The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 22, 1895, Image 6

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Oregon and Washington Com
ing Lumber Markets.
Railroads Forced to Build More in
' Order to Take Caro of Lumber
and Wheat of Northwest.
Some little time aco In one of the
evening paper appeared an article com'
meriting upon the fltwriberlng Industries
of tihls territory, In which the writer
Mated that railroads would be of no
benefit to the lumbermen of the Taciflc
Coaat; that It was Impossible for this
coast to compete iwlrh the lumbering
states of the Kast. The writer :if the ar
tide must certainly have been under i
misapprehension. It is only this week
that large party of eastern lumbering
men arrived In Seattle and are now
making a thorough Inspection of the for
ests of Washington with a view to pur
chasing stumpage. They have stated in
interviews that the forests were rapidly
being depleted in the Kast, and that lunv
boring Interests were compelled to seek
other sources of aupply. Coupled with
this Is the -fact that one mill alone on
dray's Haflbor last month shipped 113
carloads of lmirfber to flio Eastern mar
ket. "The sarno company have sailing ves
sels iplylng between San Francisco and
other ports from the Gray's Harbof
country. There are hundreds of mills all
over the state of Oregon and Washing
ton that are doing the same business,
and the fact U notorious that at a re
cent conference of railroad ofllelals In
the East It was decided to largely In
crease the rolling stock of their several
railroads In order to meet the demand
made by the lumber manufacturers of
the Paclllc Northwest for cars In which
to transport their products this fall to
the Eastern market.
Upon the completion of the railroad
to Astoria It cannot be doubted but that
the great timber preserves of the Ne
halem and Columbia river valleys will be
opened up and their products shipped to
the far Kast. Colorado, Nebraska, und
Kansas offer a largo Held now already
partly occupied by the lumber mills- on
the Sound, and large consignments of
both lumber and shingles have even been
made to the Atlantic coast. The follow
ing from a Sound paper speaks for ltse.f.
"The Po3t-Intellli(encer of Tuesday last
says that within the next few mourns
more than 1. 000,000 feet of Washington
fir and cedar will be worked up into box
cars for the Great Noithorn Hallway,
which has Just let to the Haskell & Par
ker Oar Company, of Michigan City,
Ind an order that will run Into thous
ands of cars. The step has been taken In
anticipation of the enormous tonnago the
road expects to handle during the 'ha'
veHt. The contract provides that the
woodwork tie entirely of Washington
fir, with, the exception of the root's, which
are to be of Washington cedar. Already
orders have been placed for the lumber,
among six, lour of them In this
city and vicinity and two on Gray s Har
bor. In alt there will be required ut
least 1W car loads."
It Is islmost safe to say that the earn
ings on lumber trulHc which will be
handled by the Astoria ral.ruud will go a
long ways towards paying operating ex
penses. The Industry Is rapidly increas
ing on the Sound and Oregon manufac
turers have only Just begun to get Into
fiie business.
The tleid la a broad one ,aad lessors
from the history of the timber forests
In the East, where anore lumber has an
nually been destroyed by lire than was
manfactured and which threatens to be
repeated In Oregon, snould be so Im
pressed upon the lumber men of Ore
. gon and Washington that no efforts
should be spured to foster great in
dustry. The proposition that the two
state naimed could not compete with the
East In this Industry Is not tenable.
Only a cursory Investigation Into the
subject Is necessary to confirm this. Let
the lumber men take heart, and know
that a market for their product will never
be lacking,
Initoredung Items Culled from Oregon's
Lieaduig Newapw-pe-rs.
A lveavy forest fire Has been luslng
on 'the dlwkW Ibntnvewn (tie Un-ada of An
derson creek and Llttle-Atpptegait'e, west
, of AghCand, causing i Hale dmnkige to
timber, bundles causing conshleribl
work In tV.lwlng It to keep It buck from
burning valuable property. We ur.der
sujoU that ill 'Wt0 iwett 'under control the
llralt of Uhe wtek, but lit la reported s:lll
burning und ntrong effort were noecs
vary to keep Jt from burning the home
of Je'ff (Davis. The fire vtarted from
a briteili 'fkr Belt by a rinahbr and which
gkrt toeyomU control. IVopI-e ihave been
warn'id yeair mfltr year in regard to the
daintier -from firing brush at -this season
of Ulxe year "wtwm eweryithlng 1s as dry
as tlmten, and particularly so this season
on laccvtunit of tth ( a'moun of rain
full. Fewer ftacetft fires get wtanted In
this my though, in ll probability, ihan
from Hitw care,!'9isnesa o-f town people who
ga .out cwmTtng ami are inut careful
nouih no guard .thwdr oamp and bouitlres.
At atl leveirt the extensive fjreat llres
raging In different pari ot Oregon and
. Wasrinarflhon Che jxtW ifew wu ka are to
be rgrnt'ted- as a iwam'ton waste of wealth
and sCiou'ai hwresa evwyone with the Im
portance of avoiding eueth a M relet dls
WuctOon ot property.-Tldlnss.
A 'b'K slaughtering cocurred Just Be
tween U'hr two summits of Mary's I'eak
M.irvl.iy. Ji.'.'m gtpaaildlng and Jack Hall
of I'hUmaVh, -were en route for the sum
nil t on a Jaunt for le&sure, and were
not particularly on the lookout for game.
Sudvtvnly tiny 'heard a thundering of
hoofs -and a crashing of ltal In the
brutfh near them, whe:i sewn eCk dashed
lrxio- vw but a ftw yaM. from 'thenn.
They iwer tooth wrnW anJ twgan Im
mediately to puaip lavt into the band,
two 1uM cjlvea falling at the first volley.
A third, an old bull, rwas crippled and
subsequently secured. Tlr meat aa all
secured, and Phllmsth Is now over run
with Jerked r.k. The boys say they
could hve secured tiror of the hi fel
lows, but wre sitHthed .when thy JiaVl
enough. It was learned aftenwaivVs that
the band has ten chj.rl by Mr. Mul
vaney. of Ills; Elk, nrtio had been fter
them for thrve Jiyv Corvalli Times.
Tuesday tiltfh a fti residence on the
frns of J. R. Jackson, about three mil s
weslt of Hubbard, waa burned o the
grounl with the rreater portl-Jn of its
Ci:i&l, f-.t rrr-.a mooiiis thr had
been no flro In vh flropiac until that
evening and Ithe axumutwte3) aoot tuid
' .It
dust In the chimney Ignited at once, I
making e. Ihot blaze, and from this the -
cornnugrat'loa is (supposed to have start ;d.
The house was occupied by a render
named Tatbott wttio bias a large family
of glirls anU boys. The fire in Ks de
structive Wharaotor did mot manifest Itself
un'tB aM Ovad retired for the might, and
had gained cuch (headway when discov
ered 'Uhait 'tW lnimiaites bad no time to
dress, but wtre forced to get out and
flgSHt Are. They rniiade a good bati'.le, and
pieverotell ttie fipreaid tff uhe flames to the
barns, but 'the Mouse and l'ts b-ilongings
were consumed. The building was worth
jlOOO and Mr. Jackson hud $600 Imuran
on it. The Talbot family' loss on con
tents is about J300 with no Insurance.
Another serious' loss Is that of valuable
ornamental -and fruit tre'.s, several of
which, were killed' by the heat.
The Statesman nays: "A dense cloud
o emoke overhangs 'tints portion ot the
Willamette valley, iwlhlch Is supposed to
come (from flhe forest , fires of the sound
country. 6o liiliick was it yeuterdiy after
noon tltat it. was nearly impossible to
see clhead a distance of three blocks
and at several dtfferen't times the capltol
could no: be seen from Uhe ofllces of the
court '.louse, ltet'.'dea the destruction of
ttolber In 1 -gton much damage Is
beln done to the C:cevla In the north-
eseein poilon of Oregon. Irtles down
from Waterloo, Linn county, report no
om-oke up i:'.lat way, but the valley pre
sents 'Uhe uippearance of to.lng overECiad-
owed by a heavy fog. At 6 o'clock last
evening 'lihe AtoTes, restaurants and other
business placo were compalled to turn
on the (tc-ctrlc and gas lamps."
The Work of laying heavy eteel on
the railroad wtus finished up Ito D-allais on
last Saturday, ttays Cine IWlk Oounty Ob
server. Suniiay imornlmg iuhe gang was
rtinnovei back to DUn-dta;, mlaere Ithey will
take up the iiihlnd rail to be iued on this
end of the ll-ne,- and after about two
weeks of truck laying near PWlCland the
men will be brought back h'ere, and the
work iputiaed ithnough, to AJrlle. It Is
staltcd that a's noon a 3 il'h'e work Is fin
ished a dully ilTaln will be put ion from
Alr'.le to O-fortC'Jnd.
Thi Korenco fAVtest faya: "IWtectlon
t'o Uhe iUlimoin la imiuch talked o-f, but
seennlnly no ''aw cun be pussedi tlhat the
people wM otaerve. . If this law Is wot
better obeyed, many cf ithe rlvert How
teeming w'Klh alimii.i will become de
pleted. Par tb'e llrjs Itilme In our his
tory the SludLaw riVtr is to lhaw trips.
This ta Uhie outgrjiwth of competition In
canneries, which hoa grown Inito a rivalry
during the paat few yeUira."
A gouii d'eal of latit yetir's wheat Is
being brought into town and placed for
swrage. The markot will not open for
several weeks and t'he price Is purely
iHirmlnal. Men of conservative Judgm-rmt
t'hllnk that when the market does beg'ln
50 cents -will be the opening figure. If
present intlt cations are any crlterton th
rmer Is going ito recrtve a fair return
for thta si-aeon's itollDallais Chronicle.
AcoorJlng to the 'Eartt Oregfonlan a
tr.i-rmp feU'l from Uhe trucks of the p-araMi-
ger train Just -as It pulWJ Iruto I'endle
ton tine other 'imormlmg. He struck the
ground and btounUi d about 20 feet into t'he
air. pjoiwlw it f nrrow Jn the ground
when he struck again. His ' partner
houHl up Milis brains and bruii-:e and
he "hit the 'trail ngai'n."
Chickens are quoted In the Rosfhurg
market at J2.B0 per dozin In F-aa Fran-
cl.wo, $6.60. . If there 1s no profit In this
buifilmess, isays a nenvmpape-r of th'at local
ity, why Isn't 'there? If some
wHih experience in the business will en-
Ighten us we will present the reison
to our readen and: possKKy save some of
them from loss.
S. iH. FrteiniWy Saturday ihlnped a car
lo-ad of from lOugvme to Phll-a-dt'lpih'la,
containing 28,000 poiindls. Ac-
Cording ito thu Iieglster, this Is the Lir?-
twt uhlpment of c.isea.ra bark to the
f.i-'i! ever mide from it'hls Ftate.
Are You
Goinjr East?
Be sure and see that your ticket
reads via
r he north-western
This la the .
And all Points East and
Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Ves
tlbuled Dining and Bleeping Car
Trains and Motto:
Have given this road a national reputa
tion. All classes of passengers curried
on the veattbuled trains without extra
charge. Ship your freight and travel
over this famous line. All agents have
tickets. (
Oen. Agent Trav. F. and P. Agt
148 Washington at. Portland. Or.
Are You Going East?
If so, drop a line to A C. Sheldon,
general agent ot the "Burlington
Koute." 150 Washington at., Portland.
He will mall you free of charge, maps,
time tables, and advise you aa to the
through rales to any point reserve
sleeping car accommodations for you.
and furnish you with through tickets
via either the Northern, Union. South
em. Canadian Pacific, and Great North
ern railroads at the very lowest rates
Th Hnrllrn1"n Route is gcnsrally
conceded to b the finest equipped rail
road In the world for all clauses of
What is
Castoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing1 Syrups, and Castor OIL
It Is Pleasant." Its guarantee Is thirty years use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
"Castoria ti an excellent medicine for chil
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its
good effect upon their children."
Ck. G. C. Osgood, '
Lowell, Mass.
"Castoria is the besf remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not
far distant when mothers will consider the
real interest of their children, and use Castoria
instead of the various quack nostrums which
are destroying their loved ones, by forcing
opium, morphine, soothing syrup and oth.-r
hurtful agents down their throats, thereby
sending them to premature graves."
Conway, Ark.
The Centaur Company, 77
UNIVERSITY OF 03EG0N, 1895-1896.
THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, Oregon, offers free tuition to al-
tudents. Youtii; men cut) obtain board
for !f2.50 per week. Roomers furnish llieirown lineD. Youn' women ore provided
with botird in privnto families fit $3.00 per week. Young women desirius board
should address Prof. John Strnup, Eugene,
Christian Association, Eugene. The University offers three btiei'alnnreate degrees
Bachelor of ArtH, Bachelor ot Science nn
cournes of study. The following shurter
leading in two years to a business diploma
in Knglish: an advanced course for graduates of normal schools leading to the de
gree muster of pedagogy ; a three years'
degree civil engineer; a course of two
lending to u diploma nnd tho litle director
ohargos au incidental fee of ten dollars,
Students holding diplo'uas from the public
tiflcates urn admitted to tho preparatory
iesiring information regarding the preparatory department Rhould address the
lean, N. L. Narregnn, Eugene.
For catalogues and information address C. II. Chapman, President, or J. J
VVnlton, Secretary, Eugene, Oregon.
Importers und D alei'3 in
House Furnishing,
Goods and Carpets.
They carry next to tho largest stock carried by any
dealer but one in the state of Oregon. Goods of all kinds,
from the very finest to the cheapest, at Iowa' prices than
can be obtained in Portland. Visitors to the Regatta are in
vited to call and inspect their mammoth store and ware
rooms one of the sights of Astoria.
Mt Anuet, Marlon Co., Ore.
Located 40 miles south of Portland, on
the Southern Pacific railroad.
Music taught on all instruments.
Shorthand, Drnwlne,
Typewriting, Lancutigea
Terms, $100.00 Per Term of 5 rionths.
Apply for catalogue to
Astoria, Oregon.
Ship Chandlery,
Seeds Attcatlea Paid t Supplying Ships.
" Castoria is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known, to me."
H. A. Archer, M. IX,
III 8o. Oxlord St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
" Our physicians in the children's depart
ment have spoken highly of their experi
ence in their outside practice with Castoria,
and although we only have among our
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yet we are free to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon it."
United Hospital and Dispensary,
Bostonf Mass,
Allen C Smith, Pres.
Murray Street, New York City.
, lodging, hent and light in the dormitory
Oregon ; or Secretary Young Women's
J Bachelor of Letters, wilb corresponding
courses lire alsooffered : An English course
nnd in three' years to the title graduate
course in civil engineering lending to the
years for teachers of physical education
of physical education. The University
which is payable in advance by all students.
schools and those having teachers' ccr,
dopartuicut without examination. Those
For the
Meal . .
The Palaee
All the Delicacies
of the Season
Served at the
Most Reasonable Rates
AiJrtss. box 1S0. Pottodu:,. ASTORIA. OR
Dr. Price's Cream Baidn; Powder i
Ceatains a Ammonia ar Alan. -
f-pMIEoiilj way to 111 11 roau Is to first find
out just what kind ot a man you bar" to
fit-that's just what we do take your
measure exact and cut tho suit for you and
It muiit lit, or we'll keep 'em.
. chas. Mcdonald,
The Tailor.
3 Commercial Street.
. 378 Commercial Street.
Manufacturers of every description of
uouness, Mattreeaes, etc.
The, Resort
On Commercial street, is the place
where the businessman aod the lnboriDg-
man co lor whnt is culled "J3KS1 ON
THE COAST." or a nice cool drink of
tlie celebrated Gambrmus beer, band
wi'jhes of every kind made to order, and
an eleeant free lunch served every day.
You are welcome.
Grosbauer & Brach.
, r J t .. -rt. a ,"
. J'' f . A
,&&m) Works,
General Hachlnlst and Boiler Works.
.it it 1 - r r CI. I . L.'t.nmLnnt
All Kinus or tannery, 0111, jicuinuuai
.nl Cnirlnd Wnrlf if tir.u lw rintinn .
auu f.vii. wi "f
Castings of all kinds made to order.
Foot of Lafavette St.. Astoria, Or.
After (Deals!
Or nt any other time
when you wish a good
cigar ask for the well
known, home-made,
hnnd-made, white iBbor
"La Belle Astoria."
Conceded by nil smokers
to be tbo beet ciar
.71 Nintl? Street,
Astoria, Oregon.
Picnic Canned Goods,
Camp Stoves,
Camp Cooking Utensils,
And the latest
All-Woo! Sleeping Bags
At all prices. Just the thing for camp
ers, prospectors, etc. Sure to keep warm
at nights. Better than blankets.
Is there a man with heart so co!d,
That from his family would withhold
The comforts which thf-y all could find
In articles of FUIvNITURE of th
right kind.
And we would suggest at this season,
nice Sideboard, Extension Table, or se
of Dining Chairs. We have the larges
and finest line ever Bhown in the city
and at prices that cannot fail to pleas
tho closest buyers.
"Vtftfst Class Funerals :
POflli'S Undertaking Parlors,
Rit RMsraaoi. Embalming Specialty
As Franklin says, good dress opens
all doors, you should not lose sight of
the fact that a perfect fitting suit Is
the main feature. Wanamaker &
Brown are noted for fit, workmanship
and superiority of qualities. Their rep
resentatlve visits Astoria every three
months. Office 64 Dekum Building,
Portland. Or. Reserve orders till you
have seen the spring line of samples.
The only railroad lighting Us trains by
The only railroad uf'ij the celebrated
elerrtnc berth reading lamp.
The coacties now runnlns: on "The Mil
waukee" are Palaces on Wheels.
On all Us through lines, the Chicago.
Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway runs the
most perfectly equipped trains of Sleep
ing, j'artor, ana Dining cars and Coaches.
For lowest rates to any point In the
United tsatea and Canada, appiy to ticket
agents, or address C. J. EDDY,
General Agvnt,
Portland, Oregon.
Mrs. T. S. Hawkins. Chattanooga.
Tenn,. says, "Shllor's Vitallzer "SAVFTd
MT LIFE." I er.nolder. It tne best r'erj
edy for a debilitated system I ever
used. for Jjyspenela. Uvcr or Kid
ney trouble, it xeeHa. Pitve 7 ctm.
For Bale by J. W. Co&a.
The . Reason why
Astoria is an ideal port not only
becauso of her extraordinary nat
ural advantage, but also on ac
count of the wonderful success of
the jetty improvements.
Ross, fliggins a Go.
Is an ideal firm to deal with,
as they
Carry Large Stocks
-OF- '
First - Glass Goods
And sell them, nnd sell
them at
" Bedrock " Prices.
Paints .
Acts as trustee for corporations and
Individuals. Deposits solicited.
Interest will be allowed on savings
deposits at the rate of 4 per cent per
J. Q. A. BOWLBT President
BENJ. YOUNG Vice President
J. Q. A. Bowlby, C. H." Page, BenJ
Young, A. S. Reed, D. P. Thompson
W. E. Dement, Gust Holmes.
MAKE Attractive. Start by being the
wrjrip most beantitul creature in it.
nii Iti if y on have beauty preserve
it. If not, you can improve ronr looks
immensely. Where there's a aill there's
a way. A good way is the use of my
articles, especially
Lola JVIontez Greme
75- per pot.
Bungs bettn'r to
the face by feed
ing thronyli the
skin pores, pives
life to faded fHCP.
Sold by Mrs D
4-57 Dnane 8t As;
vr-SY 5J4 t; i'Nf-
itiUrLawIiX (besuty dMto'r,
1 X
40 and 42TJiry St.iSan"Franel3CB. Cal,