THE DAILY AST0R1AN, ASTORIA WEDNESDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER 18, 1895. JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. THRMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Sent by mall, per year ..J7.00 Sent by mall, per ironth.. ...... 60 ota Served by carrier, per week.... 15 cU Address all communication to The Dully Astorlan. WEEKLY. Sent by mail, per year, $2.00 In advance, Postage free to subscribers. The Antorlan guarantees to Us sub scribers the largest circulation of any newspaper puMiHhed on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on ap plication to the business manager. The Weekly Astorlan, the second old est weekly In the state of Oregon, has next to the Portland Oregonian, the largest weekly circulation In the state. Jno. T. Hamlley & Co., are our Port land agents, and copies of the Astorlan can be had every morning at their stand on First street. Telephone No. 60. All communications Intended for pub lication should be directed to the editor. Business communications of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to The Astorlan. dues things t the lowest cost? The home market may seem nonsenao to the free tninr, but it Is what stands be tween this country and the conditions which prevail In Kurvpo and Aula. SOME GOOD DEBTS TO HAVE. Every young man should be In debt. Not in debt to his tailor or his landlady, or for a bill in a saloon, or cigar store, tor that class of obligation does more harm than good, evon If he pays within a reasonable time. It la well, though, to be encumbered by. some real estate mortgage, or by such a liability as build ing association shares and insurance; ' not a burden which Is gomg to become a drain, to make life a drudgo and call -for "every spare penny, but one which wll: have a tendency to maka him select his J pleasures rather than drift Into them for ; want of any other object In life. Host young men do not see much to gain by saving a few dollars each month, and they fall into the habit of letting It all go. A small partial payment Invested In real estate with the natural additions he would make, having once become In terested, will, amount to a very snug lit tle sum by the time lie Is 40. At that age ai man usually determines whether his life Is a business success or a failure, If a succesj, the Uttlo accumulation that taught him how to chut off foolish expenditures has probably been the ee- crut of that success. If a, failure the fact that he Js possessed of a snug sum in cuish or lu equivalent will bo found a very plowing reflection. The pay ments ull come during what may be termed his beat producing ycurs, nnd are rarely a hardship. The mistake is fre quently mad of going In too doop, par ticularly In real estate. Anxiety to make a fortune quickly Insteadi of attaJnlng a competence has rulnedi many careers which, under the plan of gradual accu mulation would have been both success ful and brilliant. A heavy load means both physical and mental strain. No man can afford to shirt off Ills pleasures, and his recreation altogether, lie needs both the society of women and the com panionship of men as 'well us a class of recreation which will keep his montiu faculties clean and active. He needs, moreover, long before ho is frty, the company and guidance, of a good v Ifo. No one can afford to starve the mind and hoant to feed tho pocket. Every Hfe 'needs laughter as much os the rose needs the sun, and every ilfe needs soma responsibility, soma .witrletiun. Tho man with something to live wid work for stills undur control; he with nothing merely drifts. Good luck may drift him Into harbor, but the chances are agaliwt him. The United States fairly swarms with would-ba-cai.'t-be poets of "both sexes, and the average country editor not only prints but puff3 their dlshwatery dog serel. For Instance. Arabella writes something that starts oft thus: "The summer time has come again and leafy are the trees, I htur the chirps of crickets and the buzzing of the bees, And I am Just as happy now as yonder singing dove, For the very one that I love best has told me of his love. ' Pretty rocky, ain't It? Or, perhaps, it's something like this, from a Jilted youth: "O, Arabella, why did you go and trust me so? You know I loved you and worshiped your golden lUiir and laso your brow of mow: And Jt jdosen't seem right that you should go and throw me ovar Just at this time When my love for thee was Just begin ning to show that It would soon be In its prime." The average country editor, Instead of flinging such "rot" into the yawning grave of unappreciated genius the waste basket will put it in type and say: "We print a gem of poetry from the pen of a gifted contributor today, and we predict thlalt its writer will make a lasting mark in American literature." O, temporal O , mores! O mush! Republican policy. The national banking system has given to the country a paper circulation absolutely cafe and of uni form valuo In every state, and It Is one of the greatest blessings which the coun try owes to Republican wisdom that It has escaped from degrading bondage to the use of elate bank notes, unlike In different states, dangerous and costly beyond the conception of those whose experience bos begun within -the last thirty years, causing Infinite vexation and annoyance particularly to the work ing people, who couldi not carry about a bank director, nor refuse the paper offered them as wages. In trying to get back to that odious system the Demo cratic party has made as great a blunder on If H should etrlve to revive human slavery. Hut the notion that legal tf n dr ttiould be retired or contracted' Is at bottom nothing but a step toward the wildcat state bank scheme, and if anything Is certain about the future, It may be considered certain that the Re publican party will not lend its assistance to uny such "'heme, THE DEACON'S VIEWS. HOME MARKET NONSENSE. Under this caption an Eastern free trade Journal says; "The tariff roformkvi look facts In the face. They recognisa the fact that the prices of many of t'ho farm.T's pro ducts are made Vbroad, because the sur plus must be sold In the open markets of tho world. They, therefore, Insist that lie U not In a position to pay tribute tvj the manufacturers, whom pronto fnr exceed his own. They have heard from protectionists a groat' deal lUbout lim suflielency if the homo niwkot, but the fuct Ciow thut It l s, myth." It Is true that tho prices of many of the farmers' product are made abroad. Thcrs are two ways of treating the fact Om Is to so build up tho home market farmers' products will not need to go abroad, the. other to seek relief In extending the foreign market. Tho former Is tho way marked out by a. pro tective tariff system, tho latter the way of free trad. By placing duties on the products of foreign factories so largo a proportion of our people may be en gaged In manufacturing that the fornvet will find his market at home. The price of farmers' products will not then be fixed abroad. In case the home price rises above the foreign price, the method of protection that has bean given tho manufacturer will be extended to tho farmer. Botlv will be relieved from competition with the cheapr labor and cheaper lands of otlwr countries. The free trader contends that foreign trade tthoul'i be unreartrlcwd only by natural laws. He makes a concession when lie Jmlts that duties may be levied to pro vide revonus for the national government. T,ut he Insists that duties thall be placed on such articles as we necessarily import, as well aaon articles that ws can pro duce ait borne. The actual question b The advertising space In a newspaper has a fixed value. To sell' It for less or to give It away Is to destroy Its value. It Is more profitable to Mil space with reading matter than to occupy It with advertising at less than regular rates. It never pays to put In an advertisement simply to All up or to keep a dollir from getting away. A dollar refused is often two dollars made. The only way to get paid for space Is to have an established price, and nothing so Impresses en ad vertiser with the fact that space !s worth what Is asked for It like a refusal to accept less when it is offered. The pub Usher must not let the advertiser work him either by Jewing him down or putting off Ink or typo or some other material upon him at double its actual value. A publisher can, within rational limits, tlx als own price upon his columns, but he must stick to It even though It bring tears to his eycB. Mr. H. Hughes, one of tho tlggest salmon buyers In the West, and a man who Is thoroughly posted In the bmlneas, was In the city yesterday. Regarding the fall fishing operations, he remarked: "That Is an ovll I havo been trying to fight for twenty years. It has done more to hurt tho lntcresy of the Royal Chinook salmon and to cut down both tho market price and tho price for raw material than any other half dozen draw backs combined. It' will mean thousiuids of dollars In the pockets of both cunners and flVhermen to kill the full operations. Tho Aatorlan has my Hlncerost wishes for a speedy victory." I don't like that rich feller over th'e way, With his biled shirts an' white linen collars; I don't like the airs he puts on every day, But 1 wouldn't mind havln' his dollars. No, I wouldn't mind baivin' his dollars! I don't like that young stripling of a dude, Who's Just gettln' homo from the col lege; I don't like Mm 'cause lie's so stuck up an' rudo But I wouldn't mind havln' his know! idge. Gosh! I wouldn't mind havln' his knowl Idge! I don't like that sport of a pugilist, An' the way that he mikes the sports hustle.; I don't like the way that he uses his tlt. But I wouldn't mind havln' his musclar I'd kinder like to have his muscle! An' I've never saw about gambling Anything Interesting or funny; I don't like race as a general thing, But I wouldn't mind winning the money, I'd rather like winning the money! For ii ipresldunt's life or a President's lot. The fulrles have ne'er caught me wish ing; I don't envy the authority he's got. But I'd rather like hunting and fishing, O, how I like hunting uid fishing, New York World. NOTICE. TWELFTH 6TREET SEWER ASSESS MENT NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that all poles - erected by any person or persons, firm, Notice Is hereby given that the assess- company or corporation, within the City ment made by Ordinance No. 1931 of the of Astoria must lie painted within forty City of Astoria, confirming the sewer t4uj aays from the publication of this assessment on sewer assessment roil ro, nonce, in accordance with ordinance No. lino. By order of the common council. Attt-jt: K. OSFJURN. Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Oregon, September 12, 1(M. ORDINANCE NO 31.". An ordinance regulating the erection of poles and hanging wires for electric light, telegraplh, tire alarm, telephone and other purposes. The city of Astoria does ordain as fol lows: Sec. l.-That It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, firm, company or corporation, to erect any electric, tele graph, Are alarm, telephone or other 4, for the construction of a sewer in 12th street, In the pant of the City or AstO' ria. laid out. and recorded by John He ctare, and extended by Cyrus OIney, from the north line of Orand ave. to a point CO feet north of the north line of Bond street, Is now due and payable 'In L nltea States goId or silver coin, at the otllce of the city treasurer, and If not paid within S days from the final publication of this notice, towit: On or before Mon day, September 20, 1S95, the Common Council will order warrants Issued for the co.lectlon of the same: Victoria I. Wilson, Lots, Block fi6.. 35.7C Lawrence Wilson, (west half) Lot 2, Block f 7-8S Elonora F. Allen (east ha.f) Lot 2, Block 68 7- Elonora F. Allen. Lot 7. Block 63.... 15.76 Victoria I, Wilson, Lot 8, Block 6S. .. 35.7D Poles for the Durnose of hanzin? wires thereon for inr within the ' Sarah E. Warren. Lot L Block 67.... 35.76 corporate limits of tho mtv nf Astoria.. ! Sarah E. Warren. Lot 2. Block 67.... 35.7(1 except as in this ordinance hereinafter provided. Sec. 2 All poles erected by any person or persons, firm, corporation or com pany, for the purpose of hanging wires thereon, shall bo erected as follows: 1st. Sawed poles shall be tweCve Inches square at the street gTade and six Inches square at the top of tho polo, shall be planed smooth on all sides and painted, and shall' be of sulliclent length to reach from tho ground to a height of forty feet for electric lights, and thirty-five feet for all other purposes. 2nd. Round poles bhall not be less than ten inches In dlumeter, at the grade ot the street, and shall be peeled and dressed smooth and painted, so as to present a respectable appearance, and shall be of sufficient length to reach to a height of forty feet above tho grade of the street for electric lights and thlr-ty-flvo feet for all other purposes. 6(1. ah poles shall utart from the Sarah IS. Warren. (Lot 7, Block 67 15.76 Sarah E. AVarren, Lot 8, (Block 67.... 35.76 Eliza Lee Pay ton. Lot 1. Block 66.. 35.76 Alanson Hlnman. (west half) Lot 2, Block 69 7.8(1 A. C. and F. A. Fisher (west half) Lot 7, Block 60 7.86 A. C. and F. A. Fisher, Lot 8, Block 66 33.76 Henry Disse, Lot 1, Block 62 35.70 J. N. Grlffln and A. S. Reed, Lot z, Block 62 15.76 Chas. 8. Wright (Waif) and George, C Marv C. Katie and Nellie Flavel (half) lot 7, Block 62 15.76 Chas. S. Wright (half) anu ueorge, C. Mary C. Katie and Nellie Flavel (half) lot 8, block 62 35.76 Astoria Exchange Co., Lot l, mocK' 57 33 Astoria Exchange Co.. Lot 2, Block 57 15.76 C. W. Fulton (one-half) anl J. C. Dement (one half) Lot 7, Block o7.. 3j.7b There Is a man on tho Island of Vlnal. haven, 'Maine, who says ho cannot re. member when ho was last on the mainland. THE HEAVY END OF A MATCH. Another case of English as she Is spoke turns up In the editorial columns of the Now York World, which tells us about a young lady "who lost her beauty by swallowing a dofo of Iodine that turned her blue and went Into voluntary con finement 'for five yars." Tho Slutcsnian, of Salem, had been ad vocating x creamery for that town for so long that Its editorial columns are beginning to turn sour. Even a panegyric on tho utility of bloomers would be a welcomo change from the monotony of milk and butter, "Mary," said Farmer Flint at the breakfast table as he asked for a second cup of coffee, "I've made a discovery." "Well, Cyrus, you're about the laHt one I'd export of such a thing, but what Is It?" "I have found that the heavy end of a match Is the light end," respond.! Cyrus with a grin that would have adorned a skull. Mary looked disgusted, but with an ulr of triumph quickly retorted, "I've got a discovery, too, Cyrus. It wis mado by Dr. It. V. I'lerce, nnd is called a "Golden Medical Discovery." It drives away blotches and pimples, purifies the blood. tones up the system an l makes ono feel Why, It cured' Cousin Bon who had consumption and was almost re duced to a skeleton. Before his wife be gan to use It sho was a pale, sickly thing, but look at her; she's rosy checked nnd healthy, and weighs 165 pounds. That, Cyrus, is u discovery that's worth something." Young or mlddle-ngad men suffering irom premature decline or power, how ever Induced, speedily and radically cured. Illustrated books sent securely sealed for 10 cents in sUmps. World's Dispensary Medical association, Buf Mfalo, N. Y. ground whether over the .water nr nther. I C. W. Fulton (one-half) nnd J. C. wise, and shall be erected and braced Dement (one-half) Let 8, Block 57... 35.76 so as to maintain a DerDcndicular rmsl- ! Astoria Exchange Co., Lot 1, (tract tlon, and shall be placed In the ground i B) Block 57 33.76 to a denth of five feet nnrl ahull h nnrler : Astoria Exchange Co.. Lot 2 (tract the direction of the street deportment; ; B) Block 57 15.76 and shall not be at a greater distance A. C. Fisher, Lot 8, Block 55'j 43.76 apart than 200 feet. ' ! D. K. Warren, Lot 9, Block 56'i 2J.7t Sec. 3 All wires hung on faid poles ! J. K. Weatherford, Lot 10, U.ock shall be as follows: j 56V, ' 'For electric light purposes not less than ,C C, Mary C, Katie, and N'clMe Fla forty feet from the ground or street, vel, (east half) Lot 11, Block ofi'.d.. and for all other purposes not less than Mrs. Virginia Watson (etsa falh) thirty-five feet, provided, that all wires I Lot 4, Block 58 for any other purpose than electric light D. K. Warren, Lot 5, Block 58 8hal!l be huns not less than five feet be- ' Wi'.h3lmlna Nurnberg, Lot 6, Block low electric wires, nnd shall be hum 58 25.76 so as not to Interfere In anv manner or A. C. and F. A. Fisher, Lot 7. Block come In contact with said electric wires, j 53 43.76 and In crossing streets to connect with ' Robert Carruthers, Lot 8, Block 53.. 43.76 buildings for electric light purposes, said : John Hob3on. Lot 9. Block 53 23.76 wires shall be at least five feet above ! J. K. Weatherford, Lot 10, Block 53.. 3.76 all other wires, and said wires shall be I M. J. Kinney (oast half) Lot 11, so Insulated as to prevent danger from i Block 58 fire or other damage. I Pythian Land and Building Assocla- Sec. 4. All poles and wires as herein . tlon (east half) Lot 4, ii.ock 61.. 3.76 3.76 J. K. Weatherford, Lot B, Block 61.. 3.76 W. E. and M. S. Warren, Lot 6, Block 61 23.70 W. E. and M. S. Warren, Lot 7, Block 61 -13.76 provided, for electric light purposes shall be constructed on the south and west sides of the streets, and for telegraph, telephone, fire alarm and other purposes, on the north and east sides of the streets. Sec. 5. No electric light, telephone, tele- ' W. E. Marren and M. S., Lot S, graph or fire alarm wires shall be placed I Block 61 43. 7H upon any building within the City of As- Robert Carruthers, Lot 9, Block CI. . 23.76 torla, except where It Is necessary to pro- ' J. K. Weatherford, Lot 10, Block 61.. 3.7S vide light, or connect with telegraph or 1 M. J. Kinney, Lot 11, Block 61 .. telephone offices and Instruments. ! J. F. Davis, J. L. Blfpp, D. E. Perley Sec. 6. 'Any person or persons, firm, (east half) Lot 4, Block 64 company or corporation who shall violate ; Theodore Nicolal, Lot 5, Block 61.... 3.76 anv of tho m-ovlslons ot this ordinance i A. J. Megler, Lot 6, Block 64 23.76 shall he deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof before the auditor and police Judge, shall be fined not less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars, or bo Imprisoned In the city Jail not to exceed twenty A. J. Meglcr, Lot 7, Block 61 43.76 Elizabeth (widow), Robert W., Ar ehlbsM, Sarah A., KHz. W., and Duncan McLean, Lot 8. Block 64.. 43.76 Robert Carruthers and D. McTav- lsh, Lot 9, Block 64 23.76 days, and It is hereby mado the duty of I Joseph Suprenaut, Lot 10, Block 64.. 3.76 Men learn mora during adversity than during prosperity. RETIRING GREENBACKS. New York Tribune. Certain Democratic friends, who are exceedingly anxious to nave their chest nuts pulled' out of the lire by Repub lican lingers, are now urging that it Is lh solemn duty of the eomln-r itennh. llcan congress to retiri tno greenbacks In part, or provide means by which the secretary of the troiwury can practically mane mein scoiree. it Is we.l to rem. tu ber at tho outset that all mornt.m- leglsintlon by tho next congress will de pend largely upon tho disposition of a frw Popullkts or silver men, who hold tho balance of power In the senate. Any measure which they unitedly oppose Is very likely to be beaten, and for the Interesting though' not cre.tltable rea son th it the Democrats will probably votel unitedly against any sensible legis lation, primarily bernusw they want to eoutt favor with Populist voters jin.i inoro money" lim.itlci, and r irtiv be- rsuse they ore Just patriotic enough to desire tho .defeat of uny measure favored by Republicans. I'nle-is past vx perlenca goes for nothing the Democratic minority fn the senate will bo found Kervlng aa tho tail for tho Populist kite next winter. TheiM remains the question what the Republicans may destlra and Judge It proper to attempt. Monetary disturbance is not a blessed thing In itself, and an attempt to change the cnaracter and volume cf the circulation, no matter how wisely, may be extrem.dy improper nnd Injurious If It la pluln that It cmnot suc ceed. The question whether any legisla tion whatever should be attempted, affecting the kind or amount of money In USD, will hav to be answered In the light of business conditions existing next winter when congrem is In session, and cannot be serubly answered now, because those conditions cannot be foreseen. In general It may be said that vigreement of a majority In the wnate upon any proper monetary legislation, that now seems likely to be warranted by financial conditions, cannot be expected with much confidence. The Tribune dors not profess to know what the Republicans in cungtvss may think it Judicious to attempt in tho pres ence of circumstanced which rannot now be anticipated. But It can say with much rontldt nee that the Republicans ara not COt'NTY ASSESSOR'S NOTICE. The beard of equalization .will meet at tho olllco of the county clerk and public ly examine the assessment rolls of, Clat sop county for the purpose of jorrjctlng all errors of valuation or description of lands or other property. It Is the duty of all persons to ap pear at that time if they wish corrections made, as no corrections or alterations can be mado by any ofllefr nfter the ad journment of the board. Tito bonrd will meet on Monday. Sept. JO, at 10 o'clock n. m. and close on Satur day, October 6t'h, 1805. at 5 p. m. Astoria, Sept. 5th, 1S93. ALFRED G-IBBONS, County Assessor. ALLEYWAY ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the assess ment mado by Ordinance No. 1932, of the City of Astoria, confirming tho assess ment on Roll No. 2, for the Improvement of tho alleyway running through Blocks 2, 3, 4 nnd 5 .from the west line of IWtfi street to the cst lino of 42d stroct. In Adair's Astoria, is now duo and payable In United States gold and silver coin, at me omee or city treasurer, and If not paid within 5 days from the final publi cation of this notice, to-wlt: on or lie fere Thursday, September 26th, 1893, the L,;miti)ii Council will ordvr warrants Is sued for the collection of the satno: Anglo-American I'kg. Co., Iot 1, Block 5 $20.33 Ang.o- American Pag. Co. Lot 2, Block S $90.33 Anglo-American Pkg. Co. Lot S, Block 5 ;...$0O.SS Anglo-Amcrlcnn I'kg. Co. Lot 4. Block 5 $30.33 Anglo-American Pkg. Co. Lot 5. Block 5 $90.33 ng.o-Anicrlcan Pkg. Co.. Lot 6. I'.loek 5 $30. SJ Anglo-American Pkg. Co., Lot 7, Block 5 $10.33 A ng.o-American Pkg. Co. Lot 8, Block 5 $90 SI Astoria Box Co., Lot 1, TV.eek 2 $ 0.S;l Astoria B-x Co., Lot 8. Block 2 $10.33 Astoria Street R. R. Co., Lot 2, IVock 2 $90,311 Rudolph Barth, Lot 7, Block 2 $90.33 fishermen s Pkg. Co., Lot S, Block 2 $30.33 Fishermen's I'kg. Co.. Lot 4. Block 2 $T0.33 Fishermen's Pkg. Co.. Lot 5, B!oc!c 2 $50.S3 Fishermen's I'kg. Co.. Lot 8. Block ' 2 $.'0.53 J. O. Hanthorn & Co.. Lot 1. Block S $90.33 .1. O. Hnnthorn, Lot 2. Block 3 $90.33 J. O. HanWiorn, Lot S. Block 3 $90 SI J. O. Hanthorn, Lot 4, Block $90.33 J. O. Hanthorn. Lot 5, Block 3 $.10 33 the city electrician to carefully Inspect sJll wires wlthjn the city at least ance a month, and to report to tho committee on streets and public ways, any violation of this ordinance, and upon such noti fication the committee on streets and public ways shall etiuse all such wires cr poles to be removed. Sec. 7. All ordinances nnd parts of or dinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Passed by the Common Council Jan uary 28. 1890. Attest; T. S. JEWETT, Auditor and Police Judge. Approved February 3, 1310. MAGNUS CROSBY, Mayor. As amended by ordinance No. 1161. FOURTEENTH STREET IMPROVE MENT NOTICE. UKciy to join witn a raction or nemo- . t, c. Hanthorn, Lot . Block S $ 0.38 ciuts In retiring or contracting the Kgal j. 0. Hanthorn. Lot 7. Block S $M.J3 tender circulation. Ever since President j. o. Hanthorn. Lot 8. Block J $J0.S3 Cleveland and his political associates Holmes. U. P. Johnson, and (3. A. were disgracefully beaten in the e'.ec- Nelson. Lot 1. Block 4 $.10.33 ,.,., free trad- tlon of 1S'4 on the tariff Issue It has i Holmes, U. P. Johnson, and G. A. been obvious that they would do their NuUon. Lot lilnelc 4 190. S3 ers and protectionists is If the proJuc- ,'utmdst (0 cttter to Western and Southern Holmes. O. P. Johnson, and O. A. tlon or raw material or the converting nwvslrd by favoring state banks and Nelson, Lot 3, Block 4 $.0.00 tf roar material la the mo'e profitable J the retirement of national curr-ncy. In Holmes, t. P. Johnson, and O. A. . , , .. ., , . . , I no othf way could thr-y hope to avoid Nelson, Lot 4, Block 4 $90.33 bulnf for a nation that can do both. ; (h ., tne ,. tejue ln Holmes. U. P. Johnson, and G. A. Under protection there Is a reasonable thS ext campaign, for it was and is ! N.un, Lot 5, Block 4 $.'0.S3 prospect that within ten years the'Unlted Impoyrbks for Democrats to ogres upon Holmes. G. P. Johnson, and Os A. K ts cne vcir with smith -r would con- the silver question, but the passionate Nelson. Lot S. Block 4 $90.33 SlSUm cne year vilir anotn.r ' "' ,t !r for nwuetary Inflation, It was sup. I Holmes. C. P. Johnson, and Q. A. some 'all or nearly all Its product of the po9e(ji miht be appeased by permit-I Nelson, I.ot 7, Block 4 $90.33 wrlh, possibly excepting cotton. Shrill ting unlimited k-sues of state bank notes. ; G. P. Johnson, and U. A. . . nnller vhleh wl l slve us a uirec'iion. uceoruingiy, wtuieycri .cujii, i.ui . iiuh-k i lljnle market or one that will expc.e bo-;h .( t.rM)i( has twn p.r,ls,ently laboring agriculture and manufacture to corap- t3 influence the publls mind. I tltlon with th country which can pro- This never has been and nver will' be By order of the Common Council. Attest: K. OSBURN, Auditor and Polios Judge. Astoria. Oregon. Sept. 6th, 1SB. Notice is hereby given that the Com mon Council of tho City of Astoria, Ore gon, have determined to Improve 14th street from tho north line om Grand ave. to tho north line of Bond street, extend ed easterly, nil in the City of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively, by grading to Its full width and estab lished grade, and that between the nortn line of Grand ave. and the north line of Exchange strceet (except th e crossing of Franklin ave.), the Improvement shall consist In removing planking and timbers on said portion of said street, construct ing sidewalks, and placing gutters along each sldj and planking said part of said rtreet between gutters witn new and sound fir plank three Inches In thickness. Between the north '.inc. of Exchange street and the north line 5f Bond street extended easterly, tho Improvement shah consist hi removing a'l timbers, planking and piles, and building said structure anew. A, I of the Improvement to be made In accordance with plans and spe cifications and ordinances In relation thereto. The lands and premises upon which the special ns?e:tsment shall be levied to defray the cost and expenses of such improvement be, nnd tho same ar. desig nated ns follows, to-wit: Commencing at a point Where the north line of Grand ave. Interscscts the west line of tho J. M. Shlvely Donation Land Claim, and running thence north along said line to where It intersects the south line of Bond street, or said street ex tended easterly, and thenco easterly on the south line of said Bond street extend. eti easterly to a point where such line run easterly will Intersect tho east Mne of Lot I, in Bl.K-k 1 !5, In said part of said city and thence south on a straight line ttirough the middle of Blocks 133, 118, 116, and 17, to the southwest corner uf Lot 10. Block 17, tbence west to the place of beginning. And all lots, lajids, and premises in said district and not in any street or alley way, are hereby designated and declared to te subject to such assessment. Estimates of the expense ot sudi Im provement and plana and diagrams of such work or Improvement,. and of the iocaray to be improved, hav been de. posited by the city surveyor with the Auditor aml I-ollce Judge for public ex amination amd maybe Inspected at the office of such officer. At the next regular meeting of the Common Council following the 1ml oub- Cicatlon ot this notice, which m.vrlng wiii oe neia on ednesday. Seotenbr 1.3, 1395, at the hour of 7:30 p. m.. at the city hall, any objections that may be made to such Improvements will be con sidered by the council, and if by the time or said meeting a remonstrance against such Improvement, signed bv residents of the city owning more than one-half og the property In said district shall be tiled with the Auditor and Police Judge such Improvement shall not be or dered, If at all, except by a vote of two- thirds or oil members of the council. By order of the Cotranon Council. Attest: K. OSBURN, Auditor and Pottos Judge. Astoria. Or., Sept. 5th, 1S93, Lucy Thomson, Lot 11, Block 61 Trustees of Flrj-t Baptist Church of Astoria, (east half) Lot 4, Block 63 Mary C. Flavel, Lot 5, Block C5 3.76 Jacob, Lot 6, Block 65 23.76 Sophia Kirchoff, Lot 7, Block 65 43. 7 Srph'ia Kirchoff, Lot 9, Block 65 23.76 Sophia Smith, Lot 10, Block 63 3.76 W m. B. Headlngton, (east half) Lot 11, Block 65 - C. W. Fulton, (east half) Lot 4, Block 70 - C. W. Fulton, Lot 5, Block 70 3 Henry Fisher, Lot 6, Block 70 23 Henry Fisher, Lot 7, Block 70 48.7! Clara Fisher ,Lot 8, Block 70 43. C.ara Fisher, Lot 9, Block 70 23.76 C. W. Fulton, (cast half) Lot 11, Block 70 C. W. Fulton, Lot 10, Block 70 3.7 By order ot the Common Council. Attest: K. OSBURN, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Sept. 7th, 1895. THIRTY-SEVENTH STREET ASSESS MENT NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the ftssiss ment made by Ordinance No. 1985, of the City of Astoria, confirming the assess ment on roll No. 6, for the improva nent of 37th street frsm the south line of Du ane street to the north line of Commer cial street In Adair's Astoria, Is now due and payable In United States gold and silver coin, at tne olllce ot the city treasurer, nnd If not paid within 5 days from the time of publication of this notice towit: On or before September 26th, 1895, the Common Council will order warrant Issued for the collection of the same: George Anderson, Lot 8, Block 14.... $162. 50 W. D. Baker, Lot 2, Block 14 73.72 E. R. Hawes, (half) Lot 3, Block 15 36.86 Alimlra Helden, Lot 4, Block 15 173.00 Gust. Holmes, Lot 6, Block 15 73.72 Jens Nelson, Lot 7, Block 14 73.72 Anna C. Olsen, Lot 1, Block 14 175.00 Frcdrlka Peterson, Lot 5, Block 13. , 200.00 BenJ. Young, (half) Lot 3, Block 15.. 36.S6 By order of the Common CouncIL Attest: K. OSBURN, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Oregon, Sept. 6th, 1895. NOTICE OF FILING OF -ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 3. DUANB STREET, IN ADAIR'S ASTORIA. Notice is hereby given that Assessment Roll No. 3, containing the special as sessment for the Improvement of Duune street, from the west line of 25th street to the east line of 37th street, all ln the city of Astoria, as laid out and recorJed by John Adair and commonly known as Adair's Astoria, has been filed In the office of the Auditor and Police .lud;e and Is now open for Inspection nnd win so remain open until the 28th day ot September, 1893, prior to which time all objections to such must be filed (In writ ing) with the Auditor and Police Judge. The committee on streets and public ways, together with th3 street assessors, of the City of Astoria, will meet In the council chambers at the city hall, In the city of Astoria, on 6aturday, Sept. 28th, l:f5, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., to review and equalize such as939y.mjnt . nd report their action to the commo.i coun cil. K. OSBURN, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Or., Sept. 7th, 1895. NOTICE OF FILING OF ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 6. 42D STREET, IN ADAIR'S ASTORIA. Notice Is hereby given that Assessment Roll No. 6, containing the special as sessment for the improvement of 42d street, from the south line of alleyway through B.ocks 6 and 6, to center line ot Bond street, all in the city of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John Adair, and commonly known as Adair's Astoria, has been filed in the office of the Auditor and i'o.iee Judge and is now open for inspection nnd will so reamin open until the 2Stli day of September, 1895, prior to which time all objections to such must be filed (in writing) with tho Auditor ana Polie Judgo, The committee on streets and publle ways, together with the street assessors. of the City of Astoria, will meet in the council cnamners at the city hall, ln the city of Astoria on Saturday, Sept. 28th, 1S95, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. ni., to review and equalize such assessment and report their action to the common coun cil. K. OSBURN. Auditor and Police Judge Astoria, Or., Sept. 7th, 3S96. Japanese Bazaar SING LUNG. Prop. Hiinier Goods Just Received,-. An excellent 3tock of underwear, hos iery, cupj, etc., at extremely low prices. 417 Bond Street, next door to Mouler's Fruit Store. Indio The Oasis oh thf colorado desekt A New Uealth Jesort BELOW THE LEVEL OF THE SEA Absolutely Dry and Pure Tropical Climate Pronounced by Physicians the most Favorable in America for Sufferers from . . . Lung Diseases and Rheumatism NOTICK OF COMPLETION AND AC CEPTANCE OF CND STREET. Notice is hereby given that N. Clinton & Sons, contractors for the Improvement of 42d street, in Adair's Astoria, undr tne provisions of Ordinance No. 1910, on the 12th day of June, 1895, tiled in the Many Remarkable Cures The objections urged against Indio in the past by the large numbers who otherwise would have been glad to tak advantage of its beneficial climate, has been a lack of suitable accommoda tion. The Southern Pacific Company, takes pleasure ln announcing that sev eral Commodious and Comfortable Cottages have just been erected at Indio sta tion, that will be rented to applicants at reasonable rates. Tfcey are fur nit hed with modern conveniences, sup piled with pure artesian water, and so situated as to gove occupants all the advantages to be derived from a more or less protracted residence ln this he-llg-htful climate. (From the San Francisco Argonaut.) "In tho heart of the great desert of the Colorado whioh the Southern Pa cific road traverses there Is an oasis called Indio, which, ln our opinion, li the sanitarium of the earth. We be lieve, from personal Investigation, thai rr certain invalids, the-e la no spot or NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND AC CEPTANCE OF DUANE STREET Notice is hereby given that L .Leback Contractor for the Improvement of Duane street, ln Adair's Astoria, under the pro visions of Ordinance No. 1935, on. the iiitn aay of June, 1S95, filed In the office of the Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, the certificate of the City -Surveyor and Superintendent of streets, approved by the Committee on S tree is and Public Ways. After the expiration of the time here inafter specified, If no objections to the acceptance of such work be filed and the Common Council shall dem such Im provement properly completed, accordin; to the contract and plans and epecltlca- i.ons iinereror, tne same may be accepted, 0:iJaitions to the acceptance of sold improvement or any part thereof, may be tllej .n the office of the Auditor and Police Judge on or before Wednesday, June 19th, 1S93. K. OSBURN. Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, uregon, June litn, 1S95. Cholera Morbus Is a dingerous com plaint, and ofien Is fatal in Its rrsiri To avoid this you 9hould use PeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure, as soon as the urs: symptoms appear. INDORSED BY THE PRESS. Gentlemen: This Is to certify thar 1 have used Krause's llendacn.? Tapsules with satisfactory results. 1 tought a box which cost tne and one capst'ie cured me of a dreadful Pick hvulnche My wife and mvself nave, both used the medicines manufactured bv the Norman Lirbty Mfg 2o.. nnd we re commend them to the public as being JJust what they are represented. Bespectfully, W. J. HUTCHISON. Ed. Gazette, Pleasant Hill Mo. Twenty-five cents, for sale by' Cfcas Rogers, Astoria. Or., sole agents. office of the Auditor and Police Judge ot ; tiiia planet so favorable." me .-uy ot Asxona, me cert.ncate of the g. T. Stewart, M. D.; writes.: "The City Surveyor, and Superintendent of nnritv nt th,. ni- nn n, moi t - I'U.i.J . . fci.w ., " . . . w.b Ullll t.c.a, o nuuircu uy iiic committee on Streets and Public Ways. After the expiration of the time here inafter specified, If no objections to the acceptance of such work fie filed and the Common Council shall djein such im provement properly completed, according to the contract and plans and specifica tions therefor, the same may be accepted. Objections to the acceptance of sold Improvement or any part thereof, may be filed In the office of the Auditor and Police Judge on or before Wednesday, June 19th, 1S05. K. OSDURN, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Oregon, June 13th, 1895. THIRTY-FIFTH STREET MENT NOTICE. ASSESS- Notice is hereby given that the nsoess nient mado by Ordinance No. 19i1, of the City of Astoria, confirming the assess ment on Roll No. 4, for the improvement or JEth street from the north line of Franklin ave., to the south line of Du ane street ln Adair's Astoria. Is now due and Vayable In United States jtold or sliver coin, at the office of the city treasurer, ana it not paid within a days fiom the final publication of this no tice, to-wlt: On or before Thursday Sept. 25thfi 1S95, the Common Council win order warrants Issued for tha collec tion of the same: Carrie E. Kimball (east, half) Ln 3, lilocK 13 izi Ui Mary H. Leinenwcber, Lot 5, Hloek " $230.00 Mary H. Lelnenweber, Lot 6, ISlock is Sins 77 George W. Norton, (west half) Lot 3 13IOCK IS S.MM Mrs. Maggie Pardee. Lot 3. Block l9S"fln fin School Ulst. No. 1. Lot 1. Block 19.. San. .n School Dlst. No. 1. Lot 2, Block 19.. $105. 77 i-,aura .u. w halley, Lot 4, Block 38. .$200.00 Mary Jane Woods, Lot 7, Block 19.. $105. 77 By order of the Common Council. Attest: K. OSBURN, Auditor and Police Judg. Astoria, Oregon, Sept. 6th, 1S9J. CURE FOR HEADACHE. As a romtUy for all forms of hMilnr Eleo:no Mkcts has proved to be the very best. It frees a Dermanent euro and the most dreaded habitual sick head aches yieild to ts influence. We nn all who are afflie;ed to procure a battie and eve Uhis remedy a fair tral. In cises of habitual constlixition Elpotj-ic Kiners cur.s by g.ving the needed tone 10 me Dowes, an l few cases long resist me use or itlys nvodlclne. Trv it nnra Largj bottles only fifty cen-ts at Chas. itosers drug star?. shine, fill one with wonder and delight. Nature has accomplished so much that there remains but little for man to do. Aa to its possibilities as a health resort, here Is the most per fect sunshine, with a temperature al ways pleasant, a perfectly dry soil for rain Is an unknown factor; pure . oxygent denpa atmosphere and pure water. What more can be desired? It is the place, above all others, for lung troubles, and a paradise for rheu matics. Considering the number of sufferers who have been cured, I have no hesitancy ln recommending this genial oasis as the haven of the afflicted," INDIO ntcSjSL Is 612 miles from SAN FRANCISCO and' 130 rules from LOS ANOELES Fare from Los Angeles For further Information inquire of any Southern Pacific Company agen', or address E. P. ROGERS, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt. S. P. Co. J. B. KIRKLAND, Dtst. Pass. Agt. Cor. First and Alder Sts.. Portland, Or. ). A FAST ABEND, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, PILE DfllVER, HOUSE, BRIDGE flfJD WHARF BUILDER. Address, box 180. Postoffice. ASTORIA, OR NOTICE. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice Is hereoy given that the partner ship heretofore existing between the un designed, under the firm name and style Oregon Transportation Company, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All outstanding bills or accounts being pay able to Capt. liul Sehrader, and he as suming the payment of all debts due by said arm. Astoria, Or., May. IS, 1S95. PKTER H. CRIM, PAUL SCHRADER. The U. S. Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to all others. PROVEN A BOON. Gentlemen: I have always reeom .nended Krs'isc'i Headacne Capsules wherever I have had a chance. They have proven a veritable boon In my fntnlly against any nnd til kinds of headache. Yours truly, J. E. WALTER. Leavenworth. Kansas. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria, Oregon, sole agent bUCKLEN S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve In the world f!nt Bruises. Sores. Ulcers. Salt RhPiim. Fever Sores. Tetter. Charmed Handa. Chilblains. Con.s. and All Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Plies, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give irei-ieci Butisracuoti, or money refunded. rnce, z cents per tox. For sale by Chas. Rogers. Odd Fellows' building. Diarrhoea should be stopped promptly. It soon becomes chronic. DeWItt's Colic md Cholera Cure Is effective, safe and certiln. Hundreds of testimonials bear witness to. the virtue ot this great medi cine. It can always be depended upon, its use saves time and money. All ti.-r! (,:iwn: n.ell:3',e dertised in this rsper. together with the oholc est perfumery, and toilet articles, etc. nn be boucht at tne iowest prices .. J. W. Conn'? dm; store, opposite Oc cident Hotel. A..torla. Stom-u'h and bowel complaints are best rellevel by the timely use of DeWItt's Colic and Cholera Cure. Insist on hav ing this preparation. Dont take Sjr ther. The partnership heretofore existing be tween C. J. Greenlund and Anton Brlx florists, is hereby sissolved by mutual consent, and all debts of the said firm will be paid by C. J. Oreenlund and C. G. Palm berg, and all outstanding accounts are due and payable to them. C. J. GREENLUND, ANTON BRIX. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A.. San Diego Cal., says: "smioh's Catarrh Remedy Is the first medicine I have ever found that would to me any good. Price SO tts. Sold by J. W. Coi.n. Mr. A. A. Snyder, Supt. Poor Farm, Wfcineshelk county, la., says: Last win ter Mr. Robert Leach used two boxes of DeWItt's Witch Hazel Salve and cured a large running sore on his leg. Had been under care of physicians for months without obtaining relief. Sure cure tor Piles. There is no doubt, no fat-lure, when yoa tike DeWItt's Colic & Cholera cure. It Is pUasant, acts promptly, no bad after effects. KARL'S CfcOVER BOOT will imrlfsi your blood, clear your complexion, reg ulate your Bowels, and make your head clear aa a bell. 25 cts., 60 cts.. and fl.00. Snlrl tw J. W. Conn. Mrs, T. S. nawklns. Chsttnnn Tenn,, says, "Shllor's Vltallzer 'SAVIvb MY LIFE." I consider It tne best rerj dy for a debilitated system 1 used." For Dysperwia. Llvtr or wa nty trouble, it exce'ls. Pijve 75 cis For Pale by J. W. Conn. Severe griping pains of the stonufh and bowels Instantly and effectually stopped by DeWItt's Colic and Cholera Cure.