The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 07, 1895, Image 4

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-'- $35'
t-rUE only way to nt man u to flrrt And
- ' I I : T 7"
qui jun whm aiuu ui ii uinu yuu uiva w
nt-tbat'i Just what we do - take your I
measure exact and cut the ault for you and
It must fit, or wo'll kcop 'em.
chas. Mcdonald,
The Tailor.
SZ3 Commercial Street
Few Hen Would Ask
for a Finer Dinner
tlian thoaa w aerve. We're trying In 1
every way to make them the most en-
joyabls in town. All the "good things"
of the season cooked by our excellent
cook in the most delicious style. Perfect
If you invite a friend to the - Palace
Restaurant the place is a sufficient guar
antee that he will receive a good meal.
The Palace Hestaafant
378 Commercial Street.
Manufacturers of every description of
Lounges, Mattresses, etc
The Resort
On Commercial street, ia. the plaoe
where the businessman and the laboring
man go for what is called "BEST ON
THE COAST," or a nice cool drink of
the celebrated Oambnnus beer. Sand
wiches of every kind made to order, and
an elegant free lunch served every day.
Xou are welcome.
. Grosbauer & Brach.
General rUchiniat and Boiler Works.
All kinds of Cannerv. Shio. Steamboat
and Engine Work of any Description.
Castings of all kinds made to order.
Foot of Lafavette St., Astoria, Or,
After (Deals!
Or at any other time
wnen you wish a good
cigar bbk ior me well-
known, home -made.
hand made, white labor
"La Belle Astoria."
Conceded by all smokers
to be tbe beat oiar
71 H'mfy Street;,
Aitorla, Oregon.
Grocers, ; and : Butchers
Aatorla and Upper Aitorla.
Ine Tut and Coffees, Table Delicacies, Domestic
and Tropical Fruits, Vegetables, Sugar
Cured Hams, Bacon, Etc.
Choice Fresh - and Salt Meats.
White F;id Slippers!
White Kid Oxfords!
Wfyite Canvas Oxfords!
In buying these goods from us
(or graduation exercises one can
be suited here Just as well as
though they had sent to San
Francisco and had the goods made
for them.
All the patent medlalm sdvertmed
in this paper, together with the etiolc
est perfumery, arid toilet articles, etc.,
can be bought at tne lowest prices at
J. W. Conn's drue store, opponlte Oc
cident Hotel. Astoria,
Japanese Bazaar
Ladies and Children's hats
and duck suits.
Ladies' and (Jentlemen's
underwear made to order.
Lowest prices in Astoria.
417 Bond Street, next door to Moulor's
Fruit Store.
als Steel Dies, Wood & Metal.
Society Calling Cards and An
nouncement Engraved and
205 Morrison St.. Portland, Or.
MAKE Attractive. 'Start by being; the
HftflR mM beautiful creature in it.
IllI 1L. if you hnve beanty preserve
it. If not, yon can improve vour looks
immensely, where there's a a ill there's
a way. A good way is the uso of my
articles, especially .
Lola IJontez Greme
75e per pot.
H rings beuv to
the face by feed
ins through tbe
skin pores, eivea
life to faded faces.
Sold by Mrn IV
457 Dnane St. As-
t5-f toria.Oreeon.
in(rl "5 . Mra Nettie Ilar-
ivs!rtfaantf, r,turi8on- America'
I -JidU Rav (beauty doctor,
m tr A o Qzz.T7 St., !'r.-.n.-.:v., GbI.
CHILD'S HOSE, a'rone and norr-
iceaulo, sizes 6 t 8!4, special
special at..
Maker, claim them $2.00 values.
VEILINGS, raluei
Juni'iua, at
lo 75o In
lfie and 25c Imitation shell BLACK
IUmbb, special at
Local weather for the twoney-four houra
endirg at S p. m. yeiterday, furnished
by the United States departmont of agrl
culture weather bureau:
Maximum tempertaltwe, 79 idegrees.
AlUnbmum temperature, 68 degrees.
Precipitation, none.
Total precipitation from BeDtember 1st.
ito, to elate, 76.U6 inches,
Excess of precipitation from September
un, istH, to Gate, 4.88 Inches.
Try Smith's Ice cream.
Got your milk of Reitih, & Wilson.
Fresh candies every morning at Smith's,
Sweet cream at Smith's 20 cents pint
Fresh candles every hour at the Bon
Bottle of Qambrlnus beer and sandwich,
16 cents, at Jos. Terp's.
Best ice cream and tee cream soda In
the city at the Boruboiuvlere.
THE SPA Oolman's old stand, is the
place for fresh candles and Ice cream.
THE) SAME PLACE 118 12th Street Is
the place to buy fresli fish every day.
The Astorton will hereafter be found
on sole at M'cGuire's Hotel at Seaside.
Our milk; Is guaranteed etrictly pure
and fresh from the cow dally, Reitu
& Wilson.
GRAEFE & PLANK No. 028 Commer
ctol atreet, will repair your clothes for
little money. Try them.
finest lino of liquors and cigars in the
city. Call and sample them.
If your watch don't run, call at 674
Commercial street, across from Shana-
ban Bro.' and have It repaired,
DON'T FORGET That at Nos. 214 and
216 Tenth street is the place to have your
horse shod and repair work done.
Smith's Ice cream Is unequalled , Ice
cream Boda a specialty. Private par-
i,u pi.i t-f
you want a delightful shave or a
fashionable hair cut, go to the Palace
Barber Shop, J. B. Hutchlna, propr.eUr.
PLEASE STOP, As you pass by Mat.
Strall's second-hand store, on Commer
cial street, and learn prices on h.s stock.
WAH SING & CO. Merchant tailors,
620 Commercial street, cheaper than you
can buy ready made. New stock com
plete. PIANOS AND ORGANS The Wiley B.
Allen. Co., "Branch," 710 Commercial St.,
Leading Makes. Low Prices. Easy
If you nee Rogers' Denlt'iflrloj you will
find t very beneficial to the teeth and
purifying to tlhe IbreulUh. Ohianles Rogers,
Are ylou going to the seashore? If so,
ylou hiou',d call at the Efcites-Craiin Drug
Store and buy lone of thi; new style
Bathing Cups.
Water melons! Water melons! Water
inelona! A carload received yesterday
will tie sold cheap today at Pat Lawlcr's,
D74 Commercial.
In order to get the benellt of the 50
ocnt round trip rate Sunday to Ilwaco
on the North Pacific, you must purchase
tickets Saturday.
Trade) .with Foard & Stokes Co., deal
ers In Groceries, Hardware, Crockery,
provisions, flour, fruits and Vegetables
They mill surely please you.
i'ertect! in ess ana modern con-
Vfniience are the adjuncts of all well
regulatod ba.uh rooms. You will find
thorn at tlie Palace. J, B, HutcJi n9, pro
The largest und finest assortment of
pianos and organs ever seen In Astoria
now on exhibition at tihe W.ley B. Allen
Contp-Miy, 710 Commercial street. Ask
for terms.
Hunger ds a very disagreeable sensa
tion. There is a place in this town where
you can satisfy Ub demands with the
cleanest and best m cent meal you ever
ate. That place is Jue Terp's.
No 'batiter milk was ever brought to
Aaton-ta than is f urnldhed for five oenta
a quant by (Rel-th A Wilson, and de
livered In a clean end tightly closed
glass txittla at your door every morn
What brings people back to the Asto
ria Wood Tard after they have sounded
the possibilities everywhere else? May
be it's one thing, and May be It's another.
But the fact remains back they come.
And of course the Astoria Wood Yard ia
proud of It.
Business men of Astoria visiting Port
land have- for yeurs been acoustonud
to take their mid-day lunch at the
"Gem." The "Clem" is now located at
7S Third street, next door to the Alns
worth Bank. Jos. E. Penny.
Nodes Is hereby given to all parties
holding tXatsop county warrants endorsed
prior to August 15, 1833, to present tb
same to the county treaaurer for pay
ment, interest will cease thereon aftr
this Gate. Dated this 1st day of Auguat,
A. V.. uas. B. U 'r4. treasurer of
Clatsop county.
Thiers wa not a oae m the police court
yesterday anterrroon
The laundh EWda iwiaa boQ4 yesterday
by Constable Ob org to Mr. R. Welcome
fc-r $500.
The logging camp of Charles Forrest,
near Westpwt, was ruined- (by iftre last
Mine Host "Barmore, of itihe Hotel Gear
liart, was din the city yesterday on a Efhorit
cvalnefcs trip.
H. J. Whenlty, tlhe gen'tal depulty county
fflerk, tpenrt Sunday wit)h frdends ait Soar-
borougih Head.
Bourn at Ithe flnest tomaltioes tlhat ever
came Vo this market were yesterday dis
played ait Roes, Higgling & Co.
Flflh Commissioner ITcGuIre returned
fi'om a bualnera ti lp to Ilwaco yesterdny.
He left In tt.c evming tor Portland.
C. MfcKenBle, the well known travelling
passenger agent of the iRock Island rail
road, Portland, iwas In the city yesterday,
Thomas Jowebt, ex-lty dlerk, but now
a (reaUiemt of Seaside, .was among the
passengers ifor uprlvcr on 'Uhie Telephone
last evening. .
The weather yesterday waa a decided
change from the day before and light
overcoats during the evening were not
uncom'for'table. .
A little dhlld su'fferlng from1 what 4s
called St. Vitus dance rwtas brought to
this city from Ilwaco by (Mr. Marcusi
Wise yesteirdla.y. .
The cose of PhiHp Carroll, charged with
an assault with a dangerous weapon,
v!.H be heard In the police court at 3
o'clock this afternoon.
A large numlber of Portland land Sound
railroad men iwere In town yesterday on2
It Is to be eupposea titiat not a car of
saRmlon lis left heire .today.
A number of A. F. C. boys were having
spoilt yeelterday ewlmmlng in the river
In front of tlhe cTulb rooms. Several of
nh boy3 are good swimimers.
Work on ithe 'new two-story frame build
ing t'Wat mm me erected on Fourth and
Bond Btroet'a was conumtenlced yesterd'ay.
Jojm wylana ihas t'he contracit.
PlUns for tle building of a new onei'a
house, iWiLli a seating capacity of 1,500,
rave 'been completed. The capital will
be furnished by outside parties.
Allen Oaimeron, Whe popular general
agent of the Canadian Ptiolftc, returned
to lionlland laot night. Ho has .been
span ding a few day at tCie beach.
Sam Harria of the regtutta finance oom-
mittee, reiJonts that a numtoer of Chinese
merchants, wlh'o were not eubacrlbirs,
have donated liberally to tihe fund.
Ciaremce Brown, (the geinial, stiry-teH- I
ing, fun-loving Uistitct passenger agent
of the Union Pacillc, passed lihrough
town yeatierdUy on his way to ithe beach.
A. O. Barker, general agent of the Chi
cago & Northwestern irallroad, Portland,
came up from tBie beach yesterday with
his family and wont to Portland on the
Miss Netllie Blackiman, of Porltland, who
hias been visiting her father, wlio Is em
ployed la the aley B. Allen music store
In this city, returned to her home last
She-riff C. F. Doan, of Coluimbla county,
was In t'own yesteaxlay amid returned to
St. lli.e.ns lust Jilgh't, taking with him
he man Upton arrested Saturday for
murder comirat'ted in ItSY.
Mr. D. Stuairt, Jr., has resigned his
pot'Jtion with D. K. Warren, assignee,
and wlil ihereaftcr be found in the real
es.u.te and inouirance buslnesa at th coi
nc-r of 10th and Uond street.
Superfluous hailr removed by the iaitest
scientific mcithod. Call upon Mrs. T.
Sinfli'h, t'he omlnemit rtpresenta'tive of the
ew York and Port-laind Electroly.s
Oomvpany. Jtoo-m- 21, Rucker s Ho'tel.
Mr. II. M. (Hughes, of Boise City,
iatio, arrived' in Atstorlu yesterday. Mr.
IIuKUe-u Is a brotiher of COI. Hughes of
tilila city, and will remain here several
weeks. He is Qcoompaaiiied by his wife.
Geo. C. Sears, sheriff of Multnomah
ounty, yesterCliy came up from the
eauhv where bo has been taking a vaca.
on, and after spending a few hours I
In town went to Portland on tho evening
Mr. George Parsons, of Portland, re
turned iwme yesterday. Mr. Parsons is
memlber of ithe Parson and Bray or-
olietUra and was In the city several days
mailing arrangements for furnishing
muulc during the regatta.
Mr. Gus OnonneJi, of Nehalem, wa In
ow.n yewueaMay. He is one of the largeBt
hou irrowe-rs In this sectiion and was
arranging lor tlhe disposition of his large
rop. -He reports the quality ot hops
gocud and piices be'tteir than last year.
Late luat ritJlit (Mr. aJid Mrs. Jolin
Stuant, of Gray 'is R1ver, come tj the city
an "open boat bringing with them
their young son, who, wlrtlle tracking
ay i.n tho a'Oternoan tfeS off the load and
rewlvid a double fracture of tihe left
trm at the etlboiw. Dr. Walker took the
case In Oiand and did evwrylt'hlng possible
to make the boy couirfo.r.taMe at that Lute
hour of t'he nlstut.
Mr. Martin Foard and family, Dr.
Logan and family, Mrs. Lawrence Foard,
Mrs. Braoh, T. Fredriics'on and fiml'y
and Aug. HJMdbrand and family staged
it, Un old fashioned San Francisco style,
to Mr. Theo Olurlstensen's farm on the
Wailuski, last Sunday. The spot selected
for tlhe picnic was In a beautiful ravine,
where cool water and a Bandy floor af
foided every mears for a most nJoyable
outing. All were loud in their praise
of the good time had and voted to go
OlTlcers Cluii'm He IS the Man Who Has
Been Stealing Fish. .
While paasng the Casino Theater last
evening about 8 o ciosk, Harry Schroder,
was arrested by Chief Loughery and
placed In the city Jail.
Schroder Is tihought to be the man wbom
Olllcer Seafeldt endeavored to capture
early yesterday morning. Schroder it Is
ciaimed. was In tlhe boat loaded with fish.
winch were stolon from Klnnoy s cannery
and the ofHcens say they heivs had him
undr surveillance for some time.
it is said that many tons of fish have
been mtssed from various canneries dur
ing the paat month, and that tfh party
arrested Is responsible 6or the disappear
a nee.
Harry a.-hrodtr is well known in this
cty, having for a length of time been a
member of the Solvation Army and up
to the beginn-ng at the present fishing
season was engaged in iuatnss Dn utpet
Commercial street. He stoutly maintuins
his innocence and dalms that while ht
has been engaged In tlh handling of fish.
t'he preseiit season. h has only dona an
in a honorobts and legltntMa way.
Bound Over ro Await the Action of the
Cytil Jury. .
Th (Im of he stats vs. Rooe-rt was
h.r-l before Juxiga AberorouiUa in the
Justice court yesterday. The case occu-
pled the greater part of tha Oiay, during
whidh time the count room was crowded
wl'tfli spectatons. Tbe testimony in the
oaise wvm wihwt imlgWt be .termed a "cinch
for Ithe state and when It was concludes
the count Immediately bound the bogus
bidhiop over to await the action of
the grand Jury. His boada were fixed at
ICOO, In default of which he wlas sent to
true county Jail.
A laughable incident durfng the pro
gress of tlhe trial occurred when Slate
Altlforney Clyde Fulton asked 'the defend
ant rwiien tie we testifying, What his
nationality wias. Ropert replied that he
was a Frenohmlan.
"Can you talk In French?" queried Mr.
"I aim mot here to talk French, but to
talk Engilifrti about that telegram," an
swered tlhe witness. The epactotors gig
gled. Even the court could not suppress
a smile.
"What." Bald the counsel, "do you pre-
'band, sir, to have us understand that
you are a native born Frenchman ana
cannot speak tine language?"
Mr. Fullton'a ftnger was pointed straighl
at the gray ttieaired fakir, and the ftice
of tfhe ulitorney wore a smile of- aatlsfac-
flon by .Mie neat trap In wtodch he
ttiougOu he had caugWt the witness.
Ropert looked at him a moment, then
pointing his finger at the counsel in tOie
same manner he did on asking the ques
tion, burst out In a small 'oration, whlcls
If It iwas mot French, was very ctase
to t. Atltornoy Long suggested that Mr.
Fulton reply to the iremarks, but that
ge.n'i leiruan was appareniUly eatisiled wkri
geutlng the wiltnesa angry and anmounced
wlUi a smile that he hud no lurwier ques
tions to ask.
Says He 1b Pleased With the Decision.
Ffclh Comunissioner MbGuire, who has
been on a vaoa'td'on at Long Beach, spent
a few hours In town yesterday, taking
the evening boat for Portland.
To- an AStoiian represemtaitive he ex
pressed blmsalif o Well pleased with the
decision of the supreme court on the
eavary question and stated that he was
porSonaily out many hundred dollars for
expenses Incurred in traveling and en
forcing t'he lawls.
Air. 'MteUulire culled altitenltion to the fact
that after the tenth Inst t'he lawa of the
concurrent Jurisdiction were effective und
oltlours of either state mlgiivt make ar
rests on the eihores of 'tlhe other.
In speaking of 'tihe article In the Ore
gonlan of the Ctlh regarding the Indian
d.lllcukies, he said that it put U:lm in
the light of ridicule and was not in ac
cordance with hiis position or ideiti upon
the subject. He claims 'that Indians have
no more rlgllit to llsh, under tha cir
cumstances, itihaa others, and he was
f-nuply engaged in seeing 'the law ob
served. The immediate matter calling Mr. Mc
Quire tio Portii.nd Is the case against
Metzger, the hide and wool dealer of
that city, for handling deer skins unlaw
fully. It was discovered that the animals
were wantonly sioin, the skins taken and
t'he carcasses left to rot. The suit lt
a test case and the decision will be looked
forward to with some latcrest.
lea-de-r of the Columbia Exposition
Band, on the Kimbill.
Unde-r date of August 1. ISM, he writes
the VV. W. Kimball L'o. as follows: .
"Gentle-men I 'have had occasion to
critically txaimlne the ' pianos of yaur
manufacture on exhibition at the World's
Columbian exposition, and It Is a pleasant
duly .to express my appreciation of them.
Jour uprlgnit pianos are beautiful in de
sign, solid In construction, wonderfully
sweot and sympathetic In tone, and the
actions are responsive 'to a rare degree.
Vour concert grand piano is tlie peer of
any piano I have yet scea.
Sincerely jcurs,
Tills Is t'he class of musicians who use
and endorse the Kimball piano anil they
knw .wih'a-t's vihat, beeaus-3 tey have an
opportunity of seeing and trying every
piano .made and are capable of Judging
a piano the minu-te they put their hands
on it. ,
A large shipment of these eJegant
pianos are n .v being sold at 60S Commer
clal sitreeit at lnsld-e praces and on liberal
terms by the manufacturers. This Is an
exceptional opportunity to get a fine In
strument from ithe manufacturers at
prices usually asked by retail agents for
second or third grade instruments.
Don't depend on hearing about them
from otlters, but go and see tlum for
Only Routine Business Transacted.
TKie wUter comvmlission held a meeting
Uitlt nliiiiilt, and transacted only routine
Englaeer Adams made his monthly re
popt of -work done, In which It wus Bhowir
chut punt of nine .work was progre'ssing
rapidly and part rather slowly.
Tne usual numlber of bills were audit
ed and ordered paid.
Una concreting of 'the reservoir la go
ing forward at the rote of 50 y.irs per
day, and soon 75 yanla will be done dally,
There are 1500 yards all told to be fin
ished. Complaints were made that .the men
who are shooting wood down off the
hills Into) tihe road have come vrv
causing a number of seii'oua aeoMent
io pai4eirs-by, both foot passengers and
thoiso in vehicles -or on Ihoreback. "
After some diseusei'iio.n un general mat
ters the m.oting adjourned.
The Independent Order of p.,Md
wus f-ouiMied in Nelwark. N. .1 isn r,
record is us follows: Membership ' SO -000:
reserve fund. ii'Linnm- ..i.i .!
iartes, $2,000,000; average age of members!
..4 years; deut'u rate only 6.47 per 1,W0.
Th-ere an.' no aasessments on death. Write
for circulars to Wan. Sanderson, p0rt
lauid, Oregon.
A twister In twisting
-May twist him a twist,
For in twisting a twist
Three twists make a twist;
But If one of the twists
Untwists from the twist,
The twist untwisting
Unpwlsts the twist.
That Is, when it's twlste.1 vn, .,,
other twine than MARSHALL'S.
For piano tuning, mease 1m m.,w
at Grillin & Reed s book store. Commer
cial street, or address Th. Frederikson,
Piano Tuner, 2071 Bond street. Telephone
No. 24.
(Mr. George M. Horne.
knowledged ohamiDkn lcm nn-.-iti
"Hlf ""Ith B. F. Allen untU
aftr Bhe regatta.
An ekvtion will be haul
August 12, 1896. M the house of Rn
Engine No. 2 for tlhe purpose of ict-ir-K
a chief engineer and two assistants.
Polls will be open from 10 o'clock a. jn.
to 4 p. in.
Judirs Paul . Bad.ilet. S. J. AHa-nnl.
and J. F. Kearney. Clerks-Geo. GoockHl.
and C. H. Stockton.
By order of the board. -
A"ost: President A. F. D.
F. J. CARNEY, Secy.
In Person of Its General West
ern Passenger Agent.
Here on an Inspection Trip Over
His Territory Believes in
Astoria's Future.
Mr. R Stevens, who ihas Just been ap
pointed genenai western passenger agent
for the Great Northern, was In the city.
yesterday, maktag himself familiar with
Che affoiirs of the local office o f that road.
He aasumod office -August 1 and will
have jurisdiction In all matters pertaining
to passenger traffic over this line in Idaho
WaShlng'tomi Oregon, California and Brit
ish Oodumlbla, all agents in the territory
mentioned reporUng to him. His head
quarters are at Seattle, where ho has
heretofore tie!XL office as the Seattle gen.
eral paasenger and ticket agent. It has
not as yet been given out who jyill be
appointed to the vacancy left by Mr.
Stevens' promotion.
To an AsltorGan representative, Just be
fore taking the boat for Portland last
night, Mr. Stevens said that he was us
tounded at tlhe (business activity of Asto
ria, and that he wus comfldent lit had a
brlgiit future.
When asked whut he knew about the
proposed consolidation of tihe Northern
Pacific and Creat Northern he stated that
he knew modhlng except what he saw In
the papers, but supposed that Mr. Hill
knew what he was about.
Tha following deeds were filed for rec
ord in the olllce of the recorder yester
W, aJmpson to Jiohn Stevenson,
Dots 1 and 2, Block 3, Kindred)
Jchn M'art'l-n to Iflatie S. Painter,
LoitB 4, 6, 6, and 7, Block 3, Ma
tier's AdJ'laanon to Warrenton. . . .
Jthn A. Wiatson and wife to Gran-
vil'.e L. Watsion, m'orUheast quar
ter of sout'iiiwest quarter and!
souitlhea-st quarter of oiont'hwesit'
quarter section' 24, townis'hip 5
norHh, range 7 wetit
John Ranitz to A. P. Berg, Hots 7
and 8, block 2, Kindred Park
The comsLdcratiort of the transfer from
M. J. Kinney to C. R. Hlgglns, noted yes-
torduy, should lhave read J7.161 instead of
The regular quarterly examination of
appiicants for certificates to teach in
the public schools of Clattwp County,
Oregon, will be held beginning at 1
o'clock p. m. Wednesday, August 14, 1S95,
at McClure's (Court Street) school house,
Astoria, Oregon, and continuing three
days. Examination for state diploma will
be held Saturday, August 17, beginning ut
8 a. m. H. S. LYMAN,
School Supt., Clatsop Co., Oregon.
The annual meeting of the stockholders
of the Odd Fellows' Land and Building
Association will be held at Odd Fellows'
Hall on Thursday, August 22d, at 2 o'clock
p. m.
By order of the President.
A well-furnlshed suite of roons, with
use of parlor, and. If desired, good
table board, at reasonable rates. 405 Du
ane street, corner of Ninth.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
Show Royal linking Powder
superior to all ethers.
G W Cole, Hare J Stickler, City
G S Campbell, W O aicCCellan,
Sk-amiokawa. Osage, O T
M dinger, Ft Cby S M Uhase, Dufur
J Clarke, Oiympla Mrs Kimbery,
F Harrington, Chlgo Knnppton.
J Patrick, L Angelas B Turiayga, city
F S Dow, Ohadl.vt-llJ Brown and wif
N Bain, Portland Warrenton.
D H Treimfoiay, PtldW Noyes, Ilwaco
W S Eils, O.ympiaS A Montgomery,
G Slilei-s, Portland) Oakland.
A Graf, New York R S Staples,
G Harvey, Spokane Ft Benlton, Mont
W Nichols, Omaha L J Le.nleux, Ptldi
G Gronnel, city
W. B. Chase of Portland Is in the city.
S. Eibridge Smiihi and wife of Salem
aae in town.
F. Harrington, -of Chicago, is a guest
of the -Astor.
B. Seaborg, of Ewaco, was at the Par
ker yesterday.
Jack Grant was a passenger for Port
land lodt evening.
Neat Crosby toft f-or a day's outing at
Gvarhart yesterday.
Peter Gra.U iwes a passenger for Gear
liart park yestieiMay.
Mis. tC W. HoCt left last evening for
a short visit to Portland.
W. W. WMipple, the restauranteur, left
for Portland lotSt evening.
Soimuel Ollwr, of Pillar Rock, is stop
ping at tbe Parker house.
M. dinger, of Fort Canby, is in the
city, etoiping at the Aator.
.Mr. and Mrs. C. W. KnowIes, Ceft last
evening for thelir home in Portland.
P. H. Hansom, Bert Gordon and MJss
Entma Whiting are guests f the Parker
R. Ellis is registered at the J
T. Hachene, wife and Caughter, are
visiting In the ctty. They are quartered I
at the
Miss 'Ethel Andrews, of this city,' left
jeaterday for Oeairihurt park to attend
tne normal school.
Dr. L. J. Lemleux, of Portland, Is in
the cky on professtonal business and is
stopping isut the Astor.
D. K. Wiarren and fajriiy and H. C.
Tbomron and fain By went to Elk Creek
yesterday for a vacation.
Miss Eugemie Lewi returned from
Geurhart yesterday, where she has been
spending a pleasant vacation. '
Regular monthly meeting of the Colum
River Ftaheirmen's Protective union will
be held et ithelr reading room Tuesday,
Aug. 13, 1895, at 7:30 p. m.- oharp. Elec
tion of ofllceis. Members in good studd
ing are requested to be present and have
ihtlr book or receipt along.
SOFUS JDNSON, Secretary.
Bids for spiles, to be deldvered at New
Astoria, will be received by the under
signed at its office in Aatorla up to Aug
ust 15, Inclusive, as follows:
200 spiles, 65 feet long, to measure 20
inches at butlt and 16 inches at tip.
20 spiles, 60 feet long, to measure 20
inches ait butt and 16 lnuhies at tip.
Small mesh mats wanted, also second
nana seine, old web bought.
The hoy wlio asked tfhe man how to
eat an orange was told that If he wished
to" have a "reoll good time" eating it he
had better go out behind the barn or
somewhere out of stght.
A good mlany peonile view with alarm
the approach of the asparagus season be
cause they never feci quite sure that they
can eelt it without disgracing themselves,
says the Now York Commercial Adver
tiser. Of course, there are several methods in
vogue among chefs of preparing thtB suc
culent and delicious edible 'Chat insures
the asparagus being t-ut into mouthfuls
before It reaches the table. But the more
refin-ed and apprecfiatlve palates do not
approve of hawing every kind of food
turned Into a fancy Uiah 'that shadows if
it does not dcilirty Its peculiar eCvaractir
lsitics. Asparagus Is most dollclous when boiled
whole .until tender and served hot with
a sauce upon slices (of delicately browned
and bultered toast and catch the "d-i' p."
Or else v.tien served whole coCd as a
sai-a'd with a French dressing of vinegar,
olive -oil, pepper and .salt, and a thought
of -miWtiaird.
But asparagus stalks that are cooked
whiole till tihey are tender are limp so
limp Mi'alt they walble on the way to the
However, that's nothing when you get
used 'to '.It. Lift t'he dtalk by the large
end, wCuldh is usually dry, and carry the
other end to the -mouth on a fork, and
there It Is, a bite far an epicure.
But wdiile this il3 possible to all, and
perfectly proper, there 'is a new wrinkle
juat out to add elesance to the episode of
ea' asparagus. 'This is a set of sil
ver comprising- a special siDrvCca for this
vegetable alone.
It incl'iid'cs fin-it -of all a Silver tray
more than long en'ouAh- -10 receive the
longe'.it stalks kind w.'.de enousb to hold
the largest bunch. The tray Is shallow,
and slUting upon Ut Is a rack made of
cro-s bars lifted a lllt'.e way abive th..
tray and attached to Bide bai-s which
have upward carving enj3, thus prevent
Inir tCia R'.ailiS ar.vay frVim the
server -over t'he edgo of the dls'ii. At
or.e side -c-f the d'sh is a rack m-ade to
receive a silver pflt-ciier d&igiK'Jl fur the
-Ai.o'tlier isltyle ha-3 a deeper tray v.iih
high U-shaped laiiis close together, each
cr.e of wiueh a li'jli'jw amd is dea-'.gned
to bi filled 'wCJ'i (hot Waiter, thus 'insur
ing the vegeltaio-ie being served piping hot
When it is meant to be hot and not cold. the asparagus tray comes a serv
ing Im-pt-emeiat wh-.clh ,-s imiade on 'th:- plan
of t'he sua' t t'onsis, but very much larger,
wtti wide, Hiat-illifiiped plercud b'-ades
wWldh fit up-)n eaoih o:her when tlhe han
dles are presse'J tios'atliirr, so that the
afpariagus cannot fall or slip, yet is not
An'd lat-it of all In Mie way of cles'ince
is the lnii V.diral "asp..ira:r'ja eater" ntt
the m:.n or wttmam, but tha Instrumen
Hot l.hij.n 'to us'e. This, (tioo, Is a s irt of
tongs. Wtlh lit on- ?a:i carry ih? fitalk
to Itlve nioui.'h wUthot'l; toueiilns it with
the fingers.
Tire pr ce depends, of course, upon the
waghlt of the silver and the amount uf
ornamentation. In solid silver th;- trays
are very expansive, as th-ey ara brand
new -in idea and lars'9. In plaited ware o-f
the best gTade th'e t-ray and drainer can
bi had for about $3.50, With t'iie' sauce
pitcher and reck attached the price goes
to $12 and upward.
The serveirs .n p-.-.tlt-ed silver co;t about
$2, and She individual "eaters" can be
-had for 60 cents In plaita and for Jl.50 In
Stertlng s.lver.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medd, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
pipe ;
Clatsop Beacr?
Seashore rjailoiay Company
In Kffect July 19, 1805.
Monti leave Astoria one half hour b-fore
truins leaves biid,ro.
Tims. Connections.
Ca. m Ni,'ht boat! from l'ort-
9:30 a. m - -oat Irom Astoria.
t3 p. 11 Day boat from 1'orti nd.
T5:4o p. in iloat from A.t'jria.
4 p. m. guturduy lloatg Irom Portland and
7 p. m. Saturday Steamer Fotter from Port
land and Astoria.
6:15 r.. m, Sunday Hoats from Anluria.
4:15 1. m
s a. m
1:15 p. m
f4:15 p. m
i-Ab p. 111. Saturday.
5:45 p. m. Saturday.
5 p. in. nuuuay
Duy boats for Portland.
Boat for Astor a.
N igUl boHts for Portland. f t Asioiia.
Uoals for Astoria and Port
laud. -ilenuier Polter for Ilwaco.
duals for Astoria and 1'ort
lund. Dally cxccjit Monday,
fbaily cxeept buturdny and Sunday.
For freight and passenger rstos apply to
J. !'. LfcSTliK, bup't.,
Secshoro Railway Co , Seaside, Oro.
WANTED A competent girl for gen
eral housowork; none other need apply;
wages $20. Call S. E. comer Grand Ave.
and 17th streets
WANTED Agento to represent the
old National Life Insurance Co., ofc
Montpeller, Vt. For further Informa
tion, address G. M. Btolp, General Coast
Manager, 82-84 Crocker Building, San
Fruncisco, Cal.
WANTED Man or lady to collect, do
some olllce work, and manage agents.
You will deal through your leudlng mer
chants. Something new and very popu
lar. We pay all expenses. Position per
manent. Send four references and ten
cents for full particulars. John Finney
Mgr., P. O. Box 484, St. Louis, Mo,
$75,000 PER WEEK using and selling
Dynamos for pluiing watches, jewelry,
and table ware. Plates gold, silver,
nickel, etc., same as new goods. Dif
ferent sizes for agents, families and
shops. Easy operated; no experience;
big profits. W. P. Harrison & Co.,
Clerk No. 14, Columbus, Ohio.
FOR SALE 600 yards of earth exca
vated from tunnel, to be delivered on
premises. Pac.flc Paving Co.
JAPANESE GOODS-Just out-Just re
ceivedjust what you want, at Wing
Lee's, 543 Commercial street.
A good buy at Long Beach. Nine room
house. Furnished complete for summer
travel. For description and terms In
quire at Real Estate, Exchange, Occident
FOUND A silver witch, which the
owner can have by calling at this office
end proving property.
FOR KENT Furnished rooms; good lo
cation -I'l-oiitlng river. Capt. P. E. Fer
e.'ieu, 3J0 171.1.1 street.
I'Ou RENT A nicely furnished mod
ern house. For particulars inquire of
.Mrs. Smith, corner of 6th and Irving
avenue, or A. It. Cyrus, 487 Commercial
LOST A el-iver .mounted lady's side
comb, engraved wltlh letter "G." Finder
return to tills olllce.
LOST Thursday night, about 10 o'clock
129 fathoms of net. Corks branded F. M.
Warren. Pleaso return to Warren's sta
tion. LOST About .midnight, August 1, 1S96,
at tihe "Hog's Bo?k," 250 fathoms of net.
Saftl net was made of about five papers
of now 15 ply twine, the rest being old
12 piy twllne. The buoys were light
p.united, and marked with th'e lectors "J.
J." .Moist of t'he lead's were cast with
a square lump on 'the surfiic?. Finder
nan obtain reward by notifying Charles
Hag'.and, care Alstiorlan office.
Refraction Specialist.
Eyes Examined Free.
Spectacles Made to Order
Only the lat K and mos impro cd mctiiod
used. Investigat'on bv i hyslcla .s a d scien
tific people courted. Eiaminat otiofcliilirt n's
eyes a specialty. Diagnosis of tho cy a m-di
by the Op hal.nosco;.e (i e tca llng) and no
questiuus a-fked of tho patient.
Tighe jMotel, FJooms 10 and 11.
entrance. A lad-- h attend
Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga,
Tenn:. says, "Sailor's Vitalize "SAVKD
MY LIFE.' I consider it tne best rem
edy for a debilitated system I ever
used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kid
ney trouble, it excella Pilve ?5 cts.
For Sale by J. W. Conn.
Stomieh and bowel complaints are best
relieved by the timely use of DeWitt's
Colic and Cholera Cure. Insist on bav
in; this preparation. . Don't take any
Meany is tbe leamng tailor and pays
the highest ash price for fur skins.