THE DAILY ASTORIAJM, ASTOKIA, THURSDAY MORMNU, AUGUST 22, 1895. N Will Always Be the Princi pal Port. BRITISH METHOD OF PATRONAGE Baltimore and Other Eastern Ports Losing Ground, But New York Is Gaining, New York Tribune. There arneared simultaneously In the public nrlnls last Week it'hree Items of newi relating to ocean chipping-. They were brief Item, and -were probably passed over Iby many readers as uncon Idered trifles. They came from three different countries ond relate to three entirely different and distinct occurences, Each, howevtr, was In Its way highly significant ,and all Uken together were harmoniously ugg-estlve of some of the most Important considerations regarding the American mtrcan'.lio marine. One wjs a dlsp.ituh from Baltimore, stating that the North German Lloyds company has decided to suspend lis drift class pssenger service from that port to Bremen during tho coming fall end win ter. Its four large vessels will probably be transferred to the New York route. and thre (freight and steerage boats of another line will 'take their place. The Change, It was added, Is to be made on account of poor business at Baltimore, Undoubtedly, that Is not pleasant for Baltimore. It wlil hurt the city's pride, and its b:lness Interests, too. But It was practically Inevitable. Other things be ing equal, travel will seeK the shortes. and quickest routes; and northern routes are of course shorter than southern ones. Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been expended on a single ship, just to Shorten Its time of transit by a few hours. In such circumstances it Is not to ibe expected that much passenger trave, will be by Bal'ltanore, when the fastest and best ships sail from New York, on a much Shorter route, and the two cities ar only four hours apart 'by two of the finest railroads in the world. Ac cordingly, It Is not surprising to Una In tihe next of the lums, a dispatch from London, a report that a new line ot steamers Is to be established from Great Britain to this country, landing, not at Baltimore nor any other port, but New York. This city. It is evident, is destined to remain the commercial capital, as it Is also the general busnesa and social capi tal! of t'he United States. Other ports have made and are making great efforts to rival It, tout in vain. It Is greatly Injured by neglect and abuse, but not destroyed. In feplte of ail rivalry, ami In Bplte of the Indifference of Us own citizens, who have never half realized their great opportunities. It still holds Its place so far ahead of all would-bo com petitors that "there Is no socond," Nor Is It difficult to discover the reason. New York ho a harbor unequalei by any on the entire Atlantic coast. It has the best railroad connections with all parts of 't'he country; and it Is, of all ports having adequate railroad service, the nearest to Kurope. These facts alone ensure lit supremacy, Nevertheless, It is mlschevlous folly to resit Idly upon them. The advantages t'hey afford should be supplemented by generous and earnest efforts' to add to them alt that lies within the compass of human skill and power. The deepening and preservation of the harbor and approaches. Improvement and extension of the water front, and the enlargement and perfection of all ter minal facilities, are works that should be pressed as vigorously as though New York were struggling for existence in competition with powerful and successful rivals. The llhlrd item was from Ottawa, and told that the New ZtwJund government has granted a yearly subsidy of $100,000 'to the Paelii? steamships for culling there on Iboth Journeys between Canada and Australia, for mat's to and from Great Britain, the imalls being carried across tihts continent by the Canndlam govern ment free of chnrge. That Indicates the only serious rivalry with which Mils city and this country have to cope; and indl caites, too, the source of Its strength. It is by such a policy that Great Britain end her colonies have built up the great est mercantile marine In the world. There Is scarcely one 'British trade route that is not marked from end ito end1 with postal subsidies or other 'forms of gov ernment encouragement. There sire also In this country lAnglomanlacs, too, by a perverse Irony -who profess to have an titter horror even of ithe word "sub. sidy." If their salaries, or dlvldrnds, or other Income, should be called subsidies, they iwould probably refuse to TeceWi them. Thty have other and better plans for the extension of trade and develop ment of commerce. If so, it would be n sweet boon Tor tnem to untold in. 411. Unless they do so, we are afraid a great 'many ucotple will continue to think that if a inw'tlon wants a mercantile marine it should use Us best ports, make them as commodious possible, and then ex tend to Its own enterprise tho reasonable encouragement of its awn paitronago, The Daily Astorian positively guaran lees to advertisers a larger City, County and State circulation than all other papers published in Astoria combined. BUYERS AND S1SLLKT13. The following real estate transfers weie filed for record yeaterdny: J. J. Shaw to S. K. Jessup, lots &' and 32, block 5, Hemlock il'atlc addition 1 S. K. Jesmip to J. J. Shnw, lots 6 and XI, block C, and lots b ami S3, fcloek 7, Hemlock l'ark addi tion Joseph Vlles and wlfft to 6. C. Turner, lot 4, Mock 9, Warren- ton Addition 123 C. R. lllggins to Mrs. Ktta I Ar son, lot T and 8, block 5, War- ' ronton addition, contract fof deed 135 C. It. llfevlns to tUmon Mating, lot 12. block 3, Warrenton addition contract for deed (0 C. It Hlgglns to John Limber, lots 4, 6, ID and 13, block 2. War ronton addition, contract for deed 210 C. . Hlgglns to Alex Manilla, lot It, blolk B, Warrenton addition, contract for deed Til OREGON CHEESE, Some 8ampln of What Can Be Done In Dairying. Yesterday afternoon there nu placed upon tho editor's desk tuttimc from three cheeses made In May. l&M, by Mrs. Dr. Adair, iwhlchj men fully appreciated by the recipients. ' Much has been said the press at different times to the 1 effect that good cheese could not bb manufactured in Oregon, and particularly in Clatsop county. The Astorlan has taken the position that this county is one of the best dairy farming communities on the Pacific Coast. The sample of cheese shown yesterday fuMy demonstrates the fact that Clat cop county can produce cheese with any body. The cheese Is dry and of a very rich and nutty flavor, equal to the im ported article, and is n delicacy that would be appreciated upon an epicure's table. It Is to be regretted that this fine article cannot be found In the market as It would certainly meet with a ready Bale at high prices. The DailjAstorian positively guaran tees to advertisers a larger City circulation than all other papers published in A dolia combined. HOTEL ARRIVALS. ASTOIt HOUSE. Frank Newcomi-, A Anderson, City Baker City. N 8 Springer, Ptld Geo M Home, Ptld Y M Williams, Cty Chas Klpllnger, Sa- N Santiago, City Icm Or. j Frank Larfbourne, It S Lee, N. D. Montana. E H Phillips, MontM!ss E McDonough, V II Ledxewood, Iiwaco. Van AlBtyne, Tex Miss A McDonough, J M llogers, Van Kwaco. Alstyne, Tex. LM Vanderberg, city P Kallck and wlfe, A P Little, Portland Portland. . B M Brapee, Pulp Frank Belinke, j MU!. Oneida, Wash. D M Shanks! ' Puip Ii B Stone, Ilwaco Mills. D J IrtgailsV Mel-W McCIure, city ylllo. I NOTICE. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Odd Fellows' Land end Building Association will be held at Odd Fellows' Hall on Thursday, August 22d, at 2 o'clock p. m. By order of the President. A. J. MKGLER, Secretary MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTY. Buy a piano from a manufacturer who AMrr nits Ills own Instruments and not from one who won't warrant his own oods, but depends on a local agent to warrant them for hvin. Every Kimball olano Is backed by the -Kimball Com pany's live years' written guaranty. The liaily Astorlan positively guaran . to adieitixert a hnyer City and Jounti circulation than all other papers mblished in Astoria combined. SETTLED THE BILL. This Little Woman Worked a Shylock ind Then Had a Good Cry. Chicago Chronicle. Brooklyn people .ire just now enjoying the clover manner in which a venerable and rich but somewhat stingy Quaker was outdone by a clever little woman recently. The Quaker owns a great deal of property In the City of Churches, in cluding many dwellings. One of these I3 In Cambridge p'.ace, and has been occu pied for a year or 'two by a purs.r on a transatlantic liner, who was laid off two or three years ago for Irregular habits. It was iterrlbly mortifying to his spirited ilttle nli'e, us they had no money laid by and soon became destitute. They got behind In 'their rent, and finally their Quaker landlord, who had up to this time personally called to collect his money every mionth, ordered them out after hav ing lost two months' rent. He then placed the house In the agent's hands. Threo days after the purser' family were dispossessed a business-like ilttle woman called ot tho olllce and rented the Cambridge place house nit $0 less a month than It had been bringing before, and she moved In the same day. Bright ml early on his regular rent day the Jamaica Quaker called at the Cambridge place house to get acquainted with his new tenants. What was his astonishment to hiivo his ring answered by the same iiretty little woman whom he hud dis possessed a week before. She cordially Invited him in and told him that her husband had been reinstated and that they expected to occupy t'he houso right along. She did not forget to express her pleastire at the reduction in rent. Fin ally, the old man suKgsted that he would expect the $C0 for back rent, and asked ' she was going to pay It. She went to tho mantel and brought beck a sheet covered with figures, whl 'h she handed to the Quaker. The fooling was .".!).,". That's what It cost us to move out and In again," said she, "and here's 60 cents to balance th nccount for back rent," and she produced a receipt all filled In and ready for his signature. The old man signed It, and rhen, swallowing lump in his throat, said: "Verily, line Is a diligent helpmeet." Tho clever little woman bowed him out, closed t'he door and sat down to have a good cry. THE ORIGTN OF THE WORD DAGO. The Times-Herald has recently had sev eral inquiries as tj the meaning of iho i'M "dairo." 1. Is net an Indian word, nor a leultl mute wol of any lunjruiitre. It Is derived fim the Spnnlsh proper mam Diego. pronounctM liyaKO. -which is the most common Christian name of men In Spiln, St. lHeiro or St. James betnR the tutelary sitnt of that country. 'All Spanish moth er name one eon after the salivt and the r.sult Is 'that DWo is the Christian name one oftcneat hears amonjr the Spaniards and on the borders of the Mediterranean. Frm tills came the habit of the sailors of all nationalities in tho Mediterranean of callliiK every man employed on vessels Whose nuins was unknown to them Vitgo or lvwro, that Ibelns the .name t'hey most frequently heard tmontr uoh employes. Jup! ns nwtes and captains on our lakes and rivers call the ;enera!lty of th?lr roustabouts "John." that belns the nam most usinlly heard nmonft us. From this custom of the sailors the transition was easy in this country to call all foreigners Dagos that came from the Mediterranean shore, and hence the name is applied indiscriminately to Italians. Greeks. Sicilians and Spaniards. Tt Is a mere nickname, but it Is so deep ly rooted in popular ppeech tha it will always enuure. ic is line me worn yunkee, which amonsr foreigners' Is con sidered to be the name, of the n-hole American people. thouKh amonj our selves iwe discriminate largely J to its applicability. THOUGHTUC33. W'ssh'jigrton Star. "Don't you And it rather lonly here?" sked Choliy, ''with nobody to talk tor 'Yes." she rcptte wk:l a vacant look Into spire, "and 4tB retting worse -very tul nut e." This hot weather is ntvat drives the bnartia ofttlmlsta to the bihe. tvnt the genuine can work frt the optimist trade wtth the mercury indicating; In the shade three days In succession. fcy In TO THE PUBLIC. The foKowIng appeared In "The Budget Evening Edition:" The Astoria Street Car Company have many peculiar riles, or somo very Impu dent and tingentlemanly conductors. Yesterday the conductor on car No. 'i made a great commotion because a lady wanted to take her little dog on the car. At the same time dirty, greasy China men are permitted to ride in the same cars and smoke pipes you could smell for seventy-five yards. A good stiff compe tition In the street car business would no doubt be beneficial In the way of ser vice to the people who have to patronize them. I wish to say In answer that the un derpinned was the conductor on the car mentioned. The facts are as follows: Mr. O. W. Dunbar and wife hailed Car No. 2 and I assisted Mrs. Dunbar on board. Then Dunbar told his dog to get on, when, according to Instructions received from my employers, I Informed him that dogs were not allowed on the cars and I offered to put the dog on the front platform of the motor car. He then called his wife off the car. As soon as she had reached the ground 1 told the motor-man to go ahead, when Dunbar In the presence of ladles, yelled out, "Go to h 1 with your car; you had better get men on it." I was born In this city and have never been accused before of being tingentlemanly or impudent. I am doing the best I can to earn an honest living and to obey tho Instructions given me by my employers, and I feel that It Is a little hard that my character should be blackened Just because Dun bar's dog could not get a ride on the car. As to Chinamen riding, I consider that a nickel Is as good as a pass. , H. M. SNOW, Conductor. WORK ON THE PIPE LINE. Italn Interfered With Trenching Some what Yesterday. A trip over the pipe line can now be made to Bear Creek, and a gentleman who drove out yesterday reports that t'hey are laying pipe at the rate of 1060 feet per day which Is very rapid work. The trenchers were compelled to lay off becauso of the heavy rainfall In that section. There was so Ilttle rain in town yesterday that It seems strange that so short a distance away so much water should fail. The tires which hava been raging for several days have been ef fectually stopped, and the timely rain did much good even at the cost of slight delay to the work. The work on tho pipe line, prosecuted under difficulties by reason of the heavy grading, bridging and slashing, has been one of the best executed public works ever undertaken in this community und the contractors deserve much credit. The man who regrets having done a generous action Is not likely to get much credit for it upstairs. The Astorian it an established institution. It wis liere jmttrtlay, and Inst week, and tivnty years a?o. It will l here tomorrow, and next year, and twenty years a Tier that. It h of known eirriilation-lnire an great an all (lie oilier paper in lliis ri'y rouibined and your iiiliei'iistiiinit is always read. Our ad vertiser aie not fools. Tliey advertise in the Astorian liberally and well bemuse it pays. Th8 Wiley B. Allen Co. Branch, 710 Commercial Street. Cliickjoring l'ianos llardniiui Pianos Fischer Pianos Rste-y Organs Tarrantl & Votcy Organs I.,ov'rrIceH. Ufmy Terms. All Instruments Warranted Canadian Pacific RAILWAY. AMERICA'S -t- toCofittatal 1 Railway System. 10 -IX- Palace Dining Room and Sleeping Cars. Luxurious Dining Cars. Elegant Day Coaches. -also - Observation Cars, allowing Unbroken Views of the Wonderful Mount ain Country. $5.00 and $10.00 Saved on nil tickets Kal. Tourist cfr thi boat on whrrW. I quipuii'iitf ol Itiu very flues', throunlitut. -ALSO Canadian Pacific BOWL Mill STEAMSHIP UK -TO- China and Japan. China steamers leave Vancouver, B. C: L:mprts$ of lndl fcmpress of Japan (impress of China iimpms of Injia Hmpresi of Jran Lmprrss of Chiiu Aujf. tth. Aug itth. S'pt. liuh. Oct. nth, Nov. nth. Dec, 9th. Australian steantrr leave Vancouver, B. C loth el every month. For ticket rates and information call on or address JAS. FINLAYSON, Agent, Astoria, Or. W. F. Carson, Traveling Pass. Agt, Tacoma, W ash. Geo. McL. Brown, Dist. Pass. Agt., Vancouver, B. C. Whv Is it the masses buy their Because- He carries the mont complete assortment and the best of money. Prices Of clothing havo simply Clothes from $10.00 to $15 Youths' Clothing in the same Awav With the idea of thinking that you don't want a New Dress or a Cloak for the coming fall, for as sure as youjook at the New and Stylish Goods in these departments and the ex tremely low prices, you will select, D own Goes the prices and out goes the goods. We have teen and we arc determined to give our patrons the very best quality of goods and at the very lowest prices. THE LEADING Dry Goods and Clothing House Rea REFERENCES. First National Bank, Astoria, Or. Astoria Savings Bank, " " Astoria National Bank, " " LaiU & Tilton, Bankers, Portland, Or. Citizen's National Bank, Tacoma, Wn. Dextor Ilorton it Co., Bunkers, Seattle. Capital National Bank, Olympia, "Yn. First National Bank, South Bend, AVn. E, L. 470 cSs 472 Coro-inercial St., Clothing and Dry Goods at been cut in two. Today you 00 that formerly used to cost proportion. HEW GOODS fl$$lVlHG DAILY C. H. COOPER, OF ASTORIA. Loans and Estate We handle more Property than any other Firm in the City, and are Sole Agents for the Astoria Ad dition to Warrenton. BOYLE C. H. COOPER'S? values for the least amount can buy a nice Suit of Mens' $20.00 to $30.00. Boys' and very busy during the past week value by selling only the best Investments. & CO. Astoria, Or.