The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 30, 1895, Image 2

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Sent by mall, per year.. 17.00
Sent by mall, per ironth 60
Served by carrier, per week.... 15
Address all communioatlona to The
Dally Astorlan.
Sent by mall, per year, $2.00 In advance
Postage free to subscribers.
The Astorlan guarantees to Its sub
scribers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising pates can be had on ap
plication to the business manager.
The Weekly Astorlan, the second old
est weekly In the state of Oregon, has
next to the Portland Oregonlan, the
largest weekly circulation In the state.
Jno. T. Handley & Co., are our Port
land agents, and copies of the Astorlan
can be had every morning at their
stand on First street.
Telephone No. 68.
All communication Intended for pub
lication should be directed to the editor.
Business communications of all kinds and
remittances must be addressed to The
A letter was received by the Astorlan
yesterday from Mr. 'B. S. Pague, chair
man of the committee on state and coun
ty exhibits at the Oregon Industrial Ex
position. The communication says In
"Our exposition this year will be the
largest and best ever 'held In the city.
We have the proper material connected
with the exposition In every department,
and it Is bound to be a great success.
Now w went you people to co-operate
with us. We want dried and stuffed fish
for decorative purposes; we want canned
Hah; we want some fish nets; we want a
fishing boat; we want to show all about
our great salmon Ashing Industry. We
.want the cannerymen to get up a gooa
exhibit for us, and will furnish free trans
portation for any such exhibit, no matter
tiow large, that you will prepare for us.
Your city and county ere now In their
great development period, and a good ex
titbit here would be very beneficial to
you. Then, too, it will bring you Into
closer contact with our people, and more
cordial feelings and relatione will neces
sarily exist."
ft seems to us that the above commu
nication contains some excellent sugges
tions. It Is right in line, too, with the
flints we have repeatedly given the Col
umbia River cannerymen to the effect
that there Is a system of advertising
their product which appeals to the eye,
and which Is In its way Just as valuable
and juBt as productive of good results
as any other kind of advertising at their
disposal. If a little energy is displayed
during the next few days by the packers
there Is no doubt that they will be able
to make a showing at the Portland Ex
position that will relloct the greatest
credit on themselves and the county and
state at large.
We would suggest that the exhibit be
immediately put into Bhape by a com
mittee chosen by the cannerymen for
that purpose, and the gentlemen so
chosen should bear In mind that a little
expense. Judiciously entered Into, will
repay them a hundred fold. It Is to be
hoped; that matters In connection with
this exhibit may be so expedited that,
when completed, It will be at once the
most conspicuous and the most pleasing
object In the wfiole exposition. There Is
plenty of material at hand to make It so,
and It would be hard Indeed to find an
Industry that lends itself so we'.l to pic
turesque representation, as the Colum
bia River salmon trade.
The review of our foreign trade for
the 'fiscal year ending on June 30, 1895, In
' the commercial column of the Bulletin
for Friday last, may be read with profit
by voters who are Inclined to regard
the present tariff as a finality, Without
reviewing the review in this column, we
cull attention to two or three salient
points In it.
The Increase In Imports for June Is
rearly 110,000,000, the decrease In exports
for the tame month being over $2,500,
000. The Increase In Imports for the year
were 76,903,2i3. The Increase In cottan
manuTactuies in 1895 over the picedlng
year Was over (10,000,000. The Increase In
silk manufactures was over (1,000,000. But
the wool Item Is the most startling of all.
The value of wool monufaeturcs for the
year ending In 1805 was $33,512,390, against
J19.S91.8&0 In 1S94. We paid for raw wool
in 1895 JX,5G6,42l, against $ti,10T.43S In 1)4.
The free wool Hum in the present tariff
Increased our Imports of the raw article
of wool by more than J19,000,000, and our
imports of wool manufactures by more
than 116,000,000. On the wool item alone
more than $35,000,000 'has been rent out o(
the country for and goods which
under the McKlnley tuiiff we produced
for ourselves. The men who would have
raised the wool and the other men who
would 'have -woven it Into cloth form a
part of the great army of unemployed.
There has been no Increase In the exports
of manufactured goods to compensate
for the Increase In imports. In fact, there
van a smal Increase in our exports ot
cotton manufactures.
j.1-.1 .' 1- . t j
However ready a certain class of poli
ticians have been to decry the bargain
made by the administration with tho
Belmont-Morgan syndicate, when the
whole history of the transaction comes to
be known, there is reason to believe It
will turn out to be one of the most ad
vantageous deals, from the standpoint
of the public good, ever made between
a government and its private cltlsens.
There can be little doubt that the syn
dicate has been the means of saving
the government's credit, and that a large
mi-mure, Is not nearly every visible flgn
of Warning business conll fence has been
due to the admirable manner In which
the syndicate has kept faith with the
government, and fulfilled to the very let
ter It contract to stand between the
treasury and the sharks who were haz
arding the government's financial de
struction. There has been much wonder
and speculation In financial circles as to
how the syndicate has been able to ac
cumulate the gold which It has from
time to time voluntarily exchanged at the
treasury for greenbacks, but whllo the
manner in which it has been done is not
absolutely known, because the syndicate
has not seen fit to make public Its op
erations the most pJausible theory ad
vanced to account for it la that most
of the gold have been obtained from San
Francisco, and through tho syndicate's
purchase of bullion checks. The circu
lation on the Pacific Coast is practically
all gold, and there Is a constant move
ment of money from, here East. As a
result of this San Francisco exchange
on New York Is usually at a premium,
equal to the cost of transporting gold
across the continent. For the same rea
sons New York exchange on San Fran
cisco is often at a slight discount, al
though for some time past it has been
at par. By offering exchange on San
Francsieo, therefore, the syndicate can
accumulate large quantities of gold In
San Francisco at practically no expense.
The syndicate can also procure gold by
buying bullion checks Issued for bullion
deposited at the assay offices and the
government mints, these at the present
time, when there is a demand for gold,
being at a slight premium, In this fash
ion, It is believed, the syndicate has been
enabled, with little expense, to accumu
late practically the entire product of the
American gold mines, which average usu
ally about $35,000,000 a year.
In our telegrams this morning will be
noticed the details of another miserable
mining disaster that occurred yesterday
in Colorado. The frequency cf these
appalling accidents 'to onlners, and the
almost Invariable laxity of supervision
which brings them about, seems to us
to open up a very grave question. Not
withstanding the stringency of laws ro
tating to careful examination of the
strength and safety of walls and com
partments of mines in most of our states,
It is a matter of common knowledge, that
very few attempts' are ever made to en
foro such provisions. The result is that
month after month the criminal negli
gence of overseers engaged In mining
work is responsible for the loss .of many
human lives.
A Jlossbaek's 'Ideas of the Advancement
of Astoria.
The following communication Is pub
lished by request:
Astoria, August 29, 1S9G.
To the Editor:
I see by the papers much Is being said
about the manner of operating in real
estate, so far all eeem to bo of the sime
opinion. That Is, it should be"" done
through an exchange or proper organiza
tion. Now for the Bake of argument 1
wish to advance a few ideas on the other
side. The idea seems to be to protect
property owners and see that they are
not cheated .wronged or defrauded by
dishonest real estate operators, shysters
and frauds. Now we that are here now,
and of whom the organization Is to be
formed are all honest; hence I cannot
see any present need for this organiza
tion; and it would seem to the outside
world that we were organizing against
ourselves. We are not doing any burl
ness and have done none, and we cannot
say that any fraud Is Intended. And
further, I don't, see that we are oaClecl
upon to form a "guarantee committee"
to administer on the affairs of those who
may come here to Invest their money
to see that they get good bargains, omt
their money's worth. Rather let us wait
until we are doing business, or have
done a sufficient amount of business to
demonstrate whether or no the people ot
this city aire being cwlndled, and that
dishonest parties have come In and are
practicing their dishonest methods. Then
It will be time enough to act, and do
It In such a manner as may seem best.
Some talk very glibly about Chlcugo and
Salt Lake cities having exchanges. Chi
cago had no exchange until many years
after its boom, the ramo with Salt Lake,
I lived there and know of what I write.
But wo need not go so far from home
for precedents; I will ask 'has Portland,
has Tneonitt, has Seattle, all exchanges,
or did have during their boom days, not
as any one knows of; now If it Is Buch a
good thing, why hove they pot. I would
suggest that we go a little slow In this
matter, keep quiet till we do some busi
ness, get a boom, all get rich, and then
organize an exchange and make It a penal
offense for Infraction of its rules.
That tho spirit of mosslbacklsnn Is not
yet extinct Is evidenced by the above
letter, To "go a little slow, keep quiet
till we do somo business, get a boom,
all get rich and then organize an ex
change," would bo to wait for the mll
lenlum, Tho real estate men of nny
community are Us progressive men In all
matters pertaining to the growth and
Improvement of the town or city, as they
are primarily Interested in such growth
and to wait until after tho growth comes
would of course be suicidal to thoso In
terests which expect to reap benefits dur
ing tho progress of events. To bring
about growth and Improvement requires
tho citizens of any community to bo on
the alert, and ready and eager to take
advantage of every opportunity to put
their claim to pre-eminence before the
public and let people know what they
have to offer to Investor and settlers.
It Is also essential that the true Interests
of a community be protected by avoiding
a reputation for crooked deals and fake
land schemers. None of tho residents
of Astoria or its real estate dealers want
to give the place a black eye by floating
worthless property when there Is plenty
of good property to be bad, or selling
socond grade property for tlrst-class,
when all grades can be sold on their
merits at reasonable profits. To prevent
this kind of dealings by professional
sharks who are most likely to flock In
here when things begin to move and to
secunj proper advertisement and advance
ment of Atstorla's real Interests should
bo the aln of its Real Estate Exchange.
A "boom" In the ordinary acceptance
of the term la not what Is wanted or
desired. A steady growth In both popu
lation and business enterprises on a solid
and permanent basis Is the object in
view by those Interested In the new
movement and Is what can be acconv.
pllvhed by Joint action on broad planes
and the elimination of all petty Jeal
ousies and small personalities.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
thow Royal Jlaking Powder
superior to ethers.
TO -
Heal Estate (Deo,
' Backers
Easiness fVIen
Of Astoria
R :aP01jjTEgj
CCCall Into the Astorlsn office
and get sample copies of our tegu
lar Commercial edition.
It gleans JIoney
in Your Pocket.
u ; ifc trx v-n" r
Notice Is hereby given that the Com
mon Council of the City of Astoria, Ore.,
have determined to improve Franklin
avenue from the west line of 25th street
to the east line of tho J. M. -Shlvely
Donation Land Claim, all In the City of
Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J.
M. Shlvely, by planking said portion of
said avenue with new rind sound tlr
planks two Inches in thickness, which are
to be laid diagonally In said avenue, upon
the planks now in the same, and which
are to extend from edges of railway
track to curbs, all to be dona strictly
in' accordance with plans and specifica
tions and ordinances In relation thereto.
Tho lands and premises upon which,
special assessment shall be levied to
defray the cost and expense of such Im
provement and the district embracing
said lands and premises be, and the same
are designated as follows; to wit:
Commencing at the northwest corner of
lot 7, in block 114, In 3aid part of said
city and running thence easterly on tho
line running through blocks 144, 145, 140,
147, 148, 149 and 150 and separating the two
tiers of lots In said block to the cast
line of the J. M. Shlvely Donation Land
Claim and thence southerly on tho east
line of said Donation Land Claim to the
line separating the two tiers of lots in
block 1, and thence westerly through tho
centers of iblocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, upon
the line dividing the two tiers of lots in
the same to the east line of 2'Jth street
and thence northerly on a straight line
to the place of beginning,
All lands and premises in sail district
and not In any street or alley are sub
ject to such assessment.
Estimates of the expense, of such im
provement and plans and diagrams of
such work for Improvement and the local
ity to be improved have been deposited
by the City Surveyor with the Auditor
and Police Judge for public examination
and may be Inspected at the office of
such officer.
At the next regular meeting of the Com
mon Council after tho final publication
of this notice, to wit: On Wednesday,
September 4th, 1593, at the hour of 7:30
p. m. at tho City Hall tho paid Common
Council will consider any objections to
said improvement being mailo and if a
remonstrance against such Improvement
signed by persons owning more than
one-half of the property in such dis
trict herein described and upon which
the speclaly assessment Is to be levied
shall be filed with tho Auditor and Police
Judge before the said time of meeting
of the Common Council no such improve
ment or work shall bo or lercd except by
the concurrence of all the councilmen
lly order of the Common Council,
Attest: K. OSliCltN,
Auditor and rollee Judge.
Astoria, Ore., Aug. 21, 1893.
Notico is hereby given that sealed bids
will bo received 'by tho committee on
streets nnd public ways, at the office ot
the Auditor and Police Judae, until Sat
urday, Aug. 31, 1S93, at the hour of 2
o'clock p. m. of paid day, for the Im
provement of Duane street In McClure's
Astoria from tho cast line of Sixth street
to the wtat lino of 12th Htreet (except
the crossings of 7th, 9th and 11th streets).
Suld Improvement shall consist of remov
ing all defective piles, caps and stringers,
putting in new and sound fir piles, posts
end Bills wherever necessary and new
caps and stringers and planking the same
with n'.w and sound (lr planks four
Inches In thickness over tho trestle work,
and three Inches In thlcknes.i on tha solid
ground and by building sidewalks on
both sides thereof.
All of said improvements to bo made
strictly In accordance with plans und
specifications now on file in tho office of
the Auditor nnd Police Judge, and or
dinances In relation thereto.
No bid will ke received that does not
embrace all the work bid upon.
lilda must be mado on blanks furnished
by the Auditor and Police Judge, ano
must bo accompanied by a guaranty
signed by some responsible taxpayer to
tho effect that If tho contract be
awarded to such bidder ho will enter Into
contract therefor with good and sufficient
pecurltles for Its faithful performance.
Work to 1o completed on or before
tho SOth of September, ISTi, and tho eon
ttact shall provide that In case E'jch work
Is not completed on or before said day
It shall be lalwful upon giving notice to
such contractor or contractors of Its In
tention of so to do nnd to proceed to the
convpletlon and to complete such work
at the expense of the contractor or con
tractors therefor, and In such event the
city shall have entire charge of the work
from the tlmo of giving such notice.
Tho right to reject nny and all bids Is
hereby reserved.
Jy order of the Committee on Streets
and Public 'Ways.
Attest: K. OSlil'RN.
Auditor and Police Judge.
Astoria, Oregon, Aug. 21, 1S15.
as a remedy for every womanly ailment,
as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It
os an Invigorating' restorative, tonic, a
soothing and strengthening nervine, and a
complete cure for all the derangements,
painful disorders and chronic weaknesses
pecullur to the sex.
For young girls entering womanhood;
for women at the critical "ehango of
life"; for women approaching confine
ment; nursing mothers; and every woman
who Is "run down," tired, or overworked
It Is a special, safe, and certain help.
Send for free pamphlet or r-mlt 10 els
(stamps) for a book of lift pases on
"Woman and Her Diseases" nnd how to
cure them with home treatment. Address
World's Dispensary Association,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation,
piles, biliousness. Indigestion, or dyspep
sia and headaches.
Mr. J. J. KelU Sharpsburg, Pa,
Dear Slrr-I am glad to say a good
word for Krouse's Headache Capsules.
After Buffering for over three years
with acUte neuralgia and its consequent
Insomnia (-vhlch seemed to baffle the
efforts of some of our best physicians)
you suggested this remedy which gave
me almost Instant relief. Words fall
to exprosa tho praise I should like to
bestow on Krause'a Headache Capsules.
Gratefully Trours,
Montrce, Pa,
Notice Is hereby given that tho Com
mon Council of the City of Astoria, Or
egon, have determined to Improve Ex
change Street from the weit line of
I7th etrest to the east line of 23d btreet,
all In the City of Astoria as laid out and
recorded by J. jr. Shlvely, by planking
said portion of said street with new arid
sound fir planks two inches in thickness
which are to be laid diagonally In said
street upon the planks now in the same
and which are 'to extend from edges of
railway track to curbs, all to be done
strictly In teenrdance with plans ana
specifications and ordinances thereto.
The lands and premises upon which the
special assessment ehall be Uvled to de
fray the eust and expense of such im
provement and the district embracing
said land and premises shall be and the
same are designated as follows to-wlt:
Commencing at the northwest corner
of Lot 6, In Block 121, in said part of
said city, and running thence oast on a
straight line to tho northeast corner of
Lot 1, Block 126, and thence south on
a straight line to the southeast corner
of Lot 1, in Block 141, and thence west
on a straight line to the southwest cor
ner of Lot 6, in Block 112, Hnd theme
north on a straight line to the place of
beginning, all lands and premises in said
district and not In any street or al
ley shall be subject to such assessment.
Estimates of the expense of such Im
provement and plans and diagrams of
such work for Improvement and the lo
cality to be improved, have been le
pcslted by the City Surveyor with the
Auditor and Police Judge for public ex
amination and may be Inspected at the
office of such officer.
At the next regular meeting of the
common council, after the final publica
tion of th'.s notice, towlt: On Wednesday,
Sept. 4th, 1895, at the hour of 7:30 p. in.,
at the City Hall, the eald council will
consider any objections to oaid improve
ment beting made, and if a remonstrance
against such improvement, signed by per
sons owning more than one-half of the
property in said district herein .1escribJ,
and upon which the special assessment is
to ba lev.ed, aliall be filed with the Au
ditor and Police Judge before the said
time xyt meeting of the cornrmon council,
no such improvement or work shall be
ordered except by the concurrence of all
the Oounc.lmen elect.
By order of the Common. Council.
Attest: K. OSBURN,
Auditor and Police Judge,
Astoria, Oregon, August 24th, 1S95.
Of intention of Common Council to re
establish grade of Exchange Btreet from
west line of IStfc street to east line of
23rd street.
Notice Is hereby given that the common
council of the City of Astoria have deter
mined and Intend to alter and re-establish
the grade of Exchange street In that
part of the City of Astoria laid out and
corded by J. M. Shlvely from the west
line of ISth. street to the east line of 23rd
street, so that the grade of said portion
of said street when so re-established will
be at heights above the base of graded
as established by ordinance No. 71, en
titled, "Ordinance No. 71, to establish a
base of grade for the streets of Astoria"
as follows, to wit:
At the crossing of Exchange street at
the west line of ISth street 24.5 feet.
At the crossing of Exchange street at
the east line of 18th street 24.6 feet.
At the crossing of Exchange istreet at
the east line of 23rd street 24.5 feet.
The grade to he on a straight or even
slope between said designated points and
to be of even elevation throughout the
width thereof at any point.
At any time within ten days cf the
final publication of this notice, to wit:
Within ten days from the 7th day of Sep
tember, 1895, remonstrance can be made
against said proposed re-establlshment of
grade and if within said tlmo a written
remonstrance ugalnst the same shall be
made and filed with the Auditor and
Police Judge, by the owners of three
fourths of the property adjacent to said
portion of said street, such proposed al
teration of grade shall not be made In
any event.
By order of tho Common Council.
Attest: K. OS'JURN,
Auuitor and Police Judge.
Astoria, Oregon, Aug. 24, 18:5.
Notice Is hereby given that N. Clinton
& Sons, contractors for the Improvement
of 42d street, in Adair's Astoria, undtr
the provisions of Ordinance No. 1940, on
the 13th day of June, 1895, filed In the
office of the Auditor and Police Judge ot
the City of Astoria, the cert.ficate of the
City Surveyor, and Superintendent of
Streets, approved by the Committee on
Streets and Public Ways.
After the expiration of the time here
inafter specified, if no objections to the
acceptance of ouch work fie filed aind the
Common Council shall dxra such im
provement properly completed, according
to the contract and plana and specifica
tions therefor, the some' may be accepted.
Objections to the acceptance of said
Improvement or any part thereof, may be
filed in the office of the Auditor and
Police Judge ot or before Wednesday,
June 19th, 1895
Auditor and Police Judge.
Astoria, Oregon, June 13th, 1895.
The partnership heretofore existing be
tween C. J. Greenlund and Anton Brlx
florists, is hereby dissolved by mutual
consent, and all debts of the said firm
will be paid by C. J. Greenlund and C. G.
Palmberg, and all outstanding accounts
are due and payable to them.
From a letter written by lUv. J. Gun
derman, of Dlmondale, Mich., we ar
lermltted to make th'.s extract: "I have
no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's
New Discovery, as the results were al
most marvelous In the er,so of my wife.
While I was pastor of the Baptist
church at Rives Junction she was brought
down with pneumonia succeeding la
grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughlig
would last hours with little interruption
and It seemed as if she could not sur
vive them. A friend recommended Dr.
King's New Discovery; it was qtilcK in
lis wcrk and hlbly satisfactory In re
sults." bottles free at Charles
Rogers' drug store. Regular size, 60c
and $1.
Tho best salve In the world foi Cuts,
Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Totter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains. Con s, nnd All Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It ts guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price, 25 cents per tox. For sale by
Chas. Rogers. Odd Fellows' building.
Diarrhoea should be stopped promptly.
It soon becomes chronic. DeWitt's Colic
end Cholera Cure is efftCtive, safe and
certain. Hundreds of testimonials bear
witness to the virtue of this great medi
cine. It can always be depended upon,
Its use saves time and money.
All tha paten: medls'.ies ndvsrtised
In this paper, together with' the choic
est perfumery, and toilet articles, etc.
can le boucht at tne lowest prices at
J. w. Conn'a drus; store, opposite Oc
cident Hotel. A. tort.
Storreioh and bowel complaints are best
re'.levcd by the timely use of DeWitt's
Colic and Cholera Cure. Insist on hav
ing tills preparation. Don't take any
NoiMca is hereby given that the Com
mon Council of the City of Astoria, la
tend and have determined to establish
the grade of Irving avenue, from the
Bust line of 18th etreelt to tho east line
of 29!h street, In tlnait part of the City
of Astoria aa laid out amd recorded by
J. M. SOitvety at the following heights
above the base of grades as established
by Ordinance No. 71 entitled, "An or
dinance No. 71, to establish U biee of
grades for the t:rte:e of Astoria," as
follows, to-wtt:
At tbe east lne" of Irving and 18th
street, 185 feet.
At the crossing of Irving avenue and
19th etreet, 190.5 fed. Oa 'tlhle month line
of the avenue, and 191.5 feet on the south
line of the avenue.
At t'he crossing of Irving avenue with
20tjh street, 193.5 feet on' the north line
of the avenue, and 194.5 feet on the south
line of the laveniue.
At tihe crossing of Irvlig avenue with
21st street, 202.2 feet on the north line
of the avenue and 203.6 feet on the south
line of the aivenue.
At the crossing of Irvtng avenue with
22d etreet, 211.6 feft on the north line
xf the aivenue and 212.5 fee: on the sjuth
line of the avenue.
At .the crossing of Irving avenu with
23rd Street, 233.6 feet on the north line
of Irving avenue, and 234.5 feet on the
south line of the avenue.
At the crossing of Irving avenue and
2JJh sireet. 236.5 feet on noplh line of
Irving avenue umd 237.5 feet on the south
line of the avenue. The croBsings to be
leved fiora East to West and the slopes
to be on an even grade between cross
At any time wlt'h la ten days from the
final putolllcoli'lon of this notice, fo-wit:
WOfhin ten days from lhe 31st day ot
August, 1893, remotaBtrance can be made
against aid proposed grade, and if
wltlhln said tifene a, written remonstrance
be made and filed wt.fch tits Auditor and
Po3.ce Judge, by the owners of three'
lourUhis of the property adjacent to said
portion .of said street such proposed
grade snaui met De maxfc In any eveJat.
By order of the Comimon Council.
Attest: K. OSBURN,
Auditor and Police Judge.
Astoria, Or., August 17.1S95.
TICE N'olfice Is herehy given that the Com
mon Council of tbe City of Astoria In
tend and have deiermened to establish
thff grad'a of 18t!h eltireet In th'ait part ot
the CC'ty of Astoria as laid out und re
corded by J. M. Shlvely from the nortlh
line ot Exchange tf'.reat to tlhe established
wharf Hne on tlhe south sMe of the- Co
lumbia river at the following heights
above tithe bai?e of grades as established
by ordinance No. 71, enititted "Ordlnano;
No. 71, to esWaMlslh a basse of grades for
tlh'e atreelrs of Astioria, as follows, toiwlt:
At the north line of Exchange street,
24.5 ft.
A't t'he soultlh Un? Of Duane street 24.5 ft.
At the norulh lflne of Dunne street 24.5 ft.
At the souitih line of Commercial street
(where eaild street would inib-rseot 18th
streeit if extended a sufficient distance
easterly) 23 ft.
At the nortih line of CbmttK-rcIal street
(Where uid sltreet would iniHersect ISth
street 'Jt extended a sufficient distance
easterly) 23 ft.
Alt the e'stinblCshed wharf line on the
south side uf the Columbia river 17 ft,
The r-tireet to be level throughout the
wOdlt'h ttitreof from east to west alad on
a straight or even slope between' the
above designated points.
At any tlmo wl'th'.n ten days from the
final publication of this notice, to-wlt:
wUChln it;n dliys from August 31, 1S95, re
monstrances can be made against said
proposed grade and wilhin said time &
written remonstrance against the same
shall be im'aide ami filed with the Auditor
and Police- Judge by the owners of thre-3-fountlh's
of the property adjacent to said
pontiJjn of sWi'J street, such proposed
grade tshaHl mot be mude In nny event.
By order of Conumom Council,
Attest: K. OSBURN.
Auditor and Police Judge.
Astoria, Or.gon, August 17, 1SJ5.
Of Intention of Common Council to re
establish grade oif ISth street from
outh line of Irving avenue to north
line ot Exchange street:
NotJce is hereby given that t'he Com
mon Council of the City of Astorllu, have
determined and Intend to alter the grade
of ISth street in that pait of the city laid
out -and recorded by J. M. ahlvely, from
the sau'tih line of Irving 'avenue to the
north line of Exchange sitreet, eo that
tbe grade of said portion Of said street
when so re-established will be at heights
above the base of grades as established
by OiMtannce No. 71, entttl-d, "Ordinance
No. 71, to establish u base of grades for
the streets of Astbrta," as follows, to
wlt: At the crosall.g of ISth street with Irv
ing avenue, 1S5
At .tlhe crossing of ISth street with
Grand avenue, 65 feet.
At the crossing of ISth etreet with
FrankCin avtnuA 30 feet.
At the creasing of 18th street wl'th Ex
change street, 24.5 feet.
The saiAl crossings to be level and the
slopiis 'beitiwten sold crossings to be on a
siruigtht or even Jlne. The etreet to be
levol tiiiinsverscly at any given point.
At any time within t.-n days of the
final publication of th's notice, to wit:
WVihin ten duys from the 31st day of
August, 1S93, remonstrance cin be made
a,wt s'ald proposed re-escabllshmer.t
of gi'adi and If wt.hin eald time a writ
ten it-monsltnanee oralnt3t the same sf.iail
be made (U.i writing) and tiled with the
Auditor ai.-.d Police Judge by the owners
of three-fourth's of the property adjacent
t salvl pontlon of said strett, such pro-po-Stkl
ailteriillon of grade shall not be
mude In uny event.
By order of the Common Council.
Attest: K. OSliURN.
Auditor and PoMce Judje.
Asllwlu, Or., August 17,1S95.
Notice is hereby given that L .Leback,
Contractor for the improvement of Duane
street, in Adair's Astoria, undr the pro
visions of Ordinance No. 1925, on the
12th day of June, 1S95. filed In the office
of the Auditor and Polio Judg; of the
City of Astoria, the certificate of the
City Surveyor and Superintendent1 of
Streets, approved by the Committee on
Streets and Public Ways.
After the expiration of the time here
inafter specified, if no objections to the
acceptance of such work be filed and tbe
Common Council shall deem such Im
provement properly completed, according
to the contract and plans and specifica
tions therefor, the same may be accepted.
Objections to the acceptance of said
Improvement or any part thereof, may ba
filed in the office ot the Auditor and
Police Judge, on or before Wednesday,
June 19th, 1S95.
Auditor and Police Judge.
Astoria, Oregon, June 13th, 1S95.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the undersigned until 2
o'clock p. m, Friday, August 30th, 1SS5.
for furnishing materials and building a
frame dwelling for C. W. Fulton, accord
ing to plans, specifications and drawings
at my office. The right Is reserved to
reject any and all bids.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorte,
TICE. Notice is hereby given that the Common
Council of the City of Astoria, Oregon,
have determined to improve 16th street,
from the south line of alleyway run
ning through blocks 1U3 and 101, to the
nortih line of Astor etreet, all In the City
of Astoria, are laid out and recorded by
John Adair and commonly known as
Adair's Astoria, by grading through Its
full width and estabMoliied grade, plunk
ing the same to the width of 20 feet
through the center thereof, with new and
sound fir plank, 'three inches In thick
ness and building sidewalk on each side
10 feet wide with space of two feet next
to curb for planting trees and construct
ing gutters and placing railings where
All the impiovements to be made strict
ly in accordance with plans and specifi
cations and ordinances in relation
The lands and premises upon whlcJi the
special assesnanent shall be levied to de
fray the cost and -expense of such im
provement and district embracing said
lands and premises, be and the same are
designated as follows, towlt:
Commencing at the southwest corner of
lot 6, in block 104, and thence nortih on
a straight line to the northwest corner
of lot 6, in block 100, and thence east on
a straight line to the northeast corner of
lot 7, In block 107, and thence south on a
straight line to the southeast corner of
lot 7, la block 103, and thence west on a
straight line to the place of beginning,
contalnJjig lots 1, 2, 8 and 7, in block 103,
lots 3, 4, 6 and '6, in block 104, lots 5
and 6, in block lOii, and lots 7 and 8, la
block 107.
All in the City of Astoria laid out and
recorded by John Adair.
Estimates of 'the expense of such im
provement and plans and diagrams of
such work or Improvement, and of the
locality to be improved, have been de
posited by the city surveyor with the
Auditor and Police Judge for public ex
amination and maybe inspected at tlu
office of such officer.
At the next regular meeting of the com
mon council following the final publica
tion of this notice, to wit: On Wednes
day, September 4, 1895, at the hour of
7:30 p. m. at the City Hall the Common
Council will consider any objections to
such improvements being made, and If a
remonstrance against such Improvement,
signed by residents of the City of As
toria owning more than one-half of the
property In said district ehall be filed
with Ithe Auditor and Police Jud-a;?, such
Improvement shall not be ordered, if at
all, except by a vote of two-thlrds of
ail members of the Comimon Council.
By order of the Comimon Council.
Attest: K. OSBURN,
Auditor and Police Judge.
Astoria, Oregon, Aug. 17, 18115.
Notice is hereby given that the Com
mon Council of the City of Astoria have
determined and intend to establish the
grade of G-rand Avenue in that part of
the City of Astoria laid out and recorded
by J. M. Shlvely from the tast line of 17th
street to the east line of 18th street at
the following heights above the base
of grades for said city as established by
Ordinance No. 71, entitled. "Ordinance
No. 71, to etablislli a. base of grades
for the streets of Astoria," s follows,
to wit:
At the east line of 17th Street 115.5 feet
on the north line of the street, 118.5 feet
on south line of the street.
At the crossing of ISth euvet, 90 feet on
all sides of the crossing, which is to be
level. nartit &!J; of sja'.d street to be
cn a straight or even elope from the
east line of 17th street to the west tine of
18th street. The south line of said street
is to be of even elevation with the nortj.
line thereof -throughout the distance be
tween said 17:h and 13th streets so that
the grade will be ion a straight or even
sliope and the street will be level from
north to south, except that in the 10
feet next l.;o the east line of llich street
there is to be .a gradual and even rise
to t'bi elevation isaid street at the east
line of sold 17th street where it Is to be
3 feet higher on i.ho south ltae of the
street than on the north lra th-ereof.
At any time within te.i days from the
final publication of this .notice, to wit:
Within ten days frcm the 31st day of
August, 1S93, remonstrance can be mde
against the establishment of raid pro
posed grade and if within said time a
written remonstrance against the sim
shad he ni.ule and filed with' the Auditor
and Police Judge -by the ownera of three
fourths of the prjp.rty adjacent to said
portion of isaid street sail grad; shall
not be eatoKished In any event.
By order of the Common Council.
Attest: K. OSBURN,
Auditor and Police Juae.
Astoria, Oregon, August 17, 1895,
Gentlemen: This is to certify that 1
have used Krause's Kcadacne Capsules
with satisfactory results. 1 toueiht o
box which cost, ine and one c apsi'ie
cured me of a dreadful !ck li?adr.che
My wife nnd mvsnlf nave both used
the medicines manufactured by the
Norman Licbty Mf'g Co., r.nd we re
commend them to the public as Deing
JJust what they ure represented.
Ed. Gazette, Pleasnnt Hill. Mo.
Twenty-five cents, for pale by Chas.
Rogers, Astoria. Or., sole agents.
Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for
any season, but p:rhaps mors generally
needed in the spring, when tne languid
exhausted feeling Is prevailing, when the
livtr Is torpid and sluggish and the need
of a tonic and alterative is felt. A
prompt us of th-.s me Heine his often
averted long and perhaps fatal bilious
fevers. No mejlclne will act more surely
i.i counteracting and freeing the system
bottle at Chas. Rogers' drug stare.
Notice Is hereoy given that the partner
ship heretofore existing between the un
dersigned, under the iirm name and style
Oregon Transportation Company, is this
day dissolved by mutual consent. All
outstanding bills or accounts being pay
able to Capt. Paul Schrader. and he as
suming the payment of all debts due by
said Arm.
Astoria, Or., Jinv 13, 1S95.
Gentlemen: I have always recom
mended Krause's Headiu-ne Capsules
wherever I have had a chance. They
have proven a veritable boon In my
family against any Rnd all kinds of
headache. Yours truly.
Leavenworth, Kansas.
For sale by Chas. Rogers. Astoria.
LOregon, sole acent
There Is no doubt, no failure, when
you t ike DeWitt's Colle & Cholera cure.
It Is pkasant, acts promptly, no bad
after effects.
Captain Sweeney, TJ. S. A.. San Diego
Cal., says: "smioH's Catarrh Remedy
Is the first medicine I have ever found
that would no me any good. Price W
ts. sold !y J. W. Cm.n.
and Croup Cure, is' in great demand
Pnrkaf rIta o-i n In In. Iw.nt.llff. Arnam
only 25 cents. Children love It Sold
vy .1. vv. V.UHD.
Severe griping pairs of the stomach
end bowels instantly and effectually
stopped by DeWitt's Colic and Cholera
Mt. Angel, Marlon Co., Ore.
Located 40 miles south of Portland, on
the Southern Pacific taiiroad.
Mtisio taught on all instruments.
Shorthand, Drawing,
Typewriting, Languuees
Terms, $100.00 Per Terra of g flonths.
Apply for catalogue to
NotiQi is hereby given that the Com
mon Council of the City of Astoria have
determined to construct a system of
drains or sewers in the City of Astoria
as laid out and recorded by J. Adair and
J. M. Shlvely, the lands and pre-mjses to
h.- drained to be known and designated
as "Drainage District No. 1," said sys
tems of drains or sewers shall conelBt of
one main drain to run as follows, to-wit:
Commencing In center of alleyway run
ning through blook 08 dn that part of the
City of Astoria laid out and recorded by
J. Adair, at a point 75 itet east from the
tast line of 30th street, running thence
westerly In said aMeyiway -to 3&th street,
thence northerly In 33th street to Irving
Avenue, and thence weaterCy In Irving
Avenue to a point In Bald avenue 15 fa.t
jouth and 30 ifeet west of southeast cor
ner of Hot 6 In Mock 61, and thence north
through said lot 6 o the center of the
alleyway running 'through said block 61,
thence west In Bald etleyway to 84th
street and thence north In said etreet to
the alVyway running through blocks 41
and 42 and thence weat from said 34th
street through said last mentioned alley
way to 33rd street and thence -north on
33rd street to thii line of low water mark
on the south shore of the CoCumbia river.
Also consisting of e brunch drain com
mencing in center of alleyway running
through -block 43, on the west line of said
block and running thence mat through
said alleyway to connection with main
drain in 34th etreet. Also a branch com
mencing at the northeast corner of bCock
63, running thence north in 33rd street
to a connection with said main drain
ait this alleyway running through blocks
4o and 41,said drain each to consist of a
frame wooden box drain to be placed
under ground at the necessary depth and
to be covered with loose rock to facili
tate of water, and the area of
waterway to be not less than thres
square feet In the main drain nor less
than one and one-half squiane feet in
the branch drains (nor more than twice
the respective areas) and the covering
of the drain to be at least two Inches
,n thickness and the inside frames not
less than four inches in thickness, the
work and the materials used to be
strictly in accordance with plans and
specifications and ordinances in relation
The lands, lots and premises upon which
the special assessments shall ba levied
to d.fray the costs and expenses of such
drains or sewero and the districts em
bracing said lands, lots and premises are
designated as follows, to wit:
Commencing at the northwest corner of
block 1 in said part of said city tmd
running thence In an easterly direction
on Dhe .north linos of blocks 16 and 17
to the northwest corner of block 18
and thitnce south on the west line of
blocks 18 and 37 to the south line of
a.leyway running through block 37
thence east on south line of eald alley
way to west line o 35th street, thence
south on tost line of blocks 37 and 42 to
northeast corner of lot 5 In said block 42,
thence eaiSt on south line of alleyway run
ning through block 43 to a point thereon
equally distant from east line and west ot tiald block, thisnce suth to a
paint on eald line of said block 43 that
is equally distant from the east and west of said block, thence east on tuuth
line of block 43 and 44 to southeast cor
ner of lot 7 im block 44, thenoj BJU'th on
a stra.glit line to southeast comer of
lot 2 In block 69, thence east on a
straight line to the sou'.beast corner ot
.ot 4 of said block 59, thenca south on
-ast line of 'blocks 69 and 68 to the south
east connec of lot 17 In 'block 08, iccord
iiu to the recorded subdivision of said
block, thence wesft on a straight line to
a point on the north line of alleyway
running through said block 63 that is
equally distant from the itast and west
lines of said block, thence south to south
east corner of lot 29 In block 68 accord
ing Ito the suib-dtvlslon of eald block on
record, thence west on soulh line of
blocks 68 and 67 to southwest coirnir of
block 67, thence north on the west lln'a
of sild block 67 to the southwest corner
of -lot 1 therein, thence west on a
straight Hr.ia to the southwest corner
of lot 3 In block 66, thence north on a
straight line to the northlwest Conner of
said lot 3, and themce west on north
line of said Mock 66 to the northwest
corner then.-of, thence worth to south-west
( cornea- of lot 1 In bOck 61 and thence west
on nojit-h line of alleyway ruanlng
through blocks 62 and 63 1k the eouuhiwest
corner of lot 2 In block 63, thence north
on the wi st Hne of the John Adair Don
ation land claim to the iaBt dine of 31st hence -north on east line of 31st
s:reet, thence north on least line of 31st
street to the sotithiwest corner of block
149 In the part of the City of Astoria
laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely,
ttv.nee easterly on south line of said
block 149 tfj the southeast corner of lot
7 in said block and thence northerly to
the northeast corner ot lot 7, thence east
erly on a straight line to the point where
the south hne of lot 3, block 150, Of
Shively's Astoria 1 intersects or reaches
wast line of John Adair's donation land
claim, and thence north on said line to
place of beginning.
All land, lots and ipm mlses wfthln oaid
described limits of said district and not
included In any street or alley are to
bj subject to such assessment as bene
fitted by such drain or sewer.
Estimates of the expense of said drain
or sewer and the plans and speelflcat-ons
and diagrams for the ame and of the
locvli'ty to be drained have been deposit
ed by rt City Surveyor with the Auditor
and Police Judge for public examination
and may be inspected at the office of such
At the next regular meeting ot the Coon
mon Council foHtowing the final publioa
ti'on of thf.s notice, to wit: On Wednes
day. September 4, 1695, at the hour of
J:3i) p. m. at the c4ty haU the Common
Council will consid.r any objections to
such Improvement being made, and if
remonstrance against such Improvement
signed by the residents of the CHy
of Aatorla owning more than one-hulf of
the property in said district In which the
special assessment is to be levd to de
fray the cost of said improvement shall
be filed with the Audioor and Police
Judge such fmproven ent shall not be or
dered. If at ail, except by a vote of two
thirds of the Common Council.
By order of the Commcn Council.
Auditor und Police Judge
Astoria, Oregon. Aug. 17, I895.
J? Snyder- 8uPl- Poor Farm,
ft Inneshetk county, la., says: Last win
ter Mr. Robert Leach used two boxes of
D,Witf. Witch Hazel Salve and cured
lanr running sire on his leg. Had
teen under care of physicians for tron-hs
ltut Staining relief. Sure cure for