The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 13, 1895, Image 4

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Suits 5r
' '' .
t-rUX only way to lit man is to first find
out Just what kind of a man you have to
flt-that'i Just what we do-take your
measure exact aud cut the suit for you and
It must fit, or we'll keep 'em.
chas. Mcdonald,
' The Tailor.
$23 Commercial Street
Few Hen Would Ask
for a Finer Dinner
than those we serve. We're trying In
every way to make them the most en
Joyabls In town. AH the "good things'
of the season cooked by our excellent
cook In the most delicious style. Perfect
service. -'
If you invite a friend to, the Palace
Restaurant the place Is a sufficient guar
antee that he will receive a good meal.
The Palace Restaurant
HSTORlfl -
878 Commercial Street
Manufacturers of every description of
Loungee, MattresBea, etc.
The Resort
On Commeroiul street, is the place
where the businessman and thelaborinij
Dian go (or what is called "BUST ON
THE COAST," or a nice cool drink of
the celebrated Gambrinus beer. Sand
wiches of every kind made to order, and
an elegant free lunch served every day.
You are weloome.
Grosbauer & Brach.
mma Dalgit9
wsmmm irn
aeneral riachlnist and Boiler Works.
All kinds of Cannery, Ship, Steamboat
and Engine Work of anv Description.
Castings of all kinds made to order. .
Foot of Lafavette St., Astoria, Or.
Rftef fflealsl
Or at any other time
, ..when you wish a good
oitrar ask (or the well
''"'known. home-made.
hand-made, white labor
"La Belle Astoria."
Oonoeded by nil smokers
to be the bent ciar
71 4intr Street,
,; .' Astoria, Oregon.
Picnic Canned Goods,
Camp Stoves,
Camp Cooking Utensils,
And the latest
All-Wool Sleeping Bags
At all prices. Just the thing for camp
ers, prospectors, jetc. Sure to keep warm
at nights. Better than blankets.
All the paten: medicines advertised
In this paper, together with the choic
est perfumery, and toilet articles, etc..
ran be bought at tne lowest prices at
J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Oc
cident Hotel, Astoria.
Japanese Bazaar
' Ladies and Children's hats
and duck euits.
Ladies' and " Gentlemen's
underwear made to order.
Lowest prices in Astoria.
41? Bond Street, next door to Moulor'e
Fruit Store.
Sasl Steel Dies, Wood & JVIetal.
Society Calling Cards and An
nouncement Engraved and
. 209 Morrison tit., Portland, Or.
MAKF Attractive. Start by beinff the
most beautiful creature iu it.
rlUntl If you have beanty presorve
It. If not, you can improve vour looks
immense! v. . Where there's a ill there's
a way. A good way is the use of my
articles, especially
Lola IMez.Creme
' -
75o per pot.
Brings beau4y (o
the face by- feed
ing through the
fkin pores, gives
lire to radeu races.
Sold by Mrs D
457 Dunne St. As-
J .Mrs Nettie liar-
I TuiU(LmU-v (beauty doctor,
0 ami 42 Geary St, Ban Francisco. Cai. j
r; : i
""'W Our Fall Btock $
Saxony, '
Spanish I
German Yarns. $
filbert Dunbar 1
The Mot Perfect Kittlnor W,
Corsets Are the N. ft
IK.1 , 'u '!1x"A WT-VvHr JH
Local weather for the twoney-four hours
endleg at S p, in, yesterday, furnished
by the United States department of agri
culture weather bureau:
Maximum temperature, 63 degrees,
Minimum temperature, 64 degrees.
Precipitation, none. ,
Total precipitation from September 1st,
1894, to date, 76.06 Inches.
Excess of precipitation from September
1st, to date, 4.67 Inches,
Try Smith's Ice cream.
Get your milk of Keith & Wilson.
Fresh candies every morning at Smith's,
Sweet cream at Smith's 20 cents pint.
Fresh candles every hour at the Bon
bonniere. Tennis shoes at CopeTarol & Thorsen's
new shoe store.
Bottle of Gambrinus beer and sandwich,
16 cents, at Jos. Terp's.
Misses and Children's tan Oxfords at
Copetand & Thorsen's.
Curling Irons, E cents each, at the
Estes-C'roln Drug Store,
Best Ice cream and ice cream soda tr.
the city at the Bonbonnlere.
Tan button shoes fortieses and ChU-
dren at Coin-land & Thorsen's.
THE SAME PLACE-118 12th Street Is
the place to buy fresh fish" every day.
Meany is the leading tailor and puy
the highest iah price fr fur skins.
The Astorlan will hereafter be founc
on sale ait McGwire's Hotel at 9. aside.
Our milk Is guaranteed Btrlctly pure
and fresh from the cow dally. Reitb
& Wilson.
GRAEFE & PLANK No, 628 Commer
cial street, will repair your clothes for
little money. Try them.
ilnest line of liquors and cigars In the
city. Call and sample them.
If your watch don't run, call at 674
Commercial street, across from Shana
han Bro.' and have It repaired.
DON'T FORGET That at Nos. 214 and
216 Tenth street Is the place to have your
horse shod and repair work done.
Smith's Ice cream Is unequalled . Ice
cream soda a specialty. Private par
lurs for ladles. Commerclui street.
TLEASE STOP, As you pass Ly Mat
Strull's second-hand store, on Comincr
clal street, and learn prices on his stock
If you want a delightful Shave or a
fashionable hair cut, go to the Palace
Barber Shop, J. U. Hutdhlns, propr.etor
WAH SINQ & CO.-Merchant tailors,
626 Commercial street, cheaper than you
can buy ready made. New stock com
Allen Co., "Branch," 710 Commercial St.,
Leading Makes. Low Prices. Easy
Are yuu going to the seashore? If so,
you should call at the Emes-Cruvn Drug
Store and buy one of th new style
Bathing Caps. ,
AVatcr melons! Water melons! Water
melons! A carload received yesterday
will be sold cheap Wday at Pat Lawler's,
674 Commercial.
Trade .with Fourd & Stokes Co., deal
ers in Groceries, Hardware, Crockery,
provisions. Hour, fruits and vegetables
They will surely please you. ' '
The largest and Ilnest assortment of
pianos and organs ever seen In Astoria
now on exhibition at the W.ley B. Allan
Company, 710 Ooinmerclttl street. Ask
for terms. ' I . 1
Perfect cleanliness and modern con-
vetuence are the adjuncts of all well-
regulated rooms. You will find
them ait the Palace. J. B. Hutdhlns, pro
Hunger Is a very disagreeable sensa
tion. There is a place In this town where
you can satisfy llts demands with the
cleanest and best 25 cent meal you ever
wte. ThuK place Is Joe Terp's,
If you are going to Ilwaco Sunday on
the North Pacific you will have to buy
your ticket Saturday to get the benefit
of the 60 cent round trip rate. Steamer
leave O. R. and N. dock At i a. m.
No batter milk was ever brought to
Astoria than is furnished for Ave cents
a quart by Relth & Wilson, and de
livered In a clean and tightly closed
glass bottle at your door every morn
ing. What brings people back to the Asto
ria Wood Yard after they have sounded
the possibilities everywhere- -else? Hay
he It's one thing, and May be it's another.
But the fact remains tuck they come.
And of course the Astoria Wood Yard Is
proud of It.
Business men of Astoria visiting Port
land have for years been acoustomed
to take their mid-day lunch at the
"Gem." The "Gem" la now located at
73 Third street, next door to the Ains
worth Bank. Jos. E. Penny.
The regatta reception committee meet
tonight at tto council chamber.
The TOilce COUrt VtStpnlnv ha,l tho nm,
al Sunday 'batch of disorderlies to dis
pose i.
The cold wave yesterday was an
agreea'ble oni for th vluitr
ter climes.
Chief Engineer T. M. Curtis, of the A.
and C. R. R, ft., returned from Portland
on Sunday.
Engineer Jamleson returned to his
camp up the line yesterday, and will push
matters to a finish.
Mr. O. F. Witting and Miss Carrie B.
Thomas were married ljst night, the
Rev. L. J. Trumbull officiating.
Be on time and secure a ticket for the
a. j. 'Dan. only a certa.n quantity
will be sold. Grand march 8:30 p. m.,
Tuesday, August 20th. Ladles free.
The Camera Club outing at Klaskanlne
on Sunday was a most doligh'tful affair
and many good views were obtained.
The Oregon State Dental Association
will meet Wednesday morning at the
Chamber oT Commerce for a three days'
A large lire Is raging in the neighbor
hood of Knappa, along Salmon Creek. It
Is understood that much propertly ie In
The county clerk yesterday Issued mar
riage llcerra.e to Karesk Sunell and Marls
Livisa Makela and O. F. Witting end
Carrie B. Thomas.
At the Congregational church on' the
22d will .be given a grand concert by
local talent, which ipromlses to be an
enjoyable affair.
The Gatzert and Ocean Wave brought
down .many .hundred Sunday seas-Id vis
itors, and yesterdiy the Telephone
'brought 130 fishermen from up the river.
The regular meeting of tbs ladles' guild
of Grace church which wa-s omitted last
week w.'il be held this (Tuesday) after
noon in 'the vestry room at 2:30 o'clock.
Henry Johnson and John Guswfson who
were arrested by Fish Commissioner
Crawford, of Washington, yesterday
pleaded guilty to fishing contrary to law
and were fined ISO each la. Justice Aber
cromble's court.
The election of officers of the fire de
partment yesterday resulted as follows:
For chief F. L. Parker G3; F. M. Green,
M. For assiltant F. P. Leinenwt'ber, 130;
R, M. Stewart, 81.
The Var.Dus-ns and the Union Real
Estate Co. have offered a lunre bodv of
land ait Tongue Point for a depot site
wnicn It is understood Mr. llaaimond is
ser.ously consid'.ring.
The town was quite lively yesterday.
cuing to the number of fishermen' who
aiv making their final settlements with
the canneries, being on the streets and
nmklirg preparations 'for departure.
At the hearing of the Schroed?r case
yesterday In Justice At:icromble'a court
an attempt was made to have the bond
reduced To t'M, but the motion was over
ruled and th'c amount retained at $100.
The Ladles' Sewing Society of the Nor
wcsl in Lulli.ran churth will hold n
bleand auction Wednesday evening, Aug
ust nin, at tne j'acille Union, cinnery.
There will be a good program and re-fivE'li'me-nts
It Is understood that several llaherme.i
an-esTeJ Sunday by Commissioner Mo
liulre were rej a.-.eil 'because t'he Wash
li gt on 'men hud beon given the prlvi
.(.r'o of racing their traps at low tid
Sund.iy morning.
F i.v realize the amount of money spent
by river boats for supplies. The steamer
Telephone's inonrlily bills In Astoria f..r
in at aud groceries alone amount to JiiuO
or $700, to say nothing oif machinery sup
plies and repairs.
A horse- which was being led onto a
scow at uo.-s, Hluglns & tVs dock yes
terdiy ft'.l overboard.
llfhlnw boat. Straas to say, neither the
ouat or iiorse was much damaged, and
ineinurse was nsned out, after co-nsldern
me aiiilculty, not much the worse for
The Oc an Wave carried 450 people from
the beaches up the river Sunday night.
Among the pn-ssengrs were It. Koehler,
manag.r o.f the Oregon lines of the
Bouihern 'INielflc, and wife, R. P. Ob r,
superintendent of refrigerator oar ser
vice, and D. Ellery, freight solicitor of
th.' Northern Pacific, Co. It. AV. Mitchell,
and tVipt. E. W. Spencer, ex-chief of
police of Portland.
Yesterday evening a man; under the In
fluence or liquor created a disturbanc?
in a restaurant which attracted some at
tention. After having been put out twice
hs returned a third time, using vile lan
guage In the presence of ladies, when
the propritor lost all patience and used
a chair over th offender's head with
sine effect. The offensive man was tak
en care of by the podee department.
The Finnish Brotherhood's picnic to
S-.aslde Sunday was a grand success. It
took eleven cars to transport them on
the railroad. One of the features on the
bevtch wats t'he l-'InnUh led by "Kit"
Canadian Cars-on Irish. Sheriff Hare says
that the water was so cold that he was
called upon to help some of the bathers
lliut th? buttons on their clothes when
tOioy attempted to dress afterwards.
Handel's noble aria "Lascla ch'ls plon
g.i," to the Enigllsh words, "O Lord, cor
rect me," was sung last Sunday morning,
In t'he M. thodlst Episcopal church, by
Mrs. H. T. Crosby, In a -most Impressive
manner. With a rich contralto voice of
great sympathetic power, a pure Intona
tion and distinct utterance, her rendition
of this velebrateJ aria was marked by
great refinement and devotional expres
sion, and was an example of t'he finished
method of the old Italian school of music
In which eh has been so thorough a
scholar. It was a rare treat.
Nob since "The Anglomanlaos" has
there been so clever a society satire as
Henry Fuller's "Pilgrim Sons" which Is
published In the August Cosmopolitan.
The prdbleime Involved in woman's use
of the bicycle are so startling and so nu
merous, under the rapid evolution of this
rt, that one weJcomes a cireful discus
sion of the subject by so trained a mind
and to clever a writer as Mrs. Reginald
de Koven. The Cosmopolitan illustrates
Mrs. de Koven's article with a series of
poses by professional models. A new
sport, more thrilling than any known to
Nlmrod, more dangerous thin was ever
experienced by even Buffalo Bill, is ex
jUtd la iha suue Issue In an article
on "Photographing Big Game In the
Rocky Mountains," before shooting. The
claim that 10 cents for The Cosmopolitan
means itrf-rlorlly from a Uterury point of
view is dispelled by the appearance in this
number of such writers as Sir Lewis Mor-
5 v
An Immense Assortment of
Way Up
Tfie Reliable Clothier and Hatter.
rls, Sir Edwin Arnold, Edgir Fawcett,
Taibb, W. Clark Russell, Lang, Sarcey,
Zangwill, Agnes ReppJler, etc. Nor can
we entertain the idea of Inferiority in Il
lustration with such nai.nes ias Hamilton
Gibson, Denman, Van Stalck, Lix, Sand
ham, etc., figuring as the chief artists
of a single month's Issue,
Two of th'j very best lots to be sold at
auction for cash to the highest bidder,
Friday, August lfi, b.H.veei 10 and 11
o'clock a. m., at Gearhart Park.
Lots 12 and 21, Block 10, near the "Cut
birth Cottage," lots valued at $250.00 each.
If you cannot be present, send bids to
R. N. Wright, Gearhart Park.
Shoot or fish only in the proper season
and escape the game warden by observing
the laws. Many etates have new game
and fish laws this year, a .d if you n n't
know fhem, send five 2c stamps for a
copy of the Game Law Issue of The
American Field, 246 State street, Chicago.
A large assortment of fine clothing has
has Just arrived for Herman Wise, the
Reliable Clothier and Hatter. No trouble
for anybody to dress handsomely for lit
tle money.
Astoria's Churches Well Supplied With
Good Voices.
Strangers visiting Aetorla are surprised
at tih superior music rendered in her
churches. It is worthy of note that for
a town of Its size the class of music ren
dered by and the talent found in the
church choirs here is far better han the
average. Many beautif ul voices are in all
of the churches, and all enow careful
training and an earnest d slre to excel
and render efficient support to the va
rious services.
Those who were at Grace Church Sun
day -evening enjoyed a rich treat. The
organist officiating was particularly hap
py In, his selections and rendered them
with an artist's touch. Easy and grace
ful execution, beautiful shading of the
delicate sentiments of the music and
powerful rendition of the bolder parts,
made the simplest hymns an expression
of true soul worship. The organ eeems
to be man's Instrument at which he must
excel by sheer excess of physical strength.
Whem ora listens to such players as
Falk md Mvi great leaders of Cincinnati,
Baltimore and New York, all other music
slnfts into insignllicanice.
A large assortment of fine clothing has
has JuBt arrived for Herman Wise, the
Reliable Clothier and Hatter. No trouble
for anybody to dress handsomely for lit
tle (money.
The Report of County Judge. Gray.
Judge J. H. D. Gray left last Thursday
for a trip up the Neeannlcum, and re
turned on Saturday. The object of the
trip was to Inspect the line of the nfiw
county road, and the requirements for
bridges. The Judge r ports that he found
magnltlceM lands In' the Neoannicum bot
toms, and that the road will open up a
fine country. There will probably be
time bridges, two of which will cost from
three to four hundred dollars- each.
The settlers will . endeavor to have a
trail opened out this The recent
road Improvement by th-j Seaside people
in the bottom leading from the N'?canrai-ou-m
bridge to the Elk Creek road, Is a
model. Oravel from the cree-k was us;d
and the road is now all right for hors-es
s(nd carriages.- Last year a horse wonild
be up to the -mlddl-i-, while the gravelling
now done obviates nil such trouble, and
the cost was only about $li00, for the one
mile and a quarter. Several mor miles
win probably be completed next year as
all are Justly proud of the work.
The county assisted the work to the ex
tent of $400.
A large assortment of fine clothing has
has Just arrived for Herman Wise, the
Reliable Clothier and Hatter. No trouble
for anybody to dress handsomely for lit
tle money.
The event of the season will be the
Krand concert and ball at Fisher's Hall,
August 20, under -the auspices of the
Forresters of this city. Parson's orches
tra of twelve pieces will furnish the
music. Tickets, $1.
A large assortment of tine clothing has
has Just arrived for Herman Wise, the
Reliable Clothier and Hatter. No trouble
for anybody to dress handsomely for. lit
tle money. i
- A
The World's FaidTestS
showed no laklnz powder
. .so pan srcaLJnJesy
,r fpljig powc,r as th$ PoyaL ,,
SiifcUl tnetfh ie wanted, also Sec ill d
band setae, old we taougM.
One of the Perfect Days Fitly Ended in
Vesper Hymns.
Sunday was one of those perfect days
which sometimes comes in midsummer,
when the alt1 Is full of the smoke of
burning forests; ar.d that it was tu..y ap
preciated was evidenced by the number of
people who flocked to the .beaches, or
wandered about over the hills and
through the woods. From the top of the
hills a beautiful panorama greeted the
eye In every direction. The deep blue
waters of the Columbia, dotted here and
there with a sail or Steamer, the lines
of dark wooded shores, the sky streaked
with light clouds in fantastic shapes and
the glad warm sunlight above and
through all, was an antidote for all th
"blues" and Ills of life. Even the Invalid,
confined by ailment to the house, could
drink in the warm bright air through the
open window and enjoy the general cheer
fulness of the day. In t'he late evening,
as if in benediction, the sun went down
into the sea in a great glory of rich
color seemingly to tell of beauties be
yond the sky. Turning from the colors
of the sky, In response to t'he bells of
Grace church, calling to vespers, the
whole day seemed rounded and completed
to 'the full. "If any of you lack wisdom,
let him ask of God, that glveth to all
men liberally, and upbratdeth not; and
it shall be given him." This earnest words
of the rector, borne home and Intensified
by the beautiful service, Impressed the
.lstener t'lia't for all the good things of lit;
there Is some debt due from ths creature
to the creator. The evening hymn, as
played by the master hand of th organ
ist, leading the voices of the few faithful
ones, was a Bweetly solemn ending of a
perfect day.
A large assortment of fine clothing has
has Just arrived for Herman Wise, the
Reliable Clothier and Hatter. No. trouble
for anybody to dress handsomely for lit
tle money.
The following '1st of letters was ad
vertised ait t'he AsUorta posuofllce August
12, 1895.
Adams, Miss Alice Pulvermaker,
Barnes, W. F. j Eliza.
Bersents, John D. jSmidt, A.
Cayle, James. j Van, John
Jones, J. D. Vanstrl, Johan Lun
Kublmann, J. P. F. qulst.
Lynch, Charles 1 AVoodin, John.
Carlson, Miss OHvla Lfeevre, Madame Al
Farr, James. . Ice.
Jacobson, Julius. Young, J. H.
When for any of the above let
ters, please say "advertlsad."
A large assortment of fine clothing has
has Just arrived for Herman Wise, the
Reliable Clothier and Hatter. No trouble
for anybody to dress handsomely for lit
tle (money.
NOTICE. . . .
The annual meeting of the stockholders
of the Odd Fellowa' Land and Building
Association will be held at Odd Feaiows'
Hall on Thursday, August 22d, ait 2 o'clock
p. m.
By order of the President.
A McDonald, Jewell
J B Johnson Cedarj
Geo W Ttbler Ptlnd;
Will True, City.
Ohas. Hansen Viola-
ria, B. C.
A G San is:ro,n, Cty
F G Spethmunn Ptd
C W Everest, City
John Clron, Warntn
Robt Morem City
J 3tlcqler, Ptlar.d
L Andre ; Ca'.h
lamt. C J Duncan Sand Is
W H Griffith Sand II
C Fost'ir, Catblanitt
Fred Springer, Vine
J M Smith, City I
Wm. Olsen, Tlllamkj
Jos O'Keefe, tor
C Daggett, Mist, Or '
M Z NJlson, City '
J M Sweeney, City
Ohas G Johnson,
New Astoria.
Alfred Wilson, Swe-j
John Blaann Tacma
Anton Diaz, City.
John Corcoram Pil-
C vj tan.. City.
E H Snow, Topeka.
F H Mudd, F: Stvns
W H Franklin, Sher
idan, Or.
Wm Sspp. B-'ookflld
E A Reynolds, Tilla
mook. J H Reynolds, Crked
lax Rock.
T Corcoran, V Maplj
Chas McCauley, Si.
Miss Peterson, Ptld
Miss Osterdoi, Ptld
Andrew Nlqulst Cty
Klttering and wife.j
Stella. Wn.
R H Staples, Fort
Benton, Mont.
Frank Mutijoa Tort,
Chas Hartmas, Clty
Wm Richinnn, llwc
T J O'Brien, Knap-
:on, j
Geo Noble, Ryan's
John Linchlnst and
wrfe, Portland.
Dr Ellert, New York
Miss Ellert N Y Cty
Miss Hebbert. Ptlnd
Chas Donatio?, Ptld
F 8 White, ' Soutn
Eend, Wn.
P Bherardsonv City
C Allchorn, North
'Gun Factory Started at Eugene.
Mr.G.A. Sachs, a German by birth.
Is now la Astoria, and Is looking after
the ubscrtptIons being mad to . the cap
rtal stock of the now gun factory started
at Eugene '
Mr. Sachs Is the patentee of a new de
parture In shot guns, nd exhibited a
sample, which hft made by hand, to the
Astorlan yesterday. It Is a double bar
relled, breach loading, lhammerless gun,
of gp;at power, being one of the few
successful guns for the use of smokeless
powder. It has but 40 parts, while most
guns have from 58 tl SI parts. It Is sim
ple and effective-, unique from Its very
simplicity, and constructed from the very
best of steel. The workmanship Is of
the high';t grade and the finished arti
cle Is a very handsome one.
The compar.y Is incorporated and is
known as the "Saxonia Gunworks" Com
pany. It Is the first factory or the kind
on the coast and should me-t with the
support that the merit of the gun de
Mr. Sachs has three letters paffent In
t'he United States and one In England.
The sample gun may be seen at Spe::
arth's stone- during this wee'k.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
For piano tuning, please leave orders
at Griffin & Reed's book store, Commer
cial street, or address Th. Frederikson,
Piano Tuner, 2071 Bond street. Telephone
No. 24.
Mr. Gteocrge M. Home, Portland's ac
knowledged ohumiplcn sign writer, 13
under engagement with B. F. Allen until
after the regatita.
J. C. Epperly was In town yesterday.
F. Van Reed, of Huntington, Is at the
Parker. ,
Clias. Hawbaker, c-f Portland, Is at the
P. Gray, of Portland, is stcpiping at the
Miss Rose Tru'mbun iwe:.'t to S. aside
J. A. Fees, of Knappa, Is a of
file Parker.
G. Gumez, of Gray's Harbor, Is register
ed at the 'Parker.
H. D. McGulre and wife, of Portland,
are 'at the Occident.
John; Forbes and -wife, of Butte, Mont.,
are at' the Occident.
C E. S. Wood, the attorney, of Port
land, is at the- Occlder.'t.
C. H.- Carey, and wife, of Portland, are
registered at the Occident.
John A. Shaw and wife, of Miles City,
are guests of the Occident.
A. C. Getz., of Portland, la making a
f.w days' visit with Mr. Hawes.
' Jas. Crawford and wife, of Vancouver,
are visiting the city, stopping at the- Oc
cident. .. ;
Mrs. B. Var.Dusen and Mrs. C. J. Tren
chard and daughter, have returned from
the beach.
A. B. Hammond and wife and the
Misses Hammond have returned to their
quarters at the Occident.
Q. E. Bain, of -Alarnkda, and Chas. Mc
Donald, of OakSand, Cal.. former Asto
rlans, registered at Seaside on Sunday,
iMrs. M. J. Shaw and daughter, of Olym
pla, are visiting Mrs. Rus-sell, and will
also soon visit friends at Clatsop beach.
Mrs. Westdahl, of Oakland, formerly
of 'Astoria, and Mrs. H. G. Smith, mill
be among the passengers on the- Colum
bia from San Francisco tomorrow.
United States Marshal Henry C. Grady,
of Portland, passed through Astoria yes
terday on his way 'home from Clatsop,
where he sprained his left foor while
stepping on' some logs.
Washington, August 12. Today's state
ment of the condition1 of the treasury
shows: Available cash baHanc.-, $163,857,
atO; gold reserve, 102,96C,363.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Moot Perfect SlaJc.
40 Years the Standard.
Way Down
Clatsop Beacf?
Seashore Haitaiay Company
In Kffect July 19, 1895.
Hoats leave AMo la one half lour b fore
trains leaves b id ;o.
Tim it.
Niabt boat' fioni rort
lu' d.
o.t from storia
Day 1 oat from I'ortI nd.
lio t fiom A t ria
uais from i'urt and and
steamer Pot er from Tort-
Ikii i and Astoiitt.
' oats Horn Antoria
0 .1. m .
:':3U a. m
f3 11
to:45 p. 11
I p. ui. fcaturday ....
7 pm. Saturday....
d:H c. m.S inday...
l:l" p. m...
1 a. m
tl:45p. m
fl:lo p. m
iAi p. 111. Si.tur..ny
:I5 p. m Sa urday.
p. ui. um;a)
bay bouts for i'orl.tid
Uuut lor A si r u.
.ig n bouts for 1'oiili.n I.
li a' f r riHioiiit.
1)0 .ts for Abt ri t aud Port
laud. euiuer I'o ter f r lwaoo.
al for Astoria and i orl
lnml. Daily except Monday
fLuily except -utuidiy aui Sum ay.
lor 'leij'iil and passenger rues apply to
U. r Lioifcu, cut.,
Setshoie w ay 1.0 , aeuaWt . Ore.
WANTED A girl to do general house
work in small family at N. W. corner of
lit'h and Harrison streets.
WANTED Agents to represent th
old National Life Insurance Co., of
Montpelier, Vt. For further Informa
tion, address G. M. Stolp, General Coast
Manager, 82-84 Crocker Building, Ubn
r'rancisco. Cal.
WANTED Man or lady to collect, do
some office work, and manage agents.
You will deal through your leading mer
chants. Something new and very popu
lar. We pay all expenses. Position per
manent. Send four references and ten
cents for full particulars. John Finney
Mgr., P. O. Box 484, St. Louis, Mo.
$75,000 PER WEEK using and selling
Dynamos for plating watches, Jewelry,
and table ware. Plates gold, silver,
nickel, etc., same as new goods. - Dif
ferent sizes for agents, families and
shops. Easy operated; no experience;
big profits. W. P. Harrison & Co.,
Clerk No. 14, Columbus, Ohio.
FOR SALE 600 yards of earth exca
vated from tunnel, to be delivered on
premises. Pac.flc Paving Co.
JAPANESE GOODS-Just out-Just re
ceivedJust what you want, at Wing
Lee's, 543 Commercial street.
A good buy at Long Beach. Nine room
house. Furnished complete for summer
travel. For description and terms In
quire at Real Estate Exchange, Occident
FOUND A silver witch, which the
cwner can have by calling at this office
end proving property.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms; good lo
cation fronting river. Capt. P. E. Fer
c.ven, 330 17Uh street.
TO RENT House of 4 rooms and bath
room, and modern conveniences. Just
bulk. Apply J. E. Ferguson.
FOR RENT A nicely furnished mod
ern house. For particulars Inquire of
Mia Smith, corner of th and Irving
avenue, or A. R. Cyrus, 487 Commercial
LOST Thursday night, about 10 o'clock
129 fathoms of net. Corks branded F. M.
Warren. Please return to Warren's sta
tion. KARL'S CLOVER ROOT, th. great
Riood purifier, given fresnness and
clearness to the completion and cuies
Constipation. Ti eta, 50 cts . 11.00.
For Sale by J. W. Conn.