THE DAILY ASTORJAK. ASTORIA, SUNDAY HORNlNtt, - AUGUST 18, 1895. . to-measure,' $35' t. UE only way to lit a roan Is to first flDd out Just what klnii of a man you have to fit that's just what , we do -take your measure exact and cut tho suit for you and it must fit, or we'll keep 'em. tailoring exclusively. . chas. Mcdonald, The Tailor. S23 Commercial Street Few Hen Would Ask for a Finer Dinner than those ve aerve. We're trying In every way to make them the most en joyable In town. AH the "good things" of the seasoncooked by our excellent cook in the most delicious style. Perfect service. If you Invite a friend to the Palace Restaurant the place is a sufficient guar antee that he will receive a good meal, The Palace , Restaurant ASTORIA - MATTRESS -FACTORY, 378 Commercial Street. Manufacturers of every description of Loiingw, Mattresses, etc REPAIRING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES ' The Resort On Commercial street, is the place Where tbe businessman aim (be Mboriutf msn bo for wlmt ia culled "BKST N THE COA8T,"or a nice cool drink of the celebrated Gumbrinus beer, baud wishes of every kind made to order, hdI an eleeanfc free lunch served eveiy day. You are welcome. . Grosbuuer & Brach. '. ? -'-'1- ?X Iron Works, Oeneral riachlnlst and Boiler Works. . All kinds of Cannery, Ship, Steamboat and Engine Work of anv Description. Castings of all kinds made to order. Foot of Lafavelte St., Astoria, Or. filter (Deals! nr.:.' . rrrr::::::: . . Or at any other time when you wish a good oiffar auk for the well : known, home-made, bnnd-made, white labor cigar "La Belle Aiatoria." Oonoeded by all smokers to be tbe best ciur y manufactured. W. F. SCHIEBE, , .. . '. 71. rlintl? Street, Astoria, Oregon. FOflHO & STOKES GO. DEALERS IN Picnic Canned Goods, Tents, Camp Stoves, Camp Cooking Utensils, Baskets, And the latest All-Wool Sleeping Bags At all prices, Just the thing for camp ers, prospectors, etc. Sure to keep warm at nights. Better than blankets. All the paten: medlolnea advertised In this paper, together with the choic est perfumery, and toilet articles, etc., can be bought at toe lowest prices at J. W. Conn's. dru store, opposite Oc cident Hotel. A. toria. Japanese Bazaar SINQ LUNG. Prop. -,r , Ladies' and Children's hats and duck suits. Ladies' and Gentlemen's -i i . umitit wear maue 10 oruer. Lowest prices in Astoria.'i . 417 Bond Street, next door to Mouler'a Fruit Store, Seals Steel Dies, Wood & fyietal. Society Cn)liu Cards and An nouncements Engraved and Printed. '-, W. G. SMITH, J05 Morrlion St., Portland, Or. MAKE Attractive. Start by being the nnnp most oeauniui croauire in it. IlUi lC If you have beauty preserve it. If not, you can Improve vour looks immensely. Where there's a will there's wsy. A good way is the use of my urticleu, especially Lola J.Iontez Creme- 75o per pot. Brine beauty to Ihe face by feed ing through the skin pores, Rives life to faded faces. Boldhv Mrn D H.ntOUNT, 457 Duatie St. As torin.Oregon. Mrs Nettie llar- j r.sf.n. Amerioa n i.. -i i ;-m4v I urnuijr uwwjr, 42 (i v;ry Et., Hon Francisco. Cal.i 4 I Cream White, - I I Cardinal, . I Davendar, Pink, $ I Blue and t Black $ Silk Gloves ! 1 24 and 30 Inches long. Just u what you want for the ball ft next Tuesday. i filbert Danbaf i Tho Mont Perfect Klttlntf Cormtn Are the t. N.. Jjf YESTERDAY'S 'WEATHER. Local weather for the twoney-four hours endlrg at S p. tn. yesterday, furnished by the United States department of agri culture weather bureau: i 'Maxim-urn tempe nature, 66 degrees. Mintomim temperature, 62 degrees. Precipitation, none. ' ; ' Total precipitation from Soptember 1st, 1S34, to date, 76.08 Indhes. Excess of precipitation from September let, mi. -to date, 4.47 inches. BUSINESS LOCALS. Try Smith's Ice cream. Gat your nillk of Reltih. & Wilson. Frosh candles every morning at Smith's. Sweet cream at Smith's 20 cents pint, Fresh candles every hour at the Bon' bonmiere. Tennis shoes at Copeland & Thorsen's now shoe store. Bottle of Gambrlnus beer and sandwich, 16 cents, at Jos. Terp's. MIhsVs and Children's tan Oxfords at Oopeland & Thorsen's. Curling Irons, 6 cents lstes-C'raJn Drug Store. each, at the Best Ice cream and .ce cream soda In the city at the Bonbonniere. Tan button shoes for Misses and Chil dren at Copland & Thorsen's. THE SAME PLACE-118 12th street Is the placo to buy fresh fish every day. Meanyis ihn leading tailor and pu he hlghaat NttHh piict- f.r fur skins The Astortan will hereafter be founO on. sale ait McGulre's Hotel at S.aslde. Our milk Is guaranteed strictly pure and fresh from the cow dolly. Reltli & Wilson. GRAEFE & PLANK No. C23 Commer cial street, will repair your clothes for little money. Try them. WORLD'S FAIR SALOON-Keeps the finest lino of liquors and cigars in the city. Call and sample them. ' If your watch don't run, call at 674 Commercial street, across from Shana- han Bro.' and have It repaired. DON'T FORGET That at NOs. 214 and 210 Tenth street Is the place to huve your horse shod and repair work done. Smith's Ice cream Is unequalled . Ice cream Boda a specialty. Private par lors for ladles. Commercial street. A nice line of fresh fish and a fine stock of spring chickens and other poultry at Pat Liwler's, 674 Commercial street, If you want a delightful Shave or a fashionable hair cut, go to the Palace Barber Shop, J. B. Hutehlns, propr.etor. WAH SING & CO.-Merchant tailors, G20 Commercial street, cheaper than you can buy ready made. New Btock com plete. "Are you going to the seashore? If so, you should call at the Estes-Craln Drug Store and buy one of tlw new style Bathing Caps. Water melons! Water melons! Water melons! A carload received yesterday will be sold cheap today at Pat Lawler's, 674 Commercial. Trade with Foard & Stokes Co., deal ers it Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, provisions, flour, fruits and vge tables They will suroly please you. l'erreet cleanliness and modern con venience are the adjuncts of all well regulated hoith rooms. You will . find them at the I'ulnee. J. B. Huttih'ns, pro' prldtor. Hunger is a very disagreeable sensa tion. There Is n place In this town where you can sat'sfy Us demands with the cleanest and best 2o cent meal you ever ute. That place Is Joe Terp's. If you are going to Ilwaco Sunday on the North Pacific, you will have to buy your tickets Saturday to get the benefit of the 60 cent round trip rate. Steamer. leaves O. R. and N. dock at 8 a. m. No better milk was ever brought to Astoria than ds furaldhed for five cents a quart by Reith A Wilson, and de livered In clean and tightly closed glass 'bottle at your door every morn ing. '. , What brings people back' to the Asto ria Wood Yard after they have sounded the possibilities everywhere else? May be It's one thing, and May be it's another. But the fact remains back they come. And of course the Astoria Wood Yard is proud of It. . Business men of Astoria visiting Tort .M-l.aM. miiu isv v f vws m wvvii wvvunwiireu to take their mid-day lunch at the "Com." The 'Ccm" Is now located at 7.1 Third street, next door to tht Alns worth Bank. Jos. E. Fteroiy. r ' ' : AROUND TOWS. ' ,, Owen 'Moore has gone away, , ,,, ,,, OwW more than he could pay Owen wffll return some d'ayt Qwln more. Tomorrow the regains. Nearly all '.We business houses are dec orated. Where was Mosets when the light went out last nlghit? A. NoM.ier, the 'Poiltflandi newspaper rrtan, Is in town. 11. S. McGowan, of Chinook, was In town yesterday. Cecil H. (Daur, of Portland; Cu regtet'ir ed at the OcoUlan'6. Aug. Joh'ainnsen, otf CMtoMolc, did busi ness in Astoria yesterday. E. ,E. 3etteic, a we'll known Lewis and Clarke farmer, is l.i 'town. iMr. T. S. TruClingere tramity returned from the seashore yesterday. FlSh and Oaime Protector McGuisre re turned' u PortCond last evening. The titiw floor In llhe engine house of No. 1 was C'ompl'e'lied yesterday Inferior iimtorovenrenltia Ho Whim' pp. itlaiur'anlt wM lb flnCshed tomorrow. "Iti Hah: Jimfuntry bumdl arrived on tlhe Telephone yesterday aifltemoon. Gu Grant nd Henry Lunidlberg, of Frankfort, were visitors here, yesterday. For the .first time during the week the pcClee court docket was empty yesterday. Martiln Olsen has novel Mb auction, store to the building' opposite Ithe Parker house. E. Mlaiekenale, tTOvellng' tyassenger agent of 'the Rock Wand road, was In town yts terday. The Aelorla brUs band made things nve.y last evening mflih music and fire works. License to wed was yesterday granted to Jdhn LukkanJJi and Miss Anna Tar manen. The streets were full of people yes terday and presented quite a mtitrtopoi; tan air. Captain Do'lland at the toark Aureola, now lytny ait Kr.iiipp.Un, wlae in town yeslterd'ay. Georse W. Butihanan, a Portland, Is visiting lin Ailtona, and is staying at tha Occident. . Tho Western Union telegraph wires were in working order ag'aln at 3:40 p. m. yesiterday. The Sdhriouer cane was oan.tlniued in the jusJce court ytEiierdiay uhitil tomorrow ait 2 o'clock. F. N. KoMock, gentrul tagent of the Peniiasylvuivia company, I'or'i'.and, was l.i tmim yesterday. J. II. ImJiioff anvl family, whto have been up the coumry for several wteks, re I'Urned yesterday. J. W. MInaker and Jno. Grunt of Knmippa. were In town yestierduy ailter nooi.i on business. The AatorC.ii hose teaim etvtered;er day for Mile 'two races 'thUlt will come oft during ilhe regult'tu. Borrt 6aturJfay, Augnfl'. Wi'h, 1895, to the wKfe o'f Cuitnuln ATdhle, a glri, WtiLsiivt, ten pouivJU. A large number of visitors from the oo-uni.ry towns are in the ovty and Will remain durtn the reguUtu. D. Erjckson end C. H. WelLhers, of Lewis and C'.arke, called upon. their friends In town yesiterdlay. Mrs. Andrew Johnson and Ridl.nrJ. Mc- Graw, the Calhiiaimiet hote:man were vis itors to AiyUoria yetl.erday. Wlllium Smith, of tUtM'aimet, Cs vls- ll4ng Astoria, and w.ll punUelpute In ome of ithe regatta sinorts.. Club colors In all silk ribbons woven togetlr.r all widths at C. 11. Cooper's the Leading House ot Astoria. The latest styles and hami'sonietst dresn goods ore cerfaiinly to be found ti.ils tea son iat Odhen'ls Low Pitce Store. Heinry Loiwe7.! and wife, cif Skunvokawi, are aimong the many up-river vltOtora who iwlll romULn; during the regalia. The stores of E. C. Hushes, Griflln & Reed .will Alex CUmiilbeU, amonsr the llrat ito put on guy colors yeStorday. Trt humUred different pieces of fancy silks in wUiSt le-ngiths, no two alike, at way down prices alt Cohen's Low Price Store. L. Lewi's, of Deep River, and James Jfohnslon, of Ivaiiwna, were nimung those who registered at the PUrker towse yes terJay. It won't be many days before the cele brated pkiture "His Last Drift" will be rallied oft. The tickets are now nearly all sold. , A. T. Brewer, a .merchant of CaW'.ilamct left yesterday ifor Seaside, iwhere he will spend several days. His fUimCly accom pany hflm. EJmore, SonllArn & Co.'s tfteamer El m.)re, commanded by Oa.ptain Siartider, will 'lelave on her regular TlUoimook run tomorrow. Mrs. Caiptalni Seoit't nd eon, Charles, ftnd Mists Kel'tner, arrived In Astoria oa the Te'tophione yesterday o.'.d .will re main during 'the regutlta. AM ibivt one of the fish rases were dis missed In thfe Jusillce oourt yestertluy. It la uadenstood the cither one will also b? dismissed la a few days. Ml?s JelweCl 'Wheeler, a school teacher of 'Prvwpect rark, who -was Injured by being thrown from a buswy, at Seasld last week, to still in tad) condition. 0ily a few dhomces leflt in the raffle fbr the pain'ting "His Last Drift." Se cure a chance before too tar. The pict ure Is on exnObltlon at Griffin & Reed's. 'Married lin h Finr.lmli Ev. LiUhersn church, August 16, Kaleb Sunell and Maria. Louisa MakeCb. both of CIMSop counity. TRiey iwltl imuke hetr.home alt Fort Stevens. Died-Saturday. August IT, 1S95, at Ctthlamet. Washlng'ton. lrnfarel ctuSd of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Horuts, of cholera Infantum, Ourlit tomorrow at Csnh- Kiniet cemeltery. Reirattai caps, mads of pure white duck, for and gents, misses and boys a novelty only 25 cents each. Buy one before thvy are all gone. C. H. Cooper's; 1 . IT ........ nf Trof. Begga wilt lead the rnind march for the A. F. C. Regatta Ball August Stv.1i 8:30 p. tn. Messrs. Geo, Oaerry and J. MCCue, Ihe deconaiting committee, are making the large gymnasium Hall look superb. The floor will be slick, and fully 200 couples will be on the floor. Astunla. A. C. colors In silk j'.Ubon at AJbert .Dunbar's. ,. ' ... Carl Wdlhelm Nytoerg, U the naime c-f a mun w(ho yesterday, in the olnce of County Cturk Dumbar, decllared Oils In Ueniaoli of becoming a United States citi zen. iHe la a native of Russia.. air. E. L. Bo'nner, Co4. T. C. Manshall and son of Missoula, Mont., arrived last night alt 7 o'clock oa ithe Telephone. Mr. Bonner ds Mr. Hamimond'a partner and Col. Marshall is thedr attorney. Thamoa Foster and FiUmk Lelnenwieber are the onCy tntiris thus far tn the pro fessional 150 yard footrace. It Is un derstood Chat tlhe names of John Clark and Henderson wuU be entered tcdiay. Charles Wise was dressed In a blue tlailor suit ytistertlay and eklTnimed up and down the river to Ms new fishing bo'iit, which he hopes wilill iwin the J15U prize on Tuesday. The boait is a beauty. Etlltor Da-vla, of the CaJthlaimet Gazette, pafd a flying busdness trip to Astoria yesterday, returning home in the even ing. Mr. Davis is Bbwuys full of busimss but says he Will take a dlay off to see the regalita. The rnattter of Ihe depctt location 19 Still In abeyance. A numhtr of locations have been offered and many questions en ter Into the determination of the matter, but it Is probable that a decision will be made tn a few days. Capt. Elil. Furratt returned yesterday pfrom a elhont Eltay with relatives at IvaPayeltte. He eays 'that 'the fairmers in that part of Ithe state expect ito reap a rich Warvest from their crops, iwlhtoh are exceptConatly goiod 'this year. R. S. Stevens, gemeraJ western passen ger agent of Ithe Great Northern railroad, Portland, paid a flying visit to the city yesterday. He says that rmaiUterB are very bnighlt In Seaititle. Two dredgers are at work ion the enow Lake Washington; carnal and business has taken' a boom. Conpult Dr. DeFreye, the European specialist from Portland, now at the Main Street house, 9th street, near Commercial street. He consults free in all modern languages on all chronic, difficult, Intri cate and private diseases. This is Indeed a rare opportunity for sufferers from chronic and special diseases. Owing ito ithe many dunces and local n teir.'jii'i'Jmelr.its In progress Mr. b J. lie Henry, of one AVooU'men of 'the World, was unalble tlo get a hUlli for the organiz ation of the lodsJ lK-ie. Arrangements have be-en made for the use C Carna- hum s haii net ThuraUiy evemims, wheu the n'aw lotla' wU'l be instituted. Fi'ther DleJimun Is reported ill and on fined to Ms bed. Father Keunns, of Colfax, Wash., who was in the cSsy yes- t,.,i,, vn ,,i,rv r.,n,o. rim,, n, li nr.vh. atoiy officiate at .the services in the Oath- ;ic Church today. Father Kturns, :!h.urh .i vo,..nir mu.n I,, K.-U.1 to h verv briirM. nr: ,,.,! . awidi-nttaJ nrAience .n the city wUl be aiirprecaltt'd by Faioher Dletoan's ptar'itlii'oat rs. No 'outside hlose teams hlave been heard from ar.d it is now almost certain tiiail will be rcpresemtd in the resai:.ta. The coinimltitee has decided to let the lowal team run against lime, thus giv li g ihe hoys an uio'icunity of stJl secur ing the prizes put up for the hose con tests. The tlme limiit In the w.t test h'as been fixed ait 40 seconds and In the ehiaimpl''hlp rate at one jninuite and forty seconds. This gilves 'the ttmm a fulr show, and barring an accident, It ought to wn. Economy is weafith . It Is not what you make, but what you save that CourJta Thicreifioire we will try and initer es: you wl'th a felw items from our dry goods d'eparfumenit. We have . large as EUHtunent oit zephyr ithait we will sell for tei cents a pavkuge of four skeins. Em brcHdery Bfilks, rejrutiir 5c skeins for 2c per dazen. Chenille and aresene' for 10c a dozen. Silk cords mnd tasstls 10c each. Sltk garter clastic lOo a, yard. Tinael cord, 2rtc a dozen. Ladles' kid g'.wej 50c and 75c a pair. A large nBsort nie.nt of Jet trimming at h'aQf price. These pre only a few of llhe bargvilis we are (VfferlnR. It wW pay you ito trade at the Oregon Trading1 Co., COO Commercial street. A well' built heaXhy looking business mun, fliisnH-om llbty ailltlred, walked in'to the otllee of the San Francisco steamers yes terday atlt era ooh and asked If it was customary to alwayis give the' name of passengers who tnivel on the'r etelnmers to newFipuipers. On belnig told 'that It was, Ws chin dnvpripd nnd after a fiw m:iments of sllenit meditaltion he sad: ' want to go to Cnf-lflornla to meet my family, who are alre;idy there. They do not expect me for a good 'six weeks, but I would like to go next week and have a season of quiet fun all to myself before It Is ttme for me to put In nn appear ance. If you wKl guarimee n.'oit to tfve my nume to the nowsriu'pers I want to engage a staHeroom on Hhe next outgo ing steamier." He was aiettimimOdated and 'there will be a b'.unk line on the passenger list. 'l'lio IiUl.v ANlorlim poNldvoly trtiaru.ntocN t iuIvoi'IInoi-n ai laricer Olty flrciilntlon tleim all IlllU'l- 11'1-M i ubllMliod In .VNlorlu miii ll n.l . DEALS IN DIUT. Fo'."jowlng are the real estate transfers IKed yesterday ii.i the ofllce ot the re corder: Hiram Brown to Mury II. Ltlnen weber, lo-t 8, btock 47, AUulr's As toria $ Mary It. Leinenweber 'to K. J. Johnsonv lot 8, block 47, Adair's Ator.a H F MeECroy to Merehamit's Na tlonal Baink, of PonMand, lo;s 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, il, and 10, block 15, Hallway adeliiti'on to Astoria.. li.JJted rSates to Richard S. An-dreft-s, wvst haif of nortWwest quan-er se'tlon 12, township 6 non;h, range 10 west, pa'tvnt United States to Thomas McGlasth en, couth hallf of northwest quar ter, and nopthlwest quarter oif nMT.Ihlwest and southwest quarter ulf jion.heus; quarter, sec li.on 6, township 6 noriCt, rangi 8 west, jxitent Pe.Knsu.ur Iand and Trust Co. to Andrew Houneii, lo't 10, block 2, Taylor's ABijoria VaiDusen Co. to Simi uel Ness, 25x100 feet, adjoining Kt 7, block 13, Adair's 123 250 350 650 A TWISTER. A twister in twisting .May twist him a twist. For in twisting a twist Three twists make a twist; Hut if one of the twists Untwists from the twist. The twist untwisting; Untwists the twist. That Is, when it's twisted with any other twine than MARSHALL'S. PfANO TUNING. For piano tuning, please leave orders at Grimn & Reed's book store. Commer cial street, or address Th. Frederikson, Plana Tuner, 3011 Bond street. Telephone No. 'M. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD. A well-furnished sul'e of roons, wilh use of parlor, and. if desired, good table board, at reasonable rates. 405 Du ane street, corner of Ninth. NAPOLEON HERMAN WISE, The Reliable Clothier and Hatter. Near Telephone Dock. THE REGATTA. The Untied Stia'tes Gunbooit Mohlca-n Ex pected Tomorrow. Tomorrow will see the co;mmencement of Astoria's seaend annual re'gaUa. A number of entries already made for the different races would indicate that there will be an abuniiunce of sport in store for all. Quite la number of strangers , , ' . f, ,t0 Je uPon JT.T, and miO't a few have secured quttjiters at the hotels for the regutta seai.-on. A r.uimibcr who were here last year are again, present. Yesterday was not a very good day for salllug boats, on account of the light w-inas, rux sun several unorrai n.nus ot CI" were out trying their satJs The ! 00P Cotiuimhia came in early yesterday I morning from BhotttwUlter Bay, followed ! last evening by .the bloops Pearl' and Sailor Boy. The commOttee bias secured a number of flags for the winning boats, with which ,th . y have decoraiied the walls of the headquarters bul'.diling, wliildh when lighted at nls'lit prttsents a most cheer ful appearance. The Coluimlbine arrived yesterday af ternoon from up the coast having Com' mandiir FarenhloCt and party on bourd As Soon as Captain Richardson came ashore he was 'informed of the arrival of the Commodore's flag, which is to grace his Ship. The United States gunlbcalt Mohican Is cxpeated to arttve tomorrow morning, and the reception comiml'ttee has arrang' ed to receive her officers. The Hth Inflaii'thy band arrived on th Tolciphorje 'iaist evenSing and Iwemt to Long Beach whore they Willi spend Sun. day, returning 'this afitennoon. This even Ing itlhey will Ri ve a mcred concert at thr grand stand o.i Fiavel's dock. All possible .arrangemerjts have bee made by the committees for the co'mfort of visitors during the we;k. There will probably be a lurge number of pecple from the dffterent beaches, as excursion rates have bean advertised 'by the dLfter- crtt transportaitlon lines. The comimltitee requesiis tltot ibcuts ea terlne for the various events -will be prompt In starting lalecbrddnjr to pro gram. Each bout can be supplied wtith a prograim and map df ilMa course by aripilying on Monday tit tihe headquarters oflle-e, on Bond street, opposite tho Oc cidenit Woted. FIRST DAY'S RACKS. 10 o'clock White Hall, single scull 10:20 Fish boats, pulling. 10:10 Cutters, man of war and L. H tenders. 11:20 White Hall, double scull. 1 Scow schooners. 1:10 Sloops, frte for ail. 1:20 Schooners, cannery tenders. l:3rt-White Hall, sailing. A'U races will start the same wlay viz Flvie minutes before 'time, gun shot, to get ready: time to go, second gun shot. Rowimi races nti',1 start In line. Sailing races, flying start, time to be token when b;iut crosses the itmuglnairy Hr.lj oft Fla' vel dlock. AH con'testianlfs must cross the 'line aa soon jCter second gun shot as po'ssilbte, and !!' nicit crossing wt'thin reasonable ttime will be ruled out of the race. Tho lall5- AMtui'liin i)oltlvol icnariintoosi to ml vei-t Imci-m i hiricor l'lt' iml t'ciiiit- -li-filil' I Ion tlian all iillier iiuixtb pub- IImIkmL In ANloi-Ilt corablucll, HOTEL ARRIVALS. ASTOR HOUSE. R Hams, Ohlnook F Holland, City. Frank Soolli, Ptlnd N. Nelison, CMnoli Mrs D Durtham & Jno OCdent Chinok daughter, Portlndi C Perkins, City. D J Ingails, MelvUej J W Walker, Jewel Hiinry Ford, Neha-i Thos Calms, Cfcty. lem. ' j G Holmes, Tacoma. Mrs. Fredenburg &N Oar:s:n, Fort S.e diiiughiter, Lwueo. C isalme, Grays R, L Ol.lmore Chadwel' D Griffith, Cehlnook Dr Letiten, Nehalni L, Huppe, Chliojk. W Strundied, Wa.k-J J Parks, City erviUe. W L Pulllaim, City J Cotter. Porttand, J L Smi'th, City. D J Ctswell, Ptiad Thos. Neison, City T TaWie and fum-Guy BorneJ:, iCty tty, Bay Center. E Saittionson, North M J Matheri.on, Oove. Gray's River. j A O Santaorn, City J D Meicher and, Saim Swartz, City wife, Wallia Walla L M Vanderburg, P Ross and fdmllyj CUty. Nocetie. Chols DurXap Fort D Lompman', Ptlnd Stevaals. PIONEER MEETING. Yesterday's Meatlng "Whitoian menu. Fund. Monu- Astoria, Or., August 17, 1895. At a meeting of Che executive com mliti.e of Ithe Pioneer and Historical So ciety, held alt the Chamber of Commerce rooms, -the following business was trans ected: ' , t' , Meenlig called: Ho order of t:jO p. m., Preaidnit J, H. D. Gray 4 a utta chulr. Tire prettUerrt reported verbaHy In rejraro to ithe booki belonglns to UtS library on' 4'ae assoctfcel.iotk, tfaait nwiy of hem wac, jftyteisfr ansj tthfrt nothintr had am yet been done W' thoae thn.t were on hand. It was then moved "and seconded, it Wat thv came iba boxed up aad put In uome place for safe kespi-iK- Carried.. . A etultemvrtt wtis read, from Messrs. LLad'd TiitMn, show4n,fhe amount ot the Wlhrtmun MeWiumer -Funtt ti tiwtr bands. June 13. 15. to ba and that th was ait per cent. The prestd-nt and treasurer, to whom this mutter wiia referred at the annual meet ing. May 11-th, recommended that the Once Said : Victory always comes to the largest armies'and the biggest cannon, if properly handled ! We have the largest assortment and the lowest prices and we naturally conquer opposition. During the past few days we received an enormous stock of fine Clothing, and now we are opening an im mense line of the latest things in Hats. Fashion and fit, combined with enterprise and low prices, are our main battery; so, if you would be on the win ning side, join the army of buyers flocking to pur fine store. money remain In th? hands of LadJ & Tiliton unt'Jl such time as some dcfll.iite amnion Is taken in regard to the Whitman monumenlt. On mioctlon the report was adopted, and a vote of thanks was ten dered Messrs. Ladd & Tilton for the liberal manner in which itlhey had treat ed this asswcliaCton in the managemtnlt or said fund. Treasurer C. S. Wrighlt reported the amount olf dues coiteoted alt ai.inuoO meet ing and tCnce, aSso amount paid for taxes J15.90, as per receipt, elhowing amount of money on hand $207. VainSous mat'tens of tntepetH to 'the asso ciation discussedk Mr.E. C, . Hoi den; for, the conwnititee on obiit'uary resof-'utdclas, m'ade a report was adopted. No further business appieaTlr.g,' on mo tion, 'tlhe meeting adjourned. s.'t. -mckean, SiCreitory. NOTICE. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Odd Fellows' Land and Building Association will be held at Odd Fellows' Hall on Thursday, August 22d, at 2 o'clock p. ro. By order of the President. A. J. MEGLER, Secretary MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTY. Buy a piano from a manufacturer who warrants his own Instruments and not from one who won't warrant his own goods, but depends on a local agent to warrant them for h.'in. Every Kimball piano Is backed by the Kimball Com pany's five years' written guaranty. ILWACO EXCURSION. The steamer Ocean Wave leaves Fia vel's wharf at 8 o'clock Sunday morning for Ilwaco. The 14th Infantry Band will furnish music both going and returning. Tickets purchased Saturday only 50 cents for the round trip. SuneViy niornln; the price of tickets will be fl. THE REASON WHY. Why Is It that every one Is goln? to the Forester's Ball 'August 20th? There are two reasons; first, because they have It lni F.sher s Hall, and that is th; only hall in town that has a good flior, ana second, that Parson's Orchestra, of Port land, furnishes the music. GRAND BALL AND CONCERT. The event of the season will be the grand concert and ball at Fisher's Hall, August 20, under the auspices of the Forresters of this city. Parson s orches tra of twelve pieces will furnish the music. Tickets, $1. ACREAGE FOR SALE-CHEAP. Ten acres in Summit Addition to Asto ria for sale at an extremely low figure, In view of all our railroad prospects. Will make terms to suit purchaser. Address R. Llddell, Astoria, Oregon. EXCURSION TO SE5ASIDE. Steamer Bailey Gatzcrt will leave Fia vel's d'ack at 9 o'clock Sunday morning, connecting with train leaving for Sea side at 9:30. Fare for the round trip Jl. The World's Faff Tests showed uo baking .powder so pure or s; rcut In leav ening power as the Poyal. FASHION NOTE. Philadelphia Call. A fashion leader who ouffht to know what he Is talking about, has Just Im parted some Information that will not be so heartily welcomed by barbers as some other people. This Is to the effect that it is now the proper thing to have a clean shaven face, , without any beard or mustache, and to k-:ep your own razors ar.d shave yourself. This will be all right from or.e end, but where is the barber to come in- Til lull' Atorln ptiwlllvoly KUiirontoeN to BlvprtlerN u urtrer Oltj-, County una Slate circulation thivn all otlicr paper published. In Astoria combined. m Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. 'DR' CREAM Most Perfect Made. r 40 Years the Standard. mm Clatsop Beac-l? TIME CARD OF- THE Seashore Railcuay Company In Kffect July q, iBgS. - Hots leavn Asioila .one half liotir beforo trains le-avo b: id to. TKA1NS I.KAVE BRIDGF. TlMK. 0 ,i. ni !:3'Ja. ni t3 ii to:4d p. in 1 p. ui. tiutureluy 7 p. m. Saturday Ii:l"i -. m.S mdav Connections. Ml'l boats fiom Port la d. oat from storlit. I h y I'dut from 1'ortl nd Do it l.'om a t ria. outi from Port and and Asioi la. jtoainer freim Fort- laun and Astoiia. oats irom Astoria TKAiNS LEAVE SB Ihli K l:15 e. m s a. m tl:15 p. m tl:15 p. in i:J3p. ni. tj.tur :n3 .':!." p. m Sa ur.lay. I p. 111. llll' a;- buy bouts lor l'orl iiiiel. Boat for A si r a. Mg'ii bouts fi.r roulttu I. B a: f r rtntu'iu. Uo.its for AM ri i uud tort luud. tunier I'ii tr t r lwacu. i ais lor Artuiia unil 1 orl l.m.l. 'Daily eci pt Monday tbaily uxctpt .-utuid .y all uu- a Kor ireignt and pusseiiger r tc apply to U. r Li toiiK, .-uti't, bei shore Hallway ( u , Seimlel . uro. WANTED. WANTED Immediately, a girl tc da second girl's work In private family. In quire at this office. WANTED A girl to do general- house work in small family at.N. W. corner of ui'h and Harrison streets. WANTED T3 exchange House and lot in Portland for Astoria property, or acre age m ar Astoria, Address "M," this of- llce. WANTED Agenu to represent tne aid National Lite Insurance Co., of alontpelier, Vt. For further Informa tion, address (i. M. Btolp, General Coast Manager, K2-S4 Crocker Building, San r'rancisco, Cal. WANTED Man or lady to collect, do some office work, and manage agents. You will deal through your leading mer chants. Something new and very popu lar. We pay all expenses. Position per manent. Send four references and ten cents for full particulars. John Finney Mgr., P. O. Box 484, St. Louis, Mo. $75,000 PER WEEK usine and sellina Dynamos for plating watches. Jewelry. and table ware. Plates gold, silver, nickel, etc., same as new goods. Dif ferent sizes for agefits. families and shops. Easy operated; no experience; big profits. W. P. Harrison & Co.. Clerk No. 14, Columbus, Ohio. FOR SALE. FOR SALE 600 yards of earth exca vated from tunnel, to be delivered on premises. Pac.fic Paving Co. JAPANESE GOODS-Just out-Just re ceivedJust what you- want, at Wing L,ee s, 543 Commercial street. Boy's riding .pony for ealle. Perfectly gentle for youngest children. Has all the fancy riding gaits. Inquire of Dr. Jay Tuuile. A good buy at Long Beach. Nine room house. Furnished complete for summer travel. For description and terms In quire at Real Estate Exchange, Occident Building. FOUND. FOUND A silver witch, which the owner can have by calling at this office end proving property. FOUND Near the Jetty, ecow almost new, about 10x30 feet, not puQated. Small cabin on one end. Apply P. Hakinson, Fort Stevfcns, Oregon. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Furnished rooms; good lo cation fronting river. Capt. P. E. Fer chen, 330 HVih street. FOR RENT A' niceijr furnished mod ern house. For particulars Inquire of Mra Smith, corner of Cth and Irving avenue, or A. R. Cyrus, 487 Commercial street. LOST. LOST Thursday night, about 10 o'clock 129 fathoms of net. Corks branded F. If. Warren. Please return to Warren's station.