The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 14, 1895, Image 3

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Portland, Oregon.
The larcest an! m.-st complete display ever nnJe of the Resources, Industries. Ommerce, Business,
Agriculture, Forests, MineMMjIls, fisheries, Manufactures and Transportation facilities uf
Hadlic r-orlhwest. li
Vine Musi . s8"il
al t
Trunsportutlon Iiiica.
Slnir'e Admlbsbn
Children under u Ye;ila
season iicliets
E. C. HASTEN, Secretary.
TH'B UNIVURSI L'Y OF OEEGON, Eugene, Oregon, offers free tuition to ni
pt u Ic-iiv. Ymia can obtain board, lodging, hent and light in tbe dormitory
for 32.50 pur week. llooraers famish their own linfiu. Young women are provided
with hiitrd in pi ivuto families nt $3.00 per week. Young women desiring board
should hJdress Prof. John Straup, Euyene, Oregon ; or Secretary 1'oung Women's
Christian Atsni iatiou, Eugene. The University odors threo baccalaureate degrees
Bachelor i.i Arts, Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Letters, with corresponding
courses of Blmly. The following shorter courses t;r9 also offered: An English coarse
leudiugin two years to a business diploma and in three years to tho title graduate
in English; an advanced course for graduates of normal schools leading to the de
gree muster of pedagogy ; a three years' courss in civil cngiueqriug leading to the
decree civil engineer; a conrso of two years for teachers of physioal education
leading Id a diploma and tho title director of physical education. The University
charge i.u incidental fee of ten dollars, which is payable in advance by all students.
Students holdiug diplomas from the public schools and thoso having teachers' cer,
tifieales are admitted to the preparatory departmout without examination. Those
desiring information regarding the preparatory department should address the
dean, N. L. Nnrregun,' Eugene.
For catalogues and information address C. H. Chapman, President, or J. J
Walton, Secretary, Eugene, Oregon.
Few Hen Would Ask
for a Finer Dinner
than those we serve. We're trying In
every way to make them the most en
joyable In town. All the "good things"
of the season cooked by our excellent
cook In the most delicious style. Perfect
If you Invite a friend to the Palace
Restaurant the place is a sufficient guar
antee that he will receive a good meal.
The Palace Restaurant
Are You Going East?
If so, drop k line to A. C. Sheldon,
general agent of the '.'Burlington
Route," 250 Washington St., Portland.
He will mall you free of charge, maps,
time tables, and advise you as to the
through rates to any point, reserve
sleeping car accommodations for you,
end furnish you with through tickets
via either the Northern, Union, South
ern. Canadian Pacific, and Great North
ern railroads at the very lowest rates
The Burlington Route U generally
conceded to be the finest equipped rail
road in tho world for all classes of
"Do unto others as you would have
others do unlo you," Is sympathetically
elmwn in the following linen, the pre
'.i.iuik'ii I't-iniT sympathy Is born,
or nkin to pain or sorrow:
"Gentlemen: Please fcend Kraiifce'F
Headache Capsules as follows: 'Avi
r."xes t" Flora Seay, Ilavanna. N. Dak
Two boxes to Ltllle Wilcox. Brookland.
N. Dak. 1 nave always been a great
su Surer from headache and your Cap
sules are the only tning that relieves
me. I ours very ii uiy,
Havana, N. Dak.
For Hale by Chas. Vtogers, Astoria,
f .r Sole Agent.
IT 50. ran a case it will not cure.
,hiQ rTntiTO find NF.ItVE TONIC.
Bold by Pmggistsor sent by mall S3O..00&,
and $1.00 per package. Samples fres.
TTf TSTiffc The Favorite TWlUS
HO isfortUcTc.l .-.Jdlkcath.aio.
. For Sale by J. W. Conn. .
Horth Pacific Bremery
Bohemian Lager Beer
Leave orders with J. L. Carlson at the
Sunnyslde Saloon or Louis Boentge et
the Cosmopolitan Saloon. All orders will
be promptly attended to.
Mr. .1. J. Keil, Uharuaburg, Pa.
Dear Sir- 1 am glad to fay a good
word for Krause's Headache Capsules.
After suflering for over three years
with acute neuralgia and it3 consequent
Insomnia Cvhich seemed to balfle the
efforts of some of our best physicians)
i suggested this remedy "vhich gave
ue almost instant relief. Words fall
to express the praise I should like to
bislow on Krnuf.e'8 Headache Capsules.
Gratefully Yours,
Montrose, Pa-
MAKTF Attractive, fitttrt by being the
rnostbennSilnlcrcuttirein it.
nOJlfc If youbnvo beauty preserve
it If not, you can improve your looks
immensely. AVhere there's a will there's
a way. A good way is the use of my
articles, especially
Lola;pGtez Greme
75c per pot.
Brings hniti'y to
the fare by feed
ing through the
skin pore", gives
life fo faded fares.
Soldhv Mrs D
4o7 Ouaue St. As-
MrsJiettie Har
rison, America's
beauty doctor,
40 ond 42 Geary St., San Francisco. Cal,
, n brands,
'Q'r."tJ2 Hold br rra.-ci
kV".a . : A , in nlsin np?".
UcciUl asut on request.
pm mm
5JT50, ran a case it will not cure., g
" -I'-iwir. as Big Is a non-tii-n
JJi rtcdr for OuDorrhcea,
y .mSh?! Osvt, Spormaiorrhaa.
J .1 Wlilt, nnnaloral dia-
'jS?r-.U t on, irVit.l...D or ulra
IJSJZLZ. toA of n.uco... nj;r--
opens . . .
October 5th.
JSvery Day. Reduced ities
Pur Exhibit Siuce apply
Building to
at tlie lixposltinn
C. H. HUNT, Superintendent.
Interesting Items Culled From Oregon's
Leading Newspapers.
It Is reported that three of the profes
sors In the State University are confirm
ed drunkards. It Is true It is a blot upon
the fair name of the Institute, that the
ti ustees should lose no time In removing.
The time is gone by, It ever It was pres-
ent for a BOt t0 have charge of tho ed
ucation of our youth, we would De
g'.ad to see this matter investigated.
Woodburn Independent.
According to the reports of Assessor
Wil3on, Klamath county has 2,318 popu
lation, of which 703 are voters; 6496 sheep
turned off 27,812 pounds of wool; there are
3701 horses, 1G6 mules, 10,580 cattle, 1S41)
hegs, 6496 sheep. There are 22,916 acres
under cultivation which yielded 68,933
bushels of wheat, 19,935 'bushels of oats,
32,206 bushels of barley and rye, 12.875
bushels of potatoes, 23.362 tons of hay
and 20,767 pounds of butter and cheese.
"There Is little Interest manifested In
Oregon over the boat race," sighs the
Salem Past. "The people look at It as
a kind of contest between two million
aires, and do not much care which wins.
They would rather hear of wheat or
hops advancing a cent than news of
a yachting victory one way of an
other. Talk as we may, poverty and
hardship drive the patriotism out ot
men's souls." The Post oui;ht to keep
a stiff upper lip and smile. It never does
any good to whine and look on tho dark
side of the picture.
Wa ore once more In receipt of a com
munication, says the Commercial Re
view, In reference to the Oregon and
Washington Millers' Association. The
ollleers of tho association can call a meet
ing if they deem It advisable, as the asso
ciation has never dissolved, and there Is
some money still In the hands of the
treaaurer. A little energetic work prob
ably wouM revive the association and
place It on a good footing. With proper
officers the same could be made a suc
cess. We hope to hear from the secre
tary of the association on this matter.
According to the Prinevlelie Review,
either the sun, the moon or the earth
had a wabble on the night of the eclipse.
That paper says: "The total eclipse of
the moon was plainly visible at this
place Tuesday night of this week. T7ie
remarkable feature of the eclipse beim
the apparent vibration of the shadow
upon the face of the moon, at times en
tirely obliterating the ranon from sight,
then apparently moving back so as to
expose part and once or twice all of the
moon's disc. This feature was noticed
by a number of people whose statements
a'.l agree, else we would believe It a
case of optical Illusion."'
"About noon Saturday," says the Eli;In
Recorder, "the residence occupied by W.
H. Griggs was discovered to be on fire
and although the alarm was promptly
given and as promptly responded to,
the tire was under too much headway to
extinguish beifore the crowd reached it
The contents of the lower rooms were
saved, but everything upstairs, Includ
ing nearly ail the bedding and wearing
apparel of the family, was consumed.
The building belonged to R. C. Mays and
was Insured, but the contents had no
insurance. The fire fiend appears to
have It In for Mr. Griggs as this Is the
fourth time he has been burned cut In
the past thirteen years."
The East Oregonian says "consid.ira-
bie consternation has been produced
among the farming community by the
discovery that the dread Russian thistle
has made Its appearance and is already
sowing many of Umatilla county s acr js,
K. N. Smith, of McKay Creek district,
brought In a weed with thistle points on
It and made Inquiry regarding the spe
cies. At first no one was found who
could tell just what it was. It resem
bled a tumble weed In form, and Mr.
Smith said It would, mature In the fall,
break off at the ground, and go rolling
along over acre after acre, seeding a
very large amount of land and proving
to be a real pest In the vegetable line,
Charles Pell and Andre-w Jacobsen were
finally called Into Bentley & Ferguson's
office, where the weed was being exam
ined, and these farmers Instantly recog
nized It as the Russian thistle. They
had seen It before, and knowing Its
troublesome character, could not soon
forget It. The way In which the foul-
some stuff came here Is explained by
saying that Ed. LIchtenwalter two years
ago Imported some millet seed from Da
kota, among it some Russian thistle
seed. From this small beginning, t
weed has spread over many McKay Creek
farms, and Is reported to be at present
In the vicinity of Adams. On McKay
creek, it Is growing on the LIchtenwalter,
John Denton and Milo Palmer ranches,
but unless checked, will soon be In every
corner of the county, as it Increases and
spreads with wonderful rapidity. The
Dakotas have fought it desperately and
the state government has been compelled
to make large appropriations of money;
congress has also been appealed to for
aid in exterminating the pest. When It
takes possession of a tract of land It
takes complete possession and renders it
useless for agricultural purposes."
Gentlemen: I had occasion to use
several boxes of Krause's Headache
Capsules while traveling to Chicago to
attend tbe National Democratic Con
vention. They acted like a charm in
preventing headaches and dizziness.
Have had very little headache since
my return, which Is remarkable.
Yours, resoectfullv
Ed. Renovo (Pa.) Record.
For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria,
Or.. Sole agent.
Tide Table fof September, 1895.
II 1011 WATE1I.
i. h. II r. u.
Urn ft
!hjnj ft.Jh.mjft
"5 3HiJ)5 !!C,:i
0 15 0 5 0 H2'2 6
0 4(1 -0 2 7 00'3 8
712-01 7 801 3
7 3-' -0 :l B(Ml7
755-07 828:18
8 21-11 9OJ00
8 4tl -1 6 9 4210 4
914 19 10'iii'Ol
9 4i 2 8 '1124 05
10 25 'J .. .. .
0 81 0 0 '11MHI3 4
1 .'5,' 0 5 1 038 4
8 0!ll 01 26184
4 12 0 4 4 12 3 1
60:1-0 6 6112 8
547-07 6Ulll4
6 80-0 5 6 6110 7
7 Os -0 2 7 850 0
7 48 0 2 8 20 0 4
R 28 0'J 910O6
0 05 1 7 10 0210 4
9 48 2 5 11 00:0 1
1031 32 .. .. . .
i 0 05 0 3 11 86 3 8
I 11U 0 5 1114 0
2 80 0 6 2 45 4 1
830 0 5 3;.r.r!3 6
4 22 0 5 4 5018 0
6 05 0 0 6 31 2 4
Bl'KDAY.. 1
Monday. .. 2
Tuesday .. 8
Wednesday I
IS 20, b
112117 0
IS 4S7 2
1317 7
1 (WHO
0 ft!'7 fi
0 40,7 0;
1 1217 4
1 411(7 2
2 2; 7 o:
8 Ol'ltl tl
8 Ifiiil 2
Thursday. 6
Friday.... ti;
Saturday. . 7i
Munday. .. f
2 15:8 1
2 4S
8 18
3 4'
Tuesday . . 10
4 28 1
6 20
n eun sit y 1
5 41
7 01
10 ffil
U it!
Friday IS
7 S5
Saturday. .11
Monday.. ..Hi
Tuesday... 17
8 50
10 01
11 58!
12 40
1 10
8 12
4 4;.
6 42
6 61
Wedu'sd'y is
iliurfuiay ,r.'
Friday '20
Saturday.. 21
0 W
2 27i
8 is
4 K'i
Miiuday .. 2U
Tuesday . . 24
Wedu'sd'y SS
Thursday .20:
Friday.... 27
0 H'llS
8 00 (i 01
9 15 0 9
Saturday. 'M
10 25 6 i
1100,0 7
10 111 7 0
Mo: day.. 8u
11 Sa,7 1 ill 05,7 1
The fish that they catch In tho spring,
tra la,
Have nothing to do with the case;
But the men that pack truck In the fall,
tra In.
Show a great exhibition of gall, tra la,
And are guilty of ocndcubmtstoxlluira
Are guilty of conduct most base,
And that's what we mean when wo say
and we sing
All hail to the salmon that's packed In
tlhe isprlng;
But death to the offal,
The fall cartured offal,
And hurrah for Chinook In the spring!
The Iris goes off the Ilwaco, route to
day. In a few days the Relief will be out
of service here and her place will be
taken by the old Escort.
The Alice Blariehard with seventeen
through passengers arrived in from San
Francisco yesterday and tied up at Fin-
layson's dock. After discharging 27 tons
of freight she left up the river for Port
land. The Coos Bay News says the fishermen
on the Coquille are receivelng two cents
per pound from the cannery for their
The customs officers on Tuesday took
possession of what was billed as "eight
cases of liquor" on the schooner E.wood,
which sailed for Alaska yesterday. The
liquor was found to 1ae whisky, and there
were eight coal oil cases of It, amounting
to eighty gallons of liquor. The schooner
was loaded by Cant. Johnson with lum
ber and general merchandise, to open a
trading post at Cook's Inlet. Post-Intel-
The Florence West says: Protection
to salmon is much talked" of. but seem- I
lnirlv no law can be passed that the Jeo- I
pie will Observe. If the law is not better
observed manv of the rivers now teem-
ing with salmon will become depleted.
For the first time in our history the ,
Sluslaw Is to have traps. This is the ,
outirrowth of conmetition In canneries, !
which has grown Into a rivalry during !
the past few years.
Th flshincr season oDencd much better
than had been anticipated, states The :
Dalles Times-Mountaineer. The Herrlck
cannery yesterday put up about six tons,
and today has something like seven tons,
most of which was caught m tne seines
nd trans. At least ten tons were ex
pected down from Taffs's this morning,
but up to 2 o'clock this afternoon the
train had not arrived. We were told by
partis who lhave visited Mr. Tafia s
fishery that he la catching anout a ion
an hour; If so, he would alone be able to
keep the cannery running. The Everdlng
cannery Is not yet running but may start
up In a day or so. At Herrlck's every
thing 13 running full Kast ana n tne run
keeps up the cannery will be kept going
night and day.
There Is an unusual scarcity of macker
el in the markets, and mackerel are
being imported from Ireland to supply
the demand at Philadelphia. The scarcl-
a .... t !.. ..t.h hnc, nt-
ty ot me new --"-"
ready become known abroad, and the
first invoice of Irish mackerel, covering
100 barrels, have arrived at Philadelphia
frcm Liverpool, and whs virtuaKy sola
to a firm in that city before It was land
ed. The Irish mackerel are smaller in
size and not so full and plump as the
American fish, and being somewhat in
ferior in quality, do not command the
same price as American mackerel. In
case of a prolonged scarcity of the lat
ter, however, the foreign fish will be
shipped here, it is believed. In large
quantities to make up the deficiency. At
present the August catch of American
mackerel Is hardly within fifty per cent
of that of former years. The catch con
tinues through August and September
and In some Instances as late as Novem
ber and Is usually taken from the waters
of the Atlantic from Maine to Cane Cod.
The entire receipts of mess mackerel
for one week at Philadelphia will not ex
ceed 200 barrels, which is unusually small'
for this time of the year. Interstate
The British bar'c Wythop, 1248 tors,
arrived at Steveston September 6 to load
salmon for England on account of H.
Bell, Irving & Co., and Evans, Coleman
& Evans, says the B. C. Commercial
Journal. She was rechartered at 36s 3d.
Advices state that the Fiery Cross put
Into Montevideo partially dismasted, and
will take so long to repair that she may
miss her cancelling date. The tonnage
now engaged for England will, it is es
timated, carry 360,000 cases. The over
land shipments are expected to be 30,000
cases, which will bring the amount for
England lully equal to last year. East
ern Canada consumes about (5,000 cases
annually, and shipments will be in the
neighborhood of lint amoun'. Australia
is also expected to Uke to:,ie 30,000 cases.
The reciprocal treatey with New Zea
land puts canned salmon on the free list
in place of a former duty of 2d per lb.
Supplies for this market have formerly
gone from San Francisco, but the British
Columbia canners can reasonably count
on a demand for nearly 6,000 cases a year
fror.i New Zealand, as tho past consump
tion has averaged over 4,500 cases; and
from the fact that fish will be freo in fu
ture, gives every reason to look for an
Increased demand. From the above esti
mate of the disposition of this year's
pack It will be seen that there will be a
small balance of say 15.000 case carried
forward by the canners.
The oecan commerce 01 u.o ilef of which the Bitters are peculiarly
was a formal and solemn thlnf,. accom-1 a(Jiapted In tha gmmai vlgor begotten
panied by many documents and muLr. , o conjplete d1swrtjon and assimilation,
red tape, and carried on with constant tw(J functloni 4llled by thlf auxilUry of
pious reference to the power , heaIth tne nerve, COUrse share. Ner
the winds and waves. Sometimes tne 0.0. i vow peopio thaM UM u .neaelly, not
tills of lading have a queer iw. " - "
the character of the merchandise Itself
is taken Into consideration: for the ves
sels which carried rum to Africa and
brought back slaves, were not less punc
tilious In all these formal regards than
others. " The United State, consul at
Funchal. Maderla, has lately Deen look
rla, has lately oeen ioo-1
old bilis of lading. Usued,
the last century, and In Sj
ing over some
In MaHertn In thA
report to the state department at Wash
ington, gives a fac simile or ono oi mem.
He also give, a copy of another, which
is dated In Maderia September 11, Ii61.
and which Is significant of the old-time
customs. It is as follows:
"SHIPPED, by the grace of God, In
good order and well condltlon'd, by New
Ion & Gordon, In and upon the ship call
ed the Fame, whtreof is master, under
God, for this pressnt Voyage, Vlner Leay
craft, and now riding at Anchor in tho
road of Funchal, and by God's grace
bound to New York-to say:
Ono negro man named York, consigned
to Wm. Thos. Newton, merchant In New
York, being mark'd and number'd as In
the Margin (a negro Man named York)
and to be deliver'd in the like good Or
fW and well Condltlon'd, at the afore
said port of Now York the Danger ot
tho Seas only excepted) unto the said
Wm Thoma9 Newton or to his Assigns,
he or they paying the freight for the said
goods with Primage ana Average accus
tom' s.
"In witness whereof the Master or
Purser ot the said Ship hath affirmed
to three Bills o Lading, all of this Tenor
and Date; the one of which three Bills
being accompllsh'd, the other two to
stand void.
"And so God send the good ship to
her deslr'd port In Safety. Amen.
"Dated In Maderla, 11 September, 1761.
In transmitting this copy, the consul
at Funchal, Mr. Healy, says: "The peo
ple of the United States and Maderla
alike are more than pleased that we no
longer Import such 'goods' from this is
land.". The steamer Walla Walla, which ar
rived from the north Sunday evening, had
two salmon fishermen In her steerage
who tell a woeful tale of a poor catch
and 111 treatment. They were a part of
fifty-four men who left last April on the
bark John Potter to fish for the Alaska
Packing Association at Pyramid Harbor.
The wages were to be $100 and IVi cents
for each fish caught until the end of the
pack. The $100 was to be paid for work
ing the bark up to Pyramid Harbor, load
ing the salmon pack aboard, and working
her back to this port. At the fishery the
men were employed building packing
houses and other work as much as possi
ble, because that was gratuitous labor.
Still the men did not complain nor re
fuse to work. When the salmon pack
was completed, and the loading almost
finished, Superintendent Murray began
to rush matters. The season had been
poor and expenses were high, consequent
ly a stroke of policy must be struck.
One night, after the men had been work
ing all day putting tho cases Into the
Potter, Murray ordered them to turn to
and unload a lighter. They could see no
reason for continuing their labors far
Into the night and refused. This was
evidently what was wanted of them,
for they were promptly discharged and
paid off. Each man received $50 for
working the vessel to Alaska, and pay
ment. for the fish he had caught, which
in many cases was a small amount. This
was a good Job, as fifty-four men at $50
was a saving of $2700. Then they were
told to clear out. It is 90 miles to the
nearest mall steamer place, which meant
a canoe trip at $4 per man, The asso
ciation's steamer was going down, and
Murray offered to tow them down in a
big lighter for $3 apiece. Having no other
way to get out of the Inhospitable place,
they consented, which gave $162 more to
the association. By getting thus rid of
the men one month earlier about $12
In food per man was saved, which
amounted to $648, a total of $3510 taken
from the unfortunate fellows. They were
towed all night in the open lighter, hud
died together like freezing sheep, and
after getting down to Chilcat the corn-
pany checks In which they were paid
off were only good at one store, wnere
they were ob.igea to traae Derore mey
could get their paper cashed. Many or
the men ere stranded in AiasKa, anu k
Is impossible to tell when they will get
out of the country. Tne manner in
wnicn tney nave neen impose-a upun, c-
cording to the report, does not seem
creditable to the big salmon syndicate.
San Francisco Cab.
How a Callfornlan Got More Than He
Bargained For.
San Francisco Post.
'It Is the easiest thing on earth to
sell a mine In London for almost any
price, provided you have anything to
ehow an expert," said Major Frank Mc
Laughlin to a Post reporter. "There is
also a right way and a wrong way to
go about It. Some time ago I went to
London to negotiate the sale of some min
ing property. Of course the first thing
that I had to do was to let capital know
What I was there for. Then, when In
qulries commenced, I simply said: 'Gen
tlemen, I have mining property to sell.
If you mean business and want to buy
j 8(md your expert out
. mk- ,
to examine the
property and make a report on It. You
will know then what you are buying.'
"A company waa organized. The expert
examined the property and reported
favorably, and a meeting was held to
discuss terms.
" 'Now Major.' said the spokesman, 'we
Wave found that the property may be
worth something. What Is your price''
" 'Two hundred and fifty thousand,'
said I."
" "That is more than we expected to
pay. W expected to pay about two hun
dred. There Is not much difference be
tween two hundred and two hundred and
fifty. If you will drop the -fifty we wlh
take It.'
"I had expected to get about $100,008
for the with a ehow of re
luctancy I agreed to accept the offer.
When the papers were made out I was
surprised to learn that they had been
talking about pounds and I about dollars,
but I was very careful not to let my
surprise leak, and that Is the way 1
got $1,000,000 for the mine. Great peo
ri'.e to do business with."
'A representative of the Postal Tele
graph company passed through Rainier
fie other day looking up the route be
tween Goble and Astoria and the feas
ibility of establishing a line. From all
reports the company looks upon this line
as a necessity and upon the conclusion
of the agents' work In looking over the
line, work is to be commenced Inside of
ten days and to -be completed inside ot
sixty days. Indeed, we hear that several
parties have been e-poken to who will
be given lobs of getting out the telegraph
poles on which the wire will be strung.
All of this smacks of business. This line
will be of great Importance to our com
munity In placing us In communication
with other cities. A city without the
proper facilities to do business with Is
just about 100 years behind nobody. Busi
ness of an kinds must be done many
times In a hurry and the merchant ap
preciates this many times. Rainier Re
Only are vouchsafed to nerves weak and
unstrung, but when it Is braced up and
soothed by Hostetter's Stomach Bitters,
perfect tranquility reigns night and day
throughout the nervous system. Ner
vousness is equally a manifestation of
- at uncertain Intervals. The blilous and
constipated, and those troubled with ma
laria, rheumatism and kidney trouble,
a'ifj derive remarkable benefits from It.
The aged and Infirm find that It tenia
greatly to lessen their physical troubles.
and persons slowly recovering strength
ftfl,r an exhausting illness convalesce
mor9 rapid:y wne ,t rMorted t0. ,t
u moreover a capltai appetizer.
i .... n . '
j ROYAL, Baking POWder. '
.... A M ... . , '
Highest Ot all In IcaveMtlZ ,
. .
Strength. V. S. Owsrament Report
"There Isn't anything how In the Quajr
fight," said Whimsicus, with a yawn
"If I remember rightly I uaed to road
a poum when I was a boy that had these
lines In It:
' "Matt Quay for liberty!" he cried.
"Matt Quay Tor liberty!" and died." "
Mr. G. Callloue'tte, druggist, Beavers-
v Ue, 111., says: "To Dr. King's New Dis
covery I owe my Uf?. Was talken with
La Grippe and tried all ttie physicians
for miles abomt, but of no avail and wtaa
given up and UM I could not live. Hav
ing Dr. K'ng's New Discovery in my
etore, I cent for a botltle and began Its
use exA from the first do Degan to set
banter, and after UFing three botitles wu
up and about agjin. R is worth its
weight In gJld. We won't Iceep store w
house without it." Get a frej itrial at
Chae. Rogers' drug store.
Signature Is printed In
BLUB diagonally
across the
As a further protection ngolnat
Mil imitation,
( Agento for tbe United State,
Rift nm nnmrt nf flnnr. twA roiradlnff tot-
E ipoonfuli of baklDg powdor, and ona tea-
nnnnfuli nf f 'llT-T-n f.V.N M and rub to.
I gether until thoroughly mixed; then add
I lufflcient milk to malts a loft down ; knead
aliKntif, roll out anouc nan an inon iiugk,
and out with a amall biaouit outtet. Place a
little apart in a greased pan, and bake in a
qalok oven for fifteen or tirentr minute.
These blaonita should be a delicate brown top
and bottom, light on tha aides, ana enowj
whits when broken open.
The secret of success in this re
cipe, as in others, is to use but
two-thirds as much Cottolene as
yon used to use of lard.
Iff 13
will make the biscuit light, deli
cious, wholesome. Better than any
biscuit you ever made before. Try
it. Be sure and get genuine Cotto
lene. Sold everywhere in tins with
trade-marks " Cottolene " and
steer's head in cotton-plant wreath
on every tin.
Ulan. Mas rmnrlM. rmlaad, Oreiea,
Nw York. BMtoa. tl
Canadian Pacific
Greatest Trans-Continental
Railway System.
Palace Dining Room and Sleeping Cars.
Luxurious Dining Cars.
Elegant Day Coaches.
Observation Cars, allowing Unbroken
Views of the Wonderful Mount
ain Country.
$5.00 and $10.00
Saved on all tickets Knit. Tourixt cars the
beat on wheel, l.qnlpineuta ot tho Very finest
Canadian Pacific
China and Japan.
China steamers leave Vancouver, B. C:
Empress of India
Empress of Japan
Empress of China
Emreas of India
f-mpress of Jarsn
Empress of China
.'Jg. jth.
Aug 96th.
Sept. i6ih.
Oct i4th,
Nov. nth.
Die, oih
Australian steamer leave Vancouver, B. C ,
loth of every month.
For ticket rates and Information all
on or address
- Astoria, Or.
W. F. Carson, Traveling Pass. Aet.,
fi.n u, Rrnun nisr K A
mL- Urown. DAst f"ass-
Vancouver, B. C
lacoma, waMi.
Children Cry foir
Pitcher's Castorte.
II S of every
T . botileo
I -J' y C"0 Original
jjJ S and Genuine)
fl y i ' (Worcestershire
E. ftcNEIL, Receiver.
Gives Choice
Tmo Transcontinental
1 mi m t
Via Via
Spokane Ogden,Eenver
and and
St. Paul. Omaha or
St. Paul.
Pullman and Tourist leeiera
Free Reollnlng Chairs Car,
Astoria to San Francisco.
Columbia, Friday, Sept. 6.
State of CalKornia, Wednesday, Sept. 11.
Columbia, Monday, Sept. 16.
State, Saturday, Sept. 21.
Columbia, Thursday, Sept. 26.
State, Tuesday, Oct.. 1.
Columbna, Sunday, Oct. 6.
Astoria and Portlnd Steamers.
T. J. Potter leaves Astoria Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Fri
day ait 7 p. m., and Sunday upon tier
arrival from Ilwaco in the evening.
Leaves Portland Monday, Tuaeday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sat
urday at 7 a. m.
R. R. Thompson leaves Astoria dally,
except Sunday at 6:46 a. m., leaves Port
land dally, except Sunday, at 8 p. m
On Saturday twill leave at 10 p. m.
For rates and general Information call
on or address
Commercial Agent, Astoria, Or.
Gen. pas. akl.. roruana. ur,
Clatsop Bead?
of the;
Seashore Haifatay. Company
In Kffect Auiuit a6, 189s.
Ilnata leave Aatorla one half hour before
trains leavss bridge.
9s,m , dally
4:4.') p. m. (uxcepi
limit frnm A-torla. -
hcmti from Fort and and
A "tor In.
BorIs rom Aatoria:
0:15 ti. m. Sunday
7:30 a in., dally
3:30 p. III. (except
Una! f.,r Aatorla.
Uoati for Ast.ria and Port
Sunday i
9 p. m , Suuttay
3 'ati for Aatorla and Port
For frelgnt and passenger rates apply to
C. ' LfcfcSThR, Hilp't.,
Seashore Railway Co , Seaside, Ore.
My Baby
was a living skeleton; the doc
tor said he was dying of Maras
mus and Indigestion. At 13
months he weighed only seven
pounds. Nothing strengthened
or fattened him. I began using
Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver
Oil with Hypophosphites, feed
ing it to him and rubbing it into
his body. . Ha began to fatten
and is now a beautiful dimpled
boy. The Emulsion seemed to
supply the one thing needful.
Mrs. Kenyon Williams,
May 21,1 894. Cave Springs, Ga.
Similar letters from other
Don't btptrmaiii to aeeipt a tubitUuttf
Scott i Downs, N. Y, All Druggists. 50c. and $1.
Are You Going East?
Be sure and see that your ticket
reads via
the North-western
I line:
ST. PAUlv,
This Is tha
And nil Points East and
Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Ves-
tlbuled Dining; ana meeyiug m
Trains and Motto:
Have given this road a national reputa
tion. All classes of passengers carried
on the vestlbuled trains without extra
chares. Shin rour freight and travel
over this famous Una. All agents have
Gen. Agent Tra v. F. and P. Agt
248 Washington St.. Portland. Or.
Rooms I and 2, FythUn
over C. II Cooper'u etore.
German Physician. Ecl.cilc.
Office over Albert Dunbjr's store, cor.
0th and Co.omerclal. Prices: Calls, $1;
confinements, $10.00. Operations at tfilce
free; medicines furnished.
W. C. LOGAN, D. V. B.,
Mansell Block. 673 Third street
Office over Olsen's drug store. Hours. Jc
to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6 and 1 to 8 p. m. (Sun
days, 10 to 11.
Office and rooms In Kinney Llook.
Office Hours, 10 to 12:30 and 4 to 6:30
Surgery and Dlseaso'i of Women a Spe
cialty. UBEI 7 P. MULLINIX. M. D.,
Office, 684tt Third st, Astoria, Ore.
Special attention given to all chronl
DR. O. B. ESTE8,
Special attention to diseases of wom
en and surgerv.
Office over Danzlgert store. Attorn
Telephone "i2
Office, Rooms t and 6. Pythian
Building. Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to
5. Residence, 639, Cedar etreet.
May be found In his cilice until if
o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until V
p. m., and from S until 7:30 evenings.
W. M. LaForce. 8. B. Smith,
38S Commercial street
Office on Second Street. Astoria, or.
J. N. Dolph. Richard Nlxua
Chester V. Dolph.
Portland, Oregon, 24, 25, 26, and 27,
Hamilton Building. All legal and col
lection business promptly attended to.
Claims against the government a spe
TEMPIJ2 LODGE NO. 7, A. F. and
A. M. Regular communications held
on the first and third Tuesday evening
of each month.
E. C. HOLDEN, Sooratary.
178'Tonth street.
Handley A Haas. 160 First street, and
get the Daily Astorlan. Visitors need
not miss their morning paper whila
randel wine instead of coffee or tv.
'If ty t'pnts per gallon. Don'l form-.
peach and aprcot brandy. Also Frcm-l
itirnne and wine at Ales tillN-rt a
Telephone & Bailey Gatzert.
Columbia River and Puget 8ound Nav
igation Co.
Two Daily Boats to Portland
"Telephone" leaves Astoria at 7 p. m.
doily (except Snnday).
Leaves Portland daily at 7 a. to., ex
cept Sundov.
"Bailey Gatzert" leaves Astoria Tues
day, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and
Saturday morning nt 6 .-45 a. m. ; Snnday
evening at 7 p. m.
Leaves Portland dnily at 8 p. m., ex
cept Sundny. On Saturday night at 11
p. m.
Steamer Ocean Wave leaves Portland
Tuesday nndTLiurRday at 0 a.m. .Saturday
at 10:30 a. m., runninK straight tbroiuih
to Ilwaco, connecting with trains for nil
points on North llcnch. Leaves Ilwaco
Wednesday and Friday morning at7:!50
o'clock, Sunday night nt 5 o'oloi k, for
Portland. O. V. STONE,
Agent, Astoria.
Telephone No. 1L
U. B. Scott, President.
B. A. Seeley, Gen'l Agt, Portland.
Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruits
Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and
Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies.
Cor. Casi aud Squemoque Streets. Astoria. Or
Gas and Steam Fitting,
Hot Air, Steam and
Water Heatlng.--179
Twelfth street Astoria. Or.
Bpectal attention paid to Bteambi-.-ii r
pairing, flrst-cluss horaeshoeinsr. et
197 Olney street, between T! -tr-J i" '
and Fourth Anu ria. Or.
"'ijay"' 1