The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 22, 1895, Image 8

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P. N.
The Cheapest
. . and the . .
Best pitting.
Local weather for the twoney-four hours
ndu at 6 p. ni. yesterday, furnished
by the United States department of agri
culture weather bureau: n
Maximum temperature 66 degrees.
Minimum temperature, 53 degrees.
Preclpltalton, .09 lnche.
Total precipitation from September 1st,
1894, to date, 75.16 inches.
Excess of precipitation from September
1st, ISM, to date, 4.43 Inches.
Try Smith's Ice cream.
Get your milk of Reith ft WKeon.
Fretfh candies every morning at Smith's.
Sweet cream at Smith's 20 cents pint.
Fresh candles every hour at the Bon
bonnlere. Tennis shoes at Copeland & Thorsen's
new shoe store.
Bottle of Gambrlnua beer and sandwich,
16 centsi at Jos. Terp's.
Misses and Children's tan Oxfords at
Copeland & Thorsen's.
Curling Irons, 6 cents each, at the
Estes-Craln Drug Store.
Tan button shoes for Misses and Chil
dren tit CJptlaiid & Thorsen's.
THE SAME PLACE-118 12th street Is
the place to buy fresh dsn every day.
Meany is the leading tailor mid put
I- (lIKH-Hl :iHh 1)1 'I . f .1 'ill MklltM
The Astorinn wl,l hereafter be fjunc
on sale at McOudre's Hotel at Seaside.
Our milk is guaranteed strictly pur
and fresh from the cow duily. Reltti
& Wilson.
GRAEFE & PLANK No. 623 Commer
cial atreot, will repair your clothes for
little money. Try them.
finest line of liquors and cigars In the
city. Call and sample them.
If your watch don't run, call at 674
Commercial street, across from Bhana
han Bro.' and have It repaired.
DON'T FORGET That at Nos. 214 and
218 Tenth street Is the place to have your
horse shod and repair work done.
Smith's Ice cream Is unequalled . Ice
cream soda a specialty. Private, par
lors for ladles. Commercial street.
A aloe line of fresh fish and a fine stock
t spring chickens and other poultry at
Pat Lawler'a, 574 Commercial street.
If you want a delightful shave or a
fashionable hair cut, go to the PuUice
Barber 8iiop, J. B. Hutcblns, propr.etor.
WAH SING & CO.-Morchant tailors,
623 Commercial street, cheaper than you
can buy ready made. New stock com
plete. "
Are ykiu going to the seashore? It so,
you should call at the Estes-Craln Drug
Store and buy. one of tin new style
Bathing Caps.
. . Water melons! Water melons! Water
melons! A carload received yesterday
will be sold cheap today at Pat Lawicr's,
574 Commercial.
JRratle' with Fourd & Stokes Co., deal
ers H Groceries, Hardware, Crockery,
provisions, flour, fruits and Vegetables
They will surely please you.
Perfect ctaudlness and modern con
venience are the adjuncts of all well-
regulated ba.t)h rooms. You will llnd
them t the Palace. J. B. Huteb.ns, pro
Hunger is a very disagreeable se-nsa'
tlon. There is a place In this town where
you can sutsfy .Cta demands with the
cleanest ud best 23 cent meal you ever
te. Tha place to Joe Terp's.
If you are going to Ilwaco Sunday on
the Nor Pacific, you will have to buy
your tickets Saturday to get the benefit
of the 50 cent round trip rate. Steamer
leaves O. R. and N. dock at 8 a. m.
No "batter milk was ever brought to
Astoria, than Is furnlsthed for five cents
quant by Relth A WUson, and de
livered Vn ft okui and tlghtrty closed
glass bottle at youf door every morn
ing. What brings people back to the Asto
ria Wood Yard after they have sounded
the possibilities everywhere elseT May
be H's one thing, and May be It's another.
But the fact remains hack they come.
And of course the Astoria Wood Yard Is
proud of It.
Uuslnesa men of Astoria visiting Port
land have for years been accustomed
to take their tuld-day lunch at the
"Gn." The ' Gem" Is now located at
7) Third street, next door to the Alns
worth Bank. Jos. E. Peony.
Tonight, the concert.
Today ends the regatta.
W. Duncan, of Forest drove. Is at the
C. Meyes, of Portland, Is registered at
the Parker.
Joseph Paquet, a contractor of Tort
land, Is In town.
Mrs. A. F. Meigs, of Portland, is vis
iting in Astoria.
Charles KipHnger, of Newport, Is a
guest at the Astor.
Mr. 8. M. Cooper, a San Francisco mer
chant, was in town yesterday. .
Samuel ILoctawood, a well known Insur
ance agent, of Portland, Is In the city.
Mr. Jones, of Tillamook, arrived yes
terday on the Truckee, from San Fran
cisco. M. C. Lyons, a Portland merchant, Is
a visitor to Astor.u, taking in the re
John Waiker, Astor Scaborg, and Itoy
WhltconVb, of Ilwaco, are quartered at
the Parker.
It Is reported that another scow race,
for a purse, will be among today's spe
cial events.
The crew of the scow Hustler tin still
smiling over their well-earned victory
last Monday.
The principal topic of conversation on
Commercial street yesterday afternoon
was ifootraclng.
J. W. Cook, the Clifton canneryman.
was In town yesterday. Ho is registered
at the Occident.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bozorth, of Wood
land. Wash., are in the city visiting
friends and relatives.
Leonard Ireland, son of D. C. Ireland,
the well known newspaper man, left la3t
evontng tor Portland.
Among those who registered nt tho Oc
cident yesterday was Ralph IS. Moody,
son of ex-Governor Moody.
non't miss the concert at the Congre
gational church this evening. A first
class program will he rendered.
Tho yacht Monogram was cut on a
trial trip yesterday afternoon. Sho will
compete In the eloop race today.
James Cryan, a former Astorian, but
now eimployed at the Cascades, is vis
iting his 'brother John, In this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Dunnhvay, of Salem, are
vlHiting In Astoria, guests of the lattcr's
parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. McCormac.
For a fine line of fresh camdles and
frulljs or a glass of de-llcluus soda, go to
Uie""r.'jiriwnnlere," 436 OomnvrcUil street.
Mrs. O. Bcklund and children, of Chi
nook, and Miss Uialsdcl, of Port Town
Send, are registered nt tho Astor Houso.
A woman answering to the numo of
Annie Mcl-'adden, was arrested ty the
police last night for disorderly conduct.
Mrs. F. Y. McCain and two children,
Mil's McCain and Miss Julia Prentiss, of
Olnoy, Or., are guests of tho Parker
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Engs, of Portland,
are In the city, and will remain for sev
eral weeks. They have rooms at the Oc
cident. Yesterday afternoon several views
were taken of George Bartley's hand
somely decorated building by Pratt, the
Yesterday at tho Qulnn brick yard in
Upper Astoria a kiln of brick was com
pleted. The brick are said to be of a
very tine quality.
A. P. Bradbury, the cracker-Jack trav
eling man, of Portland, was In town yes
terday creating the usual disturbance
uino.ig his friends.
The river In front of the city was dot
ted wlt'ii al'l kinds of craft yesterday af
ternoon and n number of accident were
r.arrowly averted.
A reward of fTiO has been offered for
the recovery of tho body of young Os
cnberger, drowned on the yacht Mono
gram last Monday.
The Parker House has been compelled
to use cots In order to uccommodato the
guests who have flocked to that Iiouhc
during the past few day.
Mr. J. IE. Sibley and family, of Hobson
vllle, Or., are In the city, attending the
regatta. Mr. SIMey Is connected with
the Truckee Lumber Company.
Wm. Harder, the genial general Rirent
of tho Great Northern Railway, Port
land, was a visitor in the city yester
day, returning to his home on the even
ing "boat.
Mrs. Bllger, mother of Louis Bllger,
who was drowned Monday In the yacht
Monogram, is in the city, having ar
rived on the Tclephono from Portland
On the grandstand yesterday, as the
sailing boats were being Btarted by the
gun, a little boy was heard to My:
"Papa, What Is the man shooting the
hosts fort"
Capt. A. iM. Sproule, F. A. Weaver, F.
W. Kelly, John Llnde, Henry Lundberg,
and Ed. Huiwrep, of South Bend, are In
attendance on the regatta and aro guests
of the Parker House.
It Is understood that the regatta com
mittee will tonight repeat their danclns
program at the athletic club rooms and
that tho Fourteenth Infantry Band will
again f urnisih the music. -
Tonight" will be given an Interesting
enlertatnment at Fisher's Hall under the
direction of Prof. E. Bonavle. Little Isa
belle.the child artist, and other attract
ive specialties, will appear.
"The Battle Eve.," to be rendered at
the Congregational church concert this
evening is a tine dun for tenor and bass.
As given by Messrs, W. H. Barker and
II. u. Smith Is sure to be one of the
most fetching numbers on the program.
While the government steamer Lincoln
was coming down the river yesterday, in
front of the Telnptione dock, she col
lided with the little gasoline launch
Fanohon. Both boats were under slow
headway at the time and no damage re
sulted. Go King, the Celestial who last week
was examined In the county court as to
bis sanity, and allowed to be takes In
charge by bis frienda, who promised
take care of him, was yesterday ordered
sent to the asylum. He will be taken
to Salem tonight.
Among the noticeable features of the
regatta are the barrels which were dec
orated with Ivy by the ladles of the W.
C. T. U. and stationed in different parts
of the city, filled with ico water. The act
was a moht thoughtful one and is great
ly appreciated by the visitors.
A prominent business man remarked
last night that It was a strango coinci
dence that Just about the time the howt
of one of the evening papers agaln3t Mr.
Hammond was thrown upon the street,
the contractor's forces threw the first
shovelful of dirt on the railroad grade.
Consult Dr. DeFreye, the European
specialist from Portland, now at the Main
Street house, 9th street, near Commercial
street. He consults free In all modern
languages on all chronic, difficult, Intri
cate and private dls:ases. This is Indeed a
rare opportunity for sufferers from
chronic and special diseases.
The Presbyterian and Congregational
Churches have decided to unite their
Sunday school forces this year on the
occasion of then- annual excursion for
the children. The steamer Mayflower
and barge has been engaged for Thurs
day, the 29th Inst., and the picnic will
be held at Alder Grove on Young's River.
Tickets, adults, 60 cents; children half
price. Children of the Sunday Bchools
Chief Loughery received a dispatch last
evening from Marshfteld, stating that
Charles Norrls and John Nelson had been
arrested there yesterday on the arrival
of the steamer Bandorllle for having
stolen a net near this city a few days
ago. The net was the property of John
Dumprey, one of the Hanthorn fisher
men. Officer Oberg will leave today for
Msrshifield to bring the prisonors to
this city for trial.
The Sunday school of the Swedish
Lutheran church will have a picnic in a
grove near Mr. Andrew Young's on
Young's Rlvtr Friday of Ithis week. The
steamer Mayflowoj" will take out Mie
partly from Booth's cannery at 9 a. m.
For grown persons 50 cents for the round
trip, children free. All friend's are
invlited. A short program iwill be ren
dered on 'the grounds. The ladies are
xpect6'd ito bring some eatables along.
A good itimte Is anticipated.
In order to give the returning Beaslders
and the traveling public in general, a
better Sunday night boat service the O.
R. and N. Co. will run the steamer R.
R. Thompson from Astoria to Portland
next Sunday night, August 25th, leav
ing the O. R. and N. dock at 7 o'clock.
This in addition to tho T. J. Potter leav
ing ilwaco nt 7 p. m., should enable
all those who wish to secure berths.
Reservations for staterooms for the
Thompson should bo made at the 0. R.
and N. offlco In this city and for the
Potter nt the Ilwaco office.
:'ss Gladys Jones, of Pacific Unlversi
t . will sing this evening at the Congre
ssional church. Her sweet and trained
voice has already given her a place
among the first vocalists of the state.
She will he assisted by some of Asto
ria's 'best talent, such as. Alessrs. W. H.
Barker, and H. O. Smith in a duet and
solo, and Mrs. J. T. Ross, one of our
favorite soloists, Miss Edith Conn and
Mr. T. M. Lighter, will render piano
solos. A reading will be given by Miss
JUosle Hot a, whose ability is well known
here. Miss D. .Thompson, of Portland,
will also read. All Who have heard her
once ore glad of- an opportunity to hear
her a second time.
"This song disclosed ths ram richness
and depth of Miss Jones' voice, and so
captivated the audience as to demand
its repetition. A brilliart musical career
is predicted for the young lady." Ore
How lie Was Inspired to Compose "The
Last Hope."
Whllo visiting at tho court of Spain, a
fow years before hij death, tho great
composer, Gottschalk, was noticed to
have a singular hubit of withdrawing
from the gay company of his at
u certain hour each evening, and after
stating 'himself at the piano, in an ob
ncure corner, In a sad and reverential
spirit, he would render with exquisite
pathos and delicacy his great master
piece, known to nil musicians as "The
Last Hope." An English lady, who bud
leng observed and wondered at tho reg
ularity of this habit, was constrained on
one oeoasion to ask him the reason for
it. "It is because," he said, "that is to
inn my evening prayer." Seeing tho look
of eager interest and sympathy on the
fair (face of his questioner, he then re
lated the (following hUtory of this truly
sublime composition, which should be
known wherever It Is played.
Some years 'before, while on a concert
tour through the Island of Cuba, the
composer became acquainted with an el
derly lady of wealth and distinction,
who had lost her husband and only son
in battle. Being thus bereft of her loved
ones, and destitute of home ties and af
fection, there prang up between Gotts
ohalk and this lady an attachment like
that of a mother and son. She was at
tracted to him by his manly courtesy and
life of loneliness and he to her because she
was a confirmed Invalid and a most ar
dent lover of music. It soon became
Gottschalk's custom to play for her at
the vesper hour every evening, and she
often told him he was her best physician,
and that his music was her sole source of
comfort and relief. Upon one occasion
when suffering more Intensely than usual,
she turned with an effort, and employ
ing one of those ravishing idtums so
common to the Spanish tongue, said,
"Play me one little melody play me my
Inst hope." Gottschalk seated himself
at tho piano, and, atter a moment's
meditation, improvised that chasto and
touching melody bearing the name of
ber request.
At an early hour the following morning
Gottschalk left for a nelghiborlng town,
where he was under engagement to con
duct a series of concerts. Returning
vfter an absence of several days, as he
was mounting the hill to the village
where his friend resided, be heard the
vesper bells ringing In the distance, and
then a little later the deep tori of the
church bell sounding the knell of a de
Tarted soul. Wltb a sudden and strange
p-osentlnient he urred h's horse forward
and reached the church yard just In
time to see the casket containing the
body of bis friend lowered Into the grave.
Thus it was. that during the remainder
of bis life, the composer made It a cus
tom to retire at the vesper hour to bis
piano, and offer up. with deep and re
ligious devotion, this exquisite composi
tion, made sad and sacred by the mem
ory of his lost friend.
By special request of a number who
have heard this beautiful piece of music,
Mr. T. M. Lighter bos promised to ren
der it at the Congregational church con
cert tonteht.
Seventy-five to $150 a month raid to
any one to represent us. Work almost
tasy enough for a child to do. Mr. J. W.
Nixon, Boise City. Maho, mad J244.W
la one week, Mary Bash, Lyons, Col., J
Once Said :
The Reliable Clothier and Hatter.
Near Telephone Dock.
cleared $72.10 in three days. Rov. Wm.
Curtis, Aberdeen, S. Dak., made $14.00 the
first day. No capital or experience ne
cepsary. Terms and pamphlets free. Ad
dress at once, ScJhepp & Co., 1020 Chest
nue street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Tlio JJuII.v ANtorlivn positively
(cuuranteva l ml voi t Ih.'i h u
laiwror C'lt.v circuliUloii tlimi all
other impcrN t uUllslio.l Jn
Autorlit eomblned.
Louis 'Henry Bound Over to Await the
Action of the Grand Jury.
Louis Denny was tried in tho Justice
court yesterday on a charge of stealing
a silver watch and chain from the person
of Carl Carlson. Both men had been
running around town the night before
and CaiUon became drunk, went into
the back room of the Mug salojn, on
9th street, fell asleep upon the floor, and
while in that condition it Is alleged that
Denny went through him, relieving him
of his watch and Chain.
The man to whom Denny sold the
watch testified to the defendant having
asked them during the afternoon to buy
the stolen article Judge Abercromble
bound Denny over to await the action of
the grand jury under bonds of $200, which
he could not obtain. The arrest was
made by Officer Oberg.
Sale of Kimball Pianos and Organs.
Store Open Till 9 P. M.
Our special sale of pianos and organs
closes Saturday, so you have only to
day, tomorrow and up to noon Saturday
to get one of these instruments at the
special prices we are now offering. Tou
can buy a piano or organ just as caeap
today as you can tomorrow, as we have
enly one price to all, so don't hold off,
thinking you will get a cut at the end.
We do not do that kind of business. The
fow Instruments now on hand will be sold
at tho prices stated, or be shipped to
our 'Portland house.
566 Commercial Street.
Would like to protect Chelr loved ones.
Do not be affronted if I do not call on
you prrsonaUly. We will organize the
Woodmen some time this week. It is the
cheapest and safest order on earifh. I
cannot see tvery one, so If you want to
gat In on ttoe charter lint, which, in
cluding medical examination, will cost
you bult $5.00, leave your name with Mr.
Hansen, of Parker & Hvnsen, or with
.Mr. Pariham, of ithe aOlumiimim store.
f. j. Mchenry,
Stuite Organize.-.
Tho Dullj- ANtoi'tnn positively
KuuruntocM to ail voillsci-n n
lit river City una County elreutn.
tlon than all oilier impers ul
llliel In AmIoi'Iii comtiliiecl.
Don'it forget the only place of amuse
ment in the olty is at tohe Casino, the
greatest show ever In the cky. Ad
mission 25 cenlts..
A twister In twisting
May twist him a twist,
Pjr in twisting a twist
Tiire; twists make a twist;
Hat If one of the twists
Tn twists from the twist,
The twist untwisting
Vntwists the twist.
That Is, when It's twisted with
other twine than MARSHALL'S.
For piano tuning, please leave orders
at Grlllln & Reed's book store. Commer
cial street, or ad.lresa Th. Frederikson,
Piano Tuner, 2071 Bond street. Telephone
No. 24.
Ten acres In Summit Addition to Asto
ria for sale at an extremely low figure,
in view of all our railroad prospects. Will
moke terms to suit purchaser.
Address R. LidMI, Astoria, Oregon.
The World's Fnff Tests
showed no tak!zg powder
bo psr3 cr rr t rrr.t in feav-
Grand BaS. at Suomia Hall, by 'At
Kaleva Baad, on Saturday evening, Aug.
it, ISM, commencing at S o'clock. Ad
mission 60 cents! ladies free.
A wetl-Zurnlshed sul' of rvws, Tr'.th
use of parlor, snd. if desired, good
table board, at reasonable rates. 403 Du
ane street, corner of Ninth.
Victory always comes to the Jargcst armies and the
biggest cannon, if properly handled-!
Ve have the largest assortment and the lowest prices
and we naturally conquer opposition.
During the past few days we received an enormous
stock of fine Clothing, and now we are opening an im
mense line of the latest things in Hats.
Fashion and fit, combined with enterprise and low
prices, are our main battery; so, if you would be on the win
ning side, join tne army of buyers flocking to our fine store.
A Few Second-Hand Pianos and Or-
We have a few second hand pianos
and organs taken in part payment for
Kimballs which we will close out today
at bed-rock prices.
If you are looking for a bargain, put
$10 or $15 in your pocket for the first
payment and come and see us today.
506 Commercial Street.
Vaudeville performances every night
8 p. m. a;t it'iie Casino, only place of
amusement in Hhe city. - Admission 25
Routine Business Only Was Transacted,
Last night the city council held its
regular meeting in the council chamber,
President Bergman being In the chair,
In the absence of Mayor Kinney, and
a quorum being p.-esent.
A number of unimportant ordinances
and resolutions were passed and a few
bills and claims were allowed. Thi ses
sion was a short one and adjourned to
the next regular session.
Space will not permit the publication in
full of the proceedings In today's issue.
Any piano or organ unsold Saturday
morning will be boxed and shipped to
our Portland house.
If you are thinking of buying a piano
or organ even in a year, you can not
afford to miss this opportunity to get
one from first bands.
566 Commercial
Small mesh nela wanted, alsa second
hand Eelne, old web bought.
Grealt Vaudeville Show at the Casino
during regatta wek. Thirty people. Ad
mission 25 cents.
"Sometimes," fays a Philadelphia bar
keeper, "a bid coin Is a very good thing
to hava. We had a bras? ten-cunt piece
h re for two years that was worth $1 a
week to the bar. I kr.ew the ma't from
whom It was taken, acd, of course, gav
it back in He was a cus
tomer before, but much better afi nvarls.
Ten times a week he would cjmo in and
either give me th'Jt brass ccln or g t I.
given to him. One day th proprietor
luoked through the drawer andv finding
the bogus piece, threw it away. Wh-n 1
told him It cwas worth $50 a year to the
house he kicked himself. We not only
lost the coin, but the customer as well.
Hj felt hurt,bccause I couldn't give him
our pet piece."
Tho Dally Aatorlnn jioKllIvely
gunrftiitees to aOvertlwerN n
laruror City, County nnrt Win to
circulation tliun till other
papers iubllsliel in Axtoilu
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Terfect Made.
40 Yesrr t'jc indard.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms; good lo
cation fronting river. Capt. P. E. Fer
caen, 330 lTih street.
FOR RENT A nicely furnished mod
ern house. For particulars Inquire of
Mrs. Smith, corner of 6th and Irving
avenue, or A R Cyrus, 487 Commercial
(ONBY-.Apply to Astoria Abstract.
Title and Trust Co.
Clatsop Beacr;
Seashore Railmay Company
In Effect July 19, 1895.
lloMs leave Astoria one half hour before
trains leaves b id ;e.
0 a. m
!:30 a. m
t3 !. n
VrAo p. in
4 p. iu. Saturday...
7 p. in. Saturday...
6:15 0. ni. Sunday..
NUlit bouts f om i'ort-
0 it from istoria.
Day t oat from t'ortl nd.
Uot ft om A t.ria.
tiain from 1'urt and and
Steamer I'ot cr frin Port-
Inn 1 and Asto;in.
eats Ironi AMuria
l:lj e . ui.
6 a. in
tl:45 p. u
H:l j p m
A ). 111.
i:4.j p. m. Sa urday.
' p. iu. ouuoay
bHy boats for Purlluud.
Boat lor Asi r a.
.sis 1. U'.iUi fur foil lu 11 1.
i a1 f r rtsiui a.
ilojts for Ast 111 a. .d "tut
turner To ti r f r lv s- o.
ial8 for Arturia mi'! . uii-
Dally except Monday
tbaily except - atuid'y aul Suu'.'ay.
For 'rcignt and pa3s uger r te ap ly to
'J. LI 61Mt, iUi't.,
Seashore UaU ay t o , 6easid . Ore.
WANTED Immediately, a girl to da
second girl's work in private family. In
quire at this omce.
WA1NTED .Partly to clear SS acres of
land. A'ppuy to S. M. Beard, Commercial
Bank, Vancouver, Waah,
WANTED Agenw to represent the
dd National Life Insurance Co., ot
.dontpellsT, Vt. For ttuttier uuuruii.--lon,
address Q. M. fitolp. General Coast
danager, 8ii-i4 Crocker Building. tSM)
ranciaco. Cal.
WANTED Man or lady to collect, do
some office work, and manage agents.
Ifou will deal through your leading mer
chants. Something new and very popu
lar. We nnv all RTnlmaa Pn.lMnn
manent. . Send four references and tea
cents for full particulars. John Finney
Mgr., P. O. Box 484, St. Louis, Mo.
$75,000 PER WEEK using and selling
Dynamos for plating watches, jewelry,
and table ware. Plates gold, silver,
nickel, etc., same as new goods. Dif
ferent sizes for agents, families and
shops. Easy operated; no experience;
big profits. W. P. Harrison & Co.,
Clerk No. 14, Columbus, Ohio.
FOR SALE 500 yards of earth exca
vated from tunnel, to be delivered on
premises. Pac.flc Paving Co.
JAPANESE GOODS Just out just re
ceivedjust what you want, at Wing
Lee's, 543 Commercial street.
Boy'e riding pony tor ealle. Perfectly
gentle for youngest chlklren. Has all
the fancy riding gaits. Inquire of Dr.
Jay TmcLlle.
A good buy at Long Beach. Nine room
house.' Furnished complete for summer
travel. For description and terms in
quire at Real Estate Exchange, Occident
FOUND A silver witch, which the
cwner can have by calling at this office
snd proving property.
FOUND Near iflhte JeUy, ecow olnfjst
new, about 10x30 feat, not puS Jted. Small
cabin on one end. Apply P. Hakinson,
Font Stevens, Oregon.
LOST Thursday night, about 10 o'clock
129 fathoms of net. Corka branded F. M.
Warren. Please return to Warren's sta
tion. ICT-SIwt Mnlai, mrk-d "I mile
relay, Tacomi Aitb. Olufc, US6." Finder
please return to Harry Hambiett'a sa
loon and cia.n peward.