biitY . AMORIAK, ASTO&A. VEDMsbAY HOHMq OCTOBEfe 2, 1895. Jay Gould Saic SPECIAL SALE Outing FlanneIs tUtt- Cheviots Five Cento fi Yard. Albert 1 . Dunbar Ilavo you seen the large shipment of yellow crockery ware wi have just received? There's a home-like feeling about it that puth you in the mind of the cooking things your mother used to have. Tho bake dishes, pie plates, howl Siar and little are handy too, and if you should want any of them you'd find you'd have to pay only half what you expected to. . THE ARCADE. YESTEBDAY'S WEATHER. Locei weather for twenty-four hour ending at i p. to. yesterday, furnished by the United StatM Department of Ag riculture, weather bureau. - Maximum temperature, 01 degrees. Minimum temperature, 61 degree. Precipitation, .04 Inch. Total precipitation from September 1st 1896, to date, 8.71 Inches. Deficiency of preclpltalton from Sep tember 1st, 1896, to dated 1.79 Inches. BUSINESS LOCALS. Get your milk of Keith ft WHeon. Freeh candles every hour at the Bon-botmlere. TUB SAME) PLACE tl 12th Street Is the place to buy fresh fish every day. Meany Is the leading tailor, and pays ths highest cash price for fur skins. The Astorlan will hereafter be found on tale ait Mcdudre's Hotel at Seaside. Our milk Is guaranteed strictly pure and fresh from the cow daily. Retth ft Wilson. Umbrellas repaired and re-covered by Mrs. Fredrlckson. Leave orders at Grif fin ft Reed's. That anybody could accu mulate wealth if they would look out for the dimes and nickels. Now, then, why not make a start on the road to wealth today ? Save your dimes! We will help you ! 1 How? Well, we propoec to show you the way. We are going to move soon; you know what it is to move. It tries n person's patit-nce, the upsetting and straightening, and we propose to avoid this if prices will do it. Our prices on clothing wi 1 surprise you I Our prices on .hats will astonish you I Our prices on underwear socks, overshirts, suspend ers, collars, tie, etc., will save you many dimes. Our Stock is complete. Our stock is NEW, and that is sotrething. NEW poods sold cheap are JU AltiiAirJ o. Utner stocks that are not NEW are dear at any price. Examine our stock ! Examine our prices!! You will save dimes. You will be rich and happy if you trade with ths Intention ol ths company members to give a series of these pleasant dances during the lnter months. The tomcod fishermen still have good luck and the docks are lined almost every day- with, a large crowd of ladle and gentlemen, who take great pleasure In seeing who can land the greatest num ber of flsh. Mr. O. W. Nutter, of Young's River, yesterday placed on exhibition at Foard ft Stokes' 8 tore a turnip, grown on his ranch, which measured 14 inches in diam eter, 40 Inches In cumference, and weigh ed 17 pounds. The report which was circulated on the street yesterday of trouble on the hill between the unpaid laborers and others who desired to go to work drew in the vicinity of the waterworks site a large uuniutrr oi people. Mrs. M. J. Kinney left last night for Baltimore, Md., where She will attend me uvatlonal Convention of the W. c. t U. She expects to ba absent about two montns, ana win visit relatives in Penn. syuvania, Detcre returning. Ex-Chief Foster yesterday tested all of xne Tire apparatus, hose. etc.. on f:hv.i dock, preparatory to turning game over to Chief Green. Several1 lengths of hose burst, but for the most part all of the apparatus was round in good condition, The handsome oil painting, "His Last Drift," was raffled off at the store of Orlffln & Reed last evening. Thirteen provea to Be the winning number, held oy w. j. enyder, of Fort Stevens. The judges were John Grover, Fred W. Newell ana a. a. itteea. The school bags of the old-fashioned purse pattern are simply made. Take any kuoq ooin at vara wide and a vard and a half long, and sew from each end th wunm six or eight Inches of the eentor thus making a double strip half a yard in wiatn. vainer each end tightly with a iasie, ir aeslred. Turn on the rlgh erne ana me oag is nnishea. While making repairs to a building on Commercial street yesterday morning iwo men, wwnam jopun and Henry Cy rus, were forced to take a cold bath in the river. They were engaged In saw. Ing off plies when the scaffolding gave way. 'ine men were soon rescued and aside from a good drenching escaped un. jvurt. It Is said that Captain of Police HaV.eck will purchase a stock of flsh lines today and distribute them among the unpaid laborers, so that they may combine pleas- ure with pront by catching tomcods from the docks in front of the city. This the crptaln believs will keep the men from Mocking the street In front of the city hall. Those Interested will please call any. What Life Is-IIypnotism-Mind Beading. HERMAN WISE The Reliable Clothier. ABOUND TOWN. H. Rlehman, of Seattle, la registered at the Pairker. The Casino Opera Company will appear at Fiehtr'is Theatre Friday and Saturday of this week. Friday evening they tare to singiMiKado and on Saturday Pinafore will' he given. Judging from newspaper comments and from the opinions of all t Who have seen this organization It is ,,,DiT,.iioo cv'.-i fmruuuiar, una its ap pearance here presents everyone with an opportunity, which should be profited by, to enjoy a short season of high-class comic opera. Benjamin Young returned to the city yesterday. Mrs. Bralller, of Sklpanon, was In the city, yesterday. C. R. Keller, of Knappa, is registered at the Parker. The coolest and best glass of beer In town can be bought at the Gambrlnus saloon, 12th and Commercial streets. WAH SING & CO. Merchant tailors, 828 Commercial street, cheaper than you can buy ready made. New stock com' plets. I 'Parties wishing to buy candles at wholesale will save money by calling on or writing to the Astoria Candy Factory. 404 Duane streot. Trade with Fourd & Stokes Co., deal ers la Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, provisions, flour, fruits and vegetables They will surely please you. The Entes-Craln Drug Co. have a win dow full of fins tooth brushes that they are selling for 10 cents each, :ind give a sample bottle of Rosofoam with each brush. Hunger is a very disagreeable sensa tion. There is a place In this town where you can satisfy Us demands with the cleanest and best 33 cent meal you ever vis. Thalt place Is Joe Terp's. No batter milk was ever brought to Astoria than Is furnished for five cents quart by Relth A Wilson, and de livered kn olean and tLghfly closed glass Dottle at your door every morn lng. L. D. Williams, of Ilwaco, of the Parker. is a guest D. K. Warren, of Warrenton, was In the city yesterday. WllCle B. Frye, of San Francisco, was In town yesterday. I.. D. CofTman, of Seaside, registered at the Parker yesterday. W. J. Ingalls, of Lewis and Clarke, was In 'the city yesterday. Mr. W. Maurice KeMey returned last evening on the steamer Harrison from NeWalem. 'LaBt Saturday he went down to his ranch at Smugglers' Cave, and afterwards went over to Nehalem Citv For fear that he might meet with the same .mishap that overtook himself and E. J. Smith during a recent trip over Ne- carney 'mountain when they lost their way and were compelled to sleep over night In an Isolated barn, Mr. Kelley de cided to make the trip home by steamer. L, 'Michael, of Stella, was In town yes terday on a short business trip. A letter addressed to B. W. awaits the owner at the New York Novelty store, Andrew Young, of Young's River, was in the city yesterday with his fast horse. The Methodist church has been secured for the gifted Mrs. Baxter's lecture next Monday evening. Fred Crosby, after an absence of sev eral months spent on his ranch, returned to tho city Monday. Just arrived nt Copcland Thorson's, a nice line of high grade footwear for ladles, all widths from A to ME. No trouble to show goods, and satisfaction guaranteed to every purchaser. Call and examine them. What brings oeoDle back to the A urn. Ha Wood Yard after they have sounded the possibilities everywhere elseT May d it s one tniiig, ana May be It's another. But the fact remains back they come. And of course ths Astoria Wood Yard is proua m K. Purest of wines, liquors and clg'irs slegant Tree lunch all the dally papers, at ths Oambrlnua, 12th and Commercial. The Troy Laundry Co. has made ar rangements with A. J. Squires to act as its agent (or Astoria. This company U noted for high grade work and prompt ueiirery. Mending and repairing free, wunaies willed for and delivered. Olllce f commercial street Say. why don't you try DeWltt's Little Earfy JRJsern? These little pills cure nwnroe, inuigestlon and constipation. -iiwjrTe enuwi, out do the work. Chas. Rogers, A TWISTER. A twister In twisting , May twist him a twist. For In twisting a twist Thiee twists make a twist; But M one of the twists Untwists from ths twist, The twist untwisting Untwists the twist. That ts, when It's twisted with any Other twine than M ARSHAIAS. A CARD TO THE PUBLIC. Remember that "a stitch in time eaves nine." The rainy season is now setting in. Come and get your boots and shoes half-soled and repaired before they are too far gone. I am now better prepared than ever to do th;s in a cheap, neat and lasting manner. Respectfully vours, S. A. (JIMRIE 114 12th street, corner oppo-, fite Fisher Bros.' ftoie. J. A. Brown, the stevedore, of Portland, spent yesterday In Astoria, leaving for Portland In the evenlrg. The money collectors who were rustling around yesterday report monoy easier than It has (been for some time. Mrs. Aug. Danielson, who has been very sick from i.n abscess in the throat, Is reportej as Improving slowly. Two illustrious 'Englishwomen who cele brated this year the seventy-fifth anniver sary of their birth are Florence Nighten gale and Jean Ingclow. The heroine of the Crimea Is a tall, gray-haired woman with a fine, open face that has a nun- line serenity. Whe Is inclined to be stout, Miris ingeiow, tne poetess and noV', Is sm'auler and less robust. Each Is the object of much attention, though from tho nature of their career, Miss Nightengale has been the recipient of mere pu'bllc honors. Perhaps the most remarkahle event of her life, from a worldly point of view, was her refusal of a testimonial of fr0,000 offered her after the Crimean war. HICKS' GREAT WORKS. The United States lighthouse tender Columbine left this morning for Portland to bo absent about two weeks. Engineer Curtis and Jamleson, and Contractor Wattls returned to the city yesterday from a trip over the line. The new and handosme two-story dwell ing being erected by C. W. Fulton on Exchange street vl.l soon be finished. Workmen were stretching wires yester day from the location of the fire bell to the residence of Chief Engineer Green. All klmlji of staple and fancy dry goods will be sold at auction today at i p. m. Oregon Trading Co., 600 Commercial St. Business Is remarkably quiet In the Jus tice court at present. During the month Just closed not a single case was tried. Rev. Irl R. Hicks, the celebrated storm prophet, of St. 'Louis, is now a household n:ime in nearly every home in America. His wonderful almanac predicts the weather for a year ahead more correctly and accurately than any other publica tion or any other system. The testimony of a large number of careful observors is that 86 per cent of Hicks' predictions are fulfilled to the letter. His serioa ot annual almanacs are now well and favor ably known In all parts of the country and In foreign lands. The new almanac 'for 1805 is the most practical and In structive us well as the prettiest of this iqilendld series. It contains I'M pages, printed on fine book paper, with covers elegantly printed In colors. Tho matter, although scientific, is written In pop.i lnr style, there being nothing difficult tii understand about it. It Is also finely illustrated. Don't confound this with some patent medicine pamphlet. It Is nothing of the kind, but is a line book, whlr.i sulls at all news stands for 2oc. This fine aCmanac Is given as a premium to every yearly subscriber to the Rev. IiT R. Hicks' well known and deservedly pcpular paper, World and Works. This unique Journal Is a peerless educator of the masses, and Is fust bivomlng a house he'd guardian and necessity in the homes of America. Those who want to ke?p up with the advanced thought of the aise In science, rollglun and all social, com ncrclal, Intellectual, and domestic sub jects, should subscribe fur Word and Works. Subscription only tl a year. You can send for both direct to Word and Works 'Publishing company, St. Louis, Mo. Single copies of AVord and Works, 10 cents. SPIRITUAL 'AND PHYSICAL MAN Prof. N. N. Biddell, Ph. D., Dis courses to a Large Audience in the M. . Church. Prof- N. N. Rlddell, Ph. D., was greet ed by a good-sized audience last night In the M. E. Church. The subject of his lecture was "The Philosophy of Human Life." His lecture was more thorough and scientific than on the evening pre vious, -but It was sufficiently Interspersed with the mirthful to prove entertaining as well as interesting and instructive. The speaker in opening described the two different schools of philosophy that have sought to direct men's thoughts, the materialist and the spiritists. Both were right as far as they go but unfor tunately man has a physical body as well as a soul, and both need like considera tlon. "What Is Life?" was the next thought taken up. After showing how this quea tlon had proven the problem of problems. and the mystery of mysteries, unsolved by the sages, philosophers, and scientists, of an ages, he gave his conception of what constitutes life. The elements of life are found In every atom of the uni verse. (Every atom on or near the earth's surface is polarized, has Its magnetic cur rent that surrounds It. This current Is a substance as real as the atom itself, It Is a , form of electricity. The atom and the current are convertible into each ether. The atom is but crystallzed elec trlclty is but another condition of the atomic substance. As the earth's sur face comes in contact with the freed elec tricity each atom is born or awakened and Its current begins its circuit.. This current gives to the atom its polarity. The current 1s not ltfe any more than a piece of timber Is a building, yet as buildings are constructed of timber, so "life" Is an organization composed of these minute currents. The speaker explained scientifically What constituted hypnotism, mind read ing, thought transmission and mesmer ism and gave many Interesting points. The physical man and his nature was next taiken up and analyzed. Ths physical organization Is largely made up of the food used, hence the great Importance of its proper selection. Animal food gen erates anlmality, passion, vice .nd crime. As long as people persist in living on pork, sausage and head cheese, we will have biped hogs with cheese heads. We eat a great many of our diseases. People have periodical headaches that come on every month and last six weeks at a time, and don't know that it Is often caused by their wrong way of living. They subsist mainly on pork, grease and hot stuffs, but do not seem to think that those things OTe injuring them. The physical states have a marked effect over the 'mental naiture. People with liver com plaint are always gloomy, sad and mel ancholy, and looking on the dark side. They like to go to funerals and sit at the head of the coffin, because It is so In keeping with their natures. When the stomach is out of temper the person is quick tempered, cross and Irritable. Again the mental states have a marked Influence over the physical organization. We have countless examples of where people have been mide- sick or weVi through their Imagination. Jealousy will produce heart disease, and a disturbed conscience Is known to affect the kid neys. If a person is 111 it were well to make a careful analysis of the menta: nature and see tf tho disease Is not traceable to a false mental state. At the close of the lecture the professor f as bl'indfolded and two gentlemen took their seats on the platform. He gave a complete description of their physical ep-peuirance, disposition and character, and after removing the blindfold, picked out those he had examined from the audience. This wais a difficult test and well received. Tonight the professor promises to give "Two Hundred Points on 'Reading Faces." THE BIG SALE IS NOW ON ! It did not take a Brass Band to convince the Public of Astoria that our reduc tions are Bona Fide. We keep the ball a-roll ing every article in the stock Must Go no matter how Great the LOSS. A call will certainly convince you that we do as we ad vertise. As a starter for this week Ave will place on salts Three KfCOrd Breakers ! 400 Men's All-Wool Suits, Worth From $16 to $22 for $10.75 40 Doz. Fine Silk Teck Ties, Worth 75 Cents, Now 35 Cents 6O Mn- AU-Wool Cashmere Half HOSe, Worth 40 Cents, Now 20 Cents Remember we have quoted only a few samples of the great reductions :n all depart ments. The reputation of this stock is so well known that it is not necessary to comment in regard to the quality of the goods. Administrator's- Winding Up Sale Op THH Schlussel Stock fit the White House Store TERMS STRlCTLtY CASH- Bv Order of Administrator. J- L- IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. Ladles; do not deceive yourselves. There is not a wrap, Jacket or fur garment in Astoria that will compare in richness, beauty, or price with the Hnes Mr. Co hen is showing this eeason. You can save at least $3.00 to $5.00 on a garment at Cohen's place. He does not advertise so as to sell you a lot of shoddy and tell you he la giving you remarkable bar gains, leaving you to find after you get home arcd go through your purchase made in a darkened store that you have paid dearly for your purchase. Cohen 'has the Satest styles in dress goods, trim mings, etc., and gives the best value for the money expended. Positively no de ception practised In order to make sales. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. STAGE ROBBED. Lone Robber Near Merced, Cal., Gets the Boodle. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed administratrix of the estate of Francis Feakes and all persons having claims against said es tate are hereby notified to present said claims with the necessary vouchers within six months from the date of this notice to me at the office of F. D. Win- ton in the Pythian Castle building, in the City of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon. ANNA FHAKES, Administratrix. Astoria, Or., Sept. 20th A. D. 13)6. 0 KLINE .ADJUSTER. OPERA -AT - Fisher's Theater BY TUB CASINO OPERA CO. Friday AND Saturday October 4th and 5th. Friday night Saturday night - MIKADO PINAFORE Scuts on sale Thursday morning at New York Novelty 5tore. WANT Eli. NOTICE. WAXTED-A good girl for general housework at the residence southeast corner 15th st. and Franklin avenue. 1fS? Works, Oeneral nachlnist and Boiler W;rks. All kinds of Cannery, Ship, Steamboat and Engine Work of any Description. Castings of all kinds made to order. Foot of Lafavette St., Astoila, 0- After (Deals! All persons having claims against the estate ot Jno. P. Dickinson, deceased, must present the same duly verified, to the undersigned within six months from this date. B. VAN DUSEN. Astoria, Sept. 20, 1S9B. NOTICE TO LABORING .MEN. Merced, Cal., Oct. 1. At 2 o'clock this afternoon the Coulterville and Merced tage was robbed within 100 feet of the scene of the hold-up ot a few weeks age. As the stage turned to come up the ni l, four miles this side of Snelllng, a man Btuck his head out from under a culvert, and apolnting a rift a at Driver Campbell', said, "Hold on." Campbell topped his team and the three pastien. gers were ordered to get out. Campbell accordance with instructions, threw out the express box. nnd then the robber made him get an axe aut of the stage and break open the bjx. Campbell then obeyed the order to turn the box over and empty out Its contents, among which was 'ack of money. The sack was cut open and the robber emptied the money Into his pocket. He then made off to the woods. JUDGE STEPHEN A. LOWELL. Pendleton, Or., Oct 1. Stephen A. Low ell has received a dispatch from Gov ernor' Lord appointing him to the circuit Judgshlp vice Fee, resigned. THE PUBLIC DEBT. diUCUIT COURT DOINGS. Contractor Fastnhend starts work to day on the sewer In Uppertown and a targe force of workmen will be employed. At the Occident yesterday were regis tered Mr. and airs. Williams, and Mr, and Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Hall, of Chi nook. Ladles' Inverness Trilby Cravenetts rain coats, In navy blue, black and gray, can he found now at C. H. Coooper's ury uooda store. No arrests were made by the police Monday night and as .1 consequence no cases were heard by Judge Osburn In the po.lco court yesterday. Rich Ebertnan, a well known Seaside resident, has been In town the past few days on business connected with a land suit. C. C. Van Etten. of the Astorli Land and Investment Co., yesterday received number of choice paintings from Chicago. They are on exhibition at the company's office, The your.g ladles of the Presbyterian church -wlH have a sale of pies and cakes cn Saturday next between ths hours of i and 6 p. m. In ths basement of the church. An en lovable dance 'was srlvsa In ths ha t of Columbia Engine Co. No, S last Saturday evening. A large crowd was present and splendid tlms had. It U The case of Mary E. L. Morrison vs. Joseph 'HolUday occupied the greater part of yesterday in the circuit court. In the afternoon the Jury was taken to Seaside to view the property and this morning the train will make a special trip to en able the Jurors to return at the regular t,r,ti. nr the oDenlmr or tne court, wnen the case wlH again be taken up. During the forenoon the following mat. ters were transacted: T. S. Trullinger and C. n. Haraden Limn were excused until Thursday. A. G. Spexarth vs. Charles Woods; al lowed to file wmended complaint. Ki.rn nt Oresron vs. Tim Concoran: ar raigned, charged with the crime of hunt ing and killing a aeer muTOi uwr ber J, 1M, and August 1. IS; allowed until Thursday to pieaa. FINE BARGAIN'S IN REAL ESTATE. We have choice property In Van Du- sen's. Alderbrook, Adair's, snive.y s, mc Clurs's, Taylor's, New Astoria, Warren ton. and Astoria Addition to Warrenton tnr asin. Also money to loan In sums of 1200 to $3 000 on rood real estate security. Nothing so distressing as a hacking couch. Nothing so foollsn as 10 suner from It. JJothln so oangeroua 11 i- Inwod la continue. One Mlmite Cougn Cure lves Immediate relief. Chas. Rog ers. A stove tor burning coal dust has been Invented In Germany. Washington, Oct. 1. The monthly statement of the public debt issued by the treasury department today shows the debt September 30, less cash In the treas ury, to have geen (911.099,91$, an increase for the month of il.S43.847. APPROVED BY SECRETARY SMITH. Washington, Oct. 1. Secretary Smith today approved the selection of the Nor thern Pacific land amounting to 1.827, -178 acres. Of this 705,716 Is in the North Yak Inu Cand district, Washington, and 96$,244 In the Walla Walla lend district, Wash ington To the laboring men now out of employ ment In our city, who are unable to purchase meals: We, the undersigned, a committee ap pointed 'by Seaside Lodge, No. 12, A. O. U. W., will furnish 150 meals. Will be found at the office of Wm. Pohl, Com mercial street. Next door to the Asto rlan office, at 10 o'clock a. m. E. WE3CHE, Master Workman. C. H. Stockton, Recorder. FOR THOSE WHO EAT For the remarkably small sum of 15 cents one can procure an excellent chick en dinner every Sunday at the popular uonver ivuonen," east side of 9th street between Astor and Bond. Mr. Richard son, the proprietor, also assures the pub lic that they can obtain at his place a well-cooked, weil served breakfast, din ner or supper any day in the week for the above mentioned price. Give him a call andf be convinced that he speaks the truth. WANTED To employ an energetic la dy or gentleman to represent our business In every county. Sa'.airy, &0.00 pr montli and a commission. Address wan stamp, Chas. A. Robinson & Co., Salina, Kans. WANTIHD An honest, active gentle man or lady to travel for reliable es tablished house. Salary, 1780, payable $15 weekly and expenses. Situation per manent. References. Enclose eelf-ud-dressed envelope, H. E. Hess, Pres., Chicago. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD. A well-furnished sul'e of rooms, with use of parlor, and, if desired, good table board, at reasonable rates. 405 Du ane street, corner of Ninth. PAINLESS DENTISTRY. Go to 'Dr. Howard, tho Dainless don- tist, 562 Commercial street, for fine den tal work of every class. He challenmu an equal. Prices reasenable. Satisfaction guaranteed. WANTED Agenw to represent the old National Life Insurance Co., of Montpeller, Vt. For further informa tion, address G. M. Etolp, General Coasl Manager, 82-84 Crocker Building, Ban Francisco. Cal WANTED Man or lady to collect, do some office work, and manage agents. You will deal through your leading mer chants. Something new and very popu lar. We pay all expenses. Position per manent. Send four references and ten cents for full particulars. John Finney Mgr., P. O. Box 484, St. Louis, Mo, Or at ntiy oilier time wli' 11 )"U wii-h a cuod ciiir :isk fix' t lie well kiniwn, liouic-made, liund uiinle, white luhor cijjfir "La Belle Astoria." Conceded by all 8iiio'; r to Im the best oiijiir manufactured. W. F. 5SCHIEBK, 71 flintr? Street, Astoria, Oregon. FOR HALE JAPANESE GOODS Just out-Just re ceivedJust what you want, at Whig Lee's, 543 Commercial street. TO LOAN. FOARD & STOKES GO. DEALEKS IV PLiiic Canned Goods, Tents, Cnti.p Stoves, Camp Coaking Utrus l, DibKeis, And tho I itest All-Wool Sleeping Bags At nil pticcs Just the tiling for camp ers, prospectors, etc. Sure to keep warm at nights. Better than blankets. IS THERE? MONBY-iApply to Title and .Trust Co. Astoria Abstract, FOUND. A parasol was left at Chas. Rogers' drug store ago. Owner can recover same by calling at this office ami paying for this advertisement. ' RECEIVER'S NOTICE. To the Crodltora of the Pacific Paving Co:- You are hereby notified to present your claims, duly verified as required by law, to the undersigned, at his place of busi ness, number 479 Commercial street. In the city of Astoria, Oregon, within thirty days from the Stith day ot September, 1S96. By order of the circuit court for the county of Clatsop, State of Oregon. JOHN HAHN, Receiver. BUYERS AND SELLERS. The following transfers of real estate were Aled for record In the office of Re corder Gunderson yesterday: Charles E. Wooers to T. L. Mooera, iNW i of section 1 T. 5 N., R. 8W$SO0 . D. tAdalr and wifs to E. Evenson. lot 42, Mock 1 Merryweather Downs 0 Peninsular Land and Trust company to Charles Wilson, lot IS, Mock 1 Taylor's Astoria SGo T. B. Trevett and wife to Emily M. (Pierce, SS 9S-100 acres, section 13, T. ( N.. R. W W 1 WORTHY OF NOTICE. There Is nothing but bold. eIumhi truth la the statement that to secure per- 'n ni, quality ana style in your shoes at the lowest reasonable prtcee you must to to ths firm of John Halm A Co.. 479 Commercial street Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. Da FOUND A pocket Look. Owner can call at Crow's photograph gallery, pay for mis advertisement, prove ownership, and receive property. STRAYED. STRAYED 'A white cow with a broken horn, has a lump on knee. Finder will be suitably rewarded. Call on or address A, Gibbons, assessor's office. ts there a man with heart so cold, That from his family would withhold The comforts which they all could find In articles of FURNITURE of th right kind. And we would suggest at this season, nice Sideboard, Extension Table, or se of Dining Chairs. We have the larges and finest line ever shown In the city and at prices that cannot fall to pleas -.liv closest buyers. HEILBORN & SON. CREAM MEHN 9mm Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. MI 9CELLANEOUS. $75,000 PER WEEK using and selling Dynamos for plating watches, Jeweiry, and table ware. Plates gold, silver, nickel, etc., same as new goods. Dif ferent sizes for agents, families and shops. Easy operated; no experience; big profits. W. P. Harrison & Co., iera ino. 14, Columbus, hlo. EVERY REQUISITE FOR : first Chss funerals : AT POtfli'S Undertaking Parlor, THIRD STREET. Rites ReatontDi. Embalming Siwcliltr "THE MILWAUKEE." SHTLOII'S CURE Is sold on a gvar- tee, 11 cures incipient consumption, t is the best Cough Care. Only one em a aose. Z3 cents. 60 cts., and 11.00. For Sale by J. W. Conn. IP- SJ As Franklin says, good dress open? all doors, you should not lose sight o: the fact that a perfect fitting suit li the main feature. Wanamaker & Brown are noted for fit. workmanship and superiority of qualities. Their rep resentative visits Astoria every three months. Office S4 Dekum Building Portland. Or Reserve orders til! you have seen the spring line of samples. The only railroad lighting Its trains by electricity. Tne only railroad using the celebrated "ifrtnc berth reading tamp. Tlie cotton, now running on "The Mil waukee" are Palaces oo Wheels. On aU its through lines, the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway runs the most perfectly equipped trains of Sleep ing. Parlor, and DirJng Cars and Coaches. ,,r,??'?1 i" t0 D1 I" the United tSKtes and Canada, apply to ticket agents, or addren c. J. EDDY, General Agent, Portland, Oregon. ROYAL Baking Powder has been awarded highest honors at every world's fair where exhibited.