The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 08, 1895, Image 1

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The ASTORIAN ha the largest LOCAL a
i i .1 l- I i rCUETD&l i'.-Mil.
3 For Washington and Oregom Fair
S weather cooler, h
Tl tlon, and ths largest TOTAL circulation of
all papers published In Astoria.
VOL. XLIV, NO. 184.
A Specialty.
Ship Chandelery,
Iron & Steel,
Groceries & Provisions,
Flour & Mill Feed,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Loggers Supplies,
Fairbank's Scales,
Doors & Windows,
Agricultural Implements
Wagons & Vehicles.
Dealer In
Wall Paper,
Artist Materials,
Paints and Painters Supplies
Glass, Mouldings,
Japanese Mattings,
Rugs and Bamboo Goods
Contractor for
Fresco Painting, Paper Hanging, Etc.
765 Commercial Street.
Snap R fyodak
at any man coming out ot
our store and you'll get a
portrait of a man brimming
over with pleasant thoughts.
Such quality in the liquors
we nave to offer arc enough to
Conge and Try Them.
Is there a man with heart bo cold,
That from his family would withhold
The comforts which they all could find
In articles of FURNITURE of th
right kind.
And we would suggest at this season,
nice Sideboard, Extension Table, or Be
of Dining1 Chairs. We have the larges
and finest line ever shown in the city
and at prices that cannot fail to pleas
tha closest buyers.
Conromly St., foot of Jackson, Astoria
General Machinists aid 3 j !er Makers
Land and Marine Engines. Boiler work, Steam
boat and Cannery Work a Specialty.
Castings of All Descriptions Made to Order on
Short Notice.
John Fox. President and Superintendent
A. L. Fox Vice President
0. B. Prael . Secretary
They Lack Life
There are twines sold to fishermen
on the Columbia river that stand in
the same relationship to Marshall
Twine as a wooden Image .does to the
human being they lack strength life
evenness and lasting qualities. Don't
fool yourself into the belief that other
twines besides Marshall's will do "Just
at well." They won't. They cannot.
Wells, Fargo & do. and
Pacific Express Co.
Custom Hous Broker
and Commission Merchant.
503 Bond Street.
Kopp's Beer Hall.
Choice Wines, Liquors and Clears.
Only hinded over th car. Th largest glass
of N. P. Beer. Half-and-half, 51.
Free Lunch.
Chas. Wirkkala, Proprietor.
Cor. Conromly and Lafayette Sta.
Th' Blacksmith -vhoso shop U oppos
ite Cutting's cannery. Is now prepared
to do such odd Jobs as making new
cannery coolers,- repairing' old ones,
making new fishin boat Irons, and re
pairing old ones, and all other black-smithing-
that requires first-class work
Brokers and Commission Merchants.
Consiennents Solicited of Poultry, Egfrs, Butter,
Fruit. Flour, Feed, Grain, etc
Returns Mad Quick.
Goods Sold at Wholesala.
No. 33 Twelfth St Astoria, Or,
The One Price Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher.
Fishing Tackle, Baskets, Flies, Rods, etc. Baseballs, Bats
Masks, Gloves, Mits, etc. Croquet fets, Hammock?, Lawn
Tennis Balls, Bird Cages, Garden Sets, Children's Carriages
and Iron Wagons.
Come and See
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Hats and Shoes.
All direct from the manufacturers.
New Lines of Ladles', Gents'
Men's Congress Shoes
, , Men's Congress Shoes -
Men's Police Shoes - v- -
Men's Kangaroo Shoes
Tlie Best Vfiluea
Inspect our clothing stock. We have full lines of
Men's, Youth's and Boy's Suits.
Men's suits ranging from $5.00 up to 815.00.
Every one of them a een'ine btuesin.
We XL in Hosiery, Underwear, Hats, Cnps, Trunks, Valines, 1 lankcts and Com
forters, White blurts, Uoliurs,
6oo Commercial Street.
In a desirable location, 2 blocks from High School.
On the new Pipe Line Boulevard Just the place for a cheap home.
A Block IN ALDERBROOK. . . ,
. STREET CAE LINE will bo ei tended this summer to wi'hin 5 minutes
walk of this property Will sell at decided bargain.
ACREAGE. - . '
In 5 or 10 acre tracts inside the city limit;, also adj oining FJavel.
GEORGE HIL,U 471 Bond St, Occident Block,
Picnic Canned Goods,
Camp Stoves,
Camp Cooking Utensils,
And the latest
All-Wool Sleeping Bags
At all prices. Just the tiling for camp
ers, prospectors, etc Sure to keep warm
at nights. Better than blankets.
MUSIC tfflJjJJ. "
KEATING & CO will open their
Munlc Hall at S-'fl Alitor street,
w Saturday the 16th. They will
W w. it keen nnmherl,... .m t limnr
and cigari besides having good music all the
With a map, any schoolboy
in Astoria can show you the ad
vantages of this city as the sea
port of the Northwest Empire.
And any boy in this city can
show you that a Cash Business
House without unnecessary ex
penses has the advantage in
selling Men's and Boy's
Clothing, Furnishing
Goods, Hats, Caps. Boots,
Shoes, Trunks, Valises,
& Reed.
Call and see our shoe stock.
and Children's Shoes
' x $1.50
$2.00 '
- - - - - $3.00
- $3 50
Ever Known,
Lulls, Suspenders, ivc.
North Paeifie Brewery
Bohemian Lager Beer
Leave order with J. L. Carlton at the
Sunnyside Saloon or Louis Boentge at
the Cosmopolitan' Saloon. All orders will
be promptly attended to.
: Fst Class Funerals :
POLL'S Undertakirg Parlors,
Rates Reasooabit. Embalming a Specialty
Open every day from 3 o'clock to 5 :30
and 6:30 to 930 p. m.
Subscription rates 3 per annum.
South weit cor. Eleventh and Duasw 5ts.
Opposing Interests of Northern
Pacific Meet in Seattle.
0. R. & N. to Be Sold and Eeorgan
ized Sugar Bounty Ques
tion Argued.
Seattle, August 7.-Thei anil-Hill stock'
holders and (bondholders of the. Northern
Pacific railroad have made a move that
promises to 'block the Great Northern In
its efforts to sain control of the Northern
Pacific. Today on an affidavit of Brayton
Ives, President ot the, Northern Pacific,
a motion for the removal of the receivers,
Thomas F. Oakea, Henry C. 'Payne, and
Henry C. Rouse, was made by iitias W
Pol. lit, general counsel of the Noruheri
Pacille. la Uhe UnJted States circuit court.
PejtK arrived In this city last even.nt
ai-ier a hurried itrip Xivwu New JCork. He
made every effort to keep Ibis whereabouts
concealed from his oppouento, and check-
id his burgage to He.eina, Mont. The
lecey. veins, who knawi 'he 'had "gone -west,"
suvaipieioued a new move an J, after nU'
ntaiiMn i&i.temits, locaicfd nini after he
'had a forty-eigiht ihoura' siart.
The tiroceedtoga take.!- today Is Ihe
cttiirvlnatlon, of a 'moat exciting chase
across 'the continent, for C. K Baan,
atSalstant gemirau coumsad for 'i&e Northern
itMclllio, wiliih Jieadquairtere ait St. PaiU
ai d ex-Sanator Spoouer, are now rutlhJng
across the continent and will reach the
So'uuud tomorrow, while Recelvec Payne is
a L.-iKrc diaiance Ibeihind, flying: along on
anol'her Bireclal train.
The peltltion and order to show cause
resulted In Judge Hainford Betting! the
Iheuring for Frlduy. Ait ittrat kna repre
iseritatdvea of all t'he interested parties
vmi have arrived. The reason for bring
ing 'the proceedling'9 in t'ho UnRcd Staltee
court alt Seattle la 'Uhait the Northern' Fa
cine, terminating bere, hua more property
in Waahrns'ton than any other state,
Ives' aflldavit efts up 'thait h receivers
of the company were ajpodnited by Judge
Huniford as ancillary to the uppolnitmem
of Teceivers by the circuit court-ot the
eastern district of Wisconsin. He Is In
formed t'hait (tilie local court made the ap'
polnbmanits without exercising Its lndc
pendent -Judgment. 'He aWegea that no
pant of the railroad or land grant of the
Nortlhern Pacific was, or ever had been,
eltuaited witlhiln the eastern district of
Wisconsin, and ithat at the time of the aP'
polntimentt 't'he circudit court of the eastern
district of Wisconsin had no Jurisdiction
and eiya that roo decree made by the Wis
consin count fwitlh respect to the manage'
meat of th (Noritlhenn Pacific property
could than, or now, toe carried dnito effect
wltMn that district.
Allegations of mismanagement are also
O. R. and N. TO BE SOLD.
Portland, Or., August 7.-The mortgage
;f the Farmers' Loam and! Trust Company
ajtuinslt t'he Oregom Railway and Naviga
tion Co. was ordered foreclosed today. t)
Judge BeHltatfOT in it he United 9tialte cir
cuit court. This will cause a sale ot t'he
entire property of the O. R and. N, Co.
and a complete reorganization of ita at'
fairs. The mortgage to for $12,583,000, with
Interest from December 1, 1893. The prop
erty iwi'll be advertised (or sale one month.
SuJt for foreclosure wa commenced by
the Farmers' Loan and Trust Company
against 'Uhe O. R. end N. Co. in June,
1894, wheu ahe O. It. and N. was under
uhe control of the Union Pacific by lease.
The result of the cult was a receivership
end Edwin McNeill was appointed receiv
er In the Interests of all concerned. The
suit was brought abuut by the default
of the Union Pacino to pay two interest
coupons of the O, It. 'and N. Co. due to
the Farmers' Loan and Trust Co. amount
ing to $1,230,000.
It la understood that the foreclosure
rTcccedlngs ordered toduy will resuli In
a reorganization of the O. 3. an 1 N. Co.,
and t'hat the road will be bought in by
the Farmers' Loan and Trust Co., taken
out of the hands of the receiver and
placed in the hands of duly elected .offi
cers of the road. It Is generally under
stood that Mr. McNeill will lie made
general manager and prooabi president
of the road. Under his management the
road has made considerable p.ofi: abive
running expenses and Olic stockholder!
will recognize hts ability l-y placing him
at the head it tie rati..
Arguments Before the Comptr ;!. by
aianoerson ana Cafirey.
Ppecial to the Asiorlan.
Waeihlntrtan, August 7. Th bearing be
fore Comptroller Bowler upon the ques
tion of the constitutionality of the sugar
bounty nppraprfcvtiowi made by the Usrt
congma for the cnops of 1803 and 1894 be
gan tottay.
Sx-Senator Mandenon, of Nebraska,
wk tnade the first argument, said that
t-he teterest meter commiseration was one
of tjreat lmportBne not only to bis state,
bin to the entire United States. Tb
bounty provided for la the taw wnm tx;
plan of goverwment rewird for experl'
merits in sugar production, to '.ho extent
of two cents a pound. It was a solemn
coratraot for a tnm of years and thjr
producers bad a right to rely upon it.
The Mate of Nebraska, be said, bad goni
to great expense in establishing experi
ment elation for the purpose of teaching
t'he people bow to grow beetis. iHe cbar--.ot-einzed
ttie repeal of the bounty law ol
ttji unjust and moat unltuvCm of
the congreasloaal prerogative md referred
to It as a bunco process.
Senator Oa fiery asked Mianderaon nvheltb
er It imas not true that Uhe RepuWicant
'had voted for the bounty ,a a reasonable
measure, and not as going to establish
the bounty prlnclpl ,to which Mander
son ea.xl such was the case. Citing pre
ceueniia, Anuidern rel'erred to t.le op
puas.Uon 'made by the federaii&us to Wu
purchase of Lo-ulslaaia territory and said
"Suppose we should t'hen 'have had ai
omcial iwho wou'.d have assumed to nu'.li
fy imat act by refusing to pay out tht
money lapproprlatud? He would havt
been a spect'icle for tiod unJ man.
u.iank God it was not decided against th
yuixuaise and X Ihope we tivay go on ac
quiring and until -we get Ha
waii and Ohm and ot'ner outlyi'ng strip,
of jouie ly tex-rlikry towards which
nave boon loukli.g wltih longing eyes."
The senator contended that as to tu.
couijUuiUonal quesuon tlhre was no dis
tinction, ibeuween tiuouraging lnUutry bi
granting (bounty, and imposing protectloi
dulty. , i (
Tae case will be continued tomorrow.
Waaiilngton, August 7. Carroll D.
Wrlt'ht, Uniiited States coinmlfialoiier Oi
luibor, has fonwiaivled 'to tilie secretary oi
Uhe Interior his report ou the operation!
of tine 11th censu-a during the flsctl year
of 18M-06.
The report places the total coat of the
census up Ito date iat (10,531,112. The ap
propria-tilon now available will be enough
to linWti all the work except the lino.
printing and binding. The chief cause
of the Outlay has been on tlie scdedule oi
the population volume. Great 'care has
been taken to eliminate errors. The only
artier parts remaining uncompleted ere
the vital statistics, part ot t'he compen
dium and the second edition of the ab
stract and statistical atlus. Wright hopes
't'hait the wlhole iwork will be completed
and given to the public belfore the em
of tine present calendar year.
The Severn volumes of tine report, giving
-the names of the veterans of the war
tl;eiir rack, services and present address-
have been turned over to the pension
office. These returns will be of grean
value -to soldiers wishing to completf
their cHatais.
iWlashtngton, August 7. Tlie atanfl
attorney general for the postofllce depart
ment lias rendered a daclslon In regard
to Uhe puzzle device employed by news
papers to Increase circulation.
The Chicago Tlmies-Hera'.d has been
aiwardlng bicycles to girls and boys who
would cut out and paste together ant
name correctly disarranged frjgmenla of
iporitralts of people notable in politics
circles .drama or war. To this Chicago'!
postimaster objected, oi the ground thai
the scheme was a lottery. Mr. KoMsaat
own-er of the Times-Herald; called at the
department yesterday and asked for e
rifling. Judge Thomas decided thalt if
the awards went by by morlt and not by
chance, tt was net a lottery but on a pai
with the award' of prizes In school oi
Henmesey. O. T., Auguat 1. A mob o
several) hundred people aseunbled arouni
the county JaH at KlngfU'her this morn
ing for the purpose of lynsfolng the foutf
members of the Doolin-Dalton gang oi
outlaws, who have 'terrorized' -this portlor
of the Jtfrritory for years past and com
mitted roWberles ana muraers an ovei
Sheriff Burchett had asssmibled twentj
five deouitles who were armed to Wii
teeiih. and the imob, not having a leader
after a SDeech by the sheriff giving then
warning that if they approached the Jai
the poese would Are, suddenly dispersed.
Pittsburg, August 7. PlUlsburg, 18; St
Louis, 1.
Cincinnati, August 1. Cincinnati, . 6
Chicago, 6.
New York, August 7. New York, 9
WUehington, 3.
Philadelphia, August 7. Baltimore, 7
Fhilatl.tpWa, .
Cleveland, August 7. Cleveland, 14
LouiBvlUefl 3.
Second game Cleveland, 5; Lousville, 3
TeOlurMe, Col., Augurt 7. James Clark
Rio Grande detective, ex-town marshal
and ex-deputy sheriff, was murder e
while walking down the strest in companj
wah "Mexican 8am," early this morning
The assassin nut hi dotal between two
buljdings and when Clark was within
fifty feet of h'.m he Jumped out with a
Winchester and fired. The awrassln es
New Oorieans, August 7. Eugene Ls-
mont, a mrealthy cotton broker, suicide
Konlght by shooting himsrff througl
'Sv.n r!4ht tenpls iwt'h a 4S-ca1ibr re
volver, producing instant daath. Cauaei
financial trouble.
The Consolidation of Great
Business Interests and
. i .
Seeking to Out Down Expense! by
Amalgamation of Lines and .
Lessening of Fay Bolls.
OorsolMJtkm, amalgamation . and . tht
union of large Interests in aU lines ot
business seem to be the order of the day,
particularly In railroad circles. Undei
present condiKoma of ibuslness unity ol
interest and economy of management an
absolutely necessary. Vhore is, however,
a iinut to which great corporaUons cai
go, ibeyoind which the rights of the public
are Jeopardized and must be protected
line consokidiaulon of parallel and competing-
lines of Tailiroad is contrary tc interest and puiU.c policy, when b)
eiiioh cunisoeldojtlon proper competition ane
Uowaice of power are wiped out of exist
ence. On the other bund, the Joining of vol
.r.eoUng lines into one system oruraraspor
tatjon wderelby better service and Cheap,
er rates ore furnished is legitimate am
uommendable. Two great projects, illus
tratiiug bath kinds of combination, are
now oin Uhe carpet. Tne one, the consoli
dation of Uhe Great Northern and North
ern rac.Oc, about which much bus been
said, ueems not to be for the beat inter
com of the public, and it Is very doubt
I'ul If It iwiU suboe-eid.
Mr. J. Plerpomt Morgan, iwho Is the ad
visor of itlae VanideribUt Interests Is sale
to hoidi Uhe key to the situation Just now,
and he Is reported! to tat not at iad'1 in ac
cord with air. lllii. Mr. HiU's proposition
to -Uhe reors'anizat'lon commltltee was prac
UcaLiy that if he could control the sys
temv he wus willing ito agree to pay the
boncHooldcrs under his ' reorganization
scheme the euro of 35,225,000 per annum.
But Just laibout the time the details. of his
propo8tft"-becaime genenully known, tlie
Norrhern .Pacifk! people found that their
net earnings for 'the past fiscal year had,
In spite it the hard times, run "up to the
'handsome figure of nearly 38,000,000. And
when the general' revival of the times was
considered, a great wheat crop being har
vested In the northwest, making a big
'tonnage for the road to haul, the resump
tion of mining activity in Montana, of the
lumber and shingle industry in Washing
ton and Oregon, of other Industries, and
the improvement of the passenger busi
ness, jtbe Northern Pacific officials felt
safe In assurtng the receivers that the
net earnings for the next fiscal year would
be at least -37,000,000. Of course, Mr. Hill's
offr of 35,225,000 'or 35,600,000 could not be
considered alter this earning statement
had been presen'Wd.
Mr. Hill's first project for overcoming
die Minnesota statute mentioned, K is
ourr-ently bedewed, was to organize a
new company to build a short north and
south road connecting alt some point on
the imaln line of the Great Northern with
that of the Northern Pacific. Then
through this company ha would simulta
neously purchase in the name of th
company a controlling Inlterest in both
There Is a bit' of Interesting history
connected with that Minnesota rallorad
siatute which has not yet been told in
pri . The law was drawn many years
ago by ex-Senator Bpooner, of Wiscon
sin, who is now special counsel for the
receivers of the Northern Pacific. Spooner
wn then attorney for the Northewestern
Tee Northwestern had gotten possession
of t'he old Winona and BU Peter railroad
and warned to consolidate It legally with
its own sye'tem, so Spooner was sent to
St. Paul to procure the necessary legisla
tion. He drew bill in two sections.
The first section permitted any railroad
to consolidate with any other road which
was an extension of Its own line. In
order to get this through ,ths legislature
without any trouble, Mr. Spooner added
the seconl section, prohibiting any road
from corasoCltllating with any parallel &
cornpetlrg road. The bill went through
smoothly, and now, after , 20 years, it
turn up to block the way of Mr. Hill's'tlon.
Of the other olass of railroad combina
tion is the proposed traffic union between
t-he Pemmsytvamia Company and the Chi
cago, Burtlngton and Qulncy Railroad.
Th most promlnenet railroad men in
Chicago think there is good reason foi
the report of an amalgamation of the
Pennayivania and Quimcy systems though
on a greatly modified plan. The physical
situations arvd commercial interests of
thise systems Justify such a report and
statemeuits of 'President Roberts, of th
Penruylvania, two years ago, seem to
con-firm It. In his annual report for Chi
Highest of all ia Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
year ended December 31, 1893, he s.iid that
when the Vandalla line, iwhlch runs from
Terre Haute, 171 miles to Peoria, and hfl
a Bne from Terre Ha-ute to St. Juseph
and another to Eaat St. Louis from, In
dianiaipolis, wlaa completed the Pennsylva
nia or "Panhandle," which strikes it at
Logansportt and Terre Haute, would entur
Into some close arrangement for mutual
trafllc interests. Continuing, Prealdanit
Roberts said:
.; "For the purpose of securinff a more
direct connection between Its southwest
ern lines and -the Chicago, Burlington and
Qulncy, and other -western railways, this
company acquired the ownership of t
majority of the stock of the Toledo,. Peoi
rla and Western, 231 miles long. Ncgo
tlotlons are now pending wfuli the Chi
cago, Buniington, and Qulncey for such
Joint ownership and management of Ufli
property as will be to the mutual interest
of both companies and enable them to
Uka advantage of its important geugraph- "
leal position." ,
The scheme of having the biggest and
only strictly ttianpckunitinelntal aina in
the -United States, it will be seen, occurred
to the Pennsylvania people long ago. Phy
sical ur.l geographical difficulties have
now been removed, and 'the scheme seems
about to be consummated. The most
fh&t can be said for the new deal is that
It 'Will be one of the moat intricate traill a
arrangements ever tried, if reports anic
Indications count tor anything, und will
have an important lnduenca on transcou
tinetal truffle. ' '
The outcome of both these great
scheme will be watched with the grealUsl
Interest by the" shipping public as wei
as all railroad oven. ' '
Durranit May Get a. Change of Venue
Special to the Astorlao.
San Framelsco, August 7. Th Durrant
rmirder trial Is all tangled 'up and may
result In the defense 'securing a change ot
Juror Walter 8. Brown is said to b
opposed to convicting on clrcumiEltantliu
evidence. Ohartes P. Nathan, anotnel
accepted Juror, has a record for object
ing to the death penalty in cases ot cir
cumstantial evidence. In view of thes
matters it is said that when twelve met
rihail have been chosen as Jurors the dis
trict attorney may ask leave to challenge
tilie -two Jurors.
' Major MfcNelU anld T. B. WUoox arrive
jfram Portlairul Sunday morning, ears th'
B.., O., and .here imet W. D. Tyler. Thi
party awarded a special car and leflt foi
a tour of Inspection! over the W. and C
R. Co.'s line. Major McNeill is receiver
and general manager of the O. R. an.
N. Co. Mr. WMcox la presidenlt an
manager of the W. andi C. It. Co., ans
Mr. Wilcox is vice-president of the la't
tor road. The appearance of these rail)
way officials In Pendleton and tjhe till
they took together over the W. and C
R. lines gave rise to touch goissipTonTi'
tng the object iwhichi was sought. There
have be-era puUliefhed- a number of state
'monts rejjuixling ilntenlwd trafflc arrange
ments betiweeiri .the wo roads, and man
have gone so far as to say that the O
H. ant w. conteimpiated, buying the other
toad. The reasons for such a mova are
ea.M Ito be that It iwoild give the Oregoi
road control of the great: wheat seotion
liere.and in the country lortlv of here
and Increase the carrying business im
mensely. There was no statement made
by any of the parity, who said they were
only going over the line to Inspect it
and look tip the promised business for the
The editor of the 'Moro Observer, after
a personal visit to many, localities, says
.the Sherman county harvest is well on.
He adds: "Whllie thw may be truth in
the unfavorable reports from the dry
weather In Umatliila, Morrow, Grant and
large portions of Baker, Union, Wallowa
and Mauheur, we Insist that Shertnan be
left out of t'hait schedule. Altogether her
the outlook is bright arid the prospect of
good prices cheering."'
"liont itoollslh," isays the Albany Demo
crat, 'ifor Mr. entley to fte-11 people
about Oregon's credit being Injured by
the confirmation of the O. P. sale. Ore
gon's credit is a 14 right. That scheme did
not .work before the supreme court, not
will It elsewhere." -
Weea Anthony, a wea-4cnown young
settler of the Uppr iMWJhow valley, near
Wintlnro-p, was dragged to tieath Bunlday,
Juty 21. While iaswing a wild horwe the
rope becaime KOlleel around his arm, r.ii
he Was Jerked from lithe lud.lte. He leaves
a young widkw.
The Pendleton East Oresoratan thinks -both
Mir, Hienmlamn and Mr. Ellis will
jvext year "hajre itlhe fights of their po
litical Uvea, and iwill be compelled to
make those fights In the conventions."
"We ftfiouadn't iwomidtr," aeWs aa up river
The Albany DeTOoarat, after quoting the
Astorian's comrmenit on Mrs. Van Duson's
milroad pofk-a, says "there ought to ba
rome Siva d'andng called out by the 'polka,
to obiuln which. Astoria, people hive In
vested a couple of million doKara."