The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 01, 1895, Image 4

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Tolitifal Reform Discussed by
Linton Satterthwaite.
Partv Bossisiu Must Go-Wo Have
the Forms W hich Used Will
Bring: the Substance.
I.Jnton Satterth'walt, In Iho American
Magazine of iClvles for Auguat, Con-
y Aiised tor I'ub.ic Opinion.
. ' .v rI'ft' houeful' student of uractieal nolitlca
' .Vv5 'Interest. The signs of the times
tiiwHKii.' 1'uiure iruuuie Tur ine party
' jti mijti ti1 tor, but unhappily ihey do not
'$,. nww immediate aainger to hla power.
' -' The gap IB wide which separates dunun-
cmuun 01 'uosaiam irom au'osuiuuoil ot
(honest leadership t'hroush displacement
bf the selthvA and corrupting ru:e it the
party tooss.
We already have the forms of popular
government and we have but to use them
In order to possess tho Bubstnnce. Our
troubles are due to the obstinate refusal
or Vt9 wiivful neglect of tho masses to
avail themse.ves of the powers placed
unakei for In their 'hands. In theory
we select our rulers at tho polls, but In
practice this Is Impossible. In a modified
sense, we elect tout wo do not select, and
true election involves selection. We
choose ibetween men, one of whom we
mi st have, but rarely do we select a
man we would prefer wero it possible
to choose 'him. In a word, the great
majority of American citizens take no
part in the Initiative of government. Yet
the initiative 1b the key to sclf-govenv
Our elections nro little more than ple
biscites by means of which the decisions
of a partisan oligarchy are given the
form of popular will. Ours hus become
a government by an oince-holdlng and
olllce-seeklng class. Government by the
people and for tho people is the dream
which delights the fancy of the chool
boy, font government by the spoilsmen
and for the spoilsmen Is the reality
Which absorb the energies and devours
the stibstiance of tho man. Wo must
educate into tlugr'Amerlcan citizen that
degree of Intelligence and self-respect
which will make the sway of the party
boss too odious patiently to be borne.
Tire work of political retormi is therefore
sulbjectlve raithor than objective. It Is
educational, but not In tho sense of over
coming illiteracy. The political problem
Is, therefore, largely U; question of moral
optics. It involves an adjustment ot
moral' vision until things political shall
be viewed as' they are. Men are afflicted
with a sort of mental and moral as
tigmatism, which Teads them to distin
guish, lines of duty and moral obligation
when they run In the direction of private
affairs and to be utterly iblind to those
same lines when they point toward public
The work to be done is from the top
downward. It Is not to teach the Ignor
ant citizen to fead and write, but to
teach the cultivated citizen to use his
learning to some public purpose- It is not
to invent means ot circumventing the
machine, but to learn how to use tho
machine in the Interest of good govern- I
ment. It Is to seek purer politics not
by vain attempts to reform tho character
of ipolitlclans but toy drafting into .politi
cal activity men whoso characters ntea
no amendment. The work of honest gov
ernment Is not an intricate problem for
the man of genius to grapple with, but
is a question within the gra.'-p of n
"plain man's common sense." Reform In
politics is, then, to be educational in the
highest sense, very school and col
lege,, every church In the land h is lulti
upon it the duty, first of all, or teach
ing men to value their citizenship. We
nre too prone to blame our illiterate
brother for out political Ills, and to
point to the appallingly rapid influx of
brutalized products of European deRpot
kms as the one great danger to our in
stitutions. There is real danger from
this source, 'but the most Imminent peril
comes not frcm the ignorant Immigrant,
but from the educated native. Imlulenoe,
according to Professor Uryce, Is a no
le pernicious Toe to democracies than
iirnornnce. "In.llffcrplU'ft tn ,nub!la Itft'lllrs."
ho iys, "shows it&j'.f not mere'y In a
neglect to Btudy them and to lit one's self
to give a Judicious vote, Ivit In the apathy
which does not care to give a vote when
the time arrives. They who have their
private ends to servo, their axes to grind,
and logs to roll are not Indolent." Nu
merous Instances In our country testify
to the correctness of Professor Ilryco's
Good Intentions count for little In poll
tics. While good citizens are content to
diploro evil, the authors of tho evil will
revel in the spoil A people who would
be wc'JI governed must govern themselves, j
niinMMiAiDi-n ullu fif It
and self-government everywhere calls for
se',f-aerl1lclng publlo service. Tho edu
cated and refined may prefer tho quiet
ude of study to stormy contests for con
trol of public affairs, but they cannot
i shrink from the conflict without Infidelity
to the state. It Is not apparent that In
complete mental development rather than
imperfect moral sense is tho root of cor
rupt American politics. We need, there
fore, thoroughly to arouse the various
educational forces of the nation lo the
necessity of Inculcating rational views of
politics and government. Wherever men
glibly talk of patriotism and profess to
seek the public good, there khouUt b.i
some one like Socrates, wl.o will extort
Irom them explanations of what they
mean by virtue, Justice, or patriotism,
and by probing their answrrsexpiss their
Issnorunca and hypocrisy to the wirld.
When this come to b tho l ublt
of Intelligent Americans, oir political re
demption will be near at hnnd.
STATU NEWS. Items Culled from OregWs
Leadi ng Newspapers.
Th following Interview by the Corvallls
Times with Mr. Hammond whllo In that
city this week undoubtedly gives the
exact situation, and It can be easily
Tiifured that the O. O. & ft. will not do
nny extending or side branching thl?
year. Mr. Hannmond said that In addi
tion to the extensive repairs ulrendy
made on the property, costing so far
between toO.OOO and 100,009, estimates had
bf-en mule up and the work actually be
gun on a system of thorough repairs that
would cost an additional U6,0i0. It is
intended that these repairs shall be cora-pieti-l.
and the road plaeed In flrt c'nss
condition b.for the rainy season shuts
off t n? work. There was, he said, a pos
sibility that the road would be extend
ed to Independence prairie thla au
tumn. It depended upon whether or not
wagon road connection from Kastern Ore
pan should be established by those, most
interested, and In a measure upon
whether or not climatic conditions were
favorable. As to branches he consldored
it too late In the season to secure the
nH'i'Bfary right of way, get the deeds to
it and accomplish anything beyond that,
t r roro the rnlny seacon Bets in. Relative
to f :,-atn--hlp facilities, "we are no-,v,"
t.f ;:(, Biile to handle pronrit'y r II
1 ! cfTcri Shou'.J n;..r uKht
than the present service can handle,
pqan transportation necessary to make
quick and prompt dispatch lor an ireignt
ottering will be supplied. The river 'bouts
are all to be repaired and put into ser
vice on the Willamette, and It is ex
pected that this will so increaso bust
ness as to require additional ocean trans
Donation facilities." Mr. Hammond was
well satisfied with the Oregon Central &
Eastern, and its prospects, except for
the unpleasant conditions brought about
by tho discriminating tariff In force on
the Southern Pacific.
The governor's ofllce is in receipt of
a letter Irom Andrew Atchison of Chi
cago which wouid Indicate that the gen
tleman had been made the object of mis
placed confidence by somebody, says the
Statesman. Tho letter reads thus: "A
gentleman claiming to be principal of a
state normal school in Oregon attended
the Cook County Summer School, Chi
ergo, 111., about July 25 to Aug. 3. He
needed a favor In the way of caBhlng
a draft to get home. 1 secured him
tho money. I have not the name at
hand, but wish to identify him. Please
give me the name of the principal of your
state normal." In answer, Private Becre
tary Dunlway sent him the names of
resident Campbell of the Monmouth
school, and Prof. Itoyal of the Western
school, which are the only strictly state
normal schools In Oregon, with the assur
ance that neither of these gentlemen
was likely to. ask any flnanclel favors
that were not strictly ail right.
D. W. Collldge, secretary of the stale
board of cqulllzatlon, has forwarded let
ters to the several conuty clerks impress
ing upon them tho fact that tho prelimin
ary work necesBary to be completed by
him previous to the annual meeting of
the equalizers can be greatly expedited
by the clerks having their transcripts
of this year's assessment rolls tiled with
the secretary of state early in Novem
ver. County Clerk t,. V. Khlen expects
to be able to comply with Mr. Coolldge
request, as the indications are that As
sessor D. V. Coffey will complete the
roll much earlier this time than was the
case in 1894, The county clerk Is required
eo make two copies of the original roll
bne for tho state and the other for the
Shorlff and It Is very irksome work. He
did not receive the-1894 roll until the lat
ter part of November, consequently was
unaUe to prepare the state s copy until
near the time of the adjournment of the
state equalizers.
August Dullur, an Austrian by birth
and an inmate of the. Insane asylum,
committed suicide yesterday by strangu
iitlon, the means employed being a tinall
rope tied to the 'back of a chair and In
a Blip noose around bis neck, and by
his own weight he made sufficient press
ure In lying down and pushing to choke
himself to death. The deed was com
mltted In what is known as the "block
room" of the convalescent ward. It is a
room In 'which are kept the- large block:
used In ru'Ublng the floors and tho little
rope was one used by a boy there on that
ward who delights to puil one of the
blocks while a man pushe It. The room
Is never locked and frequently patients
go In there to read and shut the door
so as to have quiet. Salem 'Post.
Marion county intends a.ssefslng the
Southern Pacific railroad bed at i'l.DOO per
mile. The Marlon county assessor Bays
"Correspondence received indicates that
some county officials do not understand
the apparent low rate of assessment paid
'n thl road in Oregop, aa compared
with California. Tho rate fixed by Cali
fornia is over $12,000, but that Includes
tho steamship lines, depots, real estate
and all property. Oregon assesses all
property separately, so that (here is very
little, If any, favor thown the road In this
Tho old chestnut of eastern people
Identifying Oregon from other Pncllle
coast states by the time-worn remark of
'red apples and rosy checked uirls." is
likely to sink Into oblivion now. A fen
tleman Just returned from a trip to New
iork and other large centers says that
this Is the style now in greeting a Web
rooter, "From Oregon, you miidT" Ah,
yes, the place where they kill and put up
horses for food.
Hop-picking commenced at Davis' yard,
near Junction City, 'Monday. There will
bo pmlpltoymicnt for about S00, although
there are near.y a thousand campers on
the ground now, and more coming every
day. Prices will bo thirty and forty cents
a box. Tiie hop market is stagnant, and
very few growers can get an offer for
this year's crop. Home few have con
tracted nt 6 or 8 cents. The situation
Is not promising.
Douglas county assessment roll for
ISMi foots up ,m,K, a slljj'-.l falling
mi irom mst year, owing to a reduction
of ir per cent on real ebtaie. The per
otial tax roll e'hnws the assessment of
'O.S77 horses, II.2.1S cuttle, fi,(U". sheep and
i;tvs nog.
An Injunction has been sued out In
"estmln Albany's city treasurer from pay
ing $!),(7,1.!M In bonds held by the Portland
nriiigo eo-m-imnv. I), li. i.Montelth,
heavy taxpayer Is eomplalnunt.
Eight families en route from Nebraska
to Ashlnnil by team have reached the
Klamath lake country, having been heard
or from then last week. They left Ne-
orasaa tne sift or May.
One of the prominent features of tho
Vn at non ttn.vnn if.. I u 1... 1. . .1 .....
City on September 211 will be a mining
exiium irom all the mines tributary to
H.iker City.
It will be Impossible for the coming
term of court In Tillamook county, Ore
gon, to clear up the business that Is
waiting for It. Over 100 cases are on the
It Is Valkyrlo HI. now, but let us all
prey tint when the rave has been sailed
It may bo Valkyrie second. New York
At Narraganset: Amy How Is your
fiance, the earl, fixed for money? Maud
Over his coronet In debt I ' suripiso,
"Do you think." said Channle. ' that n
gentleman ought to speak to his barber
nen ne meets him on tho stre"t?"
"Certainly," said Itrlacs. "It l nlmnt th
only chance he has to cet In n
Indianapolis Journal.
'O-oh," she sobbed. "I never thnmrM w
would come to this." "What's the trouble
now?' asked Prootles. "Y-you (inld that
Wearing bloomers Is lunacy!" "Well, it
. was i ne dogged rejolnter. "It's pan-ta.unncy,"Wai-iMngton
"I toll you, my brethren," cried the
rector, "the devil docs not stav nt home;
hes at work-he's abroad." 1 know
what a coming," whispered the head war
den to his wife. "He's going to put in a
bid to be allowed to go abroad after
him." Harper's Hazar.
!.ho t,lrnHl 'Ton hlnv ' Imperiously:
'Vt hat have you to s.vy for yourself?"
The dude cowered before her, abashed,
and then passed through the door without
a word. She shook her head sadly.
"Once more Is tho old saying verlilxl,
'It goes without faying!' " h gently
locked the door behind bim. Truth.
Simplicity of science: Student-I learn
that there are eases in which people have
bad from childhood an uncontrollable de
stre to eat soup. What is the cause ot
that? Learned Profe!ior--Taey are vie
tlms of sappessomanla. Student-Um-wh'at
doea sappesommla menn?
Liwrnel Profereor A de?!re to eat soup
Nc York Weekly.
initinhlns her) "What? nioumers?
(With emphasis) "Knlcks?"
Many Flaws May Lead to Com
But Little Has Been Accomplished
to Better Matters Citizenship
Is Too Cheap Entirely.
Recent discussion of the Moro claim
in certain of Its phases which do. not
Involve, however, the Justice of the dis
pute between Spain and this country-
has given rise to an Interesting and time
ly query In international ethics. To what
extent, th question presents itself, can
aturallzatlon under our laws be proper
ly held to confer Immunity on a citizen
of the United States returning to and re
siding in the country of his original al
legiance? In theory and In ordinary prac
tice the prtotection guaranteed to an
alien resettling In his native country, toy
an assumption of citizenship here. Is
ample and complete. The transfer of oil
lleglance Is presumed to be made de-
iberately and In good faith; and all
former civic obligations are apparently
cancelled by an oath taken to support
the constitution and obey the laws of the
United States. Yet under our present
Irregular and haphazard system of na
turallizaitlon, tolerated by an Indifferent
public opinion and a neglected congress.
It is evident that grave abuses of the
rights and Immunities of citizenship may
creep in.
Cltlzonshlp has been so cheapened In
this country by the fulse sentimentality
which 'h'as shrunk from throwing either
restrictions or safeguards about Immigra
tion that it Is not surprising to find the
motives and the methods of many men
who seek it questioned here and abroad.
If, for example, a European, wishing to
escape military duty In bis own country,
contrives by the flimsiest compliance with
our laws to ootaln naturalization papers,
neither foreign governments nor our own
can fail to feel that a trick has been
played when the newly naturalize! cltl
zen returns to do business In his native
country and, pleudlng his American na
turaltatlon, seeks exemption from the
civic ofbligations which weigh so mater
ially upon all his neighbors. Likewise,
it n man wno nas engaged in a con
spiracy 'against tho established' govern
ment of bis country appears as a success
xui applicant ror citizenship in our
courts and then returns to his use his
change of allegiance as a means of eskiap
lng the penalties he Was Incurred for his
former political offences, his native gov
ernment Is clearly Justified In complain
ing of such perversion of the right of
naturalization; nor can our own govern
ment be supposed to defend with com'
p.aeeney so palpable an abuso of Its
naturalization system.
Occasional scattering efforts have been
made in the last throe or four congresses
to remedy certain specific effects in the
naturalization laws-; but little or nothing
has been accomplished. It Is plain, how
evtr, that the whole system needs to be
revised before the conditions of admis
sion to citizenship here can bo made
wholly satisfactory to conservative and
patriotic sentiment at home, or Wholly
equitable In the eyes of friendly foreign
C'h'lcag'3 Tribune.
England Is affaln playing thj old trick
with the United States. Sho has rarely
had dealings with this country when she
has not succeeded In carrying her point
by a bluff. She blu'fted a weak Demo
cratic administration under Tyler out of
a. ikjrge strip of the state of Malno by
me Asnimirton treaty of 1812. She bluffed
a 'Southern Democratic administration out
of a hugo stflp of territory In the North
west. In the campaign of 1841 the Demo
crats Inscribed upon their banners tho
legend, "B4.40 or Fight." They (lid not
fight nor did they get 54.40. They backed
own to a compromise on 49 as soon
ns they were In possession at tho gov-
rmment, and iwlth their tails between
their legs allowed England to take the
5 4-10 degree It claimed, thus Burronder-ig
to the Hrltirh 'a large part of Vancouver
sound, all of the Valuable Island, 350 miles
of 'Pacific ocean front, and a territory
cist to the Rock 'mountains containing
175,000 square miles, or an area three
times as great as that of Illinois.
In settling the dlsputo with Can
ada the United States was bluffed again.
It sulhmilWed to arbitration and allowed
Urilglum, solecled by England as her fac
tum, to .mulct this country In a $3,
WKI.IKK) bill of damuges, wherexs from -the
standpoint of fair play It did not owe
he Canucks dollar. Learning nothing
from this arbitration tho government Was
roonsn enough to consent to an arbitra
tion of the seal-shooting question, and
an award 'was made of half a million dttl-
ar.iifor stopping Canadian poachers from
shooting our seals. "What has been the
result? Since 'that time tho poachers have
killed off most of the remaining herda,
and In two or three years at farthest
there will not bo a seal left on the Prlby-
of islunds breeding grounds. 'When all
hat was lacking to save the seals was
f and, ' ive .were taken In and neatly done
fc-r. If -there had been less Anglomania
nd more A merle -in se'f-rfupeot, if we had
ptood by our rights, Great Britain would
not have fired upon our seal cruisers.
he tlrfit shot would have unsealed her
old upon Canada.
Tho latest bluff of England Is an at
mpt to survey the United States out of
the southern half of Alaska, and, It pre
cedents are any indication, h will
succeed In this !so, as the Anglomanlucs
111 probably insist upon the surrender of
ur claim, and this, 'too, although the
boundary between Alaska an-1 Canada
as been a settled fact since 1SW. that it
was not disputed while Alnska belonged
Ttusila, and that the line la still on
M the Kngi'.lsh ninps as It Is upon the
American. The Inducements for England
to grab this slice of America nre tempt-
ng. They include tho most of the salmon
sherles, large mining properties, un-
ouched forests, and cutting off the
Tnlted States frcm nny nearer coaling
'lotion than Puget .sound, while
and ha lkxrge coal fields In British Col-
mbla. It Is no wonder that ?:lie Is again
ftemptlng her favorits game of bluff.
It Is hMh time that this country shoul'i
draw a lino on these attempts of '.?reat
Britain to lllrti this K'nrltnry. So far as
A. n ska Is concerned. It must stand on
he line drawn by Russia without Great
Britain's objection. Let her be told In
pn language that her bluffing, bully-
ng and land-grabbing will no longer be
permitted, and then ask her what she Is
going to do about It. That is tho klndj
of policy fhe people would like to see
Secretary Olney Inaugurate and the Presl
lent Indorse.
Vienna is In some respects behind the
date, or perhaps the rest of the world
only has not advanced up to tier stand
ard.' The people live according to the
Hut system, as Is the custom In other
European cities. At the door of each
Hut house Is a portler, who Is usually
iinvaeu iii more or iess gorgeous livery. ,
He guards the general Interests of tho ' white sstln, the front set Into a box
hoiw unit nrolwt H from msrsiiders. i plait outlined with a silver embroidery :
Tne building is closed at 10 o'clock at
night and the lights extlnj.iUhed. Every)
person who appears after that hour must
ring the bell, rouse the jxirter, who Is
usually on this occasion not In his state
dress, and pay 'him a fee of 10 kreiitiwfi
something less than five cents. If the
hour Is very late the fee must be doubled.
There are also curious methods In use
in the sprinkling of streets. In some
cities this function is performed by one
man. In Vienna it requires two, the
second walking behind pulling a long
rope, which swings a hose that wildly
etrews the water over the stones. The
introduction of a self-operating sprinkler
would throw this second man out of
employment, an argument, the force of
which Is very similar to that used
against the railroad on account of its
being opposed to the Interests of the
horse, or one which. Is heard in Europe
in regara 10 disarmament when It Is
said that this policy would throw a great
many Idle people on the world and over
stock the labor market, or the one which
Is used o prove that women ought not
to be allowed to engage In employments
in competition witn men.
One of the means by which the Aus
trlans make it pleasant for visitors Is the
taxation of ev.ery newspaper coming Into
me country irom roreign parts. On each
paper the postoffice officials paste a
two-kreutzer stamp, worth a little less
than one cent, the price of which Is
collected before the delivery Is mado to
the addressee. This is considered to be
no violation of the international postage
treaties, Just as at Berlin It is similarly
considered to be no violation of the same
treaties to charge for overweight when
the scales of all other countries And there
is no overweight, This Is one of the
delights of living under un omnipotent
state. An Austrian very lucidly explains
the virtue of the newspaper tax in this
way: "The Austrian papers are all taxed
one kreuzer per copy. It Is necessary to
tax foreign papers twice as much to keep
out competition from abroad. Otherwise
the Jews might print all the Vienna pa
pers In America, send them over here and
drive the home (product entirely cut of
the market." St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
The Little Wizard1 Saved the Church and
Won the Thanks of the Congregation.
New York Advertiser.
"When the Texas Pacific railway was
being built," said W. W. Goodrich, the
Baltimore architect, the other day, In the
midst of a discussion of Jay Gould, In
which the "Little Wizard" was getting
much the worst of it. "Jay Gould and
Sidney Dillon were on a tour of Inspec
tion. "Their train was side-tracked In a little
town about fifty miles west of Fort
Worth, with the regular train waiting for
a wildcat freight to come in. The pas
sengers were told by the conductor that
nt least two hours would elapse before
they could run again, and that they had
amplo time to see the sights of a prairie
town In the staked plains. . -
"Mr. Gould and Mr. Dillon, with their
attendants, took In the town.
"They had not gone far before they
neard the mournful clang of an auction
cer's bell, and came upon the rrowd of
curious people surrounding the seller.
The auctioneer was crying: 'Fifteen hun
dred dollars! Fifteen hundred dollars!
Am I offered more? when Mr. Gould
touched a tall Texan on the arm and
asked what the sale was for.
"The man, as he lookeS curiously at the
little financier, mado a striking picture
in his Mexican sombrero of Oliver and
gilt, his buckskin suit fringed with a
tasselated frlngo several inches wide of
silver thread and leather, the shining
blue Colts 44 sticking In his belt and the
handles of his daggers showing from
his boot tops.
'Pard,'. said the ranger, 'this is a
knockout for the parson.'
" 'In what Way?' asked Mr. Gould.
" 'You see, pard, tbe parson built this
church, but the tin petered out, and now
the wood butcher Is selling the whole
crowd out for his coin. Pard, I'll tell
you what, I'll chip In and help the par
son with the bank I busted last night,'
and the ranger began to pull gold coin
and chips out of his pockets galore.
"But Mr. Gould did not even glance at
It. Ho stepped up to the auctioneer and
asked for the contractor who was closing
out his lien. The auctioneer pointed out
the man, and Gould approached him and
asked the amount of his claim.
" 'Seventeen hundred dollars and costs.'
said be.
" 'What will you taka In settlement?'
asked Mr. Gould.
" 'I'll settle for tl.GOO and donate tho
balnnce,' said the contractor.
Mr. oould taking from his pockets
several bills of large denominations, gave
them to the contractor and took his re
ceipt in full with the cancelled lien.
Just then an old man, who had been
an tye-witneas of the transaction, going
up to Mr. Gould, said: 'Stranger, what
tre you going to do with the claim you've
just bought?'
Mr. Gould looked the man over In that
calm way he bad and asked why ho
wanted to know.
Why,' said he, 'I am the steward of
this church. All of the members and Sab
bath school scholars are in the church,
with the presiding elder and pastor, on
their knees, praying God to come to
our help and save the church.'
"Mr. Gould said nothing, but taking the
receipted bill and cancelled lien that he
had in his hands, he gave them to the
steward, and, turning toward the depot.
walked rapidly back to his train.
"Tho steward entered the church, now
free, and told the people what the Lord
bad done, and the people sang the dox-
ology on their knees. Then they went
out on the street to find the stranger.
"They soon found out that the little
man was none other than Jay Gould.
His train had gone, and only a cloud of
dust on tho far-away prairie indicated
where the little man was.
'IMr. Gould has said that the letter he
afterwurd received from that congrega
tion, signed by every one In it, gave biin
more pleasure than clearing a million
The large elbow once so fashionable
Is. again in vogue snd promises to be
popular. These are ubiquitous on all the
Fiench model., and, although they bring
with them the necessity for long gloves,
they yet mny be voted cooler wear than
the sleeve to the wrist. They look very
pretty when decorated with three little
frllUs of lace on the hem, and today we
nsttln make our sleeves of a different
nxoiterlnJ from our gowns, of a richer and
rarer stuff usually. The most inexpen
sive of crepons will be provided with a
gorgeous pair of chine silk sleeves, and a
plain black grenadine may awako to
find Itself famous with a pair of bro-
eailed grenadine sleeves. Brocaded gren
adlne is a novelty, or at least a com
roratlve novelty. It realty made Its first
appearance the season before last, but
even yet It Is dllllcult to get it. It looks
charming when well made and trimmed
with Jet, snd it usually boasts a black
or dark blue ground. Besides forming
gowns, it Is permitted to trim, hats In
the form of rosettes and to -make little
capes trimmed with, frlllsi of chiffon. A
very pretty cape which I bsul the pleasure
of sitting next to at the opera the other
nlrtt was entirely made of my dear
frlena grass lawn, elaborately traced
with cream lace patterns, -mounted over
shot blue ami pink silk, trimmed cround
the him with a pinked out ruche of the
silk and around the throat In the same
fashion. It Is quite simple, possibly ex
tremely dear, and without a doubt, ex
tremely attractive. It was worn In com
pany iwlth the bodice sketched here.
I surrepticlously took Its every di tail
wblle Its wearer was rapt In the strains
of "One Whose Wandering Footsteps
Roam," Interpreted by - M. F.rozel It
m a rose-pink silk bodice lined with
round me waist was an elaborate belt. I
while spangled net formed the bretelles
P. eumoRe;
H. Harrison,
Sailing dates to and from Tillamook and Nehalem depend
on the weather. For freight and passenger
rates apply to
O. K & N. CO.,
and tbe sleeves and tho ikirts were per
fectly plain, made of pink satin, and 1
have no doubt but 'What it was lined with
white silk.-'Mrs. Aria, in the English
There Is a good deal that Is radically
new In china, as fashion has decreed
many changes of late both In shape and
At any rate there are some odds and
ends of Information picked up during a
tour of the shops, which may be of in
terest to the enterprising housekeeper.
Platters Wave round corners with edges
sflgbtly rolled over, the sides being par
tially concave. Tureens and other deep
dishes are perfectly round, with the
handles of mat or dead gold, if not decor
ated in color.
White and gold china is still a favor
ite, and, known under the name ot
"Richelieu," blue and white ware also
haB 'much vogue, particularly the Meissen
China of the "onion" pattern.
An Ivory finish Is a feature of the re
cent wares from Saxony! this Is shown
with charming effect in center pieces for
the table.
Ronton dishes are leaf shaped, crescent
and oblong, also very pretty are the
claw-footed bonbon and alted almond
dishes. There la a deep, broad dish, with
curving sides, to hold oranges for the
breakfast table, and a quaintly fashioned
dish with four divisions for the home din
ner; this Is to hold fruit; it has ai recep
tacle at the top for flowers.
A pretty receptacle for hors d'oeuvres
has six divisions and a silver server with
an ivory handle. Perfectly sweet Is a
teapot which looks like a ball of violets
the cups to go with It are also violets
and rest on saucers of green leaves. The
dainty little dish for peppermint creams
is placed within another of openwork
silver, which must be filled with fresh
sprigs of mint.
There Is still a demand for bouillon
cups, but bone plates and butter plates
and saucers, except with teacups, went
out long ago. Cafe-noir sets have ex
tremely small cups and lovely porcelain
A set of Limoges china, painted in a
design of wild roses, Is very charming
for a tea service, while most appropriate
Is a fish set bestrewed with seaweed, with
ground effects of cloudy green depths
and sunny shallows.
Whether In fashion or out of fashion,
a bit of china always lias a firm hold
upon feminine, affections. Fashions.
Mine. Marie Roae, the well known opera
singer, who has only appeared before the
public of late years accaslonally, has
through 111 health been compelled to
fpend her winters in Paris. While there
Mme. Roze started a school for concert
and opera singing. This has proved so
successful that she cannot now leave It,
and will probably make the gay capital
her home.
Johnny Greyneck Say, pa, what's a
Greyneck, pere-A skin doctor.
Johnny Well, ain't they all?
The man who frets at worldly strife
Grows callow, sour and thin;
Giev us the had whose happy life
Is one perpetual grin.
He, Midas-like, turns all to gold,
He smiles when others sigh,
Enjoys alike the hot and cold.
And laughs through wet and dry.
There's fun In everything we meet.
The greatest, worst and best;
Existence Is a merry treat,
And every speech a Jest,
Be't ours to watch the crowds that pass
Where Mirth's gay banner waves.
To show fools through a quizzing glass
And bastlnade the knaves.
Tive serious world will scold and ban.
In clamor loud and hard.
To ear the Meigs call a congressman
And Paulding styled a bard.
But, come what may. the man's in luck
Who turns it all to gtee.
And laughing, cries, with honvt Puck
"Great Lord! what folk ye be!"
Croak ;r.
Open por
Special Charter.
Agents. Portland.
Are Yon Going East?
Bo sure and see that your ticket
reads via
Tbla 1s the
And all Points East and
Their Magnificent Track, Peerless VeB
tibuled Dining and Bleeping Car
Trains and Motto:
Have given this road a national reputa
tion. All classes ot passengers carried
on the vestlbuled trains without extra
charge. Ship your freight and travel
over this famous line. All agents have
Gen. Agent Trav. F. and P. Agt
248 Washington st. Portland. Or.
Are You Going East?
If so, drop a line to A. C. Sheldon,
general agent of the "Burlington
Route," 250 Washington St., Portland.
He will mail you free of charge, mans.
time tables, and advise you as to the
through rates to any point, reserve
sleeping ,car accommodations for you,
and furnish you with through tickets
via either the Northern. Union. South
ern. Canadian Pacific, and Great North
ern railroads at the very lowest niM
The Burlington Route Is ffeilAFnllv
conceded to be the finest equipped rail
road in the world for all classes of
Astoria, Oregon.
Ship Chandlery,
Spedsl Attention Pid to Supplying Ships
SHILOH'S CURE la sold on a gvar
ntee. It cures Incipient consumption,
t la the best fVimrh r.,
. rt" D viu j una
nt a dose. 25 cents, SO cts. and 11.00.
ror cue Dy j. w. Conn.
KARL'S CfcOVER ROOT will tmrtf
your blood, clear your complexion, reg
olate your Bowels, and m&v vnnp hull
2S? i t1 80 n.oo.
Sold by J. W. Conn.
Rooms 1 and 2, Pythian tuldlm,
over C. H. Cooper's store.
German Physician. Eclectic.
Office over Albert Dunbar's store, cor. '
9th and Commercial. Prices: Calls, ii;
confinements, $10.00. Operations at olflct
free; medicines furnished.
W. C. LOGAN, D. D. S.,
Mansell Block, 672 Third street.
Office over Olsen's drug store. Hours. 10
to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p. in. Sun
days, 10 to 11.
J. S. BISHOP, M. D.,
Office and rooms In Kinney Block.
Office Hours, 10 to 12:30 and 4 tu 6M
Surgery and Dlseaso'j of Women a .spe
Office, 5S4W Third st, Astoria, Ore.
Special attention given to all chronl
Special attention to diseases of wom
en and surgery.
Office over Danzlger's store, Astoria
Telephone To. 62.
Office, Rooms & and 6, Pythian
Building. Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to
6. Residence, 639, Cedar street
May be found in his office until II
o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until .
p. my and from S until 7:30 evenings.
W. M. LaForce. , S. B. Smith.
385 Commercial street.
Office on Second Street, Astoria, Or.
J. N. Dolph. Richard Nlxuit.
Chester V. Dolph.
Portland, Oregon, 24, 25, 26, and 27,
Hamilton Building. All legal and col
lection business promptly attended to.
Claims against the government a spe
A. M. Regular communications held
on the first and third Tuesday evening
of each month.
E. C. HOLDEN, Seitary.
464 Commercial Street.
Handley & Haas, 150 First street, and
get the Dally Astorian. Visitors need
not miss their morning paper while
fandel wine instead of coffee or ten.
Fifty cents per gallon. Don't forget
peach and apricot brandy. Also French
Cognac and wine at Alex Gilbert's
Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruits
Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and
Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies,
Cor. Cass aud Squcmoque Streets. Astoria, Or
das and Steam Fitting,
Hot Air, Steam and
Water Heating.-
17J Twelfth street Astoria. Or.
Special attention paid to steamboat re.
pairing, first-class horseshoeing, etc.
197 Olney street, between Third and
and Fourth, Astoria, Or.
What the Gambrlnus Beer Hall tried
to do in selecting their liquors was to
pick out what intelligent people would
want If they knew it as experienced
people should know it. Make a note
of this if you want pure liquors. George
Bartley, Proprietor.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla,
No, Never.
Physicians have never been
able to prescribe any ether
emulsion of Cod-liver Oil which
would bring as satisfactory re
sults as Scott's Emulsion.
The reasons for. this are the
absolute purity of its compo
nents and the superior process
of its manufacture. Nobody has
ever bee able to imitate it.
Imitations are always inferior to
the teal thing.
Remember that Scott's Emul
sion is the great food for wasting
in adults and children.
Don't bi ptrruadtd to accrptanUIUvtt:
Scot! 4 Bowie, M. Y. All DmggUtv 50c and I,