WI PUBLIC UBMM ASSOCIATION. 1 TODAY'S WEATHER. TheASTORIAN has the largest LOCAL Forecast, fair weather, warmer, except (f t stationary temperature on the coast, K v vvvvv wv circulation) me largest ur.ntnftu circuia- Hon. and the laro-cst TOTAL circulation of & all papers published In Astoria. j:i p.-iyi-rjp'ifjt vvjrvjc vjt rjt wy r-jr EXCLUSIVE TELEGRAPHIC PRESS REPORT. VOL. XLLV. ASTOKIA, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 15, 1895. NO. 217. 1895 Lubricating OILS A Specialty. piser Brothers, Sell ASTORIA, Ship Chandelery, Hardware, Iron & Steel, Coal, Groceries & Provisions, Flour & Mill Feed, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, -Loggers Supplies, Fairbank's Scales, Doors & Windows, Agricultural Implements Wagons & Vehicles. B. F. Dealer In Wall Paper, Attist Materials, Paints and Painters Supplies Glass, Mouldings, Japanese Mattings, Rugs and Bamboo Goods Cen tractor for Fresco Painting, Paper Hanging, Etc. 765 Commercial Street. Snap R Kodak at any man coming out of our store and you'll get a portrait ot a man brimming over with pleasant thoughtB. O Such quality In the liquors we have to offer are enough to PLEASE ANY MAN.. Coroe and Try Them. HUGHES & CO. ASTORIA IRON WORKS Conromly St., foot of Jackson, Astoria. General Machinists and Boiler Makers Land and Marine Engines. Boiler work, Steam boat and Cannery Work a Specialty. Castings of All Descriptions Made to .Order on Short Notice. John Fox. President and Superintendent A. L. Fox Vice President O. B. Prael Secretary They Lack Life There are twines fJMd to fishermen on the Columbia river that stand" in the same relationship to Marshall's Twine as a wooden Image does to the human being they lacK strength life evenness and lasting qualities. Don't fool yourself into the belief that other twines besides Marshall's will do "just at well." They won't. Ttiey cannot. C.J. TRENCH, RD, Agent Wells, Fargo & Co. and Pacific Express Co. HOP and PtfOEfllX iflSUftftfiGE CO'S. Custom House Broker and Commission Merchant. 502 Bond Street. iCopp's Beer Hall. Choice Wlns, Liquora and Clga't. KBNTUCKY WHISKEY Only handed over th. ear, The largest giasi (rf N. P. Beer. Half-and-half. 51. ' Free Lunch. Cbas. Wirkkala, Proprietor. Cor. Conromty and Lafayette St. THOMAS MOKKO, Tw Blacksmith -vhoso shop Is oppos ite Cuttings cannery, ia now prepared to do such odd Jobs as making new cannery coolers, repairing old enea, making new flshin boat irons, and re pairing old ones, and all other black smithing that requires first-class work manship. MUSIC HALiLt. KEATING & CO will open ihelr it -to Music Hal at &9 Astor street, If Saturday the IClh. Thef will keep numberless gool lijuors and cigars besiJes baring good music all the time. SEASIDE SflWfrllLIi. A complete stock of lumber on hand in the rough or dressed. Flooring, ru tlc ceiling, and all kinds of finish; mouldings and shingles; also bracket work done to order. Term reasonable and pricesM bedrock. All orders promptly tttended to. Office and yard at mllL 11. L. LOGAN. Prop'r. wmll. Oresmn. Kay to take, sure cur, no pain, noth Irar to dread, pleasant little pills. De "Wltfs Lktle Early Risera. Best for Sick Headache, Biliousness, Sour Stomach and Constipation. . Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder Casta ins a Aaam is or AIhsb. I872 BARGAINS TO AIIv AnlKE it V; A TT m 0 1. U OSGOOD, The One Price Clothier; Hatter and Furnisher. 506 and 0O8 COMMERCIAL STREET, ASTORIA, OR. School Books! School Supplies! fit Greatly Jedaced Prices. A FULL LINE OF Oregon Books Slates Pencils Tablets Pens , Erasers Sponges Everything Necessary for School Use. Griffin & -Reed4., THREE LOTS. In a desirable location, 2 blocks from High School. A BARGAIN. CHOICE LOTS IN HILLS FIRST ADDITION. On the new Pipe Line Boulevard Just the place for a cheap home. A Block IN ALDERBROOK. . STREET CAR LINE will be eitenile.1 this summer to within 5 minutes walk ot this property Will pell nt decided bantam. ACREAGE. In 5 or 10 aore tracts inside tho mty limit", also adjoining Flavel. GEORGE HILL. 471 Bond St., Occident Block, HILL'S REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. UMBRELLAS! It i.s a little early, yet have just received direct from line of umbrellas in gloria and silk. Prices range from 50 cents to $3.50. Call and see them. Our dry goods sale will continue for a few days lunger, fake advantage of llii. oppdrtunity and make your purchases, thereby saving from 25 to 50 percent, as bts of goods we are selling at half price. OREGON 600 Commercial Street. ROSS HIGGINS & CO. Grocers, : and : Butchers Astoria and Upper Astoria lot Teas and Coffer s. Table Delicac'e. mesne and Tropical Fruits, Vegetables, Sugar Cured Hams, Bacon. Etc. Choice Fresh - and - Salt - Meats. EVETtT ONE NEEDS A Bt'STVES S EDUCATION. Many roans; men sJifl women can upend but on or two yean at school why not take a coiim that cn be completed In that time? The college Included a short ENGLISH COURSE be sides a BUSINESS and SHORTHAND COURSE. For catalog-usa addraaa, 14 YAJIHILL ST. - - KOIKES EU5INE5S COLLEGE, - rCRTXAKJ), OR. Without any sleight-of-hand or hocus pocus performances I have decided to sell all lines of MEN'S AND BOX'S' CLOTHING no marks changed on the goods nor any lines packed away until October 1st at following prices: All Suits or Overcoats over $16.00 for $12.00 " " over 14.00 for 11.00 " , " over 12.00 for 10.00 " over ''19.00 for 7.50 " Pants over 7.00 for 5.50 " " over 5.00 for 4.00 " " over 4.00 for 3.50 " " over 3.00 for 2.50 " " oyer 2.50 for 2.00 " . " over 1.50 for 1.00 you will need one soon. We tho factory a large and select CO, hiTOSffl PUBLIC MBiMY! 11 r READING ROOM FKEB T'J A IX. Open every day from 3 o'clock to 5 :30 and 6:30 to 930 p.,m. Subscription rates $3 per annum. Southwest cor. Eleventh aud Duanc 5t.' TRAD RG or Real Life i m m path General Ezeta About to Make Another Descent. THE SALVADORIAN CAPITAL Is in Danger The Tribes will Flock to His Standard and Triumphal Entry Will he Made. San Francises, Sept. 11. General Aft tonlo Ezeta again announces his deter- minatlon to return to Salvador, depose President Gulterrez and assume con trol of the country himself, He has gone so far as to secure his passage on the steamer City of Sydney, which will sail for the Central American ports next Wednesday. Ezeta says he will land at one of the Mexican ports and then pro ceed to La Lrbertad, where he hopes to be Joined by a trusted bond ot followers, the number increasing as the squadron charges toward hte capital. He expects to enter the city of San Salvador In trl umph. The soldiery will desert the standard of Gulterrez and the fierce tribes of halt breeds and Indalns under General Rivas ore expected to flock to Ezeta's side. Ezeta has been waiting for funds and the failure of remittances to arrive before Wednesday will, he says, alone prevent his embarking on his career tot capture and triumph. CROP CONDITIONS. The 'Prospects in Oregon Much Iniprov:d Since Last Report. Washington .Sept. 14. The statistical report of the agricultural department Is sued today gives the revleiv of general crop conditions not comprised in that made public on the 10th Inst. It says that In Minnesota there is a lower wheat yield than was anticipated and that con siderable smut is also prevalent in North Dakota, where the threshing shows a vtry good yield. As to the Paclflccoast, the report shows that the Oregon pros pects have Improved since August 1. THE PLAGUE IN HAWAII. Natives Concealing the Facts as to the Spread! of Cholera, San Francisco," Sept. H.Prlvate nd- vlcea from Honolulu and published here today state that the cholera has secured stronger hold on tho Hawaiian capi tal than the authorities there are willing to admit. The natives are said to be much Incensed at the local health au thorities. They not only conceal new cases, but decline to use the treatment prescribed and hide the fatalities re sultant form the epidemic. The natives will not trust themselves In the hinds of the board of health if they 'can avoid It, believing that such treatment means certain death. WHEAT AND HOPS. Liverpool. Sept. 14. Wheat Spot firm: demand moderate; No. 2 red winter, 4s V4a; No. 2 red spring, 6s: No. 1 hard Man itoba, 5s d; No. 1 California, 4s lOVid. Hops at 'London. Pactilc coast. 1 wound. IBs. New York, Sept. 14. Hons auiet and weak; state common to choice. 1894.607: Pacific coast, 18S4,. 3Vj 7. THE MORA CLAIM. Complications Arise in tho Distribution of the Fund "Washington, Sept. 14. Having settled the lnternatlnal tfeature of the caae the state department Is now likely to en counter some difficulty at home in dis bursing the money received from Spain In the Mora claim. Much litigation is threatened and was evidenced by the tak ing out of an Injunction by one of the assignees to restrain the state depart ment from paying over all the money Claimant Mora. During the years of the pendency of this great claim, Mrs. Mora has been obliged to make assignments of parts of it, the larger items being on account ot legal expenses. Soma of these as signments have been recorded in the state department, but their number and aggregate amount Is not learned at pres ent. Of these the department must take ratlce In settling the claim and It 1s probaJbla that others are outstanding, of which the department haa not yet been informed. -To insure proper dlstrrbutlon the de partment will give official notice by the usual channels, so that proper o'alms can he presented, and as this will1 Meces-' sarily consume some time, there will be no baste in closing up the matter. FIRE AT NORTH BEND. Half of the Business Section stroyed. Is De- Seattle, Sept. 14. 'Fire broke out at North Bend, In the eastern part of King county and destroyed half of the busln."ss section of the town this evening. It started in a store building owned by W. H. Taylor, who had bought a stock of goods, but had not put It in the building. When the fire was discovered, this build ing was at mass of flames and the peo ple turned their efforts to saving othr property with the h,"eket brigade. Wil liam Horbrook's dwelling, Herman- Pit yold's house and Holbrook's shoo store were destroyed, and W. C. We' store and Gustlns hotI were damaged. The total loss was four thousand dollars. There was little or no insurance. FATAL ACCIDENT TO PROF. RILES. Washington, Sept. 14. Prof. O. V. Riles, for many years entomologist of the de partment of agriculture, and well known among scientists in this country and Europe, while riding a bicycle today was thrown from the machine, his head hit ting the curbstone with such force that his skull was fractured. Hit Injuries ere believed to be fatal. COUNTERFEITER CLARK CAPTURED Pend'.eton, Ore., Sept. 14. .V telephone message from Pilot R'k was receive! this afternoon from Deputy United States Marshal i. U. Uontlc', saying be- had eanarht James Clark, a counterfeiter and the thief of the gang who have been oper- ating in tho country south of Pendleton Bentloy left Pendleton last Wednesday In possession of information, where the Clark rendezvous could be found and abo where a large amount ot spurious half dollars were buried in a secluded spot. He saw where the money had been bur led, but some ono had been there be fore blm and dug it up. Clark was found on the Texas bar one hundred miles from Pend'.eton on the north fork of the John Day river. SUES THE MASONS. Unparalleled Proceedings in the Spokane Court. Spokane, Sept. 14. Suit was begun today In the superior court of this county which (has no parallel anywhere in the world. 1 Louis Zlegler, one of the highest Masons in the United States, brings suit against four Masonic bodies for claims aggregating albout $2,000. Several months ago lils son, Wm. H. Zlegler, was sued for $1,441, the balance in his hands at the expiration of his term as treasurer, tor the consistory bodies. This Is counter action, and the claims are for money loaned, expenses incurred, etc, JUDGE) HURLEY'S SUCCESSOR. Salem, Or., Sept. 14. Governor Lord this evening appointed Henry E. McGinn to the circuit Judgeship of Portland, made vacant by the death of Judge Hurley. Are Needed Here as Well as Railroads. ASTORIA THE ONLY TOWN In Europe or America Without Proper' Means of Cleaning and Repairing: Vessl8. Yesterday morning early Mr. L. B. See ley, manager, and E. W. Crelghton, treas urer, of the Columbia River and Puget Sound Navigation Company, arrived on the Bailey Gatzert and had with them as guesta Capt, J. E. Lombard, of Port land, and Capt, R. S. Alexander, fo San Francisco. In the morning they made a visit to the Jetty on the steamer Queen, and after lunch took the sama steamer for a trip to Tongue Point. To an Astorlan representative Capt. Alexander, of San Francisco, said: "Hav ing been for years extensively engaged in ship building and' ship repairing 1 naturally take the most interest in rait water affairs, although I am not actively engaged In business, as my sons run the yards now. il am much impressed with tho im provements in your port since I wis hero last, some years ago, and with your rail road building you seem to b'i on the eve of great prosperity. I notice one thing, however, which you stllli lack and which you have long needed, and that Is a dry dock. In my travels in Europe Ship masters and shipping firms tell me that it Is worth more to go to tho Col umbia river than to any other port on the Pacific coast, because of the lack of facilities for cleaning and painting the hulls of vessels. In these days of great Iron ships it is necessary at the end of each voyage to clean the dirt and bar nacles off the bottoms of theso ehlps and to repaint them, and If it can be done when the voyage is only halt over, all the better. Iron ships will get foul and when there Is no way of taking them out of the water it is bad. They also ured to be efrald of the bar at the mouth of the river, but they now a'.li thorough ly understand that there Is no bar, but the lack of a dry dock Is a serious mat ter. Ninety-nine vessels which come Into your hlarbor may be all right, but the one hundredth will need extensive re pairs, and as I said before neirly ail iron ships need cleaning and painting. I don't know of any port In the United States or Europe, with waters of such importance without a dry dock. No doubt you will soon have one now In the wake of the railroad. AVhen Improvements once commence I have noticed that they all come at once. Probably the railroad will not be completed before a dry dock, elevators and warehouses wl'J be under construction." "How to business In San Francisco?" "General business -in S.m Francisco Is rather quiet Just now. We have plenty of money and nothing to draw it out at present." "Is it true, as reported in the eastern and many of the western papers, that the Southern Pacific "Devil Fish" has already gobbled up your pet railroad, the San Joaquin Valley, and thus foiled your plans of becoming Independent in trans portation matters?" "It most certainly Is not. I am ac quainted personally with the Spreckels and the other men who have put their money and brains Into the new railroad, and after the promises made to the public they would not allow their names to be used In such a manner and disgrace them selves and their associates by veiling out to the enemy. Besides, the Southern J'a clflc has about all it wants to handle In looking after Its own improvements and taking care of Its own business, without buying new and expensive prop erty like this." "It Is stated that J. S. Leeds was forced out of the Merchants' Traffic Association because of the failure of his pet scheme, the Valley road, and its falling Into the hands of the Southern Pacific, and that frls successor was appointed from the Southern Pacific general traffic office and In the Interest of that rnrnnmtinn tn the detriment of the merchants whore 1 very object In the association was pro tection against the Southern Pacific. How ' do you reconcile the statement?" "There "were reasons for Mr. Leeds" change, but ot the ones alleged in the press. And in selecting til successor the merchants chose a man to handle traffic matters who was familiar with the sub ject. You do not hire a blacksmith to mend your watch. If the Southern Pa cific bad such a man In their employ and the Merchants' Association, could afford to pay him. more for his ekilF than the railroad, what is there strange In the appointment?" Capt. Alexander U a most Interesting talker and It Is to be hoped that h! ideas sbout dry doclc will soon be realized in Astoria. T"t entire party returned to Portland U-i: night at 11 o'clock en the Telephene. THE FINAL TRIALS VVefers Bests , Crum in Both Short Distance Jlaces. HICKOK OF YALE WINS Long- Distrnco Rhus Mad, in Fairly . Good Time, but Not at All Re markable Good Per formances. New York, Sept. 14. Great interest was taken today in tho American Athletic Union championship events in the Man hattan field owing to the fact that the victors would participate in the interna tional games next Saturday with repre sentatives of the London Athletic club. Those who expected to sea some records broken were disappointed, ns only two records were equaled. Summaries: 100 yards Wafers first, Crum second; time, 10 seconds. Half mile run C. Kllpatrlck, New York A, C, first;, W. S. Hippie, New Jersey C. A., second; time, 1:56 2-5. One mile walk S. Liebgold, P. A. C, first; L. Liebgold, New Jersey A. C, second; time, 7:16 2-5. 120 yard hurdle Stephen ChaM, New York A. C, first; E. Ii ady, New York A. C, second! time, 15 3-5 seconds. 440 yard run T. E. Bui ke, Boston A, C, A. A., flret; G. Sands, New York A. C, second; time, 49 3-5 seconds. One mile run G. Orton, New York A. C, lirst; A. Walsh, A. C, second; time, 4:36. Putting 16 pound shot W. I. Hlckok, Now York A. C, 43 feet, firs:; G. Wut- terich, Pastime A. C 33 feet, 3 Inches, second. i Two mile bicycle, class A. P. T. Dickey, New York A. C, first; W. A. Roome, New Jersey A, C, second; time, 5:33 4-5. Running high Jump M. F. Sweeney, Xavler A. C. first, 6 feet; S. A. W. Baltazzi, New Y'ork A. C, second, 3 feet 10 Inches. Throwing 16 pound hammer J. S. Mitchell, New York A. C, 139 feet 2Mi inches, first; H. P. Cross, New York A. C, 131 feet, second. ' Three mile walk S. Liebgold, P. A. C, first; L. Liebgold, P, A. C, second; time, 23:57 2-5. 220 yard dash Wefera, New York A. C, first; J. V. Crum second; time, 21-4-5. Running Tiroajd Jump F. Bloss, II. A. A., 22 foety 2 inches, first: E. H. Clark, B. A. A.,' 21 feet,' 8Wj Inches, second. Throwing 66 pound weight J. S. Mitch ell, New York A. C, 32 feet, 7 inches, first; a Witterlch, P. A. C, 28 feet, 1 Inches, second. 220 yard hurdle, first heat E. H. Cady, New York A. C, first; M. Cohen, New Jersey A.-C, second; time, 25 1-6. Second heat S. A. Symo, New Jersey A. C, first; J. Cosgrove, Rldgefleld A. C second; tlma 26 3-6. CONFLICT OF AUTHORITY. General Harmon Objects to the Whipping of U. S. Prisoners. Washington, Sept. 14. United States Attorney General Harmon has notified Superintendent Gilbert of trwpenlten tlary that corporal punishment of United States prisoners w n t bo sanctioned or permitted. The sum nutendent has re. replied, that they will be subject to the rules and regulations of the prison If left there. Harmon has a prejudice against corporal punishment. . DE'PEW (AS A PROPHET. Democrats Not Seeking the Nomination fur the Presidency. London, Sept. II. Cha,uncey M. Depew has returned to London. Mr. Depew sat In a room at tho Savoy tonight and talked in a characteristic way of his ex periences. "I came to Europe to nee nobody," he said, "and consequently I see everyone. I saw Mr. Croker today, who told me that ho Is returning to New York to take an active part In the campaign. Mr. Croker Is very confident that -Tammany will elect Its whole ticket, and he bases his confidence on the belief that the reformers and the Republicans wilt not be able to pull together ns was the case In 181)4. If we are unab.e to - adhere to the combinations of 1804 Mr. Croker's opinion is right. Tammany, In that event, will elect all the Judges, the county ticket, the senators and most of the assemblymen. I believe that the state will go Republican, and that we are pret ty sure to elect the Tlepubllean presiden tial candidate." Mr. Depew axked about an article which appeared In the London Times Tnewiay on W. C. Whitney's presiden tial chances. Mr. Depew said on the sub ject: "I really do not bolleve that Mr. Whitney wants the Democratic nomina tion. The fact tlnat the nomination is not being sought for shows the slim chances of the Democrats." Regarding his own trip, Mr. Depew said: "I had the usual good time at Hamburg, where I dined twice with the Prince of Wales. From there I went to Lourdes and. saw a miracle at least they called. It a miracle. I made quite a long tour In Germany, France and Be.gium. There Is a great Improvement In business manifest In all three of these countries, and likewise in England. The whole world will experience an era of prosper ity In the next five or six years, the United States especially. Indeed, It has already started. We have Just reaped the greatest crops in our history. Wages are voluntarily being Increased, and our cecurltles are increasing in value ana are being sought for by foreign Investors. I find that Europe Is rapidly regaining confidence In American securities." Mr. Depew was asked by his Interviewer what his observations showed to be the Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report - aw Cyjii mm jet .em m m re'iigi'WMiJI as Aarvki; Aar s inNMta mi status of the Irish question, to which he replied: "I think the Conservatives who havo come into power in England will give Ireland home rule in sonic chape, rrobably Just as good as the Liberals wculd have given. Just like ourselves, tho English are peculiar and want to bo fooled. It Is not the medicine to which, they object, providing the label on the bottle Is ratlsfactory." Congressman Payne of New York, Is also in London, on his return from. a two months' tour of. the continent. He saint to a representative tonight: "My views as a protectionist havo been, greatly strengthened by a tour of Europe. The thing on the continent seems to be men. They are cheaper than horses." BASE BALL YESTERDAY. New York, Sept. 14. Boston 12; New IONC 8. Baltlmore. Sept. 14. Baltimore 14, Brooklyn G. Pittsburg, clnnatl 7. Sept. 14. Pittsburg 0; Cin- Louisville, Sept. 14. Louisville 5; Chl- cago 14. Philadelphia, Sept. 14. First game Philadelphia 21; Washington 9. Second game Philadelphia, 7; Washington 0. St. Louis, Sept. 14. St. Louta 6; Cleve land 6. Game called at 10th innings. HAIL-ROAD SOLD. Columbus, O., Sept. 14. The Columbus," Sandusky & Hocking Valley rallroid was sold today for 14,100,000. It was bid In by W. E. Guerln- In behalf of tho stockholders' committee. ADDITIONAL SHORTAGE. Denver, Sept. 14.-An additional short age of $9,027 hits been found in the county treasurer's accounts which may increase the liability ot the bondsmen to nearly $220,000. FOR ROAD IMPROVEMENTS. . Young's River People Want to See Ri pairs Made. Yesterday 'Messrs. Young, Chriatens and Bunker, ot Young's River, were in the city in the interests of good roads. They ill shortly take some steps before the ( ' comity court in an effort to have the road 1 Just this side of the Walluski road so Improved ss to raise it out of the water. As it now stands there is about 500 feet of tho approaches to the bridge which Is covered with water during the high tldo and this greatly interferes with travel from that section of the country. The people in that vicinity ay they will raise a share of tho money necessary to make the Improvements with and they think that the county court should also aid in the matter. It is also stated that a number of the merchants will also ren der some assistance in the maitter, in order to keep the road open during the winter. r- Tho people interested propose to take some action lit once, a new, ..while the"" roads are comparatively good, the work' can bo done much cheaper than In the winter, and labor Is also icheaper now, while so many contractors are Idle, than It will be later on. Judge Gray states that ho thinks the people who are asking for this particular Improvement should also Join In keeping up all of those roads and not confine their efforts to the road this side of the bridge. No doubt some Intelligent andi practical solution of the question will be found when all parties are together. NIAGARA a T V ORK. The Philadelphia Ledger nays: "The Electric Power Works at Niagara have at last been turned .to actual ue, the current from a 5000 horso-power dynamo having been transmitted to the Pittsburg Reduction Company's works. (August 23.) The current sent out Is an' alternat ing one, of high voltage, which can ba transmitted over a relatively small wire. At the works it is transfonn;d by Im menso rotary transformers (virtually mo tor and generator combined )lnto a cur rent direct of lower voltage. This 5 000 horse-power dynumo is only one of three that have been completed. Provision fas also been made for the erection of twenty of this size. They give more than their rated capacity, and since changes have been made In their bearings, work In a perfectly satisfactory manner. As they will compete with coal In ono of the cheapest markets In the world, their suc cess will stimulate the use of large water powers where coal Is dear. CHEAP LABOR From the East Is Whait the American Mechanic Will Fear Some Day. (New York Press.) Congressman D. H. Mercer, of Ne braska, has spent a few months In Jan. an studying Oriental affairs. Ho expects to do considered the best-posted man in the next congress on Japan and tho East. He thinks that ono of the evils that the United States will have to guard against within the next few years Is the enormous iipubf ot cheap labor in Japan and China.' "Labor Is so cheap," said Congress man 'Mercer to a San Francisco reporter soon after reaching this country, "that the Oriental' countries will 'begin to com pete before long with tho world In man ufactures. There Is a Britisher In Japan who is showing the Japanese how to mix cotton with wool. They are rapidly learning that Yankee trick, and It won't be long before all their silk fabrics wilt bo adulterated. At Hongkong a tramway has been built up tho side of a mountain 1,400 feet high. It cost $100,000. It would have cost $1,000,000 In this country. There Is a factory at Kobe, Japan, where little children from 5 years of ago are employ ed in muklng matches. We can't com pete with that. .Japan could supply the whole world with matches If she desired. "Japan and China, though, offer great Inducements to Americans as a direct result of the recent war. Both are going in for manufacturing, and enterprising men of means can go over and make barrels of money easier than at any other place in the 'world I know of at present." Various national debts were refunded last year to tho cxt nt of $2,roo.xM,010. nnfl the favlng effected in interest was $24,000,0u0.. fT!fyrvnrTrfl, 3 w 9 aMvvww. ' af m