The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, October 08, 1895, Image 3

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    I". 1 J
for Infants and Children.
THIRTY year.' observation of Castorla with the patronage of
million of persons, permit ns to speak of It without guessing.
It is nnqneitlonahly the pest remedy for Infant and Children
the world hai ever known. It li harmless. Children llhe it. It
gives them health. It will save their lives. "In It Mothers hare
f omethlng whloh Is ahsolnf Ty safe and praotloally perfect a a
child's medicine.
Castorla destroys Worm.
Castorla allay FeTerlahaess.
Castorla prevent vomiting Sonr Cnrd.
Castorla cares Diarrhoea and Wind Cello.
Catterla relieve Teething Troubles.
Caterla enree Constipation and Flatulency.
Caitorla nentrallge the effect of oarhonlo add gas or polionon air,
Castorla doe not contain morphine, eplum.or other narootlo property.
Cator'a almllate the food, regulate the etomach and bowel,
giving healthy and natnral leep.
Ca.torla 1 pnt tip In ene-ko tottle only. It 1 not old In hulk.
Den't allow any one to tell yon anything ele on the plea or promise)
that it 1 "jnt a geed" and "will answer every pnrpose."
See that yon get C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A.
The fao-atmila
Blgnatnre of
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
Sailing dates lo and from Tillamook and Nehalem depend
on the weather. For freight and passenger
rates apply to
O. K & N. CO.,
After (Deals!
Or M any other time
when ymi with a good
oinnr HHk for the well
known. Iioiiip-made,
hand made, white labor
"La Belle Astoria."
Conceded by all smokers
to be the bent ; cigar
71 flintl? Street,
Astoria. OrejoB.
: First Class Funerals :
POHlJ'S Undertaking Parlort,
Rate KtasonaolC
The'only railroad lighting its trains by
Tne only railroad using the celebrated
rtectnc berth reading lamp.
The coaches now running on "The Mil
waukee" are Palaces on Wheels.
Oa all Its through lines, the Chicago,
Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway runs the
motrt perfectly equipped trains of Sleep
.r.x. Park.r. and Vlr-ing Cars and Coaches.
For lowest rates to any po.nt In the
Ur.l-.ed tStes and Canada, app!y to ticket
nxrmt, or address C. J. EDDT,
General Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
f 1 ! n i -a
1 on every
Open Fr
Special Charter.
Aens, Portland.
Gentlemen -I had occasion t usa
utveraJ boxes of Krause'i Headache
Capsules while traveling to Chicago t
attend the National jjemocrauu
ventlon.-Ther acted like a charm In
preventing heaaaO" and dizziness.
Have had very ll . headache Ince
my return, which is remarkable. j
Toiirs. resoectfull
Ed. Renovo (Pa.) Record.
For sale by Chaa. Rogers, Astoria,
Or., sols agent.
Picnic Canned Goods,
Camp Stoves,
Camp Cooking Utensils, , f ;
And the latest
All-Wool Sleeping Bags
At all orices. Just the thing for camp- j
Al 811 r' "-C3- 6 1
ers, prospectors, etc Sure to keep warm
at nights. Better than blankets.
Die S) is s Don-soiaonons
remedy for UonorrbfBa,
Pleat. 8prtorrhE,
WhitM. kiiril
I chrg or any inflamma
tion, irritation ur aicera
tioa of ma cost asen-
IrHtElAMSCHEH'i-KCa. brmnofc KoarinsMil.
I fMfl nrpnil tut
& A ti n. ot Tbotitaa. 2.7J.
, a Circular oat moat.
Tide Table for October, 1895.
man water.
4. M . P. U.
I) III ft III. Ill ft
11 ij 7 4, II 4(17 2
Ill IK 7 7
0 2 7 2' 12 7 IP
0 67 7 :i; 1 OK 8 1
1.H7 1I 18-I8 4
211 7 0, 2K85
2 51 II 7; 2 35 6 6
-S.BM 81'J6
4 2li in: 3 27 8 8
5:2-iK 4 52 HI)
0 44 3 71 0 01 7 0
7 OS 8 0. 7TJ7S
II 0, D 4 R.Di7 8
11 IW 7 0: 9 50 7 7
10 87 7 7 10 2280
1120 81 1147 8 2
12 00 8 8
0 8HX8 128891
I2S80 11SI92
218 7 7 2 00,9 t
8 OS 7 2 S 41 lO 0
8 5s 6 8 8 211,8 6
r, (XI 0 4 4 18 7 9
6 10 5 9 0 16 7 8
7 20 59 6 21C 7
8 25 6 8 7 86 8 6
918 8 5 8 41-8 8
9 52 8 8 9 48 6 4
10 25,7 2 10 88;6
10 57 7 6 1124 6 9
112779 .. .. . .
A. u. r.
'h m ft. h.m ( ft
5 8 -0 8 60 19
6 07 0 9 85 1 A
6 84 1 0 7 02 1 0
7 00-18 7 81 0 8
7 26 -1 6 8 04 0 8
7 61 -1 9 8 .17 0 1
8 18-2 2 9 15 0 0
8 50-2(1 10 01 01
I 9 57 8 1 10 57 0 8
10 20 8 5; ...... .
OOti 0 5 11 8fil3 7
1 20 0 6 1 18 8 8
2 88 0 6 2 4K 1 4
8 81 0 6 8 5824
4 (! -0 1 4 50 1 4
6 15 -0 7 8 40 0
6 00 -4) 8 8 28 () 1
642-1 1 7 1507
7 21 18 8 02 1 0
8 00 211 8 60 1 0
8 40 2 8 9 40 07
925 82 10 84 01
1020 88 118208
II 82 4 0
085 08 102 41
1 40 1 2 2 25 8 8
2 40 1 6 832
8 30 17 4 Hit 6
412 18 V2Q
4 52 1 8 6 82 18
6 29 20 6 0809
'lutMday. 1
Wednesday 2
Thuroday. 8
n-iuay.... 1
Suturday. .
MODllQV. .
Tuesday . . tt
Thursday.. 11)
Katurday . . Yl
Wedu'hd'y lti
Thursday .17
riuay . ... in
Saturday. ,l!
Monday .. 21
Tuesday . . !
wedn'sdy w
Thursday .24
Y riuay.... ko
Saturday. Stf
kUNDaY 27
Monday.. SH
Tuesday . .211
Thursday. m
The new pilot schooner Tubai Corn, now
being fouHt on the Washington side of the
river, mfll Ibe compared by the middle
at December.
The Wauhlng'ton pilot sdhooner Loyal
came in yesterday and tied up at Par
ker's dock. She leaves out today wltti
water and supplies.
Vessels leaving th coalst for Europe
wK find the heat crossings in the north
Atlantic for the next three months, indi
cated on the monthly Northi Pacific Pilot
The new lifeboat for the TOwaco crew,
described In the columns of the Astorlan
on Saturday, reached this city yesterday
afternoon and 'has been stored temporar
ily at FirfJayson'e dock ;
The Signal left out for Vancouver, B.
C, yesterday at noon with! a large cargo
of flour for China and 11 Chinese pas
sengers, five of whom were deported,
not being able to enow satisfactory proofs
entltMng thewn to land.
The steamer Homor is still on the dry
dock, says Mid Bulletin. She came into
port with her crank pin broken .and ft
was thought that tWe repairs to the ma
chinery woi.di be all that waa neessary.
When the vessel came to be floated off
it was found that her rudder was split
and that a new one would have to be put
in. This iwU) cause Hi delay of several
TWe San Joaquin Valley road is losing
no time 1n its preparations for putting
the Construction trains upon the road.
Over 600 tons of coal wEl be taken out
of the British ship Lismore, now lying
at Groenstreet wharf, and placed on the
urge Hilts Ferry next Friday. Once the
transfer Is made the steamer Leader wlU
take' the barge in toWl and pull it to
Stockton. Chronicle.
The British ship Catena, which arrived
from. Swansea, had a narrow escape
while rounding Cape Horn. When In lati
tude 57 degrees south, longitude 87 de
crees 30 minutes west, .Captain Reld found
that he 'was next door neighbor to an
enormous iceberg. The' ship wae hove to
and placed under top'sal'ls until all dan
ger was past. While In thfc vicinity ot
the herg several of the crew were badCy
frost bitten, as the weather turned ex
ce'edlngSy cold. OaJU'.
The steamer Lackme, whteh -. arrlvecJ
from the Arctic last Tuesday, says the
Call, waa chartered yesterday by the
owners at the steamer Humboldt, and
wiM. be put In commission between Eu
reka end Areata. As soon as the char
ter was signed and the Work of discharg
ing the Arctic freight was hurried and
the work of remodeling the vessel' be
gun. Cabins win be built on the main
deck and the lowor deck compartments
wis be thoroughly remodeled. The liakme
wllil bo a good substitute for the old
Humboldt until the new steamer Is built.
At Fort Simpson, Just prior to her de
pan-lure, the Danube heard Of the wreck
of a fcmal steamer three weeks ago oft
Cape 'Fox, euuys the Colonist. The name
waa not known to the Indians who gave
the Information, but it could not have
been the Chilcat they referred to, as this
second Steamer had been abandoned by
her officers and crew In Tongas Narrows
to drift 40 miles or more- to Stevenson
Island, where she was made a prize by
the Simpson Inditins. The A'merlcajn sur
vey party lncharge Of Mr. Dtkenson were
also met with at -Simpson, where, having
completed 'their work to their entlro sat
isfaction, they were awaiting the arrival
of the 'Patterson to convey them to Se
attle. .. i-
If one-ten tW of the ; enthusiasm was
shown In this country for artmdali water.
ways that Europe has,. the Nicaragua
canal wouT.di be speedily built. The En
gineering Record says: "The completion
of the North Sea-BalUc canal is followed
In Germany hy the project of making
Berlin a port. It Is stated that the real'
lzation of this undertaking 1s a question
of means nattier than engineering dlffl
cuCtles. ' The cost of the undertaking Is
estimated at some j 200,000,000 marks or
nearly 10,000,000, - about one-third more
than the Kaiser' Wilhelm canal It Is
proposed to utilize Tegel lake, situated
to the west of Berlin, as the harbor, and
from the lake the canal would proceed
to the existing Flnow canal without locks.
At Eherswald thete Is a scope toward the
Valley jot the Odor, '.necessitating twa
locks. jThe lower-portion-' of -the Flnow
cawa, utilized for some distance,
an'd again the canal would be carried
along . on the left bank ' of the Oder, n
terlng -the .rlver at Grelfenhagen, having
previously passed a lock. The distance
from Berlin. Is calculated to occupy some
seventeen hours. As ft Is proposed to
employ tugboats on the canal, the pro
jected design Is only about 70 feet broad
at the bottom and 190Jeet broad at the
top, with a depth of 25 feet,' This, accord
ing to our foreign exchanges. Is looked
upon as the most fean.b'.e of the various
projects for connecting Berlin with the
Captain: Hank Halt, the veteran skipper
of the Defender, has a flowing beard that
Is not only ornamental but also, of great
practical utlhty 1n the management o( the
big single sticker under his cHSrge. : To
get the best results out of a'salMng craft
the salla shouCd be properly adjusted to
the direction of the wind. It is said
among yachtsmen that Captain Haft's
whiskers are an InvaPuable guide to him
In the performance of this important
duty. When the Defender 1s sailing close
hauled In a f re breeze on the starboard
tack .the hirsute appendages on the tap
tain's chin bunch themselves together on
his lee-ward coat collar. As the skipper
casts hrs weather eye down bis expansive
shirt front he quickly detects the slight
est deviation In the direction of the wind
by noting the angle formed by the wind
ward section of the beard, and he rives
the big wheel which controls the move-
,m f th. rWorwW 91 turn tn the riirh
or left, as the shifting breeze demands.
When the Defender 1s sailing free, with
the wind nearly dead astern and the
big spinnaker set, the extreme outer
fringe of hair, near the ears, 1s relied
upon as an indicator. If the big main
sail has hwn boomed well out to port
the sHghtest fluttering among the star
board hairs on the skipper's cheek shows
that the wind ,has sifted toward that
side of tta boat, and the order la
promptly given to trim In the malnsaC
until It is correctly adjusted. The skip
per's beard also serves as an anemometer,
and he 1 able to determine the strength
of the wind with great accuracy by not
ing the fore wrthi which ft blow through
his iwhlsker. The eaf.ors on board the
Defender all swear by the board of Cap
tain Waff.
Old people who require medicine 'to reg
ulate the bowels and kidneys wlU find
the true remedy lu Electrlo Bitters. This ;
medicine does not stimulate ana contains
no Whisky nor other Intoxicant, but acts
as a tonic and alternative. It acts mild
ly on the etomaCh and bowels, adding -
strength ana giving om w u unsu,
thereby aiding nature In the performance
of Uv functions. Eltctrlo Bitters is an
excellent appetiser and adds digestion.
Old people find it Just exactly what they
need. Prloe W cents per bottle at Chas.
Rogers' Drug Store. X
It Is said that Emperor IWlMam Is one
of the best marksmen In Europe.
The surlous fact Is brought out by a
writer In a French newspaper that Aug
ustus Von Bismarck, one of the ancestors
of the Iron Chancellor, began his career
as a soldier In the army of France.
Mrs. SaraW (Parker, of London, Eng
land, the Oriental lecturer on harem life,
is dead. Her life was devoted to the
upJWfting of her Bex In the far East, and
besides lecturing in various languages she
was an author of note, having written
several books xn harem life. She was
70 years did.
The Duko of Oporto, brother of the
King of Portugal, lis travelling through
France with at team of six mutes. The
duke is travelling Incognito under the
name of Comte de Fontalva, and Is ac
companied by the Branco. Hav
Havlng left Lisbon In June last, the two
travelers and their parties are expected
Shortly In Paris.
Say, why don't you try DeWitt'g Little
Darty .JUsers? These little pills cure
headache, Indigestion and constipation.
They're small, but do the work. Chas.
"It is a wise man who knows when he
Is eating butter nowadays," said C. S.
Harding, of St. Louis. 'The remarkable
Increase In the manufacture of butterlne
accounts for this. Not a scrap of suet
or fat Is ever thrown away at any
slaughter house or butcher stand In the
country. ' It is M gathered up and put
through the operation which) allows H
to be sold as 'Philadelphia print,' 'line
creamery,' 'pride of the dairy,' or other
atrractive brands of gotten yellow stuff,
put up In rolls and prints. So general
has become the use of butterlne that
many dealers now advertise It openly,
and their patrons no longer try to keep
their puircheses of It quiet. I reckon all
the hotels and big boarding houses in
Washington use It In their kitchens, at
least where it takes the ptace of butter
in the cooking, and numbers ot them
doub'tP.ess servo It on their tables as well.
It is knocking the spots out of the dairy
business In the North and West, but 1
think Us use has 'become too general for
Its mamulfaoture and eate to he Injured
by any laws that may be passed for Its
government. It Is cheap; 1t does every
thing that butter wlU do, and it doesn't
spoil or get Strong,- Bike the genuine
stuff, and the way It Is being made now
causes It to defy even the most delicate
experts to tell 1t from churned butter
when It Is placed before his pCate. The
factories aire springing up all over the
country, too, for there's big money In
making touUerlne."-JWash!ngton Star?
ROYAL Baking Powder.
Highest ot all In leavening
Strength. V. S. aovsrnment Report
While the late P. T. Barnum succeeded
In humbugging the public in this way,
he was trapped Mmserr Dy a prac
tical Joker. It was during his Initial days
In managing a circus, when he was show
ing in a country town, that, unknown
to him, ai commercial! traveler stopped In
the same place and conceived the Idea of
fooling Barnum. Collecting a crowd of
twenty people, the drummer told them
that he waa going to pass them Into the
show free, and that all they need' do was
to follow hhn, which they gleefully aid.
Arriving at the tent, where Barnum Was
busy talcing tickets the drummer rushed
up to him with a handful of cards and
"Just count these men as they pass In,
ending with the one wearing a straw
"All right." and Barnum' began: "Three,
six, nine," and so on, wWlle they passed
by him and were quickly lost in the
crowd. Soon the straw halt came a'.ong,
"Twenty," bawled (Barnum, and turned
round for the tickets, but the gentleman
who had1 requested him to count was
not there. Barnum saw that It was too
late to search" for the twenty who had
faded In side the tent, and accepted the
Situation with phEosophlc resignation.
It Is a truth tn medicine that the small
est dose that performs a cure Is the
best. Dewltt's IJttle-Early Risers are
the smallest pills, wilt perform a cure,
and are the best. Chas. Rogers.
Pattl's doings In Wales, at Cralg-y-Nos,
are old stories, but among her other
charities to the Wetsh It is not generally
known that the railroad that she built
to run from the castle to Swansea! is used
by all who wlsti free ot charge.
The best salve In the world for Cuts.
Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Bores. Tetter. Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and All Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
P"rrect seaeraotioii, or money reiunueu.
Price. 25 cents oer box. For sale by
Chas. Rogers. Odd Fellows' building.
In five weeks Mr. Morley Roberts wrote
a novel of 90,000 words, revlBeJ one ot
63,000, and In six aucceedlng days wrote
six short storlea agxregatlnts .22,000 words.
He did this In the lbke dlotrlct.
Wben the tired factory operative, the
weary out-door laborer, the overtasked
bookkeeper or clerk seeks a medical re
compense for expenditure of body force,
where shall he And It? Could the re
corded exDendltura of thousand of
workers be voiced the verdict would be
ht Hostetter- Stomach' Bitters renews
falling strength ettmulates the Jadea
mental powers- to fresh atlvlty, and re
Oaxes undue nervous tension as nothing
else doea. Digestion, a regular habit or
body, appetite land sleep are promoted by
It, and it is an admirable auxiliary In
the recovery of Wealth by convalescents.
A fastidious stomach ts not offended by it,
and to persons of both sexes in delicate
health who occasionally leal the need of
and efficient tonic the Whole range of the
pharmacopoeia and the catalogue Of pro
prietory - medicines does not present a
mors useful, safer or more decisive one.
It ts also IncomparaUe tor fever and
ague, rheumatism and kidney trouble!.
Tt. Bardou's Income from royalties on
his plays Is computed to be f160,000 a
lady Haberton, inventor of the divided
skirt, li said to have si new fad. She con
tends that female servants should wear
knickerbockers, as suet costume) facili
tate movement,
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
tKtats. andil'.'X
81.00 BottKi y H 'fl 2;
One cent a doso. shwjlfystrx
Ttis snld on a. CTiferaiitea tv All dmir-
(rlsts. It euros Incipient Consumption
and, itha best CougU ti'd Croup Cue
For Sale by J. tv. Ccnn.
Fry everything from potato
chips to doughnuts in Cotto
lene. Put Cottolene in a cold
nan heat it slowlv until it
will delicately brown a bit of i
bread in half a minute. Then
put in your food. It will pay
you to try Cottolene just this
way see how delicious and
wholesome it makes the food.
nt tha mmtilna. nnM Avervwhereln one.
rS three, and live pound Una, wltu trade- K
M mnrka ."Pntlnlfn" and JIMr'l head OfcCot- r
(un-ptaru wcutn ouwvwy uu.
tklcace. Mi t ranclMa, roriiaao, urccva,
!) Vwk, BoiUa.
1872 1805
. Brothers,'
A Specialty
Ship Chandclery,
Iron & Stel,
Groceries & Provisions,
Flour & Mill Feed,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Loggers Supplies,
Fairbank's Scales,
Doors & Windows,
Agricultural Implements
Wagons & Vehicles.
A complete stock of lumber on hand
In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus
Ho, celling, and all kinds of finish;
mouldings and shingles; also bracket
work done to order. Terms reasonable
and prices at bedrock. All orders
promptly cttended to. Office and yard
at tnlH. H. L. LOGAN, Prop'r.
fleaalds. Oregon-
General Huchlnlst and Bollar Work.
All kinds of Cannery, Ship, Steamboat
and Engine Work of any Description.
Castings of all kinds made to order.
Foot of Lafavette St., Astoria, Or.'
37S Commercial Street.
Manufacturers of every doscrlptlon of
lounges, Mattresses, eto.
. ; 3
Kooo's Beer Hall
Choice Wlnet. Liquors and Ge-i.
Only handed over the Dar, The largest glass
of N. P. Brer. Half-and-half, 51.
Free Lunch,
. Chas. Wirkkala, Proprietor.
Cor. Conromly and Lafayette Sis.
Few Hen Would Ask
for a Finer Dinner
than those we serve. We're trying. In
very way to make them the most en
Jpyable in town. All the "good things"
of the season cooked by our excellent
cook in the most delicious style. Perfect
If you Invite a friend to the Palace
Restaurant the place is a sufficient guar
antee that Tie win receive a gooa jneai,
The Palace Restaarant
IF- 8
As Franklin says, good dress opens
all doors, you should not lose sight of
the fact that a perfect fitting suit is
the main feature. Wanamaker ft
Brown are noted for fit, workmanship
and Biippriority of qualities. Their rep.
rosentatlve visits Astoria every three
r ontha. Office M Dekum Building,
Portland, Or. Reserve orders till you
have seen the spring line of samples.
a e
Fry witiij
i Mil;:' yif-j.j.t'MJir.
Scoffs Emulsion
is Cod-liver Oil emulsified,, 01
made easy of digestioh'and as
similation. To this is added the
Hypophosphites of Lime and
Soda, which aid in the digestion
of the Oil and increase materially
the potency of both. It is a re
markable flesh-producer. Ema
ciated, anxinic and consumptive
persons gain flesh upon it very
rapidly. The combination is a
most happy one
Physicians recognize its su
perior merit in all conditions of
wasting. It has had the en
dorsement of the medical pro
. fession for 20 years. ......
Ihn't Upmuaitd to taki a tvWUutt.
' "nit 4 Bowne, N. Y. All DruggUta, SOcandSi
E. rUNEIL, Receiver.
Givea Choice
Tmo Transeontiiietital
.... mt-J : Routes,
Via ' " :. Via
Spokane Ogden.Denver
and . and
St. Paul. . Omaha or '
St. Paul.
Pullman and Tourist Sleeper
Free Reollning Ohalrs Car.
Astoria to San Francisco.
Columbia. Friday. Bept. 6.
- State of California, Wednesday, Sept. 11.
Columbia, Monday, Bept. 18.
State, Saturday, Sept. 21.
Columbia, Thursday, Sept. 26.
State, Tueaday, Oct.. 1.
Columbna, Sunday, Oct. I.
Astoria and Portlnd Steamers.
Th T. J. Potter will leave Astoria at
7 p. m. dally, except flundiyi lavo Port
land at T a. m. daily, except Sunday.
The R..R., Thompson. will leave Astoria
at 6:4&w.ot. daily,-except Sunday; leave
Portland at 8 p. m. daily, except Satur
day': '; I '"
For rates and general Information call
on or address -..
' Commercial Agent, Astoria, Or.
Oen. Paa. Art. Portland. Or,
Are You Going East?
Be sura and see that your ticket
reads via .
i J
Thla la tha
And all Points East and
South. "
Their Magnificent Irack. Peerless Vea-
tlDuied uinmg ana tjieeping car
r Trains and iiotto:
Taraa BrluAN fVttsl Aa A mllnnal renuta
linn. All rlnjws of Dassenarers carried
on the vestibuled trains without extra
okarva Uhln mir frwlcht and travel
ver this famous line. AU agents flve
tlttiPta. .
W. H. MEAD, ' T. C. BAVaOB,
Oen. Agent Trav. F. and P, Agt
., Hi Waaiilngtott it, Portland. Or.
t t A nr'
wJqIJUq ilNio
Japanese Bazaar
SINO LUNG. Prop. .
KJintep Goods Jest Rcceiucd
An excellent atojn of underwear, hos
iery, capa, etc., at extremely low prices.
117 Bond Street, next door to Mouler's
Fruit Store,
The Oasis of thf
Colorado Desert
: A f4ew
1 Absolutely
Dry and Pure Tropical
Pronounced by Physicians the
most Favorable in America
for Sufferers from ...
Lung Diseases and
Many Remarkable Cures
The objections urged against Indlo
In the past by the large numbers whs
otherwise would have been glad to tak
advantage of Its beneficial climate, has
been a lack of suitable aooommoda-
tlon. The Southern Paciflo Company.
takes pleasure In announcing that sev
eral Commodious and
Comfortable Cottages
have just been ereoted at Indlo sta
tion, that will be rented to applicants
at reasonable tates. Tfcey are fur
nhhed with modern conveniences, sop-
pneo wun pure artesian water, and so
uuaiea as to govs occupants all the
advantages to be derived from a more
or less protracted residence In this de-
ugnum climate.
(From the San Francisco Argonaut)
"In the heart ot the great desert ot
the Colorado whloh the Southern Pa
ciflo road traverses there IB an oaala
called Indlo, whloh, In our opinion, U
me sanitarium 01 tne eartn, we be
lieve, from personal Investigation, that
for certain invalids, there is no spot or
this planet so favorable." .
G. T. Stewart, M. ., write: "The
purity of the air, and the eternal sun
shine, flu one with wonder and delight.
Nature has accomplished so
much that there remains but little for
man to do. As to Its possibilities as a
health resort, here Is the most per.
feet sunshine, with a temperature al
ways pleasant, a perfectly dry soil
for rain la an unknown faotor; pure
oxygen, dense atmosphere and pure
water. What more can be desired T
It Is the place, above an others, for
lung troubles, and a paradise for rheu
matics. Considering the number of
sufferers who have been cored, I have
no hesitancy In recommend! m? this
genial oasis as the haven of the afflict
Is 612 miles from
arid 130 miles from
Fare from Los Angeles
For further information Inquire of
any Southern Paclffb Company agent,
or address "
Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt. 8. P. Co.
Dlst Pans. Agt
Cor. First tnd Alder St. Porthtna. Or.
Address, box 180, Postofflce. , '. ASTORIA. OR
The partnership heretofore existing be
tween C J. Oreenlund and Anton Brlx
florists, Is hereby dissolved by mutual
consent, and all debts, of the said firm
will be paid by C. J. Oreenlund and C. O.
Palmberg, and all outstanding accounts
are due and payable to them.
KARL'S CfcOVER BOOT will purlfjj
your blood, olear your complexion, reg
ulate your Bowels, and make your heal
eXfte ps a bgij. tf da, 60 eta., and 11.00.
Bold by J. Wi Conn. -
Gentlemen :-Thls Is to certify that I
bare used Krause's Headacne Capsules
With satisfactory results. I twight a
box which cost me ."3, and one capsrie
cured me of a dreadful rick h?ndache.
My wife and mvself have both ved
thai medicines manufactured by the
Norman Llnbtr life Co., and wo re
commend them to the publlo as being
JJust what tbey are represented.
W. J. nut cmsoN.
Ed. Gazette, Pleasant Hill. Mo.
Twenty-five cents, for sale by Cbaa.
Rogers, Astoria, Or., sole agents.
Captain Sweeney, V. B. A., San Inepr)
Cal., saysr "fcniloh'f Catarrh Remerff
Is the first medicine I have ever four, t
that would i me any gin Pr!c; E3
tts. Bold by J. W. Corn.
Mrs. T. S. nawTttns, CliBi-.anoc.-m
Tnn , MTi, "Bhllnr'a Vtf- TAVrT.
si? hitc' I oonsiuer It trie txivt tzm.
ady for a debilitated rstem I etr
nsed." For DyBpeniia, IJvcr or
nty trouble. It excciis. Piive 75 c?j.
For Bale by J. W. Conn.