ASTORIA PUBLIC LInnAKi ASSUOiATlUfl. ASTORU PUBLIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATSOH. VOL. XLIV, NO. 150. ASTORIA. OREGON. THURSDAY MORNING. AUGUST 22, 1895. PRICE, FIVE CENTS im1- i l r it f in 1 if i wmmmmm - r ON THE 1. U OSGOOD, The One Price Clothier, Hatter and Furnislw. 506 ami 508 COMMERCIAL STREET, ASTORIA OR. WMWllUl-ni1ir'-l I T ir MiM.jrfig.a u A NEW STOCK! Fishing Tackle, Baskets, Flies, Rois, to. !' h h i U, W iti Masks, (iloves, Mits, etc. Croquet ct.e, Hummocks, Lawn Tennis Balls, Bird Cages, Garden Stts, Children's Carnages and Iron Wagons. Come and See Griffin NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY! Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats and Shoes. All direct from the manufacturers. Cull mrl see nnr ulioe stock. New Lines of Ladies', dents' and Children' Shoes-- Men's ConuresB Shoes - - $1.50 Men's Congress bboes $2.00 Men's Police Shoes - - - JH.OO Men's Kangaroo Shoes $3 50 The Best Values liver Known, , Inspect our clothitig Wt- have full Hues of Men's, Youth's and Boy's Suits. Men's puita rMinir frm $5.00 nj to 813.00. Kvery one of Ihem a genuine bargain. Wo XL in Hosieiy, L"mUrv. rur. IhOK Cups Tiiinki, Valises, Blankets and Com foiteia, Whitii Shirts", Collins, ufl'w, tiuspendeis, Etc. OREGON TRADING CO., 6oo THRKH LOTS. .in cation, ;i Uv..- j.r CHOICE LOTS IN HILLS FIRST ADDITION. Oa the nev Pipe Line Boulevard Just the place for a cheap borne. A Block IN A LDERi'.KOOK. STREET CAli LINE will ho extended this summer to within 5 minutes walk of this property AVil I cell nt decided bantam. ACREAGE. In 5 or 10 acre traot iimide the city limits, also adjoining Flavel. GEORGIA HILL,. 471 Komi St., Occident Mlock, HILL'S REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE.. ROSS HIGGINS & CO. Grocers, : and : Butchers Astoria nd Upper Astoria. Ine Teat snd Coffees, Table Delicacies, Domestic and Tropical Fniltj. Vegetables. Sugar Cured Hams, Bacon. Etc. Choice Fresh and Salt - Meats. EVKTtT ONE NKED8 A BTTSTNT9 S EDUCATION. Many yours; men snd women enn srri1 bpt one or two yean at school why rot take a eoiirM that ess be oon-r''"'' :"' tlm? TY.r collet lnebid a short ENOI.IHH COURSE ka il del ir'SlWS? i" ! SOPTHASl COCKSI. For catalogues sdilreiis, U YAMHILL SI. - - HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. - - rORTULTD, OR. LOOKOUT! It is well always to be on the look out. It has often been said that ''there are tricks and tricksters in all trades," which makes it essential while buying goods to go to a first class One Price House, where goods are marked in plain figures and sold Jor cash under a low expense direct from the manufacturer?, and which does not employ 'i'oosters," "Cap pers," "Eunners" or ,Pnller-ins,'at an extra expense of '1 per cent, to the price of your Men's or Boy's Clothing, Furnish ' ug Goods, Hat3, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Etc. Us & Reed. Commercial Street. 2 blocks from Hiijh School. A BARGAIN. ASTORIA PUBLIC IiIBRflRY I READING ROOM FI1EE TO AM. Open every day from 3 o'clock to 5:30 and 6:30 to 9:30 p. m. Subscription rates 3 per annum. Southwest cor. Eleventh aud Duane SU. mm 0 35 Real Life MANY LIVES LOS Sealing Schooner Wrecked and All Hands Lost. EXCELSIOR DOES GOOD WORK Saves the Crew of the Brenda, An' other Wrecked Sealer v Double Murder. Seattle, August 21. The steam ahooner Excelsior arrived here this morning from Alaska, bringing the first definite news of the wreck of the sealing schooner Walter Earle, of Victoria, which was capsized April 14, with the loss of every man on board, including Captain Magne son and crew of seven white men and eleven Indians. She was found bottom up and the Indians were in the fore' castle. ' The steamer Francis Cutting towed the wreck to Kodiak Island, and it was there that the dead Indians were discov ered, after the boat had been turned right side up. The Excelsior also brought a part of the crew of another wreck, the sealing schoonor Brenda, which went to pieces on an unknown rock on the coast of Schumshu Island eft the Siberian coast., but all of -the men were Buved. Those returning on the Excelsior were Captain C. E. Locke, Seaman Charles Nelson and Cabin Boy Arthur Cox. On the 10th of April a ter- rlflc storm swept the seas around Ko diak Island, endangering every kind of craft. In the middle of July tho steam er Francis Cutting, Captain Thomas, bound toward Unalarka, sighted an up turned hull and attaching a line towed it into Koulak, in a fearful storm. The Indians, becoming frightened, had rushed into the forecastle, which is their quar ters. The brave crew outside had tried to imanagc the helpless vessel, which may have already lost her rudder, as it was gone from the wreck. They had been swept into the sea by the fury of the storm, and sank without the least chance to save themselves. The Imprisoned In dians were in much greater peril and when t'he boat turned completely over they were drowned without even a re mote chance being allowed to those in the open air to save them. DOUBLE MURDER. Seattle, August 21.--A special to the Post-Intelllgencor from Woodlnvllle June tlon, King county, Wash., gays: A fearful shooting: affray occurred at Avondale, about elsht miles "east of here this morning-, resulting: In the death of Joseph Cicero and proboibly the mortal wounding of Jim MoCann, both ranchers living near Avondale. Bad blood has ex isted between Cicero and the McCann brothers since the election last fall. This imornlng Cicero, meeting Jim McCann and tils brother, they commenced quarrollng. Finally Cicero and Jim McCann camo to blows and when separated by some of the bystanders, one of the MoCann broth ers pulled his revolver. Upon seeing this Cicero said: "If this is your game, 1 will take a hand in it." He Immediately went to his house, only a few rods o(T, and when he came out one of tho Mc Canns fired two shots at him, upon which Cicero commenced firing, Ono of the bullets took effect In McCann's ab domen. Cicero still advancing, foil on the ground, upon which one of tho Mc Capn brothers took a revolver from bis 'brother's hand and holding it closo to Cicero's head, fired, resulting In the Im mediate death of Cicero. Small hopes are entertained for Mc Cann's life. A American Ship James Drum Mond in Danger. Both Anchors Dragging A Timely Assistance From the Belief and Manzanita Saved liter From Destruction. About half an hour before the conclu sion of yesterday afternoon's sailing races, and when Captain Gregory and the Judges on the Manzanita were get ting ready to record the time of the winning sloops and 18-footers, word was sent off that the steamer had been or dered away to Tillamook Rock on duty to assist in getting the American ship James Drumniond out of a dangerous predicament. The anchor was immedi ately weighed and the Manzanita taken to her dock, where about 150 ladles were hurrletKy put ashore. Commander Far enholt went aboard, and he gave Cap tain Gregory the following dispatch from Fort Canby: "The American ship which, passed out two days ago Is going ashore inside of Tillamook Rock. She is dragging her an chors and flying distress signals. KELL1HER. Commander Farenholt then ordered Captain Gregory to leave trnmedlately and do all In his power to aid the tug boat Relief which had gone to the as sistance of the vessel. Everybody but an Astorlan representative and Deputy United States Marshal Stewart was put ashore and preparations were Immediate ly made for departure. All the regatta bunting was hauled In, awnings were folded and sheeted home, boats run in board and lciBhed, and in three minutes from the - time she lifted her anchor in midstream the Manzanita was run ning full speed out to see with every thing shipshape and not a sign, even in the shape Of a chair on her deck, irivlrg any evidence of the festivities that had been going on aboard Ave minutes be fore. It was one of the natest pieces of work tlmt has bn witnessed on-tha river for many m day and Captain Greg ory, his officers and crew, ar entitled to great credit for the efficiency and smartness they displayed. With a strong tide running out over the bar the Manzanita, was not long In round ing the mouth of the river, and In ex actly two hours from the time she cast off from the wharf she spoke the Drum mond. The Relief, which had a start of half an hour on the government vessel, was riding alongside when she reached her. Captain Gregory and tho Astorlan representative boarded the ship and Cap tain Curtis gave the following; account of the trouble: "At a little after 6 o'clock last night (Tuesday) the wind died away entirely. We were about four miles oft Tillamook Rock and were unable to see halt a dozen cable lengths ahead on account of the fog and -smoke which hung thick all over tho water. A strong southerly cur rent was setting In and I found the ship drifting rapidly Inshore, weeping us round in semllclrcle towards Clatsop Beach, Inside Tillamook Head. - The sails were put up on the foremast and main mast but M they , were absolutely use less, I ordered them furled and dropped both anchors in sixteen fathoms of wa ter. After dragging-In still closer to shore for some minutes the current seemed to lose its force and we held by cur chains in this epot, where we have been riding for nearly 2i hours. Two or tluee times I was very much afraid we would go to destruction without the pos sibility of any help coming to us. . The eea was smooth, but fog hung around us thick till about four o'clock, when it lifted, enabling the operator at the Cape to make out our signals and send us assistance." . There Is no doubt that the position of the vessel was a very, dangerous one, Had the ocean not been cleared of smoke by light winds yesterday afternoon she would have been compelled to withstand another strong southerly current last night, with the great probability of her chains parting. It wold have taken about ten minutes under these clrcum Btances to have thrown her Into the breakers on the rocks northwest of Tilla mook Head. She was anchored with Til lamook Head' B. 8. 3., and Tillamook Rock 8. 8. B. After proffering any as sistance in his power to the tugboat, captain uregory Btood by the vessel un til the Relief took hold of her and towed her out to sea, where she dropped her at l a. m. this morning. The Manzanita steamed down to Tillamook Rock, to communicate with the workmen on shoro, get some orders lor building material, and then made north for the lightship; speaking it at lWclock. She arrived at her dock shortly before midnight. Airter the fog lifted; and when the emoke of tho Relief and (Manzanita com Ing- to the rescue was dlscernabla to the north'ard, the crew of the Drummond tilled In the time fishing for salmon from the deck. They caught fifty-ono tine nan in an hour, and were beginning to Bait them down when the steamers reach ed the ship. Captain Curtis waa very greatly relieved toy his fortunate es cape, and thanked Captain Gresrorv nd Captain McCoy for their timely assist ance. The sudden and unexpected call on the Manzanita broke up a day of the very greatest enjeymont aboard her. From early morning she waa thrnnimrt iiih Jo die and gentlemen who witnessed the races, ana who were thoroughly oaptl-v-ated by the successful efforts of Cap tain Gregory and his officers to make iiivm leet at nome. DENMARK'S COURT. Their Mhjesfclea Lead Lives Severe i Simplicity. Murtaey'a Magaz-lnte. MWeddltis of Eemmlark at Fredenborg, thetlr cajsHte. near rvmnhj. i ,, -- -"-a - . .a, tiro eurly part of ithe summer. Later m when King Chrtstttui's children, and granid grartddhtltlrera dren arrive from Russia, and England -..x uioo, am ,i'campro is nvade to en force a certain, amlonn'f t and elttquedte. foult the noval and imnm-i gueaflis are ix glad to Oiiave run away irum pomp ana circumstances for a time Ito InduUre tn the dinner hkvur finds tlfoem In court dress, which the men exchange for lounging cos tumes and uhe ladles for simpler gowns as soon as QueLn LouLae retires to her own ipartme)tta At Fredbnborg the Ilalsser aire of good nature and' goou win ib umapicuioueiy In evldeno?. 1 was al towed toi stnotll aM h ... urtill I got tired and when I finally went u mo moom m itne court marehal to present my Itetlter of Introduction thut genltteman ooflttelv aalnxl wspiiua.Hty ta an eight toy elx room ftd- oiiuinr une apartmenits occupied by their royal highnesses of Waks. lit was my flrdt exner1nA in hmiAMM the atmosphere of royalty; yet I have seldom attended brenkfW ized state than on tihl following morn ing. The waeh bowl In my room waa not mucn larger traan an ordinary waiter melon cut in wo. Lnri a second allowance of waiter I was In- iormeu cy the chambermaid that (the fluid had to be procuiwi from the pump In the fnon't vuird and itihiat o . w nvu.U MV, do Ho waste it. There are no bahroomi m itnu noyaa cwaiteau, jio elevators, no hall tiarrwJtsi trtcnt in t t- a r - mo w i lui nu" Joining tlhe'a bedmma. mi i. tth, by kerosene lamps swjnwlng on chilns from the celMngls and as to runwing water ndbody dares hone for mirh . lnvtirv In Faiedewiborg. But for all that it is a charming reftreat, full of Ugh end bun an'd (low ere and! grl.ienery. It is, too, tno only cllace an kh nmrirt wha nv. ally may be eeen In Its shirt sleeves. anu wuiera uui Iiigavrt mela, who some day may giiice a throne, romp about birefoivfced. KNEW A THING OR TWO. Kansas City "World. Bridfcet iat tut likltronrtMi - i . n i r, thoujsh Sha eannntf Ha rniiwt , v. : ., woman, because the people say she is generally gofna; out; -but "whatever may be said of Bridget, she is Indep.-ndsnlt In all the word implies, and never losos an opportunity to show her employers that sha (a sal annd .nv m-yuj-m t . v, Jw-d one evening when the door bell ring ou ae oiaost daughter of the family went to the door. A stylishly dressed younff man asked for Bridget. He was told ta waft in the hall and the young woman went to thw servant's room and knocking at iwr door satd to her: "Bridarat, there Is a gentleman here to see you." . 12rU&0t 4end U3 door just half an Inch and answered: "Will you picas teli the eerfitonen to send In bl card."- - Was What the Men Said to Their Teams. THE CONTRACTORS START WORK Two Gangs of Meu Now Throwing Dirt on the Grade for the Road. "Whoa, there! Gee! GO Jlong there, 1 tell you!" These and similtr exclama tions were heard on the dock yesterday as Superintendent Wattla' men ' were loading the teams, scrapers, and other paraphernalia of railroad building pre paratory to their shipment ti tho va rious points of action on the line of the new railroad. A gathering of ordinary curiosity seekers was much concerned as to who and what the caravan was, but no one eeemel to have any Informa tion. It was developed at headquarters later In the afternoon, however, that this was the Arst contingent of men and teams wCio were to commence work on the GoW.e rullroad. Quietly and without flourish of trum pets the railroad peoplo have boen hard at work on their plans of construction and rearranging the surveys of the line, reducing grades and curvatures In order that a first-class roadbed might se con' structed. Considerable criticism and an xlety has been expressed from time to time as to when the work of actual con' structlon should commence, but the rail' road company has quietly completed its plans and before any one had knowledge of the fact had placed two gangs of men in the field, who are now at work grading and clearing the right of way. The contract for the grading and clear ing was let Tuesday to Messrs. Cory Bros. & Co., and their superintendent, Mr. Wattla, yesterday sent a gang of men and teams to Tongue Point and an' other to Flavel, and both forces are now at work throwing dirt and building the roadway of the new railroad. An examination of the specifications Included In the contract for the builders Is ample evidence that the Astoria-Goble road is to bo Jlrst-duss in every respect, and wilt Ibe capable of handling the heav iest traffic at the highest rate of speed Specifications for grading and clearing provide that the roadbed and excavations shall be twenty feet wide at tho -profile grade in earth, and sixteen feet in rock or other similar materials, as tno engin eers may direct. The roadbed and em. bankments shall be of uniform, width of sixteen feet the average width of the Northern Pacific and other trunkllno embankments being fourteen feot. The clearing shall be done for tho entire width of the right of way, and such tx tra widths as shall be directed by the engineers. All brush and limbs of trees Shall be burned and removed from tne slopes. The beginning of work on the onter priBe which Is to liberate Astoria and the Columbia river valley from its re stricted commercial opportunities end enable the citizens of this natural sea port and shipping center to place them selves at the head of commerce on the Pacific Coast will be hailed with delight by all. Not only Astoria, but Oregon at large, should fully appreciate the ad vantages to be opened to this great state by the buifdlng of this line of railroad. There can be no doubt whatever In the mind of any sane man but what the peo ple at large fully realize what this enter prise means to them. There art, how ever, some few soreheads In Portland who need to learn a lesson that will sooner or 'later be forced upon them that Astoria Is to be the shipping port of the state, as well as of the Northwest coast. Her naturaL facilities declare It, and her geographical location assures it, Mr. Hammond Is determined to nave the best possible railroad that can be built, and the citizens cannot do less than to stand unitedly with him in the effort to make the enterprise successful In every respect. The mere building of the ralh-oad will not bring the traffic twhieh Is to make the road successful and build up the town. Transcontinental railroads must be brought to this point and they will be if Mr. Hammond receives the support he ought to have. It Is not sim ply necessary to have one transconti nental connection, but in ordjr to fully meet all the demands of trade and be enabled to reach all market on an even baBls there should be connection with lines reaching the South, Southeast, th Bast and Northeast. That such com binations are possible and mora than probable, anyone familiar with tno rail road map of today well knows. Mr. Hammond leaves tonight for Port land and Corvallls, where other business of Importance In connection with the old Oregcn Pacific requires his attention. He will be absent a few days but In the mesn time has given such Instructions snd so started the wheels of construction that his chief officers and lieutenants can proceed with the work. This Is a great day for Astoria, and no doubt the regatta festivities will be made to cele brate the event. IT HELPED HIM. LewHstlon Journal. 'Tie always pleaifcvnit to se 'irue love run aHmg in smooth chamwCs. A mtnlth or so ago a Cape Elizabeth woman came Irtto a Portland ocuKtll'tr tlucire and pur Highest of all ia Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report l l W -J I I i t 11-w cz chased a glasls eye. She conn&snltly In formed tlhe ocul'lslt What her husband fcaxt been arrested' and 'tlhijjt she was glau of It, jt he hadn't used her well at all. She 'hoped thalt a term in Jail woiI heCp him, md she proposvad to go up and see Mm eenl&nced, and So she gca a maw glass eye in order ito make a pttaper appearance in court. This week the wiaman came In again. With her waa a man whom slhe Inlxoducedl as her hustfjlnd. The glass eye had Ibeeoi acci dentally broken and the man was pre paring to buy another and "darm the expanse. I wamlt her to have Just as g!d an eye aa you've gdb In the store, for ithe' ntalt no btOter iwomUn on Ithe face of the earth." The wife winkwa the sound eye blissfully at the oculist and .wihibpered: "Thalt Jail done him sight of good." . LASSOED A SBA LION. . A Venturesome Hunlber Has a Narrow Esjape From. Drowning. Sao Francisco Examiner. C. F. Monroe, a resident of Fresno county, Who lhau ibeen spending some weeks In llhils vicinity humming and flsh Ifig, principally on tlhe coast, met with an xpenUuce Wednesday last which nearly cost him his life. Monroe, who had been camping in the rediwouda near Usai, discovered, while riding on Uie beach, ejme miles south of Dur Harbor, a group of sea lions sun ning themselves, He determined to get a vtiJt at one. Aocordln&Cy dismounting he a wCds ejete and came upJn thtn unawares. Walbchlng them for some momenta, he finally took aim and fired, 'but his aim was untrue, and, though, wounding the lion severely, the animal was still able to flounder about, and was making all posslbOe haste to get back to the water agin. Being an expert with Uhe tacso, M'on roe: undertook to capture the creature, and, mounting his hone, he unloosed his rope and itlhrew It over the lion's head and behind one of its flippers, then tak ing a turn with lh rope around the pum mel of Oils saddle. Notwithstanding the wounded condition of the lion, it still struggled towjrJa the (water. It wos not long before all were floundering in the surf. Monroe flnatly succeeded In loosing the nope from the pummel of the saddle, when he found he had forgotten to un fasten it from t'he horse's meek. Being in the surf, i't wias too dangerous to now try and cut It, and, to save himself, ho cast adntflt his faithful animal' and strug gled if or the ahore, which he reached in an exhausted condition. He saw his horse but once afterward, and it Was then being towed to sea. It wlas found next manning on the beach. - It seems that in eome way the rope waa broken and 'Ithe Utowned horse was cast upon the sand. The body of the sea lion waa not found. . Monroe says chore may be a great deal .of fun hunt ing eea S'lons, but from his experience hunting on land is good enough for him. UNSATISFACTORY '' Was Yesterday's Professional Footrace, A great deal of Interest was centered yesterday afternoon In the professional 100 yards footrace, for a purse of (75. The race was programed to come off at 2:30. An hour before that time ropes were stretched on each side of the street to keep the big crowd from Interfering with the runners. When tho 14th. Infan try Band marched through the course heralded by Grand Marshal Trenchard, and playing "Marching Thro' Georgia," both sides of Commercial street leading from Allen's grocery store to the Gam brlnua saloon, were block with peoplo. At 2:30 the sprinters made their appear ance on the track and took positions for the start. Four Inon were entered In the race, Jack Clark, Tom FoBter, Wm. Ray and Charles Klplinger. After a nurrrlier of false starts on tho part of Foster and Clarke, whldl resulted In their being placed back from the starting point a distance of four or five yards, the men got off. Ray and Klplinger had a big lead but Foster soon overtook the latter, coming In at the tape .four feet behind Ray, who was awarded the race. Considerable dissatisfaction existed on the result of the race many being of the opinion that had Foster not been so heavily handicapped he would have won. ATHLETIC DUDE. Boston 'Bulletin. Stories of the athletic dude are gener ally considered notion, Ibult an Incident In the union station the other dUy we know to ibe a fact, A young man in Immaculate iwhite trousens, blue tack and fine Straw hat Halted a little on the side of his head, entered tho station, lighted a cigarette and looked around him with the calm sir of superiority onCy to be seen in Ithe university man,- This was evidently irritating to some rough, cus tomers there, and one of them utepped up to tlhe youth and said: "Hay, do you own this station?" With a calm Stare t'he young man re pJled: "Probably more of tt than you do." Hals seemed Ito (further (rritalte the questioner, and stepping up in a threat ening manner, he said: "Your putting on a of a lot of tugs, ain't you?" The answer came quickly: "Yes, snd. this is one of them," accompanied by a tremendous 'blow under the jaw that landed the questioner with a crash on the floor of the station, from which he waa hustled into the street by a police man, who after hearing the statement of tlhe case from the bystanders, declared 'it setved him right," and tlM varsity. oarsman, (for such (the elegant youth hap pened to be, threw away tils cigarette and boarded a train for the North Shore. After giving mature consideration to the subject we reach the conclusion that the near woman Is merely the old woman gone to the other extreme. w j VMMifai - - ' s i f1 '' V a.