The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 14, 1895, Image 4

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    MB i)A)l,Y ASTOIiJAN, WQIU, HATiiiilMV MuitNlM, MMKU U, M
tl Ml ll)MMi'tTftirilii(
The Resort
On ComuicroiHl Btrcct, is the place
where the businessman and tbe laboring
miin co for whnt is oalled "JSEHT ON
THE COAST," or ft nioe cool drink of
tbe celebrated Gamlinnus beer, band-
wiches of every kind tnado to order, and I
n elegant free Ihih'Ii served every uny.
Xou are welcome.
25c each X
Crosbauer & Brach.
X School Caps
$ Children's
X . j , it X-
Albert Dunbar
1 - I
kkpairing in all its branches Zmmmmmi&mmtt&m-K
Aitobyp . town.
May Blofitom was a winner.
A. Beckr, of Albany, I at tbe Parker
It. It. Winter, of Waterford, U at the
Fine Gravcnsllen apples at Ros3, Hig-
gins & vo.
378 Commercial Street.
Manufacturers of every description of
'.ounges, Mattresses, etc.
September trade needn't
Local weather for twenty-four hours
I.ImcI. A.- ,f, .lno l,rn,,r, ij ending at 6 p. m. yesterday, furnished
i-iMci us .-,,11,0 nuo nj iw by tne united
date. It was good, indeed, all
la4 week and tho week before.
4 u' n il ; i .
i.ra we sunntr i'aii-weini
underclothing now for men?
We .art, ami selling them
lively, too.
Tht'BO bows' cordurov. knee
I Rhrar KAona tnr aaln at Orptrnti TrnrHnfif
pants at o.jc are melting away Co.
States Department of Ag
riculture, weather bureau.
Maximum temperaturt, (il degrees.
Minimum temperature, 47 degrees.
Precipitation, .01 Inch.
Total precipitation from September 1st
18i5, to date, 1.08 inches.
Deficiency of preclpltalton from Sep
tember 1st, 1893, to date, .85 Inch.
It. Wangeman, of Portland, I register
ed at the Occident. I!. Stearns, of Portland, Is a
guest at tho Occident.
Mrs. I. F. Smith, of San Francisco, Is a
guest of the Occident.
Mr. P. C. Warren has gone to Nehalem
for a drove of cattie.
C. W. Carnahan, of Clatsop, registered
at the Oceli ont yesterday.
Chas. AVood and Henry Palmquist, of
bKamoKaiwa, are at tne i'arker.
Theo. Nlcolal and Henry Bagby,
Portland, are guests of the Parker.
A. T. LoWenthal and Geo. A. Beavis,
or nan t raneieco, are at the Occident.
Get your milk of Relth. & Wilson.
Fresh candies every hour at the Bon-
J. G. IMegler and wife, of Brookfield,
are in town, stopping at the Occident.
See McAllen & McDonnell, for bar
gains In Jackets and oapes. Bond street,
Geo. H. Taylor, the shipping merchant
of Portland, is in the city on a short
business trip.
Cent. Ed Parker returned from hla
ranch yesterday with a large" supply of
fine vegetables.
THE SAME PLACE 118 12th street Is
the place to buy freflh fish every day
-gfeijp? Works,
General flachlnlst and Boiler Works.
All kinds of Cannery, Ship, Steamboat
ana fcngine worn ot any Description.
Castings of ail kinds made to order.
Foot of Lafavette St., Astoria, Or.
Meany Is the leading tailor, and pays
the highest cash price for fur skins.
The Astorian will hereafter be found
on aaJe at McQulre's Hotel at B.aside.
Our milk la guaranteed strictly pure
and fresh from the cow dally. Relth
& Wilson.
Smith's ice cream Is unequalled . Ice
cream soda a specialty. Private par
lors for ladles. Commercial street.
The coolest and best glass of beer In
town can be bought at the Uambrlnus
saloon, 12th and Commercial streets.
After (Deals!
For a Ane line of fresh candles and
fruttis or a glass ot delicious soda, go tj
the "Bwntoonnifcre," 436 Commercial street.
WAH SING & CO.-Merchant tailors,
Commercial street, cheaper than yeu
Or at any other tinie ean buy ready made. New stock cora
wiien you wleh a good Plete-
ciunr aak for the well-
known, home-made,
Water melons! Water melons! Water
hand made, white labor 9 lold cheap today at Pa
574 Commercial.
"Iax Belle Astoria."
Conceded by all smokers
to be tbe best ciur
71 H'mtf Street,
Astoria, Oregon.
I Picnic Canned Goods,
Camp Stoves,
Camp Cooking Utensils,
And the latest
All-Wool Sleeping Bags
At all prices. Just the thing for camp
ers, prospectors, etc. Sure to keep warm
at nights. Better than blankets.
Trade with Fourd & Stokes Co., deal
ers H Groceries, Hardware, Crockery,
provisions, flour, fruits and vegetables
They will surely please you.
ftlr. John F. O'Shea, manager of the
Union Meat Company, Portland, was
In town yesterday.
Returned Mrs. Zwemer trance medi
um, now at Sol Exchange street, corner
8th. Sittings dally.
Mr. Frank Stokes went chicken hunting
yesterday In tho Olney district and an
ticipates good sport.
For special bargains in all lines of dry
goods for lour uays, see McAllen & Mc
Donnell, Bond street.
re&.ize this fact. Yesterday Mr. J. &i.
Turner and wife, Mr. W. II. Stevenson
and wife and some friends from Portland
went down to Seaside and will occupy
the Davis cottage. It Is quite likely
that others will also come down to spend
this beautiful season with nature.
Captain Adtbury, of the A. F". C yes-,
torday received a challenge from the
Multnomah Athletic club to play a match
game of tennis. The captain expects to
got the two Kenzle Brothers of Ft. Canby
and with Mr. Wilkinson and himself will
make up a team, playing under the aus
plcse of the "Ten for Ten" club. The date
of tho match will be announced later.
There will be services at tho Presby
terian church tomorrow as follows:
Preaching morning and evening by pas
tor, Rev. R. Llddt-11. Morning theme,
"The Hungry and the Rich." Evening
thme. "Moses and His Times. Egyptian
Culture In Moses' Day." Sabbath school
after the morning service. Y. P. S. C E
service at 7 p. m. A special invitation is
extended to our citizens and to all strang
ers to attend these services.
Have a Pleasure Drive Worthy
the Name?
The first week of school closes with a
record of good average attendance at all
tho city Institutions.
Most of the atlorneyse In the city are
busy preparing for the work of the com
ing circuit court proceedings.
Mr. Chrlstensen, the butcher of Bond
street, received a large drove of cattle
on Thursday, which he will fatten for
A private school! for children will be
started about the middle of this month,
For particulars apply to Miss Polly Mc
Kean, 4C6 11th street.
Special sale of mackintoshes for four
days. See McAHcn & McDonnell, Bond
From the crowed houses which have
greeted the Bacon company this week
there Is no doubt but that the ""
will walk Saturday night.
The Enlcs-Craln Drug Co. have a win
dow full of fine tooth brushes that they
are selling for 10 cents each, and give a
sample bottle of Rosofoam with each
Hunger Is a very disagreeable sensa
tion. There js a place In this town where
you can satisfy as demands with the
cleanest and beat 23 cent meal you ever
ate. That place la Joe Terp's.
Business has been so rushing at the
Arcade that Manager Duffy has been
compelled to put In additional accommo
dations for goods. Straws show which
way the wind blows.
The pleasant rest that the street la
borers have enjoyed since the mighty
effort Just before tho regatta, has lasted
long enough. T he roads aro beginning to
look worse than ever. "
The Multnomah gained at Portland havs
been postponed until after the Tacoma
cimpja tnkA n'npA. Will Tnllnnt whA hna
No beitlter milk was ever brought to I been in Portland training for a number
Astoria trran Is furnished for live cents
a quart by Relth & Wilson, and de
livered In a clean and tlglntly closed
glass bottle at your door every morning.
Is there a man with heart so cold,
That frsni his family would withhold
The comforts which they all could find
In articles ef FURNITURE of th
right kind.
And we would suggest at this season,
nice Sldaboard, KxtenBlsn Table, or se
of Dining Chairs. We have the larges
and finest line ever shewn In the city
and at prices that cannot fall to pleas
tho closest buyers,
; first Class funerals :
POfib'S Undertaking Parlors,
Rates RMSooabl. Embalming i Specialty
As Franklin says, good dress open?
all doors, you should not lose sight of
the. fact that a perfect fitting suit Is
the main feature. Wanamaker &
ltrown are noted for fit, workmanship
ami superiority of Qualities. Their rep
rosentatlve visits Astoria every three
months. Olllce CI Dekum Building,
Portland. Or Reserve orders till you
hsv seen the spring line of samples.
The only railroad lighting its trains by
Ths only railroad uslnfr the celebrated
electric berth reading kunp.
The coadhes now runnlnir on "The Mil
waukee" are Palaces on Wheels.
On all Its through lines, the Chicago,
Milwaukee and St. PjuI Railway runs the
most perfectly equipped trains of Sleep
ing, Parlor, and Dining Cars and Coaches.
For lowest rates to any point In the
United t Bates and Canada, appty to ticket
wents, or address C. J. EDDY,
Oeneral Agnt.
Portland, Oregon.
BHILOH'3 CURB Is sold on a trar-
ntee. It cures incipient consumption,
t Is the best Cough Core. Only one
ent a doss. 25 cents. SO cts., and 11.00,
For Sale by J. W. Conn.
Just arrived at Copcland Jfc Thoreen's,
a nice line of high grade footwear for
ladles, a'.l widths from A to No
trouble to show goods, and satisfaction
guaranteed to every purchaser. Call and
examine mem.
What brings people back to the Asto
ria Wood Yard after they have sounded
the possibilities everywhere else? May
be it's one thing, and May be It's another.
But the fnot remains back they come.
And of course the Astoria Wood Yard Is
proud ot It.
Purest of wines, liquors and clgirs
eleftant free lunch all the dally papers,
at the Gamibrlnug, 12th and Commercial.
To our 'Lady Customors:
There are too many places In tills city
seHIng wraps and Jackets. Many of the
garments sold here are shop worn, and
come out of retail stores In other cities
on account of bolng stale, but are sold
here for the very latest. For the past
10 years I have been selling Jackets and
wraps of the drat grades at much lower
prices than any house in Portland, and
have never yet deceived any customer in
order to make a sale. Considering that
the city is overcrowUcd with this par
ticular line of goods I shall from this
day close out all Jackets and wraps at
wholesale prices.
cowun's low pinron store,
491 Bond Street.
Astoria, Sept. 11, 1890.
5o to .Dr. Howard, the p.ilnless den
tist, 508 Commercial street, for tine den
tal work of every class. He challenges
an. equal. Prices reasonable Satisfaction
A well-furnished sups of roons, with
use of parlor, and, If desired, good
taoie Doara, at reasonable rates. 403 Du
ane street, corner ef Ninth.
of days, returned yesterday.
Bids will be received until September
15th, 1S93, for the removal of 300 yards
more or loss of excavated1 earth. Right
reserved to reject any or all bids. For
particulars address Paclllo Paving Co.
Services at the Congregational church.
Subject In the morning, 'Christianity a
Llfo." In the evening, "The Godliness
of God." The Sunday school meets1 at
12:13 and the Christian 'Endeavor at C:30.
A number of people who had intended
to go to Portland last night to witness
the 'Multnomah fall games were disap
pointed when they learned of the post
ponement of the event and remained at
The new seats for the opera house,
which are about six weeks behind time,
arrived yesterday. Their advent was
unannounced and unexpected, although
the transportation lines have been trac
ing their whereabouts for some time
The event Is a good Joke on the railroads,
who could not find the property and yet
it turns up safely If somewhat late in the
game for the opening of the new opera
house. Some of the chairs were placed
in position yesterday, tnd Manager Beggs
says that he thinks they will all be In
place before the Saturday nigh: entertain
ment. Swcdis'.i Lutheran church Confirma
tion and communion Sunday beginning at
10:20. The confirmation will be in Eng
lish. A short sermon will be held in
Swedish. Our beloved veteran on the
coast, Rev. Peter Carlson, will b amnno-
us and we hope, although he ie very
feeble, to have the pleasure of listening
to him both In tho morning and evening.
May Ood richly bless Tinv. ciri.'.
work among us. All are cordially in
vited to worihln with m Smi.w n,,.
day school at the usual hour, 12 15. Col
lection Sunday will be for the Foreign
Some of the finest nhnt
different regatta scenes that have been
taken are to be seen at n,w...'
studio on Commercial street. Another
picture of the tug Emma Hayward tow
ng two large grain vessels up the river
Is also a, fine niece of work nnrt hi.
attracted much attention. Mr. Snodgrass
says that as soon as the question of the
building on the lot where he is shall have
been settled he intends putting in a suit
of itine art rooms and will be better pre
pared to take care of the largely In
creasing business that is now crowding
his present quarters to the utmost limit.
First M. E. Church-Rev. J. W. Bu
shong D. D. will preach at 11 a. m., and
7:30 p. m. Subject at 11 a. m., "The
Mansions in the Father's Home Land;
Who Will Be there, and What They will
Do There." At 6 p. m. there will be a
rally of young people, to which all young
people are most cordially invited'. Sub
ject at 7:0 p. m., "From Lowest to High
est; Or How It Came that a Young Man
Dropped a Shepherd's Crook and Grasp
ed a Monarch's Scepter." This will ba
ur. jjusnong's last sermon for this con
ference year. There will be special music
ror tms service. The community general
ly Is cordially Invited.
Rev. Erastus Rowley JJHe Well bv
Paine's Celerv C&')und.
Offered for a Twelve-Mile Boulevard
That Will bo an Ornament
to the City.
The Bacon Company in May Blossom.
May Illossom was presented last nleht
at Fisher's opera house to another crowd
ed house by 'Bacon's 'Stock company. The
audience was more than pleased. May
A twister In twisting
May twist him twist,
For In twisting a twist
Thre twists make a twist;
Hut If one of the twists
Untwists from the twist.
The twist untwisting
Untwists the twist.
That is, when It's twisted with anv
other twine than MARSHALL'S.
There wore added lo the circuit court
docket yeaterduy the fo.lowlng suits: J.
S. Bishop vs. J. A. Rjnnels et al., M,
HutaK.i vs. S. A. Hobs et al.. First Na
tional Hunk of .Astoria vs. North Shore
Packing Co.
This Is tho season of the year when
Pague's weather predictions are a good
deal ot the "hit or miss" variety. The
seasons changed about a dozen times yes
terday, ajid linen dusters and overcoats
were In order.
County Treasurer IlenJ, Ward has been
quite 111 for several days from an at
tack of bilious fever. It Is thought he
will Improve In a few days' time. .Many
complaints are made of similar trouble
a.u over town.
Joo llllppa came down the river
from I"ortlnnd yesterday and wont to
uruy s uiwr on a fishing trip. From
there he will go to Deep river anl In
tends to thorounhly enjoy this the first
vacation ho has htd In a number of
See Me A lien i& McDonnell for New
nign novelties In Dress Goods. Parker's
oui store.
The Troy Laundry Co. has made ar
rangements with A. J. Squires to act as
Its nsent for Astoria. This company Ij
nuieu ior nign giauo work and uromnt
aeuvery. tending ana repairing free.
Kuntllvs called for and delivered. Office
4iH commercial street.
Sunday at the Baptist Church In the
morning the pastor will discuss "The
Cities of Refuge." In the evening. "The
Hero's Choice; or, Lessons from the lives
of representative men No. 11." Sunday
school at 13:16 and B. Y. P. IT. at 6.UI
p. m. You are cordially Invited to be
Several leading citizens in discussing
city improvements yesterday had a num
ber of different suggestions to offer as to
what was needed to place Astoria on a
par with other progressive cities in the
Northwest. Every town, whoso citizens
have any ambition at all, makes some
effort at beautifying its surroundings and
providing places of recreation were the
people can enjoy the light and air and
the beauties of nature. Public parks,
drives and boulevards abound In most
cities, and even the villages In nearly all
localities have their square, or village
green, with its grass and trees, where
the children can run without let or
The gentlemen who were considering
these questions agreed that above all,
and foremost, Astoria was In need of a
pleasure drive. At present there Is not
a drive or street in or about the city
that Is fit for a pleasure spin and one of
the first things that a stranger wants to
do after arrival in a town, particularly
when he proposes to become Interested
In that place, Is to drive about and
view its surroundings. To make such a
request in Astoria Is to suffer torture over
rough planked streets or rougher cor
duroy roads, but the time has come when
a magnificent houlovard can be had at
little expense. The means is at hand al
the present moment with which to secure
a lasting source of pleasure and hea'.th
as well as a most conspicuous ornament
to the city.
The pipe line route from Bear Creek
to the reservoir, a distance of twelve
miles, offers unexcelled facilities for a
beautiful driveway and boulevard. Tra
versing the crest of the high hills, from
which can bo had unsurpassed views of
tne L,ewls and Clark and Youngs rivers,
Saddle mountain, and the valleys to the
south, the mighty Co.umLia and the for
est clad of Washington on the north
new crossing a deep ravine and again
winding through the thick woods, what
more picturesque location could have be?n
selected 'for the people's highway?
The- grading ' has all been done and
paid for and all that Is needed is a
permanent surface for this twelve foot
wide highway. The contractors have a
quarry opened on the hill, a 20 ton rock
crusher in operation, a 10 ton roller on
the hill, and all of the teams and men
necessary to put on a tine macadam
surface. There has been some talk be
tween the city and Messrs. Behm and
Hamshaw of laying such a pavement as
far as the city limits on this pipe line
road, but the work should not stop there.
Never again In years can It be hoped that
all of these propitious circumstances will
conjoin, and the spirit of public enter
prise If nothing ese should urge the citi
zens to take immediate action to secure
this great boon to the city, even if it
has to be done by private subscription.
Its cost would be more than repaid many
fold within two years from the added
business and population that would be
secured through its influence, to say noth
ing of the health and pleasure of the
people that would thus be provided for.
To delay means loss. Not In years can
the work be done to cheaply as now,
and It would seem a shame that the
opportunity should be lost.
One of the gentlemen a'.so remarked
that Astoria should never let the big
roller leave the town, as it will be needeJ
constantly In the ensuing years and It
would coat double the amount to gel
another one of this, size here if bought
new and shipped from a distance.
No doubt the gentlemen who so earnest
ly discussed these matters will add their
efforts to the movement already on foot
to secure the paving to the city limits,
to have the entire line macadamized, as
will others when the situation is considered.
Street Excavations Are Unguarded by
ROYAL Baking Powder
has beea awarded highest
honors at every world's Mr
n here exhibited.
Mr. L. L. Alerrlck, of the Portland ex
position, returned to that city last night,
Ho stated to an Astorian representative
that he had secured more exhibits,
among thorn some simples of timber
There is nothing but bold, clear-cut I from Mr. McGregor, and that a creamery
truth t.i the statement that ts secure per- exhibit Is promised. He cays he Is sure
red nt, quaaity and style in your shoes I mat ciataop win make a good showing,
at the lowest reasonable prices you must ,
go to the firm of John Hahn & Co., 479 1 "Deputy United States Marshal Hum
Commerc'.al street. , phrey arrived yesterday from Mar.shtleld.
Jiuving in charge a Chinaman whom he
took to Portland on the evening boat for
trial; The Chinaman will no doubt be
deported under the Geary law. ns he
has not the proper certificate and photo
grapn. Marshal Humphrey spent a pleas
ant day while In town, visiting among
his friends, who were all glad to see
The season at the seaaldo Is about over.
Gearhart Park hotel Is closed and most
of the cottagers and campers have gone.
Some of the cottages at Seaside are still
occupied and McGulre's hotels are still I
open. This Is really the best month at
the seashore and some few people fully I
We have choice property In Van Du
sen's, A.derbrook, Adair's, Shlvely's, Mc-
C.ure s, Taylor's, New Astoria, Warren
ton, and Astoria Addition to Warrenton
for al-. Also money to loan In sums of
tM to x3,0i) on good real estate security.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
By great presence of mind a well known
society lady last night about 11 o'clock,
saved herself from serious Injury. As
It was she received a number of painful
bruises and may be thankful that a limb
was not broken.
The lady and her escort were returning
fromi an entertainment and when near
Blossom is a heart story and each nan l:;'n' street, on Franklin, unwlttinirlv
was exeel.'ently portrayed by t'le mem- ! steppea on tne sidewalk into the ditch
bers cf this excellent company. As May which is being dug for the waterworks
Blossom, Miss Cleveland was at ease mains. The accident occurred wlthour
and rendered the pathetic lines with warning of amy kind. The spot was dark
much feeling, ttlr. Webster as Steve was and t'le contractors, or whoever are the
if anything hotter than usual. Mr. Bacon responslb.e ones, had not put out any red
as Tom Blossom, May's father, was very "gnis or guard rails, as the custom,
artistic, In fact the entire company are I common sense, and the law In most places
far above the average traveling com- i demands. One poor feeble attempt at a
pp.ny. ea .ignt several! o.ocKs up the street,
w-s nuns out to warn neon n fivm
As the school year opens, attention is
directed to the oft-repeated advice of
leading educators, warning teachers, par
ents and scholars against the fearful
results of exhaustive brain work among
young people.
To thousands of girls and boys, un
nerved by the strain of scho?l life, Paine's
celery compound, (which was first pre
scribed by 'America's greatest teacher,
Prof. Edward E. Phelps, M. D., LL. D.,
Nothing in the world so strengthens
the weak, so readily restores lost nerve
force, so surely makes tho ailing and
peevish young woman or growing boy
well and cheerful.
And for the aged and infirm the whole
world knows its wonderful curative pow
ers. Rev. Erastus Rowley, president of
the famous Kentucky Female College,
writing to the proprietors of Paine's eel
cry compound, pays:
"I was for several years a sick man.
My sickness was attended with constipa
tion, with nervousness and insomnia, and
of Dartmouth college), has been a bless- the least evcltemnt would r-nnsn nalnltn.
Ing, making them well and strong, feed- tlon of the heart. I have in the last
ing the brain and nerves, and enriching ' three or four years used several widely
and nurlfyimr tho blood I a,lvertls:e1 Preparations. Finally I took
anu pui lrying tne mood. Paine's celery compound and I regard it
. The recent recommendation of Paine's as superior to all others, especially it
celery eompouad by Principal Camp ot ufed strictly as you direct. By using
New Haven and the equally outspoken this I do not suffer from constipation,
praise of this greatest of remedies by Inability to sleep, or from palpitation ot
ex-President Cook of the National Teach- the heart as formerly. I am still using
ers' Asslelatlon, are two of the thous- Paine's celery compound at times and.
ands of such testimonials from parents shall take pleasure in recommending it
and teachers throughout the country. to others."
Tonight by special request the beau
tiful' domestic comedy drama. The Estate
of 'Hanniba! Howe will be given. , This
play was written especially for Mr.
Bacon by Hon. Jud.on Bousle, a member
of the California legislature. Mr. Bacon
has presented the play in San Francisco
and the critics of that city pronounce
tho play superior to The Old Hom?stead,
while the lines are comedy there are
many touching situations.
tumbling Into a ditch half a mile long;
Not a guard rail or plank used the en-
tire distance, to protect either pedestri
ans or teams, and the ditch runs close
beside the sidewalk! Suppose a young
horse was being driven along the street
In the dark, ten chances to one but that
horse and driver would be hurled Into
Happily no damage suits in this in
stance will be brought against the city,
but It might be wise to prevent recur
rences or the kind, now that many of the
streets are to be torn up In this manner,
and avom future trouble,
The following deeds were filed In the
recorders otnee yesterday:
M. J. Kinney et al. to Peter Jor
Uan, lots 28. 27 and 2S, block 27, New1
Astoriai $150
f eter Jordan to H. H. Thompson, lot
28, block 27, New Astoria 25
Peter Jordan to Ella M. Lally, lots M
ana 21, o.ock 27, New Astoria 450
All the members of the company are
well cast and it is almost an assured fact
that the opera, house will be packed, as
the company have made a most favorable
Impression. There will also be a special
matinee this afternoon for the ladies and
Must be sold; S5 acres hind
in fcc. 2. T. 7..R. 10. Price,
or particulars inquire
li. . r KRGUSOX,
179 11th street.
The open air exhibition ad
vertised lor Saturday and Sun
day, the 7th and 8th, by the
ueii uros., could not take place
Astoria, Or , Sept. 11, '95.
Some of our competitors in
the clothiii"; business are los
ing their temper or fense
recause we saw fit to inaurm-
r-ate special fales, similar to
sacs gotten up by store in
other citier-; wnv why should
not the pe nle of Astoria have
the same ad 'antaes otTercdi
bv the livo merchants in oth'.-r
However, tinco tht-y can't
stand coir pet it ion. we will r-
open the sale, anutrom I Jus mi
until timber n c) sell any
suit or overcoat in the store
including las', stmoner's ar
rivals! w..rth from $15 to
$22.50, for eleven doll sirs and
fifty cents and all ehaper
suits in proponion. Very re
Herman Wise,
The Live mid Reliable Cloth
ier and Hatter.
P. S, In a klition, we will
continue the Eed Letter
Sale on all hats, furnishing
fisai Estate fflen,
Business rVIeo
Of Astoria
' Call Into the AstorUn office
end get an;plo copies of our iegu
lar Commercial itfition.
"Si. -a
It Jfleans J.Iorsey
in Your Pocket.
WANTED German or French pupils.
Address L. L. H., care of this office.
WANTBD An honest," active gentle
man or lady to travel for reliable es
tafilis'ned house. Salary, J78U, payable
f!5 weekly and expenses. Situation per
manent. References. Enclose self-addressed
envelope, H. E. Hess, Pre, Chicago.
WANTED Agento to represent the
old National Life Insuranoa Oo., of
Montpelier. Vt. For further Informa
tlon, address G. M. Stolp, General Coat
M H nil CAP B9-W1 Pil-.-L-a. ..ll At m.
goods, and everything else in I ranciaco. cai.
the Store. WANTED Man or lady to collect, do
some office work, and manags agents.
SHILOH'S CURB, the great Cough You will deal through your leading mer
and Croup Cure, is In great demand chants. Something new and very popu
Pocket size contains twenty-five doses lar. We pay all expenses. Position par
only 25 cents. Children love It Sold manent. Send four references and ten
by J. W. Conn. cents for full particulars. John Finney
Mgr., P. Q. Box 484, St. Louis, Mo.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
JAPANESE GOODS-Just out-Just re
ceivedJust what you want, at Wing
Lee's, .613 Commercial street.
A good buy at Long Reach. Nine room
house. Furnished complete for summer
travel. For description and terms in
quire at Real Estate Exchange, Occident
FOR RENT Furnished reams; good lo
cation fronting river. Capt. P. E. Fer
ohen, 330 17th street.
Most Perfect Made,
do Years the Standard.
Hello. Jagway! I am told you have nn rf :.l .
taken to riding a bk-ycle." ""l vl "LXlueiH 10
"I have."
"Like It?"
"Pretty well."
"What's the name of the machine you
"I call It thi 'Total-Abstinence.'"
"What do you call It that forr
"It's my only safety."
1, T..i.
iuc njf. Dm weamer per
mitting, they will positively
appear thi Saturday and Sun
day ;ve at 0 p ni. sharp.
Don't fail to see them.
Acts as trustee for corooration nfl in.
Transact a general banking business
Interest paid on time deposits.
lONEY Apply to AstOTla Abstract,
Title and Trust Co.
FOUND A silver witch, which tie
owner can have by calling at this office
end proving property.
J. Q. A. BOWLBT President
$75,000 PEA WEEK using; and selling
Dynamos for plating watches. Jewelry.
and table ware. Plates cold. aUver-'
DIRECTORS. nickel, etc., same as new rroodi Dlf-
fprent RlzM for APAnlR m-lloa n
J. Q. A. Bowlby, C. H. Page, BenJ ! shops. Easy operStedTjho experience;
Young, A. S. Reed. D. P. Thompson i big profits. W. I. TIarrin & Co.,
W. E. Dement, Gust Holmes. J Clerk No. 14. Columbus,) ehto.