The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 24, 1895, Image 4

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The Resort
Oil Commercial street, is the place
where the businessman and the labonng
mnn co for what ih culled "J3KST ON
TUB COAST," or a nice oool drink o(
the celebrated Oambrmns beer, band
wicbeg of every kind raado to order, and
an elegant, free lunch served every any,
You are welcome.
Grosbauer & Brach.
873 Commercial Street
Manufacture of every description of
Lounges, Mabtreesee, etc.
Every Man Hl5 Own Cobbler. Full
Kit of Tools, $1. as.
A Stitch In Time Sve Nine..
3? Works,
General flachinist and Boiler Work. .
All kinds of Cannery, Ship, Steamboat
and Engine Work of any Description.
Castings of all kinds made to order.
Foot of Lafayette St, Astoria, Or.
After (Deals!
Or at any other time
when you wish a good
oiijar ask for the well
known, home-made,
hand-made, white labor
"La Belle Astoria."
Conceded by nil smokers
to be the. best ciuar '
71 Nintl? Street,
Astoria, Oregon.
Picnic Canned Goods,
Camp Stoves,
Camp Cooking Utensils,
And the lutest
All-Wool Sleeping Bags
At all prices. Just the thing for camp
ers, prospectors, etc. Sure to I'eep warm
at nights. Better than blankets. -
Is there a man with heart so cold.
That from his family would withhold
The comforts which they all could find
In articles ot FURNITURE of th
right kind.
And we would suggest at this season,
nice Sideboard, Extension Table, or ae
of Pining Chairs. We have the large
and finest line ever shown In the city
and at prices that cannot fall to pleas
the closest buyers.
: first Class Funerals :
POHli'S Vndertskiijg Parlor.,
Rslei Reatonaol. Eabslmlnr Specialty
As Franklin says, good dress opens
all doors, you should not lose sight of
the fact that a perfect fitting suit Is
the main feature. Wanamaker &
Brown are noted for fit, workmanship
and superiority of qualities. Their rep
resentatlve visits Astoria every three
months. Office 64 De'xum Building,
Portland, Or. Reserve orders til! you
have seen the spring' line of samples.
The only railroad lighting Us trains by
electricity. , ,
Toe mly railroad using the celebrated
electric berth reading aunp.
The coaches now rutinlnir on "The Hit
-ulcee" ara Palace on Wheels.
On U Us through lines. the Chicago,
M'ilwuk- smd Bt. Paul Railway runs Ui
most perfectly equipped train or Bleep
ing, Parlor, and DliJng Cars and Coach.
For lowest rate to any paint In th
United tSate and Canada, apply to uckm
agents, or address C. J. .DDr,
General Agvnt,
Portland, Oregon
RHILOH'S CURB la sold on a grar
ntee. It cures Incipient consumption,
t Is the best Cough Curs. Only oris
.ent a dose. 25 cents, to cis., ana ii.w.
For Bale by J. "W. Conn.
ROYAL Baking Powder
has bctrtawarded highest
x honors at every world's fair
where exhibited.
LgP w"' '" irgrwawr-
1 Just Received! ' i!
For Fall pml Winter Wenr
Stylish Jackels's
Graceful designs fn 11
Fur and Plush Capes,
I Tailor-Made Suits,
Separate Skirts, etc.,
Children's Jackets,
ft. All being of the La'est Styles nJ Fash
2 Ions. Lcwest Prics, ' '
1 Albert Danbar
Commercial Street, Corner Ninth.
w I do not c a r) ov r old ock f om jj
f year to y Br. but nis o pe uonnl
2J sebctlou (rum the latest Eastern lot- 3
w p irtstiom. j
turn mm mmmmmmi
Local weather for twenty-four hours
ending at B p. m. yesterday, fu'mlshed
by the United States Department of Ag
riculture, weather bureau.
'Maximum temperature, 59 degrees.
(Minimum temperature, 64-degreiw.
Precipitation, .12 inch.
Total precipitation from September 1st
1S95, to date, 2.37 Inches. , .
Deficiency of precipitation from Sep
tember 1st, 1895, to date, .102 inches.
Got your milk of Relth & WHeon.
Show cases for sale at Oregon Trading
Fresh candles every hour at the Bon
bonnlere. THE SAME PLAOE-118 12th street Is
the place to buy fresh fish every day.
Meany Is the leading tailor, and pays
the highest cash price for fur skins,
The Astorian will hereafter be found
on sale at McGulre's Hotel at Seaside.
Our milk Is guaranteed strictly pure
and fresh from the cow daily. ReUh
& Wlilson.
Umbrellas repaired and re-covered by
Mrs. Fredrickson. Leave orders at Orlf-
fin & Reed's.
The coolest and best glass of beer In
town can be bought at the U-a,mbrinus
saloon, 12th and Commercial streets.
WAH SING & CO. Merchant tailors,
626 Commercial street, cheaper than you
can buy ready made. New stock com
plete. Water melons! Water melons! Water
melonsl A carload received yesterday
win no Biriu viieup lyuuy ll iui unwitr d.
674 Commercial.
Trade with Faird & fltokes Co., deal
ers In "Groceries, Hardware, Crockery,
provisions, flour, fruits, and vegetables
They will surely please you.
The Entes-Craln Drug Co. have a win
dow full of fine tooth brushes that they
are selling for 10 cents each, and give a
sample bottle of Rosofoam with each
Hunger Is a very disagreeable sensa
tion. There i a place in thU town where
you can satisfy Us domanda with the
cleanest and best 25 cent meal you ever
irte. That place la Joe Terp'i.
No bolter milk was ever brought to
Astoria than Is furnished for Ave cents
a quart by Relth & Wilson, and de
livered in a olan and tightly closed
glass bottle at your door every morn
ing. Just arrived at Copcland Thorsen's,
a nice line ot high grade footwear for
ladles, ail widths from A to WE. No
trouble to show goods, and satisfaction
guaranteed to every purchaser. Call and
examine them.
What brings people back to the Asto
ria Wood Yard after they have sounded
the possibilities everywhere else? May
he It's one thing, and May be It' another.
Hut the fact remains hack they come.
And of course the Astoria Wood Yard Is
proud of It.
Purest of iwlnes, liquors and clgirs
elegant free lunch aH the dally papers,
at the (lambrlnus, 12th and Commercial.
Tho Troy Laundry Co. has made ar
rangements with A. J. Squire to act as
Its agent for Astoria, This company is
noted for high guide work and prompt
delivery. 'Mending and lepalrlng free.
Hundles called for and delivered. Olllce
471 Commercial street.
To our 'Lady Customers:
There are too many places in this city
Belling wraps and jackets. Many of the
garments sold here are shop worn, and
come out of retail stores In othor cities
on account of being stale, hut are sols
here for the very latest. For the past
10 yours, I have been selling Jackets and
wrap of the llrKt grades nt much lower
prices than any house In Portland, and
have never yet deceived any customer In
order to muke a sale. Considering that
the city Is overcrowded with this par
ticular line of goods I shall from this
day close out all Jackets and wraps nt
wholesale prices.
4!U Bond Street.
Astoria, Sept. 11, 1105.
Go to Dr. Howard, the painless den
tist, 6fi! Commercial street, for line den
tal work of every class. Ho challenges
an equal. Price reasonable. Satisfaction
We have choice property In Van Du
en', Alderbrook, Adulr's, Shlvely's, Mc
Clure', Taylor's, New Astoria. W'arren
lon, and Astoria Addition to Wurrenton
for calx. Also money to loan In sums of
tS to 13,000 on good real estate security
A well-furntshed ul'e of rooms, with
use of parlor, and, If desired, good
table board, at reasonable rates. 405 Du
ane treet, corner of Ninth.
Iienicmbor that "a stitch in
1V..1.W. till,, U Bll(. Hi I
' i eri '
aves nine Tho raiDyl
lis now bo tinsrin. Cornel
time nav
season -is now bo' tinir
and get your hoots and shoes
half-poled and repaired before
they are too far gon. I am
now better jn pnred 'than ever
to do th's in ncheim, neat and
lasting mimnf r. ;
' - rtoHnic'ftilly lours,
8. A. fJIMHIK .
114 J2ih Rttwr. corner ofpo-i
m e Fihlicr Urw.' itn i
Talk of the day strike.
Corset steels', 5c pair. Shanahan Bros.
lira. Theo. Olsen has resumed her class
In music.
H. Lewis, of John Days, was In town
Juke (McCoy, of Cathlamet, Is a guest
of thu Parker.
Hooks and eyes, lc card.
J. W. Cook, the salmon man, of Port
land, Is In town.
G. Watlson, of Lewi and Clerke, was
In the city yesterday.
H. n. Parker returned, yesterday from
his visit to Portland.
A. D. 'Newell, or San Francisco, is reg
istered at the Occident.
Best corset In the world, 50c.
ban Bros.
Dan O'Neill, of TCeiJondo, Cal.,
lstered at the Occident.
Is reg-
A. L. Parker, of John Days, is regis
tered at the Parker House.
J. H. Klsenbach, of New York, Is mak
ing a business visit In Astoria.
H. F. .Dlttenhoefer, a prominent mer
chant of Porttand, is in town.
J. E. Putnam, of Boise, ldah, is mak
ing a business visit in AKtorli.
Henry Welnhairdit, the brawer, of Port
land, is a guest of the Occident.
The Rev. Dr. Bushong has gone to the
Methojiat conference In Portland. I
Pete Brach la enjoying a two weeks'
trip in the vicinity of Vancouver.
Rich. Eberman, an employe of the Sea
shore Rafrroad was in town yesterday.
Col. E. C. Hughes to expected back
from Idaho on Sunday morning next.
All wool tricot cloth 25 cents yard.
Shanalhan Bros,
Born To the wife of Mr. Frank Schu
maeker, Sunday morning, a son; weight
l'J pounds.
Married In the Flnnlsln Lutheran
Church, September 2Jd, Mattl Matilo, and
El'U PukkKa.
'ine county cierK yestwaay issued a
marriage license to Mattl Matilo and An
na Pukklla.
Herman Wise has leased the lot next
to Cooper's and .wl'.D at once erect a
store room l.'xloo feet.
The grading has been finished on Duane
street, and workingmen commenced yes
terday driving piles and laying planks.
Sixty sacks of cranberry march, com
monly called muck, was shipped to Ban
Francisco by Folrist Johnson yesterday.
Fred Fox has accepted his old position
as oiler on the steamship Uesrge W. El
dor. He assumed his duties yesterday
E, A. Seey, of the C. R. and P. S
N. Co., arrived down from Portlaaid yes
terday and says he does ncJt know any
thing new.
Madame Alberta Finrk will resume her
teaching Monday, Sept. 23. Reception
hour from 1 to 2 p. m. Studio, 502 Com
mercial street.
Parties wltOiing to buy candles at
wholesale will save money by calling on
or writing to the Astoria Candy Factory.
4t!4 Duana street.
Children's gray woolen underwear 25c
each. Shanahun Bros.
iMr. and Mrs. .1. H. Johannsen and
children, of Seaside, have been visiting
Mr. and .Mrs. Klrclioft the past week.
They returned home yesterday. -
The ladies of the Every Monday Club
t'f the Presbyterian Church, will give an
afternoon tea Wednesday from 2 to 5 at
the residence of Mrs. Haraden.
Mintln Ol'-en, having satisfactorily
adjusted t'ac mntler of his license from
the city, F.iys that he will be on deck
next week In tho auction business.
Mrs. M. McKenzle Invites the ladles of
Astoria and vicinity to call and Inspect
Cicr fall' ami winter millinery, on TucsU'ay
ana Wednesday, Sept. 24th and 25th.
Miss Mason will re-open her private
kindergarten In tho Hotel Tlghe Monday
September 30. Afternoon session only.
Visitors will be welcome at any time.
ChllJien's full finished black hose, 15c
per pair. 'Shanahan Bros.
Miss Hons will have her display of fall
MUllnory on Tuesday and Wednesday of
this week. The ladles of Astorltti are
cotdlul'ly Invited to call and examine the
new styles.
Mrs. V. C. A. Pohl and children left
la?t evening for a three months' visit
with friends nt Olyntpta and Troutdale.
Her daughter Miss Flora will attend the
s'-ster's scVol at Olympla.
Young matrons wlthl gray ba-lr nre the
fashion In the East, provided, of course,
the color, Is natural and due fo fright,
Illness, f-ji-row, worry, or othor causes
that produce the now coveted "silver
tlueads among the gold."
See our swan's down suiting, 11c yd.
S.i'ina'han Bros.
The Shakespearian entertainment to be
given by Hannibal Williams, under tln
auspices of the ladles of tha Library As
sociation, will take plice at Fisher's
Mali on the evening of October 15th.
Sens will be sold at 50 cents.
Toe many friends of Mr. Jos, Munro
win be pleased to know he has recov
ered from a violent attack of typhoid fe
ver, and will be able to leave tho hos
pital, where ho has been confined for
over sevtn weeks, on Sunday next.
i James Petty was busy
yesterday making a few changes In the
new city pound, located on Bond street.
The poundmaster says that he will com
mence today corraCling all- the unlicensed
"logs, horses and cows found In the city
Mr. Fred O. Walters, of the red front
shoe shop opposite Cooper's store, has
'ptaveptcd the avenov r.w th n..-..
leather and shoe findlnir
coast, and can sell at wholesale prices
,,,.., ,,, s email lack to a tho-us-
mea oi sole leather.
-Servant gir.s are In demand In AstorU.
It took the irrejte part of two day of
.ast we?k for 6, well known business man
to obtain a girl. The remuneration for
this class of lahor la above the average
and the scarcity of e-ultable kitchen girls
has competed many prominent families
to engage Chinese.
The straw sailor with it uncompromis
ing stiff lirlm. and the singularly inap
propriate y-.uchting cap are both being
gradunfly re'.eec.ntei to a ecconl-day place i
in the bicyclist's array of hats. Tt
fall she
wi.r wear gav-colord Tumi
O'Shat.ter. either crocheted or made or
m -- . . . . '
cloth, and bright little Scotcli Highland
ers' caps turned up at one aide with a
quill or a bcwl'i
Mrs. O. Hansen wlH Urave an opening
of fall styles In millinery today and
'Wednesday. CC8 Commercial street.
'The Canadian Pacific yesterday ar
ranged to bring a number of passengers
from Uleaborg, Finland, to Astoria.
Fish Commissioner Crawford, of
Washington, made a flying visit to As
toria yesterday, on his way to PortlunJ.
On cloaks, capes, and jacket we can
save you 60 per cent. AH our coats, etc.,
are this season's goods. Shanahan Bros.
B. W. Wright and wife, who have been
spending a few days at Seaside, passed
through the city yesterday on their way
to Portland.
Harry Landers, the Italian who was
anreated as a vag yesfterday had his
sentence euspended by Judge Osburn
upon his promiso to leave town.
Tlhie hodyi of Marv A. Cahl'.l. tha woman
who died at the hospital Saturdc.y, was
shipped to Portland Sunday night for
- Tim Corbett, of Olney, indicted lor
rape on the person of an eleven-year-old
Child named FarreM, was brought Into
town and lodged in Jail last night by
Sheriff Hare.
'At 1 o'clock this morning Officers Hal
iock and Seafddt pulled the opium joint
over the Portland Butchering Co. Three
ancsts were made of white people, and
thcrr cases will come tip today.
The Red Men will give a grand mas
querade ba.l on Thanksgiving night at
Fisher's Ha'.l. Ed. Halloek, Clint Du
mlre and Wm. F. Binder were appointed
as a committee to make arranffementfl.
Yesterday the Thompson picked up a
man In the river who was alone In a
boat when the steamer backed up to
the dock. Thinking that he would be
run down, 'Uhe man leaped lnt-j the wa
ter and was pulled on boaird the Thomp
son by one of the crew.
The Board of Fire Delegates of the
Lity of Astoria! met last night in the
- ... ic
nan of Alert Hook and Ladder Co. The
following officers were elected from the
new board to serve for the ensuing year:
President, W. A. Wenlg; secretary, D. M.
Moore; treasurer, F. L. Parker.
A number of merchants are complaining
that the electric lights are not turned
on early enough in the evening, and that
some circuits are In bad order, but no
aouDi wiese .nttle defects Willi be reme- "The above named plaintiff having filed
died ait once, as workmen are now en- ai complaint in the circuit court of the
gaged in various parts ot the city. state of Oregon, for the county of Clat-
! sop, against the above named defendant,
The art of making ornamental signs praying for am Injunction against said de
has reached a science. Yesterday Mr. j fendant requiring vou and each of vou
Horace Thing received tt beuuty (from ! to refrain from certain acts, in aald
the Continental Insurance Company, of I complaint, and hereinafter more partlcu
New York, Which .has been placed in a larly mentioned: On reading the sals
prominent position in his otllce. The i complaint in this action, duly verified
central scene rcurtvents Indians fisrht- ! and nllllntlff hnvinir niH H.a nuinuoamr
lng a prairie lire before the march of
A group of photographs was yesterday
left in the Astorian office, which were
taken during the regatta by Artist Snod
grass. Tho pictures are models of the
photographic iart, amd are moat beautiful
ly finished. The ones showing the fish
boats rounding the buoy and the Okla
hama towing two four masters town the
river are worthy ot special mention.
A body was reported found at Gearhart
Park beach yesterday by a man named
Thompson, the news being brought to the
city by Mr. Rich Eberman. Coroner
PoWl immediately went to the scene but
has not yet returned. It Is though by
some that the body is that of the man
who 'was drowned by the running down
of the launch Ranier by the Ocean Wave
some time ago.
Corks that have been steeped In vase
line are nil excellent substitute for glass
stoppers. Acid In no way affects them-,
and chemical fumes do not cause decay
In them, neither do they become fixed by
a blow or long disuse, which latter fact
will he appreciated by tlios who often
lose time and temper by a "beastly fast
stopper." 'In short they have all' the util
ities of glass without its disadvantage.
The visiting Methodist minister were
all taken to the jetty yesterday morning
by Capt. Brown, of the 'Mendell, and were
entertained there by Supt. Hegardt. The
gentlemen were much delighted with the
trip and th'3 courtesies of Capt. Brown
and Supt. Hognrdt, and were greatly
surprised et the Immensity of the gov
c nment work which has heen so suc
cessfully carried on, and is now almost
Prof. Luei-MS .Mare Ohristol, French
champion wrestler, and celebrated
throughout the sporting world on ac
count of his own feats of skill and
strength, as well as frona having trained
some of the greatest wrstlroi and ath
letes of the day, will give a free exhibi
tion at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening In the
gymnasium of the Asltorla Football Club,
for the members of that organisation and
invited guests.
Six days ago Phillip iBowers, the sa
loon man, accidentally stuck the point
of a Sharp pocket knife Into the fleshy
part of the Ibaek of his right hand. He j
paid no attention to the wound, which
he though' would heal In a few d;iy. Cold
set In, however, and the hand became
swollen to twice Its natural size. The
wound Is' extremely painful and will ne
cessitate 'Mr. Bowers' being under the
doctor's cave for several weeks,
Several members of the city council, at
the request of citizens, Investigated the
filthy condition of some of the streets
of Unlontown on Sunday. They found
thinks in a deplorable condition. Heaps
of offal from stables, butcher shops,
etc., stand reeking In the streets, while
under the docks are piles of disease
l.rce ling tilth. Under Schlebe's cigar store
on -Main street ewms to be a favorite
dumping place a.:id It would sepm that
with the danger of cbo,ra in sight some
nation would be taken by the authorities
to clean up the city.
At Fairfield Point Mr. H. R. Parker Is
building a "gridiron" or dry dock, 40 feet
wide and 200 feet long, for the repairing
of titeamers and scows. Two "hundred
piles were driven last week and the work
1s now all complete except putting on
the caps which are now being turned out
by the Clatsop Mill Co.
Thus Is another move In the right di
rection and the facilities thus furnished
will be appreciated ly steamboatmen.
Captain CopelcaiJ's scow will go on as
scon is the dock Is completed and others '
hare made engagements. Mr. Parker
: determined to be in the front of the
march of progress.
All persons having claims ng.ulnst the
estate of Jno. P. Dickinson, deceased,
must present the same duly verified, to
the undersigned within six months from
tills date. B. VAN IK'jSBN.
Astoria, Sept. 20, 1S35.
Notice Is hereby given that the under
signed has been appointed administratrix
of the estate of Francis Feakea and all
persona having claims against said es
tate are hereby notified to present eald
claims with the necessary vouchers
within six months from the date of this
notice to me- At the nfftce nt P n Win.
1n In the Pythian Castle building, in the
City of AstorK Clatsop county. Oregon.
AXNA..V.UAKKS. Administratrix
I -1 1.. .-M. -t . . - .
Water Commissioners FJooded
With Legal Notices of
All Kinds.
Mr. Ilanishaw Leaves for Portland
This Morning to Try and Effect
an Arrangement With the
The water works muddle ia still the
subject uppermost In the minds of many
people in this city, and yesterday some
new developments were added that ma
teriality Increased the general interest.
There were crowds of Italian laborers on
all the street corners from very ar!y
in the morning but outside of a few
dozen wild eyed Romans who had been
drinking more than was good for them,
very little bitterness was apparent. As
the noon hour c.ume round the rumors
of "something being about to drop" grew
thicker and thicker, but 12 o'clock passed
without any nlttempt on the part of the
men to assert their rights In any other
than a. peaceahle and legal manner. At
2 o'clock the water commissioner. held
a meeting In thg office of Judge Bowlby
and it did not take long to develop the
'fact that nearly everybody present had
a new theory about the trouble, and a
simple way out of it. A bombshell, In
the ifonm of an injunction against the
commissioners granted by Judge Mc
Bride on the application of M. A. Hack
ett, was sprung on the members before
i Lucy -iiau sol wei seiiAi-u, anu wnai wirci
( the mass of assignments, notes, bills,
they had got well seated, and what with
and orders brought out for inspactlon by
Che clerk and the city attorney, the
members bad more than they could do
to Straighten out the various legi! tan
gles. Mr. Hackett's injunction, filed in
,u suit by LafForce and Smith, his attor
neys, for an alleged debt of J2.467.C7 due
him by the 'Pacific Paving Co., read us
' follows:
bond and It atl.Vaptorllv mnncnrinsr in
thft 1udce nf our a.ll.1 omirt tWrrnm
that It 1s ai proper case for an injunction,
and Chat sufficient grounds exist therefor,
and the necessary undertaking having
heen given:
"We, therefore, in consideration thera
of, and of the particular matters In the
Saild TOmpSalnt set forth, do strictly
command you Hhat each and every ot
you, that until the further order of raid
court, you -and each of you, your and
each of your servants, agents, attorneys,
employes, and all persons acting under
the control, authority, or direction of
you or either of you do absolutely desist
and refrain from paying over Into the
hands of the Pacific Paving Company,
a corporation described in the comp'nlnt
herein, any funda, moneys, credits,
claims, or assets w'liatever you or either
of you may hold In your official capacity
cr as Individuals of agents of the said
Pacific 'Paving Co., or as officers or
agents of the city of 'Astoria.
(Signed) T. A. McBRIDE.
On top of this formidable document
came n large number of assignments
drawn up In favor of a dozen different
parties. The commissioners talked over
the situation for several hours and nd-
Journed at 6:30 without having reached
any definite conclusion. They tackled it
again after supper and reports vary
tis to the outcome. During the after
noon the quieting influence tihat had
been nt work among the laborers since
early morning malle Itself felt to a con
siderable extent and most of the men
went out to the reservoir In a much more
composed state of mind than they had
exhibited since Saiturady. 'In view of the
fact, however, that esverul bairrels of
gunpowder were known to have been se
creted ihy the Italians it was thought
wise to send out three pbllce deputies
last night to watch the works and pro
tect the tunnel. Under this protection
men were busy all night keeping the
water out of the lower levels.
There seems to be a very general im
prswlon, echoed by many of the commis
sioners -themselves, that whatever hap
pens the money due to 'the laborers will
be the first cash paid out by the water
A member of the commission when seen
1 ' night 'by a representative of the As-tc-ria'.i
said: "Tho Injunction Issued today
by Judge McBrlVle ties up the entire avail
able funds cf tlie commissioners due un
der the estimates. I fail to aee how
we can stir a fctep one way or the other
until iflwit Injunction i either dlssjlved
or made permanent. Whether Mr. Ham
-ih.inv succeeds In getting the names ct
his bondsmen onto certain documents in
his possession or not it cajinot affect us.
These assignments that everybody has
Ixen 'tnlk'lng so much about are not
worth the paper they are written jon.
We haven't paid any, don't intend to
pay, and under all supreme court rul
ings In like cases can't be made
to pay any. The commission does
not intend to recognize the assignments at
all. 1 It'hlnk you will find that the orin
dpal aim of the commission Is to see
the laborers treated fairly and paid their
i.Mr. Hams'haw said last night: "Be
ginning with tonight rur tunnel men wli:
start working and will keep It up night
and day at torh emiis of th work. I
am not yet at liberty to talk a'bout the
arrangement under which these men are
working. That is a commission matter.
I am going to 'Portland In tho morning,
and wi t leave back for AitorU tomorrow
night. While up the river 1 will get
the signatures of the Pacific Paving Co.'s
bondsmen to some documents that I am
taking with me, and hnve no doubt at ah
that, when I return and show these sign
ed pa'peas to the commission, work on
the reservoir will he Immediately resum
ed. At. the meeting of the commission
tonight both sides explained their posi-
tlons fully and I think It has led to
better understanding all round. I think
that al) the men In our employ feel fully
eatl.-fled with the turn affairs have taken
as nearly as I have been able to judge."
Mr. W. W. Parker said: "The water
commfesion met today and again tonight,
and I think that we have at last come
to some definite conclusion. Mr. Ham
sliaw's suggestion which he Intends to.
carry out is to go to Portland tomor
row morning, visit his bondsmen and get
thorn to consent In Writing to th exten
sion plan of payment adopted last month
by the commission. Tlie payment to
Behni and Hamshaw of their labor ac
count up to September Pitto will furnish
them with; at! the money needed to dis
chasvre their obligations now due to la
bor. The consent of the bonds-men in" this
matter will really be a benefit to them
in raving Uwm the far greater lo3s which
might bs sustained by the stoppage of
the work sjid the necessity of their In
tervention to complete the contract."
R. L. Boyte returned yesterday from
Ms 'Portland trip.
An interesting service was held In
Grace Church Sunday evening, the lost
for five or six weeks, as the rector, the
Rev. Mr. Short, left ' las, evening for
Minneapolis, whore ho is to attend the
Episcopal National Convention.
During his sermon, which was an ear
nest and eloquent appeal from the text,
"For the Kingdom of God Is not in word,
but 1n power," 1st Corinthians, 4:20, for
the better support of the homo mission
aries in Oregon, the rector graphically
depleted the lot of the preacher In the
sparsely setlltU dlstrlots and showed that
the Christian ehould not only receive the
passive benefits of Christianity and en
joy a beautiful service, but should do
something to carry the gospel to his
There will probably be iLy services dur
ing Mr. Sturt's absence.
The circuit court convened again yes
terday, Judge McBrlde on the bench.
Present, W. N. Barrett, district attor
ney, F. I. Dunbar, clerk; J. W. Hare,
sheriff, and officers of the court. The
following proceedings were had:
Jacob Utzlnger excused as a Juror from
further attendance at this term of court
on account of not being a full cltlzsn.
Edward Ehrman vs. Astoria and Port'
land R. R. Co., Judgment for plaintiff.
Cesera Marchl vs. John Ancarola, ver
dict for Sffl for plaintiff.
Timothy J. Kelly vs. Oliver Stewart et
a1.., demurrer overruled by consent and
until Thursday to answer. -
A. O. Spexarth vs. Chas. 'Wood, motion
to file amended complaint allowed.
W. A. Irving excused until Monday,
Astoria Building and Loan Association
vs. E. H. Snow, et. al, defendant allow
ed five days In which, to answer.
The grand Jury now came into court
and report six true bills or Indictments.
The names of four of the Indicted per
sons are as follows: Thomas Murphy,
Ed. Owen Thoimaj Howard, Lewis Den-
ay. All are indicted for petty larceny
The following deeds were filed for rec
ord yesterday in the recorder's office:
Oscar Ganiard to Ms wife, Lots
4 and 5, Block 15, and Lots 10, 11,
and 12, Block 23, Columbia Addi
tion $
M. J. Kinney and wife to John
Mattson, Lot 9, Block 21, New
Astoria ;
D. B. Howarter and wife to Chas.
Hough, 60x125 feet in section 22,
townsh'i-p 6 north, range 10 west
Samuel Connell to Al'bert L. Snell',
Lot 4 Block 2, First Addition to
Ocean Grove
Denver, Sept. 23. The local weather ob
server reports that the snow which fell
in Denver Saturady night amounted to
11.4 inches, leaving ail previous Septem
ber records far behind.
Spring Garden, Wis., Sept. 23. Two
children of 'Mary Slausen, living two
miles west of Arona, were burned to
death In their home. The mother went
for a pail of -water a mile aw-ay, locking
the two children in ai room. The house
took fire during her absence.
The Indies of Astoria are invited to
attend the dlsiplay of Fall and Winter
'Millinery Tuesday and Wednesday. SeD
tember 21th and 25th, at Miss McRae's
store, corner Commercial and 10th.
It has been agreed by the milk men of
Astoria, ur., that on and after the llrs
of October, 1805, they will furnish milk
to their patrons nt the following rates
and no less: 4 cts a pint; 7 cents per
quart; ets per half gu.'.on; 22Vi cts.
per gallon; 50 cts per can of 3 gallons,
ana ju cts per quart sold On the street
By order of the Milkmen's Union of
September 20th, 1S95.
Eight thousand rejected
bats, at Parker House dock,
at your own figure.
bricks and
Take them
For the remarkably small sum of lb
cents one can procure an excellent chick
en dinner every Sunday at the popular
uenver ivitc'nen," east side of 9th street
Detween Astor and Bond. Mr. Richard
son, the proprietor, also assures the pub
lic that they can obtain at his place a
well-cooked, wel'l served breakfast, din
ner or supper any day in the week for
the above mentioned price. Give him a
call and be convinced that he speaks the
A twister In twisting
May twist him a twist,
For In twisting a twist
'Three twists make a twist;
But if one of the twists
Untwists from the twist,
The twist untwisting
Untwists the twist.
That is, when it's twisted with any
vinci in, lie Llia.ll .U.IKCftlAL,!. S.
Notice is hereby given that payment has
o?en stopped o the following numbered
warrants drawn hy Rescue Engine Co
No. 2, same having been lost or mislaid,
No. 400, 421, 423, 424 and 42S.
There is nothing but bold, clear-cut
truth In the statement that to secure per
fect fit, quality and style In your shoes
at the lowest reasonable prices you must
go to the firm of John Hahn & Co., 479
Commercial street.
hlflLCH 8 CURE, the great Cough
and Croup Cure, is In srreat demand
Pocket size contains twenty-five dose
oniy zd cents, uniidren love It Sold
ny j. w. conn.
' . J
Hlfhest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruits
Vegetables, Crnckery, Glass and
Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies.
Cor. Cas$ auj Squ moque Sftt AstorU. Ore
1 l;i-f"H S
Corbett Wins a ilard Six Round
Jim Had the Advantage in Height,
Reach andL'oHtnnie and Pounded
His Opponent Badly.
Round 1 Both sprang to the center and
sized each other up; Corbett found tnut
Fitz could wear a pair of our silk clock
ed socks for 10c and landed safely; after
some little sparring time was called.
Round 2 Fitz did some fine work, but
Gentleman Jim wore a. confident smile
and one of our Perquale front white
Shirts for 75c and escaped with but
little Injury.
Round 3 Corbett's fine training ehowed
to great advantage; he trained In our
Hygienic Underwear which made Mm
perspire freely, conssauently he met
Fltz's onslaughts with great coolness and
hit Fitz one under the Jaw.
Round 4 Fitz, too, showed good Judg
ment; he always woro our stylish hats
at reduced prices, which reduced his
ch'ances of getting hurt, consequently
Corbett could not hit him In the head;
everybody admitted that this is a great
Round 6 Corbett took oft all wool un
dershirts which we sold him for 05c and
sailed into his man; biff! bang! resound
ed his blows as they landed on Fltz's
neck and the galleries howled with de
light. Round 6 Fitz s'tlll seemed In fair shape,
but the champion was warmed up and
would not give lanky Bob any rest; he
rushed at him like a tiger and his fists
rained blows aCl over Fltz's neck anu
body, until the Australian could stand
up no longer; tho excitement was in
tense; Fi'tz got up, but only for a second,
for Pompadour Jim let out a hot one on
the Jaw and was once more declared the
After the battle Corbett received the
congratulations of his friends and said
that he would dtart out for the coast
next week, to visit his old folks; he win
pass t'hroughi Astoria and while here,
he will spend some of his winnings at
our store, getting some of our fine suits
and overcoats. ,
The Reliable Clothier.
Acts as trustee for corporatlens and In
dividuals. Transact a general banking business.
Interest paid on time deposits.
J. 0, A. BOWLBY President
BBNJ. YOUNG vice President
J. Q. A. Bowlby, C. H. Page. BenJ
Young, A. S. Reel, D. P. Thompson
W. B. Dement, Gust Holmes.
WANTED To employ an energetic la
ay or gentleman to represent our business
In every county. Salary, $50.00 per month
and a commission. Address with stamp,
Onus. A. Robinson & Co., Salina, Kans.
Situation wanted By a reliable man as
bookkeeper or salesman. Ample experi
ence, with reference, can take cars of
three or four sets of books. Address
470 and 470 Commercial street.
WANTED TO RENT A piano. Apply
to H. J. Weeks, at Thomson Abstract Co.
WANTED A girl to do general house
work In smuill family. Enquire at north
west corner of lith and Harrison.
WANTED German or French pupils.
Address L, L. H., care of this office.
WANTED An honest, active gentle
ma.n or lady to travel for reliable es
tablished house. Salary, 7S0, payable
$16 weekly and expenses. Situation per
manent. Kererences. Enclose self-addressed
envelope, H. E. Hess, Pres., Chi
WANTED Agenlo to represent th
old National Life Insurance Co.. . nf
Montpelier, Vt. For further Informa
tion, address Q. M. Stolp, General Coast
Manager, 82-84 Crocker Building, San
Francisco, Cal. - v
WANTED Man or lady to collect, do
some office work, and manage aeent.
You will deal through your leading mer
chants. Something new and very popu
lar. We pay all expenses. Position per
manent. Send four references and ten'
cents for full particulars. John Finney
mgr., r. u. isox vn, at. i.ouis, Mo.
JAPANESE GOODS-Just out Just re
ceivedJust what you want, at Wing
ijee b, ou commercial street.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms; good lo
cation fronting river. Capt. P. E. Fer-
ohen, 330 l?h street.
MONEY Apply to Astoria Abstract
Title and Trust Co.
A parasol was left at Chas. Roarers'
drag store ago. Owner can
recover same hy calling ac this office and
paying for this advertisement.
FOUND A pocket Look. Ow ner can call
at Crow's photograph gallery, pay for
this advertisement, prove ownership, and
receive property.
J75.000 PER WEEK using and selllns
Dynamos fnr plating watches. Jewelry
and table ware. Plates 'gold, silver
nickel, 'etc.. same as new goods. Dlfl
ferent sizes for agents, families and
shops. Easy operated: no' experience
big profits. W. P. Harrison & Co
Clerk Nn. 14 Cnlumhua. Ohio. "
' Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.