THE DAILY ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 1, 1695. JOtIN T. LIGHTER. Editor. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. AX UNDESERVED INSULT. lion and considering the advisability ot with tho supply. The net result of theso Inaugurating a project for d Berk's of counteracting: tendencies would be dlffer- Colonial teas, aud other oCd-tlmo enter- cut in tllfleront occupations, Dut the in terments. The Astorian bolleves that crease In the demand for labor as com- I In such a manner our people can Cend pared with the surlily, would roJueo the substantia! assistance to this worthy ob- numlber of the unemployed. Effective Ject and incidentally provldo for Astto- combination wouCd become possible ria's eltlrens a leries of splendid and among many laborers now unorganized attractive functions. . or Imperfec tly organized, competition could Ibe cheeked among them, ond their labor sold, approximately, at a monopoly price. And, in accordance with the prln- That Air. J. C. Stanton siiould liavo clpie of Irofes.ttr Thorold RogerB, the topped out of his way In Portland yes- guln would be greatest for unskilled and terday to give his "Impressions" on Col- j equally employed workers. They suf- umfola River commerce and railroad build- fer most from excess In the supply of lug generally to an Oregonlan reporter, labor and have heretofore made little does' not surnrlde uh. for bis vapory con- proKrem toward ene.-tivo organization. auction with Sir. Hammond has no doubt elevated lilm into a, public character, ana The Oregonlunj long tirade of abuse into the position of a lit "subject for of the pilots who have '.-ately been sound- 'intervlewlng." But that he should' have Ing the allej: 1 channel between Astoria made su-oh astounding statements a are and Portland coi.v.uns among other nu Advertising rates can be had on ap- I credited tolhlm is to ub a matter of cb- n.erous errors the following paragraph: solute surprise. 'Whether Mr. Stanton I 1 nfoi'iuately, the Cats June flood has kt In hlH dot? ne not the Atitorlnn do?s 'eft two or three lumps In the river, ...ii ... wii'Ich 'have only Juat boen discovered, -vi .., .u,,., Md mi.nlR nf hl!v ln.l,n .him n "", '"" iiiaoiimci no uu iij the r WJV un have stllrk. nnit ivIH rn-nh. ateiy or otherwise seen fit to talk like ably have to lighter some of tholr cargo, an oracle about matters concerning' which as tne rtver. 18 'ftt a vtry low stage, and DAILY. .Sent by mall, per year J7.00 Sent by mall, per ironth CO oU Served by carrier, per week.... 15cts Address all communications to The Dally Astorian. WEEKLY. Sent by mall, per year, J2.00 In advance, .' Postage free to subscribers. The Astorian guarantees to its sub scribers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. FRANKLIN AVENUB IMPROVEMENT EXCHANGE STREET IMPROVEMENT NOTICE. plication to the business manager. -. ' The Weekly Astorian, the second old' ; 'j, est weekly in me state oi Oregon, nan " v next to the Portland Oregonlan, the fr 'largest weekly circulation in the state Jno. T. Handley & Co., are our Port' fee must of necessity bo absolutely and until these Cumps are removed, or some one finds a channel away from them, .sciia, uu i u,c t.n-e,, ignorant, ne nab .ail nim.jeii .hlng will not be able lo iro .lawn h can be had every morning at their t,pen to the publicly displayed cont .iut Tlver drawing 22 or 23 feet, a they have stand on First street Telephone No. 6J. All communications intended for pub- for the past year. The falsity of this statement is uppar- ent in t'he facts, well known to every traveller on the river (1) that there was nd legitimate criticism cf every cltlzjn of Astoria. This gentleman In the course of his "intervle'.v," says: They talk about the handling of ft night at the wharves here. What If a n June flopd this year, (2) tha two or Business communications of all kinds and I few !- ships ido come up to Portland' three lumps alluded to are vast .stretches remittances must be addressed to The going to build a rival city at the of Banilbara ln many p,:ace3 Jnl)cg , . .,.. , mouth of the river? All the bujlnetis will , . , ' ., aCwavs be done here." "" w me present stage or water Wearegilad to know Mr. Stanton's true ln e rlver ' 7 fc,t above Iow water TO THE LADlEd OF ASTORIA, cpinion. i-ie naa a sngntiy dirrerent idea when, several months ago, ho attemp'od llcatle-ri should be directed to the editor. Astorian. ILs. Waitc, the widow of Chief Justice I to secure the subsidy now controlled by Watte, has devoted a great deal of time I Mr. Halnunond, by promises and prayers to the society whose object it is to erect I subsequently proved to bo about us sub- a ftnonument to the mother at Georg9 I stantlal as piecrust. He goes on to say GOLD EXPORTS AND BONDS. "I believe I know something about Chicago Tribune. A precise statement of Hie relation which the bond syndicate holds to the national treasury has been asked for Mv pxueru.m-n with, them several times within the last few days, roinimonced In la), with a dumpeart, 'Vo "'n0,1"' answer to tho question ls ground, secured the land surrounding the monument with tne unfinished affair com- oienced sixty years before. As the Na tion: 'Miry Washington Memorial asso ciation, as organized, seemed to have bet- ttr fcciiKica tor raising money, the Fred- erlckiburg acwoclation, after mnch con- cu'.utlon agreed to deed the property to the National assoclatfbn on condition that they erect a suitable monument within Washington. When asked the other day what the status of this w'ork is, sho said ine national iiary. w ajnington Mem- -V.- r-- nvlh,y-.0 ,h c,n,i,,. ,,. - 1 i i- .t, i wiiien lureun abour was uuauown. ant i . ' i" VIBillteu III uw, . . - , ... . . nen nminn,1 a 1nnnln ,n t,ml about tv mm ilm ti Mrir u'nhin i wnen inrmers atong tne una turneu m I ', . "" " ... ani1 1)11111 " Hi" 111011 1 f10 ""rT13 foreigners who Have I'". i.n.U.m! !,ak" ,i r aerlc..s built. flnRnelnre.1 n,1 n r.i,l .U n Inve.-'ted In TJonJa and other American uura mu vrgauueu, ana ucing on ine -'--'----- ' securH tea na raH nf on inirv.n. uvwi uiw euumiy. .. . . . , . , , I liuii. mm itw aeiituue since mo export The Astorian is unable to dispute the of 0,d Btart1 UT) alraln ,mav accfjr)tw, spienuiu nnancienng aoi.ities ot air. man- ks proof that tiie syndicate will maintain ton. He has built m'ore miles of railroad, lhe 'treasury reserve nt ont less than on wind, than any man ! America, nd , ? , " tne laimentajoie wreeKs or "systems mu the contr'.ict with the syndicate will ex has been mixed up in are strewn plr with the month of September. thJck from Chattanooga, Tennessee, v When tno n tract was entered xipon a re-asonaJjle time and provide a suniclent to the northern boundary :ine. Mr. J. C. ,Wp(1 ' n ,,s .lmlo nmic iiv, i", -ndowment fund to provldo and take care Stairton has opened his mouth In time .was expected tho export movement or of the property In the futura, but that ft)r t;,6 ni,0I)ic of Astoria to realize what produce would by 'that time be so well ln cse of failure to fulfill the conditions niirrr H, .,,.. ,w ,hn . nn . . under way.lthat exports would cxeee l i:n- o their deed the property should revert, a na"c w a" '" have and how par,. whi nlH0 It was hon.-d that the '" improvemciHs, to tno .vary na, mm jiismsm ui i"" revenues under tho now law would hp Washington Monument association, of year which led them to turn him and his equail to 't'lra current expenditures. It I2!rtCb,;,,' . v , . , I "propositions" to the right .about, and P?rWajpa 1 too early now to say thr.t , . - n , . m im'ne cApcuLa-ii'tjiiH 'win iiul ub r?;iiiisr i, of H-re granite over fifty feet high, caUBCl1 !llm t0 la.ippeir from this city ,bUJt there unj twJ ,thnsg tQ jt; t completed in lf3, and dedicated in as suddenly as he came. One Is failure to collect an Income tax; the presence of President Cleveland and ' the othr-r. a much smaller wheat cron other distinguished persons May 10, ltOi. " " than the usual per capita average, this we now nave (ne money to buLU a email Senator Mltche.l and the editor of tho meanltur a nroJbafblo rednctlcin In the fa cuauiise ior Kuruener ana watenman, Oi-MrnnUn Llivta nf nn ,.nii,-ni iif.... exports of wheat nnd flour. The eo.-n and toope to have it finished within the -,. ,. ... .t , I crop bids 'fair to be a blggur one than yr. tiut the endow-ment fund Is yet to " ' ,,, nnfe.i on feu, m.,ih. or. i,,i it be found., We imust 'have 15,(XiO nt denouncing the position taken by Major not te 'ready to move In September, .tMM. as 1 Bau, we Tiave tno money C. N. O.'aik. that Pnrtlaml m.v nnt . so thait the larsrer exnort movement tironi U the irar.leners house, but there are poct any on , b tn fed(jral ihed will not ihegin till afl. r the contract four acres of ground to be laid out and ' , 1 made by t'le 'bond syntlicite has expired. Improved with trees and shrubbery. AVhen Tor tne 'benefit of two or three of its xhtn ,the tiC(.rt.nj,a production of petrol ic nr commeneeii iwork we wished to snipping nrms, on tno pretence of "Im- eum. iwfth tho consentient advance in make It a national affair and asked for proving' the Columbia river. They may prices here, tends to cheek exports ot now from eueh state In the union. No .u,.,,, . . ate has as yet given us over that ,"" 1,,aj"' ol very "ue tunount, not more than two as much, '""uence, anu tnat 'ho cut no ilgtire nd many more comparatively nothing, ven If appointed to tho river and harbor Massachusetts collected a wiall sum at commutes h,.t tho it,.in ,, these gentlemen that Major Clark will be found to have far more Influence, both the tlrmo of the centennial celebration in Hoston, which was afterwards paid over to us upon the completion of the monu ment. Th-tit Is all wo have hud from that late. Coltectrons which 'might be mado by entertainments, fairs, concerts, "col onlal teas or "dames" In thu state which so far have done nothing, would enable us to complete our work untl turn It over to the trustees, tho president of the United States, the chief Ju-stlec of the United State and the governor of the slate of Virginia, all ex-ofllelo. "It Is especially -woman's work-the firs monument butlt to a woman by women As a patriotic movement, will not the women of this country come forward now andthetp us complete the work of lion orlng the mother of the father of onr country? Honor our greatest man by Honoring nis mouier. "It ls very Important that proper car. mnaii o laarn no guard this work fronT destruction. We are obliged to nave it watcned all the time. Vandullsm ls rampant over all the land. I bellcv and the relic hunter ls abroad. There Is a largv rock near the monument on which Msry Washington used to ll with her Mib.e to read and mrdltite. where she undoiAitedCy sent up many prayers for in nou:e son. That has to bo con lantly watched o.- not a vestle of It aoove ground would be lift at the end or inis year. The suggestions contained In the ubove statement are most excellent ones. Mary Washington, "the motihtr of tho JUHu-r of our country," Is a flgura whoso per sonality will alweys stand out in bold relief from among the host of brave and gent'e 'vomen who helped us In a fur greiter measure thnn we shall ever know, to obtain our Independence. IK-r quiet life, her constant loving caj-e and gentle discipline lavished on our first president, aid, above all, the sturdy spirit of truth and manliness fostered In him by years of careful training, are the treasures she gave to AmiTlct, and never have gifts been more timely or fraught wlt'lt such wonderful results. The fWd opened up for our women In following out the history of her life, In tudyinff her surroundings, and In bring ing back In detail for "stated occasions some of the custom and 1t.ilIts of gen tlefolk of her tlmp, l ono filled) with wery ojrportunlty for rti-n-atlon and happy oHal Intercoumo. To sit for sev eral evening hours In the company of friends and acquaintances, and to breathe during that time an atmorphere of old fashlonol Ideas, would be ln our opinion recreation of the most charming char acter, and we can Imagine no species ot entertainment In which so muny channels of dei;ght.'u".y novel surprises coutd be folkwwl up with succets during the o.r.injf wlr.ttr months. s'crlu should have the honor of fco b4f Hie first city In Oregon to uvaJto con tributions towards this Maty Washington .v.! iiiilul. It id a matter In which every laly in the city can, with profit and pleasure. Interent hcrsvX It will be the means of bringing together the lead r of various church and other -1al oigtiiizatlona. Into a project wlhere all ran meet together and for a purpose which all can heartily endorsethe cul tivation of a broad-minded and rlrraiM ;.!rlt of patriotism. Tne ladles of Astoria are Invited to meat ut the room of the Public Library at t o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, f,.r the piinpow of dlRetisning this ques-i Notice Is hereby given that the Com mon Council of the City of Astoria, Ore., have determined to improve Franklin avenue from the weft line of 20th street to tho east lino of the J. M. Shlvely Donation Land Claim, all in the City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. 41. Shlvely, by planking said portion of said avenue with new and sound llr planks two Inches In thiekn3s, which are to be laid diagonally ln said avenue, upon the planks now In the same, nnd which are to extend from edges of railway track to curbs, all to be don9 strictly In accordance with plans and specifica tions and ordinances in relation thereto The lands and premises upon which special assessment shall be levied to defray the cost and expense of such im provement and the district embracing earn lunas and premises be, and the same are designated as follows: to wit: Commencing at the northwest corner of lot 7, In block 144, ln aald part of said city and running thence easterly on tho line running through blocks 141, 145, 14li, 147, 148, 149 and 150 and separating the two tiers ot lots In said block to ihe cast line of the J. M. Shlvely Donation Land Claim and thence southerly on the east line of said Donation Land Claim to tho line separating the two tiers of lots in block 1, and thence westerly through tho centers of 'blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, upon the line dividing the two tlars of lots in the same to the east line of 2flth street and thence northerly on a straight line to the place of beginning. All lands and premises in sail district and not in any street or alley are sub ject to such assessment. Estimates of the expense of such im provement and plans nnd diagrams of such work for improvement and the local ity to be improved hava been deposited by the City Surveyor with the Auditor and Police Judge for public examination and may be Inspected at tho olllce of such officer. At tho next regular meeting of the Com mon Council after tho final publication of this notice, to wit: On Wednesday, September 4th, 18!).", at tha hour of 7:3U p. m. at tho City Hall the said Common Council will consider any objections to said improvement being made and if a remonstrance against such improvement signed by persons owning more than one-half of the property In sufi dis trict herein described and upon which the speclaly assessment is to be levied shall be filed with the Auditor and Police Judge before the said tlmo of meeting of the Common Council no such Improve ment or work shall be ordered except by the concurrence of nil the councllmen elect. lly order of the Common Council. Attest: K. OSRLTt.V, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Ore., Aug. 24, 1895. NOTICE. Notice ls hereby given that the Com mon Council of the City of Astoria, Or egon, have determined to Improve Ex change Street from the woit lino ot 17th ttrest to the east line of 23d (.trcet, all in the City of Astoria as laid out nnd recorded by J. M. Shlvely, by planking said portion Qf said street with new and sound fir planks two Inches In thickness which are to be laid diagonally in said street upon the planks now In the same and which are to extend from edges of railway track, to curbs, all to be done strictly in tex'ordanco with plans and speciilcations and ordinances thereto. The lands and pranxse upon which the special assessment ehall be levied to d, fray the cost and expense of such im proTOment and the district eald land and premises eh.ill bo and the same are designated as follows to-wit: Commencing at the northwest corner of Lot 6, in Clock 121, in said part of said city, and running thence east on a straight line to the nonthenst corner of Lot 1, lilock 126, and theme south on a straight line to the southeast corner of Lot 1, in Uloek 141, and theace west on a straight line to the southwest cor ner of Lot 0, In Block 112, and thence north on a straight line to the place of beginning, all lands and premises in said district and not In any street or al ley shall be subject to such assessment. Estimates of the expense of such Im provement and plans and diagrams ot such work for Improvement and the lo cality to be Improved, have been de posited by the City Surveyor with the Auditor and Police. Judge for public ex amination and may be inspected a: the oiriee of such officer. . At the next regular meeting of the common council, a f tier the final publica tion of tins notice, tawlt: On Wednesday, Sept. 4th, 18U5, at tho hour of 7:30 p. in., at the City Hall, the eald council will consider any objections to oald improve ment being made, and if a remonstrance against sue improvement, signed by per sons owning more than one-half of the property ln said district herein described; and upon which the special assessment is to be levied, sUall b? filed with the Au ditor and Police Judge beforo the said time of meeting of the common council, no such improvement or work shall be ordered except by the concurrence of all the Coune.lmen elect. By order of the Common Council. Atjteat: K. OSBURN, Auditor and Police Judge, Astoria, Oregon, August 24th, 1S95. NOTICE; NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. that artlWe, nnd the British people are far from Ibelng active buyers of pork Tiodircts this sumim'er. The total exports exhibit a decrease, while the value of Imports for the latt twelve months Is nearly double that of the year next pre ceding ,und probably the cost of Ameri can excursions to Europe this year will at home and In Washington, than either much exceed 100 millions ln gold. There Senator Mltthel or the editor of the Ore- h" a "i"'1'1 tM, mf fr Mp", I tn iiriii'iwft ami Inna nf mil Mima ava c-nnnt gonlan. If Senator -Mitchell was us faith- i iparu fineries. fr'Iinnet.'les. pictures, etc.. ful to his duties as a United States sen- I In adilltion to the costs of ordinary travel. ator as his oath of office contemplates l 13 KMa, "iat some or lne rt'w"t cx- he tfha l be, ho would .long ago have put 'tnc ....,. oTrerf(,' ,bv .,. ' nljrn 1 nt a stop to the Eihameful waste of public wMtft the syndicate holds foreign ex- money Involved In keeping the drelger change. Ui;t tne fact remains that the Ladd In commission the year around 0X0T, L "ovrnmolIrt "P"'"' ' ","u"u receipts Was avernged more than a million for no other purpose than to pump the dolilars per week for the Inst two yours. constuntly accumulating eund out of the nn' It still 1s large, though government river channel between here and Portland, of"0'' ttre ,u hu')B lh)lt 11 vvl:l 1,l ,th0 ""Hitor doesn t . know it, tho ol thla calendar vear. There harJCv Is Aatorlan wlli Inform hlim that thU is a room to expect a sulilclently heavy slilp- dlshonest perversion of the ostensible men'1 of our. cereals In the next two montiis to meet tne toreign iiaiance purposu for which the $50,000 he refers to was appropriated by the river and harbor bill, and i thus a use of public money .wholly unauthorized and unpro vided for by any appropriation or act ot against us. Hence 1t Is exceedingly prob able that tho president will have to sel; anothter lot of 4 per cent bonds for gold before congress -meets In December. It offered they will be taken by the syndi cate that now Is unalntalnlng the treas congress. In the section of country that ury reserve, not because cf any oHllga- Major Clark comes from the rquan-Wuig tion 10 the government to take hold after of money to open mw channels every h close of next month ln.t on account . .. . . of a wish to prevent losa to foreign holil- uay -wiroug.i saiHi'imrs rormmg in the prs uf, the (bonds, which loss would occur Mississippi mid Missouri rivers, out of If there were a collupse of our credit funds voted by congress for the nerma- t home and abroad. The syndicate lias miai'.ie nn enurniuus pruiu u-m ul us urn- Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by tho committee on streets nnd pub'.b wayn, at the office of the Auditor and Police Jude, until Sat urday, Aug. :!1, 1S'J5, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of Fiid day, for the im provement of Duane street In MeCIure's Astoria from the east lino of Sixth street to the weal line of 12th street (except the crossings of 7th, 9th and 11th streets). Said Improvement shall consist of remov ing all defective plies, caps and stringers, putting in new and sound fir plies, posts end sills wherever necessary and new caps and stringers and planking the same with n';W and sound fir planks four Inches in thickness over the trestle work and three Inches In thtcknes on the solid ground and by building sidewalks- on both shies thereof. All of sajd Improvements to be nuide strictly in accordance with plans anil specifications now on file ln Ihe office of the Auditor and Police Judi;e and or dinances In relation thereto. No bid will i c. recetvad that does not em'irace a.l the Work bid upon. lihUniust be made on blanks furnished by the Auditor and Police Judgo, and must be aivompunled by a guaranty signed by some responsible taxpayer lo tho effect llvat if the contract be awurded to such bidder he will enter ink) contract therefor with good and sufficient securities for Its faithful performance. Work t,o be completed on or before the iOth cf September, 1SD15, and the con tiact shall provide that In case such work Is not completed on or beforo said day It shall bo latwful upon giving notice to such contractor or contractors of Its lr. tentlon of so to do and to proceed to the completion and to complete such work at the expense of the contractor or con tractors therefor, and In such event the city shall have entire charge of the work from the time of giving such notice. The right lo reject any and all bids ls hereby reserved. liy order of tho Commltt-'e on Streets uml Public Vay3. Atte;t: K. OSIit'ltN, Auditor nnd Police Judge. Astoria, Oregon, Aug. 21, 1S1I5. PROPOSALS FOR LUMBER. nent Improvement of those water ways, is .1 mun Willi Hie B"Voi uim-iii .-i-n minima - uueumuvy uuncuru oi. .im at- tgu, and proibiub.y wouul like to make an- ler coming out here and discovering the ot'her bargain as good manner in whk-h congress has boen an- ntuiMy Imposed on nnd t'ho public tr?m- ury swindled fcr the advantage of a few of Senator '.Mitchell's wealthy support ers In Portland, Major Clark will not te t'.-ue either to his immediate censtitutency or the peoplo of the United States If he falls to uso Cils utmost en deavors to prevent any further looting t the treasury In the interest of the,io men and the one-horse town In which Senator Mltc-hell happens to live, and have his money Invested. U TO. By the adoption of shorter hours for work the available supply of labor In relation to the dcouand for it would be leWiueed, and the price of Tabor tend to rise. Hut, if the higher price checked tho growth of capital, It would hardly check the demand for labor to an equal do- gree. On the whole tlwre seoin to be little sotld ground for denying that the wages-fund might obtain, year by year. tho Clon s Share of the Increase In the national dividend. For shorter hours will come gradually In one trade after another. And they wUl coine gradually In every trade, for overtime work will disappear slowly. There 1s therefore no reason to antloltaite that the national dividend .will be diminished aluelutely. though iprodmtlon may be Joss with short hours than It would 4e w4th long. Nor Is it Clkely that the dally wages of laboj- ers will actually fall, even when life shorter day Is Drat Introduced. Laborers are not willing tp accept the shorter day along with a heavy reduction In wages. Therefore, It is likely that in the tlrrt Instance a reduction In hours will be obtained ln Heu of a rise ln wages. Shorter boors, thus obtained, would Im ply an addition to the wages Mil,- but the addition would go to the unemployed rati'hr than to be employed, Fays the Journal of Economics. I Hut, however, the economic effects of reduction Jn hours of work might be obscured, they would be non- the less real. Dalfy wages would tend to fall, owing to a diminution In the output per worker, and tend to rlio because of the Increased demand for lubor as compared Real Estate fflan, Barker an J Business YIen Of Astoria Generally. A POINTER ! e Call Into the Astorlun cilice and get sample copies ol our tegu lar Commcrclul edition. It Means iMoney 1 in Your Pocket. (-1 Li ti it y u u ll ti 5 NOTHING STANDS A3 HIGH as a remedy for every womanly ailment, as lr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It os an invigorating restorative tonic, a soothing and strengthening nervine, and a complete cure for all the derangements, painful disorders and chronic weaknesses peculiar to the sex. For young girls entering womanhood; for women at the critical "change of life"; for women approaching confine ment: nursing mothers; and every woman who ls "run dowo." tired, or overworked it ls a special, safe, and certain help. Send for free pamphlet or rmlt 10 cts (stamps) for a book of 18 pages on "Woman and Her Diseases" md how to cure them with home treatment Address World's IMspensary Association, Buffalo, N. V. Pr. Pierce's Telleta cure constipation, piles, biliousness. Indigestion, or dynP sla, and headaches. Notice Is hereby given that sealed pro posals will ba received by the committee on streets and public iways of the city of Astoria, until Wednesday, Sept. 4t 1S03, nt 2 oViAx-k p..m. for supplying the City of Astoria with GO.OiK) feet (board measure) of street plank, stringers, timbers, side walk lumber, etc. 'lYoposuls is'liaX be endorsed, bids for lumber and Hied with the Auditor und Police Judge on or before the above Jats, stating the price per thousand at mlils or on dock, and also price per thousand delivered on streets, as required by the superintendent of ftrenis. AM lumber must be gooil sound llr, free from sap. shakes, loose or rotten knots. All lumber to be furnished In quantities and at times a4 ordered by the street superintendent. Bills will be paid monthly (by warrants on tho City Treasurer) for all lumber de livered the previous month. The right to reject any and all bids hereby reserved. No contract will be entered Into unless approved by the Coir.Tnon Council. By order of the Committee on Streets and Public Ways. Attest: K. OSUIT.N. Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Oregon, August 31, 1893. Of intention of Common Council to re establish grade of Exchange street from west line of l.'ith street to east line of 23rd street. Notice is hereby given that the common council of the City of -Astoria have deter mined and intend to alter and re-establish tho grade of Exchange street In that part of the City of Astoria laid out and corded by J. M. Shivcly fro-rl the west lino of liSth street to tho east line of 23rd street, so that tV; grado of eald portion of said street when so-re-established will be at heights above the base of graded as established by ordinance No. 71, en titled, "Ordinance No. 71, to establish a base of grade for the streets of Astoria" a follows, to wit: At the crossing of Exchange street at the west line of ISth street 24.5 feet. At the crossing of Exchange street at the east line of 18th street 24.5 feet. At the crossing of Exchange atreet at the east line of 23rd street 24.5 feet. The grado to be on a straight or even slope between said designated points and to be of even elevation throughout the width thereof at any point. At any tlmo within ten days cf the Ilnal publication of this notice, to wit: Within ten days from the 7th day of Sep tember, lS'Jo, remonstrance can be mu'de against said proposed re-establlshment of grade and if within said tlmo a written remonstrance against the same- shall be mude and filed with the Auditor and police Judge, by tho owners of three fourths of the property adjacent to said portion of said street, such proposed al teration of grade shall not be made ln any event. By order of tho Common Council. Att?st: K. OS'.tURN, Auultor and Police Judge, , Astoria, Oregon, Aug. 21, 18J5. ir.TII STREET IMPROVEMENT NO TICE. Notice ls hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Astoria, Oregon, have determined to improve 4Gth street, from the souih line of alWyway run ning through blocks 11 and 101, to the north line of Astor street, all la the City of Astoria, are laid out a,ad recorded by John Adair and commonly known us Adair's Astoria, by grading through Its full width and es-tabliethed grade, plank ing the same to the width of 20 feet bhroug1!! the center thereof, with new and sound llr plar.k, three inches in thick ness and building sidewalk on each side 10 feet wide with epace of two feet next to curb for planting trees and construct ing gutters and placing railings where necessary. All the lmpiovements to be made strict ly in accordance with plans and specifi cations and ordinances ln relation thereto. The lands and premises upon vhlcth the special assessment shall be levied to de fray the cost and expense of such Im provement and district embracing said lands and premises, be and the sarnie are designated as follows, towlt: Commencing at the southwest corner of lot 6, ln block 104, and thence north on a straight line to the northwest corner of lot 6, In block 106, and thence east on a straight line to tih; northeast corner of lot 7, in block 107, and thence south on a Btralyht line to the southeast corner of lot 7, la block 103, and thence west on a straight line to the place of beginning, containing lots 1, 2, 8 and 7, in block 103, lots4, 5 and 6, 1n block 104, lots 5 and 6TTn block lOti, and lots 7 and 8, la block 107. All In the City of Astoria laid out and recorded by John Adair. Estimates of the expense of such im provement and plans and diagrams of such work or improvement, and of the locality to be Improved, have been de posited by t'he city surveyor with the Auditor ar.d Police Judge for public ex amination and maybe inspected at the ollice of Buch officer. At the next regular meeting of the com mon council folio-wing the final publica tion of this notice, to wit! On Wednes day, September 4, 1S95, at the hour of 7:30 p. m. at the City Hal! the Common Council will consider any objections to suoh Improvements being made, and If a remonstrance against suoh improvement, signed by residents of the City of As toria owning more than one-half of the property In said district tHiall be filed with Ithe Auditor and Police Jud--, such Improvement shall not be ordered, if at all, except by a vote of two-thirds of aJ members of the Common Council. By order of uhe Common Council. Attest: K. OSBURN, Auditor and Police Judge, Astoria, Oregon, Aug. 17, 1835. f;1I. ANGEL COLLEGE. Mt.Anuel, Marlon Co., Ore. Located" 40 miles south of Portland, on the Southern Pacific railroad. C03OT.C1AL, CLASSICAL, SCIOTIFIC COMSES Music taught on all Instruments. Shorthand, Drawing, Typewriting, Languagea Terms, $100.00 Per Term of 8 flontlss. Apply for catalogue to THE REV. DIRECTOR. DRAINAGE NOTICE. GRAND AVENUE GRADE NOTICE. NOTICE OP COMPLETION AND AC CEITANCE OP 411ND STREET. NOTICE OP COMPLETION AND AC CEPTANCE OF DUANE STREET. Notice Jx hereby given that N. Clinton & Sons, contractors for the improvement of 43d street, in Adair's Astoria, und.r the provisions of Ordinance No. 1910, on the 13th day of June, 1S95, filed in the olilce of the Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, the cert.flcate cf the City Surveyor, and Superintendent of Sireets, approved by the Commit! ee nn Streets and Public Ways. Arter tho expiration of the time here inafter specified, If no objections to the acceptance of such work fie filed a.nd the common council shall dtm such im provement properly comple:ed, according to the contract and plans tnd specifica tions tneretor, the same may be accepted. uujeouon8 to tne acceptance of said improvement or any part thereof, may be filed .n the olllce of the Auditor and Police Judge on or before Wednesday, June 13th, 1S05 K. OSI3URN, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Oregon, June 13th, 18U5. NOTICE. The partnership heretofore existing be tween C. J. Greenlund and Anton Brjx llorlsts, ls hereby dissolved by mutual consent, and all debts of the said firm will be paid by C. J. Greenlund and C. Q. Palmberg, and all outstanding accounts are due and payable to them. C. J. GREENLUND, ANTON BRIX. MARVELOUS RESULTS. Notice (s hereby given that L .Leback, Contractor for the Improvement of Duane street, ln AdtUr's Astoria, under the pro visions of Ordinance No. lXS, on the 13th day of June, 1S13, filed ln the office of the Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, the certificate of the City Surveyor and Superintendent of Streets, approved by the Committee on Streets and Public Ways. After the expiration of the time here inafter specified, if no objections to the acceptance of such work be Hied and the Common Council shall deem such im provement properly completed, according to the contract and plans and specifica tions therefor, the same may be accepted. Objections to the acceptance of said Improvement or any part thereof, may be filed in the olllce of the Auditor and Police Judge on cr before Wednesday, June 19th, 1&5. K. OSBURN, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Oregon, June 13th, 195. From a letter written by Rev. J. Gun derman, of Utmondale, .Mich., we ar. permlaed to make th s extract: "I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as the r-.sults were al most marvelous in the ease of my wife. While I was pastor of the Bap'.Is: church at lllves Junction she was brought down with pneumonia succeeding la prippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughlig would last hours with little Interruption and It seemed as If she could not sur vive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery; it was quick in Its work and highly satisfactory ln re sults." bottles free at Charles Rogers' drug store. Regular size, 50o and (1. Notice is hereby given that the Com mon CVmncN of the City of Astoria have determined a'nd intend to establish the grade of Grand Avenue in thjt part or the City of Astoria laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely from the -east line of 17th street to the east line of ISth street at the following heights above the base of grades for said city as established by Ordinance No. 71, entitled, "Ordinance No. 71, to establish a base of grades for the streets of Astoria," os follows, to wit: At t'he east line of 17th Street 115.5 feet o.i the north line of the street, 118.5 feet on south line of the street. At the crossing of 18th street, 90 feet on all sides of the crossing, which ls to be level. The north 6-ldi.- of sa'.d street to be cn a straight or even tlope from the ea3t line of 17th street to the west line of 18th sKreet. Tiie south line of eald street Is to be of even elevation with the morlh line thereof -throughout th; distance be tween said 17;h and ISth streets so O.-at me graue wi'.l be ion a stralghlt cr even slope and the sdre t will be level from north to south, except that In the lo reeit next 1:0 'the east line of 11i;-h street there Is k be a gradual and even rise to tin- elevation e.ild street at the east line of eald 17th street where It is to b; 3 feot higher on l.'he south lime of th-? street than on the worth lira; thereof. At any time within tea days frjm the final publication of this cotice, -to wit: Within ten days from 'th- 31st day of August, 1S!)5, remonstrance cm be against the establishment of -raid pro posed grade aind if within said time a written remonstrance against the sun shall be made and filed with the Auditor and Pol-Ice Judge by the lewne-ns of three fourths of the property adjacent to salfl portion of said s'treet sii'i gr-adi slvili not be estohCIshed ln any event. Py order of the Common Council. Attest: k OSBURN, Auditor and Police JuJe. Astoria, Oregon, August 17, lSy.". INDORSED BY THE PRESS. Gentlemen: This is to certify that 1 have used Krause's Hendacn? ("upsulei with satisfactory results. I bought a box which cost, lne .);. nnd one eapscie cured me of a dreadful sick liMdr.che My wife and mvself nave both nseil the medicines manufactured bv the Norman Llcbtj- ilf's: '"a.. ,inJ we re commend them to the public 'as oeliifi jjusi wnat iney are represented. Respectfully, - W. J. HUTCHISON. Ed. Gazette, Pleasant Hill Mo. Twenty-five cents, for sale by Rogers, Astoria. Or., sole agents. ELECTRIC BITTERS. Electric Hitters ls a medicine suited' for any season, but p.rhaps more generally needed in the spring, when tne languid exhausted feeling Is prevailing, when tin l!vr is torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonic and alterative is felt. A prompt usa cf th.s medicine has often AV.rted long and perhaps fatal bi.lous fevers. No will act more surely In counteracting and freeing the system bottle at Clus. Rogers' drug store. bUCKLEN S ARNICA SALVE. Cholera Morbus is a dingerous cemi platnt, and often U fatal In its results. To avoid this you 9hould use DeWUt's Colic & Cholera Cure, as soon as the first symptoms appear. The V, S. Gov't Reports Show Royal Hsklng Powder superior to a!l ethers. The best salve In the world foi Cuts. Bruises, Sores. Ulcere, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Totter, Chapped Handj. Chilblains. Con s, and All Sltln Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to pive perfect satisfaction, or money refunded Price, 25 cents per tox. Far sslp bj Clms. Rogers. Odd Fellow bnlMlng. Diarrhoea should be stopped promptly. It soon becomes chronic. DeWUt's Colic end Cholera .Cure is eff.ctive, s.ife and certain. Hundretls if testimonials bear witness to the virtue of this great medi cine. It can always be dep. nded upon. Its use saves time and money. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereoy given that the partner ship heretofore existing between the u.i derslgned, under the firm name and style Oregon Transportation Companv, is this oay uissoivea jjy mutual consent. All outstanding bills or accounts being pay able to Capt. Paul Schrader. and he as suming tne payment of all debts due by miiu jirui. Aatorla, Or., .Yv- '1. 1S93. PKTKR H. CRIM, - PAUL SCHRADER. PROVEN A BOON. Gentlemen: I have always recom- .nended Krnuses Heada-me Capsules wnerever 1 nuve nna a chance. Thej have proven a veritable boon ln my runiny against any and all kinds o! endache. Yours truiv. J. F. WAI.TKC. Leavenworth, Kansas. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria Oregon, sole agent. All the paten: medicines idvertise. In this paper, together with the choir est perfumery, and toilet articles, et run he bourht nt lne 'owest prices w I. W. Conr.' dm? store, opposite Oc cident Hotel. A. tori. Stomich and bowel complaints are best re'leve-i by the timely u?e of DeWltt's Colic and Cholera Cure. Insist on hav ing this preparation. Don't take any other. Taere is no diubt. no failure, when you tike DeWitt's Coiie & Cholera cure It is pltasant, acts promptly, no bad after effects. Captain fcweeney, U. S. A.. San Diego Cal.. says: "smion's Catarrh Remedy s me nrst medicine I have ever found that would no me any good. Price 50 ts. so m oy .1. w. C01 n. SHILOH'S CURE, the great Cougl and Croup Cure, is in great demand Pocket size contains twenty-five doses only 25 cents. Children love It. Sold by J. W. Conn Severe griping pains of the stomich and bowels instantly and effectually stopped by DeWitt's Colic and Cholera Cure. Notice la hereby given that the Com mon Council of the City of Astoria have determined to construct a system of drains or sewers In 'the City of Astoria as lutd out and recorded by J. Adair and J. M. Shlvely, t'he lands and premises to b: drained to be known and designated as "Drainage District No. 1," said sys tems of drains or sewers shall consist of one main drain to run as follows, to-wlt: Commencing in center of alleyway run ning through block 68 in that part of the City of Astoria laid out and recorded by J. Adair, at a point 75 l et east from the east line of 30th street, running thence westerly In aald aU'leyiway to 3&th street, thence northerly In 33th atrart to Irving Avenue, and thence weaterCy in Irving Avenue to a point ln said avenue 15 fe.t south and 30 feet west of southeast cor ner of lot 6 in Mock 61, and thence north through said lot 6 to the center of thie alley-way running through said block 61, thence west In said eSleyway to 84th street and thence north In said street to the alleyway running through blocks 41 and 43 and thence wast from said 34th street through eald last mentioned alley way to 33rd street and thence .north on 33rd street to the line of low water mark on the south shore of the CoCumbla river. Also consisting of a brunch drain com mencing in center of alleyway running throoigih block 43, on the -west line of said block and running thence wuat through said alleyway to connection with main drain in 34th street. Also a branch com mencing at the northeast corner of block 63, running thence north in 33rd street to a connection with aaid main drain at t'he alleyway running through blocks io and 41,suld drain each to consist of a frame wooden box drain to be placed under ground at the necessary depth and to be covered with loose rock to facili tate so page of water, and the area of waterway to be not less than three square feet in the main drain nor less than one and one-half square feet in the branch drains (nor more than twice the respective areas) and the covering of -the drain to be at least two lnctu-.s In thickness and the Inside frames not less than four inches ln -thickness, the work and the materials used to b. -strictly ln accordance with plans and speciilcations and ordinances in relation thereto. The lands, lots and promises upon which the special assessments ehtall be levied to d.fray the costs and expenses of such drains or sewera and the districts em bracing said lands, lots and premised are d.signated as follows, to wit: Commencing at the northwest corner of block 16 in eald part of eald city nd running thence in an easterly direction on the ,north lines of blocks 16 and 17 i'j the northwest corner of block 18 and thujiee south on the west line of blocks 18 und 37 to the south line of alleyway running through block 37 ihence east on south line of raid alley way pj west line o 35th street, thence south on east line of blocks 37 and 42 to northeast corner of lot 5 ln said block 42, thence east on s,outh line of alleyway run ning through block 43 to a point thereon equaiiy d.stant from east line and west I. ne of tuid block, tli.-nce south to a point on wild line of said block 43 that ii equally distant from the east and west II. '.e of said block,' thence east on sou ill li.'.e of block 43 'and 44 to southeast cor ner of lot 7 i'n. block 44, theno; south on x stralg'ht line to southeast corner of lot 2 in block 59, thence east on a straight line to the southeast corner of .ot 4 of said block 09, thence eouth on ast ll..e of blocks 59 and 68 ter-tihe south east Conner of -lot 17 in block 68, accord ing to the recorded subdivision of taid block, thence west on a straight line to a point on the north lime of alleyway run.-.lng thirougih said Mock 63 that 13 equally distant from the least and west lines of said block, thence south to south east corner of lot 23 in block 68 accord ing 'to the stub-division of said block on record, thence west on souih line of blocks 08 and 67 to soulthwedt coinm-r of block 67, thenee north on the west line of siid block 67 to the 6ou'thwest corner of lot 1 therein, thence west on a straight llr.i3 to the southwest corner of lot 3 In block 66, thence north on a straight,, line to the northwest Conner of sold lot 3, and ithetnee west on .north line of said block 66 to the northwest corner then.-of, thence mrth to Bouthwest corner of lot 1 In block 61 and thence west on north line of alleyway running through Hocks 62 and 63 'to the eoui-hiwest corner of lot 2 in block 63, thence north on the line of the John Adair Don ation land claim to the eu'st Cine of 3lst st.reet.t hence north on east line of 31st street, thence north on least line of 3lBt street to the eoulthiwest corner of block 149 in the part of the City of Astoria laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely, thence easterly on south line of said block 149 t'o the southeast oorner of lot 7 in said block and thence northerly to the northeast corner of loct 7, thence east rly on a straight line to iphe point where the south Hne of. lot 3, block 150, of Shively's Astoria initerseotis Or reaches wast line of John Adair's donation land claim, and thenee north on e-aid line to p.aee of beginning. All land, lota and pciiimisea within eald described limits of Baid district and not included in any street or alley BTe to b subject to such assessment as bene fitted by 6uch drain or sewer. ' Estimates of the expense of said drain or sewer and the pluns and specifications and dlagrums for the tune and of the iocali'ty to be drained have been deposit ed by t'he City Surveyor with the Auditor and Police Judge for public examination and may be inspected at the olfice of suh officer. At the next regular making of the Com mon Council following the final publica tion of this notice, to wit: On Wednes day, September 4, 1S95, at the hour of 7:30 p. m. at the city hail the Common Council will consid-.-r any objections to such Improvement being made, a.nd if.a remonstrance against such improvement signed by the residents of uhe City of Aaioria owning more 'than oni-hialf of the property in said district In Which the ipeciol assessment is to be levk.d to de fray the cost of eald improvement shall be filed with the Audiwor and Police Judge such tmproven-ent shall not be or dered, if at ail, except by a vote of two thirds of the Common Council. By order of the Common Council. Attest: Ki'OSBURN, Auditor und Police Judge Astoria. Oregon, Aug. 17, 1895. Mr. A. A. Snyder. Supt. poor Farm i inneshelk county. Ia sav! Lsi.f - i er Mr. Robert Leach used two boxes of DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve and cured 1 larg running sore on hi i u been under care of physicians for Ln.h. without obtaining relief. Sure cure for