The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 01, 1895, Image 6

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UE only waytofita man la to flrt find
out Just what kind of a man you have to
fit-that's Just whnt 'a do -take your
ineasuro exact'-uud cut the ult for you and
It muni lit. or we'll keep 'em.
chas. Mcdonald,
The Tailor.
S23 Commercial Street.
378 Commercial Street.
Manufacturers of every description of
Lounges, Matt.-essee, etc.
The Resort
On Commercial afreet,' is the pi
hs ilm businessman and the liibori
man go for wlmt is culled "J3KST O
TnE 'riST"nr n. nine cool drink i
tbe celebrated Oambrinus beer. Hand
mfoltoa nf avorv him I mmlfl to order, one
an eleaant free lunch served every day
You are welcome.
Grosbauer & Brach.
General flachlnist and Boiler Works.
All kinds of Cannery, Ship, Steamboat
and Engine Work of any Description
Castings or all kinds made to oraer.
Foot of Lafavette St., Astoria, Or.
After (Deals I
r,v.' ,'v."..v
Or at any other time
when you wish" a good
ciunr ask (or the well
krjowo, home-made
lmnd-inado, whito labor
"La Belle Astoria."
Conceded by all smokers
to bs the best cij;or
71 iNintl? Street,
Astoria, Oregon
! Picnic Canned Goods,
Camp Stoves,
Camp Cooking Utensils,
And the latest
All-Wool Sleeping Bags
At all prices. Just the thing for camp
ers, prospectors, etc. Sure to keep warm
at nights. Better than blankets.
Ia there a man with heart ao cold,
That from his family would withhold
The comforts which thoy all could find
In articles of FURNITURE of th
right kind.
And we would suggest at this season.
nice Sideboard, Extension Table, or se
of Dining Chairs. We have the larges
and finest line ever shown In the city
and at prices that cannot fall to pleas
the closest buyers.
: first Class Funerals :
POflL'S Undertaking Parlors,
Ritei Reasonable. Embalming Specialty
Address, box 180, Postoffic. ASTORIA. OR
. i3 Franklin Bays, good dress opens
all doors, you should not lose sight of
the fact that a perfect fitting suit Is
the main feature. Wanamaker &
brown are noted for fit, workmanship
and superiority of qualities. Their rep
resentative vinlts Astoria every three
months. Oflire 04 Dekum building,
Portland, Or. Reserve orders till you
have seen the spring line of samples,
The only railroad lighting its trains by
Th only railroad using the celebrated
electric berth reading lump.
The coaches now running on "The Mil
waukee" ara Palaces on Wheels.
On all its through linen, the Chicago,
Milwaukee and at. Paul Railway runa the
moat perfectly equipped trains of Sleep
ing, Parlor, and Dining Cars and Coaches.
Kor lowest rates to any point in the
0lied tStites and Canada, apply to ticket
o-ns, or address C. J. EDDY,
Ooneral Agtnt,
Portland, Oregon.
Mrs. T. 8. tinwJttns. Chattanoorn.
Tcnn., tmy, "aMbr's Yltallzer SAVrfD
MY LI Hi' I consider U tne best rerj-.-Sy
fur ft debilitated svstem I ever
uwd." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kid
my trouble, it exeells. pitva 75 cts,
l ur Bala by j, V7. conn.
t I
WE flgb' SHOWING '
Tha Finest Line
Art I
Ever Shown
t Astoria.
Come and See Tbem
I Albert ? Danbar
Sole Agent fur t
I Hoyal Society SUUs.
Local weather for twenty-four hours
ending at 6 p. m. yesterday, furnished
by the United States Department of Ag
riculture, weather bureau.
Maximum temperature, Co degrees.
Minimum temperature, 64 degrees.
Precipitation, None.
Total precipitation from September 1st,
1894, to date, 76.16 Inches.
Excess of precipitation from September
1st, 1894, to date, 4.03 Inches.
Try Smith's ice cream.
Got your milk of Reith & Wilson.
Fresh candles every morning at Smith's.
Sweet cream at Smith's 20 cents pint.
Show cases for sale at Oregon Trading
Fresh candles every hour at the Bon
bonniere. Tennis shoes at Copland & Thorsen's
new shoe store.
Misses and Children's 4an Oxfords at
Copeland & Thorsen's.
Tan button shoee for Misses and Chil
dren at Copdand & Thorsen's.
THE SAME FLACE-118 12th street Is
the place to buy fresh fish every day.
Meany is the leading tailor, und pays
the highest cash price for fur skins.
The Astorlian will hereafter be found
on sale at McQujlre's Hotel at Si-aBlde.
Our milk Is guaranteed strictly pure
and fresh from the cow dally. Reltli
& Wilson.
GRAEFE & PLANK No. 628 Commer
cial street, will repair your clothes for
llbtle money. Try them. '
finest lino of liquors and cigars in ths
city. Call and sample them.
Smith's Ice cream Is unequalled . Ice
cream soda a specialty. Private par
lors for ladies. Commercial street.
A nice, line of fresh fish and a fine stock
of spring chickens and other poultry, at
Pat 1awler's, E71 Commercial street.
For a fine line of fresh caai'dies and
frulltls or a glass iof dellcluuB soda, go t.)
the "Btmtoonniere," 430 Commercial street.
If you want a delightful sliavo or a
fashionable hair cut, go to the Palace
Barber Shop, J. B. Hutchlns, propr.etor.
WAII SING & CO.-Morchant tailors,
626 Commercial street, cheaper than you
can buy ready made. New stock com
plete. Water melons! Water melons! Water
melons! A carload received yestcrd.iy
will bo sold cheup today at Fat.Luwler's
rtfi Commercial,
T.-ade with Foard & Stokea Co., deal
ers l'l Groceries, Hardware, Crockery,
rov:slons, flour, fruits and vegetables
They will surely please you. '
Perfect cleaidlncss and modern con
venience are the adjuncts of nil well-
regulated ibivtih rooms. You will find
thttin ait the Palace. J, B. Hutching, pro-
The Kstes-Cmln Drug Co, havo recently
added full lino of Homeopathic Rem
edies to their stock und aro now prepared
to flil all call's for homeopathic medicines
with fiewh'.y prepared goods. .
Hunger Is a very disagreeable sensa
tion. There Is a place lit this town where
you can satisfy Us demands with the
cleanest and best 23 cunt meal you ever
u'te, .That place la Joe Tern's.
If you are going to Ilwacc Sunday on
the Nort'h TacKlc, you will have to buy
your tlckelvi Saturday to get the benefit
of the 60 cent round trip rate. Steamer
leaves O. R. and N. dock nt 8 a. m.
No bolter milk was ever brought to
Astoria than Is f umlrihed for five cents
a quart by Reith & Wilson, and de
livered In n olean and tlgltly closed
glass bottle at your door every morn
ing. '
What brings people back to tho Asto
ria Wood Yard after they have sounded
the possibilities everywhere elseT May
be It's one thing, nnd May be It's another.
But the fact remains back 4hey come.
And of course the Astoria Wood Yard Is
proud of it.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
We deslro to return our cordial thanka
to the citizens of Astoria and vicinity
for the courteous treatment and liberal
patronage wo have received wtille In As
toria. We invite all our friends and
patrons to call at our Pacific Coast head
quarters, in the Marnunm building, when
in Portland, where we shall be pleased at
all times to show them our Una of cele-
nrated Instruments.
The Ocetin W.wa - laaw. iri..1Ai
wharf at 8 oY'rvelr Mun.inu v.rninir
Ilwaco. Tk-kots purchased Saturday only
rounu trip, it jimvhjited Sun
day morning Jl. lav. Ilwaco at
O'ciOCk 1. m.. connfw-tlncr al I.Ia.1.
stejmer "Bailey txert" and ",'felc-
I'uui.u ,ur Uni4-.ix
Tomorrow-Labor iday.
Samuel Kozer Is spending today at the
Mr. Feakes 1s reported as steadily 1m
.Miss A. Johnson, of Skipanon, Is vis.
Iting In the city.
No oases were tried by Police Judge
Dsourn yesteruay.
Water rates (are due and payable at
tne omce tomorrow.
Mrs. Farrell, tof Olney, was a- visitor
in Astoria yesterday.
Mr. F. R. Hall, a Portland! merchant,
is visiting menus Mere.
Dr. Walker left yesterday for a (Jay's
p.easure trip to Jlwaeo.
W. C. Cow-gill let last evening on
business visit to Portland.
Herbert Burkett, a Port Townsend com
mercial man. Is In the city.
Theodore Cbrlstensen came In from his
v alluskl farm yes'terday morning.
Tha county court imeets in regular ses.
s'lon Tuesday morning at ten o'clock.
The coroner's jury In the Feakcs case
wllfl conclude Its work Tuesday morn
Judge J. Q. A. Bowlby returned yester
day afternoon from a pleasant outing at
Mr. L. Mansur, of Knappton, came over
the river and Fpont the day In town
C. Hansen, of Cray's River, and E.
fimfth, c-f PorK'and, are registered at the
Afftor House.
Thomas Loughery will he among those
wih'o will' accompany the Astoria lire lad
dies to Vancouver.
Fred Olscn, a'wctl known resident of
Olney, made Mi usual Saturday visit
to the city yesterday.
Mrs. IWeaUherford and family Ccave this
morning for San Diego, Cal., where they
intend to reside In future.
A full load of supplies 'Was taken to
the railroad camp at Tongue point by the
steamer Fanchon yesterday.
P. IM. Donough, of Brookflold, paid his
friends In town a visit yesterday and
returned home last evening.
Astoria vs. Multnomah'. Crlck3t!
Smith's Point grounds Monday afternoon.
25 cents. Including everything.
Mlrs. John Grlffln and family r&turned
yesterday from Cannon Beach where they
have 'been spending the summer.
Mr. 'Abe Menier, a well known dealer In
furnishing goods, of 3eattle, was visit
ing frlenda In Astoria yesterday.
John T. Hay, of Portland, wns shak
ing tiands with Astoria friends yester
day. He loft for home In the evening.
Conrtactor Normlle, with a force of
men, iwlll comimence tomorrow doing the
grading for the Young's bay county road.
J. J. Heffener and W. Westoreff, or
Portland, were among the guests who
registered at the Parker House yes'terday.
Remember the R. R .Thompson leaves
'for the bridge at 8:30 Instead of 9 o'clock
on account of change in the train sched
ule. The Baker 'Dramatic Company will ap
pear at the Fisher theatre on the evening
of 'September 9th. The company play here
one week.
(M'lss Maud Gould, who has been visit
ing iwlth Mrs. E. Coe for the past two
weeks, leaves for her home In Portland
this evening.
Leandur JyVha, a native of Russia, de
clared his intention yesterday in the oftlee
of 'the county e'.erk of becoming an
Amerlctn citizen.
The county jail has thirteen occupants.
Twelve are awaiting the action of the
grand Jury and one Is serving n three
months' sentence.
Mr. and 'Mrs. F. W. Ferguson, who
have been spending the past month at the
G'rlllln cottage at Cannon Beach, return
ed home yesterday.
Multnonuihs vs. Astoria. Cricket!
Crlckot! Cricket! Smith's Point grounds.
Monday 'afternoon. Admission and trans
portation, 25 conts.
Ross, Hlgglns & Co. receive another lot
of choice Bartlett Pears today; also Ital
ian and Silver Prunes, Peaches, etc., and
will sell the same at very low prices.
The O. R. and N. Co. will have two
boats leaving Astoria for (Portland Sun
day evening, the R. R. Thompson and
the T. J. Potter. Come early and secure
It Is the subject of general remark that
tho congregations In tha First M. E.
church (wore never so uniformly large
during the summer senaon ns they have
been this year.
Albert Dunbar announces that he has
lccelved Ms samples of fall drest
and will bo pleased to exhibit them
to the ladles of Astoria and toko their
orders for same.
Tomorrow, September 2, being a legal
holiday, -the .postoliice will be closed, ex
cept ifrom 9 'to 10 0 clock a. m., aim irom
6 'to 6p. m. The money oruer nu
try letter window will be closed all day.
fPh hulltllmr on ths northwest corner
at 10th and Bond street, occupied as a
store bv 'Carnahan to., ana obium.
n, h oatiiro of I. W. Case, was
....iiiv nld to Charles Lrown, the
purchase jjrlce being J750.
A nuntbe.- of prominent Portlanders
including British vice-consul jaws iam
law Charlies H. Dod.l. WIKIam M. Whid
den' and John Crnn, loft yesterday for
a two weeks' ilhlivg and hunting trip
to Seaside and Elk Creek.
Dr Bushong. Tastor of the Methodist
church has not failed to put in an appear
ance in his pulpit twice every Sabbath
this summer. Although he has been
pending a portion of his time at the
beach he has returned in time to till the
The steamer Dwyer leaves her dock
for Smith's Point cricket grounds at 12:30
and 1:30 Monday afternoon with barges.
Tickets, including transportation jbWh
ravs. and admission, only 26 cents. M.
A. A. C. vs. A. F. C. Tickets for sale on
t&e boat.
The O. R. N. Co. have arranged for
the cancellation of the extra charges
on the tickets of the fourteen Finnish
people who left for the old country ten
davs ago and who experienced so much
liliilculty with tho steamship company at
Now York.
Dr O II Eates returned hrnne last week
from a week's vUit to Elk Creek and
Cannon Beach, where he Was been stay
ing with his family. While at the beach
he made several excellent pencil sketches
of prominent scenes in the vicinity, In
eluding Havstack Rock. "Old M-
Old Woman," Sentinel Hocks, Ocean
House, Arch Capo Rock, Arch Cape, Seal
Rocks. Cataract Cave, Hug Point, and a
vlow from tho doctor's ranch showing ell
the prominent rocks and Tillamook Rock
lighthouse. The Estes cottage wKl be
closed up on Wednesday for the winter.
Tho case of Ra3mussen nnd NorrW,
charged with larceny, was concluded In
the Juatice court yesterday. Itasmussen
was bound over to await the action or
tho grand Jury, and the case agilnst
Norrts -was dismissed. Rasmussen was
allowed to go on his own recognizance.
Judge Shattuck, who has been visiting
with Captain Ivben Parker, returns to
Portland tomorrow night and will open
court in tlhat city Tuesday morning. Dur
ing the Judge's short vacation, in Asto
ria he has been shown many points of
interest, among-hem the new water
works which he pronounces one of the
finest p'.ants he has ever een.
A piarty of Astorians will leave this city
tomorrow for a ride through the Nehalem
Valley. The party intend crossing the
divide through the big trees down into
Tillamook, returning, after a rest, either
by the seashore route or by steamer from
Tillamook. Those who will make the
trip are Mr. Herman Prael, Mr. Phil.
Stokes, and Mr. George W. Sanborn and
son, Frank.
Yesterdhy a 4arge centipede was taken
out of a ibox of South Sea Island Iemon3
by Frd Johnson, a cleric In Foard &
Stoke.s' store. Not realizing the poison
ous nature of the insect, Mr. Johnson
picked it out with his bare hand and
laid It on the sidewalk. Fortunately he
was not bitten but the next time a box
of lomons Is opened by him he will be
more careful.
The O. R and N. Co. will give another
of their popular excursions to Clatsop
Beach and Gearhart Park, 'Sunday, Sep
tember 1st. The R. R. Thompson whl
leave the O. K. and N. dock at 8:30 in
the morning. Round trip tickets only
$1. Remember these tickets are good for
the North Pacific leaving Saturday even
ing after the arrival of the Potter from
Portland about 4:30 ip. m.
The administrator's sale of properly
belonging to the Williamson estate took
place at 10 o'clock yesterday morning.
The property sold was the NVi at lot 2,
Mock 4, Shlvely's Astoria, to R. L. Jef
frey for 80O; the N'j cf lot 7, block 38,
McClure's Astoria, to Mrs. E. William
son for J700. A lot vt Seaside belonging
to the saime estate was sold for .$15, Dr.
W. D. Baker being the bidder.
The steamer North Pacific leaves the
O. R. and N. dock 'Sunday morning at 8
o'clock for Ilwaco. Tickets purchased
Saturday only 60 cents round trip. If
purchased Sunday morning $1.00. These
tickets will be good for return on the
T. J. Potter from Ilwaco Sunday evening
at 0 clock. 'Everybody should take ad
vantage of this cheap rate as It will be
the last Sunday trip of the North Pacific.
The Astorlan has been favored with an
Inspection of soverat handsome samples
of etching work from the pen of Mr.
A. Hartman, keeper of the Cape Disap
pointment lighthouse. Tho drawings are
alll excellent specimens of fine p-anmon-rfh'lp
and disclose both originality and a
core for 'detail not often seen. Mr. Hart-
man s excellent tilent in this direction
has earned him considerable meritorious
comment In many eastern cities.
There now only remains 140 feet of
solid rock between the two gangs who
aro working towards eaieh other from
the opposite ends of tha waterworks
tunnel. The drills working on each side
can be heard by the men at the other
side, and about four feet per day being
excavated. One hail tho brickwork on
the reservoir Is laid, and the stone foun
dation for the power house is almost
com.pT.eted. The gate well will be ready
for use in a few daya, and It now seems
almost certain that the plant will be
completed before the winter sets in. The
contractors, Messrs. Behin & Hamshnv,
oto entitled 0 credit for tho manner in
which they have pushed the work to its
present stage.
Bids for the Improvement of Duane
street, from 6th to 12th, were opehed in
the office of Auditor Osburn yesterday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. The contract was
given to Clinton & Sons, their bid of
JI,2iC90 being the lowest. Two hundred
and sixty-two cubic yards of excavation
have to be effected, and an .jmjankment
of 1115 cubic yards is to be thrown up.
Sixteen hundred lineal feet of covering
wl.l tie put on, including sidewalks, gut
ters, bulkheads, .and rails, where reces-
sary and 1500 lineal feet of trestle will
be 'built as well as two crossings, one on
Slh and the other on 10th street. The
work will be commenced Immediately.
The bidders were 'Ross & Wirt, f$,u27.5l);
L. Ltibfck, J5.450.60; J. IA. Fastabend,
Jli.323.25; Carter & Olsen, ?t,5H.30; Clinton
& Hons, Jl.205.90.
Last evening about 7 o'clock whiie tho
driver of a four-horse wagon loaded with
steel pipe for the waterworks was Inside
the office of the O. R. and N. dock, the
horses, which were left standing outside
took fright and ran away. Turning into '
Commercial street the runaways raced :
west A horse attached to a ml.k wagon
stationed a few brocks below became
soared at the noise of the runaway and
It also started off just ahead of the dou
ble teaim. Down the street they came,
at break-neck speed, the horses with the
tig load of steel pipe only a few feet be
hind the ml'.k wagon. They turned1 into
7th street and on rounding the corner
hading wect on Duane street, the big
ttam overtook the milk wagon, capsizing
it and bringing the wild chase to a stop.
Aside from a few bruises to tho horses
no- material damage resulted.
Tivo men fat In the smoking room ot
the Occident hotel yesterday afternoon
and toil J stories on each other. O113 was
from (Portland nnd his name la Sullivan.
The second man Is from Seattle. He j
scorched the metropolis nnd said a
good many (mean things which Sullivan
returned In kind. And Sull1van won on
a Btory. "Why," he said, "Seattle Is-popu-Cated
with suckers. A friend of mine who
was traveling down the Sound slopped
oft there. One day while he was there
the marsfhat caught a tramp. They have
an anti-tramp law there and they put the
vsg at work on tho street, and just to i
remind htm that ho needn't hurry away,
they put a ball and chain on one of his
legs. Know what that tramp did? He
smashed the chain and separated the ball
from Ms leg, muiked off with it, and at
tho first house he came to in the suburbs
ho sold the ball to the proprietor for a
rd'.lc from tha battlefield of Gettysburg."
The Railway Review says: "The trans
Baikal section of the Siberian railway is
now completed. The original p'.'ans for
this line were abandoned owing to the
fact that they would have necessitated
the carrying of the Hne to an elevation
of 8.000 feet above the sta, through arid
district where but few settlors could
make a livelihood. A mora southern
route has now been adopted, which.
though considerably longer, will run by
iour ot me principal rivers, (iiruiinn re- ,
glons rich In salt. soda, silver, copper.
Iron, lead and gold, and in which many
mines have been opened out. Some
mH'CS of the Siberian railway ar open
for traffic, via:, Chelab!n k to Omsk, in
the west. 5i miles, and Vladivostok to ,
Grafskaja. in the eat, 2'0 miles. Tlius
Omsk is placed In direct communication
with Moscow and St. Petersburg. Of the
total length of 6.000 miles from St.
Petersburg in Vladlvostock. about 3,7vX)
miles have still to be completed."
Small mesh nt-ts wanted, aisa see nr. j
felne, old web bought.
Bodies of John Ossenlersrer and
Frank Meadows Found.
The Corpses Were Badly Docom-
poscd and Have Been Identified
Only by the Clothing.
Last evening the light keeepr at Sana
Island arrived in this city and notified
Coroner 'Pohl that the body of a man
had been washed ashore at that place.
The steamer Eclipse was engagjdi and
the coroner in company with several oth
ers, immediately left for the island. The
body was supposed by Coroner Pohl to
be that of one of the men who was
drowned on the yacht Monogram during
the first day of the regatta.
A search was made to see whether the
corpses of any of the others had washed
About a quarter of a mile belo.v the
place where tho first body had been
found they., discovered another. A thor
ough Investigation was then made of
the Island, and after an hour's search
without result, the two bodies were plac
ed on tho steamer and brought to this
city. They were taken to the morgue and
shortly afterwards Identified as those of
John Ossenberger and Frank Meadows,
both of whom (were- drowned on the
Frank Meadows was a painter of this
city and has a mother living at Penln
sular, Oregon.
John Ossenberger was a young man 17
years of age. His parents reside in this
The bodies werS in the water twelve
days and aire In a bad state of decom
position, identification being made only
by tho clothing. 'Both bodies will be
burled this afternoon. The body of Louis
Bllger, the third of the unfortunate men
who were drowned on the yacht, has not
yet been found.
'Mrs. Meadows was informed by tele
graph last night of 'the finding of the
body of her son.
Both bodies will be burled at 3 o'clock
this afternoon at Greenwood.
The facts concerning the lamentable
accident which caused the death of these
two men and another whoso body has
not yet been recovered', are still fresh In
puibllc memory. They are briefly as fol
lows: The sloop Monogrim, Which r was
launched 'and for the first time tried her
sails on 'the firat day of the regatta, cap
sized,' throwing all on board, somo sev
enteen people, Into the river. It seems
that the salting master, a RusMan, com
monly known as- "A.leck," negteoced to
warn the crow to shift ballast, with the
result that the heavy ballast and crowd
of people made the boat so veer that she
took water and the ballast shifting to
the stern submerged that end and she
went down like a log. Just at this time
Captain W. E. Parrott, In command or
the judges' boat, the Alarmfl noticing
A hat the Monogram was not being han
dled1 right, steamed after her as rapidly
as possible, arriving on the scene within
a few minutes aifter the accident hap
pened. He succeeded in picking up most
of the crew and passenger.?, but just be
fore arriving, noticed thre who did not
again rise to the surface. These were
John Ospenberger, of Astoria, 17 years
of age; Frank Meadows, a painter, aged
40, and Lewis Bilger. of Portland, agea
22 years. Every effort was made to
save the men, and all who were in the
water at the time of the arrival of the
Alarm were picked up and taken p.phore.
Astoria's Hose Team WiM Start for the
Tournament Tonight.
This evening the Astoria hos team
leaves on the steamer Telephone to com
pete In the races of the Northwest Fire
men's Tournament, which will bo held
at Vancouver, the 2d, 3d and 4th of Sep
tember. The Astoria team has been In training
about one mor.'th. It Is composed of the
swiftest runners in the flro deportment,
nnd every member is a resident of this
city. A big delegation will ac:ompaiy
the team to Vancouver. Fifteen teams
from 'different parts of Oregon and Wash
ington aro expected to be present and
the contests wild be the liveliest held for
many years.
The Astoria etaim will be transferred
from the Telephone to the Dalles City,
arriving In Vancouver Monday morning
at 8:30 o'clock.
The hoys will wear the blue racing uni
forms of the old Rescue championship
team. Those who have watched the
running of 'the Astorians say ahat :he
team is a strong one, and that it will give
a good account of Itself at Vancouver.
Every member of the organization has
trained hard and In a conscientious man
ner and the people of Astoria will be to hear that their efforts have been
crowned with success. Astoria's well
earned reputation In hose racing con
tests will certainly not suffer at the
hands of the boys who compose the
present team.
Their names are as follows:
Nace Grant, captain; Will Blndr, Tom
Fester, Jack Clark, Burt Eberman, Lars
and Jens Hansen, Ed Reed, Ed. Miller,
John Mattson, R. D. Strohm, Kink Kyle,
Frank Lelnenweber, Phil Hadden, end
Fred Brown, coach and riiaseot.
The Astorian has arranged to bulletin
the result of the races next Tuesday and
Wedncsd'ay and has sent a special repre
sentative with the team for this purpose,
T Healy, Ilwaco I H Wilson. Portlnd '
F 'II Mudd, Ft Stns, V Collier, Pt Ang's'
M Fltspatrick, Olny; F W Godfrey, Gervs
N P Young, city V V Bitter and frnd
A Boeder, City City
M O Brennan, Ptld P Rogan, Ptlnd
E K Groat, Scholls jW Reeve and w, Pld
A Anderson, City .T W Detrlck, N As
I J Prest and three 1 G E Woodruff. Smr
ladles, Chinook C W Stewart Jr.
Otto Olsen, Gy's Rr; Summer, Wash.
J WMson, City Mrs Brown, Ptld
M Robinson, Prtld E J SmSth and chid
C Hansen, G's Rvr. Portland
A M Klllstrom.Kpal
A 'Pretty Lively Town.
a drummer for one of the large cloih-
ing houses was In Astoria yesterday and
.xprese?d himself to the effect that Asto-
rta is tne nje.iest city on the coast.
Said he, "I have been In Herman Wise's
store a dozen times today, but the rush
was so great that I could not get
chance to show them my samples. It"
a caution how people will tak advan
tage of this offer of the pick of Ul suits
in the house, size 34 to 42, for J11.50.
Young People of Graca Chinch Are En
tertained. Following the Ladles' Guild entertain
ment, at Mrs. Trenchard's Thursday
evening, the members of Grace Church
Sunday school and all of their young
fiiends enjoyed a pleasant afternoon on
Friday at 'the the same place. About 100
young people were assembled and made
merry with g'amss and amusements of all
kinds. Refreshments of a substantial
as well as more delicate nature were serv
ed, and all had a most enjoyable time.
The great Buccesa of both entertain
ments Is almost entirely due to the un
tiring energy and hard work of Mrs.
Trenohard, seconded by the other Jadles
of the Guild, and much credit Is duo this
band of Church workers for their untir
ing efforts on behalf of the congregation.
The following transactions in real es
tate were filed for record yesterday:
Robt. S. NorrU to J. at Hughes,
lots 6 and 11. block 2. Norriston
Park $ 75
Michael Tlerney and wife to John
Harris, west one-half of north
east one-quarter and north one
half of southeast one-quarter,
section 9. township 7 north range
8 west 45U
Mary I. PhUbrick and P. S. Phll
brlck to Wm. L. Lightness, piece
of land at Seaside 400
A. H. Stone to George & Barker
19 lots in block 2, subdivision 11,
Hustler & Aiken's Astoria 3000
C. R. Higgins to W. C. Logan,
Oots 5 and 6, block 7, Astoria .
Addition to Warrenton, contract
for deed 120
C. R. Hlggins to Susie B. Roberts,
lots 7 adn 8, block 10, Astoria Ad
dition to AVarrenton, contract for
deed 135
The undersigned having purchased the
house-imovlnr tools and outfit heretofore
belonging to Fred Wlckman, all orders
for moving houses and other buildings
left with him will be promptly and satis
factorily attended to.
For piano tuning, please leave orders
at Grlffln & Reed's book store, Commer
cial street, or address Th. Frederikson,
Piano Tuner, 2071 Bond street. Telephone
No. 24.
A warded
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
An nccidentiil opportunity. .Rain
wnshout. Train ditched. Cars off
the track, in the tlitcli. Result
damaged grey enameled ware.
Tliey came to TI11C ARCADE
yesterday morning.
Somebody has paid for the acci
dent. Not you. Not we. And
you got what the railroad has paid
for fit half less than half, in some
cases n quarter of what the same
goods would have been sold hut for
this accident.
The sale will con mence Monday
morning and t here are over 5C0
different pieces that our Chicago
buyer lias got here for you.
Think of
4- quart pre.crvln
5- qunrt preservtn
!;e lies worth ,5c our
keitles worth (Tic our
price 35e
6-quart preserving kettles worth "rc-our
price SSc
lfHluart preserving keitles worth $1.10
our price 53c
12-qunrt preserving kettles worth J1.25
our price GOc
Wash basins worth S5e our price 18c
All others ns cheap in propor
The first woman that comes Mon
day morning will be tile luckiest.
Some will come iate and find all
. LOST Evening of the Lawn Social at
Mrs. Trenchard's. a gold "Stanford" pin.
Finder please return to Astorian office.
LOST Thursday nitrht. about 10 o'clock
129 fathoms of net. Corks branded F. M. j
Warren. Please return to Warren's station.
(Cut In Two.)
Vow PiekT
Any suit in the house,
size?, 34 to 42, for
This is posi-
of this special sale.
Do not expect that
you may be able to get
the same chanco after
next Saturday night,
The Reliable
Clothier and Hatter
Clatsop Beacf?
Seashore railway Company
In lffect August 26, 189s.
Pots leave Asloiia one half Inur b fore
trains leaves bridgo.
0 1. in , d lly
4:45 f. in. (rxcvp
Ho 4 f : 0 111 A t 'liu
1. oat from 1'irt end and
C:l" e. 111. gunilnv 1 1 a a tirin Aslo ia
1RA SS LEAVE SE lljl. il.
7:30e 111.. daily 'B. a; f r Asioiin.
3:30 p. 111. teceiit Bot8 for Ast ri 1 and i'oit
tiuuda) I lniid.
5 p. 111 , ban. aj B uib for Aftoria und Tort-
I bind.
For 'rcignt und puss nger r. tcs api ly u
'J. r Llbl'fcK, eiip't.,
8 xshnre Ituil ,t ay 1 u , goasid . tire.
WANT12D German or French pupils.
Address L. L. H., care of this oiflce.
WANTED Immediately, a girl to do
second girl's work i private family. In
quire at this office.
WANTED Agento to represent the
old National Life Insurance Oo., of
Montpelier, Vt. For further informa
tion, address G. M. Btolp, General Coast
Manager, 82-84 Crocker Building, San
Francisco. Cal.
. WANTED Man or lady to collect, do
soma office work, and manage agents.
You will deal through your leading mer
chants. Something new and very popu
lar. We pay all expenses. Position per
manent." Send four references and ten
cents for full particulars. John Finney
Mgr., P. O. Box 484, St. Louis, Mo.
FOR SALE-W0 yards of earth exca
vated from tunnel, to be delivered on
premises. Pacific Paving Co.
JAPANESE GOODSr-Just out Just re
ceivedjust what you want, at Wing
Lee's, 643 Commercial street.
A good buy at Long Beach. Nine room
house. Furnished complete for summer
travel. For description and terms in
quire at Real Estate Exchange, Occident
FOUND A silver witch, which the
owner can have by calling at this offlcs
2nd proving property.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms; good lo
cation fronting river. Capt. P. E. Fer
ohen, 330 lTtih street.
FOR RENTA nice furnished front
room upstairs, with bay window facing
liver, suitable for two, at 313 Harrison
, J "a,viu njan iie I,
Title and Trust Co.
$75,000 PER WEEK using and silling
Dynamos for plating watches. Jewelry
and table ware. Platpa mii .11,...'
j nickel, etc., same as new good's. Dif
jferent sizes for agents, families and
! shops. Easy operated: no experience-
The World's Fair Tests
showed no Lakisg powder
bo purs or so i,rsst ia leav
ening power as the Poyal.