ASTORIA POBLIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. VA A AAA jaVsViffc jtV atV tkAJkLAAAJS 5 WEATHER. J n ar.d Oregon Fair n 3 The ASTORIAN has the target LOCAL circulation) the largest GF.NEHAL circula- tlon, and the largest TOTAL circulation of ' ill papers published In Astoria. o TODAY'S tI For Washlnirton J weather cooler. Hi EXCLUSIVE TELEGRAPHIC PRESS REPORT. VOL. XLIV, NO. 204. I872 1 1895 Lubricating OILS A Specialty. Brothers, Sell ASTORIA, Ship Chandelery, Hardware, Iron & Steel, Coal, Groceries & Provisions, Flour & Mill Feed, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Loggers Supplies, Fairbank's Scales, Doors & Windows, Agricultural Implements I Wagons & Vehicles. B. F. ALLEN, JJerUer in Wall Paper, Attist Materials, Paints and Painters Supplies Glass, Mouldings, Japanese Mattings, Rugs and Bamboo Goods Contractor for Fresco Painting, Paper Hanging, Etc. 765 Commercial Street. Snap fl Kodak ut any man coming out of our store and you'll get a portrait ot a man brimming over with pleasant thoughts. Such quality 'In the liquors we have to offer are enough to PLEASE ANY MAN., Corpe and Try Them HUGHES fit CO ASTORIA IRON WORKS Conromly St.. foot of Jackson, Astoria. General Machinists and Boiler Makers Land and Marine Engines. Boiler work, Steam boat and Cannery Work a Specialty. Castlnes of All Descriptions Made to Order on Short Notice. John Fox.President and Superintendent A. L. Fox Vice President O. B. Prael Secretary They Lack Life There are twines sold to fishermen on the Columbia river that stand in the same relationship to Marshall's Twine as a wooden Image does to the human being they lack strength-life -evenness and lasting qualities. Don't fool yourself into the belief that other twines besides Marshall's will do "Just as well." They won't. They cannot C.J. TRENCH RD, Agent VVelU.'Fargo & Co. and Pacific Express Co. H0KE and PHOENIX IMAJ1CE CO'S. Custom House Broker and Commission Merchant. 50a Bond Street. Kopp's Beer Hall. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. KENTUCKY WHISKEY Only handed over the oar, The largest glass of N. P. Bear. Half-and-half, s Free Lunch. Chas. Wirkkala, Proprietor. Cor. Conromly and Lafayette Sta. THOMAS MOKKO, Th Blacksmith Those shop is oppos ite Cutting's cannery, is now Prepared to do such dd Jobs as making new cannery coolers, repairing -old ones. maln7new fishin boat irons ? and re nalrtnK old ones, and all other black smithing that requires first-class work meunshlp. MUSIC tfflliLi. it KEATING & CO will open theli ir-k-k Music Hall at 359 Aator street, Baturday the 16th. They will keep Dumbcrless good liquors and cigara besides having good music all the time. Hair Goods manufactured All Styles I Wies, Bangs, Switches, Combings Made Up, Dressing, Shampooing, Bleaching and Dyeing. Children s Hair Cutting. - fMRS C H SEDERLtOF, 353 Commercial St., cor. Eighth. SEASlDESflWpmii. A complete stock of lumber on hand in the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus tic, ceiling, and all kinds of finish, mouldings and shingles; also bracket work done to order. Terms reasonable and prices at bedrock. All orders promptly cttended to. Office and yard St mill. H. L. LOGAN. PropT. e1rt. Orsron. Or. price's Cream Baking; Powdef Contains so Ammonia or AlunL DON'T PATCH ! full lines of Men's, and Boys' Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, Etc. I. L,. OSGOOD, The One Price Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher. 506 and 508 COMMERCIAL STREET, ASTORIA, OR. A NEW Fishing Tackle, Baskets, Flies, Kods, etc. Baseballs, Bats, Masks, Gloves, Mits, etc. Croquet sets, Hammock?, Lawn Tennis Balls, Bird Cages, Garden Sets, Children's Carriages and Iron Wagons. Come and See Griffin Great S At Reduced Prices. Germantown Tarn 10c a skein Zephyrs, 4 skeins in package.... 10c a pkg. 100 yds. spool silk (best brands).. 5e each 200 yds. spool linen (best brands).. 6s each Embroidery sliks (5c skein). ...23c a doz Chenille and aresene 10c a doz Tinsel cord (5c balls). 20c a doz Ladles' hose supporters 10c a pair Misses' hose supporters 5c a pair Silk garter web 10c a yd Silk girdles 10a each Silk cord 5c a yd Metal buckles 10c each Black silk buckles, formerly 75.. 25c each Hooks and eyes 10c a box Silk binding ribbon 10c a piece Jet trimming a.nd all other trimming braids and gimps at rial f pricf. Embroideries, Laces, Shawls, Skirts, Bedspreads, In fants' Cloaks, Blankets, Corsets, etc., etc., 33 per cent, discount. . OREGON 600 Commercial Street. ROSS HIGGINS & CO. Grocers, : and : Butchers Astoria and Upper Astoria. Ine Teas and Coffees. Table Delicacies, Domestic and Tropical Fruits, Vegetables, Sugar Cured Hams, Bacon. Etc. Choice - Fresh and - Salt Meats. EVERT ONE NEEDS A BI7STNE3 8 EDUCATION. Many young men an4 women csn spend but one or two years at school-why not take s course that csn t completed In that time? The college Includes a short ENGLISH COURSB be sides s BUSINESS and SHORTHAND COURSE For catalogues eddress, U YAMHILL ST. - - HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. - - rORTLATO, OR, ASTORIA. OREGON. When you can buy your boys' suits with two pairs of pants that are double-seated, double knees and sewed with double silk, and warranted not to rip; at prices that you have to pay elsewhere - for suits of same quality, with only one pair of pants and not made double. Boy's Reefer Suits and Overcoats are now in ; also STOCK Us & Reed. ale of Dry Goods AVhalebone casing 10c a piece Silk and satin ribbons, No. 5 5c a yd Silk and satin ribbons, No. 7 7'c a yd Silk and satin ribbons, No. 9 10c a yd Silk and satin ribbons, No. 13 12V4c a yd Silk and tatln ribbons, No. 16.... 1714c a yd Sash ribbons, formerly $1.25 now 66c a yd Corset covers, formerly 25c...... 15c each Corbet covers, formorly 60c 25c each Corset covers, formerly $1 60c each Corset covers, formerly $l.Xto $2, 75c each Ladles' gloves 15c a pair Children's gloves, 10c a pair Ladles kid gloves, formerly $1.25. .75c each Tidies, formerly 60c 25c each CO, flSTOlp PUBLIC IiIBRflRV I READING ROOM FREE TO ALL. Open every day from 3 o'clock to 6 :30 and 6:30 to aau p. m. Subscription rates $3 per annum. Southwest cor. Eleventh sud Duaae Sts. TRADING SATURDAY MORNING. AUGUST 31. 1895. HAN The Steamer Monowai Brings the News. DISEASE BROUGHT FROM JAPAN The Steamer Belgic, Which Touched at Honolulu on Her Last Trip, Carried the Germs. Ban Francisco, August 30. The ateam- er Monowai, which arrived tonight from Australian ports, did not stop at Hono lulu as usual. When oft that port the steamier was hailed by the American con sul in a small boat who announced that Cholena had broken out In Honolulu. Already there had ibeen eight deaths from Wat disease among the natives and Chinese. As cholera, broke out soon af ter the steamer Belgic left on her last trip, it is presumed the disease was brought from Japan toy that vessel. The Monowai did not enter Honolulu har bor, but steamed direct to San Francisco, Her passengers for Hawaii were brought here. BRIGHTER OUTLOOK. The Fall Trading Season Opens With Lively iProspects. New York, August 80. R. G. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will say: The improvement In markets and prices continues, and whereas a few months ago everybody was nursing the faintest hopes of recovery it has now come to be only a question of what branches, If any, the rise in prices and Increase of business may go too far. A strong con servative feeling is finding its expression, not to the extent of controlling the mar ket or industries, but a warning against a too rapid expansion and rise. In some directions the advance in prices clearly checks future business, tout the encour aging features have great power. Exports of gold continue, but are met by. syndicate deposits and are expected to cease soon. The anxiety about the monetary future of government affairs no longer hlndiers trade movements. The crop prospects, except for cotton, have somewhat improved during the .week. The Important steps toward the reor ganization of the great fairways give hope to investors. Labor troubles are for the moment less threatening, and some of importance have been definitely settled. Industries are not only doing better than anybody had exepetedi but 1 are counting upon a great business for the rest of the year. The advance in prices of iron and las products has added about $2 per ton more in a single week to the price of Bessemer steel at Pltteburg, and yet the great steel companies are 'buying wherever they can, while the air is full of reports to the effect that the finished product will fur ther advance. Many ot the ablest men in the tousiness deplore this rapid rise. not that it may expose some branches to foreign competition, but various com binations which now control' the many iron nroduets have so successfully lifted prices thus far that the markets seem to lack the restraint or individual cau tlon and meanwhile, holders of large quantities purchased for future sale or delivery want to get all they can for them. The demand, whether on old or new orders, appears large enough to sus. tain -all advances yet made. The failures this week are 186 in the United States against 196 fast year, and 42 in Canada agaJnst 4 O.ast year. THE WRACKED BAWNMORK. It la Thought tWat Most of Htr Cargo Can Be Haved. Marshfield, Or., August 30.-The British ship Bawnmore .which ran ashore Wed nstlv morning- about B o'clock during a heavy 'fog 14 miles south of the mouth of the Coqull'le River, nas cnangea ner position very little during the lest 24 hours. Her cargo consisted of 1000 tons of coal, about 1B0O tons of merchandise, and several ste.nm launches and electric treat ears. She lies boadslde to the sea, with her head to the south, with a heavy list to starboard. According to the captaln'3 reckoning he should have been twenty miles off shore when she struck the beach. Captain Woodsldes' Impression is that the metal in the electric street cars which were loaded on the deck near the pilot house caused a variation in the compass which threw him out of Ms course. The sea was very smooth when the ship struck and Captain Woodsldes thought that by throwing off part of his cargo and light ening her stern that he would be enabled to float her off. He therefore threw oft thirty tons of flour and a numrjur 01 me electric cars, but they soon saw it was of no use and they took to the boats, all reaching the shore, Which was about 700 feet from the ship. The captain says that If tie toad had assistance when he first struck the beach he would have been able to have gotten off with very tittle damage. The tug Monarch will reach the scene ot the wrack tonight, when an attempt will be made to get the Bawnmore In deep water nrain. but she Iras settled twelve or fourteen feet in the sand, and at high water the seas roll over her. Men of experience who have visited the wreck say that ft will be almost Im poslble to save the Ship. If the sea con tinues as smooth as it Is at present it Is believed that most of her cargo can be saved. Captain Weodslde and his crew, ac. companled by the Bandon Hfe saving crew, are camped on the beach near the scene of the wreck and will remain there as long as there are any hopes of saving the ship or cargo. The crew Jiave'suc ceeded In trettlng all of their personal effects ashore. DOORS THROWN OPEN. Seattle, August 30. By a ru3ng of the commissioner general of immigration the doors of the United States have been thrown wide open to dissolute women of foreign lands who have escaped detee tlon on their entrance here. The decision is of vital Importance to the Pacific Coast as it affects the ad mission of Japanese women sent bore for immoral purposes. The case is that of Fukul Moto, a Japanese woman who for several days past has been in the custody of the United States authorities on a charge of being within the country for Immoral purposes and who it was thought was liable .to deportation. The woman, In company with several others arrived in this country last May, and the Inspector was prepared to establish the fact that she has since plied her nera rious occupation. The commissioner general wired that the woman could not be deported unless she was known to foe a public charge. Shewas accordingly released today. WAS COLD BLOODED MURDER. The Official 'Report of the Bannock In dian Trouble. , Washington, August SO.-The depart ment of Justice has received from the United States District Attorney and the marshal of Wyoming, official reports ot their investigation into the Bannock In dian troubles, made by direction of the attorney general. The district attorney says: ' "I have no doubt whatever that the killing of the Indian Tanega about the 13th of July was an atrocious, outrageous and a cold-blooded murder, perpetrated on the part of Constable Manning and his deputies, in pursuance of a scheme and conspiracy on their part to prevent the Indians from exercising the right and privilege which is in my opinion very clearly guaranteed to them by the treaty. The Rilling of game by the in dlans and by an increasing number of tourist hunters threatens to so deplete this region of big game, as to Jeopardize the occupation of professional guides at Jackson's Hole. It was decided to keep the Indiana out of the region this year and the events Of this summer are the result of carefully prepared plans, If a full Investigation of the Jackson's Hole affair should te held, the faot would be established that when Constable Man ning and Ms posse of 26 settlers arrested the party of Indians on July 13, and started wttJi them for Marysville, lie ano Ms men did all they could to tempt the Indians to try to escape, In order that there might be the 'basis of Justification for killing some of them. The old In dian was mind, and he was shot in the back four times. It would, however, be tout an act of simple Justice to bring the men who murdered the Indians to trial. There are, however, no officials in the Jiaokson's Hole country, state or na. tlonal, who would hold any of Manning's posse for trial." TUB SCARE IS OVER. No Trouble With the Indians on Stein's 'Mountain. Burns, Or., August 30 (via Ontario, Or. August 30) There has been no trouble with the Indian's on Stein's mountain or elsewhere in this country thus far. The Indians from the Warm Springs and Umatilla reservations come annually Into this country to kill deer for their skins leaving the carcasses to go to waste, and the citizens of this county are ue- termined to put a Btop to this work.. The Judge wrote to the agents or these respeotlve agencies early in the season a'sklng them to keep the Indians out of this county, tout the agents made no re sponse and the people have taken the thing In 'hand. There are about fifty Warm Springs Indians here today, and although there has been no trouble thus far, should they persist in going to Stein's Mountain there Is likely to toe trouble. There have been no Bannocks on the Stein's Mountain or within two hundred miles of it this season. The story ot signal fires and people getting together at Diamond Valley is correct, but the scare .Is over. BICYCLE) RACES. Portland. Or., August 30. At the Mult nomah Club Bicycle races by electric light th'1 evening three Northwest rec ords were Broken, in tne inai near, l. j. Nichols took tlvree seconds off the rec ord, making the distance In 1:10 8-5. One mile novice llnal Carl Abendroth won: H. K. Arnold second: time, 2:36 4-6 Five mile championship, Class A, final O. C. Nichols, M. A. A. C. won; J. J, Morgan second; time, 12:31 3-6, .twenty seconds toeltow former record. One-half mile Class B, final-John T, Staver won, M. J. Lee second; time, 1:10. In the trial heat of one mile Clasr B, J. T. Staver rode In 2:17 2-6, two seconds below record. HEIRS TO AN 'ENGLISH ESTATE. flan Bernardino, Cai., August 30.-Mrs. C. P. Barrows and W. H. Parsons, or this city are, among others, hijlrs to an English estate valued at 180,000,000. Rob ert Antrim, Of Chicago, has written them that the English government Is ready to divide the estate among1 126 heirs, a por tion going to Mrs. Barrows and Parsons, being about $000,000 apiece. Lord Antrim was muraerea in imi vy one of his tenants, and he left no heirs. The estate then reverted to the heirs of John A. Antrim, who came to this coun try with William Penn, 'BASH BALL SCORES. New Tork, August 30. New York, 11; Cincinnati. .. , Brooklyn, August 30. Louisville, ; Brooklyn, 6. WasMnRton. August 20. irt game St. Louis, 6; Washington, 5. Second game St. Louis, 6; Washington 4. Boston, August 30. Cleve.and, 8; Bos ton 4. Philadelphia, August 30. miJaaeltfrila, Chicago, . AMMUNITION SEIZED. Washington. August 30.-ThB treasury department today received) a telegram from Collector of Customs Cortrell, at Cedar Keys, Fla., saying that at tne re quest of the 8pan1frti consul at Tampa he has seized at a pkjlnt 20 miles from Ce dar Keys, 1W Remington rifles, a quantl ay of cartridges and 11 kegs of powder whkrh were to have been Shipped to Cuba. WHITMAN GOT NTNH TEAKS, flan ' Vranclsco. August 30. Alonzo J. Whitman, formerly mayor of Duluth, and a member of the Minnesota legislature nd it hanker, was sentenced to nine Imprisonment tills morning by jiiAm iwaf'tice. He wur admitted to ii th c!il)s In San Francisco and In duced his friends to cash checks on New York banks which proved to De lorgenes, TOTIAISLTRY STATEMENT. Wishlmrton. August 30.-Today's treas. iirw statement allows: Available cash balance, $133,4,(3; gold reserve, $100, 300,011. CHI7IIALI3 THE WINNER. Woodland. Cat. August 30.-Chehalls w.-n tt 1:19 class oadng race today. 1 I'oihmont second, Best time, 2:10',4. nnT His Views on Columbia River ' Improvements. IS AGAINST A DEEP CHANNEL Government Hag Made a Fine Hor- bor at Mouth of River and Port land Cannot Expect More. The following interview, published in yesterday's Oregonian, with Congressman Clark, of Missouri, will toe of the great est Interest to Aistorlans and Clatsop county generally. Mr. Clark is the same gentleman who visited Astoria (Wednes day with Mr. Harrtmond and Mr. John Claflln, of New York, interviews with whom were published in Thursday's edi tion: Major Charles 'N. Clark, representative- elect from the First 'Missouri district, who expects to toe a member of the river and harbor committee of the next lower house of congress, does not favor fur ther appropriation toy the government to Improve the Columbia river between Portland and Astoria. He says that it has provided a harbor near the mouth of the river, which is all that it should be expected' to do, and that to Improve the river further would toe to undertake work under the head of Internal Improvements which properly belongs to the individual states Interested. Major Cluirk has been to view the jetty with Messrs. A. B. iHantmond, J. C. Stan ton, John CMin and IL. B. Seeley. While in the vicinity of the river's mouth he was taken to view a new townslte or two, which, It is supposed; are to be reached by a continuation of the Astorla-Goble road. The whole party returned to the city yesterday morning, Major Clark well primed with Information which appears to have convinced him that the govern. ment should make no further effort to give and maintain for Portland a channel to the sea for deep-draught vessels. 4a an interview at the iPorttand last evening Major Clark said: "Now albout the Columbia I want to say Just this: All you have to do is to' build that railroad from Gotole. You can' get a low-waiter channel for deep-draft vessels from Portland to the sea without spending more money than the state can afford, or than the government will donate for the purpose. The Columbia river is peculiar. It is an inland sea 14 miles this side of Astoria, while it Is less than three miles wide at the Jetty, where you have a channel of 31 feet, which will probably not become less, ana wUl'l profcafbly deepen a llttlo as long as the Jetty remains there; but where the river widen to 14 miles you have now a channol of but 18 feet at low water, and that is all you can get without raising a sum ot money so enormous as to make the idea impracticable. To 'have an ap preciable effect, you must build a jetty In the river there at leaat 14 or 15 miles in length, and I do not think that the government is ever going to provide the money for the purpose. The government don't care particularly for Portland. It has given you a hanbor at the mouth or the river, and that is all that It snuoid be asked to do. To Improve the channel this side of Astoria is purely inland work and I eMail oppose the government under taking it'. Even If the government were to put in a big Jetty at the point I have mentioned, that wouldn't settle tne mat ter. for there would be a vast amount of similar work to be done elsewhere, You can't get that channel and you needn't hone for It, so you had better turn to with a will and get your Astoria railroad throiwrh. As I said to Mr. Ham. mond and Mr. Clafiin yesterday, I neve"r In my experience as a rallroad-ibullder during 30 years, saw a railroad proposl tlon that guaranteed tne payment or dividends from the start like the Astorla- Goble road." . Major Clark's attention was called to his Incorrect statement about an 18-foot channel this side of Astoria, and it was Said to him that the government reports show much deeper water. But he insisted that he knew what tie was talking about Major Clark is the first Republican rep. resentatlve from Missouri since 1875, when Mr. B.enjaimln was turned down with the return of the franchise to the ex-Confed erates of the State. Colonel Marten, whom Major Clark defeated in tho last election by a majority of 429, had represented the state in congress for 16 years, a.way having had a majority of from 8500 to 5000 over his Republican opponent. Col onel Hatch was an ex-rebel, and had been commissioner of exchange at Libby prison during the war. One day, shortly after Major Clark had! received the Re publican nomination for representative, the two men met. Colonel Hatch smll lngly congratulated the major on his nomination, and remarked: "Well, Major, I am sorry to think of your taking so much trouble, tout yours will be the ninth scalp I shall tang at my belt next November," meaning that he had defeated his eighth previous Ro- rirtrllcan opponents, and would do like wise with Major Clark. But the latter sawed wood real hard and as a resu Colonel 'Hatch received a painful surprise in November. THE EXPOSITION. Let Clatsop Join In end Make Buccess. It NW is the time for Astoria and Clat sop county to show to the world, or a part of it, what thtey have here to justify the belief that a trreat future is before this section of Oregon. Portland has ex tended us a most hearty Invitation to join hands with them in making the com ing exposition in that city a success and to thoroughly advertise the product end advantages of Clatsop county. The fol- Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report PRICE, FIVE CENTS lowing letter receiver by Mr. J. W. Welch speaks for Itself: Portland, August 28, M35. Hon. J. W. Welch, Astoria, Oregon: My Dear Sir: I write to you. because know you to be one of tho best work- ' era in the Etate of Oregon, and I wnnt you to become interested In our exposi tion. We are going to have the largest and best exposition ever held in this city. We are going to have excunElona from the various points in Oregon t3 our city with special rates like 31.25 round trip from Salem; $1.50 from Astoria; $ . from Roseburg, etc., so that we wi.l have the people. Now you good people in Astoria and vi cinity have lately performed an almost Insurmountable task in raising your sub sidy. You can make us a good exhibit from Clatsop county for our exposition. have written Mr. Elmore about the fish exhibit; now I want you to take up the matter and make us a good ex hibit of everything in Clatsop county, and! we will furnish free transportation for all exhibits. I will leave the matter entirely In your hands, asd ask that you inform me at your earliest conven ience what your people can and wll; do In the way of exhibits. With kind personal regards, Very truly yours, B. S. PAGUE, Chairman of Committee on State and County Exhibits. In speaking of the matter to an Asto rian representative Mr. Welch said: "l have called upon Mr. Elmore, Mr. Kin ney and other cannerymen, in resard to the matter of a general exhibit from Clatsop county, and my Idea is that all should Join hands and make one grand exhibit I will donate the use of a large store room for the purpose of gathering together the different articles for Inspection before being sent to Port land, and will give my services to ar ange and take care of the same. All of the canneryimen should make an ex hibitthat product of Clatsop county which distributee 31,500,000 each year should be shown up to the .best possible advantage. Specimens of timothy grown In Clatsop should be selected, and lalbelled with the name of the rancher who grew it. Specimens of Way, of which four tons to the acre is produced, and two crops raised per year, ought to be obtained and properly-arranged to make a good show, lng. And: then a six-foot log should be cut Into a square piece of lunvber, smoothly dressed and showing our pro duct In the way of lurrfber. A statement should be made that there are thousands of acres of this kind of timber, the very finest In the state, which remain open for lnvestmont. There is now on exhibition at the Occident a small panel containing Ave different kinds of wood, highly pol ished, all of which are suitable for the finest kind of finishing and cabinet work. "If, after the exhibit is. gotten together and we look It over carefully, anything Is discovered that will not reflect credit upon us It can Jie thrown out and only the very best sent to Portland. While it is being gathered together the public here oan be given an opportunity to view the exhibit and make additions to It, or criticise it." Whatever Is done to sustain Clatsop's reputation among her sister counties should be done at once and with a unity of action that will insure success. This county has magnificent resources why not make them known in a tangible man nor Just at tho present Important Junc ture in her history? MARKET IREPORTS. Liverpool, August 30. Wheat Spot, firm; demand, moderate; No. 2 red win ter, 6s 2d; No. 2. red Bpring, 5s lMid: No. 1 hard Manitoba, 6s 2d; No. 1 California, 6s Id. . New York, August 30. Hops Weak. A SiBRtOUS CHAROE. 'Poi'tiaind, August 30. D .A. SMndler, son of the Swiss consul here was ar rested today on a charge ot forgery. It la alleged he forged the name ot J. Stenfel to a note for (0,000 and sold the note to Mrs. Norris. BRA'DSTRJEJCT'S REPORT. Now York, August 50. Bradstreet's will tomorrow say: Tho concluding week of August surprises even the mora opti mistic with- the Striking increase in the volume of business. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD. A well-furnished suite of rooms, with use of parlor, and, if desired, good tablt board, at reasonable rates, an street, corner ef Ninth. 405 Du Tho warehouses at The Dalles are grad ually being iflllej with wheat." The re ceipts are growing larger every day. Tho Wasco warehouse now contains 1500 sacks, 600 of which! have already been' sold. The other 1000 are held until mar ket begins, after the first of next month. The nominal prfco of wheat Is now 45 cents, but unless all signs fall it will be advanced in a short time. Forty-five sacks of new wheat were received from Sherman county at Moody's warehouse Friday. The berry this year Is very plumfp, and the Tesults of the acreage planted Is better proportionately than usual.-Tlmes-Mountalneer. ' Two persons registered at the Umatilla House last night, says theTlmes-Moun-latneer, and this tmornlng they began plying their business. They pretended to have several very valuable diamonds with them, and workeJ the town by borrowing some money on them. One man loaned them 336 on what seemed to be a stone of the first water; but by a quick man ipulation they managed to change tho diamond for an ordinary stone, and made themselves very "scarce" afterwards. As soon as their trick was found! out the sheriff was put on their track and he captured the va'.ises belonging to them, and searched the city thoroughly for tho ownors." The Statesman makes the following caustic remark: "Portland ias now a homeopathic hospltai-the Portland, the one over whose scandals the blood of the wounded doctors was spilled. We pre sume that all the other hospitals of the metropolis are allopathic concerns. Salem needs a hospital very much. But it should be neither allopathic or homeopa thic. It should be Just a hospital."