The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, October 03, 1895, Image 4

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Have you seen the large
shipment of yellow crockery
ware vfi have just received?
There's a home-lite feeling
about it that pm you in the
mind of the cooking things
your mother used to have.
The bake dishes, pie plates,
bowls big and little are
handy too, and if you should
want anv of them you'd find
you'd have to pay only half
what you expected to.
Local weather for twenty-four hours
ending at 6 p. m. yesterday, furnished
by the United States Department of Ag
riculture, weather bureau.
Maximum temperature, 61 degrees.
Minimum- temperature, 64 degrees. .
Precipitation, .08 Inch.
Total precipitation from September 1st
1895, to dated 8.79 Inches.
Deficiency of preclpltalton from Sep
tember lBt, 1S85, to dated 1.92 Inches.
Fresh candles every Hour at the Bon
bormlere. Meany Is the leading tailor, and pays
the highest cash price for fur skins.
The Astorlan will hereafter be found
on sale at McOuire's Hotel at Seaside.
1 Umbrella repaired and re-covered' by
Mrs. Fredrlcksoii. Leave orders at Grif
fin A Reed's.
The coolest and best glass of beer in
town can be bought at the Gambrlnus
saloon, 12th and Commercial streets.
WAH SINO ft CO.-Merchant tailors,
Ot Commercial street, cheaper than yeu
can buy ready made. New stock com
plete. Parties wlsnlng to buy candles at
'wfrolee&Ce will save money by calling on
w writing to the Astoria Candy Factory.
464 Duane street.
Trade with Foard ft ritokes Co., deal
ers li Groceries, Hardware, Crockery,
provisions, flour, fruits and vegetables
They will surely please you.
The Entes-Craln Drug Co. have a wln-
dow full of fine tooth brushes that they
are selling for 10 cents each, and give a
sample bottle of Rosofoam with each
Hunger Is a very disagreeable sensa
tion. There in a place In this town where
you can atfsfy Its demands with the
oleaneat and best 23 cent meal you ever
ate. That place la Joe Terp's.
Just arrived at Copcland ft Thorsen's,
a nice Una of high grade footwear for
ladles, all widths from A to 10B. No
trouble to show goods, and satisfaction
guaranteed to every purchaser. Call and
examine them.
Wbat brlnn oeoole back to the Asto
rta Wood Yard after they have sounded
the possibilities everywhere elseT May
be H's one thing, and May be It's another.
But the fact remains back they come.
And of course the Astoria Wood Yard Is
proud of It.
Purest of wines, liquors and cigars-
elegant free lunch all the dally papers,
at the Oambrlnus, 12th and Commarclal.
flay. Why don't you try DeWltt'a Little
Eariy IRtoers? These little pills cure
headache, Indigestion and constipation.
They'rs small, but do the work. Chas.
The Troy Laundry Co. has made ar
rangements with A. J. Bqulres to act as
Its agent for Astoria. This company Is
noted for high grade work and prompt
delivery. Mending and repairing free.
Bundles called for and delivered. Office
474 Commercial street
Jay Gould Said
That anybody could accu
mulate wealth if they would
look out for the dimes and
nickels. Now, then, why not
make a start on tho road to
wealth today P
Save your dimes 1
We will help voul!
Well, we propose to show
you the way.
We are going to move
Boon; you know what it is to
move. It tries a person'
patience, the upsetting and
straightening, and we propose
to avoid this if priCS3 will
do it.
Our prices on clothing
wi 1 surprise you
Our prices on hats
will astonish you
Our prices on underwear
socks, overshirts, suspend
ers, collars, tiea, eta, will
save you many dimes.
Our Stock is complete.
Our stock is NEW, and
that is sorrething.
NEW poods sold cheat
are BARGAINS. Other
stocks that are not NEW ar
dear at any price.
Examine our stock !
Examine our prices!!
You will save dimes.
You will bo rich and happy
if you trade with
Thz Reliable Clothier.
Outing Flannels
Five Cent a Yard.
1 filbert Dante
The war that was to f.ave been.
Oregon the land of fine weather.
Yesterday was pay day for the railroad
J. Dillon, of Seaside, was In town yes-w
terday. y
O. C. Mowry, of SteK'a, Warh., Is at
the Parker.
Mr. Chas. Phillips, of Ilwaco, was In
town yesterday.
See our children's underwear, 25c each.
Shananan Bros.
Thos. Boyle, of Walluskl, Is In town,
stopping at the Parker.
J. D. Meyer, the Porttand cigar dealer,
was In town yesterday.
F. N. Elliott and wife, of Tillamook,
are guests of the Parker.
Born to the iwlfe of H. B. Ferguson,
yesterday morning, a son.
See our children's knee pants at 15c
pair. Shanalhan Bros.
H. C-underson Oast night rode the goat
In Astor K. P. Lodge No. 6.
Mr. Qulnn, of Qulnn's Landing, was
seen on the streets yesterday.
j A. Mdlntyre and A. J. Hill; of Wan
renton, -were In the city yesterday.-
Prank Solttle. the well-known attor
ney, returned from England yesterday.
M. Babler. of Oregon City, was In
town yesterday, on a short business trip.
Auir. Danlelson is somewhat under the
weather but will be all right In a few
IMr. Holland, representing T. M. Sin
clair $ Co., of Cedar Rapids, la., was 111
the city yesterday.
See our children's knee suits at S1.00
suit. Shanahan Bros.
Mr. J. A. Johnson, of the Ft. Stevens
life saving crew, end his wife, are In
the city on a visit.
It was stated yesterday that a num
ber of new men were put to work on the
raUroad at Tongue Point.
It Is stated that C. Olsen has sold his
cigar store to Ferd Levy, who will here
after conduct the business.
Mr. F. Stokes Is at his home laid up
with a slight Illness. He expects to be
about again In a day or two.
H. M. Stanley, the great explorer, pass
ed through 'Portland Tuesday on his way
to the Orient via; San Francisco.
C. C. VaniEtten la moving Into the old
Crosby House on Commercial street,
whero he will soon be at home with, his
See our GOc extra Jong waist black cor
sets at Shanahan Bros.
There Is now no Sunday morning mall
boat, hence no mall Is received 'here on
that day. The postoMlce will be open,
however, au usual.
Capt. Jas. Weston, of the Salvation
Army, yesterday sent a number of views
of points of interest In and around Asto
ria to the War Cry for publication.
Prof. TtiiMell will give Ills most enter
th tiling lecture on "Love, Courtship and
Murrlaife, closing with a double wed
ding, tonight. Admission, IB cents.
The 'Rev. M. O. Nordvlg aind family
left for Portland lust night, to which
t:ace Mr. Nordvlg has been assigned for
the ensuing year by the Methodist con
ference. The Grand 'Lodge of Oregon Knights of
Pythias, convenes at UaJem next Tuesday,
the 8th, at which time an effort will be
made to bring the grand lodge to Astoria
at Its next session.
F. Pettlgrove, the popular ..vil',rg
man of San Francisco, was in the city
yesterday visiting his numerous friends.
He says that business In the No.-lhwost
Is perceptibly improving,
Ono of the Italian laborers yesterday
stopped Into the store of a prominent
merchant and changed nickels, dimes
and quarters Into a five dollar gold piece.
Probably this was "sympathetic" money.
SotKrt flannel shirts and drawers $1.60
suit. Shanaihan Bros.
It wis Ftated yesterday on good author
ity that Cory tiros, had shipped from
Kllenshurg three carloads of graders'
tool, which will soon arrive In Astoria
to be used on the Astoria and Columbia
tlver railroad.
Oreat fun was had yesterday at the
story tellers' "corner" when 'Bob" Wil
son, the genial, held up a visiting ship's
captain with one of his overland yarns
which outvie the concoctions of "Slnbad
the Sailor." The captain will not stop
here next time.
Martin Olsen Is now prepared to serve
a'.i customers In his old tlnve capacity
an auctioneer, his license having been
confirmed by the city council last night.
He can be found by old and new patrons
at bis ware rooms on the "Parker House
dock. Give him a call.
Thomas Farrell, of iPorthuid, cam
down two weeks ieo and went to Mel
ville, a guest of D. J. IngaHs. They
tramped through the mountains three
days after game and got nothing but an
appetite. D. J. wrenched his back and
has been confined to his bed ever sine.
Capt. Johnson's poatofflce Is a Yerltabn
curlsoity shop. Thers are letters for
captains and seamen of Incoming ships
from all parts of the globe and a stamp
collector would tiavs a picnic had he
accera to the captain's strong box where
Is kept these missives of lovs from wife
and sweetheart across the seas.
Ta make a ie omelet, said a well
hnoKfi hnnwif. yevtrrtay, bt four
egs slightly, add four tablespoonfuls of
niLk. four tablespoonfuls of grated
cheese, one-half teaspoonful Of salt, speck
of ' cayenne, and one-fourth cupful of
Cheese broken 'into small 'bits; "turn info
a hot buttered omelet pan, cook over a
slow fire, pricking constantly with a fork
until creamy.
iMr. Ferd B. Levy, who bought C. Ol
een's cigar stand, states that the store
will t closed today and tomorrow, and
that "Friday lie will open with a. fresh
line of the best brands cf cigars.
The Minerva Club faat night elected the
following officers: President, L. O. Bel
land; vice-president, Miss Olga Wllberg;
secre'tary, 8. Gunre; treasurer, Fred. O.
Walters; program committee, Fred John
son, Miss Annie OCsen, Miss Annie Oun
derson. Tho Rev, Dr. Bushong returned yester
day from tho Methodist conference in
Portland and reports a most harmonious
meeting. Week after next the doctor
will go to PortJand to take charge of his
new field, St. Paul's church In that city.
Ho will long be remembered In Astoria
for his faithful work and earnest ef
forts In tho up-bui:dmg of the morals
of ths city and his untiring real for the
growth or his church.
Tho Casino Opera Company will .appear
at Fistltr'S Theatre Frlriav mnA U.lnnl..
of this week. Friday evening they are
w sing ijniaaao ana on Saturday Pinafore
will' be given. Judging from newspaper
comments and from thn Anlninn r ail-
who have seen this organization it is
nrsi-c.ass in every particular, and Its ap
nearance heri nrpnta ovomi n ri u taM
opportunity, which should be profited
by, to enjoy a short season of high-class
comic opera.
Though Uncle Sam has been known to
issue draft and warrants for as tow
as one cent, this example is seldom fol
lowed by business bouses. The average
merchant nowadays will refuse to draw
a check for an amount lets than ?3. "The
reason for this," said a well-known bus!
ness man, "is that such -checks call for
nothing but kicks from the banks. Then
again, It Is easy to raise a check of less
than HO by the addltton of another figure.
So business men don't cars to take too
many chances. If they have small
amounts of money to send by mall they
prerer to Duy posta; notes."
Children's full finished fast black ho
siery at 15c pair. Shanahan Bros.
The new surf boat for the Cape Dis
appointment Life Saving Station, Is ex
pected to arrive In the morning from
San Francisco on the Alice Blanchard.
Captain Charles Stewart, of the life sav
ing crew, Is in the city, waiting to re
ceive it. The boat Is known as a "Mon-
omoy Surf Boat," Is 26 feet long, clinker
built, with center board and sails; She
was built in 1893 by Geo. W. Kneass, San
Francisco, Is constructed of oak and
cedar, and Is 7 feet In width and double
banked. Capt. Stewart thinks she will
do good service and has been very much
needed as the other boats were too heavy
to use In rescuing fishermen.
A leading merchant said yesterday
"The makers of men's glows recognize
the disposition of woman these days to
lay claim to all the masculine belongings
she can appropriate, and they are manu
faeturlns gloves In woman's sizes and
In men's styles. They ure heavy tan
and red dogskin, with one or two but
tons. Nd street glove with any claim to
distinction is fastened nowadays with a
small pearl button. Moat of the buttons
are of the size of an old-fashioned three'
cent piece. The stitching on short gloves
Is quite heavy, but It is not 'he broad
band stitching fashionable a short time
since, and It is the same color as the
glove. Orv'.y the undressed kid gloves are
worn for dress occasions. j
A well-known banker made the statf
ment the other day that the known de
falcations of Americans holding positions
of trust amounted In 1893 to over $19,000,
000. In 1894 they had reached the sum
Of 126,000,000, plus perhaps J5.000.0IK) not
reported to the fidelity Insurance com
panies. It appears In the reports of tho
latter that the bulk of these -were direct
ly or Indirectly due to the failure of su
perior ban officers or employers to close
ly and regularly examine their books.
The confidential clerk or cashier set out
to be 'honest, but the lax discipline of the
office helped to turn him to peculations
When temptation came. Thirty millions
for such laxity Is a large sum lor even
this great country to pay, especially as
the same costly carelessness is going on
Havo you seen our new cloaks, Jackets,
and capes? We have the- largest stock
In Astoria. Shanahan Bros.
The report of the proceedings of the
International Anti-Alcoholic Society,
whoch met recently in Paris, is very lnT
terestlng to students and the general
public. The effects cf alcohol upon the
nervous system aro there traced by ex
perts with unfailing ascuracy. The con
clusion usual to persona who study the
question from the non-usr's point of
view Is, of course, reached, and is em
bodied In a series of warnings to the
young and old to avoid liquor entirely.
Assuming the premises to be true and
t'ho correctness of the conclusions must
be admitted, and yet it is probable that
the governor of North Carolina will not
fail' to make his historical remark to the
governor of South Carolina when the two
again clasp hands. It's a way that gen
tleman haw, although It Is ono not quite
monopolised by Mm,
A lady who Uvea In Uppertown has a
pet fox-terrier that has lately put her
to a- deaf of Inconvenience. The other
duy !ve started to attand u wedding
down town. She endeavored to shut the
dog In at home, but at an unguarded
moment Jie wedged himself through the
doorway, and as she was about to take
a street ear tor the city there stood Mr.
Fox-tertCer, ready for the trip. She
boarded the car and saw the dog sitting
on the curb-stone, looking dejected.
"Poor fellow," she sighed; "he will go
back home now," but tiny speck in
the i:tanc- developed slowly in her
treasured canine, who came up with his
tongue almost dragging on the ground.
Of course, she took the vagabond back
home, and was an hour late at the wed
ding. The other night a number of men, more
or less prominent In East Portland, de
cided, after lodge meeting, to go over
to tho west side for a little lark. It was
after 11 o'clock, and tho cars not being
crowded, they had no trouble to get a
start. But when they got to the bridge
they were In a dilemma. In front of the
car was a wasron, which refused to pull
out of the way. So the car bad to go
slowly. Tho cars going ths other way
were crowded with people coming from
the theatre. These ears were not goln
veay fast, and as tho cars met the men
laid down on ths seats so they would not
be seen, as some of their wives ana
daughters had been to the west side
.. .u. Tint hv did not stay
LIFT Ills cirni.. -" - -
down long enough, arising Just as the
other car was passing, ana came m iuj
view of to passengers. The motion
was peculiar and attracted attention. As
a consequence every one saw them, una
now thers Is some- gossip going the
rounds of Irate wives threatening to sua
for divorces.
Nothing so distressing as a hacking
cougn. Nothing so foolish as to suffer
from It Nothing so dangerous If al
lowed to continue. One Minute Cough
Curs gives Immediate relief. Chas. Rog-
Wllliam Boyce. a Muskegon, Mich
bachelor, who died a few days ago. lived
i - . mnm. dlit fliS Own
cooking and everybody supposed he was (
poverty stricken. An Inventory of tits
estats shows $X,000 persona) and 00,00
real estats, 1
A Number of Men Take up Their
Work Unmolested.
No Demonstration Made by Strikers
Speech of Mayor Kinney
Shively Diflleulty Settled.
Another -leaf was turned In the water
works labor controversy yesterday. The
striking laborers were generally well in
formed of the position taken by the water
commission, as clearly stated In the As
torlan. Four were on the streets, and
most of them remained in camp or about
too reservoir. The announcement that
Bondsman Burke wouCd commence work
at noon caused a large crowd of curiosity
seekers, men, women and children, to
gather on the hill about the noon hour
to watch developments.
Tho general talk around town was to
the effect that tho commission had prob
ably done all that it legally could and
that the workmen could only await the
adjustment of affairs in court to secure
their back wages, the same, as other cred
itors. Since Mr. Burke offered all em
ployment at good wages (with prompt pay
u was considered by all fair minded citi
zens that the best and only thing left for
tne men to do wias to accent the nrouosi
tlon, particularly as the flnali wind-up
of the Pacific Paving Co.'s affaire would
probably find enough' cash wltln Which to
pay aai labor clalmo In full.
'PrompUy at 1 o'clock Mr. Burke was
at the reservoir accompanied by Chief
ot Po.lce lLoughery, Captain HuMcck, and
twenty-five special deputies, all armed
wlthl Winchesters, ready to commence
work as ho had announced. Lines were
drawn by tho police around the power
house and basin, Inside which none but
those who were willing to work were
permitted to be, as Chief Louebery an
nounced that Mayor Kinney's Instructions
to afford amplo protection to those who
desired! to work would be strictly en
forced. Notwithstanding the message tel
ephoned to tho department early In the
morning, that the strikers were hanging
aoout in the woods armed and would
permit no one to go to work until their
back wages were paid, the officers failed
to discover any arms on the men and no
attempt at violence,' beyond some loud
talking, was attempted.
A number of men who came down from
Portland to work for Mr. Bunko were led
astray after their arrival and refused to
commence labor yesterday afternoon, but
have stated that they will do so today.
However, quite a number of men' did go
to work and continued at their employ
ment all the alfternoon without molesta
At about 6 o'clock last night Mayor Kin
ney went to the works and addressed the
men end told them that he hod given or
dens to the police to keep off everybody
who hud no business there and that un
less they Intended to go to work tomor
row they bad better keep away. "I mean
what I say, and always do as I say; si
you had better take my advice."
Some of the men were Inclined to Jeer
at the remarks of tho mayor. After the
mayor h'ad gone, Mr. Herman Wise spoke
to tho men. Mr. Wis has shown great In
terest in the laborers from the beginning,
and advised them to he careful and
peaceable for t'helr own fakes. He sulu
in substance:
If you want Justice you must obey the
law. "Law and Justice go hand In hand;
If you violate one, you forfeit the right
to the other. The mayor Is the head of
the city and you sfriouCd pay him due
respect whether you like him personally
or not. You have the sympathy and good
will of the people so long as you are
law-abiding. My advice Is, go to work
and In due season I have every confidence
that you will get what is duo you. Earn
something In the meantime. If yoi will
not work, you have no right to stop
othors fromi working. The mayor has
told you not to congregate bere tomorrow
unless you wish to work, and you should
comply with l orders; otherwise you
toy yourselves liable to arrest and that
would Injure your cause.'"
The diflleulty with Mr. Shively was ad
justed last nlffht by Receiver Halm serv
ing notice on that gentleman that he was
In charge of all' material and that any
further interference on tho part of Mr.
Shively would be contempt of court. Mr.
Burke proposes to pay a fair price for
the waiter used, which will be turned
on toduy as usual.
Today the stone masons will go on with
their work since water will be provided,
and Mr. Burke wlW have quadruple the
number of men on tho reservoir. Work
will commence sharp at seven o'clock.
Mr. Moody and his men wlJl be ready
to proceed with the tunnel work and Mr.
Burke announces that all the Italluns
wbo desire can have employment at once
the entire two hundred of them on the
pl3 line.
' Yesterday afternoon an Italian resident
collected a subscription of J200 and sent
up to the camp that amount of provisions
on condition that tho men go peaceably
to work and let the Jaw take Its course.
Subcontractor Pared! returned from
Portland yesterday and will be with his
Fifteen 'Italians left town Cast night to
seek other fields ot labor.
Eight or ten guards were on duty all
night to protect tho works from any at
tack by tho disaffectel men, and the fuU
fogrce of special' deputies under Chief
Loughery will be at the reservoir when
work commences this morning.
The back of the great strike Is brakeh
and it la believed that notwithstsr.dlng
their bardbhlts. In Which tho men have
the sympathy of all. they will retain
that sympathy by taking the sensible
view of ths matter, uphold the law, go
to work and probably thus secure em
ployment all winter on ths railroad after
the waterworks Job Im completed.
Business Transacted at Its Meeting Last
The city council held a regular meeting
ln thai,, hajnhers in tit city ball last
evening. AX members were present The
chair was occupied by (Mayor Kinney.
a ri.,1 1 Hon for a lluuor license from S.
G. 'Peterson was granted.
Petition for electric iignx iroro propenj
owners on Bond and 4h street. Referre I
to committee on streets and public ways.
Petition from prcperty owners on Bond
street for street Improvement from est
lino of th to claim tine of Adair's As
toria. Referred to street ana puonc ways
Petition from Alderbrook property own
ers for a sidewalk In the alleyway run
ning through Blocks 102 and 10.1. referred
to same committee.
r.nnuni.nitlnn on altering: Of the 18th
street grade that the matter be post-
mA.uiv from aront of the
I U 1 1 , j vuw u........ "
O. ft. n N- Co- 01 cltyi rtferred t0
committee on streets ana puoiro ways.
Report from tns street cwrrauun "
.i r TKnok 101 and 101. rhat tho
grade bo not changed and that a side
walk bo laid. Adopted.
tport sklng for lurtncr lime on wu.
being dona on Grand avenue in Shlvely'a
Astoria. Granted.
Report from special committee to which
was referred ths matter of assisting the
It did not take a Brass Band to convince the Public of Astoria that our reduc
tions are Bona Fide. We
no matter how Great the LOSS. A call will certainly convince you that we do a9 we ad
vertise. As a Btarter for this week we will place on sale Three Record Breakers !
400 Men's All-Wool Suits,
Worth From $16 to $22 for $10.75
40 Doz. Fine Silk Teck Ties,
Worth 75 Cents, Now 35 Cents
Doz' Men'a All-Wool Cashmere tQlf HOSe
Worth 40 Cents, Now 20 Cents
Remember we have quoted only a few samples of the great reductions in all depart
ments. The reputation of this stock is so well known that it is not necessary to comment in
regard to the quality of the goods.
Winding Up' Sale
Schlussel Stock .
By Order of Administrator.
unpaid water works laborers and stating
that the amount thus spent was $11.4?.
Report from' street and public ways com
mittee on bids 'for the construction of a
portion of 14the street and the awarding
of same. Adopted.
tReport from same committee on the
street car company, and telephone com
pany, objecting to tho painting of their
poles, adopted.
Report from the same committee on the
extension of time for the Improvement
of Duano street. Adopted.
'Reports from the police on electric
lights, read and adopjted.
Much discussion was indulged in my
members of the council' on the suggestion
of Mayor Kinney that something be done
to see that no further trouble be had
with contractors and laborers on the
water system. Councllmen Thomson and
Trulllnger said they were In favor of do
ing something, but were unable to see
what tho council could do. Mayor Kin
ney stated that If the council would not
be tack of him in this matter he would
take it up atone. After the consumption
of an hour's time in which very council
man told what he knew or what he did
not know about contractors who were
swindlers, . tho matter was indefinitely
The report on the completion of the
crossing on 18th street and Irving avenue
was adopted.
Tho city officers' pay roil for the month
of September was ordered paid.
Tho 'bondl committee recommended
the passage of the two ordinances re
lating to the disposal of bonds. Adopted.
Report from t'ho committee on fire and
water that the boiler for 'Engine No. 2
has been completed, tested and pronounc
ed satisfactory, and that it be accepted.
A motion was made alnd carried that
the committee on health alnd police be
instructed to look into the matter of
replacing the telephone In tho water
works office on the hill, with power to
An ordinance appropriating the sum
of 1850 out of the general fund fcr the
benellt of the Daiglty Iron Wonka; pass
ed. An ordinance extending flue time for
tho completion of Duane street, passed.
An ordinance granting an auctioneer's
license to Martin olsen for a period of
three months, without costs or charge,
to compensate him for lost time on pre
vious license; passed.
An ordinance repealing ordinances 1871
and 1877, authorizing the issuing of bonds
and ordering the cancelling of the bonds,
amounting to $40,000 yet remaining un
sold, pasaed.
An ordinance regulating tho erection of
poles, land hanging wires for electric
light, telegraph, Are alarm, telephone and
other purposes, passed.
An ordinance establishing the grade of
Grand avenue; passed.
An ordinance extending the time for the
completion of the Irving avenue Im
provement; passed.
An ordinance re-establishing the grade
on 16th street from west line of ISth to
east line of 23rd; passed.
An ordinance authorizing the sale ot
bonds for tho borrowing of money for
purecy municipal purposes, providing for
the manner of issuing negotiable bonds
therefor, and the time and manner ot
paying the same to Morris and White
head; referred to bond committee.
Ordinances authorising the auditor and
police judge to Issue waritant for the
collection of the unpaid assessment for
the Improvement of 36th and 37th streets.
the 12th street sewer and on the alleyway
running through blocks 1, 1, 3, 4, and 5;
read first and second times.
Ordinances confirming assessment rolls
No. t and , for the improvement of the
west line ot 36th street to the east line
of 87th. street, and for the improvement
of 42d street were read first and second
An ordinance re-establishing the grades
from west line of 18th street to fast line
of 19th street, read -first and second
An ordinance authorizing the Issuance
of 150,000 of go-year, -per-oent bonds, to
provide money for the payment of the
floating: indebtedness and current ex
penses of the city was read second time.
A resolution was adopted instructing
the city surveyor to recommend arade
for 8tn street from a point where the
grads ia now established to Young's bay.
Bricks n's new saloon Is Ure finest fitted
and bost appointed establishment of the
kind In the state outside of Portland.
No distinction made between strangers
and regular customers, but li alike will
receive polite and ftrst-claea attention and
be served with the finest liquors and fancy-mixed
.beverages. Good music an
other attractions every evening.
Americans eat t, 000,000 dosea bananas
keep the ball a-rolling every
the White House Store
w" Fisher's Theater
October 4th and 5th.
Friday night
Saturday night
.Seats on sale Thursday morning at New
Vork Novelty Store.
SHILOH'8 CURB! Is sold on a guar
ntee. It cures incipient consumption,
t is the best Cough Care. Only one
ent a dose.- 25 cents. 60 cts., and $1.00.
For Sale by J. W. Conn.
Tho October Munsey and Metropollun
Just received are models of beauty and
the printer's art. The usuat number ot
new and finely executed Illustrations ap
pear In both, while the typographical
work Is most excellent.
In the Metropolitan the articles "Hu
man Wrecks Made iNew," toy One of the
Rejuvenated, "The Bloomer Woman's
Advance," by John J. Hamlin, and "Po
lice Commissioner Roosevelt at Work,"
by A. T. 'Parker, cad for special notice
and will be Interesting reading to all.
"Artists and Their Work," "The Waltz
King," "The Great Balkan Intrigue,"'
"The World of Music," and the "World
of Sport," are articles ot particular merit
in Munsey's.
Both magazines can be found at Griffin
& need's.
Notice is hereby given that bids will
be received at the place of business of
tho undersigned until 7:30 p. m. on the
Sd day Of October, 1895, for the erection
of a store building as per plans and fe
c I float Ion 9 on file at the store ot the
The right is reserved to reject any or
all bids. HERMAN WISE.
We nave choice property In Van Du
sen's, Auderbrook, Adair's, Shlvely's, Mc
Clure'e, Taylor's, New Astoria, Warren
ton, and Astoria Addition to Warrenton
for sale. Also money to loan In sums of
$200 to $3,000 on good real estate security.
A twister In twisting
May twist him a twist,
For In twisting a twist
Three twists make a twist;
But if one of the twists
Untwists from the twist,
The twist untwisting
Untwists the taipt.
That Is, when it's twisted with any
other twine than MARSHALL'S.
Remember that "a stitch in
time saves nine." The rainy
season is now se ting in. Come
and get your boots and shoes
half-foled and repaired before
they are too far gnnf . I am
now better pr-pared than' ever
to do th'8 in a cheap, neat and
lasting manner.
Respectfully ours,
114 12th street, corner oppo
site Fisher Bros.' stoie.
ROYAL Baking Powder
bas beco awarded, blshest
honors at every world'a fair
where exhibited
article in the stock Must GO
Ladles, do not deceive yourselves. There
Is not a wrap. Jacket or fur garment In
Astoria that will compare in richness,
beauty, or price with the lines Mr. Co
hen is showing this season. You can
save at least $3.00 to $3.00 on a garment
at Cohen's place. He does not advertise
so as to sell you ai lot of shoddy and
tell you he Is giving you remarkable bar
gains, leaving you to find after you get
home and go t'hrousli your purchase
made In a darkened store that you have
paid dearly for your purchase. Cohen
haa the latest styles In dress goods, trim
mings, etc., and gives the best value for
the money expended. Positively no de
ception practised in order to make sales.
Notice Is hereby given that the under
signed has been appointed administratrix
of the estate of Krancls Feake-3 and all
persons bavins claims airalnst said es
tate are hereby notified to present said
el'almk wi'th the necessary vouchers
within six months from the date of this
notice to me at the office of F. D. Win
ton 1n tine Pythian Castle building, In the
City of Astoria, Clat?op county, Oregon.
ANNA FF3AKES, Administratrix.
Astoria, Or., Sept. 20th, A. D. 195.
Ail persons liaving claims ag.ulnst the
estate of Jno. P. Dickinson, deceased,
must present the 6ame duly verified, to
the undersigned within slif months from
this da'te. H. VAN DU8EN.
Astoria, Sept. 20, 1S95.
To the Creditors of the PaciHo Paving
You are hereby notified to present your
claims, duly vcrlflM ns required by law,
to the undersigned, at his place of busT
ness, number 479 Commercial Rtreet, in
tho city of Ar.torU, Oregon, within thirty
days fivn the 26th day of Hc-pti mber,
By order cf the circuit court for the
county of Clatsop, State of Orecron.
JOHN HAHN, Revivor.
For the remarkably small sum of 15
cents one can procure an excellent chick
en dinner every Sunday at the popular
"Denver Kitdhen," east side of 9th street
between Astor and Bond. Mr. Richard
eon, the proprietor, also assures the pub
lic that they can obtain at his place a
well-cooked, wel'l served breakfast, din
ner or supper any day In the week for
the above mentioned price. Give him a
call and be convinced that he speaks the
A well-furnished sul'e of roo.ns, with
use of parlor, and. If dslred, good
tabie board, at reasonable rates. 403 Du
ane street, corner of Ninth.
Go to Dr. Howard, the painless den
tist, 662 Commercial street, for fine den
tal work of every class. He challenges
an equal. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction
There Is nothlntr but hnJ,V rloa
truth la the statement that to secure per
fect fit, quality and style In your shoes
m the lowest reasnnnlilA nrM vm ......
iro to the firm of John Hahn & Co., 47J
commercial street.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Yean the Standard.