The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, October 03, 1895, Image 1

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The ASTORIAN has the largest LOCAL fc
- circulation! the largest Gf.NERAlclrcula- ?
J I""! and the largest TOTAL circulation of
fl all papers published In Astoria.
A Forecast, fair, warmer In western portions
4 cooler east of Cascades. W
NO. 23?.
187a . 1895
A Specialty.
Ship Chandelery,
Iron & Steel,
Groceries & Provisions',
Flour & Mill Feed,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Loggers Supplies,
Fairbank's Scales,
Doors & Windows,
Agricultural Implements
Wagons & Vehicles.
The Resort j
On Commercial Btreet, is the plaoe
where the businessman ami the lnboring
man go for what is called "BKST ON
THE COAST," or a nice cool drink of
tbe celebrated Oambrinns beer. Sand
wiches of every kind made to order, and
an eleaant free limrh served every, dav.
Hot Bostqn Baked Beans aarved every
oiher evening, iou are welcome.
Grosbauer & Brach.
RSTORlfl -
378 Commercial Street
Manufacturers of every description of
Loung'es, Mattreesee, etc.
Snap R Kodak
at any man coming out ot
jur store and you'll get a
Krtr.ilt of a man brimming
over wltti pleasant tlioiiHlits.
Such quality In tho liquor
we have to offer are enough to
Corne and Try Them.
Wall Paper, Artists' Materials. Paints,
Oils, Glass, etc. Japanese Mattl gs,
Rugs and Bamboo Goods,
365 Commercial Street.
Conromly St. , foot of Jackson, Astoria.
General Machinists and Boiler Makers
Land and Marine Engines. Boiler work, Steam
boat and Cannery Work a Specialty.
Castings of All Descriptions Made to Order on
. Short Notice.
John Fox. President and Superintendent
A. It. Fox ...Vice President
O. B. Prael Secretary
They Lack Life
There are twines Bold to fishermen
on the Columbia river that stand In
the same relationship to Marshall's
Twine as a wooden Image does to the
human being they lack strength life
evenness and lasting qualities. Don't
fool yourself into the belief that other
twines besides Marshall's will do "just
ac well." They won't. They cannot.
Acts as trustee for eorporatlens and In
dividuals. Transact a general banking business.
Interest paid on time deposits.
J. Q. A. BOWLBY .......President
BENJ. YOUNG Vice President
J. Q. A. Bowlby, C. H. Page, BerJ
Young, A. S. Reed, . P. Thompson
W. E. Dement. Oust Holmes.
Kopp's Beer Hall.
Choice Wines. Liquors and Clga'n.
Only handed over the bar. The largest giass
of N. P. Brer. Half-and-halt. 5
Free Lunch.
Chas. Wirkkala, Proprietor.
Cor. Conromly and Lafayette St.
KEATING & CO will open their
Music Hall at 3-"9 Astor street,
Saturday the 10th. They will
keep numberless goo I liquors
and clgara besides having good music all the
A complete stock of lumber on hand
In the rough or dressed. Flooring, ru
tle, celling, emd all kinds of finish;
mouldings and shingles; also bracket
work done to order. Terms reasonable
and prices at bedrock. AU orders
promptly attended to. Office and yard
at mill. H. i". l. LOGAN. Prop'r.
ftMjrfrle. Oregon.
The healing properties of DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Saive are well known. It
cures eczema, skin affections, and is sim
ply a perfect remedy for piles. Chas.
D Price's Cream Baking Powder
C tslss . A weals or Ahum.
The Two Requisites.
defend it against
schemes in the eale of Men's Or Boys
Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats,
Caps, Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Valises,
Umbrellas, Mackintoshes, Blankets.
Guilts, etc.
any goods
quality, size
and save money.
1.1. OSGOOD,
The One Price Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher.
School Books!
School Supplies!
At Greatly redciced Prices.
Oregon Books Slates
Pencils Tablets
Everything Necessary foe School Use.
Griffin & Reed.
In a desirable location, 2 blocks from High School.
On tbe new Pipe Line Boulevard Just the plaoe for a cheap home.
STREET CAR LINE will be extended this summer to within 6 minutes
walk of this property Will pell at decided bargain.
In 5 or 10 aore tracts inside the eity limit', also adjoining Flavel.
GEORGE HILX.471 BondSt., Occident Block,
Draws the crowd because our
every kind of merchandise that
own price. We are not selling
clean goods ihe best in tho market is put up and sold un
der the hammer.
Until the required amount Is raised to
take advantage ot the present opportunity
-f AT OUR AUCTION -f , .
, t
Bales afternoons at a p. m. Evenlngt, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday and
Friday afternoons reserved for ladies, and every other time for every
body. 4
600 Commercial Street.
Grocers, : and : Butchers
Astoria and Upper Astoria
lnTeas and Coffees, Table Delicacies, D-nstlc
and Tropical Fruits, Vegetables, Sugar
Cured Hams, Bacon, Etc.
Choice - Fresh and - Salt Meats.
women eon spend but one or two years at school why not taks a soars that ems)
bs completed In that time? The college Includes a short ENGLISH COTJR8B bs
sldea a BUSINESS and SHORTHAND COURSE. For catalogues address.
-Truth With Enterprise
Cannot only buld up a business, but can
all comers and all kinds of
tfcI shall meet any prices for
in my lines for same
and value.
See my prices before buying elsewhere
customers can get any and
we carry in stock at their
odds and ends, but new and
meet bur present liabilities. Therefore,
and purchase your
Open every day from 3 o'clock to 6 :30
and 6:30 to 930 p. m. - - -
Subscription rates 3 per annum.
Southwest cor. Elevcata ens' Dsaas 5ta.
TJV sw
or Real LlPo
Special Session of the Legista
, ture Effective.
On the Bill Making Prize Fighting
in Texas a Felony Governor
Culbertson a Winner.
Austin, Tex., Oct. 2. Tbe bill making
prlxe righting a felony passed both houses
this aifternoon with but four discerning
votes In the house. The governor will
sign It tomorrow end the taw goes Into
Immediate effect.
Details of Che (Action of the Texas Leg
lature. Austin, Tex., Oct. 2. There will be no
prize flight at Dallas October 31, between
Corbett and Fltzslmmona. This fact was
settled today by the Texas legislature
In exactly three hours by the watch.
The two committees, one In the senate,
and the other in the house, biv.j an auJI
ence to tho Dallas at'orne;a all the mo; n
lng to ascertain their objections and en
tertain protcsta against the passage ot
the law. After hearing the gentlemen
the committees adjourned. This after
noon when the houses met ".ho committees
were ready to report and the senate bill
was promptly called. From the time tbe
bill was placed before the resolution com
mittee to the time it passed was exactly
66 minutes. The vote on the final passage
of the bill was 27 ayes and one no. The
bill was Immediately sent to the house
ant at o'clock that body began dis
cussing it, substituting the senate bill for
the house bill. After several gentlemen
bad spoken on the bill a final vote was
reached at 6 o'clock precisely, and the
bill passed the house by a vote of 111)
to 6. Thus -within three hours did the
Texas legislature forever put an end to
prize fighting In Texas. .
This time yesterday It would not have
been possible to have passed this bill with
the emergency clause. There were only
82 members present yeeterday, and ot
them 16 were opposed to the emergency
clause. The administration forces readily
saw that a minority would do them II
the matter cama to a vote, so they
promptly wired all their friends to come
here hnmedlately And set about killing
time until they could arrive. They had
only 82 last nigTU, but the absentees came
flocking In on today's trains, each addi
tional arrival adding to the administra
tor forces and when everything was ar
ranged a rush for the vote was made.
.The fight management was confused at
the way tbe colons swarmed in this morn
ing, and practically gave up the light
by S o'clock this afternoon. Governor
Culberson's friends consider It a great
victory for him.
Nets (Destroyed! and Violence Is Feared.
Eugene, Or., Oct. 2. Union fishermen
on the Sluslaw are on a strike and since
Monday the Ashing Industry on that river
has been blocked. The strike Is for a
raise In the price of nsh to 20 cents for
steelheads and 40 cents tor Ch'lnooks. The
price heretofore paid by the canneries
has been 16 and 30. There are 120 boats on
tho river, 90 of which belong to the
Union. Fifteen union men patrol, the riv
er and bay, and any nets that may be
found are destroyed. There are some
fears of bloodshed.
The Brooklyn launched at Philadelphia
Philadelphia, Oct. 2. The cruiser Brook,
lyn was launched today. It Is regarded
by naval experts as a marvel of the art
of marine architecture. She is classed
as sj steel armored cruiser, having four
eight-Inch barbette turrets.
The cost, exclusive of armament, 1s
The principal dimensions of the
Brooklyn are: Length' on the load water
line, 4O0.6 feet; beaim, extreme, 64.68 feeti
draught, mean normal, 24 feet; dieplace
.nent, normal, 9271 tons; Indicated horse
power, 16,000; speed In knots per hour,
24; total coal capacity, 1753 tons; coal car
ried, normal displacement, WO tone,
Cablegram from Minister Terrell at Con
stantinople. Washington, Oct. 2,-Sccretary Olney
today received the following cablegram
from United States Minister Terrell at
"Monday several! hundred Armenians
morcrred on the Porte, professedly to ask
redress of grievances. The Patriarch
tried to prevent It, A conflict occurred
between the Armenians and the police.
Probably about sixty Turks and Arme
nians were killed and many wounded.
The Armenians carried pistols. Yester
day several more were killed. Last night
eighty -were killed and several hundred
Imprisoned. The Porte hod notice of
the demonstration, which they say was
organized by the leaders of the Huncharg
lat revolutionists, whom they captured.
Much terror exists. I think the Porte
wilt be able to resist the fanaticism."
Olney Said to Hive Called on England
lor Jtep.y.
Washington, Oct. t-Reports from St.
Paul, Minn., In which slate lives Donald
Grant, head of tbs American-Venezuelan
syndicate, which ryndlcate wili meet In
New York tomorrow, have awakened In
terest In Washington, owing to Its bear
ing on ths negotiations between the Unit
ed States and Oreat Britain concerning
Ths St. Paul advices announced that
Secretary Olney has sent three letters to
Ambassador Bayard Instructing him to
notify Oreat Britain that unless ths
Venezuelan question was submitted to ar
bitration wfthin M days ths United States
would enforce ths Monroe doctrine. That
such letters have been sent cannot be
confirmed at ths stats department.
Secretary Olney will not admit that he
has sent one or three letters on the sub
ject, nor win bs glvs any Intimation ss
to ths status of ths quest loa, it is be
lieved that ths state department, with
due courtesy, bos suggested to Great
Britain that the meeting of congress In
December makes It desirable that an an
swer should be 'made within the Inter
vening period. .
Commissioner Wade Hampton's Report
Is FHed.
Washington, Oct. I. Wade Hampton,
commissioner of railroads, has mads hla,
annual report to the secretary ot the In
terior. He says:
"In the hard times It appears that the
gross receipts of the Union Pacific sys
tem were (1,700,000 per month below the
normal. The commissioner says ths cast
iron rule as to payments cannot be ob
served, and thinks' there should be a
flexible adjustment of annual payments
to correspond! iwitb) diminished earnings.
He thinks the Thurman act will be found
to Justify the expectation of Its framers
If the following amendment are made;
1 To embrace within Its provisions all
Pacific roads which' have received from
the United States a loan of bonds in aid
of construction.
2 To provide for fifty per cent Instead
of twenty-five of the net earnings to be
S.-To extend the debt until It shall
have been discharged as provided.
4 To further provide that If any of the
companies abandon any part of the sub
sidized lines or divert their business from
subsidized to unsubsidlzed roads, the com
pany shalt In such cases be required to
transfer the Hen and condition which at
tached to the old subsidized line to the
new and unsubsidlzed line, In order that
the rights and Interests of the United
States may be protected.
The commissioner believes that such
legislation will hasten the payment of
the comvany's Indebtedness as they are
anxious to oe rreea from government!
England's Llph't Weight Boxer Defeated
by McKeever.
Mlzpah, N. Y., Oct. S. Th'e second
boxing show of the Imperial Athletic
Club, held at Long Island City, furnished
those Interested an opportunity tonight
to witness an International contest
Americans have had the yachting, cricket
and athletic tournament victories to en
thuse over during the past month, and
tonight a good crowdf attracted by the
chance afforded th&nv of seeing Arthur
Valentine, England's light weight cham
pion, try conclusions with Charley Mc
Keever, Philadelphia's pet boxer, as
sembled at the club rooms.
McKeever won In 17 rounds.
American Railroads Hold th
Pennant for Fast Time.
Some Remarkable Speed Teste on
Various Prominent Roads-Faster
v Time Yet Can be Made.
American railroads hold all the records
for fast time now, and It is not at all
certain that ths limit of spsjd has been
reached. Twice this month the laurels
have been snatched from tbe English
roads, and If the foreign roads succeed
In excelling the rate for long distance
running, 'made on September II, It Is be
lelved by railroad men that It will be
a comparatively easy mittl for our
companies to win back U honors by
arranging for a trhui over :a.y Laks
Shore and Michigan Southern road frim
Buffalo to Chicago, a distance of M) miles,
where the conditions are thujht to foe
tculiarly favorable for sui-n a trial.
'1 he fo.lowlng are the records for tost
running, as. held by the dliTrrcii Ameri-
an roads, and compiled from the En
qulrtr's records:
World's record for ths fastest mile
Is held by the iN. Y. C. and H.'R. rail
road. May U, 1893; Engine W9, one mile
from Crittenden, west, 22 seconds, being
equivalent to hour; four
cars ' " '
World's record for the fastest four miles
Is held by ths Philadelphia and Reading
Road, July, 180, Sklllmans to Belle
Meade, 4.1 miles In 2 minutes and SO sec
onds, 98.4 miles an hour; four ears.
World's record for the fastest five miles
is held by the New York Central and
Hudson River Railroad, May, 1S93,
Looneyvllls to GrlmesvlHe, In t minute's;
100 miles an hour; four cars.
World's record for the fastest ten miles'
Is held by the Philadelphia and Reading,
May, 1892; 70 mBes an hour; four cars.
World's record for the fastest 25 miles
Is held by the Pennsylvania itallrnad
Company, April 21, 1896. Wlnslow Junction
to Absecon, N. J., 24. miles, 16 minutes,
83 miles per hour.
World's record for ths fastest SS miles
Is held by the Pennsylvania Railroad Co.,
April 21, 1896. Liberty Park to Absecon,
N. J., 49.8 miles, 27tt minutes, 71.7 miles
per hour.
World's record for the fastest SI miles
Is held by ths Pennsylvania Railroad
Company, April 21, 1896. Camden Dfvot
to Atlantic City, M.3 miles In 46 mil utrs,
76 miles an hour.
World's record for ths fastest 148 miles
Is held toy the New York Central and
Hudson River Railroad, September 26,
1896. Albany to Syracuse, in 130 minutes,
(8 1-10 miles an hour.
World's record for a distance of over
400 miles Is hold by ths New York Cen
tral and Hudson River Railroad Septem
ber 11. 1895. Albany to Buffalo, 435 miles
In 414 minutes, s4 1-2 miles an hour.
World's record for over 440 miles, Aug.
ust 26 and 27, 1896. The Knights ot Pyth
ias special, Jacksonville, Fla., to Wash
ington, D. C via the Kant system, At
lantic Coast Line and Richmond, Fred
ericksburg and Potomac Railroad, 780.9
miles In IS hours and 49 minutes, with
34 stops, consuming 1 hour and 10 min
utes. Average speed. Including stops.
4S.X7 miles per hour. Excluding stops,
51.29 miles per hour. Four cars, (ons beg
gars, ons coach, and two sleepers), J 12. WD
The fastest time between Jersey City
ana nan rraneisco was made Dy ths Jar.
rtt and Palmer special theatrical train,
J,m, VMt days, 7 hours, 88 mioti'.ta ana
For Disobedience of Orders Is
sued by Seattle Court.
It is Now General Manager Dickin
son Under Receiver Burleigh lu
the State of Washington.
Special to ths Astorlan.
Seattle, Oct. 2. In the United States
circuit court today Judge Hanford re
fused to accept tbe resignation of Oakes,
Rouse and Payne as recelvero-of the Nor
thern Pacific Railroad Company, but re
moved them because of their failure to
comply with; the order made In the case
a few weeks ago, and named Andrew F.
Burleigh, of this city, counsel for the
Oregon Improvement Company, as re
ceiver ot the Northern Pacific property
In this state.
' This afternoon (Burleigh qualified by
flMng a 1300,000 bond with Governor John
H. iMcOraw, M. (McDougall', S. L.
Crawford, Jacob Furth, A. B. Stewart,
C. J. Smith and H. C. Henry as sure
ties. His order of appointment was made
absolute, and other orders were signed,
Including orders) removing the receivers
and admitting the second and third mort
gage bond-hohlers to become parties to
the suit.
Burleigh left for Portland, Or., on the
5 o'cCbck train. He announced before
teavlng that G. W. Dickinson, asetatant
general superintendent under tho old re
ceivers, wlU be his general manager,
The appointment will be followed by ap
plications along the line, and Burleigh
will appear In the United States court
at Portland tomorrow.
Brayton Ives said this afternoon that
he would yet force the receivers to an
accounting. In his supplemental' afnda'
vlt, Ives fiercely attacks Henry Vlllard
as a racroad wrecker, and scores Crom
well, who says he was employed to
bring about conditions whereby a collu
sive appointment by the Milwaukee court
could be made.
Gives His View of the Northern Pacific
I . Affairs.
Tacorrfa, Oct. 1 Brayton Ives, presl
dent of the - Northern Pacific RallroaS
Comapny, will spend tomorrow here and
In an Interview tonight says regarding
today s proceedings:
"Judge Hanford's taction marks the tor'
mlnatlon of a receivership which in many
respects Is unequal ed in the .history of
American railroads. Without Intending
tospeak disrespectfully of Judge Jenkins,
I must say that whenever we appeared
In bis court as petitioners for relief wc
seemed to find ourselves at tbe outset in
the position of wrongdoers instead .of
sufferers of wrong. It would not be
proper tor me to make any reflections on
Judge Jenkins' course within the teat
week, as I have no doubt he has acted
according to bis sense of right. I must
say, however,, that if he hod wished to
shield a party of men charged with
wrong doing he could not have taken a
more efficient course. I believe, however,
that Judge Hantordr) action today will
result In the near future In harmony of
action among the various Interests.
Met 1n State Convention at Worcester
Worcester, Mass., Oct, 1. The Massa
chusetts Democratic Stats Convention
met today. The platform commends the
present national administration for Its
conduct of foreign affairs, congratulates
the manufacturing interests of the coun
try on ths successful operation of the
new tariff, regretting that the bill as
originally framed by the Democratic lead'
era to not In force, and denounces the
efforts of ths Republican party to re'
open this question; demands. the malnte
nance of the existing gold standard and
opposes the free coinage of Oliver and
the further purchase of buHlon and de
mwnds that ths government shall retire
Its paper money. It favors the granting
to the secretary of the treasury of poner
to make local loans, to maintain the gold
balance of the treasury. It- also it
nounces ths American Protective Asso
elation by name.
New York, Oct. 2.-Hops, duH.
London, Oct. t-ttlops-Faclfto Coast, 1
16s. , . ,
Liverpool, Oct. 1 -Wheat, spot, easy
demand, poor; 'No. 2 red winter, 5s 11
a: wo. s red sprmg, stocks exhausted: No,
1 hard Manitoba, 6s3d; No. 2 California,
Cleveland, Oct. 2. Immense crowds
turned, out Vo tee the first game of the
series lor the Tempi cup between C.eve
land and Baltimore.
.Cleveland won; score 7 to 4.
Soeclat to tbs lAnnrlin .
Waarhlnsrton. Opt. jui.,. r .nn.
Issued an order this afternoon, detailing
General Miles to duty in Washington,
h seneras at ins army, and General RU'
sm. nmr An unl.l . . v.. .
' - w. w . j l numiijiHiuii,
to command the Department of the East,
wun neaoquarters at !New York,
Washington. Oct. 2. rwonlinv m
DOrt tO thfc miAtm, Pnn.
si Igelnw, at Rouen, the wonM's pro
duction of wool has not Increased during
Highest of kH in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report
1 J jSm
A Ba. V" ms mm sas5WS7 S : 3t T "
the past year, but has actually dimin
ished. The quality of the wool does not
improve, and owing to the high price
, of meats, sheep are raised for that pur
pose instead of for wool. -
Will (Build Ship Yards If They Succeed
In Getting the Cont-aet. .
Seattle, Oct. 2.-Among the bids for the
construction of the six new gunboats,
opened at the navy department at Waeh
Ington yesterday, the lowest bid for two
single screw vessefls was by the Detroit
Dry Dock Company, and It was said
there would be a question as to awarding
the contract to this firm, because of the
treaty between the United States ana
Great Britain, whicn provided that ships .
of war cannot be built on the Great
Lakes, although intended for service on
the sea.
If the Detroit Dry Dock Company se
cures the contract, as It undoubtedly will,
because Us bid is the lowest, the two
single screw gunboata will be bullc at
There has been a renrMenraH nr tii
company In th's city for nearly a year,
and today he said that It wr Ihn In
tention of hla coirmATiv hniM ahi.
building yards here if this contract was
secured, and this would be but the start
of a big plant.
Interesting Items Culled From Oregon's
Leading Newspapers.
The First Presbyterian church nt km.
torta, throughl its trustees, G. F. Gate,
Mary A. Lelnenweber, G. F. Parker, J.
. ia. uowwoy and W. F. McGregor, filed
ipplomental articles of incorporation
1th, Secretary of StntA Kinmi Rofnr.
day. advancing Its mrtmrit. .hnMlni-a n w
Kllamath' has trotted 117 winning heats
1 2:30 or better. Thla t, i ..
albout $6,000. His quality as a race horse
has never been questioned. Whenever he
lias been beaten It was because he could
uui win. i roes, 'however, suffered' but
two defeats this vir n,t nn n,
was inflicted by Benzetta, 2:06 3-4. There
jiiuuuuiy no trotter on the track that
has trotted eo many winning heats, and si
large number of these have1 been below
aim not a lew; Delow 2:12. Breeder
and Sportsman.
There was a rumor on the street this
afternoon, says the Telegram, that the
managers of the W. S. Ladd estate had
In contemplation the erection of a mag
nillcent six-story building on the site of
the old rookeries now covering an area
of 100x100 feet on the northwest corner
of Third and Washington streets. Report
has it that. ground for the structure is to
be broken on the 1st of April, 1888. As
none ot the gentlemen most directly In-
tfl TPRf l! In thla nnulA V- . .
- - fawjvv wun. w mn up
to a late hour today the rumor lacks con
firmation. None of the tenants have so
far been notified to vacate their premises
at any given time, but most of them seen
by a Telegram reporter state that they
have either directly or Indirectly been
advised that a new building is to bs
constructed on that ground. The corner
referred to Is one of the most central
and volualMe In the city, and the erection
of a stately structure there will add ma
terially to the beauty of Third street.
The Baker City Democrat says: "The
Beiptember term of the circuit court of the
Wallowa district Is over, and the attor
neys and witnesses are returning home.
Judge Eakln has won the hearty praise
of all those In attendance at his court
by his prompt and Impartial decisions
and the rapid way In which he disposed
of the business coming before him. John
Baslm, who killed John Flemmlng In the
latter' field, and who was Indicted for
murder in the Hrst degree, was found
guilty by a Jury of murder In ths sec
ond degree. There being only one sen
tence for that degree of murder he will
go to the penitentiary for life. Hiram A.
Perkins, who swore falsely to secure a
marriage license for a friend In order
to cover up the crime of seduction, was
found guilty and sentenced to two years
In the penitentiary at hard labor. By the
time his sentence Is concluded he will
have made up his mind that perjury Is an
unpleasant thing,"
in can 'jiuiKey, raisea in roia county,
sent to the state prison from Morrow
county September 13, 1893, for six years
under Conviction for manslaughter, esv
caped from, that Institution yesterday ,
morning, shortly after midnight, and ac
present writing has not been recaptured,
though officer are on his trail. He la
28 years old, a little over six feet tail,
weighs 173 pounds, has a scar on right
wrist, deformed nallls on left thumb and
Index finger. He escaped from the brick
yard, where ho has been employed as a
trusty. There is not one chance in a
hundred for him to elude pursuit and re
capture, consequently his foolishness Is
painfully evident. Superintendent Gil
bert has made an unusually large number ,
of trusties, consequently an occasional
attempt at escape may be expected, but
under the circumstances there have been
very few Indeed. Salem (Statesman. .
A valley exchange says; "Oregon Is
going through! a course of public as well
as private liquidations. We hear that the
finances of Jackson county, which owes
about (200,000, are In such shape that the
newly Issued warrant ore now selling
for 97 cents, though they have four or
five years to run. They have before been
down to 90 cents and below. Douglas
county, whlehi owes a large sum, has
so economised and managed that her
warrants now go at par, so we see by an
Item In one Of the RotWburg papers. Tilla
mook county's warrants, which have
been away below their face, are worth
nearly par. and will no doubt very soon
sell for 100 cents on the dollar. Marlon
county, although she has a- debt of half
a hundred thousand or so, finds her
warrants eagerly sought after, sometimes
at a shade above par. The papers at
The Dalles say Wasco county's paper
goes at Its fact, though the the debt Is
a considerable one. This is a healthy
Indication. We hope It presages the time
when all those counties wltt get out of
debt entirely and stay out-quit paying:
Interest for good." .
i )