THE DAIJLY AJ5TQRIAN, ASTORIA, FRIDAY MORNING. AUGUST 23, 1895. m PIANO MINNIE HAUK, "The Great American Prima Donna who created Carmen." VV. W. KIMBALL CO., Chicago, III.: Lucerne, July 2, 1892. Dear Sirs herewith beg to acknowledge the receipt of the piano I or dered from you'during my lust visit in Chicago and for which I enclose the amount of your bill. It arrived in pcriect condition, thanks to the excellent packing and did not even require tuning. It gives me great sat isfaction to be able to attest its surprising excelleEce. I will be most hap py to recommend your pianos to my friends and colleagues. Very truly yours, IT STANDS: The Dampness of Oregon, The Heat of Texas, TVick Hnlr rvf TVTin -naarA-.n. 4' " .-1 -1 'A 4 3 SIC FRANCISCO TAMAGNO, "The King of Tenors." Chicago, December 19, 1889. W- W. KIMBALL CO.. Chicago, III. : Dear Sirs The Kimball piano which I selected for my personal use during my Chicago engagement has given me so much enjoyment that I wish to express my admiration for your lovely instrument. I have never used a piano that has afforded me so much genuine satisfaction, and be lieve that yon have attained an excellence that cannot fail to give your instrument a world wide reputation. With congratulations and best t i e ...rr, T nm ninarnlv vmira W18I1TO JOT Ulir OUUUCCS, oui, diwv.i; jvm-, je. The Class of Musicians who use them and what they say . The day has come when everyone is proud to "be the possessor of a KIMBALL. I x : A.; 7 The KIMBALL has been Used by EVERY GRAND OPERA COMPANY Which has appeared in Chicago Since Its First Introduction.- f ) : V LILLI LEHMANN, "Leading Prima Donna, Metropolitan Opera Co.1' W. W. KIMBALL. Cuicago, III. : April 27, 1889. Gentlemen The New Kimball Pianos possess a wonderful combination of quality and quantity of tone, an action of rare delicacy and responsive ness, while the general mechanical construction is solid and faultless in every dotoil. Sold Throughout THE ENTIRE UNITED STATES, And Exported to From ADELINA PATTI, ."THE QUEEN OF SONG." W. W. KIMBALL CO., Chicago, III. Chicago, Deoember 16, 1889. Gentlemen: It gives me great pleasure to testify to the merits of the New Kimball Piano. It has a wonderfully sweet and sympathetic tone, and supports the voice In" a most satisfactory manner. Sincerely yours, It Stands in Tune, And Holds Its Tone. E Hill! OF Represents the Kimball Factories. ,;, A' THIRTY PIANOS and SIXTY ORGANS Pr day Represents the Output of the Kimball Factories. GUISEPPE DEL PUENTE. The Eminent Baritone. . 1 ? Chicago, December 23, 18S9. W. W. KIMBALL, Chicaoo, III. : Gentlemen The praise bestowed upon your pianos by th artisti of the Abbey and Grau Grand Opera Company is most richly deserved.. Tha New Kimball piano is a most extraordinary instrument, both as to musi cal qualities and general mechanical construction. I congratulate you most heartily on your success. Yours with great respect, I' IS 1ISI I I 1 lis n 1 1 1 FACTORIES: HE (IllllSIilS, CHICAGO, ICL. w. w. KIMBALL 566 Commercial Street. CO., memo coast headquarters? 1 l. v. moose.,' riigr.