THE DAILY ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER 18, 1895. The Resort o On Commercial street, is the plaoe where tlie businessman ana tlie laoorinu; man cro for wlint is called "BEST ON TUB COAST," or a nice cool drink of the celebrated Oumlirinus beer. Band' wishes of every kind made to order, and an elegant free lum-h served every day. You are welcome. Grosbauer & Brach. ASTORIA - MATTRESS - FACTORY, 878 Commercial Street Manufacturers of every description of '..oungee, Mattresses, etc. REPAIRING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES September Initio needn't l.lusli for its rales bere up to date, ft was good, indeed, all bin week and tbo week before. Are we Veiling Fall-weight underclothing now for men? We are, and selling them lively, too. Those boys' corduroy knee pants at 83c. are melting away rapidly. THE ARCADE. Iron Works, ancral machinist and Boiler Work. All kinds of Cannery, Ship, Steamboat and Engine Work of any Description. Castings of all kinds made to order. Foot of Lafavette St., Astoria. Or. After (Deals I Or at any other time when you wish a good cigar ask for the well known, home-made, hnnd-mado, white labor cigar "La Belle Astoria." Conceded by all smokers to be tbo bent cigar manufactured. W. F. SCHIBBE, 71 N'ntl? Street, Aitorla, Oregon FOARD & STOKES GO. DEALERS IN - Picnic Canned Goods, Tents, Camp Stoves, Camp Cooking Utensils, Baskets, And the latest All-Wool Sleeping Bags At all prices. Just the thing for camp ers, prospectors, etc. Sure to keep warm at nights. Better than blankets. IS THERE? Is there a man with heart au cold, That from his family would withhold The comforts whloh they all could And In articles of FURNITURE of th rliht kind. And we would suggest at this season, ' nice Wdeboard, Extension Table, or se of Dining Chairs. We have the larges 'and finest line ever shown In the city and at prices that cannot fall to pleas tha closest buyers. HEILBORN & SON. EVERY REQUISITE FOR : first Class Funerals : AT POflb'S Undertaking Parlors, THIRD STREET. Rate! RonDH. Embalming a Specialty As Franklin says, good dress opens all doors, you should not less sight of the fact that a perfect fitting suit Is the main feature. Wanamaker Brown are noted for fit, werkmanship and superiority of qualities. Their rep resentative visits Asterla every three months. Office 64 Dekum Building, Portland, Or. Reserve orders till you have seen the spring line of samples. 4 "TUB MILWAUKEE." The only railroad lighting Its trains by Toe only railroad using the celebrated electric berth reading unp. The couches now running en "The Mil im1 r Tu 1 u an Wheels. - On all Its through lines, the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway rune the most perfectly equipped trains of Sleep in p.rir n,1 Dlr-inir Cars and Coaches. V.- bwut ntam A BJ1V DOtlnt In the United tisates ana canaaa, appiy u agents, or address v. J. kuux. usnerai akxtii, Portland, Oregoa. BHTLOirS CURB Is sold on a gvar ntee. It cures Incipient consumption, t is the best Cough Cure. Only one ent a dose. 25 cent, eu cis., ana e-i.w. For Bale by J. W. Conn. ROYAL Baking Powder has beea awarded highest honors at every world's fair where exhibited. 1 i School Gaps , , I I i $ 25c each Children's Umbrellas 5oc 1 Albert Dunbar YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Local weather for twenty-four hours ending at 5 p. m. yesterday, furnished by the United States Department of Ag riculture, weather bureau. -i Maximum temperature, 63 degrees. Mtnln.iim temperature, 53 degrees. ) icelri'. i lion, .Wi Inch. Total precipitation from September 1st 18, to late, J..S2 inches. Deficiency of preclpltalton from Sep tember 1st, 1695, to date, .00 Inch. BUSINESS LOCALS. Get your milk of Relth & Wilson. Show cases for sale at Oregon Trading Co. Fresh candles every hour at the Bon bomilere. THE SAME) PLACE 118 12th Street Is the place to buy fresh flh every day. Meany Is the leading tailor, und pays the highest cash price for fur skins. The Astorlan will hereafter be found on sale ait McGwire's Hotel at Seaside. Our milk ts guaranteed strictly pure and fresh from the cow dally. Relth & Wklaon. The cook'st and best glass of beer In town can be bought at the G-a-mbrlnus saloon, 12th and Commercial' streets. For a fine line of fresh caindles and frullts or a glass of delicious soda, go to the "Bonbonnlere," 400 Commercial street. WAH SING & CO.-Merchant tailors, 626 Commercial street, cheaper than yeu can buy ready made. New stock com plete. Water melons! Water melons! Water melons! A carload received yesterday will be sold cheap today at Tat Lawler'a, 674 Commercial. Trade with Foard A Stokes Co., deal ers i-i Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, provisions, .dour, fruits and vegetables They will surely please you. The Eiites-Crain Drug Co. hive a win dow full of fine tooth bruxhes that they are selling for 10 cents each, .ind give a sample -bottle of Rosofoam with each torutfh, Hunger Is a very disagreeable sensa tion. There is a place In this town where you can satisfy tits demands with the cleanest and beat 25 cent meal you ever ate. Thdlt place is Joe Terp's. No bolter milk was ever brought to Astoria than is furnlrthed for five cents a quart by Relth & Wilson, and de livered tin ft olean and tightly closed glass bottle at your door every morn ing. Just arrived at Copc'.and Thorsen's, a nice line of high grade footwear for ladles, a)l widths from A to EE. No trouble to show goods, and satisfaction guaranteed to every purchaser. Cull and examine them. Wbnt brings people back to the Asto ria Wood Yard after they have Bounded the possibilities everywhere else? May be It's one -thing, ami May he it's nnother. Hut the fact remains back they come. And of course the Astoria Wood Yard 1 proud of it. Purest of wines, lliiuors and cigars elegant free lunch all the dally papers, at the Gumbrlnua, 12th and Commercial. 1 MPOItTA NT A NNOUNOEM ENT. To our Lady Customers: There are too ninny places In this city selling wraps and Jackets. Many of the garments sold here are shop worn, and come out of retail Btores In other cities on account of being Btalo, hut are sold here for the very latest. For the 10 years I liuve been selling Jackets und wraps of the first grades at much lower prices than any house In Portland, and have never yet deceived any customer In order to make a sale. Considering that the city la overcrowded with this par ticular line of goods I shall from this day close out all Jackets And wraps at wholesale prices. coition's low in row store, 4!1 Bond Street. Astoria, Sept. 11, INCi, 'PAINLESS DENTISTRY. flo to tDr. Howard, the painless den tlst, 6i Commercial street, for fine den tal work of every class. He challenges an equal. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. - FUNIS BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE. We have choice nronertv In Vnn nn. sen's. Alderbrook, Adulr's, Shlvoly's, Me Ciuro's, Tnylor's, New Astoria, Warren- tt.ti uml iutinU A. 1,11,1... a W .... ..-... ...x.v.,1,..., 1, 1 I V11I.UII for sale. Also money to loan In sums or t-i-v iu fi.wv uu btihiu roni esinict security. U. L. llOYLE & CO. A TWISTER. A twister In twisting May twist him twist, ' ' For In twisting a twist Three twists make a twist'," Hut If one of the twists ' ' Untwists from the (wist, r The twist untwisting Untwists the-twlst. That la when it's twisted with other wine than MARSHALL'S.- any A CARD 10 THE PUBLIC. Remember that "a stitch in time saves nine." The raiDy season is now sotting in. Come and get your boots and shoes half-Boiotl and repaired belore they are too lar gone. 1 , am now better prepared than ever to do th's in a cheap, neat and lasting manner. Respectfully vours, 8. OJIMRIE 14 12'h street, corner-oppo-.-i'e Fisher. Bros. I Mojc..- - AROUND TOWN. Yesterday the sun It shone. H. C. Harrison, of Warrenton, Is at the Parker. B. A. Seoiborg, of llwaco. Is a guest at the Parker. John Obrlck, of Paris, is registered at the Parker. Mrs. Wist, of LoSalCo, Wn., is n guest of the 'Parker. JujcoT) Kia'irim and wife, of Portland, are guests of the Oco4dnt. J. It. Johansen, postmaster of Seaside, was In the city yesterday. J. A. Waddle, a prominent K. P. man of Portland, ts at the Occident. W. Maurice KeKey returned yesterday from a bu?lnras trip to Portland. C. L. Carr, special agent of the land department, Oregon City, is In town. C. 'A. "Dolph, a prominent attorney of Portland, is quartered at the Occident. S. 15. Smith, of Sam Francisco, a pr m Incnt Insurance -main, la at the Occident. B. F. Rober and wife, of llwaco, are visiting the city, and are stopping at the Parker. A. J. Megler lft yesterday for a ten days' trip to Port'.ftnd, South llend and Seattle. Mfc-a Harriet Sunning lias gone to Port land where she expects to spend some month.. Miss Hannah, whi hj Ik-pii vlsitlii Mr. and Mrs. Eakln ?eft a few days ago fi-r I'nicn. Umbrelia'B repaired and re-covered1 by Mrs. Fredrlckson. Leave orders at Grlf (ln & Reed's. "Bob" Byram, bookkeeper for the Pa olllc Paving Company, returned from Portland yesterday. The Y.'s will msot at 4 o'clock p. m. nt No. 239 6th street. Every member Is earnestly requested to be present. The T. J. Potter will leave Astoria at 7 p. m. dally, except Sundxy; leave Port land at 7 a. m. dally, except Sunday. The R. R. Thompson will leave Astoria at 6:45 a. m. dally, except Sunday; leave Portland at 8 p. m. dally, except Satur day. MLss McKaan's private school for chil dren will open Wednesday, September 18, In the -basement of the Presbyterian church. Mury Washington Memorial meeting at 1:30 this aftJiiMin at the library rooms. All lain.' of the city ure cordially in vited to .KtCl.l Judtfe f'hus. Cury, C. H. Mclsaais, and J. Kpperiy, of Portland, passed through Astoria this morning on their way to the beach. Miss M utile Powell has re: ir.i il to Eu irenr to continue her study of music un der Prf. Halter, recently from the Chi cago Conservatory. Thomas W. Jenkins, a prominent brok er of Portland, Is In town, quartered at the Occident. Mr. Jenkins aiys business Is Improving In his line. A p.iiasol was left at Chas. Rogers' drug store sometlno auo. Owner can recover same by calling at this olllce and paying for this advertisement. Clatsop county's exhibit for the Port land fair has It died a natural death'? Mr. Welch's Et.iro room Is open, buT not many objects have shown up 03 yet. E. 1. M.-Kce, clerk of tho United States court at Portluml, and a prominent Democrat of tiw metropolis, who, with his wife, has been spending a few days In Astoria, .returned last niirht. The tux rolls for ISUj ,'n Assessor Gib bons' olllce are now realy for examina tion, and the iisefor will' be glad to see the people and afford all an oppor tunity of nuking uny complaints they may have. The Dalglty Iran Works hava com pleted the repairs on lire engine No. 2, and yesterday gave the rn-ichlne a test wlikih proved very euiti'factory. An other tet.-t will be made toduy when she will be put into service. A g-ciitman from Portland in speaking of macadamized raids and f. treats, said yesterday that the bwst time for laying the pavement Is in the winter and that m.ioiilUn.i recently repaired In that city had been down over twenty years. Upper Commercial street possojae the proud distinction of having more holes In H than any other strwt In town, and ns It Is tho prlnclpU business street, it is moro than likely that a number of damage suits for Injuries to team will b In ord-r Parties wishing photos enlarged In crayon, water color, or India Ink would do well to call on W. T. Suodirrass be fore giving the work to others. The work of Mr. i5nndrrnsa In this iine Is very lino as his samples will show. Studio 6M Commercial street. The Troy Laundry Co. -has made ar rangements with A. J. Mqulres to act as Its a vent fur Astoria. This company Is noted for high guide work and prompt delivery. Mending and repairing free. Ilund'.es called for and delivered. Office 471 Commercial street. lty request of quite a num'oer of As torlms, who wish to spend their Sundays In Portland, the O. R. and N. Co., ulways aVrt to comply with the wishes of their patrons, has arranged for a boat to Nave Astoria Saturday night and leave Portland Sunday night. T -e adjoitr.i -1 meeting of lad i s of the city to t.H.i stop toward starting a May WuHlil'u'tm. Memorial Fund "111 be held at the library promptly at l:3u,eaee that It Is scarcely possible to find this afternoon A v-i-rv 'ar-ai .('tendance ; a parallel anywhere In all the world. I U.okedl for. as the org.inlzatlon will no i After she has endured the piunderlngs doubt take on some permanent form , of the traveller and explorer for cen tals afteniG.M. ' turies and supplied the museums and , I public squares, parks and public libra Yesterday workmen In excavating un- ! rles of both the old world and the new, der dipt. Hiram Itrown's house, dlseov-1 with mummies and Idols and obelisks iwd the remains of four human iskele- ! and slabs. Egypt today still, possesses tons, believed to be thosvi of Indians. - alttioughi a Dn-adstone with the letter "W" cut in the stone with some rough Instrument, would indicate that white people hud something to do with this nuiclent burial (round. A main of Irish extraction yesterday af ternoon, while under the Influence of un overdose of bug Juice, raised a dis turbance In Agent Overbaugh's office and was promirtl-y thrown out Into the street. He then went to th Occident Hotel of fice, where ho reoehvd the same sum mery treatment. The last vn or him h was making for other pir;., tome what the wiser for his experience. Rererring to the Item In thesa columns of 2s-t week, the Shakespearian recital by Hannroal Williams, for a date In Octo ber, Is almost n ass- wvd ract. It la hop ed that the ladles who are Intending to solicit support from Ihe merchants of the city, ulll meet with the success they de serve. Such an entartalninent Is an ed ucation for any co.-nmunltj'. It is no ticed bv the Sotl Francisco Examiner ml full of last -week -that the ultra fauftilonable and literary society of that city- have secured Mr. Williams for an evening early In October, In the Maple Room of too Palace Hotel. Astorlans should come more than half way to aid tbe ladles of the Library Association who are so anxious to afford this city an opportunity to witness such an ex ceptionadly fine entortaln.nent. Workmen have been busy for several daya wringing wires on the telephone poles. The system to being entirely re modeled and will be chaaiged from a ground circuit to a -metallic circuit. Bet ter facilities will be secured and the company Is preparing for long distance service. Connection; will probably be made with Portland, Walla Walla, Spo kane, Seattle and intermediate points, as well las Willamette Valley towns. . !i Tonight at o'clock commences the Juwteh New Years' holiday season, which whl last until Friday evening, closing the same hour. The most of the stores will be closed for twenty-four houns, while some stores, Including that of Mr. Dsnzlger, will be cloiwd until Friday night. IA number will go to Portland to spend the time and attend service there. It is not known yet whether ser vices will be held in Astoria or not, but It is likely there will be. MOOES AND HIS TIME3. The Adviamced State of Egyptian Culture in Moses' Day. The following ts a synopsis of the ser mon preached by the Rev. LIddell Sun day evening, at tho Pre?byterlan church: Egypt stands out on the page of an cient history as pre-eminently tho first nation of the world In education and culture and' military prowess. And as we carefully mark tho successive steps of -her history, so far as that history is to be known, we may distinctly note the footprints of Jehovah regulating all Wer energies and directing all her forc3 up to that prominence and power. We are told that Egypt was settled by the immtedlatie descendants of the antedllu vlans, whose long lives extended, in most cases over three or four centuries, enabling them to plan, and give them am ple time to execute great works, the very eight of which is the wonder of the world, and Which verily discourages their short lived posterity. Their long evity also enabled them to Increase and multiply at a rale far exceeding that of modiern generations. Yet notwithstand ing, there was always an abundance of food, for all these multitudes, produced" by the fertile soli of the valley of the Nile; Irrigated1 as It Is without labor, by the natural overflow of that great river every year. Thus, very ofien, when all the rert of the world was scorched -with droug-ht, and the Inhabitants were suffering from famine, there was always an abundance of corn in Egypt. When tho etarved savages of Europe were 1-unting the wild oxen with their flint hatchets and -arrow heads, and were glad to shelter themselves from win ter's frosts and snows in the caves or the mountains, the Egyptians had thojr grainarles well filled with wheat and bar ley and corn, to feed their families and al) the cattle within their borders. History also records that they had among them wise men who were able to instruct the rising generations regular ly in ail the arts and sciences, and that such Instruction was given in the pal aces and In the various temples and public places of instruction throughout tlie country. In the days of Abraham we find them working In Iron, copper, and tin, as well as in gold and silver. On their monuments you may look up on pictures showing the glass-blowers at their work, and this too, centuries be for tho alleged occidental discovery of glass by the Phoenician sailors who kin died a fire of dried cea. weed on the Bands of the seatihore and as it died down found the alkali and sand had fused together Into glass. Then aquln we find that the dead kings, princes and princesses at burial wero wrapped in shrouds of cambric or fine linen, so fine that In one specimen to be seen In the Berlin museum, there are no leis than 270 pairs of threads to the square inch 170 threads of woof. Such produc tions as this fully attest the very high perfection of cloth. Thin again we are told that the masons' marks which are to be Been on the great pyramids, those wonders of the world, are nothing ieps than alphabetic writing, the first, so far as I can uncertain, to be found anywhere. And tho papyrus reed, which today still grows on the tanks of the river Nile, furnished the world with its paper and which was used by the Egyp tians long before tho time of Moses. Papyri of tlie age of Joseph and one as old as Abraham, amply show to the world that there lived a people, long before the advent of Moses, who were thoroughly cultivated: writers of poetry, and prose, history arid Biography, phll osjphy, law und theology. Hut to take a step further, the records cf the an cient civilization of Egypt, are not con fined to the perishable papyri, for she has written her r?cordn, besides all these, on the face of her imperishable granite with the pen of Iron, and Iheso stand out before the world for scrutiny. Then If we turn and look at har archl- i lecture, we see anotlu-r enduring monu ment of Egyptian civilization.. Centuries bnfors the introductl n of the arch Into Greece, it was used in Egypt in her buildings, the ciumbling remains of which still exist. HuSre obelisks carved lout af sink-to rotn;yi, one of which stands one. hnndr-.l and twenty-seven feet In height, proclaim a very high skll-I In both working end handling stone. Or, tiki tho great pyramid covering twelve acres and a half, built of Immense blocks of stone, many of them welching one hundred tons each, rising to an elevation of 4.'0 feet. These exhibit a speclment of architectural skill fur beyond all that has been attempted by any of either the medieval or modern appliances of hy draulics. We speak of the marvellous power of our nodern appliances of hy draulics, but in those ancient monuments we -have an exhibition of scientific and mechanical skill, which has so far baf fled the world. Still aitaln we have loft to us a won derfif legacy of art which Indicates a well-defined culture In painting, and also In sculpture . It would seem as If this description of art had become a great pafslon among the Egyptians. The walls of their palaces, their temples, their d. el lings, their tombs, were cover-id with paintings and sculptures of various kinds. To such an extent was this the more sculptures tftun all the rest of the world put together. The modern trav- eler tells us. that her very mountains are honeycombsd with caves and tombs whose pictured walls proclaim to Ihe world that the greatest of all tributaries to the great stream of civilization, ot both Europe and Asia, took Its rise In Ancient Egypt: By all her arts nnd sciences, her public as well as private Instruction, given to th tavored or her veople, Egypt was, long before the birth of Moses, the gneaf University of the world. Cadmus wentrto Egypt to learn his A, B. C. Herodotus to Egypt to learn history. Euclid went to Egypt to learn geometry, and the twelve books which he compiled In Alexandria remain our "college text books to the present day' 8o history presents ancient Egypt, as It was in the time of Mo. Thus when we read that Mivses was learned In all the wisdom of the Egyptians, we cannot but conclude that he was cultivated and very prortcit-nt in all branth-- of educa tion ar.d that he -was pre-eminently a nw.i of wis ion. and by his con nection with the court fha'raoh, a man of great authority and power. While all this may be true of Moses, yet, as I presented to you last Sunday evening, we find that he chose rather to suffer affliction with tho people of God, than to enjoy all the pleasures of the sinful ways cf the Egyptian court. Those of you who were present last Sunday evening, will remember the point at -which we left the history of Moses. We mentioned two of the steps which had been divinely directed in preparing Mo-sea for the special work that God had for him to do In coming years, viz.: (1) The teaching and training in his father's home, where the prlnclples,of righteous ness and truth and the unswerving faith of his fathers in Jehovah were instilled Into his heart during the years of his boyhood. (2) And the . training in the court of Pharaoh under the immediate oversight of his foster-mother, Pharaoh's daughter. And that when he was come to years, or when ho was nigh forty years cf age, he refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter, and went forth to see how his kindred fared In the midst of their servitude. On that mem orable visit the whole of his after life turned. As he passed through the midst of those Hebrew slaves he espljd one of tho tyrannical taskmasters treating with unwarranted cruelty one of his breth ren. This so aroused his indignation that he at once took and slew the tyrant on the spot and hid his body In tho sands. Before long this came to the ears of Pharaoh, and the king sought to slay Moses. The result was that Moses fled -from Egypt and oame and dwelt in the land of Mldlan. Here Moses joined him self to Jethro, who was called the "Priest of Mldlan." Jethro was one who still retained within himstelf and sus tained anicng the people surrounding him the faith of tho true God. With Jethro he settled down for the next forty years. Here began thJe third and final and most Important perljd of Moses' preparations. And now for a short time I wish to direct ;-our attention to this part of the life of this great man. Heretofore we have sem nlm only in the midst of tho great multitude, taken up with and Interested In all the multi farious duties of stat, amid luxury, ease, comfort and pleaaur?, but now we are to follow limi through the next forty years in the wilderness of Mldlan, a3 a herds n an, U-oking after the flocks of .ferhio, who, after a few years, became his fath er-in-law. Here. then. In thu wilderness away ficm all infj bustle of state, in the quiet solitude of rural life, alone with cm, as it were, he gains his final equip ment fi'ie Ihe subsequent forty years' work God has been Sitting him to do. Here let every one of us lear-i this one or me greatest lessons in all the Chris tian economy that to b alono with God is peace, is security, is life. Solitude, no Christian can do without solitude: no Christian tai do without the closet. "Enter into thy closet," says Jesus, "and tnere commune with thy God." And If we Christians follow His example, we will often seek the solitary place to be alone with God. He often sought the mountain loneliness, away from, the noise and bustle of life sj that he irlght be a;one wltn his Father, and from Him gather resuscitation and strengtn. And we can only faintly aivine what those times of Rolltudo meant to him except wnen we uo t:ie same thlnj-gct alone with God. From the moment that Mosos took that visit into the camp of his brethren, and sa.v their condition, it is quite eviden that ins ?ninu was made up as X3 what c-ojrse he saould pursue in regard to them. Ms heart fairly bled with nltv for them, and ifromi all that followed It Is quite clear that hi had decided upon a course of deliverance for them. But for this he was not reidy, hence he was driven Into the wilderness. Here we have ss.en the silent, solemn grandeur cf nature taught him many needful les sons. He saw the power, wisdom, love und faithfulness, of the God in whom ho put his trust. Herj he had ample time to perfect all the divinely suggested plans and elaborate all the details of his future work which little by little had been unfolding before him. There are one or two lessons which we all may elarn wita great profit: First We notice that there is a divine Intent In all the conditions in which God sees fit to place his people, and especially those whom He is preparing for future tpeciul work, as it was with Moses. Second Learn that God's great design is that all things shall work together for the ultimata complete deliverance of every humon aoul that rests Its case In His hands. IN THG CIRCUIT COURT. Proceedings Had on the Second Day of the Term. The following proceedings were had yesterday In the circuit court: Pauline Micke'.son vs. Win. Mlckelson, default allowed and ordered entered. Angus Sutherland vs. Chas. Foley, de fault allowed and Judgment and decree for plaintiff. C. A. Phelps vs. R. S. NorrU, Judgment by default nad order of sale for attach ed property. Jane Reed vs. LVngus lte?d tt. al., de fault n'.ilowed as to Angus Heed and Is abella lleverld-ae, Judgment and decree for plaintiff. Emllle Sthlussel vs. Charlotte Forst berg et. a!., order confirming iale of real estate. John Hobson vs. Eliza J. Hustler et. va!'.., -same. 1). K. Warren, assitrnee, vs. G. W er. ssi me. 11. K. Warren, avslgnee, vs. P. I Flsh . Fer- chen; same. I). K., asrlgnre, vs. John Price, evme. Louis Zagelmewcr vs. Elenor Melson, same.. AVm. Torter excused as a Juro- from further attendance at this term on ac count of business. J. F. Kindred vs. E. L. Dwyer et. al., Older confirming sale of real estate. Astoria and Columbia, River lty. Co., vs. Jacob Kamm et. al., motion for chunge of venue argued and submitted. Edward Ehrnian vs. Asttoria. and Port land Ry. Co., Motion for Judgment tak en under advisement and allowed to complaint by interlineation and serve copy on attorney for defendant. Astoria Building and Association, vs. Augusta Steabb Anderson, et. al., order confirming sale of real estate. SHIVELY SCHOOL. Since yesterday more definite announce- ment can be made concerning the con- I cert to be given for the benefit of the : piano fund, as announced before. Solicitation brings to the surface the I general Interest among patrons and j Triendj, in the matter or procuring an in- i strument for the school. This school hbs never had any thing or the kind; with ; the (rood reeling and substantial rncklnir i the enterprise has. it Is only a matter I of orgamized effort to secure this vain- ii acquisition ror the school. The teach- ' eo-j of the school reel gratified to know j that there I such a deep Interest in this matter. Valuable suggestions and volun- ' teer services have been offered for i which true teachers de-sire to express their j appreciation. j The concert will be given in the new ' opera house by our efficient local talent. ; It will consist of vocal solos, duets, mix- j e.i quartets, male quartets, solos on va- I rtoua instruments, choruses, Jrios, etc. The new opera house will soon be In I first class condition, new seats, carpets, 1 furniture for the stage, scenery, etc.! 1 wWch will t in use for the first time lit this concert. .' Exact time wilt be announced later: ' however, the concert will not be given i later than next week. , " : j Sheriff Houser. or .Umatilla county. turned over to County Treasurer Kern Monday the sum of 10.55.15, which he had collected rr taxes between August j 16 und a. j KIND OF MAN. HE IS Runs His Own Business and Keeps Jlis Contracts. A MONTANA MAN IS HERE Speaks of Mr. llauiniond'g Record at Horn Some Interestinij Facts Work During: the AVinter. Mr. Richard Lockey, of Helena, Mont., Is in the city, having Just arrived on his return from a trip to San Francisco, Mr. Lockey was here last spring, and had a curiosity to eea what was going on In Astoria since tho construction or the railroad had commenced, To an Astorian representative he said "I have lived in Helena for 29 years ond believe In our city and country, Helena ts now the permanent capital ot the state and the new military fort will soon be occupied by United States troops, Helena now has a population of 20,000 people, and Is constancy improving. We are some of us looking to the coast for large business in the near future, and If things go right in Astoria I expect to become interested in busings here. From what I can see and learn you are on the verge of a great change In your affairs, and the near future will no doubt see an increase in industrial and manufacturing enterprises." "Mr. Lockey, have you known Mr. A. B. Hammond, of your state, who Is now building tho Astoria railroad?" "I hav- had a warm personal acquaint ance with Mr. Hammond for 25 years, though I have not been associated with him In -business." "What is Mr. Hammond's reputation at home for fair dealing and the ful fillment of his business contracts? Is It such as would Justify the belief on the part of our people thiat ho will carry out the projects he has undertaken here?" "I do not quite catch the drift of your question, but I can only answer your question literally .and Etato that Mr. Hammond, and his large firm, have a reputation in Montanx of carrying out to the letter all of their obligations. They have ample means with which to do so, and have never failed to make good their word in the past." "Did you see Mr. Hammond as you passed through Portland, and how did you find him?" "Yes, I saw Mr. Hammond yesterday, and he was feeling bet'or. though he has been somewhat unl-r the weather. He Is expecting to return to Astoria in u few days. He is a very busy man nnd has many Interests to look after besides the Astoria road." ' There have been a yfood many remarks made about Mr. Ham.nond and consid erable feeling exhibited in certain quar ters bec-amse he has not proceeded with the construction of the railroad as rap idly as It wus thought he would and muny slurs ind Inuendos have been thrown but against Mr. Hammond personally, through some of thee local papers, and by those who seem to take delight in calling others names, .vnd naturally much comment has been excited. Do you believe from your talk with Mr. Hamnion I work will proceed on the road with any la-ge for.e this winter?" "While my conversation with Mr. Ham mond was only that of one friend with another, and of a most general charac ter, yet from what he sill he is going lo push the work with vigor and no doubt the contracts under consideration for the ten miles for which bids were recently called will be let In short order. You will find one thin,-?, however, that he will surely conduct his own business on his own phnj end In his own way. lie and his firm ulw.iys have done a in the past and probably will do so now. Cut there gaoiiM be no occasion for doubt as to his ultimate succs? or any fear of failure to carry out his agreement. He Is not a man to enter into any scheme until he can see the end, and he certainly cannot afford to risk nis business reputation cn an cnterr-ns-! IUe this I am surpris ed that any su -h questions h ive b'en ralseJ, but you know Pi all communities, particularly rr.c lik-i this, there are' al ways uios.; who are impatient, but my firm belief is that when nc does com mence operations on a lar'-r scale, the most sanguine of you will be su: prised by the magnitude at bislness that will be done In a short sr i-'e of time." Will you reniain here Ion.;, Mr. Lockey?" "No; I shall return to Portland Wed nesday, and from there whl go East. You will probably see ma here again In the not distant future." Interviews with other gentlemen on the same subject brought out some in teresting facts. It sterns that the two principal objects of .Mr. Hammond's trip to Portland! were to consult with some of his associates in regard to tha advisability of raising the grade of tlie road about throe feet to make it conform to tho high water mark of theH lS3t flood, amd to consider certain changes in theYoung's Bay bridge which ,vilC muke It more modern and better adapted to meet the requirements of heavy traffic, ns well as some minor changes, all of which were but recently suggested and mrst be decided before construction can com mence. A gentleman who is posted eays that ho thinks It has been decided that It Is not necessary to change the grade, but that there will probably be some im portant changes made in the bridge. Mr. Hammond will no doubt be pre pared on his return to definitely settle rhr, irattcrs and there is little doubt that a large force of men will be kept ait work all winter. A travelling man who was here from Portlivnd yesterday says that he over heard a contract between Mr. Hammond and certain contractors ror tho construc tion of this ten miles of road, now un. der consideration In course or dictation. In a certain Portland lu'wi- nfUoa nrwi I that he is confident the contract has been let As Indicative that Eastern capital Js seeking investment here, Mr. Walter C. I S mith, whose deed for a large tract ot land at Warrenton was tiled for record yesterday, starts for the East at once where a syndicate Is already partially rormed for the purchase or the land, It 's their Intention to locate all kinds or business enternrl.s hero nino ihv have become assured of the building of he tail-read. It would appear from ali reports that Astoria can look ror a steady Increase in business during the winter and spring. FOR THE BATTLE SHIP. The following Is a copy of a letter mailed by Judge Gray to the superin-' tendents of schools In the district under his charge in the matter of a memorial for the battle ship Oregon. The county superintendents included are: Tllla- mook, Wasco, Sherman, Columbia, and Clatsop: Astoria, Sept. 16, 1S95. Dear Sir: The Batt!es4i;p "Orejon". testimonial committee, believing that the public schools of our state are the nucleus of the coming patriots of our county, wish to give to the children of the public schools or our state the honor and credit or presenting to the battle ship "Oregon" such suitable testimonial as we ma? be able to procure. ws belie w that br mll contributions or 10 cents each or by their solicitations to secure such amounts as they can, tho children and their parents will bo Im pressed with the importance and necessi ty or our navy, to uphold our national honor, and protect our country's future. We believe that the officers and crew of this battle 6-hip and our navy should be made to realize that the people of our sUate ixpect them to uphold with honor the name of our state, as well nt the flag of our country. Will you help the committee to carry out the object stated by sending to" each of the teachers in your county a copy of the appeal poem enclosed, to be read in the school? Also by taking such other steps as you may think proper to raise this fund. Very truly yours, J. H. D. GR'AY. BIG FIR LUMBER SALES. Seattle, Sept. 17. Three contracts have recently been let to the Stetson & Bart Mill, of this city, for fir lumber for car building. The Haskell & Barker Co., of Michigan CHy, first bought 150,000 feet; the Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railroad Co. has ordered 850,000 feet.'antf the Kansas City car foundry company 225,000 feet. These were the largest con tracts yet given for that purpose. Hood River lias a council committee at work devising a sewer and drainage system for the town. . WORTHY OF NOTICE. ' There is nothing but bold, clear-cut trutih In the statement that te secure per fect fit, quality and style In your shoes at the lowest reasonable prices yeu must go to the firm of John Halm & Co., 479 Commercial street. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD. A well-furnished sul'e of rooms, with use of parlor, and, If desired, good table board, at reasonable rates. 405 Du ane street, corner of Ninth. FOR SALE. Eight thousand rejected bats, at -Parker House dock. bricks and Take them at your own figure. PACIFIC PAVING CO, TO THE PUBLIC. Notice Is hereby given that payment has been stopped on the rollowing numbered warrants drawn by Rescue Engine Co. No. 2, same having been lost or mislaid. No. 406, 421, 423, 424 and 426. SHILOH'S CURE, the great Cough and Croup Cure, is In great demand Pocket size contains twenty-five doses only 25 cents. Children love It Sold by J. W. Conn. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DRr Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. :. THE ASTORIA SAVINGS BAflK Acts as trustee lor corporations and In dividuals. Transact a general banking business. Interest paid on time deposits. J. Q. A. BOWLBT President KEN J. YOUNG Vice President FRANK PATTON Cn-hlet DIRECTORS. ' J. Q. A. Rowlby, C. H. Page. BenJ 'Hiig, A. '. Reed. D. P. Thompson 'V. E. Dement. Gust Holmes. . WANTETV WANTED A girl to do general house work In small family. Enquire at north west corner of Cth and Harrison. WANTED Employment as chamber-in:-f l r." 1 1 1j scacri.l housework, by a mid.! f-?-'e;i warns n with mt-t. references. Ca.l r. ; 2 Ji Co-nm.-n.-iiil street. WANTED -German or French pupils. Address L. L. H., care of this office. WANTHD An honest, active gentle maji er lady to travel for reliable es ta,li.isi;ied house. Salary, t780, payable $16 weekly and expenses. Situation per manent. References. Enclose self-addressed envelope, H. E. Hess, Pre&, Chi cago. W ANTED Agenuj to represent the old National Life Insurance Co., of Montpelier, Vt. For further Informa tion, address G. M. Etolp, Genera) Coast Manager, 82-84 Crocker Building, Ban Francisco. Cal. WANTED Man or lady to collect, do some office work, and manage agents. You will deal through your leading mer chants. Something new and very popu lar. We pay all expenses. Position, per manent. Send four references And (en cents for full particulars. John FlTmey Mgr., P. O. Box 484, St. Louis, Mo. FOR KALE. JAPANESE GOODS-Just out-Just re ceivedJust what you want, at Wing Lee's, 543 Commercial street. FOR 8ALE-J1300 will buy a 25 M. feet capacity steam saw mill. Address "Saw Mill," room 30, Shiricdc Block, Portland, Oregon. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Furnished reoms; good lo cation fronting river. Cap. P. E. Fer ohen, 330 17th street. TO LOAN. MONEY Apply to Astoria Abstract, Title and Trust Co. FOUND. FOUND A silver witch, which the owner can have by calling at this office sod proving property. MISCELLANEOUS. 175.000 PER WEEK using and selling Dynamos for. plating watches, Jewelry, and table ware. Plates gold, silver, nickel, etc., same as new goods. Dif ferent sizes for agents, families and shops. Easy operated: no experience; big profits. W. P. Harrison A Co, Clerk No. H Columbus. Ohio. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.