THE DAILY AST0R1AJN, ASTORIA, TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST. 6, 1895.. for Infants and Children. YJg?yTy yar' otiervatl on of Castoria with the patronage of U gt"Hon of persons, permit ns p .peah of It without guessing. It Is nnqnoitlonaMy the best remedy fog Infants and Children the world has over fcnown. It Is harmless. Children lite it. It gives thorn health. It wM save their live.. In It Mothers have eomethlng wMoh U ahiolntoly .afo and praotlcaUy perfeet as a child's medicine. Castoria destroys Wormi. Castoria allay Feverlahneig. Castoria prevent, vomiting Sow Cnrd. Castoria enres Diarrhcaa and Wind Collo. Castoria relieves Teething Trophies. Castoria enres Constipation and Flatnlenoy. Castoria nentralises the effects of oarh6nlo aeld gas or polsonons air. Castoria does not contain morphine, oplnm.or othey narootlo property. Cattorla assimilates the food, rcgnlates the stomach and towel., giving healthy and natnral sleep. Castoria is pnt np in one-size hottles only. It is not sold in halt. Dont allot? any one to sell yon anything else on the plea or promise) that it is "Jnt as good" and "will answer every pnrpo.e." See that yon pet C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A . The fao-rimilo Blgnatnro of Children Cry for FOR TiLiiiAmooK;, NEHALEM flflD COAST POINTS STEAHERS R. p. eiiore; fj. H- Harbison, AUGUSTA. Sailing dates to and from Tillamook and Nelialera depend on the weather. For freight and passenger rates apply to ELMORE, SANBORN & CO., Agents. O. K & N. CO., Agents, Portland. STATE JiOfpHIi SCHOOL Monmonth, A TRAINING SCHOOL and mm h tion. i -ZAJ? ' " well There is an over supply of untrained toachers. Catalogaes Cheerfully Sent on Application. Address Or W. A. WANN, 4 P. L. CAMPBELL, Secretary. President. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, 1895-1896. THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, Oregon, offers free tuition to all students. Young men can obtain board, lodging, beat and light in the dormitory for $2.50 i cr week. Roomers famish their own linen. Yonng women are provided with in priviite families at $3.00 per week. Yonng women desiring board should uviin-w I''"'- '!"' Slranp, Enirene, Oregon ; or Secretary Young Women's Christian Association, Eugene. The University offers three baccalaureate degrees, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of LetterB, with corresponding courses of study. The following shorter courses are also offered: An English coarse leading in two years to a business diploma and in three years to the title graduate in English; an advanced course for graduates of normal schools leading to the de gree master of pedagogy ; a three years' course in civil engineering leading to tho degree civil engineer; a course of two years for teachers of physical education leading to a diploma and the title director of physical education. The University charges an incidental fee of ten dollars, which is payable in advance by all students. Students holding diplomas from the public schools and those having teachers' cer tificates are admitted to the preparatory department without examination. Those deeirioj? inf." rr.htion rc?ard;c? the preparatory department should address the dean. X. L. Karrean, Eugene. For catalogues and information address C. H. Chapman, President, or J. J. Walton, Secretary, Eugene, Oregon. 1A is on every wrapper. Pitcher's Castoria. Rhh Open por Special Charter. Oregon. FOR TEACHERS. Complete Eight Grade Train ing Department and strong pro fessional and academic courses. The Diploma of the school entitles one to teach in any County in-tho State without further examination. Board and Lodging, Books Tui'tion, $150 per year. Beautiful and healthful Joca- No saloons. There is a good demand for - trained leachers. Tide Table for August, 1895. IIlOl! WATER LOW WATER. A. U. II P. II. A. M. P.M. ft.llh.m ft !h.m ft. I h.m I ft nzt',5 6; b-kwh 4 ar -6 4saj i2iaia io a so 5if-u na!s7 W4K6.") HSOlHO 6 02-17 6 Otilfl 5 l)tl 941-13 0 49S2 Oir. HO 14772 7U-11 7 27U9 0 rl 7 D 2 lii 7 f 7 41-08 8 01 2 5 1 Ml 7 0 2 M 7 0 8 Oil -0 4 8 a 2 a 2 0T17 81 K5H78 8 HI -01 9 0f2 0 2 4U B ! 3 218 0 8 S3 -0 4 0 85 1 7 ai 8 6 8 5280 901 09 101516 4O5U0 4180 9&0 14 1102 12 4 57 5 5: 512 8 0 10 21 1 9 B01 5 0 5 57 8 0 0 02 1 1 11 00 2 5 7 2;14 7 6M 7 9 1 12 0 8 11 MS 2 8 M 4 8' 7 58 8 0 2 80 0 5 lift ST 10 111 5 SS1 9 0I.8 1 8 40 -0 2 8 0O89 It lfi 5 9 1010 8 8 4 40-0 8 4 21 3 7 la 02 0 71 11 12 8 8 5 81 -1 8 6 2531 ... . J 1241 73 Oltil-1 6 62024 010 8 8! 119 7(1 6 5'.l-lfi 7 08 1 7 1 00 8 8 1 5ft 8 3 7 87 -1 8 7 5 1 0 150 SO 2 82 8 5 8 111-0 7 8 44 0 5 2 8980 808:86 85ft 00 9 80 08 8 80 7 6 85086 9 aft 08 10 2ft 03 4 2ftH7 4 8385 101ft 16 112508 5 21! 5 8i 5 18)8 2 10 lift 2 5 8 42 ft 8 612 7 9 0 8ft 0 4 11 48 8 6 8 2.V5 0 714(7 6 162 0 8 1 0939 10 (tfftl 8'22 74 804 0 1 2 4937 11 09 5 6! 9 80 7 4 4 0(i-02 4 1087 II 8fll'10 287 6 4 5H-0 4 607 35 DATE. Thursday.. 1 r nutty Hntur.l SUNDAY.'. Monuny. TtlHflfllLV Wmlnfsiinv 7 i nursuay. rniiay.... RtltiinlAV. SUNDAY .11 Mnnilnv TllHHliliV neun su y u Thursday. .15 itiiihv it Kjltnrilnv V, MUNDAY. 1 Monday. ...19 Tmwduy...2l Wedu'Hd'y 21 Thursday .IK Friday ....21 RAtnrilnv 'J.i SUNDAY. Monday .. m Tuesday . . 27 Wedn'sd'v 2X Thursday .211 rriuay....iw Sntunlny. 31 ALONG THE WATER FE0NT. Last year itlie itoltU Quantity of fresh fish, exjduWve of fllueM Jldli, landed on the coaeta ot Great Briitaln land ittunsported by rati vaa: Kngtand and Wales, 332,449 tons; Soatlaod, 99,763 tom; IreOand, 10,399 tonls, and the total value about $35,600, 000. Judge Morrow of lih Umlted States dis trict ttour.t ihUs dccMed thut steamiWp passen'gier tlclceias are transferable by Hie ordinal purdhaser or by ticket brokers unless a epectal contract is entered inlto by itlhe Bhaimshlp company and tlhe pur- ohijser. Tills la the llrsit case tbe kind decided In he admJraity courts. The Bteuimer Albion brought 60,000 feet of redlwood lumber Initio porit yest'trdtiy, consigned 'to the San Joiaquln Valley rllroud. It Is the first Iblff cargro of lumber that has enltored tlhe harbor for the new rood, and It tvltl be sent up th; river in a barge d donated iwHuh bunting. Sain Franoisao jKmroal ef Commerce. J.' A. Mtttheson. ot Ainuoortea was In town thia week, Bays ifcho West Coast Trade, and reporits bis vessel (homeward bound from tlhe J3ering sea wilii a line haul of oodflsh. Hi will put new Ash on the nrarkeit lalbout Sept. 15. 'Ala. Muthe son dhlps about 200 tons of flsfi a year from Aniaoontes, and lias a large trade at Honioiliirlu. Skagit river salmon, eaya a correspond ent, continue scarce. Some sockeyes are being sihipped In from Bllaine and a lew are being caught In the bay. Hailfcbut are again plentiful and are bringing good are being brought In by the hialibut bouts and are shipped elast. SmUll fish are in lUtle demand. The export 'trade on large fish lis good. News Wal3 resUettved td'. ctlty this morn ing, tiays the Taieoma New, of a light on board the Brltteh bark Thermopylae between u sailor named Cunningham and Second Officer E. 6. Cook, in Which the latter waa Btiabtoed. The lolllcer Is not ex pected to survive. The tuark was Just put ting out ot Port Tawraend when tihe af fray occurred and Cook was bi'oug'ht ashore and token to the hospital. The vessel dCd not dear and wilt await the outcome of tlhe trouble. Charles Anderson of tlhe Anderlson Isl and Brilck company, yesterdny loet a soow load of brick whti? trying to drop the scow on Hhe gridiron opposite Fif- teenltili etredt. The tide was going out at tlhe time and tlhe scow was puslhed over the gridiron, but as tlhe water lowered the scow set tiled in such a mamner as to tip over and dump he load of 77,000 bricks inlto the bay. The bricUs imuy possibly be recovered at extreme low tide. Tacoma Ledger. The MonlttceClO itrouble aooording to the Call is not yet settled. The Call Bays: "HatWh. Brotihera the owners of the little stea.mer Montioelio, wiMdh Is coming down from Pugdt eoumd to run between Val- lejo and thia ciity, Ibroto down and was towed into port by tine collier San Ben ito, Ihuve sialtMled tlhe action for libel agtainst .tlhe vessel, by givkng a bond to pay all the expenses of the tow. Ths courts will be asked to arbitrate and decide what claims the Sun Benc'to has on 'the ddsjfbCed steamer." K Is none too early say's The Dalles Chromiciie, to nvake plans for a Christmas celebralJon at the Casoadi" locks. The Dulles is imost deeply inlterested and should take tiiie lnltlaitilve. We leuggest that our business men tak'i- I'lhe imu'titer in hand and, in conjunction "wii'tJi the con tractors, connmeinOe to make preparations for the greatest and most lmpomunit event in the history of Eastern Oregon. Let us hav an old time wa'terway convention, with representatives from at! the com mercial bodies along the river; the con ditions wK! be changed, but the unity of purpose and good wlH Willi toe the earn1;', then we were working for ihope, now ij win be a festival with Ihope realized. The Dalles inaugurated 'tihi? waterway conventions; let us alsa Inauguraite tihe celebration of the attainment In which thosa annual conventions wielded a btrolg innuenoa-. THE SUMMER SCHOOL. Oiiarhart Park, Aug. 5, 1SS5. To the Editor : At this season, when up the valley they are sweltering tinder a burning sun, Gear- hart is a most deCJjtaltful place, and the cool ocean breezes bring enjoyable rest. The selection of udh a pleasant park, on the shores of old Pacific, for a eumimr school was certainly a wise one. The wachera present are ail enjoying the work and the pleasure, and lit will be a mattr of regret when the school closes. Prof. Carson, of (the State University, and Prof. Lloyd, of Pacific University, are now here and havj charge of their respective classea in rhetoric and MoCogy. Same of the moeit Interesting features of the paat w;ek were tho cam bake on FrMay night, whlcih. was participated In by almost ail the teachers and many of the hotel guli)ts and ealdlers, ai.d the Saturday night concert given alt the Audi torium, wtien tihe lurg hall was well led. The concert proved a most en- oyabie one and the performers all re ceived prolond applause and generously responld3d to several' encores. The solos of the Misses Jones and Dlaihl and Mrs. Ross were espicCaMy flue and nothing but repeated encores satisfied the 'audi ence. State SuperintiemJenit Irwin preached at at the Auditorium Sunday mornir.ff and afternoon to large audiences. Monday afternoon tie tedtured on "Purposes and Result." He wta J.cture also ut 1 m. today. TjinTOrrjw at I p. tn. the Hon. II. B. MlHer of GranUa Pass, now of Eugene, will d elver a lecture. A JAPANESE MOTHER. A picture of Japanese home life Is glv- in "The Chautauquan" for July by Tiazo Shlmidza. In it he describes his ideal woman, who proves to be his moth er. He says: Without knowing why, my heart was full of such love and confidence toward er, that I did not seem able to live with out her. While I was still too yung to attend any school, this loving little lady took such a deep Interest In me that she as always ready to play with me. using 1 her iniluence to keep me away from the band of small urchins whose chief delight was In playing war, or wrestling, when they were not engaged In "frog- bunting," or the execution of the black THE EQUITABLE LIEE OF NEW YORK Is he strongeert and best managed life Insurance company on the face of the earth. Our rates are no hlgheT than oth ers, for the same kind of a policy, and our contract la so mutA more liberal to the insurer that you cannot afford to take anything else but an Equitable pol icy. Irresponsible travelling agents will misrepresent facts to you by trying to make you believe that what they have is Jut as good as the Equitable. By consulting the . Insurance commissioner's reports you will discover the falsehood, There is no company, "Just as good." The Equitable is now and has been for fifteen years past THE best. L. Samuel, Eugene Samuel, special agents. cat condemned without process of law. Whenever these young samurat (knights) would call on me to enlist me In their dark plots of mischief, the same little lady used to come In with dainty sweet meats, pictures and (toys, and in the most fascinating wuy persuade us to give up such expeditions, and to sit close around her while she would tell us stories. Oh, what blissful days were those In the old home, and how welt I remember those stories, ,old, old tales of "Prince Peach ling" and the like, yet so .fresh and in- Iterestlng, especially when told by this lady or mine. What was there lrt them to make us eel ashamed of killing frogs and persecuting black ats7 It was sure ly only the ch'arm of her exquisite tact which made ,us feel as though we were Igood, iblg and strong men chivalrous defenders willing to be kind to every one. SUMMER SCHEDULE OP THE O. R. & N. STEAMERS. T. J. Potter. ' Leaves Portland Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 7 a. m., Wed nesday at 8 a. m., and Soiturday at 1 p. m. Leaves Ilwaco Wednesday and Sun day at 7 p. m. tides permlQUig. Leaves Astor.a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and at 7 p. m and Wednesday and Sunday upon arrival from Hwaco In the evening. On Wednesday and Saturday the Potter will fun through to Ilwaco, leaving here directly upon arrival from Portland. R. R. Thompson. Leaves Portland Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 8 p. m., and Saturday at 10 p. m. Leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 6:46 a. m. Harvest Queen. Leaves Astoria Wednesday and Sunday at 7 p. m.; leaves Portland Wednesday and Saturday a 7 a. m. North Pacific. Leaves Astoria for Ilwaco Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 6 a. m., also Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Fr day at I p. m., Leaves Astoria for Young's bay Wednesday and Saturday upon arrival of Potter from Portland. Will make regular Sunday excursions to Ilwaco. Leaving time to be advertised in paper for each excursion. FARES. To Long Beadh and Clatsop, $1.50 round trip. To Ewaco, $1.00 round trip. For details apply to the city ollice of the O. R. and N. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed. Assignee of I. W. Case, will sell at public auction to tlhe highest bidder for cash in United States gold coin, on Saturday, August 24th, 1895, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, the follow ing described bulldingiit, which are sit uated on leased ground subject to re moval, to-wi)t: 1st That certain building "occupied by Carnaihan & Co., as a store, on the cor ner of 10th and Bond streets. 2nd That certain two-tory 'frame build ing situated on the southwest corner of the interseotlon of 12th and Commercial streets, and occupied on the first floor as a fruit store and barber shop. 3rd The building fromting on Commer cial Street between lOUh and lll'.h streets, known as the Bee Hive. All of said buildings In the City of Atorta, Clatsop County, Oregon. The Assignee reserves the right to re ject any and all 'bids. D. K. WARREN, Assignee. The World's Fair Tests showed no tuning powder so paro or so great la lesv enlng power as ths P.oyal. GltACE CHURCH EXCURSION. The cheapest excursion of the season will be given under the auspices of the Sunday schools of Grace church and Holy Innocents' next Thursday, (August 8) to Seaside and Clatsop Beach. Tickets, S3 cents, and children under 12 years 36 cents. Buy your tickets early to avoid the rush. The steamer 13. L. Dwyer with a barge will leave her dock at 9 a. m. and the steamer Telephone will meet the train on Its return In the afternoon. Re member the date, and prepare for a good time. Tickets 'for sale at Griffin & Reed's, Foard & Stokes,' and at Chas. Rogers' Drug store. FOR CONSULTATION. A rare opportunity for sufferers from special and chronic diseases. Do not fall to consult Oj, de Freye, the eminent European specialist from Portland, who can now be,"COnsulted free for a limited period at the Main Street House on 9th, near Commercial street, on all diseases of the kidneys, bladder, stomach, intes tines and difficult and Intricate cas'.s of both sexes. Loss of manhood, latest Par isian discovery, etc. He consults free of charge. NO ONE TO LOVE HIM. Daston Herald. itially, It Is too hard for the little Prince of Naples fh'at no bride is avail able for him In all the royal houses of Europe, What the cTultiure king of Italy is to do without a wife nobody knows, and yet here is a possible king unabia to obtain a queen to Briars his throne, be cause the pro-Catholic countries havn't a princess and the Protettanlts and Greek Cai haltca are not to be thouglit of. The situation is worthy of the comic opera stage, but it would be dtcldedly grave if Italy were not fai such a desperate son ditlon politically and financially that moat enlightened princesses would dread the thught of an. alliance. Affairs of state brinrf about the oddest "love match es" among royalties, and it may be the tiny Prince of Naples can persuade some friendly m'.iarch to divorce tils consort and let him marry her. How else it is to b; arranged n )!:-! y out of diplomatic circles can qutfe under-?-' and. A WONDERFUL SAPPHIRE. The most magnificent sapphire In the world is the property of a noble Russian family. It Is over two Inches in length and Is one and a half Inches wide, its col or being a rich azure. It is perfect In form and in Water. This peerless gem was In keeping of a Parisian Jewe'er, some yars ago, when the sum of 1,500. 000 francs was offered for It by one cf the RuL'itsulii'.ds, but the offer wa fa fused. It Is mounted as a brooch, and Is surrounded by lange diamonds, a mailer sapphire, similarly mounted, be ing suspended from it as a pendant. Huntington to Get Control of Transcontinental Traffic 0. P. MORGAN TO JOIN HANDS With the Southern at New Orleans on a Combination to Strengthen the Monopoly. The foTlowlntr from the Chicago Tri bune will be of genecr'Jl 1 meres " to Pa cific coBBt people, as shewing the feeling east, in regard to western raltroads: Far many years past C. P. Huntington, the Southern Pacific mug-nate, has cher ished the plan of controlling a system of ruKroads readhilns from tlte Atllantto to tte Pacific, lit acquired, some years ago, the Chesapeake and Ohij railroad with thUsi end in vlow. But subsequently, when name of the southern roads which he needfed at- connections became hope lessly Involved, he wearied of tihe strug gle and soCd the Chesapeake and Ohio to the Vanilerbllts. It now looks as if Huntigton's ambition would toa reaiilzed after all. What Hunt ingdon -tallied to do ihias been achieved by J. P. Morgan & Co., who, during the last yeur, have gulned control of nearly all of thla leading railroad lntereeas In the eouth, between Newport News aiid the Mississippi river andi reorganized them as the Southern Railway com pany, with Samuel Spencer as 'the presi dent. Negotiations ajv now said to be pend ing 'between President Spencer and the Southern RialCway company and Presi dent C. P. Huntlngtcw of the Southern Pacific for the lormaitionr of a -strong traffic aOltance of rthw two vast systems and thereby pracitloal'y establish an all rail route from Washington and Newport News ito San FraHclsco. The Southern Pacific runs a direct hrae from New Or leans Ito San -Frainoldeo. For several years past it has maid; connections alt New Or leans from tilts east by -jfe-amboait lines which it coin trolled. This route to gen erally known as the Southern Pudttc Sunset route, and no effort has been sparld by the Southern Pacific people to turn all the freight traffic from New York and other eastern points they were able to comUnand via that route. But the steamships made slow time between east ern seaboard paints and New Orleans, and this prevented the Sonselt route from securing business which had to bj trans ported quickly. To prevent any of the Cal'tfonnia business going via Chicago th.-y needed an all-rail route, and this they now hope to secure iby Joining hands with .the Southern 'Railway company. Not only kkies tlhe Huntington-Morgan combination by Joining Interests expect to eaauire control of nearly all the over land buslneiis beitweon New York and other eastern points and San Francisco, but the caving of expenses they expect will amount to an enormous figure. The consummation of this scheme would make C. P. Huntington tlhe master of this trans continental situation and enable the Southern Pacific monopoly to gelt rid of the annoying competition and worries In flicted wi'.h the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe and otCv.r trancoovtimental lines. It would also prove a body blow to Claus Spreckels and other California capitalists who have dared to try conclusions with him by building the San Joaquin Valley road for the express purpose of breaking the monopoly of the Southern Pacific. GLASS WINDOWS FOR STABLES. Baltimore American. Three large gf.ass windows were put on the south side of the expert's stable. One Is in the cow stable, the other in the feed room and the third In the horse stable. Before this the little slat win dows would let In the air, but very little light. These windows admit plenty of light, and the sunshine these cold morn ings is very grateful. It is better for the stock, and, the BtoMe, being so light, it can be kept in better order than other wise, which Is an important Item. The windows slide back and forth, and can ba opened and shut in an instant. The entire cost was under $5. These old Pennsylvania barns are very convenient, but -they are, in the matter of light and ventilation, behind the times. In a visit to a largo number of farmers this winter, only two were found to have g'ass win dows in their barns. For fattening cattle the stables should be kept dark, but not bo dark that the stock can not be properly looked after. Light, sunshine and pure air are neces sary for healthy stock, and one makes a great mistake if he does not have his barns and stables so arranged as to give them an abundance of alt three of these, sj necessary to heallth. Horses should by all means have plenty of light in the stable, but the Usht should not shine directly In their eyes. The win daws should be either at Ithe side of the stable or above their heads, to as not to produce a strong glare. The stock should be made ai comfort able as possible, es the more comfortable they can be made the quicker they will fatten, the less feed it will require to keep them, and, with milch cows, the more milk they will give. SUBDUING THE WEEDS. i Philadelphia Press. Any tpecles of weeds can be subdued and controlled within the limits of an or dinary farm, and unless the value of the ) ir.u itr-rrr ri:hoi fAIIlPII. TOflV be lain, id v...-. . . profitably undertaken. If the weed Is an annual, reproducing Itself from the seeds only, it may be suDjecieu oy prevenunu -..niun it.ip nprminfrnt Dsstures. lawns and roadsides this is quite sufficient, If persistently followed, jn cuiuvaieu i.iu, id ml ihn aeeded should first be burned over to destroy as many as possible of the seeds on the surface. It may then be plowed shallow, so as not lo bury the remaining seeds too deeply In the soil. The succeeding cultivation, not deeper than the plowing, will Induce the gtrmlnai.lon of seeds in this layer of soil and kill the seedlings as they ap pear. The land may then be plowed deep er and the cuUivatlon repeated until the weed seeds are pretty thoroughly cleared out to as great a depth as Khe plow evtr reaches. Below that depth, 8 to 10 Inches, very few weed seeds can germinate und push a shoot to the surface. A thous and seedlings can be destroyed by the cultivator with less effort than a single mature plant can be destroyed, and every seedling killed means one less seed In the soli. CANADA THISTLE. Dr. Alfred L. Kennedy SiaUi he does not regard the matter of extermin ating the Canada thistle as a difficult undertaking. 'He bought a firm that was overrun with Ithlstles and piinted the ground to potatoes, keeping the land well cultivated, so as not to permit the weeds to grow. The result was but very few weeds the next yeaT, which were d: stroyed very easily. The cultlvatian must be thorough. The cultivation will py for the labor of exUrmlnlatir.g the weeds. HELLEBORE FOR CURRANT WOP.M3 Hellebore Is now so ch.ap that It Is not t.- rtii while trying anything else to keep ths currant worm In check. Sprinkling slaked ilme on the leaves will only make k unpleasant for the worms and destroy a few ot them, but the hellebore kills every worm that gets a taste of It. The bushes are more easily kept free from worms if only two or three stalks are allowed to grow together In a clump. Where there Is a large mass of foliage und many stalks the lower leaves escape the dusting. The hellebore may be put In water and sprinkled on the leaves. It Is poison to the worms, though only very slightly poisonous to people, and there is no possible danger that it can affect the fruit. The same reimdy is equally good for the worm that attacks gooseberry bushes. SHEEP IN ORCHARDS,' Rural New Yorker. Persons who pasture sheep in their or chards do not, as a rule, use enough sheep to do the most good. The sheep can add nothing to the land, but what they take from It, but if a large number, say flfty, are put in eight acres of trees seeded with orchard grass, and are fed a little bran, say about 1 pound a day to each sheep, something like 131 pounds of nitrogen, 164 pounds of phosphoric acid and 86 pounds of potash would be distributed during the season over the ground In the best possible way, while the sheep would keep down every weed and sprout, gnaw the grass close und eat every fallen apple as soon as It strikes the ground. FACING THE HEN HOUSE. Kansas Farmer. Custom places the front of the poultry house to 'face the south, yet the Bun does ndt send the heat into such houses In winter till late In the morning. A poul try house should face the southeast, and then .the heat and light will enter us soon 'as It rises, warming the Interior alt a time when the fowls desire warmth the most, which Is when they first come ollf the roosts In the morning. In the win ter the sun Is In the south a greater portion of the day, and hence if the house faces southeast, the fowls not only receive warmth' early but the sunshine In the house till about 3 o'clock In the afternoon. THE PARMER'S PARTNER. Ohio Farmer. We should not forget that we have partners who are equally interested in all our business transactions. The wife's efficiency in the home will be Increased by a knowledge of and interest in the husband's business. As no other branch of business owes so much of its prosper ity to wives as does the farmer's, do not be selfish' in this matter. See that your wife has all the modern Improve ments for lessening her labors. Cottolenc the new shortening the only pure and healthful and perfectly digestible frying and shortening mate rial in the market is now to be had at all firtt-fllass grocers throughout tho Ullted Sates and Canada. la wing Cottolene for shortening, It Is of tho greatest importance to use only about one-half or two-thirds as much as would be used of lard. This is essential to success in the cooking, as well as an important feature for one's pocket book. Cottolene, like all othcrgood things, has found several imitators, all of very inferior quality, and sure to cause dis satisfaction. To be sure of getting the genuine Cottolene, tho best way to buy it is in the tin pails bearing the name and Trade-Mark. Blade only by . THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, ST. LOUIS and Chlcace, New York, Bostsa, ALL FREE. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know Its value, and those who not have now the opportunity to try It free. Call on the advertised drugglBt and get a trial bottle free. ?crv your name and address to H. E Uucklcn & Co., Chicago, and get a amj)le box of New Life Pills free, as vi-ll as a copy of Guide to Health and llouiit'lioOl Inat'rudtor, tCree. Ail of which Is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing. Chas. Rogers druggist, Odd Fellows Building. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice Is hereby given that the partner ship heretofore existing between the un dersigned, under the firm name and style Oregon Transportation Company, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All outstanding bills or accounts being pay able to Capt. Paul 'Sohrader, and he as suming the payment of all debts due by said firm. Astoria, Or., May 13, 1895. PETER H. CRIM, PAUL SCHRADER. . FREE PILLS. Send your address to H. E. Buckton A Co., Ct'kttgo, and get a free wample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. Tliioo. pills are euisy in action and are particularly effective In the cure of Constipation and Sick Hoidache. For Malaria and Liver Tnouttea (Ihty have been proved Invalu able. They are guaranteed lo be perfect ly fr3 from every deleterious aul'itanc; and to be purely vegdaaible. They do not weakat by their adtlon, bult by giving tor.'? ,'jo istomuch and bowcl greatly in UeprK'lng the sytslem. Regular size 25c per tox. Sold 'by Chas. Rogers, Druggist. Children, especlrlly infants, are soon tun down with Cholera Infantum or "Summer Complaint." Don't wait to de termlie, but give DeWltt's Colic ft Chol era Cure promptly, you can rely on it. Vie no other. bUCKLBN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve In the world for Cuts, rtrulse., 8ores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, hllblalns. Con.s, and All Skin Erup tions, and positively cure Plies, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price. 25 cents per box. For sale by Chas. Rogers. Odd Fellows' building. SIIILCII'S CURS 13 sold cn a. crar nte. It cures incipient consumption, t is the best Cough Cure. Only one ent a dose. 25 cents. 50 cts.. and tl.GO. For Sale by J. W. Conn. J S1 C40lH fhfft.incf.. F Like it PROFESSIONAL CAF.D3. FT A. fiMITTT DENTIST. Rooms I and 2. Pythian oulldlns over C. H. Cooper's store. German Physician. Eclectic. DR. BAItTEL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Albert Dunbar's store, oor. 9th and Commercial. Prices: Calls. Jl; confinement, $10.00. Operations at oiries free; medicines furnished. W. C. LOGAN, D. D. R. DENTAL, PARLORS. Mansell Block, 67J Third street DR. EILIV JANSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Olsen's drag store. Hours, 30 to 12 a. m.; 2 to S and 7 to 8 p. m. Sun days, 10 to 11. J. S. BISHOP, M. D., , HOMEOPATIIIST. Office and rooms In Kinney Block. Office Hours, 10 to 12:30 and 4 to 6:30 Surgery and Diseases of Women a Spe cialty.' LIBERTY P. MULLINIX. M. D.. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. - Office, 6S4tt Third st, Astoria, Ore. Special attention given to all cbronl diseases. DR. O. B. ESTES, PHYSICI 4.N AND SURGEON. Special atlontion to diseases of worn en and surgerr. Office over Dnz!gers store, Astoria. Telephone No. 52. JAY TUTTLE. VI. D. PHYSICIAN. SURGEON. AND ACCOUCHEUR. Office, Rooms a and 6, Pythian Building. Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Residence, 639, Cedar street. DOCTOR ALFRED KINNEY. OFFICE AT HIS RESIDENCE. May be found tn his ollice until II o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until 1 p. m., and from 5 until 7:30 evenlngsf W. M. LaForce. S. B. Smith. LaFORCE & SMITH, ATTORNEYS-AT-Y AW, 385 Commercial street.' FRANK J. TAYLOR, ATTORNEY' AT LAW. Astoria, Oregon. J. Q. A BOWLBY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LA-V. Oince on Second SU-et. Astoria, Or. J. N. Dolph. Richard Nixon Chester V. Dolph. . DOLPH. NIXON & DOLPH,' ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Portland, Oregon, 24, 25, 20, and 27, Hamilton Building. All legal and col lection business promptly attended to. Claims against the government a spe cialty. JAMES W. WELCH, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATlS ' AGENT. Houses to rent. All kinds of prop erty for eale. Correspondence and business solicited. Office Welch Block, 65 Commercial street, Astoria, Oregon. SOCIETY MEETINGS. TEMPLE LODGE NO. 7, A. F. and A. M. Regular communications held on the first and third Tuesday evening of each month. W. G. HOWELL, W, M. E. C. HOLDEN, Saratary. MISCELLANEOUS. WHEN IN PORTLAND Call on Handler & Haas, 150 First street, and get the Dally As tori an. Visitors need not miss their morning paper while there. BEVERAGES. WINES AND BRANDIES. Use Zln- fandel wine Instead of coffee or tea. Fifty cents per gallon. Don t forget peach and apricot brandy. Also French Cognao and w'.ne at Alex Gilbert's. A. V. AIvLrEN, DEALER IN Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruits Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies. Cor. Can ud Squemoque Streets. . Astoria, Or S. H. W1LLETT, PLUMBING, Gas and Steam Fitting-, , , Hot Air, Steam and - : t r .. ' .. Water Heating' . ( 179 Twelfth street. Astoria. Or. FREEMAN & HOLMES. Blacksmiths. . r Special attention paid to steamboat re pairing, first-class horseshoeing, etc LOGGING CflfrlP KlOtJK A SPECIALTY 197 Olney street, between Third and and Fourth. Astoria. Or. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Figures Tell. Since the introduction of Cod liver Oil into the treatment of consumption, the average life of patients has increased frcm two to eight years. The num ber of cases cured in the early stages of the disease has multi plied, and physicians now assert that consumption can almost al ways be averted if good care and treatment are begun in time. Cod-liver Oil ought always to be a part of the treatment, and it should be taken in the form of Scott's Emulsion, which in palatable and decs not dcra-jro ,1! . ' . in every way superior to y'ani oil. Don't accept a substiluU! S-.!t & Bcmne, N. Y. Ai, D-- .;" fOca.; .