The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, October 03, 1895, Image 2

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    v -r ;
Telephone No. 66.
8ent fcy mall, per year
Bent by mall, per month
Served fcy carrier, per week..
8(it by mail per year, $2.00 In advance.
Postage free to subscribers.
Ait communications intended for pub
Hoatlon should be directed to the editor.
Business communications of all kinds and
remittances must be addressed to The
The Astortam guarantees to its sub
scrlber tJie largest circulation of any
newspaper published! on the Columbia
Advertising rates can be tad on ap
plication to Wis business manager.
The ."Weekly Astorlan, the second old
est weekly In the state of Oregon, hat
next te the Portland Oregonlan, tl:e
feuvest weekly clrciCatlon In the state.
Jm. T. Hand'. Co. are our Port
tend gents, and copies of the Astorlan
can be had every morning at their stand
on First street
Senator Gorman has taken the stump
in Maryland, Hs does not hesitate to
touch that tariff question, which, other
Democrats are so unwilling to handle.
The Democratic candidate for governor
of Ohio, Campbell, says the tariff Is a
national Issue, and hi fight wU be made
solely on state issue. Senator Gorman,
having had. so much to do with the fram
ing of the present law, cannot sfford to
dodge the question.
He praises that measure In unstinted
terms. He says it is "wise and just,"
that It Is "the most logical and the most
fair tariff legislation nactd In the last
thirty years," and that whan business
has resumed Its normal condition It will
produce revenue enough to support the
government, economically administered.
But he did not predict when that time
would come. For the present fiscal year
the deficiency Is fifteen millions.
He says also "the enacted law stands
a the most marvelous achievement se
cured by the Dembcratlc members of the
committee which had this legislation In
charge." He means himself and Brlce,
But this is not, or at least was not, the
opinion of President Cleveland. He said
of this measure which Oorman extols:
"I take my place with the rank and file
of the Democratic party, who believe In
tariff reform, and who know what it is;
who refuse to accept the results embod
ied In thit bill as the close of the war;
who are not blinded to the fact that
the livery of Democratic tariff reform
has been stolen and worn In the service
of Republican protection, and who have
marked the pljies where the deadly
blight of treason has blasted the coun
cils of the brave in their hour of might.
The millions of cur cuuntryinun whs have
fought bravely and well for tariff re
form should be exhorted to continue the
struggle, boldly challenging to op.i war
fare and constantly guarding ugalnst
treachery and half-hcartednes in their
Senator Oorman rays the struggle muat
stop, because, according to him, the Dem
ocratic party has givon the people .the
kind of tariff law It promised them I He
"And there It stands, not all (hat some
advanced thinkers may Jes'rt, but it in
revenue tariff, as callad lor by our
platform from Wt to 133, Inclusive; not
perfect In all it details, for perfection
is not within human power, but con
forming to our platform."
The platform to which he ssaerts that
hi patched and tinkered tariff law con
forms reads thusiy;
"ft'i denounce Republican protection as
ft fraud; ft robbery of the great majority
of the American peoplo (or the benefit of
the few. W declare It to be ft funda
mental principle ot the Democratic party
that the Federal government has no
constitutional power to Impose and col
lect tariff duties except for the purpose
of revenue only."
TV-1- - . .... . ...
" m ou" wolcB : State The first step In the construe
gaye protection a. well a. revenue MJul,t;lUn , foo4 T0,d, , flnd how
not be Impend. But the Oornua U , ti4 one. there .re. which this map
abounds in duties which give concur- a st forth, aatsop county Cross
ftble protection, and which are iv- . .li not be completed trt time to
fore, "unconstitutional," according to m! r ea the map.
Democratic platform. j ' i n .
And yet, while ftny one can ste tfcai Ti rres pointedly calls
the Oorman law doea not carry out is !; ,a Increase la the pubilc debt
pledge of the platform the senator show a present administration boun-polltk-ii
cunning In trying to make b!s ' ,!nP0,',- There I considerable jus
party take the ground that It doe, By ' ,n l!" auggetlon. The debt was in
toning down the asperities of tb WUson ; tTM1 because the revenues were In-
blll he saved 4)1 party from a sjrs!
whipping than It received and kept It
alive. If he can persuade the people that
his law Is the last work ot the Democracy
on the tariff question he will give It
strength that It will not possess If the
policy adopted is that favored by Presi
dent Cleveland.
Arrangrnente have been made fcr ex-'
curslons to Portland during the Expos!,
tlon front the chief cities ot the Pacific
Northwest, Including Intermediate points
at rates ranging from on to two cent
per mile. Besides this there will be spe
cial reduced rate during the entire ex
position amounting to but little mors
than a single fare tor the round trip.
It Is a pity som more of America's
leading agitators and demagogue cannot
take a trip to Europe. Vest went over !
th. pond and returned thoroughly con-
verted from hi free llver delusion, and
now the eminent Mr. Oompers, who went
to th trade union congress it Cardiff,
admit that the American workman
Is better paid, spend more In living than
th aversge European workman earns,
holds ft higher social position and lives
under conditions that are far more sym
pathetic with the Ideas of manhood.
The are precisely the reason why the
Republican party baa always contended
fur a protective tariff, ji It was becaufe
they were either blind to these trutlis
or pretending to dlt&eliev them that Mr.
himirm and others ttt hi 4'k . .taught
to breed a spirit of discontent among
cur working classes, anj llnaCiy succeed-sd
in turning this country over to the Dew
ocratlc, free-trade politicians at the last
Unless the recent expressions of sym
pathy for the Cuban cause aire entirely
superficial the question whether Cuba
shall form an Important Issue In Ameri
can politics may te said to depend en
tirely upon the Cubans themselves. Dur
ing thu 'first few 'months of the insurgents'
wair It was regarded -with' something
like apathy in this country. Tire publte
sympathized with Cuba, but forbore to
make any effort In deed or word to give
that sympathy a tangible expression, Re.
cently there has been a marked change,
The Cuban question baa come up into
debate in widely diverse circle On one
hand it has gained the purely philan
thropic attention of the clergy, and on
the other it has secured the Interest ot
the politicians, who regard it as a possl
ble expedient in the strategy of politics.
It is evident, however, that this senti
ment fo be sustained must be fed by a
prolongation of the Cuban struggle with
something like a definite prospect of suc
cess. And here comes In the Important
fact that the insurgents' success up to
the present time na been due to the de
sultory system upon which the war has
been conducted on both sides. Cuba Is
splendidly adapted to the harassing, nag
glng, guerilla warfare adopted by the In'
surgents. Spain's poMcy, there is no rea
son to doubt, is to endure this sort ot
warfare as patiently as possible until
the time when the disappearance of the
rains and the deadly heat of the present
season shall make it possible for the
Spanish soldier to stand the fatigue ol
the campaign. General Campos, It la be
lieved. Is now waiting for such an event,
his losses from sickness having been so
heavy as to make ft more vigorous effort
When he does attempt to strike the
sharp, decisive blow with which to crush
the insurrection It wilt depend upon Cuba
whether the struggle sinks out of the
world's attention or grows to an Import
ance which will compel consideration
from this and other powers. The Cubans
have announced their Intention to carry
on the guerilla warfare for year If ne
cessary. They mean to give Spain no
peace and by ft systematic course) of
action make the island terribly costly
dependency. They Intend that Spain
shall not onty have to maintain an ex
pensive army in the Island, but that the
parent country shall suffer even greater
loss in the Inroads upon commerce and
the total disorganisation of the mercan
tile system. Whether Cuba can keep this
policy up until the burden on Spain be
comes unbearable Is a question whlaii on
ly time will answer. Should she continue
the effort with reasonable prospects of
Buccrss no one need be surprised If the
Cuban question becomes one ot the Issues
of the campaign of 1896.
It would be Instructive to know, since
erotic literature Is so common nowadays.
Just what influence upon divorce and
criminal statistics that clajs of reading
has. Doubtless there are many persona
of strong minds and developed characters
who can read it without Injury to thorn
selves, but unfortunately Its sals Is not
limited to them. What Influence doe It
exert upon the rest and what degree of
responsibility Is entailed upon It authors
for the efforts of weak, Hiving persons to
Imitate characters in this field of action?
Hore is a proposition worthy ot the study
of the deepest philosophers.
There seom to be no doubt a to wheth
er or not iLleuenant Peary succeeded In
bringing back the bones of the unfort 1
nate members of the Greely party who
pcrlfhod In thait forbidden Arctic region.
Certain newspapers say he did, but'Peary
hlmse.f speaks to the contrary. The
scientific results of the expedition are also
doubted. 'But let us not despair. The all
Important new that the Eskimo are "
peaceful and a gentle people" ia confirm
ed and what are human Cite and the re
covery of human bone compared with
that- And Peary can lecture, too!
The department of agriculture Is pre
paring a gigantic road map of the United
States. The map when completed will
show the condition a regards paving,
or macadamizing, construction and 1.
pair of every highway In the United
ufflclnt to meet the need of the gov-
eminent, and they are Insufficient be-
cause thty have been decreased In order
that protection might be destroyed and
Imports might come In. J
Hptaker Crisp believe that the Demo
cratlc party will be beaten In the presi
dential election unless tt nominate ft
free sllvur man. and there are great
many long-headed Democrat who be
lieve that their party wUI be beaten It
It does nominate a tree silver man. Thl
1 on of those rare case where bottt
side of a controversy are right.
Th friend of Levi P. Morton should
bear In mind that 00 man wearing a
Z ver ele;td President of th
united States. Boston Herald.
Oovemor Hastings of Pennsylvania win
mk ?om Pch In Ohio. Having
h. can do Zr McKlnlty at pV'Jn
-Springfield Republican.
giv" Rinn bl hry under
that bogus appointment The United
States pays the bill. To quote. Tim
campbe.;. "What the constitution De
tun frlend.r-N.w York Recorder. .
Senator Oorman sava th. SZa
i,,,,;.. Thl. i. -T C.fJli L"r
ua th. bttl before Ir-buWgv-Rochester
Democrat and CbronUiZ
Cot Henry -Watterson will g to ru
r;p. In order to get out of-politic. Oh
Kentucky woods an. full of Deaocr-Uc
.Utme who would be .d (0 do Uk.
wlse If they could.-Lo. Angel. Tlmea
Governor Turnjy of TeanjMe sar. he
wjn iMrtt-i:- :.ii.t that th con'
frlraM wm right Is t w f tk.
.. , . -T VI 1 V-
Rebellion. He may also teac them
that he was right In stealing the govern
orship of his state, but . his Instruction
will not alter the facts. Boston Journal.
It is said that Senator Brlce of Ohio
believe hi presidential star is in the
M ioo 000 to .ecu- itaS
riection Thl nlfnu T ofni "
Tj.b J?- "Tl.J. IT
nf drt.;;. 7 . i: " "
politic, and are' .hor
to "nit
down" hard on those who display it. In
dianapolis Journal.
Laden come the maidens home.
With popples and wild roses;
8lnging ditties a. they come.
And blushing like their pose.
; Crowned is one merry maid
. "With coronal and poppy;
Nature has with beauty played,
! To make faultless copy.
; Laughter gathers Ii) lier eye.
Her every movi nent blusnes;
Hark! she mocks a lover' slh
With songs In birdiike gushes.
Cupid, sHoula he pass her way.
For lack of strength must tarry;
She win steal his bow away
And bid the roarue s-o marry.
i Charle T. Lusted In Blackwood,
' t -
Who Infest the market and are the mean
ot rooDing- sick people of their money,
nd what 1 of still greater consequence,
of not un frequently ag-graivatlng the com
pkilnts under Which they labor. It la an
act of duty we owe to society to warn
the people - against these dangerous
frauds. A Httie cars on the part of the
purcnaser -will protect them fro Impost
tooh Dy Bearing m mind these facts: Nev.
er uy where It Is offered In bulk, (In
kog or Jugs) as the cenulne HrutAtir'
Stomach Bitters are sold only In bottles
warms; tne nandsnme steel plate lable
displaying the combat between St. Oeorge
ftnd the Dragon, and havlntr at the bot
tom a mlnuatUTe note of hand for one
cont, -bearing a, facsimile of the signature
of the president of the company, Over
u.e cor is a. metallic cap, on which Ii
Impressed the name of the article, ttwetti
er with medallion head in the center.
Any person sell In the counterfeit Hm.
tetter's Stomach Bitter we shall' not hes
itate to bring to justice, as we never fall
to convict-
The body of Gustave AdoIDh Belt.
section band at Ager, who mysteriously
disappeared on the 6th Inst., was found In
the 'Klamath' river at Pokcgama. The
yiung man's throat had been cut, the
windpipe being severed, and there was
evidence that he had been thrown Into
the river before life was extinct. This
aids another dastardly murder to a series
or myeterlous crimes credited to that
section or Hisklyou county.
ft remedy for every womanly ailment
as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It
os an invigorating restorative tonic,
soothing and strengthening nervine, and
complete cure for all the derangements.
painful disorder and chronic weaknesses
peculiar to the sex.
For youn girl entering womanhood
for women at the critical "chanea of
nee -j ror women approaching confine
ment; nursing mothers; and every woman
Who Is "run down." tired, or overtrnrlriw.
It is a special, safe, and certain ' helix
Sand for free pamphlet or romlt 10 cts
tsiarraps; lor a 000K 01 168 pages on
"Woman ftnd Her Disease." and how to
cure them with home treatment. Address
world's Dispensary Medlcrtl Association,
Buffalo, n. T.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation
piles, biliousness. Indigestion, or dynpep'
sia ana neaaacnes.
The collection of taxes tv Sheriff John.
son, or Lane county, 'has been remark
iilile for hard times or any other times
Mere as the record given by the Guard
Original amount delinquent, 1 4.J 1.27,
iherlff s assessments. IM.H2. total. J15.
140.29. Amount paid on above, 112.477.
amount bid In by county, 8721.70: total
tmount returned delinquent now, 81,477.05
total sheriff's correction, $160.86. The
ii.iove shtws that 98 4-5 per cent of the
en fire amount of taxes have been c.ild.
This Is an excellent showing for Lane
county, especially taking Into consider
ation the hum times prevailing.
Send your udnlress to II. E. Buckitan &
Co., CMoago, and get a free sample box
at Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will
oonvhnee you of their merits. Thee? pills
a-e easy la action and are pantaculariy
efectlve In the cure of Constipation and
S4ck Headache. FVw Malaria and Liver
Tno thvy have been proved invalu
able. They are guaranteed to be perfect'
ly free from every de4etenloua substance
and to be purely veguflxuble. Thiey do not
weaket.1 by their adtlon, bult by giving
tone 00 atiomach and bowels greatly In-
llgoro-ltng ttie system. Regular sie 25c
per txx. Solid by Ctias. Rogers, Druggist,
Act at once, never fell. One Minute
Cougb Cure. A remedy for asthma, and
that feverish condition which accom
panles a severe cold. . The only harmless
remedy that produces hnmedlate results.
Chas. Rogers,
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
norm a booh.
liXMitismffnf hava always reoom
iaa Krmlfl Headline Capsule)
wherever I har had a chanoe. xney
7 Mrnvmn a vsrltabr boon In my
tiimtly ftgninrt any and ill kinds of
ksiidaons. Toors truly.
iMven worth. Kansas.
FT ! bf Chas. Rogwr. Astoi1.
Oregon, tol agent.
' ill fh Mtunt medlotnes fttfrertised
nit (hi paper, together with ths choio-
perfumery, ana tonei amtxest .,
.iM be btnjsfht at th lowest prices at
J, W. Own' dru store, opportt Or
.'.IrWnl Hotel A, tcrlft. '
fltiTTY-iH'B ffllRH. th great Cough
and Croup Cure, ia In great demand
Poeket alie contains twenty-fiva doses
only IS cents. Children love IL 8old
by J. w. uonn.
iuL'l CLOVER ROOT, ths treat
Blood purifier, glva freanea and
)earne to the compieiciot ftnfl cn
CoaaUpatlon. n eta, cts,
. Far ai py j. w. uumi.
If Just a easy to try One Minute
Cough Cure as anything else. If easier
to cur a severe ceugli or eolU with it.
Let your next purchase for ft cough be
One Minute Couirh, Care. Better medi
cine; better results; better try It. Chas,
Roger. .
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Jk. O, Bartley. of Magic. Pa., writes: 1
feet tt U ft duty of mine to Inform you
and the public that DelWtf Wttch Ha
t Salv cured m of a very bad eaa
of .ocaema. It also cured my boy of a
running or on ht teg. Cha. Rogers,
Woe. Baby was sick wo gav her Cas
toria. Waen she wa a child h cried for Cas
toria -
When h became Miss, sh clung to Caa-
When she bad Cftftdrea th tv Uiem1
'WANTED (A good girt for general
housework, at the residence southeast
corner ,15thi at. and! Franklin avenue.
WANTEDTO employ an energetic la.
dy m gentleman to represent our business
" ?nr SoUur. WM per month
commission. Address with stamp,
i Uha8' Robinson & Co.. Sallna, Kans.
WANT EH) An honest, active gentle
man or lady to travel for reliable es
tablished house. Salary, flW, payable ,
JIG weekly and expense. Situation per
manent. References. Enclose self-ad-
dressed envelope, H. E. Hes, Pres., Chi
cago. W ANTED AgenU to represent the
eld National Life Insurance Co., of
Montpeller, Vt. For further Informa
tion, address O. M. 6tolp, General Coast
Manager, 82-84 Croeker Building, San
Francteco, Cai.
WANTED Man or lady to colleot, do
ome office work, and manage agents.
You will deal through your leading mer
chants. Something new and very popu
lar. We pay all expense. Position per
manent. Send four references and ten
cent for full particular. John Finney
Mgr., P. O. Box 484, St. Louis, Mo.
i-,-i-Li-i i r, .r-J-oJlJu---u-J
JAPANESE GOODS-Just out-Just re
ceived Just What you want, at Wtng
Lee's, 013 Commercial street.
MONEY -Apply to Astoria Abstract.
Title and Trust Co.
A parasol was left at Chas. Rogers'
drug store ao. Owner can
recover same by calling at this office and
paying; for this advertisement. ;
FOUND A pocket look. Owner can call
at Crow's photograph gallery, pay for
this advertisement, prove ownership, and
receive property.
STRAYED A wMte cow with ft broken
horn, has a lump on knee. Finder will be
uttaoly rewarded. Call on or address
A. Gibbons, assessor's office.
$75,000 PER WEEK UBlng and selling
Dynamos for plating watches, lewalrv.
ami table ware. Plates gold, sliver.
nickel, etc., same a new roods. Dif
ferent sizes for asrents. families and
shops. Easy operated; no el peri em ee;
Dig pronts. w. v. Harrison St, Co,
Cltrk No. 14, Columbus, Ohio.
As Franklin 'says, good dress opens
all doors, you should not lose sight of
tno fact that a perfect fitting suit la
the main feature. Wannmaker &
Brown are noted for fit, workmanship
and superiority of qualities. Their rep
resentatlve visits Astoria every three
months. Office 64 Dekum Building,
Portland, Or. Reserve orders till you
have sr-fn the snrinpr line of nmpl
PLnic Canned Goods,
Camp Stoves,
Camp Cooking Utensils,
And the Idlest
Ail-Wuoi Sleeping Bags
At all prices -Just the tiling for camp
ers, prospectors, etc. Sure to keep warm
at nights. Better than blankets.
Is there a man with heart so cold,
That from his family would withhold
"he comforts which they all could find
In articles of FURNITURE ot th
right kind.
And w would suggest at this season,
nice Sideboard, Extension Table, or ae
ot Dining Chairs. We have the largea
and finest line ever shown In the city
and at prices that cannot fall to pleas
th closest buyers.
Qeneral flachinlst and Boiler W irks,
All kinds of Cannerv. Ship, Steamboat
and Engine Work of any Description
Castings of all kinds made to order.
Foot of Lafayette St.. Astoila. Or.
Gentlemen: I had' occaakm to us
several bores or Krause'a Headache
Cepsules while traveling to Chicago to
tttnd the National Democratic con'
ventton. They acted like a charm In
preventing headache and dlaxtneaa.
Have had very little Beaaacn ainca
my return, which ia remarkable.
I ours, reepeoiruiiw
Ed. Renovo (Pa.) Record.
For sale ay Chas. Rogers, Astoria,
Or., aol agent
a nnta others as vou would hav
ethers ao unto you," la aympalheftcaily
hewn In the following lines, the pre
sumption being that aympa-.ny is porn.
r akin to pain or sorrow:
"Gentlemen : Fleas senu rvrautw
Ho4fthA narjaulea aa follows: T. wo
Bxea t f lra oeay, n,
Tw boxea to Lllile Wilcox. Brookland.
v no v t hav alwav been a great
ufferer frm headache and your Cap-
aulea are tn only tmng inai mu
ma." Your very truiy. .
Havana. N. Dak.
For aala by Cha. Roger. Astoria.
Or. Sol Agent
Mr. J. J. Kell Bharpsburg. Pm.
wu,mr dp I am arlad to say a good
werd for Krause'a Headache Capaulea.
a mifrrinr for over threa year
with acilte neuralgia and Ita consequent
which seemed to baffl the
effort of some of our best physicians)
you ucgested tnia remeuy mcn
L .imn.t Instant relief. Words fail
to express the praise I hould like to
stow on Kraum i neauaci'
GrateftillT Ion"-.
Montrf, Pa.
Notice Is hereby given that Assessment
Roll No. 8, containing the special assess
ment for the Improvement of Bond street
In Adair's Astoria, from the west line of
12nd street to the west line of 45th street,
all in the City of Astoria, as laid out and
recorded by John Adair and commonly
known as Adair's Astoria, ha been fUed
in the office of the Auditor and Police
Judge and Is now open for Inspection and
will so remain open until the 16th day
- ' October, 1895. prior to wnicn time an
objections to such assewment must be
' . . a . . ... . i.w .k . A...1I.A-.
nieu in writing Wlin 1113 nuuiivi- mm
Police Judk'e.
The Committer on Streets and Public
Ways, together with the Street Assessors
of the City of Astoria, will meet In the
Council Chambers of the City Hall, In the
City of Astoria on Wednesday, Oct. 16th,
1895, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., to
review and equalize such assessment and
report their action to the Common Coun
cil. K. OSBURN,
Audltor'and Police Judge.
Astoria, Oregon, Oct, 2nd, 1895.
Notice is hereby given that Assessment
Roll (No. 9, containing the special' assess
ment for the construction of sewer In 14th
street, in Shlvely's Astoria, from a point
100 feet south of the south line of Grand
avenue to the south Mne of Jerome ave
nue, as laid' out and recorded by J. M
Shlvely and commonly known as Shlve
ly's Astoria, has been filed In the offlc
of the Auditor amd Police Judge and Ii
now open for inspection and will so re
main open until the 16th day of October
prior to which time all objections to tuct
assessment must be filed (in writing) wit?
the Auditor and Police Judge.
The Committee on Streets and Publl
Ways, together with the Street Assessor
of the City of (Astoria, win meet In th'
Council Chambers of the City HaCl, In th
City of Astoria on Wednesday, Oct. 16th
1S9B, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., t
review and equalize such assessment anr
report their action to the Common Coun
ell. K. OSBUAN,
Auditor and Police Judge.
Astoria. Oregon, Oct. 2nd, 1896.
Notlco Is hereby glvin that Assessmen
Roll No. 7, containing the special assess
ment for the Improvement of 14th stree
from the north line of Grand avenue t
the south line of Jerome avenue, all I;
the city of Astoria as laid out and re
corded by J. M. Shlve'y, aindi generall:
known as Shlvely's Astoria, has beei
filed In the office of the Auditor and Po
lice Judge' and Is now open for lnspectioi
and will so remain open until the 16tl
day of October, 1896, prior to 'Which1 tlnv
a01 objections to such assessment must b
tiled (In writing) with the Auditor an(.
Police Judge.
The Committee on Stre-its and Publh
Ways, together with ths Street Assessw
of the City of Astoria', will "nest In the
Council Chambers of the City HaM, In th
City of Astoria on Wednesday, Oct. 16th
1S95, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., t
review and eiuallze such assesTint am
report their action. to the Common Coun
cil. K. OSBURN.
Auditor and Police Judse.
Astoria, Oregon, Oct. 2nd, 1895.
Notice is hereby given that the Com
mon Council of the City of Astoria. Or
esron, have determined to hnprove 18tti
street, from the south line of Exchang
street to the north line of Grand avenue
all In the City of Astoria, as lall ou:
and recorded by J. M. Shlvely.
That such Improvement shall consls
In removing all planking, tlmbe.", nn't
piles, on said street where it Is necessa
ry so to do before making the m?r im
provement and by driving piles, and lay
Inir cans and stringers thereon so as t'
knprove the. treet to the width of Si
feet on the west side thereof, inclusive
of side-walks, through the northermos:
800 feet thereof, setting pos.s on mud
sills, and laying caps and stringers there
on, so as to Improve the street to th t
full width Inclusive of sidewalks, through
the 120 feet next south of said 800 fee.
and grading and filling the remalninif
210 feet to the established grade 'hereof,
through the full width thereof, and con
structing sidewalks-on both sides 10 fee:
In wldfh with a space of two feet nex
to curb for planting trees, placing gutter
along the curbs of the sidewalks upo
said 240 feet, and planking said 240 fee
with three-Inch plank and toy plank In
the .balance of said street with new an 1
sound flr plank four Inches In thlcknesr
placing rails Where necessary.
Alt of said improvements to be upo
the established grade of said street an
to conform with plans and specification
That the district of lands and premises
upon which the special assessment sha
be levied to defray the cost and exper.f
of such Improvement is aa follows, t(
Commencing at the northwest come
of Lot S, In Block 112, and running thenr
southerly on a straight line to the sout
west corner of Lot 10, in Block 14, an
thence east on a straight line to th
southeast corner of Lot , In Block V
and thence northrely through the centc -
of Blocks 18 and 111 to the northear
corner of Lot 4, Block 111, thence westerl
on a straight line to the place of beglr
ntng, containing alt of Lots 1, ft, S, 10, 1'
12, of Blocks 113 and 14, all of Lots 1. I
. T, 8, and t, of Blocks It, and VI. a
lands and premises m said district an 1
not In any street shaft be subject I )
such assessment.
Estimates of the expense of such lrr
pro vements ana pians ana diagrams :
such work or Improvement and cf th
locality to te Improved, have been dc
posited by the city surveyor with thl
auditor and police Judge for examlnatlc 1
and may be Inspected at the office cf
such officer.
At the next regular meeting of th ;
common council after the final subllcr.
tion of this notice, towlt: On Wednesday ,
October M, 1856, alf the hour of T:S p. ni ,
at the City Hall, the said council wU
consider any objection to such Improve
ment being made, and if a, remonstranr 1
asainsi sucn improvement, surneo Dy pel
sons owning more than one-half of thj
property in such district 'herein descrlt
ed, and In which the special assessmer t
Is to be levied, shall be filed with thj
Auditor and Police Judge before the sal t
time of meeting of tho common counc 1
no such improvement or work shalt h
ordered except by the concurrence it
ait tne councumen e.ect
By order of the Common Council.
Attest: K. OSBURN,
Auditor and Police Judge,
Astoria, Sept 27th, 1896.
Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruits
Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and
Plated Ware.- Loggers' Supplies.
Car. Cass as Siooqo Street. - Astoria. O
Horth Paeiflc Bremey
Bohemian Lager Beer
Leava order with J. L. Carlson at t
unnvsid 8alon or Louis Beasts 1 1
lb Oosmepehiaa talsoa. All orders wt I
a promptly atfmded ta.
Notice Is hereby given that the assess
ment m tde by Ordinance No. 1984 of the
City of Astoria, conflnmdng the .ewer
assessment en sewar assessment roll Ne.
4, for the construction of a sewer In 12th
etreet, in the part of the Ctty of Asto-
1 ria, laid out and recorded by John Ale
: Clure, and extended by Cyrus Olney, from
the nor h line of Grand ave. to a point
M feet north of the north Mne of Bond
street, is now due and payable Hn Unltea
States ,;old or silver coin, at the office
treasurer and if not paid
. within 5 days from the final publication
nt tKIa) n I . .1. . SI l..., iisw-u. -n ui irviuiv jxwii-
day, 8:pteroter 30. 1855. the Common
Council will order warrant Issued for
the collection of the same
Victorir. I. Wilson, Lot8, Block 68.. 8S.T
JUiwrence Wilson, (west half) Lot 2.
Block 88 7.8S
Blonora F. Allen (east ha?f) Lot 2,
Block 68
Elonorr. P. Allen, Lot T, Block 68.... 16.76
VictorU I, Wilson, Lot 8, Block 6S.... 36.76
Sarah iX Warren, Lot 1, Block 67.... 86.78
Sarah 13. Warren, Lot 2. Block 67.... 16.76
Sarah H Warren, Lot 7, Block 67 16.76
Sarah IS. Warrea, Lot 8. Block 67.... 85.76
Eliza Lee Payton, Lot 1. Block 66.. S6.76
Alftnso 1 Hlnman. (west half) Lot t.
Block 66 T.86
A. C. . nd T. A. Fisher (west half)
Lot '1. Block 66 T.86
A. C. and F. A. Fisher, Lot 8, Block
68 85.76
Henry tMsse, Lot 1, Block 62 86.76
J. N. ( riffin and A. 6. Reed, Lot 2,
Bled; 62 1J.T6
Chas. '. Wright Chart) and Oeorge,
C M i.-y C. Katie and Nellie Flavel
(half lot T, f lock 62 18.76
Cba. ) Wright (half) and Oeorge,
C M lry C, V all and N111 Flavel
(half! lot 8, t-look 62 86.76
Atorl( Qxchav.g Co., Lot 1, Bloalr
87 81.76
Astorl' Co., Lot I, Block
67 16.76
C. W. ?ulton (oie-half) and J. C.
Tm -1 (one nu 0 Lot 7. Block 67.. 15.76
C. W. 'ulton (t.e-half) and J. C.
Dem rl (one-.wv 3 Lot 8, Block 57. ..86.76
Astorii. 'Excha.irs Co., Lot 1, (tract
B) F, r-k 67.. . 85.71
Bl B 'ck 67 16.T6
A. C. '.sher, Lot 8, Block 6H 43.76
D. K. Tarrcn, L' t t. Block 66ft 8.76
J. K. Wewthirfcrd, Lot 10, Block
6V4 76
O. C, Jliry C, ITr.tle, and NolHe Fia-
vol, iexst half) Lot 11, Block 66V..
Mrs. Virginia Watson (etsa falh)
Lot - Block n
I. K. ?.'arrn. Lot I. Brock 56 8.76
Wrhsl r.lna Nurnberg, Lot 6, Block
68 26.78
A. C. r.nd T. A. Fisher, Lot 7, Block
58 48.76
Rote Oarruther. Lot , Bfloek 68.. 48.76
John ?I-bson, Lot I, Block 63.1 23.75
3. K. Toatfherford, Lot 10, Block 58.. 8.76
M. J. Krnney (east half) Lot 11,
BfoclsoB -
Pythlt n Land and Building Associa
tion (cast half) Lot 4, Block 61....
J. K. .reatherford. Lot 6, Block 61.. 8.76
W. E. and M. 8. Warren, Lot 6,
Blod; 91 83.76
W. B and M. S. Warren, Lot 7,
B'.ocC; 61 48.71
W. E Marren and M. B Ijot 8,
Bloc: 61 48.76
Robert Carruthers, Lot 8, Block 61.. 23.76
3. K. Teatherford, Lot 10. Block 61.. 8.76
M. J. Kinney, Let 11, Block 61.... ...
J. F. IWIs, J. L. 6Hpp, D. E. Pcrley
(east half) Lot 4, Block 64
Theod ire Nlco'.al, Lot 5, Block 64.... 8.76
A. J. Megler, Lot 6, Bltook 64 23.78
A. J. ?,!egler, Lot 7, Block 94 48.76
HltaWHth (widow), (Robert W., Ar
chfb: M, Sarah A., Ella. W., and
Duncan McLean, Lot 8, Block 64.. 43.76
Rober Carruthers and D. McTav-
ish, 'Jot , Block 64 28.76
Joseph Suprenant, Lot 10, Block 64.. 8.76
I,uey Thomson, Lot 11, Block 64
Trust as of First Baptist Church of
Asto -la, (east half) Lot 4, Block 65
Mary 0. Flavel, Lot 6, Block 65 8.76
Jacob Kamm. Lot 6. Block 65 23.7H
SophJ Klrchoff, Lot 7, Block (55 43.76
Sopm Klrchoff, Lot , Block 65 23.7S
Sophie Smith, Lot 10, Block 95 8.76
Wm. n. Hoadlngton. (east half) Lot
11, Flock 65
C, W. Fulton, (east half) Lot 4, Block
70 :
C. W. Fulton, Lot 6, Block 70 8.78
Henry Plsher, Lot 6, Block 70 23.76
Henry Fisher, Lot 7, Block 70 48.76
Clara Fisher .Lot 8. Block 70 43.76
Cars Fisher, Lot , Blook 70 23.76
C. W Fulton, (east half) Lot 11.
Blocc 70
C. W. Fulton. Lot 10, Block 70 3.76
By order of the Common Council.
Atte: K. OSBURN,
Auditor and Police Judge.
Asto -la, Bept. 7th, 1886.
Canadian Pacific
Grey-rat -f- Tranx-Coatineatai
Railway " System.
M 9tH TO
Paiact Dining R om and Sleeping Cars,
Loxui ojs Dining Cars.
Elrga it Day Coaches.
Obseivation Ours, allowing Unbroken
lews of the Wonderful Mount
ain Country.
S6.00 and $10.00
ttvti on all Unlets Ksst. TonHst r th
Vtn vhris. I qulpmtnrs of the very fines'
throng i at
Canadlan Pacific
China and Japan.
Chlnp steamers leave Vancouver, B. C:
Enirest ot Inala
En -rets of Jason
En of China
En rss ef India
En of J.ran
En ni of Cti ni
Aug. t.
SepL tftth.
Oct uth.
Nov. nth.
tht. 'h ,
Aastraiiaa steamer leave Vancnarcr, B. C
na oi every mania.
For ticket rates and Information call
on or iddress
Astoria. Or.
W. F. Carson, Traveling Pass. Art.,
Tacnma. Wash.
Geo. McL. Brown, Dlst Pass. Agt,
Vancouver, B. C.
It la a truth in medicine rhat the small-
eat diee that performs a cure la the
best. Dewltt's Little Early Risers are
the e.naXest pills, wflt perform a cure.
and th best. Chaa Roger.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
stow RsysJ Dstlajr Powder
seperhr to It oUsers.
h. a fljrnc
Room I ad i, Pythian oiilldlng
.ver C. H Cooper' store.
German Physician. Kcl ctlc.
Office over Albert Dunbur's store, cor.
Sth and Co imerclal. Prices: Gwiis, 81;
coiilinementi. !0.i. Operations at ffle
free; medlclnss furnlshtd.
W. C. LOGAN. D. U fl..
Mansell Blick. 678 Thiid street
Office over Olsen'a drug store. Hours. 10
to 12 a. m.j 2 to i and 7 to 8 p. m. Sun
days, 10 to U.
Office, 684Vi Third at, Astoria, Ore.
Siiedal attention given to all cbronl
dlBtaeea. i
OR. O. B. BSTEii.
Special attention to disease of wom
en and aorg rv.
Office ovei Danzlger'a storo. Astoria
Telephone 'o fit
Offloe, 1 looms 6 and 6, Pythian
Building. Hours, 10 to 13 and I to
5. Resfdencs, 639, Cedar BtivflL
ay be t tund In his office until it
o'clock mon lngs, from 12 neon until i
p. n., and I-om 5 until 7:8 uveumgs,
4(8 Commexlal Street.
W. M. LaF)rce. S. B. Smith.
885 Commeri ml street.
Cifflca on Jecond Stxanu Anoiia or
J. N. Dolpli. Richard Niz
i Stester V. Dolph.
Portland, Oregon, 24, 25, 88, and IT,
Hamilton I.ulldtng. All legal anl col
lection busness prmp:iy attended re.
Claims aga.nst the government a epe
A. M. Rej ular communication!! held
on the first and third luetKltty eM-tilnf
if each m nth.
E. C. HCLDEN, Swtarv.
(Pupil of Anton barlll and other toas
ters) will g ve lesions In
In tho Bcin ol of the great mastniti of
Uiu Italian nt thod of training tile voice.
Apply at 46S Commercial et.ejt.
178 Tenth itreet.
WHEN Is POKTl.AMI--... ..r
Handley & Haas. 100 First street, und
get the Da ly Astonan Vlaltorf nd '
not misa their morning popw vluie
V1NES i.ND BH.NllilS.--t.. 'in
'andel win' Instead of coffee oi te..
Vti'ty cents per gttllon. Don't fi
peiiob and i.pricot branrly. Ahr. Fr-.n-i
i .'fiinao and wine at Alex Gilbert
Thi Blac tsmlth Those shop Is oppo8
Ke Cuttings cannery, Is now prepared
to do suck odd Jobs as making new
cannery coolers, repairing old ones,
making nev flshln boat irons, and re
ptlrjng old ones, and all other black
sr.irthlng Uat requires Arst-class work
nwne'hip. D16SOLU f?ION OF PARTNERSHIpr-
l-Iotlce la 1 ereoy Kiven that the partner
ship hereto! are exifitinsr betw.jen th m.
drsltmed, t nder the firm name and style
Oiegim TTa laportatlon Ompiiny, is this .
oiseoi so oy mutual etmeent. All
outstanding bills or aocmnts blnir rmv.
abie to Capt. Iiaul f5ohrider, and he as
sumdag the paymem of all doWs due by
fa Id llrm.
storla, Cr May 18, 15.
Telephone & Bailey Gatzert.
Colombia I Iver and Pnget Bound Nav
igation CO.
Two Da My Boots to Portland
"Telepbo te" leaveg Astoria at. 7 n. m
daily (cxeott SudiIbvI
Jjeaves I ortland dnily at 7 a. m.,ex
oept SnnriV'.
"Baiif-y (. Mtzert" leaves Astoria Tnea
Iny. Wrdne ly, Thnrpdav, Friday and
Srttnnliiy m lrniiut at 6 :45 a. m. ; Snuday
evi'ningr at. 7 p. m.
Livrs FortlHud diuly at 8 p. m., ex
cept Subtlnj. On Satniday uighl at 1
p. tn.
Agent, Astoria
Telephone No. U.
U. R Satt, President.
L - .a!"' Agt, Portland.
S. 11. WILLETT, "
das anl Steam Fitting,
Hot Ah, Steam and
Water Heating.-.'.
17 Twelfth trt Artorla. Or.
I Uacksmittiea.
Special at'enOon paid to ataamboat re
pairing, fire :-cln.m horseshoeing, eto
17 Olney street, between Third and
and Fotmh. Aatnrla, Or,