The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 01, 1895, Image 3

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rmEci woman.
She 'was a phantom of delight
Yhcn flrit she gleamed upon my sight;
A lovely apvaHtlon. tent
To l)o a moment's oriument.
Her eye as stars of twilight fair;
Like twilight, too her dusky hair,
Hut all else albout her drawn
From Maytime and the cheerful dawn;
A dancing shape, an Image gay,
To haunt, to startle and wayUy.
I taw her upon nearer view
A spirit, yet a woman, too;
Her household motions light and free,
And stpns of virdn liberty:
A countenance In which did meet '
.Hweet records, promises as sweet;
A creature not too "bright or good
For human nature's daily food;
For transient sorrows, slmlple 'wile's.
Praise, Kanie, love, kisses, tears and
And now I see with eye serene
The very pulse of the machine;
A being inreathlng thoughtful breath,
A traveler betwixt Mfc and death;
The reason (lrm, the temperate will,
KnJuranee, foresight, strength and skill;
A perfect 'woman, nobly planned,
To .warn, to comfort and command,
And yet a spirit Ft ill and bright,
AViih something of an angel light.
William 'Wordsworth.
"You see, my boy," said Uncle Hobart,
"matrimony l.t a dangerous thing. You
buy a horse, and if It balks you send It
off to auction to be sold. But with a
wifa It Is altogether different. You can
neither sell nor exchange her it's a life
long bargain."
"Hut, Uncle Hcfoart," said the nephew
and 'heir-apparent of that gentleman,
"let's take another view of the matter.
Suppose that the U all that is lovely
excellent and desirable."
Uncle Hobart Renshaw rubbed his nose.
As an Inveterate bachelor of five and
fifty he was natuwliy Inclined to take
the less sanguine view of the case.
"Paul," said he, "it's of no use to ar
gue the matter. A young man In love
Is a young man mad for the time being.
If you've made up your nvind to get mar
ried not all the arguments In creation
will avail ralnst it. Onlyt3 sure you
make a. right choice. Remember how
much depends upon It."
Paul Fontaine laughed good-humoredly.
Like all young men, he thought so much
caution quite unnecessary.
"There are two sisters of thes-3 Lind
leya, you say?" said Uncle Hobart, re
flectively polishing 'his glittering specta
cle glasses.
"Two sir Emily and Esther."
"Both of 'em pretty?"
"As twin blush robes, sir."
"There you go," said Uncle Hobart
testily. "Right into sentiment, just like
a three volume novel."
"Well, sir, isn't It natural enough to
compare a pretty girl to a beautiful
(lower. If I cou'ld think of any other
"You needn't trouble yourself," In
terrupted Uncle Motoart, "what I want
to rind out is what they are like."
"Esther is ibrig'ht and sparkling; Emily
is all softness and refinement. Esther
is a brunette with the blackest hair 1
ever aw. Emily has chestnut curls and
blue eyes, and a lovely fair complex
ion." "Exactly," Undo Hobart hummed an
old tune which h id been popular in his
Hlack eyes most dazzle at ft ball;
Blue eyes most please when shadows fall.
"Andi which do you like best, Paul,
. "They are both of them charming!"
energetically answered the young man.
"Upon my life, Uncle, I sometimes wish
that the Turkish system prevailed here,
nn-i fhufr T nmilil tiia vrr . 1nth rt thorn M
"Difficult to decide which Is the most
fascinating?" questioned Uncle Hobart.
"Hut the thing is, my lad, which will
wash and wear the beat for everyday
"That's a question which the future will
decide, Uncle. . Unfortunately, we have
no chemical to decide the matter."
"Think not," said Uncle Hobart dryly.
"Look here, Paul, up to th-3 present
time you have only seen theso girls
through the chiaroscuro of vjslting dress
and company manners. What would you
give to behold ihem as they really are
to get a peep behind the scenes?"
"Half that I a'n possessed of, uncle!"
cried out' Fontaine with admiration, "if to bo able to satisfactorily prove to
you, sir, how pure and noble and high
souled they 'are. But all this Is non
sense. Of course It Is an impossibility!"
"Nothing of the sort," said Uncle Ho
bart. "You say. that up to th-j present
these girls do not know me personally, or
iny connection with the board of heilth.
Well, it is true that I am neither a wiz
ard nor a magician, but I am what Is
quite as useful in this matter a sani
tary official. I go into people's bick
doorj when I wish it. I stride remorse
lessly through their kitchens and cellars
when I want to see for myself, rather
than trust my inspector?. I am at lib
erty to take a downstairs view of the
world. Eh, young man, what do you
think of that?"
Paul Fontaine stared.
"I don't understand how"
"But you will, dnubtlos?, when I tell
you that the Lindleys' house is In my
district; that I have decided to go there
tomorrow morning to see personally
that all the drainage Is perfect. If you
choose to volunteer a little help, I'll dli
guise you as one of my men and"
"With all my heart, uncle!" cried the
young man, with glittering eyes and
heightened color. "I fear no ordeal
to which you can subject Esther ana
Emily. Believe me, the metal will ring
"Weil; we'll see," said Mr. Renshaw.
"In the meantime suppose you ring for
Hobart Renshaw was a man of prop
erty, but he was also a man of peculiari
ties. One of these was to earn his bor
ough surveyor's salary as honestly as If
he depended on it for his dally bread.
People call him a miser, but little cared
he for that. The widow, the fatherless
and he that was ready to perish could
tell a different tale, and Hobart Ren
shaw, quaint and eccentric though he
was, could read tne book of human char
acter with an alarming unerring eye.
"Run, Betty, run! It's that nuismce
of a dralnman again. It does seem to me
as It he came about a great denl oftener
than is at all necessary."
The Llndleys were people who kept up
a grand appearance upon a comparative
ly disproportionate foundation. Their
sitting room was elegantly furnished;
their' hall upholstered in Terslan pat
terned Brussels, with rosewood rack and
Gothic hall chair, but the kitchen was a
gloomy, subterranean apartment, scantily
furnished and uninviting in aspect. .
Moreover, the Lindleys were struggling
to keep up appearances on a moderate
income, and Betty, the little workhouse
girl, in har print frock and thick shoes,
was th? oj.'.y servant they k"pt.
"Dear me! what Is tne youn? man
flicking Ills nose in lier for?" cried out
Esther, Indignantly. "Does he expe-t
t(- find drains In the fireplace or under
the wash tubs?"
"Please, tr, the pfcik's in the cellar,
dir. This way, sir!" said Betty, clamp
ing on ahead and turning open a cellar
door, whence rushed a blast of sepui
chrally damp air.
But the'one glance Into the kitchen had
been enouah. Esther, in a greasy pink
dress, and her hair in a bristle of curl
rapera, e-it before a tray, with a bowl
on her lap, eating a 10 o'clock breakfast,
while her pretty feet, thrust Into a pair
of badly worn slippers, displayed sundry
unrounded holts, und a soiled pocket
handkerchief, tied around her neck, did
duty in place of the neat collar or frill
generally supposed to be necessary.
Mrs. Llndloy was bending over a huse
kettle of bubbling and boiling preserves
upon the range, and at the wvuhtub
stood a slight trim figure with an apron
tied around her waist and sleeves above
the elbow, Emily herself, scrubbing away
with the energy of a laundress, and her
shining hair wound In lustrous braids
around and about her sm&H head.
Uncle Hotoart, following closely at the
heels of his nephew, was Just In time to
hear Esther's petulent voles from the
other room sounding shrilly on their ears.
"It's too (bald, mamma! The toast is
scorched to a cinder, and the coffee isn't
drinkable. I must have some fresh
"Oh, Ettle, don'tt" coaxed Emily.
"Mamma. Is so tired nnd she has so
much to do! "Won't a, gla?9 of milk do?"
"No, It won't! I must hav'n coffee, and
decent coffee, too!" asserted the brunette,
tapping her pretty foot on the floor and
knitting her Jetty brows.
"Then I'll make It," sild E.nlly, "If
you'll wait until I get these collars
1 ubbed out." ' ,
"I'd be ashamed to turn washer
woman," grumbled Miss Esther.
"I'm not ashamed of anything that Is
useful," feald Emily", with spirit, "when
p.upa works so hard and the washing bills
are so heavy. It won't hurt either of us
to do !& little honest work and spare
mamma all we can."
"Do leave off moralizing and get my
coffee," snarled Esther, who had evi
dently risen In no amiable mood.
And the borough surveyor and his bogus
assistant, -having no excuse1 for lemaln
lng longer, heard nothing more.
Paul Fontaine was silent as he walked
along the street, but Uncle Kobarl
chuckled softly to himself.
"Nothing like an inside view," ealu
he. "The upstairs angel often turns into
a, downstairs demon, eh? Ha! ha! ha!
There's mischief behind the arch of those
black brows. If you're determined to
have a wife take the one at the ivashtub,
the littlo girl who wanted to help her
"I believe you tire right, Uncle Ho
bart," said Paul.
i i i i
"But tell me, I'aul, how you came to
choose me instead of Esther?" ques
tioned the blue-eyed bride as they stood
together by the sea at Brighton the week
alfter their wedding. "Esther la so much
prettier, so much lovelier than me. Every
one likes Esther better than they do me.
And do you know, darling, I half think
that Esither was just a little disappointed
that you didn't prefer her?"
"Do you think so?" said Paul, careless
ly. "We can scarcely account for our
preferences. Esther is very brilliant and
beautiful, and when first we became ac
quainted, I was fairly bewitched by her.
But now I value the steady shining star
of your love above all the wlll-o'-the-wlsps
In creation!"
But he never told her of his amateur
sanitary Inspection and Uncle Hobart's
test of character. Maxwell Cummings.
When the queen was a young girl one
of her chief characteristics was a cer
tain imperiousncss of disposition. Her
word Was law, and as a distinguished
officer whom I must not name, once de
clared on leaving her after an olllclal
Interview, "the queen did love to be mis
tress." It Is a most lovable trait In her
majesty's nature that with increasing
years a mildness of manner and most
considerate though tfulnes9 for others
have superseded 'the austerity of her
younger days. She Is, indeed, more in
clined to err on the side of Indulgence
than of sternness. "Have it your own
way, dear," she will say in a grand
motherly discussion with one of the Bat
itenberg babies. With her personal at
tendants the queen Is equally gentle.
The queen never by any chance shows
haughtiness to a dependent. Not long ago
an Irish nurse, in dharga of some little
friends of the Duke of;ht's chil
dren, went to tea (nursery tea, of course)
at Osborne. The Irish nurse (a most
naive creature, when the queeu unex
pectedly entered the nursery, went down
on her knees, a'."ter. making a profound
courtesy, and when her majesty very
nicely alJresi?cd various questions to her,
repf.lcd grandiloquently: "Yes, O, Queen,
No, O, Queen," and commenced giving
her a ilong account of her home and
relatives in Ireland. The queen was pos
itively convulsed With laughter, which,
turning away, she tried In vain to hide.
Her sense of 'humor is ait times keen.
Once in a crowd, a poor man, gazing
at her and Prince 'Albert as theyvpassed
by, began to laugh Irreslstab'.y; but there
was no sort of offense in the laughter.
The queen Joined in, declaring she could
not help herstl'f. The more her humble
subject laughed the Wore she enjoyed
the 'fun, and wonders to this d'ay what
was the secret of her merriment. Lady
Mary In the Woman at Home.
Every woman, says the llustrated
American, will acknowledge the charm
of a wei.-modulated voice yet how few
are willing to take the time or trouble
to cultivate one, cultivation being, un
happily, necessary for the American
woman, whose voice, through heredity
and climate, Is aggressively sharp and
distressingly monotonous. There are
methods for training the voice to speak
just as there are to train the voice to
sing. In this era of physical culture 1
cannot understand why someone has not
started the fad of "voice cultivation.''
It Is true we have hardened our "a's,'
but most cf u.i have stopped there and
have expanded nothing else.
The trouble Is few American women
know hew to 'breathe, which is not re
markable, when one consilders for how
many generations American women have
been satisfied to be absolutely Inert. The
"new woman," whatever may be raid
against her, should at least be given
the credit of arousing the feminine part
of this unwholesome legarthy and show
ing them the way to health and content
ment though. the mazes of various ex
ercises. But defective breathing Is not
the only immediate cause for defective
voca.lry. Whatever affects unfavorably
the general tone of the system will surely
sooner or later register Itself in the voice
even If respiration is good for the
voice is not only an "indwx of soul," but
a remarkably accurate index pf the
body as well.
Among the minor and most necessary
details for the sea-side or traveling ward
robe there Is one small article which
certainly must not be forgotten. This Is
a novelty Hinde's Slide Attache, the
neweHt hat fastener. It does its work so
efficiently that we ought no longer to ce
ladies on the pier, the cliff, and the beach
clutr-hlng at their hats to keep them on
their heads. There Is nothln awkward
nor heavy In the simple yet- ingenious
contrivance. It Is a small comb of
rounded wire, each prong pyr-pointed,
so that It cannot possibly prick the
Bcalp. The prongs slide through, a deli
cate little socket, which Is sown lo the
hat, to the edge of the crown where It
Joins the brim, and they pass through the
hair, holding the hat firmly In its place,
'because the prongs spread as they emerge
from the socket, and Increase their hold
by so doing, without In any way dis
tressing the head. The price Is four
pence each. The Housewife.
Mrs. fiprlghtleigh My husband belongs
to six lodges and I'm a little loneso-r.e
this evening. That's why I came over.
Mrs. Jollelgh I'm glad you came. My
husband's training for a bicycle road
Rev. H. D. Atchison, In tlie Methodist.
Review, New York, July -August.
The Middle Ages have been called the.
"ages of faith," by way of contrast to
the modern era, which began wtth the
Reform'aitlon and wfiilch has been emi
nently scientific and rationalizing In Its
spirit. It Is a gross mistake, however,
to call these dark centuries the ages or
faith, unless we degrade tho word
"faith" until It means nothing bigger
than superstition. Ours la an age of
greater 'faith of faith more intelligent
and fearless. Christianity has nothing to
lose, but everything to gain, from the
scientific, rationalizing spirit of modern
The liberalism that Insults the ortho
dox church by flaunting in its face the
graveclothes of buried dogmas, and raises
a posit-mortem clamor against theories
which are now but little Insisted on, It
not entirely Ignored, In the more earnest
demands of the age, is marrow, insin
cere and uni..-:-.'i-hy of respect. Truth
does not progress according to the pro
grams and formulas of logicians. What
orthodioxy has been In the days Of Aquin
as, in the time of the Inquisition, and In
the time of Calvin, is matter of history.
The word "orthodoxy" ("rlgKt teaching"),
hewever, as used to designate evangelical
Christianity, as received and taught by
the Protestant churches, Is a constantly
progressive and always ndble word, keep
ing pace with the general advance of
Christian thought. It is to be hoped that
the expression "rigiht teaching" may be
extended in simplicity and breadth, un
t II all wh'o love the Lord Jesus Christ 1n
Eilneerity and who by faith 1n his name
are trying to lead men out of sin Into
holiness shall be called orthodox. Lib
erality of thought Is a good spirit, which
ought to pervade 'all Christian churches;
nor can It be specialized and made into
an "ism." Dr. Thomas very sensiKy said
at a recent .meeting of the Sunset club,
of Chicago, "It ought not to be that,
whenever a man has a new thought on
the subject of God, he must build a
church to house it In."
Lot us Consider some of the Inherent
weaknesses of liberalism, considered as
an "Ism" or school of theological thought.
As already hinted, Its most conspicuous
weakness is the negative, vague, Illusive
character of Its teachings. The weakness
of liberalism, resulting from Its being
negative and critical. Is Illustrated in
two notable features of its doctrine. One
of the most conspicuous causes f weak
ness of libe'roillsm is its Inadequate meth
od f dealing with sin. A liberalism of
theowgy which shuts Its eyes to the most
conspicuous and terribly significant phe
nomenon of human life on earth the
fact of sin and makes no provision for
the cure of the fatal disease of human
ity, Is like the false watchman who Is
so unk'ind'.y tenderhearted, as to say.
"Peace, - peace," to the defenseless city
when the enemy are already scaling the
wall. Judged by the test of ethical util
ity, as a working hypothesis In making
men better, orthodoxy, In Its treatment
of sin, Is strong, and liberalism weak.
The weakness of liberalism because of
Its negative Character, Is again Illustrat
ed in its negtest of the devotional ele
ment of religion. The most essential
thing about religion 1 that It be relig
ious. This explains why so many high
ly intellectual people remain Catholics.
They prefer an Irrational! or super-rational
reilglon to mere lntellectualism.
To banish God as far as possible from
the personal consciousness of men, to
communicate with him only through the
long-distance telephone of Impersonal
laws and evolutions, and finally to dis
pense with him altogether Is the strong
tendency of .liberalism, the only logical
stopping place being the soulless mate
rialism of Huxley. Liberaillsm, In all Its
forma, lacks that sense of the presence
of Ood in the church which alone can
give -en-thusiiasm and life. A prominent
Unitarian says Of Wis own. church, "A
Unitarian congregation usually consists
of inlellis'pnt, virtuous, well-meaning
people, .but deeitltuite of enthusiasm and
with 'little confidence in the ne'.v birth
or religious life."
Having noted some cif the more con
spicuous weaknesses of liberalism, we
are not to forget that there is another
side to the discussion. The whole move
ment Is reactionary against opposite er
rors In ortWad'oxy. In afl these liberal
writings we find pretests against the tra
ditional and long-estab?lshed Interpreta
tions of Ood and his diallings with man
kind. If our Christianity 1s to stand
or fa'.', with son.e oM itheory of natural
science or of biblical Interpretation, such
as mediaeval geology or the chronology
of Usher, we have, Indeed, built our
house upon the sands. It Is essentially
cowardice In a Christian preacher today
to Indulge In pointless sarcasm against
the mit?h-albused higher criticism, as It
the re;D 's of this earnest study were not
as likely, and more so, to establish, as to
undermine, the true pbwer and authority
of the sacred word. Orth'odoxy has been
too .positive, also, in Its Insistence on
creed statements. By reducing theo'.'ogy
tc an exact science It has Invited at
tack. Nlca?an formulas art! hair-splitting
definitions cf the Eternal One seem
In our day al'most irreverent. The whole
Christian world is learning that abso
lutely Identical belief is not essential to
Identity of Christian faith and life. The
tendency of the age is toward a more
simple, reverent end tolerant attitude In
rtferenc9 to the hidden things of God,
together with a more stalwart and earn
est attention to practical ethics.
Is there, then, no assurance of faith for
the Christian teacher or believer? Is
there no satisfying via media between
a narrow, self-contented orthodoxy, on
the one hand, and a thin, vapid liber
alism on the other? The answer to these
heant-searchlng questions must bo found
in an earnest study of the essentia! na
ture of Christianity, which Is a life, not
a carefully olaboratcd set of opinions.
A good definition of essen'tlal Christianity
was given at the Parllament of Religions
by a Christian Japanese: "The essential
nature of Christianity Is not a dogma,
but the ethico-Tellgious We In each In
dividual sou! and In 'humanity at large.
Live the life. and do the work of Jesus
Christ. The orthodoxy of dogma shall
give place to the orthodoxy of ilfe and
work." The facts cf personal religious
experience and observation are now, as
in apostolic days, to be our strength as
Christian teachers. Christianity Is em
inently an historical religion, resting on
faots, 'today, as always not on philoso
phy. Men will believe In the Christ whom
they see In the churches Mid in Chris
The Camiphof Habit More Prevalent
Then Generally Known.
St. Louis Gfobe-Democrat.
The discovery on the streets Thursday
of a woman unconscious from the effects
of an overindulgence in camphor his
trought to Tight the fact that the habit,
while a strange one, is by no means a
larlty In St. Louis. A numbar of druggists
and physicians who were seen yesterday
testified to this effect. Camphor-eating
Is not as pronounced an evil a the ex
cessive use of some other drugs, but It
Is nevertheless an existent evil.
"Only last week," raid Dr. Femow, of
Fernow's pharmacy, "a woman called
here and raid: "Please give me a dose
of camphor.' She didn't say what she
wanted It for. I offered to give It In solu
tion or In any palatable form posuiMe.
However, she insisted on the ordinary
gum camphor, and fhe got rid of a chunk
of tt that surprised me. 'Why,' she ex
claimed, 'I take it that way all the
time." "
At Jud'e & Dolph's pharmacy a gen
tleman ated "many people carry a lump
of camphor about In their pockets, and
take a bite at It at frequent Interval'."
Camphor Is supposed to have a sedative
effect, but that depends largely upon the
quantity taken and the mode In which it
Is taken. Essence of camphor consists
largely of alcohol, and Its eff-ots woull
rVurally be similar to that of any other
Intoxicant. Camphor In Itself Is a stimu
lant nnd an irritant, and when consumed
J to excess would usua'.'ly lead to dlsagree
; able sensations in the throat and stom
' ocli. Tho alfter result will bo a dlmlnu
! Hon in the Tate and strength of the pulse.
together with giddiness, dimness of vis-
Ion and fulntncM. Another quality at
tributed to camphor and alluded to by
several druggists is that of allaying
tho passions. .
Probably the Improper use of camphor
has hardly reached an extent that would
Justify the use of the word fiend In speak
ing of Its devotees, as In the case of mor
phine and cocaine. People may ba ad
dicted to the camphor habit without being
slaves to it.
Quinine Is another article that Is said
to be subject to unreasonable usage. How
sulch an unpalatable and penetrating drug
can fasten itself upon any one as a habit
or a fad seems remarkable, until It Is
!remetr.rjerth'at theellicaey cif quinine In
maUrU and certain kindred ailments In
duces many to regard it as a panacea
for all troubles to which flesn is heir.
The consumption of quinine in St. Louis
Is simply extraordinary. Drug stores
Which supply it at cut rates get rid of
tremendous stocks of It each week. Quin
ine victims, with their nervous head
aches and general shaklness aro numer
ous, and the first Indication of sickness
is usually made the pretext for Immedi
ate doses cf the bitter powder.
New, In passing by the carved oak
door of some bandsonve country vliia,
fitted over the brass knocker, an em
broidered medallion of linen edged with
lace, know by that dainty sign that the
family therein are the prouder and hap
pier for an addition to their circle. If
the addition is a girl child', the-odd laco
and linen mat will be all white, and
nearer Inspection of the object Is reward
ed by the exquisite needlework It dis
plays. In the center of the oval of finest
white IDutch linen Is embroidered the
coat of arms of the house, all worked
about with hearts and darts and a cur
ious representation of a chubby bambino.
Around this is frilled the finest old Dutch
lace, and the whole Is crisply starched,
mounted on white silk and hooked over
the knocker. In case this medallion is
mounted on pink silk, know then that
a boy has come to rejoice the hearts
of his parents; for this Is all done quite
according to a pretty old Dutch custom
lately brought back into use by the do
scendants of the founders of New Am
sterdam! on the Hudson river. The cover
ing of the knocker was in those good old
days meant to announce the safe arrival
of a naw prospective citizen or citizeness
to interested friends and neighbors, and
to warn visitors to rap softly with thclrJ
knuckles Instead of with the booming
knocker. Some of the linen knocker
covers now displayed are prized heir
looms, handed down for many genera
tions, and only lately brought to light;
while some are quite new, the owners
thereof having sent to Holland to have
their ancestors' quarterlngs looked up,
and the embroidery worked by a white
capped needlewoman In old Amsterdam
or Haarlem. From "Society Fads" In
Demorcst's Magazine for September.
Not long ago I met the youn? Princess
Henry of Pless and found ner looking
lovelier, If possible, than ever. She al
ways reminds me of a fairy princess,
v.lth her hair, wlheh really looks spun
out of gold, and the crimson and white
roses of h-r cheeks. I never saw a com
plexion guiltless of one speck of powder
as brilliant as hers. Then she Is so tall,
and bears herself as she ought like a
young princess. Her husband, one of
the, most truly distinguished of minor
German princes, is 'a very fino fellow In
deed, a splendid whip and ai thorough
sportsman In the best sense of the word.
Ho wooed and won his bride In the hunt
ing fields of the New Forest. Her beauty,
inherited from her mother, Mrs. Corn
wailis West, and her pweat, simple man
ens, captivated him at tho outset. It
was only when they had been engaged
some weeks that Prince Henry made a
pleasant discovery. Miss Corn.vallis
West opened the piano one nl'ht after
dinner, r1th an arch smile, struck a few
chords, and then sang to him like a
nightingale or an Alblnl! The prlnco was
prouder than ever of his fiancee. Not
long ago the distinguished ?o'jplo were
received by the German emperor and em
press, Who immensely admired the lovely
face and manners of young English girl
who had stolen the heart of a German
prince. LaBl season another Miss Corn
waT.tls "West "came out," and is well
nigh as beautiful nay, some say more
beautiful than her elder sister. Lady
Mary In the Woman at Home.
"Just here," raid the veteran, "I came
upon a most sorrowful experience. 1
was appointed to take charge of one ot
the burying parties, consisting of six
men besides myself. We were hunting
about among the heap3 for the wounded
for we left! the dead to the last when
It seemed' to mo that I heard a low moan.
'D'ye hear that, Sergeant?' I said. 'Some
chap groaning?' he asked. 'Just that,'
said I. 'Hunt for him.' Dragging away
the heaps of blue and gray, we come
upon a young fellow shot through the
shoulder. 'Don't mind me',' says he;
'take care' of my brother.' We du? out
a boy in gray with a bayonet wound In
his internals. Hopeless case; no cure.
Called myself a consarned fool for my
pains, but sat down upon a dead horse
and looked on while the blue brother,
wounded in the shoulder, took the gray
brother, wounded in the bowels, In his
arms. I found them there In the morning
In the same position, both cold and rigid;
and I ant not ashamed to say that I had
to rub some wet out of my eyes." From
"The Chattanooga National Park ana
Cemetery," in Demorest's 'Magazlno Uy ",
September. '
For a tennis luncheon a vpry effective
centerpiece can he made of a pile of
sandwiches cut In the e'mpe of a racquet.
This can he done 'more easily than necms
possible at first thought. Cut a pattern
In cardboard the lze denlred. Make It
as long as the s'.lces of bread are wide,
and then hy turning It end for end two
Eandwlchea can be cut with very little
waste. Of course the two slices of bread
should he cut, buttered and presssd firmly
tcgethcr before tielng cut Into tho shape
of the racquet. Then press a baby olive Inln Iha mll.lln rut iVt. 1 n Tctct fnl
and there you have a clever rfprewnta-
tlon of racquet and 'ba.1, as good to look
at as to eat.
Wafers can also be made In this shapo
very easily. Any tinsmith will bend a
plei-e of tin Into the desired shape and
solder on a handle. With a knife lines can
be cut very quickly to represent the
network part of the racquet, and an al
mond or filbert can do duty for the ball;
or the network may be made by line
of frosting after the -wafer Is baked, and
a bit of candy represent the ball. The
Ices may be served a a pile of bal'.a also,
with a few candy raquets.
Doctor ee here, I thought I to:d you
yesterday not to go out for a week at
Rastus For the Iaiwd's sake, doctah,
how you don know I was out?
Doctor I missed two of my chickens
this morning. '
Teacher How -would you correct the j
sentence: "He sat there quiet and lis-
tened to the bagpipes' music?" I
Pupil I would icratch out the -word,
The, Morrlstown, N. J. turnpike erossei
the 'Dover road at' X littlo hamlet
of a dozen homes Scattered along both
sldcj ot the Intersecting roads, .which
are lined with sturdy sugar maples. The
fcre'ait Hrees Intertwine 'fhnlr twitched
making a covered avenue und forming
an arcade of simple beauty and fur more
shady than tho far-famed Mall of Central
Park or the Elm Walk at New Havtn.
On three of the Ifour corners aro typical
country 'hfomes, with btoadi verandas
shaded by oaks, chestnuts, maples. The
houses, painted white, with green blinds,
are as clean -as paint can make them.
On the fourth corner Is te cross-roads
rtore, a low, long, rambling one and one-halif-story
building, with the traditional
porch supported by pillars which mutely
testify to the whittling proclivities of the
store lounger. The small-paned windows
are dusty, and the worn wooden shut
ters" are buttoned against the siding
and made to do service as advertising;
bulletins. The micrlts of the Never Fall
Pain killer, Dr. Smltvhom's liniment,
Surepop garden seeds. NvotIi cmtton
bnat.1 are set forch In gaudily printed
pf.Ucards. The Irrepressible boy, whose
bare feet support well-tanned legs In
denim trousers held up by one suspender
which hanes loosely over a faded cotton
shirt, Is doing his daily task of supporting
the djor frame and watcning tne cus
tomers as they come and go. The ring
of the blacksmith's anvil and the neigh
lng of the horses waiting to be shod are
tlin onlv sounds difturbrtng me silence,
Just Inside the door is the postofflco
nith Its three or four dozan dirt be-
gi'lmmed letter boxe3. most of which bear
evidence of the perseverance oi uie
verMsers of kldnev cure, vermifuge, and
blue lightning pIMs, which are warranted
to cure two-thirds of the Ills or man-
uin.i and nrolnnc life to a green, old age,
The storekeeper is a bright, active, well
pofted, good-natured, neatly-dressed fel
low, whlch indeed hi must be, for it re
quires a man of decided abilities to suc
cessfully keep a country store and be
as familiar with patent hay rakes and
mowing machines us with 'the quality of
tinware, the flavor of thb various sorts
of tea, the virtue of the different mukes
of muslin and prints, the wortn or rarm
produce, and the market for an endless
assortment of miscellaneous merchandise.
As we wailt for the m'all a company of
fishermen drive up and we note the cour-
tesy and patience with which the store
keeDer overhauls the fish hooks and fls'h-
4 ing tackle and 'meets the demand for
crackers, sardines, smoking tobacco ami
an assorted dozen of summer drinks.
There Is time to ask the destination ot
the party and lo te'ii that Sam Stickles
got 'a three-pound blgjmouthed t'.aek bass
In the R'ockaway river near the aquer
duct, and thalt a party vof six went over
to Split Rock Pond to camp for a ween
and catch pickerel.
Next a girl of ten or twe've summers,
in pink calico frock and sun bonnet, or
ders four pounds of sala pork, three and
a half pounds of "graduatea sugar,
ouarter pound of green tea. a spool of No.
6 cotton, one pound of lemon crackers
and a peppermint stick of candy, all
ot which Is delivered and entered on a
dirty pass book with crumpled corners,
anl which bears marks of a . settlement
about once In four months.
A summer resident of the neighborhood
drives up in a phaeton drawn by a team
and ileaves a nice order for supplies and
some few garden tools, gts the mall,
exchanges a bit of vlllugo gossip, and then
gives way to Farmer Green's wife, who
ha a crock of butter to barter for a
varied lot of household goeds.
Scarce has she made her departure
when a team of big black horses appenr,
hitched to a ihandsumely painted wagon
bearing the sign of "Smoke, Ashes & Co.,
tobacconists." The driver is a, com
panlonable chap, with whom there is an
exchange cf civilities, to be foVowed by
a going over of the stock of fine cut,
smoking and shorts tobacco, the cigar
ease, the selection and delivery or a
fair invoice of goods.
The railway depot Is six miles away,
and this requires one or more trips dully
for supplies? The irtore Is opened at
six in the morning ami e,oses ai nine
or later In the evening. Tho Intervening
fifteen hours are well employed, so that
there I? little time for arranging the
stock, which, to ono accustomed to city
stores, seems to , have been hurled In
by an earthquake. The keeping rf the
accounts is of greater importance man
"flxln' up," and hence the disorder1 Is
excused. '
As a rule the cro.s-roads storekeeper
Is a contented fellow. He has no api''
atlon to be rich. Hip. trade Is sufficient
to keep him employed, to provide a living
and permit of a. steady addition to his
capital. There Is no fierce competition
to meet, the "cutter" and the tr ide pirate
give him no concern, nor is he cilltd upon
to advertise or to worry about patronage.
His is the only storo within some miles;
It Is conveniently located on the main
road to three (large towns, which m'akei
a good demand fur crackers, cheese,
candy,, cigars, tobacco, summer drinks,
wiVps and a long list of knick-knacks.
Taken ail In all, is not his lot an envi
able one? His soul Is not lire 1 with a
restless ambition to be at the ton. He
gets plenty to cat, wear and provide for
a heme, and hut la all that anyone -e
quires. He is a man of 'mark In his local
Itv and does not swamp his identity
nmomr the millions of a big city. He is
C'cr.ipy. a"! 'htat 1s satisfaction enough
American Grocer.
A nil Tiber of merchants and producers
in a !?rrriin have handed totrether with
t; 4 a.'oml oiijeet of "building up Ihe
Inc'u :trk? of tho slate." Mats meetings
hnve Ij. en held in San Francisco, Stock
tun, Oik'nml, San and Santa Cruz
for lha promotion of the movement. At a
recent meeting of the association In Han
Fraud 3jo It was decided to Incorporate,
find one speaker claimed that tho as-
lnlnllnn IOIHiUkaJ 1 1llA r.. a n tln All
"TnllHnn rirlVir nf cnrtltnl nnd .mn'nulnff
Ij.C'JO men. He slid that In the last few
montlM they have "saved". for the ;ate
of California more than a million doll irs
In contracts which .but for their action
would h.vve gone to parties In ths Kast.
He eaid Govsrnor 'Hudd has promised
the association that hereafter California
Hiij'Pllcs will be used In all state In
stitutions. The proceeding's at this and other re
ported meetings Indicate that there is a
movement on foot In California to prac
tically boycott everything manufactured
In the Fast, and that It Is gaining pround.
The extent to which it Is approved may
bo open to question, but there can bo
no doubt as to the present advocacy of
tula litest embodiment of state rights,
! hlcl! f"r ll :fan "California, lor
the Cajl'crnlans," or that its promoters
Ihi manufacturers of California, propose
to "work" tlie people ur.dej cover of
tKs narrow conception of state loyalty.
They 'want to Bell' all they can to the
people of other states, but wish the peo
ple cf their own Mate to buy nothing
from tho others In return.
It renxa not to have occurred to those
pecpio that if they succeed In putting
an cnibiro on everything from the Kast
they may, unwltlngly, overreach them
titlves by Including In the embargo East-
I em ciplul and Eastern Immigration,
boll of which are much deal red by
(f.vellers on the I'aclllc slope. Evidently
they have not stepped to think what
would be the corncquenen to themselves
of a retaliatory policy under which the
pet-,)!1'' of a"! the other states ehould re
fusa to admit to their market the fruits,
wines and other products of California.
Yet this Is what they might legitimately
expect if their state perristed in Its policy
ot exclusion, and is what they would
deserve. In the absence of Information
to the contrary It Is fair to presume that
they d(5 not contemplate the parsing of
laws formally discriminating against the
products of other .states, as that would
ir-.ike serious trouble for tlimselves
nith the general government. Hence no
retaliatory Iutv-s woul be ca1!!- for In
the different eU'tefi BUt the peoplo bf
California may depend upon It that If it
be once known they are practicing a
policy of oxcluslon as a result of per
sonal Influence or otherwise they will
find that more than "two can play at
the game," and iprobably wilt discover
that they have -made a huge mistake
In trying to Isolate themcs'ives In one di
rection but not in the other. It would
be a bad thing for tho fruit growers
and wine-makers of California to dis
cover that they had cut off all but the
California market for their products.
Friend What's that big bell for over
the bed? ,
Pat Me 'burglar alarm.
FriendHow does It worruk?
Pat Och, simple enough. Phen a bur
glar gets In all Ol've got ter do ls to
ask him to ring it.
He Believe me, I love you, Angelina.
Accept my heart and hand.
She iNo, Edward, no I cannot, must
not. "My great grandfather had Just such
a wart on his nose as you have.
The Oasis of thf
Colorado desert
A New
Dry and Pure Tropical
Pronounced by Physicians the
most Favorable in America
for 8uflerers from . . .
Lung Diseases and
Many Remarkable Cm&s
The objections urged against Indto
In the past by the large numbers who
nlhorntHD f'mllrl hnvp hnpn frlnri tn tab
advantage of Its beneficial climate, has
Deen a lacic ot suitable accominoua
tlon. The Southern Pacific Company
takes pleasure In announcing that sev
Commodious and
Comfortable Cottages
have 'just been erected at Indio sta
ilun, that will be rented to applicants
at reasonable, rates. Trey are fur
nlthed with modern conveniences, sup
plied with pure arteslai water, and so
situated as to govo occupants all the
advantages to be derived from a more
or less protracted residence In this de
lightful climate.
(From the San Francisco Argonaut.)
"In the heart of the great desert ot
the Colorado wlilon the Southern Pa
cific road traverses there is an oasis
called Indio, which, In our opinion, li
tho sanitarium of the earth. We be
lieve, from personal investigation, thai
for certain Invalids, thee Is no spot oi
this planet so favorable,"
G. T. Stewart, SI. I., writes: "The
purity bf tho air, and the eternal sun
Bhine, fill ono with wonder and delight.
Nature has accomplished sc
much that there remains but little for
man to do. As to Its possibilities as a
health resort, here Is the most per
fect sunshine, with, a temperature al
ways pleasant, a perfectly dry soil
for rain Is an unknown factor; pure
oxygen, donr-j "lumosphere and pure
water. Whut more can be dcslredT
It is the place, above all others, for
lung troubles, and a paradise Tor rheu
matics. Considering the number of
sufferers who have been cured, I have
no hesitancy In recommending this
genial oasis as the haven of the afflict
ed." v
Is 612 miles from
and 130 jmlcs from
Fare from Los Angeles
For further Information Inquire ot
any Southern Paclfio Company agent,
or address
Asst. Gen. Pass. At. S. P. Co.
Dist. Pass. Agt
Cor. First and Alder SU rortland. Or.
Canadian Pr.::
Railway System.
i to m:i
Palace Dining Room and Sleeping Cats.
Luxurious Dining Cars.
Elegant Day Coaches.
Observation Cars, allowing Unb.ekd
Views of the Wonderful Mount
ain Country.
$5.00 and $10.00
Saved on all tickets Easi lourM v., rt 'In
best on wheel. Iqiiipuients of th .' Vury'.
through! ut.
China and Japan.
China steamers leave Vancouver, B. C:
Empress of India
Empress of Japan
Empress of China
Empress of India
Aug. $th.
Au aGth.
Sept. itih.
Oct. nth,
Nov. nih.
D.c. o'h.
fcmpress of Jacan
Empress of China
Australian steamer leave Vancouver, B. C ,
16th of every month.
For ticket rates and information call
on or address
Astoria, Or.
W. F. Carson, Traveling Pass. Art.,
Tacoma, Wah.
Geo. McL. Brown, Dist. Pass. Art.,
- Vancouver, B. C.
E. flcNElL, Receiver.
Gives Choice
Jmo Transcontinental
. and
St. Paul.
. Ogden.Dt'iiver
Omaha or
Pt. Paul.
Pullman land Tourist Meaner
Free Redlining Ch -Irs Car.
Astoria to San Francisco.
State, Wednesday, July S.
Oregon, Monday, July 8.
State, Saturday, July 13.
Oregon, Thursday, July 18.
State, Tuesday, July 23.
Orison, Sunday, July 28.
State, Friday, August i.
flstofla and PoPtlnd Steamer.
T, J. Potter leaves Astoria Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thuifdny and Fri
day at 7 p. in., and Sunday upon her
arrival from ll'ivaeo in ihe evening.
Leaves Portland Monday, Tujjday,
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday ut 7
a. m., and Saturduy at 1 p. m.
R. It. Thompson leaves Astoria dni'.y,
except Sunday, at 6:15 a. m., Sunday at
7 p. m.; leaves Portlnud dally, except
Sunday, at 8 p. m. On Saturday will
.tave at 10 p. m.
Harvest Queen leaves Astoria Monday
at 6:15 a. m.; leaves Portland Saturday
at 7 a. m.
For rates and general InfurmHiInu c:l
jn or address
Commercial Agent, Astoria, Or.
Gen. Pas. Agt, Portland
Telephone & Bailey Catzerh
Columbia River and Puget Sound Nav
igation Co.
Two Dally Boats to Portland
"Telephone" leaves Astcria at 7 p. m.
daily (except Sunday).
Leaves Portland daily at 7 a. m.', ex
cept Bnndav,
"Bailey Gatzert" leaves Astoria
day, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and
Saturday morning at 6:45 a. m.; Snudav
evening at 7 p. m.
Leaves Portland daily at 8 p. m., ex
cept SuDday. On Saturday nigh at 11
p. m.
Steamer Ocean Wave leaves Fortland
Tuesday aud Thursday at 8 a. m., Satur
day at 1 p. ro.t running strnicht tbrouph
to Ilwaco, conuectiug with trains for all
points on North IJeacu. Leaves llmim
Wedueudsy and Friday uiorninj? nt7::U)
o'clock, Holiday night nt 0 o'clock, for
Portland. J. W. 8 ION 10,
Agent, Astoria.
Telephone No. lL
U. B. Scott, President
H. A. Seeley, Gen'l Agt., Portland.
Japanese Bazaar
8INQ LUNG. Prop.
Ladies' and Children's hat -i
and cluck suits.
Ladies' and Gentle men's
underwear made to order.
Lowest prices in Astoria.
417 Bond Street next door to MouK-r's
Fruit Store.
Pol &U