The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 08, 1895, Image 4

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tt,HE only way to fit a roan 1 to flrt find
1 out Just what kind of a man you bare to
fit-that's Just what we do -take your
messurs exact and cut the suit for you and
It niuit fit, or we'll keep 'em.
chas. Mcdonald,'
The Tailor.
S23 Commercial Street
Few Hen Would Ask
for a Finer Dinner
than those we serve. We're trying In
every way to make them the most en
joyable In town. All the "good things'
of the season cooked by our excellent
cook In the most delicious style. Perfect
If you Invite a friend to the Palace
Restaurant the place is a sufficient guar
antee that he will receive a good meal.
The Palaee Restaurant
878 Commercial Street,
Manufacturers of every description of
Lounges, Mattresses, etc.
The Resort
On Commercial street, is the place
where the, businessman and the lnboriog-
man bo for what is called "ishbr ON
THE COAST," or a nice cool drink of
tbe celebrated Gambnnus beer. Sand
wiches of every kind made to order, and
an eleeant free luncn served every uay.
You are welcome.
Grosbauer & Brach.
?-. .. ;. . 1
mm lron
Qeneral Machinist and Boiler Works.
aii 1.1..J.. . r cut- c...,k
nil iMiiua ui aiiiiciy, 0111, uicaiiiuvai
ana fcnglne Work or any Description.
Castings or all kinds made to order.
Foot of Lafavelte St., Astoria, Or.
After (Deals I
Or ot any other time
" when you wish a good
oignr ask for the well-
known, home-made,
band-made, white labor
' cigar
"La Belle Astoria."
Oonoeded by all smokers
to be the best cigar
71 NintI? Street,
. Astoria, Oregon.
Qrocers, : and : Butchers
Astoria and Upper Astoria.
Id Teas and Coffees, Table Delicacies, Domestic
an4 Tropical Fruits, Vegetables, Sugar
Cured Hams, Bacon, Etc.
Choice Fresh and Salt Meats.
White Kid Slippers!
White. Kid Oxfords!
White Canvas Oxfords
In buying these goods from us
for graduation exercises one can
be suited here just as well as
though they had sent to Ban
Francisco and bad the goods made
for them.
All the paten: mediums ml ertised
In this' paper, together with the choic
est perfumery, and toilet articles, etc..
can be bought at tne lowest prices at
J. W. Conn's dru? store, opposite Oc
cident HoteL A..torla.
Japanese Bazaar
Ladies' and Childr&A hats
and duck suits. '
Ladies' and Gentlemen's
underwear made to order.
Lowest prices in Astoria.
417 Bond Street, next door to Mouler'e
Fruit Store.
Seals Steel Dies, Wood & Metal.
Society Callinjr t arda and An
nouncements Engraved and
. W. G. SMITH.
205 Morrison St., 1'ortUnd Or.
jyJg Attractive. Start by being the
rlUJ lc If you have beauty preserve
it. If not, you con Improve your looks
immensely, where tnere'a a win mere s
a way. A good way ia the use of my
articles, especially -
: Lola JJontez GremB
75c per not.
Bring beauty to
Ihe face by feed
ing through tbe
skin pores, eivea
life to faded faces.
Bold by Mrs I
1. rer.OT iNnr.
rV 457 Dnane St. Aa-
jS . s 's toHa.Orpijon.
t -S MrsNxttie Flsr-
j v v 'it- u. vt in R4ui( rison , America'
I . a. K fbt-nnty doctor,
- ' i ' ------? - 'an FranuiBTO, Cnl.
COILD'8 HOSE, s'rong and serf-
lceame, sizes 8 to ttvi, ipecial
special at..i..
Makcrg claim them 12.00 raluea.
VEILINGS, values
fiuiciei, at
to 75e In
ISo and 25c Imitation shell BLACK
uuuuh, special at
Local weather for the twoney-four hours
ending at S p. m. yesterday, - furnished
by the United States department of agri
culture weather bureau:
Maximum temperttltiure, 79 degrees.
MinDmuun tcmpeinature, 58 degrees.
Precipitation, none.
Total precipitation from September 1st.
1804, to dote, 76.06 Inches.
Excess of precipitation from SeDtember
Jat, KKtt, to Uate, 4.B8 inches.
Try Smith's Ice cream.
Get your milk of Keith. & WKeon.
Froeh candles every morning at Smith's.
Sweet cream at Smith's 20 cents pint.
Fresh candles every hour at the Bon-
Bottle of Oambrlnus beer and sandwich,
16 cents, at Jos. Terp's.
Beat ice cream and ice cream soda in
the city at the Bonbonnlere.
THE SPA Coiman's old stand, Is the
place for fresh candles and ice cream.
THE SAME PLACE-11S 12th street Is
the place to buy fresh fish every day.
Meany is the leading tailor and pays
the highest asb price for far skins.
The Astorlan will hereafter be founc"
on sale at MeGulre'ls Hotel at Seaside.
Our milk la guaranteed etrictly pure
and fredh from the cow daily. Redtli
& Wilson.
GRAEFE & PLANK No. 628 Commer
cial street, will repair your clothes for
little money. Try them.
finest lino of liquors and cigars In the
city. Call and sample them.
If your watch don't run, call at 674
Commercial street, across from Shana-
han Bro.' and have It repaired.
DON'T FORGET Tha t at Nos. 214 and
216 Tenth street Is the place to have your
horse shod and repair work done. - .
Smith's Ice cream la unequalled
cream soda a specialty. Private
lors for ladles. Commercial street.
If you want a delightful shave or
fashionable hair cut, go to the Palace
Barber Shop, J. B. Hutohins, propr.etor.
PLEASE STOP, As you pass by Mat.
StralPs second-hand store, on Commer
cial street, and learn prices on his stock.
WAH SING & CO. Merchant tailors,
626 Commercial street, cheaper than you
can buy ready made. New stock com
Allen Co., "Branch," 710 Commercial St.,
Lead'.ng Makes. Low Prices. Easy
Are ylou going to the seashore? If so,
you sniouid call at the Eates-Orain Drug
Store and buy One of thu new style
Bathurig Cups,
Water melons! Water melons! Water
melons! A carload recilved yesterday
will be soid cheap today at Pat Lawler's,
674 Commercial.
In order to get the benefit of the D0
Cciu round trip rate Sunday to Ilwaco
on the North Pacific, you must purchase
tickets Saturday.
T.-ade with Found & Stokes Co., deal.
era In Groceries, Hardware, Crockery,
provisions, Hour, fruits and Vegetables
They will surely .please you. ,.
Perfect cleanliness and modern con
voiuence are the adjuncts of all well
regulated baiih rooms. You will find
thorn tut the Palace. J. B, Hmtchins, pro'
The largest and tlnest assortment of
p-.anos and organs ever seen in Astoria
now on exhibition at the W.ley B. Allen
Company, 710 Commercial street. Ask
for terms.
Hunger Is n very disagreeable sensa
itlon. There is a place In this town where
you can sat'sfy Cts demands with th
cleanest aud best 25 cent meal you ever
Mte. That place Is Joe Terp's.
No 'better milk was ever brought to
Astoria titan Is f umlrihed for five cents
a quart by Tlelth & Wilson and de
livered In a clean' and tlarhitly closed
erlase oottle at your door every morn
ing. What brings people back to the Asto
ria Wood Yard after they have sounded
the possibilities everywhere else? May
be it's one tiling, and May b It's another.
But the fact remains back they come.
And of course the Astoria Wood Yard la
proud of It.
Business men f Astoria visiting Port
land have for years been accustomed
to take their mid-day lunoh at the
"Gem." The "Gem" la now located at
73 Third street, next door to the Alns
wortb Bank. Joe, E. Penny.
Notice is hereby gvea to all parties
holding Clatsop county warrant endorsed
prior to August 15, 1893, to' present the
tame to th county treasurer for pay- as Interest will Ct-Aii thereon
this date. Dated this 1st day of August,
A. P., 1SS3. B. L. Ward, treasurer of
Clatsop county.
Naila advanced
another CO cents per
keg on Monday.
A ftwns of mien la at .work cleaning off
ilfhe dint on llt'h eia-eet.
A representative of the Vancouver
creamery was In town yesterday.
The county court adjourned yesterday.
having completed the business before It,
Ask Officer filnnoOt about the ghost
on Bond street that made Its appearance
Tuesday night.
A number of tobacco drummers were
In town yesterday looking after the In
terestis of their trade.
'Prof. Begga s preparing tor .the open
ing of the opera 'aou., .which (he promisee
will be a good entertainment.
The plat of lAdtorla addition to Wiarren-
iton, as laid out by, C. ft. IHigiglns, was
yesterday tiled for record In ithe re.
carder's office.
J. B. CopeOand, (tin shoe dealer, Bays he
Is not isorry that Ihe came to Astoria, and
believes t'lvat (he Unas made no mistake In
going Initio business here.
F. J. Alexander, of St. Paul, compiler
of the "Western Empire," tributary to
the Northern Pacific railroad, iwas In the
city yesiterday looking utter buslnesa.
The elde of Ohrlstensen'8 market was
yesterday decorated with, a large bull
head iwhldh appears natural and life like,
The bologna sausage Is now in order,
P. C. Warren came in from NeSialem
yesterday where (he has been on business,
It Is reported .that Olsen's warehouse at
OCney was burned and a large amount of
hay destroyed.
One of 'the old C.and markB of tUie town
was yeslterday destroyed Tvhen Contract'
ors Wlnt & 'Ross tore down Knlemeyer'i
Hall to imake rooirni for a treiw building to
be erected on Via cite.
There was mo meeting of ftllM city coun
oil lest night. At 7:30 mo quorum was
present and laf.ter waiting a few minutes
the four memlb&rs present adjourned to
nexlt Monday afternoon ait 2 o'clock.
The pet bear on the Columbine yester
day got Its foot crushed so badly in 'the
steering gear 'thalt It was necessary to
drown bruin. The officers and crew felt
very badly over ithe loss of .their mascot,
A 'man, somewhat under .the weattier,
yesterday afternoon held the boards be.
fore on amused audience at Fisher's cor!
rer on liond street by his antics with
some small Iboyis, iwho might, have been In
be;iter employment.
Captain Oann, of the lightship, was in
'town yesterday, and says that he feels
sure tlha.t the mao ho went out In a
bout from 'the llghushlp and has not been
seen since was picked up by some vessel
nothing sas been seen of the boat.
The Tcffrlhone Ga'tzert line continues to
do a Euige cmimmer business and the boys
are kept busy .taking care of the travel
ers. Hereafter on Saturdays the Tele
phone will leave Portland at 1 o'clock
p. m. and make the run to Astoria with-
ouit stopping.
At taxJh'menlt p upers were yesrt rday serv
ed in the suit of E. Bona vie vs. C. H.
Brown for ithe aCCeged value of a guitar
told by Bonavie to the defendant, and
a silver watch sold by J, R. Hull ,to same;
the one vatued at J23 and the other at
Yesterday afternoon, In Judge Otburn's
court, .the case against Phil. Carroll was
dismissed. It was thown that his threatt
about b'ho'oMng were made conditionally,
and as his wife couid not Ibe compelled
to testify lilm and the complain
ing wfitiuiss did not appear, ithe only
cours.- left was to djflmlss 'the ease.
The fruit season may now be said to be
at to height. Mr. J. T. 1R0&3, of Roes,
H'lKglns) & Co., re.pu.rts that 'the better
class of Oregon .pouches, .the Crawforda,
are coming in, and that prices are rea
sonable. Owing to the recent reduction
made by the Southern 'Pacific in freight
rmtes, the gnoweru will ithis year realize
bcnie profit.
Olai-ence Ml ithena was sixteen years old
yesterday and ithe event was celebrated
by a party. A'.l of his frlenda were pres
ent and Joint U In 'tlhe good tone. Games
tnd music Ailed the hours and the festiv
ities were ou.pcie) toy a line supper. Not
forgetting the newspaper , boye, a large
dish of ice cream, with pleiraty of enke,
was eivt llo Ithe olllce, which iwas gTealy
enjoyed by all.
The nttertiion of the Btreelt commission
era is cafiled to .the condition of the
t'.anklng in. the sidewalk on Duane streeit
in the block just east of the Astwr house. are a munlber of loxwe boarils which
tip up as one Steps on thwm and a child
might eaislly be precipiitated to Ithe water
below and every one walking over these
boaiMt) Is liable to gelt broken leg. It is
a regular man trap and shouid be seen
to at once.
Mr. H . If. Hughes, of Boise, Wuho, is
here visiting lie's brother, the Colonel.
Mr. Hughes stayis that placer mining has
largely (taken the pCace of quarts mining
in that section vlnce the silver mines
wore closed down, wases are being made
but no large profits. Mr. Hughes will
remain here several .weeks, his wife be
ing at .the beach on a vocation. Today,
wltih his brother ivnd a party, they will
go to the Nvhialem on a few days' fish
ing trip.
The deud horae Which has been floating
back and forth on the tldea, has this
time lodged under Campbell Bros.' wharf
and the Blench, la naiuher soring. Many,
unacquainted! with, the circumstance,
blamed tllvs odor yesterday on the oil fac
tory, but such la not the case. The at
tention of the police department was
caltod to the matter ,and while they haul
ed the carcass suway once, arrangements
were at once made to do so again, and
no Ooasbt ty this Kims the nuisance has
been abaced.
Last night the Astoria Hose Team ran
l jvftwr ftptirr nT"n jmrr vnn rrom
Foster's Exchange atong Oomsmerotel to
t'he corner of Fourteertth. The hose was
coupled at the hydrant in front of the J
Central Hotel, and the time made, was
very satisfactory for an ordinary dry
Iteat. The runnlmg teaim consisted of
Wie following: CartsJn, Nuce Grant; W;
Binder, Frank Lelnenweber, IOng Kyle,
Tom Foster, Matisoii, A. Strong, Jens
Hansen, IPhll. (Hadden, E. Reed, John
Clark, 33. Miller, P. Kenney, and B. Bber-
man. This morning She team will go out
without the cart and tonight both the
dry and wet (testa wIU be run.
Henry Thomas woe arrested by the
police lost night on a charge of gam.
The U. 5. Gov't Reports
Show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others.
The case awiln'St Schroeder, arrested
for iflrfi stealing, will come up today,
There was some question of jurisdiction
involved In the matlter ytnterday which
caused considerable discussion. The ar
rest was made by the police and the man
confined In (the city Jail. The complaint
was filed toy dJhe attorney for the state In
the justice court." At the request of the
attorney for the complaining witness the
oollce court: veaterdav signed a lot of
aubpoemas, while the attorney for the de.
fendanit thought they should know defl.
nitely Just where the case was to be
itrled and that the accused should first be
arraigned and have an examinaiUon.
The police court wants the question of
Jurisdiction Btttiad in euch cases. Some
people think that the municipal Judge Is
a'Jso a Justice of the peace, by virtue of
his office. It Is also charged by others
thalt itheaa oasts are taken to the Justice
court for the purpose of .making future
political capital. The outcome of the mat.
ter will be watthed with some Interes
by lawyers.
In .tine police court yesterday 'two men
forfeited J3.0O each for being drunk and
one man rwua fined $5.00 for the same of
Tennis thoes at Cope".and & Thorsen'
new shoe store. ,
Yesterday Messrs. R. L. Boyle & Co
the progressive real estate company, re
celved a leWer from parties In Hot
Springs, Dak., Inquiring as to the faclll.
ties here for ithe estaWisliimant of a flour
ing mill.
Mr. Boyle replied, giving the gentleman
a full description of Astoria and offering
to do ail In his power to aid ithe enter
prise. Mr. Boyle eaya he will certainly
get the people hero in the near future.
The fostering of such enterprises is
what will insure a rapid growth of this
city and If each would use what Influence
he possesses wlllh. Eastern people and
Eastern capital, results would soon be
Misses -wind Children s tan Oxfords at
Oopeland & Thorsen's.
Office of J. E. Ferguson, Architect, No.
m Eleventh, Street, Astoria, Or.
Sealed proposals will be received at
this olflce until 2 o'clock p. m. on Wednes
day, ithe 14t'h day of August, 18, for fur-
nltPnlnfj the materiai's and lubor for the
completion and delivery of a frame dwel
ling for Mr. E. W. Tallant, "to be situated
on Liot No. 11, of Block No. 16. in Shlve
y's Astoria, Oregon.
The plans, specifications and all neces
sary luformatloa can. be obtained at this
i'ne rignit 13 reservea to reject any
and a.l olds, and to waive any defedts.
An election will be held on M'ondiiy,
August 12, 1S6, at the house of Rescue
ntfino No. 2 fur tlhe purpoise of elect
g a chief engineer and two assistants.
Polls will be open from 10 o'clock a. in.
to 4 p. m.
Judges Paul Badollet, S. J. Arlgonl,
r.d J. F. Kearney. Clerks Geo. Goodell,
and C. 11. Suockt'on.
By ordeir of tha board.
Attest: President A. F. D. ,
V. J. CARNEY, Secy.
'fan button shoes for .Misses and Chil
dren at Cope-laud & Thorsen's.
Regular monthly mueetlng of the Colum-7
wver Fhaliermens Protedtlve union will
be he.d at ehelr room Tuesday,
Aug. 13, 1S3, at 7:30 p. m. sharp. Elec
tion of oltlcers. Jlem'uers In good stand
ing are requested to be present and have
their book or receipt along.
SOFUS JENSON, Secretary.
ltieiis for spiles, to be delivered at New
.Astoria, wlil be received by the under
signed at Jts ottlce In Astoria up to Aug.
ust 15, inclusive, as follows:
-HO spiles, 65 feet lung, to measure 20
inches at butt and 16 Indies at tip.
M spiles, 60 feet long, to measure 20
inc'noa ait bu.t and 16 Indhes at tip.
by ftl. J. KINNEY
The Pacific Oonurtlsaion Co.. 122 12th
street, will receive this morning by spe
cial freight a large consignment of straw
berries, raspberries, blackberries. Oreeon
and California peuches, car load of wa-
.wnmeaons, Oregon apples, apricots, etc.,
d:c, and a large variety of vegetables, all
to be told at prices within the reach ol
The Wlhy B. Allen Co., bramch 710 Com
mercial street, will soon receive another,
shipment of pianos. There will be several
Chicago cheap makes in this lot, price
lt. HS0. and (200. Parties desirous ol
purchasing a cheap moke of piano, should
tiot buy until itbese InstTumems are or
At Rescue Hall. Saturday afternoon, at
8:30. a children's meeting win be organ
lied, all children not atteweUng any 6ab
bath school invited o be present. Chil
dren's meetings will be held every Sat
urday at 2:30 conducted by Mrs. Captain
The regular quarterly examination of
applicants for certificates to teach in
the public schools of Clatsop County,
Oregon, will be held beginning at 1
o'cCock p. m. Wednesday, August 14, 1895,
at McClure's (Court Street) school house,
Astorki. Ornron. and eontlnulns; three
days. Examinattoo for state diploma will
be held Saturday, August 17, beginning at
a. m. H. S. LYMAN,
School Supl.. Clatsop Co., Oregon.
A twister in twisting
May twist him a twist,
. For In twisting a twist
Three twists make a twist;
Bur K .one'vifjhe twists
Untwists from the twist,
The twist untwisting
Untwists the twist.
That Is, when it's twisted with
other twine than MARSHALL'S. .
The annual meeting of the stockholders
of the Odd Fellows' Land and Building
Association will be held at Odd Fellows'
Hall on Thursday, August 22d, ait 2 o'clock
p. m.
By order of the President.
A well-furnished suite of rooms, with
use of parlor, and, If desired, good
table board, at reasonable rates. 405 Du
ane street, corner of Ninth.
For piano tuning, please leave orders
at Griffin & Reed's book store, Commer
eial street, or address Th.- Frederikson,
Piano Tuner, 2071 'Bond street. Telephone
No. 24.
Mr. George M. Home, Portland's ac
knowledged oh'a.mipkn sign writer, 13
under engagement with B. F. Allen until
after the regia'tita.
Jas Harvetl, S F D J Tngolla, Lewis
Geo Lorton, Helenal and OTarke.
F Bourn, City. I W. J. Installs, Lewis
B A Johanon( Ne- and Clarke.
halem. j W D Pagey, wife and
P A Smith, Or t'lty son, Taoomo..
D Upton and wife.lOhas Stephens, S F
Deep River. IE G Spettunam, Ptd
Ous Ground, City. Otto Mumson and wf
W Krollng, City I Chinook.
R Show OasUle Rok I Belkreop and wife
Frank H Muud, Fa. Chinook.
Stevens. jGeo Constable, Ska-
Chas G Johnson Ft mowawa.
Stevens. I'M Lareaux, Water
J C Bowman, Fort Dog Vialley.
Stevens. F S FloCds, Ptland
M Woodtandfl HarelC E Uydeburg Ilwc
J Larson, Portland A F Smith and wife
JackAppleton Oathl Portland
lamet, I Mrs J Stewart and
Prof F Miller, Paldl son, Deep River
Prof E Markeburg.l Jas E Wilson, Beside
Sheriff Hare returned to the city yes
Jack Appleton, of Cathiamet, is a gues
or the Astor.
D. Upi'.on und wife,
at the Astor.
of Deep River, ar
Capt. Cleveland Rockwell is a guest 01
the Occident.
J.rtn CM eggs, of Grant's Puse, Is a gu.?
ot Ithe Parker.
R. M. Gaston, of Grand Rapids, was ti
town yesterday.
gc BartSey went,
on business.
to Portland yes
R. 'Palltzsjhe and W. John'son, of Port
land, are at the Parker.
W. E. Morris, son of Bishop Morris, 1
a guest of th Occident.
H. D. Page, wife and son, of Tacoma
are g,u..'Sts ait the Astor.
air. Frank Gunn arrived home fion
Cannon Beach yesterday.
A. J. Hammond ,of Reading, Pa., i
stopping at t'he Occident.
H. L. E. Meyer, and L. Suimuel, of Port
land, are at Ihe Occident.
Geo. Constable, of Skamokuwa, is In th-
city, stopping at the Astor.
AC'fred Tee left for the beach yeslerduy
Where he will spend a faw days.
G. S Beck and W. McKlmm, of Port
iund, are registered at Itlhe Occident.
Mr. A. J. Megi'.er and Proscott Wriffh
returwed from a short visit to the beach
Miss Gertrude Rockwell, of Portland
Is visiting Miss Alice Woods, of thl
Misa Florence Ross, 'who. haa been
visiting friends at Knappa, arrived hom
Miss Annie Christemsen, of this city
returned from a few days' visit at Gear
hart I'ork.
Judge T. A. Stsvena and Capt. E- S
Edrt-arda, of Portlcnd, were in thi clt:
yesterday and stopped at the Occident.
Clarence Brown, district passenga
aevant Of .the Union Pacific, reiturned ti
Portland yesterday evening on the oPtter.
The two daughters of Capt. Beadegartl
of the steamer Signal, went to an Fran
Cisco yesterday on the Oregon, for a vlsf
imong friends.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
The Omaha N
will be sent to any adilress
in. this country or Canada
front now lo . . . .
December 31, 1895
Send orders at to
The Omaha Bee,
Omaha, Nob
Refreictlon SpecIallBt.
Eyes Examined Free.
Spectacles Made to Order
Only the late st and most improved method
used. Investigation bv physicians a' d sclen
tlflcpeoplc courted. Examination of children's
eyes a specialty. Diagnosis of the ryes made
by the Op halinotcope (eye reading) and no
questions asked of the patient.
Tighe flotel, FJooms 10 and 11.
Ladies' entrance. A lady in attend
Superfluous Hair!
Removed by the
electtio needle.
Eyebrows arched.
Cure guaranteed.
Consultation free.
21, Rucker House,
'I Was No Good on Earth."
Dr. Miles' Nervine strengthens
the weak, builds up the broken
down constitution, and permanently
cures every kind of nervous disease,
".l&oiif one year ago Iuas afflicted
with nervousnesfi, hIcciIchsih'hs,
Creeping Herniation in tny legs,
Slight palpitation of tny heart,
Distracting con fusion of the mind,
Serious loss or lapne of memory.
W'eighted down with care and
worry. I completely lost appetite
And felt tny vitality wearing out,
I was weak, irritable anil tired,
Sly weiyht was reduced to 160 lbs.,
In fact X was no good, on earth.
A friend brought
mo Dr. Miles' book,
"New and Start
ling Facts," and
I Anally decided
to try a bottle of
Dn, Miles' Ro
oratlve Nervine.
Before I had taken
one bottle I could
sleep as well as a
lO-yr.-oId boy. My
appetite returned
greatly lncreasod.
When I had taken the si.rth bottle
Big weight increased to ITS bs
The sensation in tny legs was gone:
Sly nerves steadied completely:
Sly tnemoiTj was fully restored.
Sly brain seemed clearer than ever.
I felt as good as any man on earth.
Dr. Sliles' Restorative Kervine is
A great medicine, assure you."
Augusta, .Mo. WAi.Ti-.n U. Bcrdake.
Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold on a positive
guarnnti'e tbat tbe first bottle will benefit.
All drujtitistssoll itat .(1,6 bottles for jo, or
It will lie sent, prepaid, on receipt of price
by the Br. Miles Medical Co., Klktmrt, iuel.
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Restores Health
As Franklin says, good drees ope-r.h
all doors, you should not lose eltfht of
the fact that a perfect fitting suit is
the main, feature. Wanamakcr &
lirown are noted for fit, workmanship
md superiority of qualities. Their rep
resentative visits Astoria every three
months. Oflle-e G4 Dekum Building,
Portland, Or. ' Reserve orders till you
have seen the spring line of samples.
Send your uddrets to II. E. Buck'.en &
Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box
of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will
convince you of their merits. Tthcev pills
are easy i.i action and are panticulaiiy
effective In the cure of ConsXpatlon and
Pick Headache. For Malaria and Liver
TtuuUies titr-y have been pnoved invalu
able. They are guaranteed to be perfect
ly free from every deleterious substance;
and to be purely vegetable. They do not
weaken by their acMo::, buit by giving
tor.. .to stomach and bowels greatly in
vigorating the system. Regular srlze 25c
per box. SoM by Ohas. Rogers, Druggist.
Gentlemen: This Is to certify that 1
have used Krause's Headauns Capsules
with satisfactory results. 1 bought a
box which cost, me und une rapsne
cured me of a dreadful Pick li?adrsche.
My wife and mvself nave both tised
the medicines manufactured by the
Norman Licbtr Mrs Co.. nnd we re
commend them to the public as being
JJust what they are represented.
Ed. Gazette. Pleasant Hill. Mo.
Twenty-five cents, for sale by
Rogers, Astoria. Or., sole agents.
Gentlemen: I had occasion to use
several boxes of Krause's Headache
Capsules while traveling to Chicago to
attend the National Democratic Con
vention. They acted like a charm In
preventing heaaaches and dizziness.
Have had very little headache since
my return, which Is remarkable.
Tours, resoectfullv
Ed. Renovo (Pa.) Record.
For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria,
Or., sole agent.
Mrs. T. S. Hnwl'.lns. Chattanooga,
T.nn bbvs "Shllor! Vilallzer 'SAVl-TD
luv T ipr1 T consider It tne best ren-
edy for a debilitated system I ever
used." For Dyspensia, Liver or Kid
ney trouble, it excells. Piive Co eta.
For Sale by J. W. Conn.
Blood purifier, gives tresnness and
clearness to the completion- and cuier
Constipation. ?5 tts, fw cm . 11.00.
For Sale by J. W. Conn.
Children Cry fey
Pitcher's Castoria,
Clatsop Beacf?
mm tt O A OH
1 11V1-LV WJLVi
Seashore ljailuiay Company
In Effect July 19, 1895.
Hosts leave Astoria one half hour bsfore
trains icavos bild;c.
0 a. m .'
9:30 a. m..C
t3 11. ni
To:4o p. in
4 p. in. fiuturduy.
7 p. m. Saturday.
0:15 r. m. Sunday
Niitht boats from 1'orJ-
I'oat from Astoria.
Day boat- from i'ortl nd.
liont fiom A.taria.
boats from 1'ort'and and
Steamer Hotter from Port
land and Astoria.
Huals from Astoria.
1:45 e.
8 a. in.,
Day bouts for Tortland.
Boat for A slur a.
NigHt bouts for Portland.
Ileal f .r Astoiin.
Uouts for Ast jrl and Port
laud. tcuruur Potter for Ilwaco.
ioats for Astoria and l'ort
lund. in
4:15 p.
T.iJ p.
5:45 p.
& p. iu,
m. 8ntim!uy.
m. Su'unlu'
Daily except Monday.
fDuily except Saturday and Sunday.
For freight and passenger rates apply to
U. f. Lhhlr.K, fiiip't.',
Seashore Uailnay to , Seaside, Ore.
WANTED Agento to represent the
old National Life Insurance Co., of
Montpelier, Vt. For further Informa
tion, address G. M. Stolp, General Coast
Manager, 82-84 Crocker Building, San
Francisco, Col.
WANTED Man or lady to collect, do
some olllce work, and manage agents.
You will deal through your leading mer
chants. Something new and very popu
lar. We pay all expenses. Position per
manent. Send four references and ten
cents for full particulars. John Finney
Mgr., P. O. Box 484, St. Louis, Mo.
$75,000 PER WEEK using and selling
Dynamos for plating watches, Jewelry,
and table ware. Plates gold, silver,
nickel, etc., same as new goods. Dif
ferent sizes for agents, families and
shops. Easy operated; no experience;
big profits. W. P. Harrison & Co.,
Clerk No. 14, Columbus, Ohio.
FOR SALE-000 yards of earth exca
vated from tunnel, to be delivered on
premises. Pac.tic Paving Co.
ceivedJust what you want, at Wing
Lee's, 643 Commercial street.
A good buy at Long Beach. Nine room
house. Furnished complete for summer
travel. For description and terms in
quire at Real Estate Exchange, Occident
FOUND A sliver watch, which the
owner can have by calling at this oftlcs
snd proving property.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms; good lo
cation .fronldng river. Capt. P. K. Fer
eiien, 3J0 lTUh street.
FOR RENT A nicely furnished mod
ern house. For particulars inquire of
Mrs. Smith, corner of 6th and Irving
avenue, or A. R.. Cyrus, 487 Commercial
LOST A silver mounted lady's side
oxto, or.graved wi'Uh letter "G." Finder
return 'to this office.
LOST Thursday night, about 10 o'clock
129 fathoms of net. Corks branded F. M.
Warren. Please return to Warren's sta
tion. LOST About midnight, August 1, 1896,
at the "Hog's Back," 250 fia'thdms of not.
SaDd net was made of about five papers,
of n a.v 15 p'.y 'twine, the rest being old
12 piy limine. The buoys were light
palnlied, and marked with the letters "J.
J." MoUt of the leads were caslt with
a square lump on the surf. ice. Finder
can obtain reward by notifying Charles
Hagiand, care AJstionrari office.
Are out of the question when tor
tured and disfigured with Eczema.
It is the cause of more intense
suffering than all other skin diseases
. Tender babies are among its most
numerous victims.
Tftey are often born with it.
Most remedies and the best physi
cians generally fail even to relieve.
If CUTICURA did no more than
cure Eczema, it would be entitled to
the gratiti. je cf mankind,
It not only cures but
A single application is often suffi
cient to afford instant relief, permit
rest and sleep, and point to a speedy,
permanent cure.
cause it is the most wonderful skin
cure of modern times.
Sold throughout the world. Price, Ctmctnu, 50c. 1
5..AT, 15c; RasoLVEtT, $1. Ptrmi Diuc and
Chih. Cor , Sole Pronv, Bouoo, Mm. "All
bout the Skia sod Blood, 64 piges, Bailed free,