The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 30, 1895, Image 1

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3 The ASTORIAN has the largest LOCAL
y circulation) the largest GF.NERAL clrcula- u
" tlon, and the largest TOTAL circulation of '
till papers published In Astoria. j?
B For Washington and Oregon Fair W
jj weather cooler,
Epvvv vw W V
VOL. XLIV, NO. 203.
A Specialty.
I872 1895
Ship Chandelery,
Iron & Steel,
Groceries & Provisions,
Flour & Mill Feed,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Loggers Supplies,
Fairbank's Scales,
Doors & Windows,
Agricultural Implements
Wagons & Vehicles.
Dealer in
Wall Paper,
Artist Materials,
Paints and Painters Supplies
Glass, Mouldings,
Japanese Mattings,
Rugs and Bamboo Goods
Contractor for
Fresco Painting, Paper Hanging, Etc.
765 Commercial Street.
Snap A Iodak
at any wan coining out of
our store and you'll got a
portrait ol a man brimming
over with pleasant thoughts.
Such quality in the liquors
we have to otter are enough to
Corqe and Try Them.
When you can buy. your boys'
suits with two pairs of pants
that are double-seated, double
knees and sewed with double
silk, and warranted not to rip;
at prices that you have to pay
elsewhere for , uits of same
quality, with only one pair of
pants and not made double.
Boys Reefer Suits and
Overcoats are now, in; also
full lines of Men's and Boys' Clothing, Furnishing
Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks Valises, Etc.
Mine Walls Are Broken Down
by the Water.
Efforts of Rescuing Partita Seem to
Bo Futile and No Help Can
Beach the Victims.
The One Price Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher.
Fishing Tackle, Baskets, Flies, Rods, etc. BaseballsBats,
Masks, Gloves, Mits, etc. Croquet fcts, Hammock?, Lawn
Tennis Balls, Bird Cages, Garden Sets, Children's Carriages
and Iron Wagons.
Come and See Us
Griffin & Reed.
Conromly St.. foot of Jackson, Astorl.
General Machinists and Boiler Makers
Land and Marine Engines. Boiler work, Steam
boat and Cannery Work a Specialty.
Castings of All Descriptions Made to Order on
Short Notice.
John Fox. President and Superintendent
A. K Fox Vice President
O. B. Prael Secretary
They Lack Life
There are twines sold to fishermen
on the Columbia river that stand In
the same relationship to Marshall's
Twine as a wooden Image does to the
human being they lack strength lite
evenness and lasting qualities. Don't
fool yourself Into the belief that other
twines besides Marshall's will do "Just
ae well." They won't. They cannot,
Great S
ale of Dry Goods
At Reduced Prices.
C. J. TRENCH RD, Agent
Wells, Fargo & Co. and
Pacific Express Co.
K)1E and PtfOEfllX iMAtfCE CO'S.
Custom House Broker
and Commission Merchant.
502 Bond Street.
Kopp'a Beer Hall.
Choice Wines, Liquors and Gears.
Only handed over the oar, The largest glass
of N. P. Beer. Half-and-half, 5
Free Lunch.
Chaa. Wirkkala, Proprietor.
Cor. Conromly and Lafayette St.
Ths Blacksmith "vhosc shop Is oppos
ite Cutting's cannery, is now prepared
to do such .odd Jobs as making new
cannery coolers, repairing old ones,
making new fishln boat Irons. and re
pairing old ones, and all other black
imtthlng that requires first-class work
manship. .
Germantown Yarn, 10c a skein
Zephyrs, 4 skeins In paekige....lOc a pkg.
100 yds. spool' silk (best brands). .5c each
200 yds. spool linen Cbest brands).. 5s each
Embroidery silks (5c skein). ...25c a doz
Chenille and aresene 10c a doz
Tinsel cord (5c balls) 20c a doz
Ladles' hose supporter? 10c a pair
Misses' hose supporters 5c a pair
Silk garter web 10c a yd
Silk girdles . 10s each
Siik cord 5c a yd
Metal buckles 10c each
Black silk buckles, formerly 73.. 25c each
Hooks and eyes 10c a box
Silk binding ribbon 10c a piece
were summoned to appear before the
authorities. The board1 of directors of
the club did not wish to antagonize the
police officials and so gave up the con
test. The attendance was very rmall,
not largt enough to pay the guarantee
made the boxer
A Call From the National League 'De
mands a 'Movement.
Chicago, August 29. The National Re
publican League has Issued a procla
mation to all the state league clubs and
the Republican party at large. The proc
lamation says that In view ox the prob
able shortening of the next presidential
campaign It is important that all the
work of organization shall be started at
once and pushed in a most energetic
Very Little Hope of Saving the
Wrecked Vessel.
Denver, August 29. A special to 'the
News from Central City, Col., says:
The accidental flooding of the Amcr-
leus and Sleepy Hollow mines this after
noon ihas caused the death, it is be'
lleved, of thirteen miners. Every effort
is being made to rescue the men, but
little hope is entertained of the ability of
the workers to do so.
A little after 8 o'clock the water in the
lower workings of the FIsk Mine, east
of the maln shaft, broke through the old
workings of a vein that has- not been
worked for a number of years. Coursing
eastward, it struck the Amcrlcus where
two Italian miners whose names have
not been learned, were at work in the
ower part of the shaft. They were both
drowned. In Its course the water was
diverted to the Sleepy Hollow mine, in
the easterly portion of the risk vein
Fourteen men 'were working In the Sleepy
Hollow mine, three of whom escaped,
A courier was sent to the adjacent mines
and all the other workmen escaped. Those
In Sleepy Hollow mine whose escape was
shut off were as follows: N. Vegas, B,
Bracken, 'Brower R. Risk, William P.
Risk, .Thos. Rouse, Thos. Williams, M.
Plaeonl, Thomas Calbls, J. Harris, S.
Valero, and John Parks. The work of
rescue was commenced Immediately.
The farthest depth readied! was 330 feet,
the accumulated gas forced up by the
rising waiters being so dense that a can
dle would not burn at a greater depth.
A second effort was made but was not
successful and all the men will undoubt
edly drown before they can be rescued
Roseburg, Or., Aug. 29. Between S and
9 o'clock last evening about one mile
south of Green's station two masked
highwaymen held up Wm. Peart, of Fort
Dodge, Iowa, on his way to Koseburg,
from Coos county, where he has been
working in the coal mines, amd robbed
him of a small amount. Peart reports
that t'he assailants shot before demand
ing his money. The shot hit blm In the
hip. The wound Is not necessarily dan
gerous. Peart has an uncle In Salem, Or.
Boston. August 29. The Knights Tem
plar encampment today elected Right
Eminent Sir Warren Larue Thomas, or
Kentucky, grand master, to succeed
Most Eminent Sir Hugh McCurdy. Very
Eminent Sir Reuben H, Lloyd, of San
Frainclsco. was elected deputy grand
commander. Pittsburg was decided upon
as the next conclave city. The time for
the next conclave was fixed for the sec
ond Tuesday in October, 1898.
They Are Wat chilis the Steamer Be'
lug Gradually Smashed Up by
the Action of the Waves.
Marsh'fleld', Or., August 29. The British
steamer Bawnmore, which went ashore
yesterday near Bandon lies In about the
same position as she did last night. She
has settled In the sand to a depth ot
about twelve feet and It will be Impossi
ble to move 'her as she is lying broad
side to the sea. Captain Wopdstde and
his crew of about twenty-five men are
camped on the beach near the scene of
the wreck and will remain there as long
as there is any chance of saving any
thing. The crew got ashore yesterday
In the ship's small boats. The sea was
quite calm and they had no difficulty In
reaching the shore.
the killing of James T. Dempsey, as
years old, a mine owner. He was struck
by timber sliding down the mountain
side and death was almost Instantaneous.
His partner, James Llllls, of Tacoma,
was killed at Monte Cristo in a similar
manner, almost exactly two years ago.
Interesting Items Culled from Oregon's
Lea (1 jig Newspapers.
Tacoma, August 29. Attorney Reed, or
this city, has forwarded to the Interstate
Commerce Commission, his brief In the
case of Milton Evans against the Ore
gon Rall'way and Navigation Company,
wherein Evans, representing the farm
ers and grain shippers of Walla Walla
county In this state, seeks to have the
freight rate on grain between Walla Wal
la and Portland, Or., reduced from $4.70
to $2.45 per ton.
Robert J. Wins In Three Straight Heats
Amid Greet Applause.
Whalebone casing 10c a piece
Silk and satin ribbons, No. 5 5c a yd
Silk and satin ribbons, No. 7 7c a yd
Silk and satin ribbons, No. 9 10c a yd
Silk and satin ribbons, No. 12.... 120 a yd
Silk and satin ribbons, No. 16....17V&0 a yd
Sash ribbons, formerly $1.25 now 6Bc a yd
Corset covers, formerly 25c 15c each
Corset covers, formerly 50c 25c each
Corset covers,, formerly $1 50c each
Corset covers, formerly $1.2Gto $2, 75c each
Ladlts' gloves 15c a pair
Children's gloves, 10c a pair
Ladles kid gloves, formerly $1.25.. 75c each
Tidies, formerly 60c 25c each
New York, August 29. The most In
spiring exhibition of speed ever witness'
ed at Fleetwood took place today wnen
Robert J. Mascot, John It. Gentry, and
Joe Patchen started.
Robert J. won in three straight heats.
Mascot drew the pole, and they went
away at a clip that took them1 to the polo
In 31 seconds, Robert J. In the lead. The
half was reached in 1:02. In the third
quarter, Joe Patchen, who hod been trail
ing easily in second place, made a dis
astrous break. 'Robert J. now. looked to
'have the heat safe, but a second later
he too went up and Mascott came on
and assumed the lead, gaining an ad
vantage of at least Ave lengths. Robert
J. quickly recovered, end he came like
a meteor overhauling Mascot, passing
him a hundred yards from the wire, and
winning amid great applause. Time,
In the second heat 'Patchen dashed the
hopes of his backers by a bad break just
after getting the word. When he recov
ered he was hopelessly out of the race
and Curry gave htm an easy mile.
Again Robert J. swung out In the lead,
both Gentry and Mascot being close to
his flank with a grip that he could not
shalke off. They reached the quarter In
30 3-4 seconds, the half In 1.00 3-4, three
quarters In 1:33 1-2. Geers brought Rob
ert J. under the wire by a length In
2:0PA. It was the fastest heat ever trotb
ed or pased at Fleetwood. The race was
now conceded to Robert J.
Robert J. again assumed the lead, the
othe'rs close up, and the first quarter
was reached In 30V4. The horses went
well bunched to the half. In 1:00. Geers
pulled Robert J. to a mere jog to lot
Patchen in, and finished In 2:04 3-4.
Washington, Aug. 29. An lmportnnt or
dar giving full protection to foreign con
sumers of American meat products was
issued by Secretary Morton today. It
wilt prevent the exportation of any beef
that Is not Inspected, and requires ex
porters of horse meat to mark the pack
ages so that the nature of the contonts
shall be apparent.
San Francisco. Aug. 29. Workmen in
the Shoe factory where Dun-ant's father
Is employed struck because tho proprie
tors refused to discharge Durrant and an
Objeotlonalble foreman. The strike was
settled by the discharge of all the strik
ers and the employment of new workmen,
No progress was made today in the
Durrant trial.
Portland, August 29.-(At the Multno
mah Athletic Club's bicycle races to
night, by electric light, four track rec
ords were broken. The races tonight
were only trials. Finals will be run on
Saturday. '
One mile novice first heat, Carl Aoen-
droth, M. A. A. C. won; C. E. Logus,
P. A. A. C, second: time, 2:30 S-5. Sec
ond heat. I. P. 'Lombard, M. A. A. C,
won; H. K. Arnold, M. A. A. C. Becond;
time. 2:31 4-S
One-half mile open, Class B First heat,
J. F. Staver, M. A. A. C. won; Eli Win-
sett, P. A. A. C. second; time. 1:07 1-5,
Second heat. "Ell" Lee, P. A. A. C.
won; M. D. Hill, Aberdeen, second; time,
One mile open. Class A, pax:ed by tan
dems O. 8. Nichols, M. A. A. C. won;
E. G. White, M. A. A. C. second; time,
2:16 2-5. Second heat, C. E. Dow, Y. it
C. A., Seattle, won; J. E. Wolf, P. A. A.
C, second; time, 2:21. Third heat, J. C,
Morgan, M. A. A. C. won; A. B. Mitch
ell. M. A. A. C. second, ttme 2:20.
Two mile handicap, Class B C. L.
Howe. M. A. A. C, (350 yards) won; H,
B. Hewitt, P. 'A. 'A. C, second; time,
4:36 2-6.
'Rusk Brothers, of Spokane, went an
exhibition mile in 2:10 3-4. J. M. Campbell,
of Spokane, stuck to the tandem all the
way around.
Neither International Team Can Be Con
sidered Fairly Got Together.
San Francisco, August 29. Another
cache of gold stolen from the Southern
Pacific train near Swingle last October
was unearthed today. Today's discovery
of coin was $6,560, which makes the total
amount recovered $18,090. T'he money was
found at some distance from the spot
where Browning said It was burled. The
amount originally stolen was $53,000,
Jet trimming and all other trimming braids and gimps at
; half price.
Chlco. Cel.. August 29. Three coast
records were broken by the Class A rid
ers today. F. IM. Byrne lowered the
quarter mile coast- record standing start
of 31 2-5 to 31 1-5. The tnird miie nying
start was lowered' from 42 to 39 2-6 by
Chaiprrtan. The Walf-mlle flying start
was lowered from 1:03 to 1:01 1-6 by Peter
London, August 29.-The Pall Mall Gtt'
zette says: The London Athletic Club
today Is made up of outsiders, only four
bona fide members having arranged to
go to America. This sacrifice of the best
traditions of the club has caused great
surprise. It Is obvious that some of
the champions who are members of this
team are not socially qualified to tie
members of the London Athletic Club,
This action is Injurious to the cause oi
athletics and has done much to reduce
the Interest which Englishmen have been
taking In the coming contestB. By an
nounclne that this team is the one select
ed to take part In the contests for the
chamtolonshlD. the London Athletic Club
has virtually compelled the New York
Club to follbw its lead. The members
of the New York Athletic Club are weal
thv and are now practically buying up all
the leading men who can possibly pose
as amateurs.
The Statesman Bays: "Sheriff Hare of
Astoria brought Gow Kin, a crazy seles
tlal, to tho insane asylum yestord ly. Ms
Is 30 years old, violent and homicidU. He
Is a victim of opium. A deputy from
Portland who doesn't know enough to
tell the truth brought up Richard Hur
gren last night and returned him to the
Institution. He had been home on leave
of absence and has tbeen In the asylum
the post three years. The "smart aleck"
deputy who tried to He to a reporter
about the patient's age and where he
came from will hardly do to allow away
from home very often. Sheriff Soars bet
ter keep him to sweep out the office.
Sheriff Maddock of Clackamas brought
up a violent patient with handuifls ana
manacles on. His name Is Perry Vorhels,
a resident of Wllholt, aged 34 year, r.nd
Is afflicted with acute mania, which Is
hereditary. As he wasi carried from the
train to a hack he presented a sad spec
tacle. Another paitlent was brought from
Portland by Col. Bob Tho.npson, In the
person of Mrs. Mary Olson, a natl 'e r f
Sweden, aged 31 years, of whom no Ore
gonlan says: "She threatens to take
her own life, and recently took carbjlic
acid, In an attempt to suicide, and her
husband has had to keep constant watch
over her. She has a delusion ihe
Is to be hanged. Sickness Is supposed to
be the cause of her mental dlaias-i. A
short time ago she was subjected to a
sunrleiail operation which was unsu ichss-
ful." v
Isaac Banta,' formerly a gunsmith of
this city, returned yesterday from Gold
Bluff, Cal., where be has been working
his Invention for separating gold Irom
black sand, says the Al'bany Herald. He
went away about two years ago a poor
man and came back with a fortune. Ha
has sold a half interest In his process,
which consists in applying a certain
chemical mixture to the sluice boxes, to
San Francisco parties for $20,000. Ho also
sold t'he right to use the process to Idaho
miners for $10,000, and now ha an offer
of $50,000 from the Nicaragua Mining
company for tho right to use his process
there. As an evidence ot goou raitn
they Bent him $M0 to pay his expenses
to ao to Nicaragua, and lie win leavo
In a few weeks, in company with a min
ing expert from San Francisco. Mr.
Banta has proven beyond doubt by
actual use on the California, beach the
success of his process. He will go first
to Seal Rocks, near Yaqulna, wnore mis
family reside, and will then sail for Blue-
fields to put his process into use in me
Nlcaraguan mines.
The Heppner dispatch contains oo fol
lowing statements: "The little town or
Heppner has been very much workod up
over changes and counter charges that
have been made ' during the past four
months aimong the members of the M. U..
church, which culmlnatod today in a
trial and an arrest, Chargw had been
preferred against C. E. Fell for unchrist-
,an conduct, and the tnu was cauea ior
today, but through some mistake In the
wording of the charges ma trial was
postponed until Friday. While the ques
tion was being dlscu3eo, tne connie.Die
walked Into the church and arrested Kev.
J. M. Dennlson on a charge ot coercion
by threats. He waived examination and
was released Irom custody, it is mo
opinion that the trouble before being
settled will complotely breaK tne ni. r..
church here, es Uirrllnes are very closely
drawn and each side seems determined to
push the matter to the utmost. Further
developments are awaited' witn mucn in
The Great Trotting Race In New York.
KEATING & CO will open their
Music Hall at 339 Alitor street,
Saturday the 10th. They will
k-k-k kep numberless gool liquors
and cigars besides havlDg good music all the
Embroideries, Laces, Shawls, Skirts, Bedspreads, In
fants' Cloaks, Blankets, Corsets, etc., etc.,
33 per cent, discount.
600 Commercial Street.
Hair Qoods manufactures! All Styles!
Wigs, Bangs, Switches, Combings
Made Up, Dressing, Shampooing,
Bleaching and Dyeing. Children s
Hair Cutting.
353 Commercial St., cor. Eighth.
Grocers, : and : Butchers
Astoria and Upper Astoria.
Ins Teas and Coffers, Table Delicacies. Domestic
and tropical Fruits, vegetables, sugar
ured Hams, Bacon, Etc.
Fresh and - Salt
Open every day from 3 o'clock to 5 :30
and 6:30 toUSJU p. in.
Subscription rates $3 per annum.
Southwest cor. Eleventh aud Ouane Sts.
New York, Aug. 29. The third d'ay of
the grand circuit meet at Fleetwood was
the best day's racing that the harness
horse devotees of New York have seen In
years. The chief attraction was the
great free for all trot for $7,000 purse, In
which the three cracks of the yea" mot,
Azote, Benzetta, who trotted the fourth
heat In Buffalo In 2:06 3-4, and Sterling
Campaigner Klamath, an Oregon horse
with a record of 2:0S'j. Azote wa tne
favorite, and he won In three straight
heats, but only after trotting one of the
greatest races on record. Benzetta beat
ing Klamath for second money. Time,
2:WV 2:06'4 2:07.
After the second heat nenzetta was
bought from her owner, E. W. Ayers, of
Duokers, Ky., for $16,000, by Peter Dur
yca, of New York. Azote whs bred by
the late Senator Leland Stanford, at his
Palo Alto farm. He Is by Whlpps,
2:37 3-4, son of Electioneer, and his dam
Is Josle, daughter of the successful horse
Whlpples, Hamtoletonlan. Azote Is owned
by Monroe Salisbury.
formerly aldo-de-camp to the late King
Kalakaua. has Just arrived' In L,onaon.
In an Interview he Bald that he was in
formed the old form of government rep
resentatives would wait upon President
Cleveland when concrcss assembles to
urge the annexation of the Islands.
A complete stock of lumber on hand
In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus
tic, celling, wid all kinds of finish,
mouldings and shingles; also bracket
work done to order. Terms reasonable
and prices at bedrock. All orders
promptly cttended to. Office and yard
at mill. H. " I LOGAN, Prop'r.
4mIi. ftrpgnn.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Centals m AmmMs or Alnm.
' ' ''V
women can spend but one or two years at school why not take a course that can
t completed In that time? Tho collne Includes a short ENGLISH COURSB be
sides a BUSINESS and SHORTHAND COURSE. For catalogues address,
Buzzard's Bay, August 29. The an
nouncement of the establishment of daily
telegraphic service between the United
States and Mexico by the Associated
PreBs was shown to President Cleve
land today.- After reading the dispatch
Mr. Cleveland said:
It Is a cause for congratulation that
these adjoining republics are brought In'
to closer communication through the en
term-lse of the Associated Press, and 1
am sure that this last demonstration of
the Associated press will result
great benefit to tooth countries."
in a
Buffalo. August 29. 'An evening paper
declares that ex-Postmaster General Bis-
seH has been offered by 'President Cleve
land the nlace on the. United States
supreme bench made vacant by the death
of Judge Jackson. The ipaper adds that
It is not likely that Blssell win accept.
Mr. Blssell left Buffalo early this week
for Marlon or Buzzard's Bay.
Boston, August 2e.-The Choynskl
Godfrey flKht was declared off tonlnht, in in. fi-r that thd buxrrs in the
contest last night, Walcott and O'Brien, ) u- n mlnirtes for the town.
Waishlnfrton. Auar. 29.Tlie treasury de-
psrtment shipped $25,000 In ona and two
dollar bills to Chicago today on tele
graphic notice from New York, that $26,-
000 In gold or greenbacks had been depos
ited In the Bub-treasury for transfer to
Chicago. This Is the first shipment under
the order lfued yesterday.
And Durrant Wilt Very Soon Know His
Special to the Astorlan.
San Francisco, August 29. The jury to
try Durrant for the murder of Blanche
Lament was comp.eted ana tne case
was adjourned till' 'Monaay, wnen ins
taking of testimony will begin.
Reno, Nev., Auguat 29.-Mcaurn' four
horse stage got away from the driver
coming down Gelger grade this afternoon.
The stage overturned, and Mrs. GerrlnB,
riding on the front seat with the driver,
was killed. The driver had one leg and
a shoulder bone broken. The other pas
sengers escaped uninjured.
Wood'.and, Cal., August 20.-The feature
of ths races today was the trotting of
Palylto, who won the two-year-old trot
In straight heats; best time, 2:194, which
It: the faotest time made by two-year-olds
in California.
Portland, August 29.-J. 0. Day, one
of the contractors building the locks at
the Cascades, states that a larger force
of men than ever -o now employed on
the work, and the present Indications
are that the tacks will be opened for
traffic by January next.-
Utah Republicans Meet and Make Nom-
' lnatlons,
Salt Lake, Aug. 29. The territorial Re
publican convention met this morning.
The nlatform demands Temonetlzatlon
and the free and unlimited coinage of
silver at a ratio of 16 to 1, irrespective of
of the action of any foreign nation and
pledges the iRepubHcan party of Utah
to work for the eccompllshment of this
The following were nominated:
For judges of the supremo court: C.
S. Zan, C. W. Bartch, I. A. Miner.
For governor, H. M, Wells.
Wells is a son of Daniel Wells, who was
one of the prominent Mormon pioneers.
Wells was recorder of Salt Lake county
from 1882 to 1800; was a candidate for
mayor In 1S92 and is at present oaehler
of the State Bank of Utah.
Baltimore, August 29. There was no
game on account of rain.
New York, August 29. New York, 11;
Louisville. 1. -
Boston. August 29,-vBoston, 8; Cleve
land, 4.
Brooklyn, August 29. Brooklyn, 11; Cin
cinnati, 6.
Washington, August 29. Washington, B;
St. Louis, 9; The game was called on
account of darkness.
Philadelphia, August 29.-Phlladclphla,
6; Chicago, 2.
Altoona, Pa., August 29. Governor Alt-
geld, of Illinois, passed through this city
today. In conversation with an Astorlan
ed Press reporter ho said that In his
opinion the victory of Benator Quay, of
Pennslyvanlav is a severe rebuke to cor
Seattle, August 29. -A Monte Cristo spe
cial to the Post-Intelllgvncer announces
Assessor Jackson and his deputies are 4
working hard on the assessment of Jack
son county. Last week Manager R. Koeh-
ler, Railroad Tax Agent Bretherton and
Railroad Land Agent Andrews came
down from Portland to look after their
Interests In tho assessment of their ex
tensive property Interests. These gentle
men took Issue with Mr. Jackson In his
raising of the value ot the company's
road bed In Jackson county to $lo,uoo per
mile. They failed to convince Mr, Jack
son in their vIbwb. The railroad ofllclals
In their argument quote voluninousiy
from the state railroad commission to
show how much they are losing.
Oregon fruit and vegetable producers,
the Polk County Observer, should
become thoroughly acquainted with the
habits of insects, so as to discover ana
protect their friends. Among the workers
of great benefit to . them is the pretty
little Insect now universally called the
"lady bird." It is present here only In
small numbers as yet, and its presence
snould be recognized by careful protec
tion, as It Is one of the most effective
and useful friends of the orchard and
garden. In California In some localities
It Is said that the lady birds have en
tirely destroyed the woody aphis which
threatened to destroy tha apple orchards
and has also cleaned out tho worm which
was ruining the fields of sweet corn.
The Truckee Lumber company, at Hob
sonvillo. Is now running full and
cutting about fiO.000 feet of lumlier per
day. This means that the company Is
spending $275 per day in this county.
Such industries as this is what makes
good times, and the fact that they are
running both sides of their mill shows
that the lumber market In' Pan Fran
cisco and elsewhere Is looking up and
that times are getting better. Tillamook
The Lebanon paper mills are now re
ceiving about 1 wagon loads ot struw
per day, averaxlng about 3,700 pounds to
the load. The supply of straw being put
up this year Is muvh larger than usual,
being nearly 6,000,000 pound of straw in It
when completed. Ovar 1.300 loads have
been delivered so far. Albany lera.d.
A carload of cavalry horses left En
gene recently by rail for San Francisco.
They were purcheascd by William Kraz
ler In Linn and Lane counties for the
Tacoma, August 29. The town of Sum
ner, ten miles east of here. Is burning.
The fire flepartnx-nt Is loading an tn- on a flat car which will leave In fif-
Highcst of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
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