THE DAILY ASTOHIAJS, AST0K1A, SATURDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER 28, 1895. The Resort On Ornmereial street, is the plaoe where the businesaman and the labonncr irmn firo for what is called "BEST ON T1IE COAST," or o nice cool drink of the celebrated Onuibrinaa'beer. Hand . wiches of every kiud mude to order, and an elegant free lun-b served every day. Yon are weloorae. Grosbauer & Brach. RSTOHIR - MATTRESS - FACTORY, 378 Commercial Street. Manufacturer of every description of Loungee, Mattresses, etc. REPAIRING: IN ALL. ITS BRANCHES Clap a glas-? on those 21c boys' stockings. See why they aru woith Me. Notice the threads; p'ump, round, even Honest work in oery twir that changed that cotton into cord. Such hose will stand bang ing wear and hold their own The makers intended they should be sold for more than 21c, and they would be else where. THE ARCADE. Dalgitg Iron Works, - ... Oeneral riachlnist and Boiler Work. All kinds of Cannery, Ship, Steamboat ana Engine wow or any uescnuuun. Castings of all kinus maue to oruer. Foot of Lafavette St, Astoria, Or. After (Deals! Or at any other time when you wish a good cigar ask for the well known, home-made, hand made, white labor cigar 'La Belle Atorla." Conceded by oil smokers to be the bcht cigar manufactured. W. F. SCHIEBE, 71 Nin'l? Street, Astoria, Oregon. FOARD STOKES GO. DEALERS IN Picnic, Canned Goods, Tents, Camp Stoves, Camp Cooking Utensils, Baskets, And the latest All-Wool Sleeping Bags At all prices. Just the tiling for camp ers, prospectors, etc. Sure to keep warm at nights. Better than blankets. IS THERE? Is there a man with heart so cold, That from bis family would withhold The comforts which they all could find In articles of FURNITURE of th right kind. And we would suggest at this season, nice Sideboard, Extension Table, or se of Dining Chairs. We have the largea and finest line ever shown in the city and at prices that cannot fall to pleas the closest buyers. HEILBORN & SON. EVERY REQUISITE FOR : first Class Funerals : AT POflb'S Undertaking Parlors, THIRD STREET. Rates RaMonaois. Embalming Specialty As Franklin says, good dress opens all doors, you should not lose sight of the fact that a perfect fitting suit Is the main feature. Wanamaker A Brown are noted for fit, workmanship and superiority of qualities. Their rep resentative viHlts Astoria every three months. Office 6 Dekum Building, Portland, Or Reserve orders till you hnve seen the spring line of samples. "THE MILWAUKEE." The only railroad lighting Its trains by . ' nj .. Tne only railroad using the cekbrated decme berth reading lamp. The coaches now runntntr on "The Mil waukee" are Palaces on Wheels. i. .ii iia thmuirh lines, the Chicago, Milwaukee and 8t. Paul Railway runs th most perfectly equipped trains of Sleep- !. pvior. a-n1 DlrJnsr Cars and Coaches. r kweat rates to any pant in the United tSates and Canada, apply to ticket agents, or address u. j. w". rtaneral Amtit. Portland, Oregon SHILOirS CURB Is sold on a gi-ar-ntee. It cures Incipient consumption, t is the best Cough Curs. Only ont ent a doss. 26 cents, o cx.. uu ej.w. For Bale by J. "W. Conn. ROYAL Baking Powder has been, awarded hisbest honors at every, world's fair where exhibited. V Just Received! For Fall and Winter Wear $ I -Stylish Jack-VTp.. X Graceful designs in S CLOTH CAPES. Fur and Plush Capes, S , Tailor-Made Suits, $ Separate Skirts, etc., ft v"'" X i All twin of th.Lacst Slyle nd Fh- Albert Dunbar i , ComiiMrclal Street, Corner Ninth. I do not ra rj ov. r old ock f om jj X year to y. r. but mi personul X ff Ir-ctiou Iriini the latcri Eailern im- p tiUltoni. jj YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Local weather for twenty-four hour ending at 6 p. m. yesterday, furnished by the United Statea Department of Ag riculture, weather bureau. Maxlmumtempcrature, 66 decrees. Minimum temperature, 49 degrees. Precipitation, none. Total precipitation from September 1st 18, to date, 2.66 Inches. Deficiency of preclpitalton from Sep tember lat, 1895,, 1.20 inches. BUSINESS LOCALS. Get your milk of Reftli & WHson. Fresh candles every Hour at the Bon bonnlera. THE SAME) PLACE 118 12th street Is the place to buy fresh flan every day. Meany la the leading tailor, and pays the highest cash price for fur skins. The Astorian will hereafter be found on sale at McGuflre's Hotel at Seaside. Our milk Is guaranteed strictly pure and freslj from the cow dally. Keith ft Wilson. Umbrellas repaired and re-covered by Mrs. Fredrlckson. Leave orders at Grlf fln & Reed's. The coolest and best glass of beer In town can be bought at the Gambrlnua saloon, 12th and Commercial streets. WAH SING & CO. Merchant tailors, 636 Commercial street, cheaper than yen can buy ready made. New stock com plete. Water melons! Water melons! Water melons! A carload received yesterday will be sold cheap today at Pat Lawler's, 671 Commercial. Trade with Foart A kee al- ers la Groceries, Hardware, Croeliery, provisions. Hour, fruits and vegetables. They will surely please yon. The Entes-Craln Drug Co. have a win dow full of fine tooth brushes that they are selling Tor 10 cents each, And give a sample bottle of Rosofoam with each brush. Hunger Is a very disagreeable sensa tion. There is a place In this town where you can satisfy Its demands with the cleanest and best 25 cent meal you ever ate. That place Is Jo Terp's. No better milk was ever brought to Astoria than Is furnished far five cents a quart by Relth & Wilson, and de livered Im a. olean and tightly dosed glass bottle at your door every morn ing. Just arrived at Copoland 4 Thorsen's, a nice line of high grade footwear for ladles, all widths from A to 1013. No trouble to show goods, and satisfaction guaranteed to every purchaser. Call and examine them. What brings people back to the Asto ria Wood Yard after they have sounded the possibilities everywhere else? May be It's one thing, and May be It's another. Hut the fact remains hack they come. And of course the Astoria Wood Yard Is proud of It. Purest of iwlnes, liquors and cigars elegant free lunch-ll the dally papers, at the Qambrlnus, 12th and Commercial. The Troy Laundry Co. has made ar rangements with A. J. Squires to act as lis agent for Astoria. This company Is noted for high grade work and prompt delivery. (Mending and repairing free. Handle called for and delivered. Olllce 471 Commercial street. Nothing so distressing as a hacking cough. Nothing so foolUsh as to suffer from It. Nothing so dangerous if al lowed to continue. One Minute Cough Cure gives Immediate relief. Chas. Rog ers. FOR THOSE WHO EAT For the remarkably email sum of 16 cents one can procure an excellent chirk en dinner every Sunday at the popular "Denver Kitchen," east side of 9th street between Astpr and Bond. Mr. Richard son, the proprietor, also assures the pub lic that they can obtain at his place a wo'.l-eooked, we'll served breakfast, din ner or supper any day In the week for the above mentioned price. Give him a ca'.l and be convinced that he speaks the truth. FOR SALIC. Right thousand rejected bricks and bats, at Parker House dock. Take them at your own figure. PACIFIC PAVING CO. PAINLESS DENTISTRY. Co to Dr. Howard, the painless den tist, 662 Commercial street, for fine den tal work of every class. He challenges an equal. Trices reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. It has been agreed by the milk mea of Astoria, Or, that on and after the first of October, 18M5. they will furnish milk to their patrons at the foUowtng rates and no lees: 4 cts a pint; T cents per quart: 1Q cts per half gaCCon; 22H cts. per gallon: 60 cts per can of I gallons, end 10 cts per quart sold on the street. By order of the Milkmen's Union of Aatorla. September Mth, 1896. A CARD TO THE PUBLIC. Remember that ''a etitch in time saves nine." The rainy season is now so ting in. Come and get your loots and shoes hall'-Foled find repaired before they are too far gone. I am now better prepared than ever to do (lr's in a cheap, neat and lasting manner. Fcspc fully ours, 8. ACilMRIE 114 12th street, corner oppo- ri'e Fisher Bros.' sto:e. FINDING A WAY OUT The Waterworks Muddle to be Cleared Up. COURTS TO THE RESCUE Receiver Halm's Appointment is Upheld and the Bondsmen Have ' Decided to Complete the Contract. Tho plain and complete statement of affairs In connection with the water works trouble that appeared In yester day's Astorian had the effect of giving the public full and complete knowledge of the real state. of affairs for the first time, and was welcomedi on till sides as explaining the situation fully. Among the people -whoso eyes were opened by the disclosures therein made were a great many of the laborers who have been thrown out of employment by the stop page of the work. They came down town very early In the morning and crowded the offices of various attorneys to find out what it all meant. John Hahn, as the newly appointed receiver, also came In tfor ai good share of attention and many of them seemed to And consolation In standing In front of his store all day and watching all his movements. At noon the proprietor of the boarding house at the top of the hill, which has been kept, open for the past few days, dls- oenslng hard tacK to a rew or tne lucKy ones, announced her Intention of closing up, and at 2 o'clock all the doors and windows of the place were securely Bat tened. About a hundred of the men looked on at this performance with stolla: indifference, though they knew that it meant the taking away of their last chance of getting any more food. A repre sentative of the Astorlaii visited the camp In the afternoon and found that the reports which have been brought to the city, concerning the starving" con dltlon of several laborers there, are well founded. There are fully thirty men who have not tasted food for three days, and many more have gono hungry for forty eight hours. Their situation is every hour getting more deplorable, and the general Impression seems to be that the recently appointed "labor committee" of the city council should at once turn Itself Into a relief committee to supply these starving people with food. After the boarding house was closed down a great many of the men stood around on the street corners all over town and discussed the situation In an orderly manner. One crowd of this kind was stationed In front of the Astorian office. It numbered fifty or sixty men. Mayor Kinney, coming along down Commercial street, found himself In the middle of this Impromptu meeting', and taking his station at a telegraph pole, proceeded to express hl views about things In general and about foreign laborers In particular. He told them that If they didn't like the country the best thing for them to do was to get out of It, and advanced sev eral other vigorous opinions of a like character which were not calculated to afford the men much consolation. They took It all very patiently, even when the m.uyor went a step (arthcr and told them that he had given orders to the police to throw them o'ff the streets If they congregated about In groups any longer, and that he "was about full of such work." Judge McBride seemed to take a slight ly different view of the acts of these laborers, In speaking of their conffuct yesterday, he said that he had ntver seen ai set of men under like circum stances 'who have behaved themselves with such moderation and who have by their quiet and manly acceptance of the situation so deserved the sympathy of every citizen. When the court opened yesterday morn ing Mr. LaForce was on hand with a suggestion to the court for an order directing 'Receiver H.ihn to proceel with tho contract for the completion of the water works construction. This motion or suggestion was vigorously contested by Fulton Bros., who appeared In court and announced their Intention of ask ing for the discharge of the receiver, by a vacation of the order of appoint ment. The discussion that ensued was generally participated In by all the attor neys present. After considerable talk as to the regularity of the receiver's ap Fclntment and the question of the avail ability of the nsspts of the Insolvent company, the court finally terminated the hearing by postponing It till some hour In the afternoon, Informing Mr. LaForce that he might then mak hls showings to support his application to have the work continued by a receiver. Before this af ternoon session, however, Fulton Bros, tiled a general tndavlt on behalf of the bondsmen explaining their relation to the Paclllc Paving Co., and their liability to the city under their bond for the com pletion of the contract. This affidavit ailso set forth In full their assignment from the Pacific Paving Co. of all the assets, material and property of every dercrtptlon In this city, Including tho balance of money In the hands of the commission, after allowing the various previous assignments. In addition to thU. Fulton Bros, fted a second affi davit from Engineer Adams, of the water commission, showing the Impracticability of completing the contract at the price for which It was undertaken by the In solvent company. The attorneys for the claimants were Immediately notified of the tiling df these affidavits, and' 3 o'clock was the time set by the court to hear them. At that hour Fulton Bros, opened tho case for the bondsmen with a recital of the woful condition of the laborers who were left stranded without their wage, and argued that. In the Interests of the city and! the water commission, and for the sake of furnishing Immediate employment to the men, the $1840 In the hands of the commission not subject to assignment Bhouid be turned over to the bondsmen. If this was done, counsel stated that they would make an obliga tion to return it for the satisfaction of ca'llms, If needed, with whatever profits that might ensue from the completion or the contract: the bondsmen to be ap pointed receivers and instructed to com plete the contract. This motion was opposed by the attor neys 'for the labor claimants who did not seem to agree with the counsel for the bondsmen where the responsibility for the pitiful condition of the laborers rested. They insisted that to turn over the wages of these men, then In the hands of the commission to ths volunteer sureties of the Insolvent corporation to be used by them In the reduction of their liability to the' ckty so Incurred, would be both unjust and Inequitable, especially In thA Jlirht Af ITnulntui. A.lanu' alfl.lnvtf On the suggestion of the court that the ! best interests of all concerned would be subserved by some form of compromise between the conflicting views "of counsel on both skies, a recess was taken to en able them to hold a conference. Shortly after this, both sides came Into court and announced that an agreement had been arrived at, under which the present re ceiver should be continued, and put In possession of .'.! property claimed by the company's bondsmen; the. court to appoint an appraiser to value all tile property and material belonging to the Pa.-irtc 'Paving Co.; and the receiver to j deliver to the bondsmen such portion of j the material s might be desired by , them' for the completion of the water works at the appraised value. In addi tion to this It was also stipulated that the receiver should pay to the bondsmen the $1840 claimed by them in the commis sion's hands, upon the execution to the receiver by the bondsmen of an obllgay tlon, with security, for the repayment of the sum so advanced, together with the appraised value of the material to be used by them, provided their rights under their claimed assignments should be de cided adversely. This ended the hearing. Subsequently, on representations to the court by attorneys for the claimants, Judge MdBride made an order directing tho water commission to turn over to the receiver all moneys In its possession on account of the Pacific Paving Co. The effect of the day's court proceed ings, detailed above, will be to bring the money heretofore in the hands of the commission into court where it must be followed by the various assignee claim ants who will thus be compelled not only to prove to the satisfaction of the court the validity of their respective claims, but to submit to such adjudications there upon as Judge McBride may see fit to determine. Needless to say, this new turn in the affair has awakened consid erable nnxiety in the minds of several assignee claimants whose previous out lcok for the recovery of one hundred cents on the dollar had been so promis ing, and who now will have to submit their little "preferred" claims to the cold scrutiny of the laiw. The whole tendency of the present situation seems to strengthen the belief that the laborers wia not only get their wages in full, but that the remaining proceeds will be fairly and equitably distributed among all the other honest creditors of the Pacific Paving- Co. AROUND TOWN. Oregon's big guns on the way. Casino Opera Company next week. L. A. Loomls, of Uwaco, Is In the city. Tonight' the school piano concert All win attend. . The cricketers will niect today In Port land U. S. boys must win. Howell & Ward have Just received this morning 200 boxes of fine table apples. guaranteed free from worms. Call early lor tney are going to move. uorn, to tne wire or Bwan wilean, a girl. Jno McKlnley, of (Portland, Is at the iiaricer. J. W. Brlstow, of Portland, Is at the Occident. W. Maurice Kelly returned from Port land yesterday. A. P. Stockwell, of Aberdeen, Wash., Is a guest at the Occident. Grapes, grapes. Special sale of grapes today by Pacific Commission Co. H. B. Parker went to Portland last night to spend a few days in recreation. Martin Ovsen yesterday sent three more people to Sweden via the Canadian Pa cific. Buei Lamberson, of Portland, was In the city yesterday on a short business trip. Anton Kllnt, of Gray's River, yesterday returned from a business trip to Port land. E. B. Miles, of Knappton, came to town yesterday and! will make ai short business visit. Capt. G. Walker, and Z. E. HInson, o the atea'mer Cygnet, are registered at the Parker. Pears, pears. Fall Cutter, Benver, Bart letts and cooking pears. Pacific Commis sion Co. It is rumored that August Nelson win bo a candidate for Justice of the peace at the next election. Mr. P. C. Warren, of Warrenton, was In -town yesterday, taking in ,the sights of the water worku town. The president of the Willamette Valley Chautauqua says that "Prof. Rldde'.l sur passes Ell Perkins as a humorist." One hundred crates and boxes of grapes today at the Pacific Commission Co. H. M. Adams, the well known travelling freight agent of the O. R. and N. Co., Is In the clfy, a guest of the Occident. A'Jbert 'Ay'.'more, of Lewis and Clarke yesterday brought In a. l'oud of fine pumpkin which met with a ready sale. Prof. Beggs' children's dancing classes commence this afternoon. Committees having other classes In chairgo will please report. Parties wishing to buy candles at wholesale will save money by calling on or writing to the Astoria Candy Factory. 461 Duane street. The Paslflc Commission Co. make the prlcea on fruit for the Astoria market. L. 'Mansur's folks havo returned from Cannon Beach and spent yest-jrday In the city. Today they will go to their home at Knappton. This is the Jewish holiday, "Yom Klp pur," or day of atonement, and all stores will be closed between sunset Friday and sunset Saturday. Miss Mason will re-open her private kindergarten in the Hotel TIghe Monday September SO. Afternoon session only. Visitors will be welcome at any time. The Rev. O. Murphy, of Moscow, Ida ho, will officiate at Grace church on Sun day, at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 12:30 and at Holy Innocents' at li:. p. m. A fine lot of peaches received at Ross, Hlggina A Co.'s, contained some large nnA mpAMiirlnff QUm inches in circumference and another 11 1-4 Inches. Tokay, Muscatel, Rose,-- Peru, Native and Ohio Concord grapes. Pacific Coin- mission Co. It is rumored that W. Maurice Kelly and E. J. Smith will In a few days make another trip through the Nehalcm, and that this Dime the other one will' get lost. Two hundred boxes of the finest apples ever brought to the city, guaranteed free from worms. If you want something line call and get a box of these from Howell It WaTd. Subjects of discussion at the Baptist church next Sunday In the morning, "Takln an Observation;" In the even ing, "The Deadly Character of Sin," Sunday school at 13:16 and B. Y. P. V. at (.30 p. m. The Uppertown Dramatic Club bids fair to be a howling success. Frank Uerdes, the leaxllmr man, Is determined that the next entertainment, wihcH will occur next week In all probabilllty, shall be beyond criticism. Mrs. Anna Zelgler, who has been vis iting her son, Mr. O. Zelgler. and wife, will leave Tuesday for her home In Frankfort-on-the-Maln, Germujy. She wltt go via Sacramento, th?re spending a few days with her son. Louis. The Sholarshlp League of the High School yesterday had some very interest- Administrator's Winding Up Sale OF Schlussel Stock fit the White House Store By order of the Administrator, this entire stock consisting of Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, HATS AND CAPS, Will be placed on sale in lols to suit purchasers and will be closed out at less than MANUFACTURERS' COST. This is a chance of a life-time to buy high grade goods at lower piic-s than cheap goods are usually sold at. This well-known stock is the largest, finest and most complete in Astoria. Sale Will Commence Monday, September 30th, at 9 a. m. TERMS STftlCTbY CASH- U' Order of Administrator. lng exercises, consisting of music and recitations. These Friday afternoon ex ercises are becoming quite a feature ana afford much amusement for pupils and visitors. Bullock's team, which was standing at the corner of 15th and Commercial yes terday afternoon, while the driver vas In a neighboring store, became frighten ed and started up Just as the car came along. The car and wagon collided, smashing the wagon and Injuring the horse. Yesterday afternoon one of the gas mains on Duane street burst and In a few minutes the air wao filled with the odor of escaping gas. A still alarm was turn ed In and the chemical engine company promptly responded but their services were not needed. The pipes were soon filled with dirt 'by the workmen and further escape of gas prevented The Oregonian in commenting on Prof Riddell and his lecture on "Blunders of Life as Seen by the Humorist," fays: "It was w philosophical discourse, highly humorous, and completely captivated the popular fancy." Hundreds of Portland's best people who have followed the pro fessor In his varied themes for weeks declare they have never heard his equal. Everyone should 'hear him In the M. E. Church Monday eve. Seats free. UPPER ASTORIA SOCIAL. The Upper Astoria Social Club held a mettlng at O'Brien's Hall In Upper As toria last night. The follow lng program was rendered: Reading, Thos. Irwin; speech, John Mathews; reading, Fred Johnson; song, Mark Kyle; reading, Al fred Schroder; readlns, M. V. Burton; song, iPeter Wnldc; instrumental solo, Chas. Slmonson. A comlcaO farce was then acted by Mark Kyle, Alfred Schroder, Arthur Bur ton. The debate of the evening was "Which Is the most destructive, alcohol or war?' After an Interesting discussion it was decided that war was the mcst destruct ive. The society paper, "Kodak," was then read, which groat-ly delighted rhe mem bers and was continuously applauded. The club meets every Friday evening at O'Brien's Hall and extends an invlta ticn to all Interested In this kind of work Five new members were enrolled 'a.t night. COMIC OPERA AT FISHER'S OPERA HOUSE. Following Is a criticism from the Ta coma Dai:y News of the performance of Mikado, 89 given by the Casino Comic Opera Company .which begins an en gagement in this city Friday evening next. "The third performance of Mi kado by the Casino Opera Company. last evening, met with the kim warm reception 'as tho evening before and by even a larger audience. From the rise to rhe fall of the curtain the production was meritorious In every particular. All the tuneful solos and duets in the opera were well rendered and proved that the company's claim to gool and well train ed voices was well Justified. The suc cess of the production was heightened by the fact that new and special scenery was provided." A GOOD EXAMPLE. To the Editor: In view of the extreme necessities of the water works laborers the action of Herman Wise and others In giving them some temporary relief from starvation seems most commendable and necessary, and it seems surprising that any should be found so destitute of sympathy for these poor feliows as not only to wlth hould such assistance, but to condemn and discourage the same in others. We hope such heartless attitude will be far from general. MANY CITIZENS. WORTHY OF NOTICE. There is nothln but bold, clear-cut truth la the statement that te secure per fect fit, quality and style In yeur shoes at ths lowest reasonable prices y on must ro to she firm of John Hahn A Co., 479 Commercial street Acts at once, never falls. One Minute Cough Cure. A remedy for asthma, and that feverldh condition which accom panies a severe cold. The only harmless remedy that produces Immediate results. Chas. Rogers. TO THE PUBLIC. Notice is hereby given that payment has been stopped on the following numbered warrants drawn by Rescue Engine Co. No. X. same having been lost or mislaid No. 40S. 43, 423, 424 and 42$. THB, Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Blankets, Umbrellas, etc, etc, J. L. KLINE I $23 REWARD. Is offered by C. Mortensen, of Astoria, to anyone furnishing information con cerning the whereabouts f Harry Schra der, that may lead to his re-capture. Schrader was on-j of the number who broke Jail at Astoria and escaped. Schrader Is a Dane by birth speaks Eng lish tolerably -well; is about 5 feet BVj inches tall; stout built, weighing about 1C5 pounds; is fleshy, round featured, has dark hair and moustache, and blue eyes. Schroder has probably gone to the hop fields, where he is acquainted, but will, In all probability, try to get out of the way 'by some vessel and is apt to be found around sal'.or boarding houses for that purpose. FIME BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE. We have choice property In Van Du sen's, Alderbrook, Adair's, Shively's, Mc Clure's, Taylor's, New Astoria, Warren ton, and Astoria Addition to Warrenton for sale. Also money to loan In sums of $200 to $3,C00 on good real estate security. R. L. BOYLE & CO. ADMINISTRATRIX NOT! ZE. Notice i hereby given that the under signed has been appointed administratrix of the estate of Francis Feakes and all persons having claims against said es tate are hereby notified to prevent said elahr.n wiili the necessary vouchers within six months from tile date of this notice to me at the ofllee of F. D. Win ton in Uie I'ythian Castlo building, In the City of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon. ANNA FDAKKS. Administratrix. Astoria, Or., Sept. 20th, A. D. 1 .)",. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD. A well-furnished sul-e of r.Mns, with use of pirlor, and, If desired, good table board, at reasonable rates. 4U5 Du ane street, corner of Ninth. A TWISTER. A twister In twisting May twist him i& twist, For In twisting a twist Three twists make a twist; Bus If one of the twists Untwists from the twist, The twist untwisting Untwists the twist. That Is. when it's twisted with any .nher twine than MARSHALL'S. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. Ladies, do not deceive yourselves. There is not a wrap, Jacket r fur garment In Astoria that will compare in richness, beauty, or price with the. lines Mr. Co hen is showing this season. You can save at least $3.00 to $3.00 on a garment at Cohen's place. He does not advertise so as to sell you a lot of shoddy and tell you he Is giving you remarkable bar gains, leaving you to find after you get homo anl go through your purchase male in a darkened store that you have paid dearly for your purchase. Cohen has the latest styles In dress goods, trim mings, etc., and gives the best value for the money expended. Positively ro de ception practised in order to malce sales. Say, why don't you try DeWitt's Little Early dliisers? These little pills cure headache, Indhjestlon and constipation. They're small, but do the work. Chas. Rogers. SHILSH'S CURE, the great Cough an'd Croup Cure, is In great demand Pocket size contains twenty-five doses only 25 cents. Children love It Sold hv J. W Conn Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. " CREAM NOTICE. AM persons having claims against the estate of Jno. P. Dickinson, deceased, must present the same duly verified, to the undersigned within six months from this date. B. VAN DUSEN. Astoria, Sept. 20, 1895. A. V. ALLEN, DEALER IN Groceries, Flour, h'eed, Provisions, Fruits Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies. Cor. Cass aud S'iumoque Streets. . Amur's. Ore THE ASTORIA SAVINGS BfltfK Acts as trustee for corporatlens and In dividuals. Transact a general banking business. Interest paid on time deposits. J. a A. BOWLUY President BBNJ. YOUNG Vice President FRANK PATTQN Cashier DIRECTORS. J. Q. A. Bowlby, C. H. Page, BenJ Young, A. S. Reed, D. P. Thompson W. E. Dement, Gust Holmes. WANTEJ. W-ANTED A good girl for general housework 'at the residence southeast corner 15th ft. and Franklin avenue. WANTED To employ an energetic la dy or gentleman to represent our business In every counxy. SoUairy, $50.00 per month and a commission. Address with stamp, Chas. A. Robinson & Co., Saline, Kane. WANTED Oerman or French pupils. Address L. L. H., care of thU office. WANTHD An honest, active gentle man er lady to travel for reliable es-taSils-.ied house. Salary, $760, payable $15 weekly and expenses. Situation per manent. References. Enclose self-addressed envelope, H. E. Hess, Pre, Chi cago. WANTED Agents to represent the old National Life Insurance Ce., of Montpelier, Vt For further trifrjnrtmv tlon, address G. M. Etolp, General Coast Manager, 82-84 Crocker Building, Ban Francisco, Cal. WANTED Man or lady to collect, do some office work, and manage sgeoM. You will deal through your leading mer chants. Something new and very popu lar. We pay all expenses. Peel tl an per manent. Send four references and ten cents for full particulars, John Finney Mgr., P. O. Box 484, St Louis, Mo, FOR HALE FOR RENT Furnished rooms, sulfa- ' ble for housekeeping. Centrally located. Apply at Crow'a photograph gallery. JAPANESE GOODS-Just out Just re ceivedJust what yon want, at Wing Lee's, 643 Commercial street. TO LOAN. MONEY Apply to Astoria Abstract, Title and Trust Co. FOUND. A nti-nanl warn left at Dswmm drag store sometime ago. Owner can recover same by calling at this office and paying for this advertisement FOUND A pocket book. Owner can call at Crow's photograph gaJlery, pay for this advertisement, prove ownership, and receive property. STRAYED. STRAYED A white cow with a broken horn, has a lump on knee. Finder will be suitably rewarded. Call on or address A. Gibbons, assessor's office. MISCELLANEOUS. $75,000 PER WEEK using and Selling Dynamos for plating watches. Jewelry, and table ware. Plates gold, silver, nickel, etc., same as new goods. Dif ferent sizes for agents, families and shops. Easy operated: no experience; big profits, W. p. Harrison & co der No. 14. Columbus, Ohio. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla,