The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, October 03, 1895, Image 3

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What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's proscription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It -is Pleasant. Its guarantee Is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting' Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Coeteria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
"Castoria ! excellent medldne for cfcll
drea. Wether hire reputedly teld me of its
goed afieet apsa tkelr children."
Da. O. C. Osgood,
Lowell, Ma9.
" Casteria U tht best remedy for children of
wbiea I am acquainted. I hope the day la not
fer dlataat when mother will consider the
ml interest of their children, and use Castoria
- butaad ef tht Trious quack nostrums which
are destroying their loved ones, by forcing
pimm, morphine, soothing syrup and otlur
hortfiil stent, down their throats, thereby
diss; than, to premature graves."
DR. J. P. Unchelok,
Conway. Ark.
Th Centaur Campany, 77 Murray Street, Nsw Yark City.
rtm wwm I irtiii.iriri
Portland, Oregon.
The Urcest and most complete dlsplsv ever m.ije of the Resources, IniustrleS. G mmerce, Business,
Jgriculture. Forests, Mines, 1 rults, Flherles. Manufactures and Transportation Facilit cs ot the Great
Pacific Northwest.
Pine Music. Special Attraction EveryDay, Seduced Katea
on oil Transportation Lines.
Slnrr Admission 35c Pr Exhibit Space arph at the Exposition
Children under 12 Years ... 10c ! Building to
Season Tickets $3.00 -J: '
E. C. HASTEN, Secretary. C. H. HUNT, Superintend, nt;
w A
Sitting dates to and from Tillamook and Nehalem depend
011 the weather. For freight an I as enger ,
rates apply to
O R & N, CO.,
: First Class Funerals :
i-"HIj S Undertaking Parlors,
- f. ! Embalming Spsclaltv
The only railroad lighting Its trains by
Tne only raflroad using the celebrated
':eemc berth reading lamp.
T le couches now running on "The Mll
iaa;:k;" are on Whis.
'i ,ts through iln-s. the Chicago,
:..-.iik. and Si. Paul Railway runs the
1 p. . i'ecuy equipped trains of Sleep-i-ar;
r, aad Ditir.g Cars and Couches.
r h.wesi rates to any pu.nt In the
.' . d :Sute ar.d Cana.ia. apniy to ticket
. -r a idsvsa C. J. EDDY,
General Atrnt,
. Portlaod, Orcvo
" Castoria is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
knows, to me."
H. A. Akcher, M. D
m So. Oxlord St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
" Our physicians in the children's depart
ment have spoken highly of their experi
ence in their outside practice with Castoria,
and although we only have among onr
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yet we are free to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon it."
United Hospital and Dispensary,
Boston, Mass,
Allen C. Smith, Pres.
iwiianiwiw mm
Open por
Special Charter.
Asrenn, Portland.
After (Deals!
Or at any other time;
when yon wish a good
cigar ask for. the well
kmwt), horp- made,
band made, whit labor
"La Belle Astoria.",
Conr iled by all unioktra
to b tlie best ci'tir
71 rNintt? Street,
Astoria, Oregon, j
' k -.. tm Tllit Obs non-poivnmi '
yT ,"U,..l rPraHy fur Onm.rrh,
jr' iVi'ur4 'l (!t. 9Drrnturrbip. ,
lnltn!ii" VI 'Vhit. annaiorsl dis- .
H thai cm. or ar. hiKarnmi- I
iij'i not i imf lino, lrritMJ'.n it u.ccra- ;
ftT-l..,rf,,iSr 11 bran"". Son-rnnt. :
V 1 . " s'or tt-rt it rbrn "ppr. .
O. X ' i l.y hvm. .n .!. ,f-.r ,
a circular rui vu tjucm. i
OPENS .... i i
' October 5th.
J . : i
Tide Table f op October, 1895.
man watch.
Tutwdav .. 1
Wed ami ay 'Jj
i niinuiay.
Siitunluy. r.
Moudav. .
I Tuesday .. w
(Hlu ml y v
Friday 1 1
Mumtuy. ...1 1
WVdn'sd'y jt;
Friday it-
2 18
8 08
Mnuday .. 21
TucHiiay ..
Wedu'bd'y Z'
Thurnday .!M
Hat unlay. Sii
-ij.i.,v r,
Mu day . i!h
Tni'Nday ..'."i
V. odu'hd'v:!1
5 0(1
6 10
8 25,
9 16 6 5'
9 52 6 8i
10 25 7 2
1()57;7 6 111 24 6
II 27T1I1!.. .J
The Alice Blanchard Is due today.
The Manzanlta is on the beach, at the
buoy depot having her propellor repaired.
It Is understood that the M-mdcU was
surveying yesterday on tho site of the
new. railroad drawbridge.
The steamer aignat leu up me river
for Portland at 5 o clock last night, bne
had four Chinamen for Astoria, threo ot
whome wpra landed, and ' one rejected.
She has a" cargo of 60 tons of freight for
Portland, aa well as 19 Chinese pnssen-
gers. These are 'the first Chinamen
wlvo havo been brought via Vancouver for
four months.
Yesterday morning the Blitnsh ship
Tasmania, Capt. Gra'hn, from San Fran
cisco, arrived in port. The Tasmania Is
a modem four maater, 20S0 tons register,
with a carrying capacity of 3.5110 tons.
Captain Grahn stated to an Asto-Ian rep
resentative that he left New York Feb
tuary 22 liust, with a cargo of case oil
for Hongkong, around the Horn. He ar
rived at the latter port June 4th and left
there for Sstn (Francisco July 19. San
Francisco was reached September- 16th,
where a stay of two daya waa made,
when EUii. was made for the Columbia
river. The Tasmania is under charter
by Slbson & Kerr, of Portland, for grain
shipment to the United Kingdom. Capt.
Grahn says that his entire trip from
New York was one of the smoothest in
hla experience.
The vessels of Seattle harbor which
have been reported for not. having dls-
A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M.
h.m ft. h.m ft 'h.m ft. h.m ' ft
liar." 7 4 U-MI72 5S--0S 60K1II
I lii 1 7 7 8 07 0 9 6 D6 1 6
0 2J72 l.-4:t7il 6 M 1 0 70210
0 57 7 .1' 1 0 HI 7 (X) -1 S 7 81 0 6
l:H7l 114 7a. -It) 8 04 OH
211 70 2 02 8. I 71 -19 8;i7()l
a filii 7. 2r. 8S 8 lt -2 2 9 15 0 0
S :.(;. 4 8 12W5 8 6O-2 0 10 01 01
4 rfl' -i 8 27 8 8 9 57 81 HO 67 0 8
A..2..H 4 52 H0 1020 85
8 U i 7; 8 0U 7 6 i 0 0W 0 3 ill 88 8 7
7 5M10 7 1U7S 1 20 01) 1 IK 8 8
1)0, 6 4: 8 7 6 2 8H 0 6 2 4 i 4
!I.V( 7 0 1150,7 7 8 81 0(1 8 5f-2 4
1087 7 7 102480 416-011 4 50 14
U 20,8 lj 11478 2 6 15 -0 7 8 40 05
. .. . . 12 00 8 0 t 00-08 82X0 1
0 38 8 8 12 : ! 1 6 421-1 1 7 16 0 7
1 a 8 0 1 18 9 2 7 21 18 02 1 0 I
17 7; 2009S 8 00 21 850 10
72 1 2 4119 0 8 40 2 0 9 40 0 7
08 82H85I925 32!10!H0Ii
0 4 4 16 7(1 10 20 3 8(118203
5 0 8 15 7 8 11 82 4 0
5 9 6 21 87 i 085 0 8 102 4 8
(13. 7 80 6 5" 14m 12 225 88,
I 8 4- t :t I 2 40 1 6 8 1112
9 4861 880 17 4 lii 6
!lO'W6ti 4 12 18 45f2 0
4 52 18 6 82 161
I SSil 2 oil 6 0i9
payed proper lights are having a fear, Jlcan party earned for him the endorse
days' respite, pending an Investigation b ment which the bar association gave him
Deputy Collector McDonaJd. It will be
remeirtbered that Lieut. G. L. Carden, ot
the revenue launch Scout, recsntiy re
ported a great nuiriber of violations for
which the fines will aggregate J7.000 or
more. CoMector Saunders seems to be
taking time for full Investigation. The
law dot-s not require any proof beyond
the report of the lieutenant in charge of
that, branch of the service. Lieut: Car
den 'has done much In the way of report
ins vessels for not having' the proper
amount of life preservers, boats and
raC;3. It has become a common practice
for steamboats upon annual inspection
by the Inspector of and boilers to
borrow the necessary life saving appar
atus from other boats. The Inspectors do
rrot a.'svays nave the means ot knowing
the facts in this respect and the law
makes that the duty of the revenue cut
ter service. Lieut. Carden has made sime
reports which will cause -the assessment
ot fines as high as $500 for violations of
this kind, and may be the saving of life
and property. Upon a recent visit to
Tacoma and Olympla Lieut. Carden
boarded a vessel incog, and during a
conversation with the captain the latter
was drawn out and boaHted of his great
luck In carrying more passengers than
his limit, and that no one was 'onto him."
He also to.d his whole story of how he
manipulated the life preservers and was
really short In them at the time. This
was all mentally .noted by the lieutenant,
and the captain who so innocently told
the story wonders who reported him.
The editor of the Bulletin ha rece-ved
the following communication from
"Ariel:" "The great question Is always
before us, what to do with the bodies
of those who d;e among us, so that the
remains shall have some kind of decent
respect paid to them, and also that the
living shall not be endangered. There is
a strong convietlon that the burial In
the ground of a large city, especl.ully of
those who have died of contagious dis
ease, carrlea with It a certain threaten
ing element which can be avoided by the
growing custom of cremation. In your
paper of Sept. 21 there Is an article on
the subject giving the views of four lead
ing clergymen. The Rev. Mr. Irwin also
adds his avowal that cremation was not
his first choice, but that he would prefer
having his body burled at sea. This, for
many reasons, would seem to be a much
simpler form of burial than cremation,
especially for dwellers In cltlas near the
ocean. After the proper funeral services
the remains might be enclosed in an
air-tight iron receptacle, sufficiently
welhted, and at a suitable time it could
be shipped on an outward bound vessel
with Instructions that It should be de
posited In the "ea at no less than some
hundreds of miles from land. The Iron
casket would soon reach the soft ocean
floor and there rest amid the myriads
of mlscroplcal shells which are silently
and constantly falling from above and
which completely cover the bottom to
considerable depth. The entire expense,
If carried out to any great extent, should
not exceed 10 for the whole proceeding,
and would probaibiy be the most econom
ical manner of disposing of the remains
of such persons as are to be burled at
the public charge, with the certainty of
no further removal being necessary. In
fact, the custom of intramural interment
is fast going into disrepute, with rapid
strides in favor of cremation, which,
however. Is nccoffHy much more costly
than sea burial. A.nong olher good rea
sons is the certainty of complete immun
ity from ever harvlng tho remains treated
with irreverence by disturbance in any
manner. The mighty sepulchre of the
ocean lies before us at our very doorway,
and the suggestive remarks of Mr. Irwin
deserve serious consideration. In perhaps 1
r,.e most perrect or UI creations of
csniKespeare ne tnus alludes to one who
was supposed , to have perished at sea
and whose body lay burled many fathoms
"Nothing of him that doth fade,
But doth suffer a sea change
Into something- rich and strange."
Rev. Irl R. Hicks, the celebrated storm
prophet, of St. Louis, is now a-household
nime m nenrly every home In America.
His wonderful aimanac predicts the
rtjimr ij . ,r mum ottoii
and accurately than any other pnbllca-;
tlon or any other system. The testimony'
of a "rge number of careful observers
is that 99 per cent of Hicks' predictions I
are f ulfllled to the letter. His series of
annual almanacs are now well and favor-
ably known In all parts of the country :
ar.d In foreign land. The new almanac 1
for rC Is the most prawtlral and In-
s-rucHve wc-'l a the prettiest of this
ii!en.l:l ;irli. It cunUlns 100 pages,
prin'ed on fine hook paper, with covers
-'.-ranily printed In color. "The matter,
a.ihouh gcieniiiic, is written in popj
lar 'v!e. thre being nnth'nr ''""-iilt
to understand about it. It Is alio fin)
illustrated. Don't confound this with some
patent medicine pamphlet. It U nothing
of the kind, but is a lino book, whlc.i
sella at ail news stands for 25c. This
fine almanac Is given as a premium to
every yearly subscriber to tho Rev. IiT
R. Hicks' well known and deservedly
DCDUlar paper, World and Works. This
unique Journal Is a peerless educator of
the masses, ana is rust Docoming a house-
hold guardian and necessity In tha "homes
of America. Those who want to ke?p
up with the advanced thought of the ase
In science, rollglon and all social, com
er rclal, Intellectual, and domestic sub
jects, should subscribe for Word and
Works. Subscription only $1 a year. You ,
can send for both direct to Word ana
Worits 'Publishing company, St. Louis,
Mo. Single copies of Word and Works, 10 J
Various Matters of Interest Picked up
by a Correspondent.
Portland, Oct. 2. The Populists are al
ready .making preparations for the state
cainpalngn next year. They propose to
'make It whole hog or none" and say
they will not combine with Democrats
or Repifollcans. They are now iloodng
the state with Popullstla pamphlets and
leaflets and the next move Will be to
lmnort Popuillstlc howlers. An Indiana
-. : . . , . :
Populist named Vmcent wi.1 brought
out here as -in oftsot to William J.
out here as an
Bryan, tho Nebns'ta congressman, who
is committed to the l're5 and unlim.ied
coinage of all thing. silver preferred.
Whllo Mr. Bryan suits the :h!rd parfv
on the silver question, he is supposed to
be friendly to the corporations. That is
why tho PopulUts mistrust him and ex
plains their covering of his tracks In this
'We shall carry the state wilhout
trouble next year," said a leading i'opu-
, list toduy.
"Do you want the two congressmen?"
' he was asked.
"Ys, if we can get them. Our big
fisht will be for the legislature."
! "If you win will Senator Jlltchell be re-
! elected?"
"No. He Is with us on the money Ques
tion, but we do not like his relations with
the Northern Pacific and other corpora
tions." The Populist nominee for mayor of
Portland next year will be c-Jovernor
Silvester Tennoyer. The nomination will
be tendered to him at any rate.
Senator Henry E. McGinn, wh.i was
appointed by Governor Lord presiding
judge of department No. 2 of the c.rcult
court to succeed the late Judge Hurley,
is making an excellent waste of words
and does not permit cases to lag. At
torneys havo been more pleased than
o.hi.TAiBo to hear the court say such as
"counsel must not let this case lag,"
"Counsel for the defense will croos ex
;!' .he wllness," always said In a
pleasuint but Arm tone. Judge McGinn
has aiivaya been regarded as one of the
best lawyers in Portland and his ability
and long loyal service to the Repub- I
for the Judgship. Judge McGinn, though
only 36 years old, has been district at
toreny, senator and circuit judge.
An Oregon man, who is now in Wash.
Ingion. says that President Cleveland,
following the example set by Harrison
In appointing a Democrat (Jackson) to
the supreme bench, was somewhat dis
posed, for a time to name a Republican
to succeed the late Judge Jackson. The
writer was Informed on good authority
that among the names of Republicans the
president had under consideration was
that of cx-Sonator Dolph of Oregon.
Dolph has high standing In the East as
a jurist and the president 'has a good
opinion of him because of his soundness
on the money question. However, Mr.
Dolph Is not a candidate for any favors
at the hands of the administration and
probably does not know that his ntme
was under consideration. The same writer
says that it is the general Impression at
the capital that the president Is prepar
ing tvn anti-third term manifesto. It may
bo delivered during the Atlanta exposi
tion and may be at the Jackson day
bnnquet In January. -
A. T. Hawley, the Journalist who died
In a police patrol wagon In Portland not
long ago, was private secretary to Sena
tor Squire of Washington when the xena.
tor was territorial governor. It was Haw
lev who who wrote aVl tho territorial re
ports for which Squire claimed credit
and which were used as an evidence of
his knowledge of tho new state In his
first campaign for United Slates senator
elx yea-s aso. Hawley suffered much
from paralysis. He died in poverty.
Pusiness is much better than at this
time a year ago. T!ui volnmo of frale
Is larger and confidence is returning
slowly but surely. Money Is finding its
way lnt.i circulation. Extern capitalists
rciard Oregon as a good field for ln
v.tmont and millions of dol'ars will be
sent here as soon as the financial un
certainty passes away. Capitalists are
satisfied that the country at large will
be for sound money, btit fear that
the western states may fall Into the
hands of tho fiatlsts amd laws Inimical
to money and corporate Interests be en
acted. If the elections next year show'
a decision in favor of sound currency
the western states will have more money
than they will know what to do with,
So far as Oregon Is concerned It is con
ceded here and weil known In the East
that the Democratic state convention
will endorse Cleveland's financial policy
and that the Republican convention win
not make a single concession to free sil
ver, and that If there is any danger of the
Poptu'lsts carrying the state thousands of
sensible Democrats will vote the Repub
lican ticket the same as they did last
It is believed here that If Governor
Lord restores Col. W. W. Saunders to
citizenship he will endeavor to return to
Oregon and practice law. He would like
to make his home In Portland. Saunders
killed a young man at Albany some years
ago on account of a woman, named Mat
tie Allison. He escaped from the coun
ty Jail while under sentence of death,
was recaptured and his sentence com
muted to life Imprisonment. Governor
Pennoyer pardoned him early this year.
Warden Gilbert, of the penitentiary,
hopes that MuTtnomah county will send
no more prisoners like Bunco Kelly. All
visitors. Including eastern people,, atk
to see him, such Is his notoriety, and cow
county people ask for "Bronco" Kelly.
A Portland man Just back from Ban
Francisco says the people did not adduce
the most atrocious evidence In the
Blanche Lamont murder case. He says
it is wen Known among pnysicians in
San Francisco that the unfortunate girl's
body was repeatedly violated after death
and the nipples bitten off with the teeth,
proving the murderer to have been noth-
Ing short of a fiend.
ThnA vhn Yava iiimI 1li Vino-', Maw
Discovery know Its value, and those
who not rave now the opportunity
to try It free. Call on the advertised
druggist and get a trial bottle free.
Pend your name and address to H. E
Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a
sample box of New Life Pills free, as
well as a copy of Guide to Health and
MousenoM inaa-uctor, free. A.l of
whch Is guaranteed to do you good
lni C0Bt you nothing. Chas. Rogers
druggist. Odd Fellows Building,
Texas Blftlngs.
Two doctor met on the street.
"I feel sorry for you. You ought not
to bs out In this kind of wither. You
are a s)ck man," said Dr. BlMtrr.
"I am feeling very weC'," replied Pr.
"What doctor Is trratlr.? yo;iT'
"I am prescribing t r tnvself."
"You e'lou'dn't do thrat. You are liable
to be arrested for attempted) suicide."
A prominent milliner yesterday in
Bpe.uklnpr of vadleii hcadwear, gavo the
following Information:
Crowns are higher than they were last
Low crowns combined with broad brims
j will continue to furnish picturesque
Jamnpot effects are having a struggle
for supremacy.
Tie coquettish i4tourn at tho back is
a tlilrvs" of the past.
Oi.irieh tips will vave, if anything, more
wl.u'.y than ever, from the modish hat.
Itninbo.f hned hints appear not only In
ribbon and (lower-), but coming plumage
Is gaudily tinted as well.
C.ick to the fashionable world have
come the elegant til feathers of the bird
of Paradise.
The best Balva in the world foi Cuts,
Bruises, Sorts. Ulcer Snlt Rheum,
Fev.r Sores, Tctler, Clupped Hand,
Chilblains. Con.s. and All 8km Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
perf-ict satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price, 25 cents ptr box. For sale by
:iia. nogers. Man 'llow building.
I There are many good reasons why you
, eiiou-u use une . nuto uougn cure.
. Tere n(J rea90ng goul
i i, , j , v,,. ,',. k , !
if in need of help. The only harmless
remedy that produces Immediate results.
Ohas. Rogers.
Children Cry for
Fry your food in Cottolene
instead of lard and it will be
free from that greasiness and
"richness" so distressing to
dyspeptics ; the flavor will be
delicious instead of rancid,
and your food will do you
good. Put it in a cold pan,
heating it with the pan.
Cottolene reaches the cook
ing point much quicker than
lard care should therefore
be taken not to overheat it.
Follow these instructions
you will never use lard again.
Genuine Cottolene has trade-mark VfiaU
toten" and .(-r'i had in entton-plani
ratA 00 evrr tin. Made oul, by
talcaaa, 8n PraatkM, I'oMUad, OreBf
. igii, WWII,
"friutr r "' 1111 """"
Mi. .V.. Il,m .'Culu.. mJ. 1
Ar agreeable Lxnt ve nnd N F.RVE TON IO,
Bold by Dmgglstsor sent by mall Sc60Ch
nd J1.00 per package, tlamplea freo.
TTf T.7S Th' Favorite TOCTa PffffTTJ
tlii 4WfortioTeethJUidlireUi,uo,
For Bale by 3. W. Conn.
Few Hen Would Ask
for Finer Dinner
than those we serve. We're trying In
every way to mane them the most en
lovable ra town. All the "good things"
of the season cooked by our excellent
cook In the most delicious style. Perfect
If you Invite a friend to the Palace
Beritaurant the place is a sufllclent guar
antes that he will receive a good meal,
Th3 Palace Hestaarant
Are You Going East?
If so, drop a line to A. C. Sheldon,
funeral agent of the "Burlington
otite," l'J Wasilngton St., Portland.
He will mall yon free of charge, maps,
time tables, and advise you as to the
through rates to any point, reserve
sleeping cur accommodations; for you,
sue frnl!;li you with through tickets
via either the N'rrthern, Union, Houth-
enrt Canadian lJa rilic, end Clreat North
. n nt the very lowest rates
t l'fi..b!-.
I ',. i II; .';..!) R...,ile I,, genrxily
,r. "Ii.'l in he tl.e tHiKt erllip'd Mjh
i J in the woild for all vutsaes of
.it its .
..n'-rN fir
TO S0. ron
Heal Estate (Deo,
Backers '
Bdsioess Jflen
Of Astoria
rCall into the Astorltn offics
and gat sampl copies of our rcgu
lar Commercial edition.
It Orleans fdoney
in Your Pocket.
No, Never.
Physicians have never been
able to prescribe any ether
emulsion of Cod-liver Oil which
would bring as satisfactory re
sults as Scott's Emulsion.
The reasons for this are the
absolute purity of its compo
nents and the superior process
of its manufacture. Nobody has
ever been able to Imitate it.
Imitations are always inferior to
the real thing.
Remember that Scott's Emul
sion is the great food for wasting
in adults and children.
Do.x't U ptrtuadett to aaxptaniMUulri
Scott &Bownt,N,Y. AU Druggists. SOt and $1.
E. rUNElL, Receiver.
' "XT' '
& 1V
o livlo
Gives Choice
Tmo Transcontinental
Via .
Sj ok une
n. Paul.
Ogdf (j,l)en tn
1 and
On-aha or
uiinan and Tourist loan"
Fi' aiming Ch ir onr
Astoria to San Francisco.
Columbia, Friday, Bept. (.
Stat of California, Wednesday, Bept 11
Columbia, Monday, Bept. 18.
State, Saturday, Sept. SI.
Columbia, Thursday, Bept. St.
State, Tuesday, Oct.. 1.
Columbna, Sunday, Oct. t.
Astoria and PoFtlnd Steamer.
The T. J. Potter will leave Astoria at
7 p. rr. dally, except Bundiy; leave Port
land at 1 a. m, dally, excopt Sunday,
The K. R. Thompson will leave Astoria
at t-Mi a, m. dally, except Sunday; leave
Portland at 8 p. m. dally,, except Satur
day. Koi rates and avnenti Inforninttoti m'
f or uddree
'Commercial Agent, Astoria, Oi
Oen Pas Aft.. Portland, t
Are" You Goino; East?
Be sure and nee that your tloket
reads via
Tula la the
And all Points "East and
Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Ves
. Ubuled Dining and Sleeping Car
Trains and Motto:
Have given this road a national reputa
tion. All classes of passengers carried
on the vestibuled trains without extra
charge. Ship your freight and travel
over this famous Una. All agents have
Gen. Agent Tra. F. and P. Agt
m Washington St., Portland. Or.
ROYAL n..r
Highest ct all la leavening
Itrengibv-V. . Ostwswt Report
Japanese Bazaar
81NQ LUNQ.Prop.
Btintep Goods Jast Received
An excellent stock of underwear, hos
iery, caps, etc., at extrtnely low prices.
417 Bond Street, next door to Mouler'a
Fruit Store,
The Oasis of thf
Colorado desert
Dry and Pure Tropical
f :. !.' . fv 1 y Vf.3 !!e
most J-;':tv.)':.: ;: u .tv.-.iv..:
for Sufli i'tn-rt iVom . .
Lung Diseases and
The objections Brged against Indio ,
lu Hie past by the large uumbera who
oiuerwlse would have beuii glad to lak
.! vantage of lis betifiiclul climate, bus
ueeii B. lacK ot suitable aucoiumoaa
Uon. The Southern Paolflo Company,
takes pleasure In announcing that sev
eral Commodious and
Comfortable Cottages
live just been erected at. Xiidie sia
lion, thai will be reuied 10 appncuailM
ut reasonable lales. ri,e are iur
mt ilea wlin niodtrn couveuieuuvs, sop
piled Willi pum n.ceidM KdLiu, uu u
auuated as 10 auv occuptuiis an me
aavauiagee to uv (ierivaa trum a more
ur less pruirauted restdeuce in mta tie
llghtful climate.
(From the San Fvanuluco Argonaut.)
"in tlie heart of tfte arem desert 4.1
the Colorado wblob the Southern Pa
cific road traverses there is an oasis
called Indio, which, In our opinion, I
the sanitarium of the earth. We
lleve, from personal Investigation, that
for certain Invalids, the-e Is no spot 01
this plajiet so favorable."
G. T. Stewart, M. li., write: "Th
purity of the air, and the eternal sun
shine, fill one with wonder and delight.
Nature has accomplished 8'
much that their r.n :Hliir l.u' li--... r
man to do. At to Iih ,..8tli H 1. ..h
health resort, hen- w tilt i...l
feet sunshine, with a teniperut jre Al
ways pleaHam. a perfncily dr soil
for rain is an unknown fs.i t.n ptii
oxygen, denr? -aimflihr nn.' . n.-.
water. What r. . 11. b. ... j
It Is the jila. o. in 1 nt. i ;t-e.i, '
luntr trouitlm. nt'.l a p. t.l, ' -lni . 1
matl. s. Coni.1!' 1 1.,,( t - iv.'.---' '
sufferers win. hH . u en ix: ,.
10 heiI t tin ,ti t--o I-...
ronlal tHU" " '' h' 1 ' "1
d " "
faTe fimii l.i Anflfj
) i.OCj
. For further lnforniatiixi Inquire of
ny rtoutniirn 1'ncftli' 0uipan tiKn',
r address
B. P. RtiHRHS,
Asst Gen. Pass. A Kt. 8. P. I'o.
filst Pea. Igt.
?or. Fin nd Alder Ns- Portland. Or,
AdJros. box 180, Poftoffic. ASTORIA. OIJ
. '. NOTICa
The partnership heretofore existing be
tween C. J. Greenland and Antoa Brtt
florists, Is hereby dissolved by mutual -consent,
and all debts f the said firm
will be paid by C. J. Greenland and C. G.
Palmberg, and all outstanding accounts
art due and payable to them,
KARL'S CbOVER BOOT will purlfn
your blood, clear your complexion, reg
ulate your Bowels, and make your head
clear as a bell. 26 ots., 60 cts., and 11.00.
Sold tr S. W. Conn.
Gentlemen; This is to certify that I .
have used Krause's Headaune Capsule
with satisfactory results. I bought a
box which cost me H and one capsrds
cured me of a dreadful sick h-ndache.
My wife and mvsolf nave both used
the medicines manufactured by the
Norman Lirbtr Mfg Co.. and we re
commend them to the public as being
JJUHt what tbey are represented.
Respectfully, j , .
Ed. Oasette, Pleasant Hill. Ho.
Twenty-five cants, for rale by Ctas.
Rogers, Astoria, Or., sois agents. -
Captain Bweeney, U. B. A., San D!e,?r
Cal, ssys: "HniloVs Catarrh Remedy
Is the first medldne I have ever fount
that would no me any good. Price Is)
cts. Bold by 3. W. Coi.n.
Mrs. T. 8. fiawltlns. Chart uniw
Tenn., snys, "Khllor's Vitillj.-r BAVi ,
vt T.irr:.' T ,. .t-:
viy for a del.llltatd synttm I fVpr
tiwd." For Dynpeixia, Liver or u
ney trcptbte. It exoelis. Pure Ji cts.
Fee Kale y J. W. Vcm n,
( .