I 4 JC.'tf -.WMuk-.-, rtodnfM.tuac THE DAILY ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST , 1895. JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. TbRMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Seat by mall, per year Sent by mall, per ironth SenreS by carrier, per week... 47.00 , 60 oU , IS eta JLSdreas all communications to The tfally Aatorian. WBEKLT. lent by matt, per year, $2.00 In advance. Portage free to subscribers. The Astorlan guarantee to Its gub serlbers the largest circulation of any aswspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be tad on ap pHoatlon t the business manager. The Weekly Astorlan, the second old est 'weekly in the state of Oregon, lias art to the Portland Oregonian, the tarrsst weekly circulation In the state. Jse. T. ilandley ft Co., are our Port taad agents; and copies of the Astorlan ea be had every morning at their stand on First street. TelejAone'NowJl A eoromunieatioiis Intended for pub- llmtlea should be directed to the editor. Pasta communications of all kinds and CemittancM must be addressed to The Asferiaflv ' MR. WAR-VET'S LOGIC. His Intelligent peoplle of the iwhole country are laughing over an argument advanced fey'iMr. Harvey tai his MxHte wltfii' Mr. Morr. He argued the there huld be at double money standard be cause nature Is organized cm the duplex pwoojple.' (Man (ha itrwo hands, !fwV eyes, two ear and ,rwK tegs, says Mr. Harvey, and m chould Wherefore have two money Tivis remmda us ot (the argument that was advanced a couple of oerttiurles ago wny imere houM not be more than seven pjanets. The human bead has seven orl flcesVwo ears, two eyes, two nostrils and one moutlh-)Wierexre tlhere could not, in Mie- nature of tihinga be anore than evert ipOunet It was atMed also that seven iwas s nored number, because hwr are seven days la ttie week, and Mils was taken to add fore to the former argument. Of course Mr. 'Harvey was driven into a corner, and used this way of getting Mmlself out. It Is a poor compliment he thereby jwld to the tateUHgente of the Amerttoan people, however, Jf tie supposes Wiat afly man wltfa sense enougJi to cast a vd'to m'M be influenced' Iby such an ab surdity. Furahermore, notfliing is mtore certain thaw (.tut Mr. Harvey's plan, which tie mtsoalls Wmetalllem," to mot Mint at all, I silver monomelolElsm pure and simple. A certain sort of Democrats "Admlnis rrattow DomocraOs," tihey istyJo them-selve-p vying with one anlier in WW VUieneai and opprdbntouaness of the epltbets they Invent and apply to the deluded followers of th free silver Idea In the' souLh. For example, Bom Jones says, 'ttlliey wre molt only ignorant, but pre judiced a we, and Ignorance and preju dice, wthlch go hind In hand, is tlhe curse of Che iworld." He also aya thoy aro going down the precipice of eibseurlty, "pushing tlhew leader and promoters wttta them." But, he says, 'Utiey stand some show, Jwwewr, of readhlng hewvon, as God has made spectai provlion for fools and ohKVlren." After a long course of icAher abuse and ridtcule of the same sort, this pioua and cultured gentlunon ntnids up wdttl the ramuckuibte, from him, ?oraUon that' "Qod's sun never shone upon suCli a country as America today; a kind Providence never furnlehed such a eeotton for the poor man as the south." Mr'.' Jones is rigtfut, to sure, but It Is the very opposite of whet b und his Ilk hava aim ays taughit and preuched, and suoh a declaration Is the foundation of all RepuUkMi foJUh and doctrine. Like th "Great Secretary" Carlisle, Hoke SmtiUh, ainld other Democrats, too numer oua to menltion, Mr. Jones' hindsight in Ms old age Is proving better than his farscCetit. Only a few year ago whwn the AepUUkjans were battling with the Ignorance, gullibility and prejudice of the very 4as ttwe tatter-lay sages and statesmen are now reproving and abusing, exery On of these worthies was doing ail he could to inflame the minds, ex- elte prjudlc, and stir up discord and discontent among (the people of the whole country. drover Cleveland, as his speeches and earlier nvssrage to congress wlU eftjow, was the first calamity howler th country has had since the war, and his election to the office he now hoWa Is due directly to the discontent and pre judice he succeeded with' the help of these same followers and henchmen In stirring up among a happy and' prosperous pxp:, S)veryftiod7 wtU danced thwt the pnra graph we copy below from an article on the honk! syndlcats, published in the Aug ust Forumv is both logical ami probable: "Closing the mints to th free cUnage of slyer tn th Otd WorM and in the United ?: lessened the demand and undoutotetly affected the pries of silver; but th great decline in price is owing to th cheapening profcess dependent upon improved machinery, improved methods of production, improved) facilities for tranapomaHon and exchange. By means of cable and credit the transmission of of money from on part of the world to another Is almost instantaneous. Silver ha ceased to serve the convenience of tain. It doe not meet h Nreu of th public, of business men, or of bankers. Th leading trad -paper of England, The London EUinomise, recently referred to a few of th benefit to British manu facturers resuOtlng from our present tariff. It stated that owing to irtio res toration of eoubn ties to th free Hat the recent advances in the price of Iron In Amwtaa hv enaMed English makers i i. ys j tn4T t?- loo"s. The earns upward movement lo pricej, the I3 -o!i'mat shld, ratsw ths question of f f rtr of ISs c?n (Salts trade, a sub- Ject whldH it remarked Is carefully w a Mixed by the South Wales (Manufac turers, (who are anxious to regain their old time monopoly. lit admits that the decreased shlpmemts of tin plates have been felt with crushing effect by the Welah Industry, tout sees In the higher pnloe (or efceet a possibility that the nuinufactmre of tin plate In the United State may receive a check' and the Bntf.teh trade he revived. (Here la tn dlisputialbie teuiinrony to the value of the Republican tariff policy In building up the American ItUn plait-e industry and amo to the worth of the Democratic tariff tto (British manuifUcturers of cot ton ties. Jt Is such lteulnony thait streuigthens the cause of protection. (The poCiloa department of AMorla is an rnxnaDy. In most other cities of the country it is the common paitrolmen and rounkhmen who are called before the board of comtnrieslioners for warning and dlddiplirelnK- Here In Astoria, it seems, from rumors which are going uboUt, the cUher end of the force requires the attention and admonition of the commis sion. ' It is hoped these gentlemen have the courage and fidelity to duty necessary to the proper purifloatlon of this import ant .branch of the city government, and that an example may soon be made which wUu operate both as a warning and en courageimenlt Ho the more worthy and faithful, If subordinate members of the toroe. The following suggestive paragraph la co.umended to the tatmedlaite and though'UfUl consideration of the Honorable Board of Water Commissi oners of the city of Astoria: "London, July 29. The meagre supply of waller in the eastern pant of London '-B causing Increased suffering to the lnhob ttams of that section. The streets ore filled with, Iwvwrven offering threepence or more for la bucket of water, but are un able to gelt it for the very good reason that tlhiere Is none. The Ideath rate In Bast London has been JUlAed since the coinpanles began turning oft the (low of water, except for about two hours In the twenty-four. The Boston Journal says: Democrats who feel It their duty to detend the pres ent tariff are .be'tiween two fires. If they praise It, ahe are praising what Cleve land caMeid an act of 'perfidy and dis honor," and a dofloHtimuklng tariff, which woutd be ten times worse but for the Republican duties lit preserves. Yet they must praise it to try to make the Re publicans think the tariff should not be made the Issue at the next campaign. STATE NEWS. Inrtorea't.ing Items Culled from Oregon's Leaduig Newspapers. The Oregon Fruit und Produce Com pany necelved teflegroiphuC advices yes terday, says the Stateamlan, thait thi car load of peafchi pluims, Bhipped by Ihem from Baleim on Thursdlay of last week (had aw'ived a'C Chicago In ercellenit shape and hod been onwttT(i;d to New York where the plums wli'l toe sold Itio the frult- ealdlng people of ithat metropolis. The Company WM not send any more plums but expect to mak several ititupmenxs of Bantlett pears. New Yorkers spend mamy mtlUonB of dullara annuiilly on fruit which tihey puryhase on the street, and the profits made by .the venders, al lowing ven (tor waste In such perlt'i!!- ble good, Is enurmouls. These vendi rs purchase pluums at Jl a box, combining from live to six hundred plums. They sell the plU'rria on ihe stand at i penny each or at the cheapest at five for three cents. The La Gi'ainle Gazette, In its Uat is sue, says: "A few boya in this cJ.y were led to believe thiit wvere iwas a flvi dol lar guUl piece on each eye of the china man that was burled hull 'Monday and acting under thlut Impression 'they pro ceeded to dig htm up. They did not ttnd the money, and pnofouhly becoming scared at whuit they Wad done they left without covering up the remains." The only thing done in the way of punislmrnt of tihij young Bhou'la, we umdenBtar i, was thait their parents were requi'Ted to "ftli up the giuve." The total shipment of peaches via the S. I, firom Ashland up to lust night, clays the VJXey Record, amounted to nearly 10,000 Wox'.s. Of this amiounlt only a few hundred iboxes went eouuhlwurd, all the jiemalmder goJng to Willamette anU Sound points. These ghtpmenits were of the ear.y vartetie-iiuatily Alexanders. Heavy shlpmttnks iwlll commence with the rlpeai' Ing iof the laitter variety. Aa far as ca be learned prices so far have averaged failrty well. Articles have Ibeen fllod Incorporating the Or.gtJn Uonunsa Mining Company, to deva'.up mines of gold, stiver and other precious mieHuls, piritlcutarty the Bonansa of Jijiseiiihlne county; omee, want s mem ciavi'tal. a0.000; 1,000 elmres of $50 each Inuxpoiutors. Ildwiard WUde, Rob.rt Browui, Joilin King and Samuel, Baldwin Eiwlncer Kooits and Flreiman Watson, on engine No. 116, dtruck a hig rock on a ttawp curve near Umatilivi Tuesuay, The roi'k hivd ro'.led emiitvly in the cen ler of the liraCk, and It broke the pilot and smlicOied in the ad.i pan, buj, for a ionder, HlCd mat cause the engine to tip over or .ven leave the rails. The Dalles Tlmee-Mountulneer la In formed 'iilMt a very f-ituil dls.ase prevails ainrong horses in 1he netghtoorihood of WaiplinUtla, and several valuable antmals hkive d.ed. It reaembles nothing that hue been known In that vicinity to-'fore, and ("he eitate veterinary may be Ciiled upon to mako a dlagnos.u. The Spfllnsrfleld-IjoweH unuU route has a luuiy mail Warner, nays 'line Eugene Uuand. Sihe Is a plucky rwvjnvin und mount:u her horse alt 6 o'clock in the mwrJi.ur. carrying he mmsl through to lumeX. a dlatano of owr twenty naies, and back unvvtn the same my AnMcles of laicorpoiwtlon were filled Sa.tuiii.vv In the secreUry of state's office tv l:hs Oreiron Pine Lumber Com, p.iny, w.C headquurters at Portland ;Jbhn KMiiln. E.T. WCIltama, J. u.eppeny, ! corpuiutors; capital slock, 11,500, in shares of 100 eaoh. J. W. Robws. a pioneer of IMS, died at hla horns at McMJnWile. Juty 25. He was an Indian wur veteran of .the NVrthweat and tis on of the most prominent and reop ened pioneers of (the past in this countiy. He was horn in jnuiana Apra 13. 1831. CiOtle thuevea hav been extremely bold In Itlhe miuntttlns ahovs Mttoo in EUstern Oregon. In a number of instances lately fat Sttwk have been killed on wis range, a small portion of ttw ham taken and the bulnc of the meat let! tor ne ooyww. RJohard Brown, says the Eug;n Guard, lot: Satuniiy coughed up a No. 4 cut shlntrle mail, which was worn, away about one-hatf. He had been much trou bled by pains In the bronchial tube for five or six months. The following gentlemen., on Saturday, fi!d !! nectEary tynd d pi".' s tn Uh secretary of s; ale's otilce and srer duly eammMoned nourles pubMe: F. I). Henneasy, of Portland, and C. W. Fulton, of Astoria, DESTROYED A BUST OF BISMARCK. A little boy has been brought up be fore a Berlin (magistrate charged with hovlirg played with and destroyed the plaster cast of a bust of Prince Bismarck. Damages were claimed to .the extent of 1,000 marks. It seems the bust had been forgotten during removal from one studio to another, and the accused; with some companions, had been accustomed to play with fragments from this atelier, and when it was closed got In through a Window, took outwhat they believed to be an oCd useless bust, set It up In a neighboring garden, and played "Aunt Sally" with It. The magistrate, as the ohlld was too young to be responsible, decided t h at his mother should swear 'that she was convinced he did not Intend to do any harm, that she did not believe he was the one to take the bust out of the workshop, nor .to prevail on his com panions to destroy it. If the mother will not take this oath she Will have to pay 700 murks, at which the cast has been valued. Lon ion, Dally News. ADELAIDE AXD ETON ROY. A contemporary of "Good Queen Ade laide" tells me the following long forgot ten story: The queen had invited a few Eton boys to lunch with her. Eton boys, as we know, frequently improve the shin ing hour at a pastry cook's shop in Windsor High street and are thoroughly well conversant, through a special famil iarity, with the prices of the different delicacies. Sweets were served in due course at the royal table. The queen no ticed that one boy refused the first tart let handed to him. "Which would you prefer," she asked. His glance turned to another dish. "The fourpennies, your majesty!" he replied, eagerly. I believe it lis i fact that our own dear Queen Victoria when a little girl was asked to spend the day with the Dowager Queen Adelaide, and when told she might herself choose a treat on the occasion begged earnestly to be allowed "to dean ithe windows," and that the treat was immediately granted her. The Woman at Home. GAYBTIB3 AND GRAVITIES. The teacher thrashed, but cotfM not make BUI beXow as his dad did; Bill knew there could he no mlstaki His 'Wousers had been padied. Love a-io laughs at logic. Sometlirmes walture's law of eomipen.i tlon gramts tine sentiments to those to whom t denies great wealth. Hope is that quality Helps men pass thtwshl Sorroiv or JoTtty TendEj" and true. The new woman might make a hit by putting pockets in her bloomers. The unknown years Ithat toefore me lie Would promise me more ioy If the iwurM were onty as loirge toduy As It was when I was a boy. NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND AC CEPTANCE OF BOND STRiiJET, Notice ds hereby given that N. Clinton & Sons, contractors for the Improvement of Bond street, in Adair's Astoria, under the provisions of Ordinance No. 1941, on the 3d day of August, 1696, tiled in the office of .the auditor and police Judge of the cl'.y of Astoria, the oertilfloate of the City Surveyor and Superintendent of Streets, approved by the Committee On fctretts and Public Ways. After ttoe expiration of the time here inafter ispecUled, if no objections to the acceptance of euch work he filed and the Common Council shall deem euch lm provement properly completed according to 'the contract and plans and speclnca ttons therefor, the same may he accepted. Objections to 'the laccepltarvoe of siald Imiprovemer.t or any part thereof, may be filed in the office of the Auditor and Police Judge on or (before Wednesday, August 7, 1896. K. OSBURN. Auditor and Police Judge. Aii.orlia, Oregon, August 3, 1896. NOTrOE OF THE COMPLETION AND AOOBPTANOra OF HTH STREET SEWER. Notice Is hereby given that J. A. Fas taibend, contractor for the construction of 14th street sewer, under the provisions of Ordinance No. 19t6, on the 1st day of August, 1895, filed in the office of the Auditor and Police Judge of the city of Astoria, the Certificate of the City Sur veyor and Superintendent of Streets, ap proved by the Committee on Streets und Public Ways. After the expiration of the time here inafter specified, if no objection to the acceptance of such work be filed and the Coinmon Council shall deem such lm- provement propTly completed, according to the contract and specifications there for, the same may be accepted. Objections to the acceptance of said sewer or any part thertfor may be filed In the office of the Auditor and Police Judge on or before Wednesday, August 7lh, 1895. K. OSBU'RN, Auditor and Police Judge, Astoria, Oregon, August 2nd, 1895. NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND AC CEPTANCE OF DUANE STREET. Notice is hereby given that L .Leback Contractor for the improvement of Duane street, in Adair's Astoria, under the pro visions of Ordinance No. 1926, on the 12th day of June, 1805, filed in the office of the Aud.tor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, the certificate of the City Surveyor and Superintendent of Streets, approved by the Committee on Streets and Public Ways. After th expiration of the time here inafter specified, if no objections to the acceptance of such work be filed and the Common Council shall deem such im provement properly completed, according to the contract and plans and specifica tions therefor, the same may be accepted Objections to the acceptance of said improvement or any part thereof, may be filed in the office of the Auditor and Police Judge on or before Wednesday, June 19th, 1895. K. OSBURN. Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Oregon, June 13th, 1S95. NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND AC CEPTANCE OF 12ND STREET. Notice is hereby given that N. Clinton A Sons, contractors for the improvement of tM street, in Adair's Astoria, undtr the provisions of Ordinance No. 1910, on ths 13th day of June, 1806, filed in the office of ths Auditor and Police Judge of tas City of Astoria, the certificate of the City Surveyor, and Superintendent of Streets, approved by the Committee on Streets and Publto ways. After the expiration of the time here inafter specified, if no objections to the acceptance of such work tie filed and the Common Council shall atem such im provement properly completed, according to the contract ana plans ana specifica tions therefor, ths same may be accepted. Objections to the acceptance of said Improvement or any part thereof, may be filed lo the ofnc of Uie Auditor and Folic Judge oi or before Wednesday, June 19th, 1896. K. OBBUKN, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Oregon. June 13th, 1896. Stomach and bowel complaints are best relieved by th tmely use of DeWltt'i Colic and Cholera Cure, Insist on hav ing this preparation. Don't take any other. Mmst is ths leafflns? tailor and pays the highl Ji prlos f-r fur skins. Dr. Price's Cream Baking powder Contain as Amstoala r Altua, j ISO. FOR A CASE IT WILL NOT CUHK. t Anamwable Laxative and NEKVB TONIC. Bold by uruggisisor seiii vj umu. w,m, and S1.00 Der Daokaire. Baraples free. vff T1f The Favorite TOOTH F0TOI3 1 1 U f or the Toetu ana uream.;, For Sale by S. w. Ctmn. FOR THE CAMPAIGN! The Omaha WEEPY BEE will be sent to any address in this country or Canada from now to ... . D j (-lr' ecember 31, 18 95 FOR 25 CENTS. Send orders at once to The Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb Hair Goods nanufactured All Styles 1 Wigs, Bangs, Switches, Combings Made Up, Dressing, Shampooing, Bleaching and Dyeing. Children's Hair Cutting. JVIRS C E SEDEIiOF, 355 Commercial St., cor. Eighth. AN OLD RHYME RESET. "Afftllctlon sore long Ume she bore PthyBlciians were In vain." At last one day, a -friend did say, "You'd soon toe well again'' If you would take, as I did, Dr. Price's Favurite Prescription, for that is the cure for all the peculiar ailments of women. It Is a safe, etmpla and sure remedy. It banlkftes those dILatre&jing maladies that make Woman's life a burden, curing till painful irrigularjtlee, Uterine dtsorderd, infl'amhiatlions and ulcerations, prolapsus end kifnklred weaknesses. Ais a nervine it curea nervous exhaustion, prositna'tion, de- bSKty, relieves mental anxleliy and hy pochondria, and induces refreshing sleep.1 She took the advice and is well. "Fa vorite Preecriptkm" lis toe only remedy for the deilcaite derangemen ts and weak nesses of females, stoM by druggists. A pimplhliet free. Address World's Dispen sary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. Asthma cured, Iby newly discovered treatment. For pamphlet, ItestimonialB and references, address World's Dispens ary Medical Asso-caaltlon, Buffalo, N. Y. TO WRITHE! UPON A 'BCD OF AGONY Is wihalt ipeop&e itrouhlted with rheumatic no eliicieailt nr.tu.s to dheck Whe rapidly- be forgotten, has a itendvncy to attack the heart and .termtaaite lilfe. 'H:ie tes timony, public and professional, la ov.r lle;'miinsj:,y convlncimg amd concurrent tlna)t HottteiJter's St-otnuoh Blt,ters is both a Bovereigi.1 previTOtive and curative- of rtiie-umU-tHsm.- lit oomipltLeiy lixpuc-ga.l'.s froir, 'the 'KooJ: the acrid principle rA-iiich aJ;ackling .ttve tissues surrounding the Jjlnt'3 and muscles, cause such exquifj'te pajln. The bC'iiaera promvot-.a .the action of the kidneys, ittaUUer, etomUch and bow els, lan'J remedies ma-LarlU, nervousness ami diablljiy. It also Induces appetite and sound ireiposi?, Ihaslt'ens icOnval'ascence aftur exhausting mtil-adlies, mid im'ltlgaltes the Inllrniatles of oge. Take d't daily M regujar intervals, aind confidently expect the toest rcsulljs. A GOOD WORD. Mr. J. J. KelU Sharpsburg, Pa. Dear Sir: -1 am glad to say a good word for Krause's Headache Capsules. After suffering for over thrae years with acute neuralgia and its consequent insomnia (-vhlch seemed to baffle tin efforts of some of our best physicians) you suggested this remedy which gave me almost Instant relief. Words fab to express the praise I should like ti oi slow on Kraune s Headache Capsules. uraterutiy Yours, MRS. E. R. HOLMES, Montrose, Pa. Mr. A. A. Snyder, Supt. Poor Farm, WInnesheik countv. Ia savs: IjiiBt win. ter Mr. Robert Leach used two boxes of IXiW itt s Witch Hazel Salve and cured a larg? running sore on his leg. Had been under care of physicians for months without obtaining relief. Sure cure for Piles. PROVEN A BOON. n.i,.,. f ,., i. ..., wbiuiLiucii. a ticivc ainaja icvviur I tended Krause's Headmme Capsules wherever I have had a chance. They I!,0!6," ? "if 1,! fumily against any and all kinds oi headache. Yours truly. J. K. WALTER, Leavenworth, Kansas. For sole by Chas. Rogers, Astoria, Oregon, sole agent. Diarrhoea should be stopped promptly. It soon becomes chronic. DeWltt's Colic und Cholera Cure Is effective, s:vfe and ceruln. Hundreds of testimonials bear witness to the virtue of this great medi cine. It can always be depended upon, Its use save time and money. Captain Sweeney, TJ. S. A.. San Diego Cal., says: "SMloH's Catarrh Remedy Is the first medicine I have ever found that would to me anv .rood. Price f0 cta. Sold by J. W. Coun. SHILOH'S CURE, the great Cough and Croup Cure, is In great demand Pocket size contains twenty-five doses only 25 cents. Children love It. Sold by J, W. Conn. Severe griping pains of the stonvich and bowels Instantly and effectually stopped by DeWltt's Colic and Cholera Cure. Cholera Morbus is a dangerous com- plaint, and often is fatal in its results. To avoid this you should use DeWltt's Colic & Cholera Cure, as soon as the first symptoms appear. KARL'S CfcOVER ROOT will purify your blood, clear your complexion, reg ulate your Bowels, and make your head! ciear aa a Den. za els., w cis., ana li.uo. Sold by J. W". Conn. Easy to take, sure cure, no pain, noth ing to dread, pleasant little pills. De Witt's Little Early Risers. Best for Sick Headache Biliousness, Sour Stomach and Constipation. There U no doutit. no failure, when you Uke DeWltt's Colic ft Cholera cure. It is pkaaant, acts promptly, no bad after effect. STEAMERS Telephone & Bailey Catzert. Columbia Iilver and Pugct Sound Nav igation Co. Two Dally noata to Portland "Telephone" leaves Astoria at 7 p. nj. amiy (except Sunday). Leaves Portland daily at 7 a. m., ex cept Sunday. "Bniley GaUert" lenvea Astoria Tues. day, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday morning nt 6 :45 a. m. ; Snuday evening at. 7 p. m. Leaves Portland dnily at 8 p. m., ex cept (sunday. un Saturday mgh at 11 p. m. J. W. STOJNE, A ent, Astoria. I Telephono No. 11. u1J Hcott, President, B- A- Seeler- qen'' Agt, Portland ANNUAL PICNIC! --GIVES BY THE-- Finnish Brotherhood OF ASfOMA, ON Sunday, August n, 1895 AT SE ASIDES 0. It. & N. Co.'s bout li. It. ThomiiFon will leave tne company a w'mit nt'J o 'clock sharp, con necting with trnin at the bridge. GRAND HALL ' AT Fisher's Hall In the Evening. Tickets, round trip, including ball, $1.00 Committee on Arrangements: CIIAS. I.ASSKN, MARTIN JACKSOX, IIaKKY JUNKS, JOHN 1'ALO, HE.VUY KAUl'PI. E. flcNEIL, Receiver. Gives Choice of 2 Jmo Transeontinental Koutes, Via Via Ogdcn, Denver and Omnha or Spolvillie 311(1 fet. 1 UUl. St. Paul. Pullman end tourist Sleepers Freo re Jtin!ng Ch lrs C ir Astoria to San Francisco. State, Wednesday, July 3. Oregon, Monday, July 8. State, Saturday, July 13. Oregon, Thursday, July 18. State, Tuesday, July 2o. Ortgon, Sunday, July 28. State, Frlduy, August 2. fistoria and Portlnd Steamers. T. J. Power leaves Astoria Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 7 p. m. WWnes'da.y and Sunday upon arr.vsul from Ilwaco In the evening. Leaves Portland Monday( Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 7 a. m., Wednesday ta't 8 a. m, and Saturday at 1 p. m. 11. R. Thompson leaves Astoria daily, exctpt Sunday, at 6: a. m.; leaves Port' ranu oaiiy, except Sunday, at 8 p. in, On Saturday mil leave at 10 p. m. Harvest Queen leaves Astoria WedmS' day and Sunday at 7 p. m.; leaves Port land Wednesday and Saturday at 7 a. m. For rates and general information call n or address C. F. OVEKEAUGH, Commercial Agent, Astoria, Or H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pes. Agt., Portland. Or. EXTENDED SYMPATHY. "Do unto others as you would have otners do unto you. Is sympaleticall nown In the following linefl, Ue pre sumption being that sympathy Is born r HKin iu pain r sorrow; . , , , . . . , j . , . .Teadhe Elaiaempl".? r"Wv rtT Two boxes to Llllle ' Wilcox, Brooklandj N. Dak. 1 nave always been a great sufferer from headache and your Cap sules are the only tning that relieves me." yours very truly, FLORA SEAT, Havana, N. Dak. For sale b" Chas. '.togers. Astoria "r. Pole Agent. INDORSED BY THF. PRESS. Gentlemen: This Is to certify that 1 have used Krause's Headacne Capsules with satisfactory results. 1 tought a box which cost ins i53. and one capsvie cured me of a dreadful sick h?adnche. My wife and mvself nave both used 'he medicines manufactured by the Norman LIcbtr Mf'c Co.. RUi we re commend them to the public as being JJust what they are represented. itespeciruiiy, W. J. HUTCHISON. Ed. Gazette, Pleasant Hill. .Mo. Twenty-five cents, for pale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria. Or., sole agents. "THE MILWAUKEE.' The only railroad lighting Its trains by electricity. The only railroad using tne ceteDraiea 1 "Th. aim. waukee" are Palaces on Wheels. On all Its through lines, the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway runs the most perfectly equipped trains of Sleep ing. Parlor, and DlrJng Cars and Couches, For lowest rates to any point In tne United tSates and Canada, apply to ticket agents, or address C. J. EDDY, General Agent, Portland, Oregon. KARL'S CLOVER ROOT, th great Blood purifier, given fresnness and clearness to the comni-:ion nnd cuier Constipation, to eta, so ctt . 11.00. For Sale by J. W. Conn. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Canadian Pacific RAILWAY. AMERICA'S Greatest -f- TraDS-Coatinental Railway System. 10 -IN- Palace Dining Room and Sleeping Cars. Luxurious Dining Cars. Elegant Day Coaches. ALSO - Observation Cars, allowing Unbroken Views of the Wonderful Mount ain Country. $5.00 and $10.00 ?avcd on all tickets East. Tourist earn ihe best on ivhecli. hqulpmciitp of the very finest throughout. -ALSO-Canadian Pacific -T0- China and Japan. China steamers leave Vancouver, B. C: Empress of India Empress of Japan Empress of China Empress of India Empress of Jaran Empress of China Aug. ;lh. Aug a6th. Sept. i6ih. Oct. 14th, Nov. nth. Dec, 9th. Australian steamer leave Vancouver, B. C loth ol every month. For ticket rates and information call on or address JAS. FINLAYSON, Agent, Astoria. Or. W. F. Carson, Traveling Pass. Agt., Tacoma. Wabh. Geo. McL. Brown, Dist. Pass. Agt., Vancouver, B. C The oasis of thf Colorado Desert A Jievj Health fesort BELOW THE LEVEL OF THE SEA Absolutely Dry and Pure Tropica Climate Pronounced by Physicians the most Favorable in America for Sufferers from . . . Lung Diseases and Rheumatism Many Remarkable Cures The objections urged against Indlo In the past by the large numbers who otnerwiso would have been glad to tak advantage of 4ts beneficial climate, hap oeen a lack or suitable accommoda tion. The Southern Pacific Company takes pleasure in announcing that sev eral Commodious and Comfortable Cottages have just been erected 'at Indlo sta tion, that will be rented to applicants at reasonable rates. Tfcey are fur nlthed with modern conveniences, sun- plied with pure artesian water, and so situated as to gove occupants all thf advantages to be derived from a more or less protracted residence in this de Ughtful climate. (From the San Francisco Argonaut.) "In the heart of the great desert ot the Colorado which the Southern Pa- clfio road traverses there is an oasis called Indlo, which, In our opinion, It the sanitarium of the earth. We be lieve, from personal Investigation, thai ror certain invalids, the-e is no spot oi this planet so favorable." G. T. Stewart, M. D., writes: "Thi purity of the air, and the eternal sun shine, ill! one with wonder and delight - mature nas accomplished sc much that there remains but little for man to do. As to its possibilities as a health resort, here is the most per fect sunshine, with a temperature al ways pleasant, a perfectly dry soil for rain is an unknown factor: Dure oxygen, denpo atmosphere and mure water. What more can be desired! tt is tne place, above all others, for lung troubles, and a paradise for rheu matics. Considering the number of sufferers who have been cured, I hav no hesitancy in recommending this genial oasis as the haven of the nffllot. ed." INDIO- Ts 612 miles from SAN FRANCISCO ami 130 miles from LOS ANOELES Fare from Los Angeles - fi.ee For further Information innulre of any Southern Paclflo Company agent, or address E. P. ROGERS, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt. S. P. Co. J. B. KIRKLAND, DlsL Pun Art yor. First and Alder Sta Portland, Or Indio Are You Going East? Ee sure and see that your ticket read! via THE NORTH-WESTERN line:. thlt CHICAGO. ST. PAUL,, MINNEAPOLIS and OMAHA RAILWAYS. This la the GREAT SHORT LINE Between DULUTH, ST. PAUL,, CHICAGO And all Points East and ...South. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Ves tibuled Dining and Sleeping Car Trains nd Motto: "ALWAYS X)N TIME' Have given this road a national reputa tion. All classes of passengers carried on the vestibuled trains without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel over this famous line. All agents have tickets. W. H. MEAD, P. C. SAVAGE, Gen. Agent Trav. F. and P. Agt. 248 Washington st, Portland. Or. Are You Going East? If so, drop a ling to A C. Sheldon, general agent of the "Burlington Route," 250 Washington st., Portland. He will mail you free of charge, maps, time tables, and advise you as to the through rates to any point, reserve sleeping car accommodations for you, and furnish you with through tickets via either the Northern, Union, South em. Canadian Pacific, and Great North ern railroads at the very lowest rates obtainable. The Burlington Route is generally conceded to be the finest equipped rail road in the world for all classes of travel. J. B. WYATT, Astoria, Oregon. Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Groceries, Provisions, PAINTS and OILS. Special Attention Puld to Supplying Ships. J. A FASTABEND, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, PILE DRIVER, HOUSE, BRIDGE fiflQ WHARl' nUlLDER Address, box 1S0. Postoflice. ASTORIA. Or THE AST0fIfl SAVINGS BAfty Acts as trustee for cnrnnintlnn nrfl individuals. Deposits solicited. Interest will be nllnwtvt (ln deposits at the rate of 4 per cent per L & tA', B0 WLBY President BKNJ. YOUNG Vice Presldeni PRANK PATTON Cashiei DIRECTORS. J. Q. A. Bowlby, C. H. Page, BenJ young, A. S. Reed, D. P. Thompson. W. B. Dement, Gust Holmes. SEASIDE SAWPiIu A complete stock of lumber mi hand In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus tic, ceiling, and all kinds of finish; mouldings and shingles; also bracket work done to order. Tei-mn and prices at bedrock. All orders promptly attended to. Office and yard at mill. H. L. LOGAN. Pron'r. Seaside. Orgrn. As Franklin says, (rood dreaa nnn all doors, you should not lose sight of the fact that a perfect fitting suit ia me main ieature. Wanamaker A Brown are noted for fit. workminshln and superiority of qualities. Their rep resentative visits Astoria every three months. Office 64 Dekum Bulldlnir. Portland. Or. Reserve ordprs till vnn have seen the spring line of samples. BEER HALL, What the Gambrlnus Beer Hall tried to do in selecting their liquors was to pick out wnat intelligent people would want If they knew it as exDerlenreil people should know it Make a note of this if you want pure liquors. George uartiey, rropnetor. NOTICE. The partnership heretofore exiatlnr h- tween C. J. Greenlund and Anton Brix florists, is hereby dissolved by mutual consent, and all debts of the said firm will be paid by C. J. Greenlund and a G. Palmberg, and all outstanding account are due and payable to them. C. J. GREENLUND. - ANTON BRIX. "A TALENTED EDITOU." Gentlemen: I had occasion to usa several boxes or Krause's Headache apsules while traveling to Chicago to attend the National Democratic Con vention. They acted like a charm In preventing headaches and dizziness. Have had very little headache since my return, which Is remarkable. Tours, reaoectfullv JOHN U. SHAFFER, Ed. Renovo (Pa.) Record. For sale by Cfcas. Rogers, Astoria, Or., sole agent. ROY,L Baking Powder. Highest ci til la leavening SireaihV. S. Oonraeat Report,