huve proven a veritable boon In my
family against any and all kinds of
headache. Yours truly,
Leavenworth, Kansas.
For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria,
Oregon, sole agent.
All (he iten: medlilies idvertised
in this paper, toftether with the choic
est perfumery, and tidlet article, etc.,
inn be rmjclit ftl tne jowent prices at
1 V"it H.iln A.jorla
George Augustus Sala, the well known
correapondent and editor of the Dally
Telegraph, who Is lying IK at Brighton,
England, is in such a bad condition fin
ancially as well as physically that a fund
has been started by the London press
to remove his embarrassment.
Mr. Fred Miller, of Jrvtr. IS., writes
that tit had a eevere Irld.-.ey trouble for
many yeirs, with sewre pains tn his
back and also tfhaK his bladder -was
affected. He tried many so-called kid
ney cures, but without any good result.
About a year ar he !Mn the use of
Fltx.-lrio lur nd found relief at once.
Klectrte Bitters Is estiecititr adapted to
the cuiy of all kidney and liver troubles
and bittern gives almost Instant relief.
One trllal will prove our statement. Price
only 60c for large bottle. Alt Ohas.
Rogers' drug store.
One day In huckle-berry time, .when Jit
tie Johnny Flails
And, Waif a dozen other boys were start
ing with their palls
To gather berries, Jolitiny''s pa, 1n talking
wh.;i him, raid
Ti.Ut 'he could teHTj Mm how to pick so
Ihle'd come ouit elheud.
"First find your butih," raid Johnny's
pa, "and then stick to It tfi
Yca've picked ft clean. Let those go chas
ing u.1 about who iwllt
In searcHi of better busQicis; but It's pick
ing ItcCCs, my eon
To flook at fifty bushes doean't count
C'ike picking one."
And Johnny did as he wU- told; and,
sure onough he found.
By attaklng to ihis ibiKfoi while eM the
others chased around
In search of better pickling, 'twas as his
faultier daild;
For, 'Wihlle all Ithe olhera looked, he work
ed, and soon ctaime out ahead.
And Jclhlnny recdlOected this when lie be
cam a man;
And first of all due Hall Wtm out a well
ddtermlned plan;
So, wihTe It'hie biHlfant trlflers failed, with
all their bna'lnls and pu?ih,
Wlaa, 8teakly-gom Johnny won by "stick
1ng i his butlh."'
St. Nicholas.
Nikoliaj Tesla, whose discovery, three
years ajo, of the "rotating magnetic
Held," has almost revolutionized modern
electrical methods, believes that It is
easily possible at the present time to
place 100,000 horse power on a line at
Niagara a-nd deliver it lo New York or
Chicago with a less In energy of less
than 26 per cent.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others.
A movement has been started In the
South to erect a monument to the mem-
cry of Anne 'Lee farter, the mother of
Gen. Robert E. Lee.
A. G. Bartley, of Magic, Pa., writes: 1
feel It is a duty of mine to Inform you
and the public that DelWtt's Witch Ha
zel Salve cured me of a very bad case
of eczema. It also cured my boy of a
running sore on his leg. Chas. Rogers.
John D. Rockefeller, Jr., although only
21 yeans of age, relieves his father of
most of the cares of his great business.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla,
When she had Children, she gave them Castorla.
Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored.
Weakness, Nervousness,
i Debility, and all tne train
TSof evils from early errors 01
fjj later excessos, the results of
' etc. Full Btrength, devel-
, ) opmentandtonegivento
Ltgevery nritan and portion
itiMl ihn ural methods. ImmedU
in 11 im .'.. 1' ""iV."'. r
i I I ;i in ' A 4 mnrAiramsnr. swutll.
r aliure impossinie. -s.wu ihuwumb.
axplanatluu aud proofs mailed (sealed) free.
Tlic3o tinyCcpsulcs aroeunoriori
to Jjuisam of Copaiba,
Cubebs mid Injections, Uffflu
Thoy euro In 48 llours tlio
same diseases without any Incon
I Ileal Estate men,
I Bankers
I and
j Business JVIen
S Of Astoria
Generally. 0
rCall into the Astorlan office
and get sample copies ol our regu
lar Commerciul rditlon.
It Weans Money
in Your Pocket
la the making of a pie. The
making of a crisp crust depends
1 lareelv noon the shortening. Use
Cottofene, the new vegetable H
j shortening, instead ot laid, ana
Isogginess will be an unknown
j element in your pastry.
should always, be economically
nsed two-thirds as much Cotto
lene as you would ordinarily use
of lord or butter, being ample to
produce the most desirable re
sults. The saving in a year rep
resents a considerable item.
There are many imitations of
Cottolene; you should therefore
be careful to get the genuine.
Sold mrrikm la tla. with timd-auks
" (bttalM" And mmt'i ksmd 4m nrffr mlmml 1
a o rr7 urn. muw mi Dy
H THE It K. F.imSNR COMPtNT. St Itmh.
&3 iuvs
iliikiiilfii'nwii wffiiniiiimiM imwa aim
It Is sold cm snikrantoa hv all Hmr-
gists. It ouros Incipient Consumption,
aad, ls.tha best Cough, ud Croup Ours. ,
For Sale by S. W. Ctma.
Wall Paper. Artists' Material, Paints,
Oils, Glass, etc. Japanese Matti; gs,
Rugs and Bamboo Goods,
365 Commercial Street.
Acts as trustee for corporations and In
dividuals. Transact a general banking business.
Interest paid orlme deposits.
J. Q. A. BOWLBY President
BEN J. YOUNG Vice President
J. Q. A. Bowlby, C. H. Page, BenJ
Young, A. S. Reed, D. P. Thompson
W. E. Dement, Gust Holmes.
378 Commercial Street,
Mainufaeturera of every description of
Lioungce, Mattresses, etc.
KEATING & CO will open their
W Music Hall at 3:0 Astor street,
K Saturday tho 10th. They will
k -k -k keep numberless good liquors
and cigars besides having good music all the
Kopp's Beer Hall.
Choice Wines, Liquors and Clears.
Only handed over ths ear, The largest glass
ol N. P. Beer. Half-and-half, 51.
I Free Lunch.
Chas. Wirkkala, Proprietor.
Cor. Conromly and Lafayette Sl.
WANTED House of 4 or 5 rooms, or
unfurnished roams centruilly located. In.
qilre O. E. Weaverson, M. C. Crosby's.
WANTED A piano to rent. Apply at
Noidind & Thomson's olllce.
Wlamter to rent A certtraTily Ooc.vted
house of seven or eljjWt roams. Address
M., ahis otTlce.
WANTED A good girl for general
housework at the residence southeast
corner 15th at. and Franklin avenue.
WANTED To employ an energetic la
dy or gentleman to represent our business
In every county. Sa'ary, JjO.OO per month
and a commission. Address with stamp,
Chas. A. Robinson & Co., S.illna, Kans.
WANTED AgenUJ to represent the
old National Life Insurance Co., of
Montpelier, Vt. For further Informa
tion, address G. M. Stolp, General Coast
Manager, 82-84 Crocker Building, San
Francisco. Cal.
WANTED Man or lady to collect, do
some office work, and manage agents.
You will deal through your leading mer
chants. Something new and very popu
lar. We pay all expenses. Position per
manent. Send four references and ten
cents for full particulars. John Finney
Mgr., P. O. Box 484, St. Louis, Mo.
FOR BENT Furnished room on ground
floor In private famiily. 414 Exatnainge St.
FOR SALE 1v3 horses and one muie
(will work sins'.e or douWe) one wood
matron and one buy. Inquino of Mrs.
Feukes, Uppertoiwn.
JAPANESE GOODS Just out Just re
ceivedJust what you want, at Wing
Lee's, 643 Commercial street.
MONEY Apply to Astoria Abstract,
Tltie and Trust Co.
FOUND Monday, September SO, a skiff,
painted lead color, with about one fathom
of chain. Owner can have same by ap
plying at Astorlan office and paying
A parasol was left at Chas. Rogers'
drug store sometime ago. Owner can
recover same by Cilling at this office and
paying for this advertisement.
FOUND A pocket Look. Owner can call
at Crow's photograph gallery, pay for
this advertisement, prove ownership, and
receive property. .
175.000 PER WEEK usine and sellln.
Dynamos for plating watches. Jewelry,
and table ware. Plates gold, silver,
nickel, etc., same as new goods. Dif
ferent Blzes for agents, families and
shops. Easy operated; no experience;
big profits. W. P. Harrison & Co.,
v-iern jno. m, uoiumDus, emio.
"Do unto others as you would have
others do unto you," is sympathetically
'liown in the following llneq, the pre-
u t i; ;u'ii iii'iii k mat sma.iiy Is l"rn,
or akin to pain or sorrow:
'lientlemen: Please send Krause's
Headache Capsules as follows: Two
boxes to Flora Seay, Havanna, N. Dak.
Two boxes to Lillle Wilcox, Brookland,
N. Dak. 1 nave always been a great
sufferer from headache and your Cap
sules are the only tWng that relieves
me. Yours very truly,
Havana. N. Dak.
For sale by Chaa Vtogers, Astoria.
r. Sole Agent.
Mr. J. J. KelL Sharosburg, Pa.
rwmr Rlr T am loH I t - .4
word for Kreuse's Headache Capgulea
After suffering for over thrae years
With SrittA nAilmldn onH I. AnmeAn..BH
O .to V" 'f,mUCUI
lnfttimni.i I v h I rh tn KmA . v.
efforts of some of our best physicians)
you suggesiea mis remedy which gave
me almost instant relief. Words fall
to exnrpofl th imIoa r ia,im 111..
r- . , . . -v . ouvuiu 11 nx: j
N tow on Krsure's Headache Capsules,
uratenuiy lours,
Montroee. Pa.
Notice is feerehy girvert that S. Nor
mile, bontnactor foe HSie improvement
of 4&tfli atreet In Adair's Astoria, under
the provisions of Ordinance No. 1986, on
the 13tihi day of October, 18S6, filed In the
office of Whe iAudtor and PoMce Judge
of till City of lAwtorta, the certificate of
the OUty Surevyor and. Superintendent of
streets approval by the Committee on
Streets and Public Ways.
A'flter IChe expHnaJtion of 'tihe time here
inafter specified if no objections to the
acceptance rif sudhi iwortc te -filed and
the Corrtmon Ooureotli shall deem such Im
provement property "completed, according
co tlhe contract and plans and spealflca
tlons therefor, the same may be accepted
Objection to tlhe acceptance of said Im
provement or any pant thereof may be
niea in tine office of tJhe Auditor and
Police Jui ice on or "before Wednesday,
Oct. 16, 18S5.
Auditor and PoT.tce Judge,
Aa&orJa, Oregon, October 12th, 1895.
NOWee Is hereby given ithteut L. Lebalek,
contractor for the Improvement of lr
vlng lAvenue 'In Shlve.y'a Astoria, under
Mi provlton of ordinance No. 1944, on
tlhe 12tlh! day of October. 1896, filed In
Vhe office of the lA'udiWor and Police Judge
of the city of Atorla, the certificate of the
City Surveyor and Superintendent of
streets approved by Mie Committee on
Streets and Public "Ways.
Alfter the explrmtlon of tlhe time here
inafter epedlfledi, ff no objections to the
acceptance of uch work, be filed and the
Common Council dhall deem such dm
proveiment properly completed, according
to the contract land pCans oind specifica
tions therefor, the saime may be odoepted
Objections Ito the acceptance ofc eaid
Improvement or any part thereof, may toe
flledi in the office of the Auxfltor and
Poltce Judge on or (before Wednesday,
Oct. 16, 1895.
Auditor and 'Police Judge.
Astoria, Oregon, Oct. 12, 1685.
They Lack Life.
There are twines sold to fishermen
on the Columbia river that stand in
the same relationship to Marshall's
Twine as a wooden image does to the
human "being they Lack strength life
evenness and lasting qualities. Don't
fool yourself into the belief that other
twines besides Marshall's will do "just
aa well." They won't. They cannot.
Is there a man with heart so cold,
That from his family would withhold
The comforts which they all could find
In articles of FURNITURE of th
right kind.
And we would suggest at this season,
nice Sideboard, Extension Table, or se
of Dining Chairs. We have the larges
and finest line ever shown In the city
and at prices that cannot fail to pleas
the closest buyers.
0mk Dalgita
General riachinlst and Boiler Works
All kinds of Cannery, Ship, Steamboat
and tngine worn 01 anv uestripuuu
Castings of all kinds made to order.
Foot of Lafavette St.. Astoiia. Or.
Conromly St., foot of Jackson, Astorlt.
General Machinists and Boiler Makers
Land and Marine Engines. Boiler work, Steam
boat and Cannery Work a Specialty.
Castings of All Descriptions Made to Order t.
Short Notice,
lohn Fox. President and Superlntsmlcn
A. L. Fox Vice Preslden;
0. 0. Prael Recretar
Are You Going East?
If so, drop a line to A C. Sheldon,
general agent of the "Burlington
Rou;." 250 Washington St., Portland.
He will mall you free of charge, maps,
time tables, and advise you as to tne
through rates to any point, reserve
sleeping car accommodations for you,
and furnish you with through tickets
via either the Northern, Union, South
ern, Canadian Pacific, and Great North
ern railroads at the very lowest rates
The Burlington Route is generally
conceded to be the finest equipped rail
road in the world for all classes of
Canadian Pacific
West Trans
Railway System
Palace Dining Room and Sleeping Cars.
Luxurious Dining Cars.
Elegant Day Coaches.
Observation Cars, allowing Unbroken
Views of the Wonderful Mount
uin Country.
$5.00 and $10.00
Ssvi'd on all tickets East. Tourist Kin the
Demon wmeu. i quipmeuts of the very finest
Canadian Pacific
China and Japan.
China steamers leave Vancouver, B. C;
Emprfss of lndl -- ' - Aug. 5II1.
Empress of Jjran - - Aug; a6lh.
Empress of Chim - - S-pt i6ih.
Em rrts of inJIi - . (Xt. uih,
trinpiesi of Jira - - - Nor. nth.
Empress of Com - LVc, 9h.
Australian steamer leave Vancouver, B. C ,
iota ol every month.
For ticket rates and information call
on or aJJrsss
Astoria. Or.
W. F. Cars'in, Traveling Pass. Ajt,
i acuma, w a-n.
Gc.'. McL. Brown, Dist. r-ass. Agt,
Vancouver, B. C
Rooms I and 1 Pythlafl nuii.lin
over C. H Cooper' atore.
Herman Physician. EclrCtlc.
Office over Albert Dunbur s store, cor.
9th and Co imerclal. Prices: Colls, $1;
confinement, 110.00. Operations at sftlce
free; medicines furnished.
W. C. LOGAN. D. D. S.,
Monsell Block, 67J Third su:t
Office over Olsen's drug store. Hours, 10
to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sun
days, 10 to 11.
Office, 6S4tt Third st, Astoria, Ore.
Special attention given to all chronl
Special aili-utlon to diseases of warn
en and surgery.
Office over Danzlger'n store. Astoria.
Telephone 'o 62
i'llxSlCiAN. fc'U liGEON, .ND
Office, Rooms & uid 6, Pythian
Building. Hours, 10 to 12 and t to
6. Residence, 639, Cedar street
May be found in his olllce until in
o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until
p. m., and from 6 until 7:30 evenings.
4G8 Commercial Street.
W. M. LaForce. S. B. Smith.
385 Commercial street.
Office on Second SU-seL, Anion, ot.
J. N. Dolph. Richard Nixon
Chester V. Dolph.
Portland, Oregon, 24, 25, 26, and 27,
Hamilton Building. All legal and col
lection business promptly attended to.
Claims against the government a spe
TEMPLE LODGE NO. 7, A. F. and.
A M. Regular communications held
on the first and third Tuesday evening
of each month.
E. C. HOLDEN. S-etary.
(Pupil of Anton Uarill and otlier mas
ters) will give lessons In
In the school of the great mastei-a of
the Italian method of training the voice.
Apply at 408 Commercial street.
178 Tenth street.
WHEN IN PoKTl.AuM.i -;:..!
Handley & Haas, 160 Fhsi .-trcei. unci
get the Dally Astorlan. Visitor.- nt-r-'l
not iniaa their morning papr :,j,i:,
fandel wine instead of cnfft :r i
P'ifiy cents pur gallon. iiv -peach
and apricot brandy. Ms.- iV
Cognac end-wine at Ales I'ji'twrr
Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, iV'..its
Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and
Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies.
Cor. Cass iud Squemo.ue Streets. Astoria, Qro
Notice Is hc-reoy (jlven that the partner
ship heretofore existing between the un
derslsned, under the firm namo and style
Oregon Tran.tpoi'tatlon Company, is tills
lay dissolved by mutual onsen:. All
outstanding bills or accounts being pay
able to Capt. Paul Sclirader, nd lue as
sumi::g the payment of all debts due by
said firm.
Astoria, Or., May 13. 18!5.
Telephone & Bailey Catzert.
Columbia River and Puget Sound Nav
igation co.
Two Dally Boats to Portland
"Telephone" lenves Astr.ria al 7
daily (except Sunday)..
Lenves fortlnnd daily nt 7 R. m., ex
cept 5-iHidny.
"Bailey Gtzert" linves Astoria Tnca.
rlny. Weduesdny, Tl iiifilav, Friilsy nrnl
Shturiiiiy inorniiiL' at 0:45 a. m : Sriudav
i veDing at. 7 p. m.
Liivhi TortlHnd dnily at H p. m., ex
cept .Sunday. Ou ya!md.iy uithf at II
p. in.
A ami, Antoria
Telephone No. 11.
V. B. Scott, President
EL A. Seeley, Gen'l Agt, Portland.
Gas and -Steam Fitting,
Hot Air, Steam and
Water Heating.-.
17f Twelfth rv. A'orU. fir
Horth Paeifie Bremery
Bohemian Lager Beer
Leave orders wlih J. L. Carbon at the
Sunnirside Siloon or Tn: p -..
the Cosmopolitan Saloon. A'.l crJcrs will
be promptly attended to.