The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 01, 1895, Image 5

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Tlde Table for August, 1895.
man water.
p. H.
A. a.
for Infants and ChiSdren.
gglljSSgWwtl of Castoria wltx the patronar. of
H -n'0f PCr'0n- r-nTr nr U n.HTnrtfa
It j.ggang.tjonaMy tha best remedy for InW. and Children
child's medicine.
gggtoria allays Tevarishn
Castoria provent, vnmlti Son Cnrd.
Castoria cnre. Plarrhma and Wind Colin.
Castoria relieves Teething TronTI.
--',-toriB cnr ConstipaHnn riatnleney.
CgWajagggtt, food, reflate, tj,., ,, toWl
Ca.torfajs pntjpJnBne-rfse oottlo, onlv. It 1. .m ...
iiti.eoodand "will ,w0, WOTE!T..j, "
See that yon pet C-A-S-T-O-R.I-A.
' is on every
Friday. ...
Moudiv. .
Tuesday .. f
WfiltiitMilnv 1
Thiiinduy. f
Frid.iv 0!
Sntiinliiy. .In
Moudnv. ..1
TueKdnv I:
WediiKd'y 14
i iiursuiiy..:
Fruldv li
Monday.. ..1U
Thnrwhiv !
r nuiiy . , . .2;
Kiitnt-ilnv it
Moudav . 'X
TllI'Kilnv 'K
N'ednsd'y lis
Friday.... SO
-iininiay. aij
A. II.
Ili.m I fl.l' I fl h.m I ft
P. M.
!1 1 S5S 5 .1
i-' un a,
6 ink o
OhI'7 9
1 SO 7
2 Oi 7 8i
2 JS G 0
a ai k ii
4 IVVO 0
4 .17 J 5!
ii oi so:
7 2.1 4 71
8 WI4 8
10 1H S 2
16 5 (I
12 02 6 71
h.m I ft
II 127!)
10 42,8 0!
1 20 6 0
1 47 7 2
i 127 5
5 Hi -1 1
4 UN,a u
ft 123 7
6 CM 8 6
7 2712 0
8 01(2 5
9 ( 2 0
9 an l f
0 0 jlOlft IS
1 4 1102 12
1 il
U 00
111 5:1
1 15
4 2J
6 26
6 20
7 08:
8 60.1H 6i
4 83 8 .')
6 lalsarios-M 25
DBS 0 8 Sin IK nx.
10 is leliiisaloa
6 1217 :
714 7 0
8 2274
9 80 7 4
110 28 7 6,
0 85 0 4
1 62 0 3
8 0l 01
4 0(1! -0 2
4fl(-0 4
11 48 3 6
10913 7
2 49 3 7
4 10 8 6
6 07 3 0
The Relief 'towed the Schooner Messn
ger out to sea yesterday.
The Chilian lhark fil.ndnvla a t,i,o
"P the river yesterday In tow of the
Milium naywara.
The fan-simile
eignatnre of
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
f i , v fY 0F 0REG0N. Eu, OrP8on, offers free tuition to al-
n "l" T C8n 0biuin bard' lodin-'- lieat in the dormitory
or 2 0 per week. I comers furnish their own linen. Young women are provided
' T r c Per Weelr- Yonug women desiriDB board
should aodrces Prof. John Straup, Eupene. Oregon; or Secretary Young Women's
I UriHtlflll Ata li-l. ill, T.M..rt Tl.TT; . .. J
. ille unlTei.8ity oners three bnccalajwente decrees
Bachelor of ArtH, Bachelor of Scienoe and Bachelor of Letters, with corresponding of study. H,e rollowinc shorter conrsos are also offered: An English course ; ,,, two years lo a business diploma and in three year, lo the title graduate
in huKlLsh; advanced course for graduates of normal schools leading to the de
gree mauler of pedagogy ; a three years' curs., in civil engineering leading to the
degree civil engineer: a ennrsn nf to,,. .... , . . . . ,
,,,H,,.;, ' , ' ' . JK'" oi puysicai education lnterveniiiff three-quarters the tonnaire
I ading lo a dip oma and the title dnedor of physical education. The University n under construction shows an Increas"
charges an incidental fee of ten dollar.-, which is pavahle in advance hv .,11 Kin,! J of,a'JOU;t 50,000 tons. The returns of ves-
; .iibciijijuu I'll.: fimOKO
wn'ieh 'has .iVhsp-nrafl tho.
nvei iot several uays cleared away and
fur me nrst time clnce last week the
uuservers at tho Capo -were able to see
a reasonable distance out to see.
Lll!y. Beirardiia R Pa r.. -
tain Swift, master of the steamer Clan
McDonald, Tvhich plies between Seattle
and Snohomlahrlver points, are having
an Interesting time In keeping a crew of
men on the boat long enough to load or
discharge her 'freight. Just what the
cause of the trouble may be cannot be
learned, but after her arrival In Seattle
last evening the captain hired and lost
three different crews and then did not get
all 'the boat's rnnrn nn'nrtra t-
lng a short time one crew after the other
cajieu xne came n drnw" nnri n.oi,irn
ashore, leavlner the ov,ir,,.,i
freight tp be unloaded by others. Officers
of steamers wWlcii arrived In port this
morning told the atr.rv nf th ii.
but none were able to give the reason
for the men refusing to work. Tacoma
Is the strongest and best managed life
Insurance company on the face of the
earth. Our rates.are no higher than n,it,
era, for Che game kind of a policy, and
our contract Is go much more liberal to
Che insurer that you cannot afford to
take anytlhtntr else but an'Enultnhu
Icy. Irresponsible travelling agents will
mlarepresent facts to you by trying to
make you believe that what they have
is iuet a-i good as the KqulCahle. By
consulting the insuranse commlssioner'g
reports you Will discover the falsehood
There. :s no Company. "Just u r.,i
The KquitaWe is nont-and has been for
"Lieen years past THE best. IL. Samuel,
usciiu jsamuea, special agents.
enforced. nni k . ..
is liberal , lJZln?. men
"ZTJ1 lu anowed
tha A B",c"""e"ls. tne conditions of
i nr, oevere, so tnat enlistment
is not vigorously sought for.
n m more
From the rphirna n-mntii k t
jj.uyn a
Reff S'ter ff Sh- mnino- it onnn... ...
cluiilfnar warsfhinM. thnro wo
or 7W.0.9 tons gross, under construction
mo yuariur enuea June 30, 1S85. Of these
there are 2S9 steamers f o
nase of 672.793. Including sr,7 Ti,nt f .i"
of a gross tonnage of 607,141. There were
aT'So 50 GraiHner vpsVa nf o m...
of 34,284, Including 32 built of steel, ot
a gross tonnage of 31,390. Although there
is a slight increase in the steam tonnage
the present figures are somewhat less
than those reported tnrlr r,,i,
As campaired, however, with each of the
The Railway Review pays: "A Drae.
flcal test oT the application of eJectrlcltv
to canal boats on the Erie canal is to be
made on an experimental line four miles
in length near Tonawanda. The Trenton
Iron Works of New York has made I
contract with the Cataract General Elec
tric tomtoanv fnr h n
- v.vtuuH u 1 wires
and appliances, and the power to be fur
nished bv the Nln era rm Pa Tl a tj...
. . w i,3 x wvcr com-
pany. The New York state superintend
ent of public works will look after the
Interest olf the ttB in on J..". Ine
talnlng to the trial, as the Cataract
General Electable i w..7 . 1
various reaulrements in tho
the sitate giving up the rlglit to apply
e.ectr cfty to th'e canal. The system to
bo adopted will be much the eame as
that quite generally applied to electric
"' lamwaya. it is estimuted that the
Blbout $2,500 a r.iile fnr ,ir,,
1- nnn - n ,7 ", "'" ana
fc.000 a 'mile for a line on each side of
,n"' eatn bank of the eanai
wijl (be erected a pole line, the poles being
of steel and extending sixteen feet above
T. 7 ""j.u. Ln
'"f, "l l"B poics win De placed a steel
cable one and . imi.f in,.,h, i .
, . , 7 ...wco iu wimmeter.
Four Inches be3ow this, on a cable wire,
will be strung a sx;ond cable, made ot
mm one men m diameter. Prom the
upper cable a small car or traveler will
o cupraueu, wnicn wm; run on ithe sec
ond Cable. In hn far nr. x,
- uatcicr xnere
Wi'.,l be a ?lh!aft. urnimH rV,lnk .k. i . i ..u iuu mwer
".n .iiuno inree Turns. The shairt mrtit
be operated by electric motor. The cur-
cni. ui eiTOiricuy win enter the motor
i.ui.i iiic uiper caDie ana will be dig.
ing a cmeta.lic current. A motorman will
operate the car in much the same man
ner as the ordinnrv k .
owcci car.
" ' expeciea Treat the plant will be in
uveiuuun in aDout sixty days.
Ronjamln ReeCe, in the Engilneering Mag-
That a ihp'nlliW ,on
- .wi,ciuua wn-
dltlon of a community is not dependent
"pun we existence ot competing lines of
iiiiiuuu la 'wow arreKri.! hv th
Connecticut, which is almost solely de
pendent upon the New York, New Haven
What Are the Athletic Mana
gers Doing ?
a very slow summer season
The 1 Cricket Game on Monday
at Smith's Point Will Be
Well Attended.
Boy's School
During the last few davs we received an immnn nsL
ment of Boy's Clothing.
q ri - , ai en- navcn
Sjudenis hohiiug diplomas from the piihlie oheX r a8
tificHles are admit ted to the prcwiratorv denart.nm.t in iL.:..- ter, and are abbPni t l Pl3 ,?e..sW. this road has spent
diriuirinfoimf!i.i re.tnr.lin., 7 . . .. .' "-"oc rcpttrted twelve months aim. tw i . ,." "Vd. m 'no """provement
" i1' '. t it iti'ji v UU llUIIllf'Or. h inn ,1 n. Itirnca tl. n! ... . : i i ua
dean, N. L. Niiiiegmi, Eugene.
:-o,y department should address the onTZ 10 ove'rTooJo
I tond nortv Vino- .r., .
it . , . . , w.iou Uvum, uut mere
1' or cutui)'MiL'a (Hid informfit'on ii.LIrjvac r it rn, iv -i . , are a very ilarc-e niimlhpr ;W- 0
... . iiiuu, a. iLniML'iiL. in . 1 p rm a
11 ton. Seeri'liirv Kn.toi.n ri.-o,.... ' ' - - u,w ions.
It Is announced abrnnrl thnt "tl,n
nal legislation of the Austrian govern
ment 'for the encouragement of shipping
has practically, led to the establishment
of a new line of steamers from New Or
leans to Austria. Stea'mships sailing un
der the Austrian flag are at present en
titled to a subsidy which Is calculated
toy the ton, and which In the case of a
VCSSel Of. K1V. l.tVH) Itnns wnn,Vl o...
to about 1.000. TOhon. 'h
"sols ere employed In a service which
is acknowledged by the government to be
of importance to the country, they re-
luriner su'osiuy ror wery mile
Few Hen Would Ask
for a Finer Dinner
than those we serve. We're trying In
every way to make them the most en
joyable In town. All the "good things"
of the season cooked by our excellent
cook In the most delicious style. Perfect
If you invite a friend' to the Palace
tfestaurant the place is a sufficient guar
antee that he will receive a good meal.
The Palace flestawatit
Acts as trustee for corpora! ' na and
Individuals. Deposits solicited.
Interest will be allowed or .-ivlngi
deposits at the rate of 4 per cent per
J. Q. A. BOWLEY President
BENJ. YOUNG Vice President
J. Q. A. Bowlby, C. H. Page. BenJ
Young, A. S. Reed, D. P. Thompson
W. E. Dement, Gust Holmes.
. "'for a casemt will ia
line and tbe brldn-lnr nrn, ,ii.
ways to secure the public safety. Its
passenger service In tho number ana
average speed of trains is unexcelled,
while the rate of passage is less than
1 3-4 cents per mile. The activity and
growMl of ita nianv llnnrlshlno t,-
convincing proofs of the utility and
cheapness of Che. freight service, and
mm a.i .mis tne section laborers receive
The SUmmol aAannn in T
. ""svii ib ntdi.j wver, une
ia.l games are close at hand, and what
..! vimr atnietes accomplished? ncth
Ing at all nnt.ii.iA nf o...
- vi liiincb. cuuin
liend and Thvnon hnim u .i
an through the summer and have grown
trying to persuade Astoria to
meet them.
kept the public going with amusements:
this year the A. F. C. bas captains of
nearly every branch tit nnnrla anH man
agers Of Held and tranlr nnl. .
we Wave not had a game of any sort or
no nee any athletes training. The
sp.endM Jumping poles and heavy
weights are in the 'manager's hands. Why
not use them? The cry. of no place to
practice which may be set forth Is not
altogether true, the court house lot and
Van Dusen'g are quite good enough for
Jumping, putting the shot, and similar
events. The trouble is not with the boys,
but with the captains and managers who
wfl vivcieu lo iwurk nnri,hinn
for the olub, the general public, and
pure amateur sports. .
The local cricketers wero royally enter
tained Iby the Portland club when In their
city a week ago, they are a fine lot
of sportmen, took their defeat without a
murmur and played a good uphill gaime.
George Hartley invited the winning team
of cricketers on Mnndnu t i
gant speech in his largo halt, George
makes a trand hnt ami a u.
u icij CllJUJ'UUie
time was passed.
The cricket on jronday. Labor day
at Smith's .oolnt. win ih tho nat
of the season, and should the local boys
"in iu win p..ace tnemi on a level with
the Multnom'a'hn fnr th.i ...r. nil,.
1 illD h 1H11C
shou.d have been played on Saturday.
bUt the M. A A ,1 nnnM L..,L
best team on that day and rather than
win the came "hv ( PnT.iain
decld'ed to play on Monday, this being
the second time Che A. F. C. has agreed
to a postponement to oblige the M. A.
A. C.
Had Caotaln I.a
ferior team and keot his dntn nith th
A. F. C. he 'WOU'ldl hnv IhaA- itfoa aim,.IA...
of all and win or lose would have had
the nalme of being a good sportsman.
ThiS idea Of dolnir OVnt-vthlnir In
no unlaitter how mean, is not sport, and
iunes uie pleasure out or any gaime.
The steamer Dwvpp win i.nv. i... ii.
for the cricket e-nma nn Afnn.Ww a.t to.Oft
ahd 1:30. Quito a number state they will
take the opportunity of witnessing the
only game played in Astoria this year.
a very laree numiwr nr n, m w in h.
present to witness the match.
The Little
Captain Suit
For boys from 5 to 15 vears. in now anj .,t-
at remarkably low piiees.
The Governor
Something late for boys, in all MZPS nnri nr tri.o 4l,
will astonish you for the extremely low prices charged. '
Combination Suits.
Consisting of vCoat, 2 pair of Pants .and Cap, in great
variety and at bottom prices.
Something New.
Little Boys' Overcoats and Reefer Suits. Something
that every mother ought to see. Ages from 3 to 8 years; six
different styles. They are nobby and cheap.
Hot to
The above goods are of 'he celebrated make of Cane Mc
Cafferty & Go., of New York, and are warranted not to rip.
The prices are the very lowest for guaranteed goods.
The arrival tot Ttfeiv vwii- loot c,,,i.,..
evening of the Valkvrle irr Trri n,m.
raven's yacht, which England expects to
carry on une Aimenca g cup from the De
fender. Will flAPVO lt1 fHtah.n ..iKIIa Ih.
, .. , v . .iLoiibi. .Liiiiu in
terest In this international contest which
- " "cuuuii uaawrers receive I " cjvpcl'iku 10 oegin on oeptemoer 8.
w..!.. v.. tin v kuuli wairiin -mni la ill I 'wiifn inn TITVBr Pfltl. milll y.nma a
cent annual dlvldends to the investors! Tne CU1P. which was first won by the
have been the rule. Thifl lines having
nuvumuges or position have used
them unwisely for purposes of extortion
1 mj irue-witn the resultant con
struction of competing lines to lower the
mice ana uiviue me tranlc.
but a club belonged to Herculjs. You
will never be able to wield a club in
as lively a manner as that ultra-muscular
nhnnnlo tint vrtti miv meiiwoi. nhuelal
-,"Ki''- v jvt ...vv..- f-J ....t..
energy through the use of Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters, If you will take that
thorough tonic with reg'ilurity and per
slstence,""not spasmodically by fits and
starts. Begin at once If vigor is failing
you, for debility Is the certain parent
of disease, so that delay is dangerous.
Digestion, the function through the per
fect discharge of which the vigor is re
newed, is insured by zho Bitters. So are
appetite, sleep and nerve quietude. For
constipation, malaria, rheumatism, kid
ney and bladder trouble and biliousness
tho bitters are unaualiflo'lly the best
remedy extant The restorative effects
of a wineglassful three tlmos every day
will soon make themselves manifest.
Fortify the system and grow strong.
Anngropable Laxative and NERVE TONId
SolAbyJ?r"Sist8 or sent by mail 25c,.60o
and $1.00 per package. Samples free.
W fin Tlie Invorite TOOTH POWISS
For Sale by 5. w. Conn.
America in 18G1, was offered by the R'oyail
1HH.-IH oquaaron or u-reat Britain. It
has been contested fnr In isr.i urni urn
1876, 1881, 1885, 18S6, 1887 and 1803. All of
mcao i-uiiteHis, except xne nrst ana that
wf 1887, took place in American waters,
indloa'tlnir' with Whnt
builders and American sailors have met
run, which in the case of a shlD the si t , c . , 1 Dnelr "snsn rivals. Tins courses sailed
required for this Rervi t ,? !? L"!,on siay Review. have been of various lenglhs, from thirty
to about 2,500 a year. Thus vessels em i . ;i"esenl; trouble began last 10 tmy miles. The winning yachts have
ployed in the Cotton trade of thn Am., . 6 A"lerlcun Pipers treated it toen the America, in 1861; Magic, in 1870;
y n n i l m n
The Leading House
Of Astoria, Or..
fiorth Pacific Brecaer y
Bohemian -Lager Beer
ployed in the Cotton trade of the Amcri
caifguKf ports would nnrltlail tn a ,,i,
sidy of something like 3,T00 per annum.
The government admitted that a line such
as was proposed between New Orleans
im inesie woua come within the terms
of the subvention clause. Several Aus
trian owners pressed the matter further
w -tiuenuun papers treated it Deen tne America, in ism; M'aglc, in 1870
contemptuously as only another device Columbia, in 1871; Madeline, In 1876; Mis
- o uiuii-y ior tno U3e or the cniei, in wu; Maynower, in 18SB; volun.
Revolutionary Junta In New York. It is teer, in 1887, and Vigilant, In 1893. In
not unrikeSy that they were right. But 1S35 the Puritan won one race over the
"i v-uoa useit was unex- "enesia ana tost one. in 1887 one of
pected.y ripe Tor revolt, and from the the races between the Volunteer and the
ifeeible beginnings- inaugurated by half Thistle was railed over the New York
by asking for an addltln,,,: .h.M . ?,ze.n 1 "Ie 'banaa ot marauders scat- clul "rse and the other off Scotland
these steamers to run between New Or- S, , JiJ l.T?."!1!.8' the ''fT' ...
leans and Flulme, and this thev have n,i0 . X w a consider- i ir uw vu.Kyne nas naa nis
been tucces(ful. y 6 fhb'e oC 'the lslmd, and Is taxing Vcht built throughout with American
" I tne military and financial resources or winds and waters In mind and for the
The sardine season h m,.j i ? .'nt0..t,,e Yery utmost. To the world exipress purpose of taking back to Eng-
nejst in Eaatport, says the New En-land u m,,Ht t , ..i resuit of Vhe conflict th America's cup won by this coun-
Grocer. and the innt ,L, J oa, m.atlter of difference. Undoubtedly try " many years ago and retained here
Grocer, and the' "long lost sardine or ftin.- ?' 1"diffrence- Undoubtedly fy" many years ago and retained here
herring, has again been discovered ths S Zt tZU'ei CUba 09 ta(lly as 8he f '0"R: The Valkyrle la bM t0 e a
iw. i . .... : uv-rlui mis cou.i. But then is no run sin fv- i,n I lanrer boit than tho nfon,i i .
... ,.T ".B,eu. Muaniitres. tioats loaded ing that the Chan, th",."! U ., .".i.rL....,
I ' I wlln ln much needed fish are arrlvlno- Imm-nus "."cire WOUIUI " "' m nio yavill UUI1U-
Leam nrrinra ,nh t t ... I - . ' u a,e arriving I improve maitters. On. trMn.i.i I nr'o tart , .tnMinAH ,i i.i .
. , ,i jj, iar.son at the m-me lactones n Eastnort and vlflnltw I inin b.uuhuiwi went " " uiwuripiiuiis oi
Sunnyside Saloon or Louls Boentge and t,he 0It;p,;oy("a Xl ,rienty -of wor J vted 0, T,81"10" and 'English yacht concede that She is a
the .CosmODol i.m S iinnr, am r., n . . pieniy or work Mewed, witlh enthus asm tho bpiaut firt, wnft nn nn iiboi
be promotlv attended r u'"cra w"' I':."" ' an'1 aay- Present the various South n. Inri .. Zi
. - w. . unuu wi sairaines a case in M.w vn.i. I r ..i., .. iiiuuuua. I " .." " i.,.. hid
"DO unto Othpra nn vfin n,n,.l.l i
j iiuuiu uavc
UU.ria Ull 11111(1 Villi IU eUn.nn.hnll ....
, -- , , "iiiiu.i."ciicaiiy
u" " luimwing lines, tne pre
sumption beinc thnt nvmi,U'., i i,r.
or akin to pain or sorrow: '
"Gentlemen: Please send Krause'f
neaaacne capsules as follows: Twt
price Cf sairdlnes n. . ,!., w v-i. ! r' . 8 aomn American republics.
is lower th. at any time Since they were are T rJZVLi thes0.
put up. -A telegram received thern r. ",vta ,mre KepiIcnl.
cently stated that thev weirn soiiinn-
$:.0 a case, which is a drop of about
2j cents below the former price. With
the presence In EastDort of n nnt tici.
Inspector, who Is kept busy visiling the
numerous sardine factories each. day,
s vnowgnt Dprore long the present
price Willi rise, as the sardines in the
" WU1JUU,0 da iuiuiwu, iwt k'"-o 'iin nae, as ine sarutnes In the
boxes to Flora Seay, Havanna, N. Dak. future wl be of a much better aualitv
Two boxes to Lillle Wilcox, Biookland, and wllC be put up with greater care as
N. Dak. I have always been a great they were When the first were packed
sufferer from headache and your Cap- more than fifteen years ago, and as some
SUle.f ath6 only .tDn! that reIIeves of ,he 'factories always have done. Many
me." Ydura very truly, factories formerly carele,. h'o Z
FLORA SFAT fiici i,., ti, " i.. '
TT,: xi tT i I ' ""vita ui me 'inspector and
ilavana, N. Dak. now are turnlne out sardino. tht ont
A twister In twisting
May twist him a, twist,
For In Iwls'lnir ,,i.,.
Three twists make a twist;
But if one of the twists
Untwists from the twist,
The twist untwisting
Untwists the twist.
,a' whei It's twisted with any
Other W na lhr,n Kinnm,
simn.ztn.AUU 3.
BfUfdh' buflderft nnri ra havu Hnn. Iha
best they can. They would not come
aCrOSS the Atl'.int.In -with anvlhlno ahh.1
Ot the best. If t'hn nnrpnilar Inoon .1,0
loss will be attributed to the absence ot
a centre-inns rii unit tn tho ovari:.n.
which her owners have made In American
jiiium Dun.uing.
dC'bate. 1hfl Iblttrest fotllnir nolnir cTinorn
with regard to the rights of women to
acquire and possess property to their
sole use and ideposal during the hus
band's life time." It took sometimes
fifteen years of continuous agitation to
get a State lezlHla.turn tn oyn-inirn anol.
uuuiutfuuuH laws.
Thlfl Was fortv-mfit VAn.ra ncrn .Kt tha
same spirit of kecp-her-ln-her-p'.aee has
ciiuraciBrizea ine average man ever since.
What the pioneer women medical stu
dents. Art sitndents. "nil oiro tttit.t.nta en
dured here and in England and France
is aireany a mattor of history end it
all constitutes a scathing commentary
on the Ihftajttnri dhlvnlrv mf man
But woman has graver cause for re
sentment. Men have not, nor are they
today eager to give woman ai larger con
cession of liberty for the asking. The
removal of pvorv inluatloo anA A. in
equaMty has had to be stubbornly fought
for by a ew courageous audi philan
thropic women, aided, here and there by
a man loss Inflated bv tils foiinnr. ...ith
an overweening pride of sex.
To women and not to man belongs the
credit of such measure of liberty as tho
women of today enjoy. Vogue,
Modern Woman Fought Her Way to the
iew i-osiuon.
The question of mlvoit .v,,,-,a
der informal discussitn, a distinguished
New Yoric Judsro exnressoil hu rtir.n
ballon of any attempt to model assocla-
Mr. .1. J. KeiL Sharpsburg, Pa.
Dear Sir- I am glad to say a good
nrnriJ fr v fraiioa'a T I nn ilnnQ PoriQlllna
After suffering for over three years
...1.1. St. A li-. .......
wilu uuiae iicuiaigiu uiiu no i.-uiici4uciik
insomnia (which seemed to baffle the
efforts of some of our best physicians)
you suggested this remedy which gave
ntn . tnn4 .-n I i n Tllnn.ln nil
II1C UII11U3L IIiaiilllL -CllCl. IIUIU3 1UII
to express the praise I should like to
bestow on Krause's Headache Capsules.
Gratefully Yours,
Montroee, Pa.
For Bale by ChasT Kc"geV Astoria. K ."'S blazer 7 l C""- tT? ""XSTZ
r. Sole Agent I V. 7h . i a"? .,a. " fishermen's Protective Union "nes folltfwcd by men's social cty,.
- '"""6"' '" unuiner year tne wi.i De ne.n at the r rMsrlino' n..... Sn n..i..i. u -. " T .
American sard ne fivhih flr4 . I : -.-.'" nuu.u, no conienaeu.
i.. . . 1 ' laiuieu -' ""Miiwr j, iiii,. at 7: n. m ohon I inev tttlhlv ren f In o,...,n.. .! i-I
. . . oiBiiuniu are requested I "u"i toiiuuce neither to the comfiu t -f
ceirt l ,"lve lnelr 00011 or re- lne members nor to the dignity of the
SOFUS JENSEN, Sec.,tau ottiuine iwnicn nrst was canned
MAKE Attractive. Start brbeino the !" KastPn) w"' "nd a place among ie
u M r? most beautilul creature in it. c? R.oods "ut "P cans. and then the
HUi IE If you have beauty preserve T OTS can expect t0 n4ve "e
it. Tfnnhvnncn imnrnVo LfJ f'T! price advanc there IS enough
L I atx la
. . " . , l"c UHO vl uiy I m year.
150.00 REWARD.
The underslcmed is nnfhn,.i-.i ...
fL rtW?rd of 50-00 for tne recovery of
B'ood purifier, gives tresnnew and
clearness to the comnie.-:io'i and cuiei
Constipation. ?5 f.ts.. .10 cts, J1.00.
V'r Sale by J. W. Conn.
Children, especirlly infants, are soon
ica down wi:h Cholera Infantum or
"SiJtnmer Complaint." Don't wait to de
termire, but give DeWitt's Colic & Chol
era Cure promptly, you can rely on It
Use no other.
Anllnd filui.aln.i. 11. I .1 . . ...
i - f -. i me navy iura oi nu.uu ror the recovery nf
T - 1 Ff . , I v.. I deoartmont -i', .wl 0.tAn.4An .. ... I i.n ,v,.,i.. t , .ctuvery or
dispatch says that the department is find- WILLIAM POrrr
I CdnRIIIPran a illlHonHir ( 'J.n LI
BrlnhJn( 'iJn to fill exlstlnir vTn. 1' .? Astoria, Oregon
tlioffico bv feed- malJ the new 8hPs that w-ill s.ion be
and others are made durinz thA mtm moF I Astr.rlii Solo..
senann At iu i j . I . 'iii'ui re-upena onpiem-
oeaMin. At this nennrt rrwtn a.-nn .timnU. I Kof. Olh 1kT i. -.. . .
ljt.. ,, " v...i,,B -w ..... ,o. cuiina. . warren, principal.
na5 torin.Oreiron
Vll'-'"- I -S Mrs KcttlO llnr.
H.wsifd.DAlf(' rison, America'
, I dwi. f bemity doclor, ihrouijh the T. to B0 lnt0 commission. According
skin pores, ch-eg L . OI lcla's. with difficulty
life to r.nlpil f.,no. "LV "S1",B"18 ot seamen, machinists
Sold I v Mrs n-
t t,r nui T . . hciiuu men wno comb ne
K. HLiJUNT. a knowipjln-o nf ....v.
I r-- iiwii-ici 8 tan auways
4o7 lnane bt. As- nnd more remunerative emDlovment nn
private yachts and along shore, where
a greater measure of Individual freedom
is enjoyed and where the duty is not
so exacting n it la in tho n j .l.
... .."i io..jr, onu me
-ouslnes3 conditions, which ft !P frM r A
For Darticular. Inrinlro n In in tirn.
rn at the residence of Mrs. W. W. Parker.
I rpmedy for Gonorrhoea.
rCCKEftV J Glfwt, 8permtorrboia.
'it i m & V.1 Wbiten. Dfinaturftl dis-
nM-afitiM. V? rhartTPn. or anv inlliimnil-
Mi ut BtrietDn. tinn. irritAtinn ..r ulccra-
1-rTcau cfiDUiioo. tion of muconi Dcm
rHEEYArfSCHEM'rit.n'). branee. Jioo-atr.oci:t.
or tfnt in pi.nn wrnpKr,
fir XDniifl. r ra id. fur
I Circular teat on request .
filha. n, oiLI . . . .
10 and 42 Geary St.. San Fr.mrisco. Cal. J"1!3 now than thr been truth la the statement that to .ecurerl
t Jr maKe-u aiso possible rect nt, quaJity and style In your shoe-
o 'nre-WOrk ' more ery at the lowest reasonable prSoS SSrt
em tnan serving the government, go to the firm of John HahT& Co 479
and for these reasons onllatmbnt n-,i r- " vo-' ,'
s.owly. Later in the autumn. hnw.v
A well-furnlshed sui'.e of roons, with
use of parlor, and. If desired, good
table board, at reasonable rates. 5 Du
ane street, corner of Ninth.
riontlomon T nti.o . .
V v. . ? uw Kiwiy. L,ater in the autumn, however
SOnoral lit) TOO nr Ko,.aoa II- .1 l i ., ' P
l " . " w ""'"" -icauittne wnen ine private yachts shall havo hn
i Canstilps whilt traveling tn Chi
li&M P1 "olheTyrntTn-d S
ventlon. They acted like a r!mrm in
preventing headaches and dizziness.
Have had very little headache since
my return, which is rema'kahle.
Yours. resoectfuMv
S Ed. Renovo (Pa.) Record.
For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria.
Or., sole agent
the vacancies in the ranks of the en
.isted men will bo mni.-iiir n iui i..
present the navy Is particularly Jealous
of tie character, Intelligence and physical
condition of the men it is taking Into
its sen-ice. and it has been asserted that
90 per cent of the applicants are rejected
for one reason or another. The limitation
to the age of the applicant Is strictly
ROYAL Baking Powder,
Highest cf ell In havealng
clubs. Fcarlnsr. aimwni'v th..t ho
laying himself open to the charge of be
lng ungalliant, the Judge went on to ex
0am that, outside of mixed clubs, h.'
In common with men cpnopniitr -..-n tn
"fatvor of granting woman every oppor
tunity or privilege for which she asked.
In view of this attitude of generous ac
quiescence tho learned Judge could not
account for the hostility displayed by
many women authors and lecturers to
ward men. He did not know which was
the more astonishing, the keen desire
evidenced by the conciliatory, yielding at
titude of men tn errant wnm'.n all thn.r
asked for, or the bitterness able women
displayed wiien they discoursed upon
When away back in the I0' the re
viled woman's rlg'hts advocates, Susan
B. Anthonv. Mntlldn! .Innlvn rri.tro T ...
Cretla Molt, ftnrrlt fimllh IVIlllon. I '..i
Garrison and others b-gan tho agitation
for the recognition of woman as the
peer of man the old English common
law wojs the law of this land. Under
this the married woman wni deprived
of power over any property of which the
iimy imve ueen pos.vffsea, ovar ner earn
ings, and her children. The proposition
to aboUsh, such iniquitous laws was not
received with easrer acoulesi-enen nn tho
part of men. Quite the contrary. The
advocates of Justice for women were bit
terly BisMlIed, and their opinions branded
as subversive of morality. Well may a
worker of that d.y ex.'lalm: "It is
incredible sane men should argue day
afrer day that if women urei-o niin,n
their own prnpn-ty It would strike at
'he root of Christianity, ruin the home,
I ' i OTien ,w (ill. rho dnnp tn llnan.a on
debauchery! And yet these legislator did
so ar?ue through many weeks of stormy
Bayaird Taylor came on from his home
in Kennett and took an apartment in
East Twelfth street, and onco a week
Mrs. Taylor and he received all their
fi lends them with a simple and charming
hospitality. There wis another house
which we much resorted to the house
of James Lorimer Graham, afterward
consul-general at Florence, where he
aiea. i nad nude hi acqunliUancJi at
Venice thre years before, and I came In
for my chare of that iovo for literary
men which all their pervei'Hltkts could
wnKuisn in mm, it whs a vertt;ilh
passion, whK.-hi I used to think he could
not have felt so deeply if ha had been
a literary man himself.
There wcrs delightful dinners at his
house, where the wit of the Stoddards
shone, and Taylor beamed with Joyous
good fellowship and overflowed with in
ventlon; and Huntlnirtnn inn u-,.i, on-
respondent of the Tribune, humorously
u,cu l" nimse.r into the resolution
of spending th rest of his life in his own
country. There was ohu evening when
C. P. Cranch, always of a most pensive
presence and aspect, sang the most klll
Ingly comic songs; and there was another
evening, when, after we ar.l went Into
mo mrrary, sometning tragical happened.
Edwin Booth was of our number, a
gentle, rather silent person in company,
or with at leant llttla .n,.i,i ini.iu.i...
who, as his fate would, went up to the
cast of a huge hand that lay upon one
of the shelves. "Whose hand Is this,
Lorry V he asked our host, as he took
It up and turned It over In both Is hands.
Graham feigned not to hear, and Booth
asked again, "Whose hand is this?" Then
mnr- mam noining ror uraham but to
say, "It's Lincoln's hand," and the man
for whom It meant such unspeakable
things put it softlv down without
W. D. Howelis in Harper's Magilne.
Stranger (chased by cow, excitedly) Let
down one of those rails, so 1 can get
Fanner (calmly) What's the use. That
cow can to a Wzsa man than you rVht
over. i ,
That matrimony is a halpplsr.stato than
celibacy when it moans a union of hearts
as of fortunes there is little doubt.
though many people marry for love.
something they mistake for it, very few
of these unions lead to lasting happi
nesa. Why is this?
The great reason eema to me to be
that in most lives the ruling passion Is
self, and upon this rock everything which
cornea in contact with it is shattered
sooner or later. A man will often fancy
himself very much In love with a pretty
and sprightly girl and all the more so
If she has some means of her own. Now,
the real fact of the case very likely Is
simply that the girl 'ainvises him, and he
pictures a little home with her ei Its
mistress as a Pleasant eh fine fmm Vo nil
elor "diggings." In fact, what he calls
lOVe Is nnlV Rnnther namo tn, n..nA
auuitoraieu seiiismness. He thinks ot
himself, and not of hor, andl when he
discovers, as he soon will after marriage,
that she has rights, claims, and wishes
to be satisfied as well as himself, he
Will DrObaSilv at first fa.-.!
surprised and then aggrieved and In
dignant. Perhaps the girl may be In her way as
selfish as the man and have married for
tho sake of position, wealth, Independ
ence from parental control, or some
equally unsatisfactory reason. If this bo
the case, than as soon as the little ven
eer of mutual attraction and sympnthy
which they called love has worn off, then
both man and woman will find tho mar
riaiie bond Irksome and will- look back
w-innuuy ,. to ineir oia days of freedom.
Jo a case like this certainly we cannot
Hay low bus been destroyed by marrlnge,
for, ftiquKh tiuth young people may have
fancied, they ,lvo, U wa.i a. mere de-lo-km, liiiMi and, bfttt-r acuu.tln
lanODJiHii't liicviublv hve Impelled
without tlm '! if iriatrinsi;rv, ;
Look t u, hj;hirjtnt JiatKr nwr!ivnr .-:
one In wblcn' UUi fapjja:vt with o
true affectioii for tu' nfifr jn J A jnpHC,,'-,
ltv fnr irrpn.tpr into' fert'l Alri wlih .. Tm. '"
purpose of making thu wi Wfipyf.. Av"i
few vears tiass. anil hniv rln.ia-.uio rioi'. .
these 'Wedded lovers? She is probably r.b- "
sorbed In her children and her house-
hold cares, and her husband Is of very
secondary Importance to her. Why is
this? She has flmply bored and then
alienated her husflmnd's love by her
demonstrative affection, which In unmar
ried days w.vs kept In check by maidenly
coyness and modesty. For a short time
It nleaspd him tn fiiol hn wa hop all-
in-all, and that outside him she hid no
Renil.rn.tA KfA and Inloronla hut thon -hop
very aovouon ipiuea on mim, ana at last,
s It were, became quite surfeited with
the sweet for which he had never ob
tained an aprvtlte by fasting.
For marrlnge to be happy love must
be cherished and it mut be restrained,
tneoumged, carefully nurtured, and
guarded, or it will tike wing and fly
away forever. Home Notes.
The baby yelled with stomach-ache
Enough the dead to scare,
And U the nel-libors wondered
What was In the lieir.
But soon they found twas measles
And pa went on the run
TojgHt the doctor man, for ther
VA fin.'. u;?cn ins sen.
Minneapolis Trihims,
. .