THE BAIL ASTOBUN ASDOBIA FRIDAY MOHNINO OOTOBEB 4,: 1895, Castori Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years', use by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas torla Is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castorla. "Castorla ! as excellent medicine for cfcll drea. Mothers hart repeatedly told me of ita good effect npsa their children." X. O. C. Osgood, Imell, Mass. "Casterla la the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distaat when mothers will consider the real Interest of their children, and use Castorla instead of the Tarious quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opram, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby ending them to premature graves." Da. J. F. Kinchelob, Conway, Ark. The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New York City. EXPOSITION Portland, Oregon. The Urcest nl most complete display evei made of the Resources, Industries. Commerce. Buslntss, Agriculture, Fori sts, Mines, t ruits, Fisheries, Manufactures and Transportation Facilities ot the Great Pacific Northwest. Pine Music. Special Attraction Every Day, Reduced Rates on all Transportation Lines. ADMISSION. I Single Admission ajc ij For Exhibit Space apply at the Exposition Children under 11 Years ... 10c jj Building to Season Tickets Sj.oo jj m E. C. nASTEN, Secretary. C. H. HUNT, Superintendent. FOR TILLflmOOK, NRHALEM CO&ST POINTS OTHER STEAflERS jVL H- HARRISON, AUGUSTA. Sailing dates to and from Tillamook and Nehalem depend on the weather. For freight an 1 j asenger rates apply to . . ELMORE, SANBORN & CO.. Agents. 0. R & N. CO., EVERY REQUISITE FOR : first Class funerals : AT POHIi'S Undertaking Parlors, THIRD STREET. Rates Reasonaow. Enbstalng a Specialty "THE MILWAUKEE." The only railroad lighting Ha tralne by w -W rA -v Too only railroad using the celebrated electric berth reading lamp. The coaches nowi running on "The Mil waukee" are Palaces on Wheels. On all Its through lines, the Chicago, MUwaukte and St. Paul Railway rune the most perfectly equipped trains of Sleep incr. rarlor. and DlrJrw Cars and Coaches. For kw?st rates to any pctut In the United tSates and Canada, appty to ticket agents, or addreaa C. J. EDDY. General Asent ' PorthuxV Oresjom 3 IS Castoria. " Castorla is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Ascites, M. III 8o. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their expert ence in their outside practice with Castorla, and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria haa won us to look with favor upon it." United Hospital and DiapENSAXT, " Boston, Haas. Allen C. Smith, Prit. Alili Open por Special Charter. Agens, Portland. After (Deals! Or at any other time when yon wish a good cigar ask for the well known, home-made, hand-made, white labor cigar "La Belle Astoria." Conceded by all smokers to be the beat cigar manufactured." W. F. SCHIEBE, 71 flintl? Street, Astoria, OrefM. at Sl A Is a Bon-pdameos . T remdy for OoDorrboM, "tCBKeX. 1 !". BMrsjatorrbafa, 'laI4T 1 "' - at m atrtewf. uob. irnuiioa or aiearm I'remu ,ieim. noa or Bitoil mm--ilEu8CHe-"A b"- Soo-wtrint-nt. br exorca. I tor ll 00. or l bottk. fLn. CutaiM soDi naa V 3 i OPENS .... October 5th. ' " t Tide Table fop October, 1895. HlOB WATS. LOW WATBS. hm-jft hTmft 'b nilft.lh.mlft Ll 7 4 11 4072 3-08 60' 1 111177 007 0 0S51B 022 72 U1t 131 1 0 7 02 1 0 067 7S! iWil 700 -1S 7JI09 11U71! 18-IS4 726 -16 SWU8 211 7 u! 20HI 7 61 -1U (K701 2 51 cl 7i J 88 8 6 8 Id -4 2 1ft 0 0 8:0 6 4! 112 8 6 SKI -2 6 10 0101 4 21- ) l 1 27 8 1 57 8 1 10 47 0 3 Wilt 4A2K0 102k 85 ' 6 447: OOurfl 0t. 03 11 MA 7 7&iW) 719 7 8 1 20 0 4 1 18 8 8 9 0 64 8 8S 78 28.1 06 2 414 Vfc70! 9 5077 SS. 06 l 1087 7 7 10 2480 4i-06 4 60 14 11 20 81 1147 8 2 8 15 -0 7 6 40 0 8 .. . . 12 00 8 6 6 0O-O8 601 0 38 8 8' 1238191 8 42-1 1 7 16 0 7 l80, llS'Jl 721 16 80210 I 1H 7 7 2 00 9 J 8 00 2;i 850 10 8 OS 7 2i 8 41 9 0 8 40 2 6 ( 4007 8 5K6 8j 8 268 5 9 25 6 2 10 84 08 6 00 0 4 4 18 7 9 10 20 8 8 1182 0 8 8 10 5 9 6 15 7 8 11 82 4 0 .. .. . 7 2l 6 ill 21 7 035 08 1 024 J 8 25 6 81 7 86 6 6 1 40 1 2 t 25 8 8 9 1(166 84.M68 2 40 16 8(132 9 52 6 8 9 4S 6 4 8 80 1 7 4 lit 6 10 25 72 10 38 6 6 4 12 1 8 W) 10 67 7 8 1124,6 9 4 82 1 8 882 16 11 27 791 .. ..I." 620 20 60609 DATE. Wednesday V Thursday. ! Friday.... Btrturriar. SUNDAY , Monday. . Tuesday . . UwlnVrlV ThurtfUy..lo r nuay. . . .. 1 1 Saturday..):; SUNDAY. IS Monday. ...1J Tuesday.. .l.' Wedu'wI'y Ifc Thursday .17 Friday HHlurdav..l'J SUNDAY, ao Monday .. 21 Tutwdoy . . tt Wedu'sd'y 23 Thursday .24 Friday.... 25 Saturday. 26 -U.IMY 27 Monday . 2N TuPHduy ..29 HCdn sa'y.fu ALONG THE'WATEE FRONT. FIVE SCHOONBP.B. "Could you give a poor fellow a fluartert" he said, "I've nothing to eat uor the price of a bed." He reached for the coin as hie face beatit- ed delight; Five schooners, 'tis known, croessd the bar that same night . The Pass of Leny went to sea yester day, grain laden Xor Europe. So far this eeaeon the C. ft. end P. S. N. Co. haa handled 100,360 caaes ef salm on. The ships Brussels and Damson Hill arrived down from Portland yesterday af ternoon. '-' A large barge load of coal arrived down from Forfc'.and yesterday and . was die charged at the bunkers. , The Tasmania and Vllle de ' Rouen, started up the river tot roruanu, yes terday afternoon. Before leaving Capt. Henri Rehel, of the Rouen, was served an elegant lunch by Alex. Ollbert. The Damson Hill, which arrived down yesterday, has been a week on the way from Portland. She draws 21 feet of wa ter only, but owing to the low stage of water she stuck on Martin's Island and several other places en route. Word was received yfSterday that the steamer Chllcat, owned by Davi.l Mor gan, of Astoria, was ashore on the Sound, and as a result was filled with watnr and bad'.y damaged. Mr. Morgan left for the Sound hst night t look after matters. The published statements that the Jap anese government had closed a contract with English, builders for five war vessels of the latest and most approved type has been denied. Divers have refused to examine the wreck of the sunken Spanish warship Sanchez Barcalstegui, which sank at Ha vana recently, owing to ths large number of sharks that infest the harbor where the warship went down. In the case at the (Britishi steamer Cat terthun, recently lost on the coast of New South "Wales, Australia, while on a vcyage from Sydney to China, the cor oner's Jury returned i verdict that the ship lhad been iwrongfuCly navigated; but that no blame attached to the second officer. Fifty-four lives were lost by .the disaster. Mention was made, in the Commercial News iately of the launching of the White Star line steamer Oeorgle, the largest freight carrier afloat. A few days ago she sailed from New York for Liver pool, having on board) the largest general cargo that ever left America. The fol lowing entries were In her manifest list: 700 Tiead of cattle, 9,000 sheep, 1,000 quar ters . beef, 136,000 busheZs wheat, 90,000 bushels corn, 650 boles cotton, 1,000 sacks flour. 1,800 bags allcake, 1,800 cases of oat meal, 1,700 boxes bacon, 300 barrels of resin, 700 barrels of glucose, 1,000 cases of canned goods, 300 packages of soap, 400 barrels of wax, 300 barrels of bark extract, 1,000 barrels of lubricating oil, 100 tons of wood, 8,000 packages of acetate of lime, 150 barrels of oxide of zinc and 10,000 packages of cooperage stock. Among the Interesting items In the Coos Bay News of September 25th are the following: The schooner Maid of Orleans is prob ably a total wreck near Chetco, Curry county.' She Is a 161 ton vessel, and was commanded by Captain John Ross. The work of rigging the new four-masted barkentlne, at North Bend, Is about completed, and when she finishes tak ing on cairgo,she will sail for Chile. The Mansanlta picked up the whistling buoy,' off the entrance to the harbor Sun day, and towed it to Empire, preparatory to taking It to. Astoria. She came up to Marshflold in the afternoon, and on Mon day took on coal at the railroad bunker. The Homer was beached on the flat opposite town Sunday, for the purpose ot putting a flange on her propeller. While unscrewing the nut, the . shaft was broken,' and the vessel will1 tie detained here until the arrival of a. shaft from the city "which Is expected on next Arago. Concerning the wreck of the steamer HumboCdt, on the rocks off Point Gorda, Humboldt county, the San Francisco Journal of Commerce says: "The vessel went on the rocks In 41 thick fog at 8:30 o'clock Saturday morning at a Joint a little south of Point Gordo. The stsamcr, which usually runs close to ths shore, was proceeding slowly, with Captain Ed wards on the bridge, when suddenly she struck, and it was found that she was in a nest of rocks. The vessel truck first bow on, and to those of the passen gers who were awake the concussion seemed te be no greater than if the steamer had run Into a floating log." The Humboldt was built and launched In Eureka October 2, 1675, and has been on the route between San Francisco and Eureka ever since. She Is valued at about 17,000 and Is Insured. Her owners are Richard Sweasey, manager; I. R. Brown, Thomas Balrd, Solomon Cooper, T. W. flweasey, Mrs. M. A. Henderson and Mrs. Louisa Powers of Eureka, and M. Kalish and Mrs. IB. C. Asten of Ban Francisco. ' ' A great deal at trouble en British mer chant vessels If often eausea ny men who are enraged as stewards and cooks, they frequently being Incompetent for their positions. An ignorant stewara wno is unable to prepare nice and changabis dishes for the ship officers on long voy ages often causes lots of bad reeling tn the cabin. There are few cooks who know anything of the simple principles of cookery, to say nothing of gastronomy and the chemistry rf cookery. Many of these men who "waste ths man's water are unclean aixl wasteful, spoil meat and other provisions by the way they cook them, often cause regulsr riots among the men before ths mast. Bat there is a better outlook now. a seamaa's cookery school having for some time teen established In Liverpool, from wlilelt the stewards and cooks of some of the Eng lish vessels now In tWs port have cer tificates. Any captain who wishes to be comfortable ajid have hie sMp a homo for all on board, does well in Insisting that he has a cook and steward who have attended the oSasMee. These coors of tvssosm Sy st 1 sv ffsi rss tsArse, tsre course lasting eight days, and costing the scholars three shillings each. The first course deals entirely with the found ation of cookery and what can be done on board any ship wlth a sailor's allow ance of stores per . week. The second course is a better class of work for cabins, and the third course a better daos of iwork stf.t' for passenger steam ers. The courses consist of 41 different ditihts In each course. There is frequently trouble on vessels sailing out of this port and running on the coasCoccasloned by Ignorant men who call thenuelvce and ship as cooks and stewards, and If a sea man's cooking school were established here It would1 no doubt be of great bene fit to ail' hands on board, both aft and forward. San 'Francisco Commercial News. THE CHUI8E OF THE ALBATROSS. Discoveries That She Mado on the Floor of 'Bering Sea. A Wihatcom special to the Post-Intelll-gencer says: The long summer's cruise of the United States ship Albatross vir tually ended with her arrival here Wednesday, direct ifrom Bering sea. Her mission this year may be said to have been two-fold to obtain as much new knowuedtre as possible of the marine life of the nortWwestem waters and especially as to the seals and their habits, and to determine by careful and exten sive soundings tlhe general sub-marine topography of Boring sea. The vessel was - admirably equipped for ithe servlco In these two fields. The commander, Lieutenant Commander Drake, was es pecially desirous of 'demonstrating the truth or falsity of his preconceived theory as to the existence of a great ridge or hump In the bottom of the sea, which he believed mlgttit account for the course taken by the seats In their annual migra tion to the north. This theory he out lined in a lecture In San Francisco be fore the Albatross went north last spring. Ths knowledge gained this season has exploded it, but he has the satisfaction, If there Is any in it, of knowing that the wprk was all' done under his direction and that there can be no question about Its ' accuracy. The scientific work re lating especially to the habits of the seals was conducted, as it has been for several years past, by Prof. C. H. Town send, dhlef naturalist, who spent part of Bhe summer upon the (Prlblloff islands, and who Is probably the best posted man In the United States upon the sealing question, 'having been one of Che most Important witnesses before the Bering sea, tribunal In Paris. MaJ. Alexander, who 'was associated with him In his work, Is stilt in the northern waters pursuing his investigations further, upon a sealing schooner. Yesterday in his snug little office on board the vessel Commander Drake gave the Post-Intelligencer corre spondent an outline of the long cruise at 10,000 tnttea and of the work accom plished, which In substance Is as fol ic ws: The AUbaltross left Port Townsend on the SOthi of May and went direct to Una laska, the chief coaling station in Ber ing sea, about half way out in the Ale utian peninsula. Calling there, She went nortto 240 miles to the PrlbiloTf islands and made a preliminary examination of tlhe rookeries, leaving I'rof. Townsend and his assistant, Mr. Miller, there, and also Mr. F. W. True and Mr. D. W. Pren tiss, Jr., of the Smithsonian Institution, who have returned and gone on to Wash ington City. From the Prlblloff islands, on the' 66thi parallel, the first line of the soundings was taken, In a course a little south of west, to Bering Island, wlbJloh Is the principal Island of the Kom mandorski group, lying HO miles oft the Sfberian coast, and 178 miles northwest of Attu island, the extreme westerly possession of the United States. The boundary line Is established half way between Attu and Bering Islands and extends northeast to. the middle of Ber ing straits, passing half way between St. Lawrence island and the southeast point of Eastern Siberia. The sound ings referred developed the fact that the Bering sea basin Is what might be termed a vast sunken plateau. Ninety miles out on the elevated Prlblloff plateau there la a. droo to 1.000 fathoms, deepening to 2,000 fathoms in a distance .of thirty-one miles. The depth is practlcany unuorm nearly all the way across the sea proper to within twenty miles of Bering Island, where there Is a rise in that distance ol 1,330 fathoms. This island lies In lati tude 66 degrees north and longitude 168 degrees east. It is. a Rueslon possession under the control of a governor. The population, which has doubled within the past two years by Importations from the Kamscatkan coast, subsists by hunt ing and Ashing. There are quite extensive seal rookeries on the island, which Capt. Drake examined, taking a ride of thirty miles in a dog sledge with, the governor on the Fourth of July. From Bering Island another line of soundings was run northeasterly, approaching the eastern Siberian coast near Cape OUntorsky, for the purpose of examining the Kamscat ka basin. For the first twenty miles from Bering Island the depth, was found to he 1,100 fathoms, which increased to over 2,000 fathoms, this depth bolng car ried a distance of 155 miles. "According to the chart," says Capt. Drake, "this points hould have placed us In the plat eau off Cape Olinorsky In less than fifty ifathoms, but we encountered a rise in passing over the southeastern edge of the plateau, the least depth of which was 410 fathoms, which varied to 697 fathoms In a dlstancs of forty miles. Our otservallions and soundings have estab llrtied the fact that this coast and plat eau are fifteen miles out In longitude to the eastward that is to say, the maps lndlcalte the position of the coast line to be fifteen miles further to the east than ft realy Is. We continued this line of soundings to a point 815 miles north easterly from sBrlng island, the depth Increasing to 1,900 fathoms, with Cape OUntorsky bearing west northwest 106 miles. Being again in the Bering sea basin, we changed our line of soundings to the south and east to return to the Prlblloff islands, finding all the way the rme genera) character, features and dr'ith of bottom ss In the nrst line, uniu within 146 miles of St. Paul Island, where a rise of 1,800 fathoms was found In twenty-eight miles, which brought us to the Prtbtloft plateau Inside the 100 fathom curve. The bottom of the Bering sea basin is composed principally of brown, green and blue mud and ooze, while ap proaching the plateau on both sides fine gray and black send Is found on the slopes, mixed wlthi gravel. We found several new species of marine life and one new species of fish. A careful survey of the PrlbMorf islands and of the rook eries was made, a full roport of which I wlH soon forward to Wathlngton City. I am convinced from my observations that ths rookeries are fast being de pleted and that ths virtual extinction of ths seals Is only a question ot a tew rears rf their annual slaughter is per mitted to continue as at present. The catch tWis year wIM not vary much from that of last season. I discovered no violations of the 'Jaw, and believe that the sealers are generally Inclined to re spect ths provisions. I am unable to say at rjresent what our winter's worn will be. We go to San Francisco from here and will await orders there." Ths Albatross has orders from Wash' Ington City to remain on the Sound a few days to make surveys of the loca tions of flsh traps at Point Roberts, Lormrtl and San Juan Islands. The or der 1s thought to have reference to the suit of ths Lunnml Indians against the Alaska Packing Association to prevent ths cannerymen from using traps or dis criminating wrslnst Indians In sal moo Ashtns;, Is violation, as alleged, or a treaty m1s by ths Indians with Gov. Stevens. II may, however, be only a con tinuation or the work begun by Prof, Townsend and MaJ. Alexander, of the fli CimhiiI lwi last spring. William Q. Brown anl Joseph L. fleott are getting out 15 tons or ss. carload of srMrst ere sw sMparasf te tire smelter at Chicago, rays the R!dJl Enterprise. The New Nickel iMIne company, recently or ganized at Grand1 Rapids, Mich., win make a thorough test of this ore, and on the result will be based the future devel opment and operation of this portion ot Oregon's nickel mines. NOTHING STANDS AS HIGH as a remedy for every womanly ailment, as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It os an Invigorating restorative tonic, a i soothing and strengthening nervine, and a complete cure for all tne derangements, painful disorders and chronic weaknesses peculiar to the sex. For young girls entering womanhood: I for women at the critical "change of lire ; ror women approacning cununv ment; nursing mothers; and every woman who is "run down," tired, or overworked it is a special, safe, and certain hslp. Send for free pamphlet or remit 10 cts (stamps) for a book of 168 pages on "Woman and Her Diseases" and how to cure them with home treatment. Address World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation,' piles, biliousness, Indigestion, or dyspep sia and headaches. GAVE HIM A GOOD CHARACTER. Cutten I met a man this morning who caime from your old town In Wisconsin. Said ho knew you well. Gives you an excellent reputation, too. Dryde Spoke well of me, did he? Cutten Well, no, but he said he didn't know anything mean about you. ALL FREE. Those who have used Dr. King's; New Discovery know its value, and those who not have now the opportunity to try it free. Call on the advertised druggist and get a trial bottle free. Bend your name and address to H. E Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of New Life Pills free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and riousenoiu instructor, tree. All of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing. Chas. Rogers qrugglat, (Jdd Fellows Building. One day last week, states a Portland exchange, Judge Bellinger decided that Ah Ping was unlawfully In this country, and was subject to deportation. Yester day United States Deputy Marshall Geonge Humphrey left here for Tacoma, having In custody Ah Ping, and on arriv ing at that place turned his charge over to the collector of the Port of Tacoiia for the deportation of Chinese. Ah Ping will be sent across the sea to the Flow ery land at the first opportunity. There are about 15 Chinaman now "doing time In the state penitentiary, whose cases will not be dissimilar to that of Ah Ping when they are released. They will doubt less be deported like Ah Ping. The cus toms authorities are exercising all pos sible vigilance ,and every Chinaman who cannot produce the "chock chee" when ever released is liable to deportation. BTJCKLBN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever V Sores, Tetter, Ofiapped Hands, Chilblains, Corus, and All Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required, It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price, 25 cents per box. For ssla by Chas. Rogers. Odd Fellows' building. There are many good reasons why you should use One Minute Cough Cure. There are no reasons why you should not, if in need of help. The only harmless remedy that produces Immediate results. Chas. Rogers. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest ot ell la leavening Strength. V. S. Government Report Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. 4 ngngmcmacnm Heal Estate (Deo, Backers and Business lYIen . . 01 Astoria Generally. A POINTER! SS-Call Into ths Astorlan office and get sample copies of our regu lar Commercial edition. H It Means Money n in' Your Pocket, fj XBE8T mmmm 2Kct& Bftots. and "1 L00 Bottle. One cent a dote. For Sale by i. W. Ctrnn. Few Hen Would Ask for a Finer Dinner than those ws servs. . Ws'rs trying in every way to make them the most n leyabhj In town. All ths "good things" of the season cooked by our excellent eoolt rn ths most delicious style. Perfect service. If yon Invite friend to ths Palace Bestasrant ths place Is a sufficient guar Dies urn ns win receive m vuu meat, The Palace Restaurant ' Are You Going East? If ss, drop a line to A C. Sheldon, cesersl agent ef the "Burlington Rsute." t! Washington st. Portland. Be will mall yen free of charge, maps, flms tables, and advise you as ts the Uireugn rates to any point, reserve sleeping car accemmedatlons for yon, and furnish you with through tickets via either the Northern, Union, South ern. Canadian Pacific, and Great North ern railroads at the very lowest rate es'wnable. The Burlington Route Is generally -n reded to be ths finest eoulpned rail- roid tn the world for all classes of -v. fUjL , TOE BEST TOBACCO? Strango,biTruo Ths child that cannot digest milk can digest Cod-liver Oil as it is pre pared in Scott's Emul sion; Careful scientific tests have proven it to be more easily digested than milk, butter, or any other fat. That is the reason why puny, sickly chil dren, and thin, emaciated and anaemic persons grow fleshy so rapidly on Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil and Hypophosphites when their ordinary food does not nourish them. Don't U ptrniaM to occrpl a tuittllultt Scott & Bowse, N.Y. Ml Druggists. 50c and Jt. E. flcNEIL, Receiver. Gives Choice of mo Transcontinental Routes, Via Via Spokane Ogden, Denver and and St. Paul. Omaha or St. Paul. Pullman and Tourist Sleeper. Free Reotlrilng Chlre Car, Astoria to San Francisco. Columbia. Friday. Bent. (. ' State of California, Wednesday, Bept. 11. Columbia, Monday, Bept 16. State, Saturday, Bept. 21. Columbia, Thursday, Bept, M. Bute, Tuesday, Oct.. 1. Colurrtbna, Sunday, Oct. (. Astoria and Portlnd Steamers. The T. J. Potter will leave Astoria at T P. m. dally, except fiuntfjy; leave, Port land at T a. m, dally, exoopt Sunday. The R. R. Thompson, will ieave Astoria at 6:45 a, m. dally, except Sunday; leave Portland at 8 p. m, dally, except Satur day, For rates and general Information call on or eaareesj C. F. OVERBAUaH. Commercial A rent. Astoria, Or, W. H. HURLiBTOT, Gen. Pas. Agt Portland, or. Are You Going East? Be sure and see that 'your ticket reads via 1 HE NORTH-WESTERN LINE. -the CHICAGO, ST. PAUL,, MINNEAPOLIS - sy and OMAHA RAILWAYS. This la the GREAT SHORT LINE Between DULUTH, ST. PAUL, CHICAGO And all Points East and South. Their Magnlfloent IracV. Peerless Ves tibuled Pining and Sleeping Car Trains and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME Have given this read a national reputa tion. All classes of passewrws carried en the Tentlbuled trains without extra eharie. Ship your freight and travel e-.-cr this famous lice. AH agsnts nv tloketa. W H. MT3AD, F. C. SAVaGS. Gep. Ajrent Trar, F. end P. Agt Hi WasotagtoB st. Portland. Or. H, o . Xuo , I ,0 Japanese Bazaar SING LUNQ. Prop. KHnter Goods Jest Reeeiv d- An excellent stork of underwear, hos iery, caps, etc., it extremely low prices. 417 Bond Street, next door to Mouler'i Fruit Store. . Indio The Oasis of thh Colorado Desert A New BELOW THE LEVEL OF THE SEA Absolutely y Dry and Pure Tropical Climate Pronounced by Physicians the most Favorable in America for Sufferers from ... Lung Diseases and Rheumatism Many Remarkable Cures The objections urged against India In the past by the large number who otherwise would have been glad to tak advantage of its beneficial climate, has Deen a lack of suitable acoommoda- -tion. The Southern Paclflo Company, laxes pleasure in announcing that sev eral Commodious and 1 Comfortable Cottages have just been erected at Indio eta- tlon, that will be rented to applicants at reasonable rates. They are fur nlthed with modern conveniences, sup plied with pure artesian water, and eo situated as to gove oooupanta all the advantages to be derived from a more or less protracted residence In this de lightful climate. (From the San PranoUco Argonaut.) "In the heart of the great desert ot the Colorado whiah the Southern Pa olfio road traverses there Is an oasis called Indio, which, In onr opinion, h the sanitarium of the earth. We be lieve, from personal Investigation, that tor certain Invalids, the-e Is no spot ot this planet so favorable." O. T. Stewart, M. D., writes: "The purity of the air, and the eternal sun shine, fill one with wonder and delight. Nature has accomplished so much that there remains but little for man to do. As to Us possibilities as a health resort, 'here Is the most per fect sunshine, with a temperature al ways pleasant, a perfeotly dry soil for rain Is an unknown faotor; pare oxygen, denre atmosphere and pure water. What more can be desired f It Is the plaoe, above all others,- for lung troubles, and a paradise for rheu matics. Considering the number of sufferers who have been cured, I have no heBitancy In recommending this genial oasis as the haven of the afflict ed." INDIO Ts 612 miles from , SAN FRANCISCO and 130 miles from LOS ANGELES Fare from Los Angeles For further Information Inquire oi any Southern Pacific Company agen or address ' B. P. ROGERS, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt. S. P. Co. J. B. KIRBXAND, DlBt Pass. Agt Cor. First md Alder Sts, Portland. Or. J. A FASTABEND, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, PILE DRIVEIJ, HOUSE, BRIDGE HJlD WHARF BUILDER Address, bos 180. Poitoffict. ASTORIA. Ol NOTICE. The partnership heretofore existing be tween C. J. Greenlund and Anton Brlx florists, Is hereby dissolved by mutual consent, and all debts ef the said firm will be paid by C. J. Greenlund and C. G. Palmberg-, and all outstanding accounts are due and payable to them. C. J. GRETENLUND, ANTON BHIX. KARL'S CfcOVER BOOT will purify your blood, clear your complexion, res; Dlate your Bowels, and make year head clear ps a bell. 25 cts., 60 cts., and J1.00. Sold by J. W; Conn. INDORSED BY THS) PRE33. Gentlemen : This is to certify that I have nsed Krause's Keadaune Capsules with satisfactory results. I tvuirht a box which cost me JKs. and one caprr-le cured me of a dreadful sick h?ndcche. My. wife and mvself have both used the medicines manufactured by the Norman Mfbtr Mfg Co.. and we re commend them to the public as being JJust what they are represented. Respectfully. w. 3. iruTcmnoN. Ed. Gazette, Pleasant Hill. Mo. Twenty-five cents, for rale by Chas. Rogers. Astoria, Or., sole agents. Captain swssy. u. h. a., nan ncs-n " 1 - ' - - Is the first medicine I have ever four that would "o me any good. Price I) tts. Sold 6y 3. TV. Coi.n. Mrs. T. S. Bawhlns. Chattsnoom. Tenn,, says, "Shllor'a VitalUur "fciW- HT MF!3.' I c. i il.!. r II ,dy for a debilitated syptern I evr used." For Dyaperwia, Liver or 5 ; nr trouble It execU Pi'-re fi r : For Bale by J. V Cot.n. . fjesort